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Doomed to Fail- My Bimbo Valentine

by sammynona

Tags: #bimbofication #comic_book #exhibitionism #f/f #humiliation #transgender_characters #bimbo_domme #bondage #growth #intelligence_loss #multiple_partners

It’s Valentine’s Day for supervillain couple Silver Viper and Cherry Bomb, so they decide to celebrate by tying up their nemesis Torch Gal and taking some bimbofication pills.

This is a spinoff short story from my kinky superhero series Doomed to Fail, featuring the humiliation prone hero Torch Gal and two of her supervillains Silver Viper and Cherry Bomb. Feel free to check it out if you enjoy the story!

    It was Valentine’s Day and Silver Viper was proudly tying the last knot into her ropes when she heard the bedroom door open. She was a trained ninja, a deadly assassin, and yet the supervillain nearly swooned when she saw her girlfriend. Cherry Bomb posed with an awkward but giddy smile, wearing a green and black set of lingerie that perfectly accentuated her body, from her wide hips to her strong arms and her wonderful tits. 
    “So what do you think?” Cherry asked, cocking a hand on her hip.
    “Absolutely beautiful,” Silver sighed, unable to tear her eyes away from her stunning girlfriend.
    Cherry instantly broke her sexy pose to jump up and down with joy, which only made her look even cuter. “It fits so good too! I got it from a website selling underwear and lingerie for trans gals and it feels great!”
    “It looks great too.” With all the trained grace of an assassin Silver Viper leapt off the top of the couch and instantly swept Cherry into her arms. “Although, to be perfectly honest, I’m still absolutely hot for you after watching you in action this afternoon.” She kissed Cherry’s neck, making her squirm and moan. “The way you blasted through those armored doors. And how you tossed those cops around like they were nothing.”
    Cherry blushed, happy to swoon in her ninja girlfriends arms. “Oh stop, I beat up cops all the time.”
    “And then you threw Torch Gal through a wall. God, the look on her face was priceless.”
    “Well I know she’s your nemesis and all so I wanted to make it good.”
    “It was a great gift.”
    “Although I’m a little surprised you brought her back with us.” Cherry gave an amused smile towards Torch Gal, who was currently suspended from the ceiling. The superhero was tied up in an intricate series of knots, the pink ropes wrapped sensually around her body in a Shibari style that made Cherry a little jealous. It was always a blast when Silver tied her up, made her helpless. Cherry noticed Torch Gal’s hips wriggling in the ropes, and knew exactly how good those tight, constricting ropes must feel. Maybe she had a thing for bondage too?
    Now it was Silver Viper’s turn to blush. “I thought it’d be my Valentine’s Day gift to you. Bring home a cute superhero and tie her up. Laugh at her spinning around all helpless.”
    “It’s definitely sexy watching you tie up girls, but this seems a bit more like a present for you. You’re the one with a hate on for Torch Gal, after all,” teased Cherry as she flicked Silver Viper’s ear.
    “It’s a present for both of us,” she replied, not sounding all that convincing. “Okay, fine. I totally just wanted to laugh at her, but I thought you’d enjoy it too.”
    Cherry rolled her eyes. “I’m just happy you’re happy, babe.”
    “Rhmmfhm hmmrffph!” Torch Gal moaned through her gag, wriggling in the ropes.
    “Oh don’t you complain,” Silver Viper snapped at the bound hero. “I asked you before I kidnapped you if you had any plans for Valentine’s Day, and you said no. And you sure gave up pretty easy when I said I wanted to bring you back with us.”
    Torch Gal wriggled, her cheeks going as red as her mask.
    “To be fair, Silver, it totally sounded like you were asking her to join us for a threesome. Which would be kinda hot…”
    With a wicked gleam in her eye Silver Viper leapt back up onto the top of the couch to meet Torch Gal eye to eye. She grabbed the suspended Torch Gal by the chin, leaning in until they were nose to nose. “Is that what you thought I brought you back for, Torch Gal? To be our Valentine’s Day fucktoy?”
    Though the gag muffled Torch Gal’s response, there was no denying the arousal in her hopeful green eyes.
    Silver Viper tapped her fingers along Torch Gal’s chin, as if thinking it over. “Maybe if you’re a good girl,” she finally said, planting a kiss on Torch Gal’s forehead. The she gave the hero a light slap on the cheek that sent her spinning around in the air.
    “Okay, she does make a super cute chandelier.”
    Silver Viper smirked. “I knew she’d grow on you. Besides, she’s not my only gift for you.”
    Cherry Bomb’s eyes lit up. “What’d you get me?”
    “Be patient,” the ninja teased. With her back turned so Cherry couldn’t see, Silver Viper pulled a small pill bottle out of her top. She opened it and dropped a single pink pill into her palm, quickly swallowing it down. Silver Viper noticed the still rotating Torch Gal watching her as she took the pill and smirked. “Hope you enjoy the show too,” she whispered.
    Then she hopped down from the couch, smiling wide. Cherry Bomb was shaking with excitement, unable to keep still. “So what is it?”
    “You know how I’ve been enjoying treating you like a cute dummy, right sweetie?”
    Instantly Cherry Bomb went bright red. “Not in front of Torch Gaaal,” she whined. But Silver Viper strode forward and ran a hand through Cherry’s short green hair, smoothing it to the side. Then she rubbed her fingers against Cherry’s sidecut, loving the way Cherry squirmed when she teased her on the shaved side of her head.
    “Why hide it? She knows what a silly dumb girl you are too. But she doesn’t know how much you get off on being teased about it. Being shown how much smarter others are compared to you. How you’re just a pretty face. My silly little bimbo fucktoy.”
    Now Cherry was moaning, an undeniable bulge starting to poke through her panties. “Siiilver…”
    “Do you want me to stop?”
    “Do you like when I call you my bimbo fucktoy?”
    Cherry bit her lip and nodded.
    It was an amazing game they played together. At first Silver Viper was surprised when Cherry asked to be teased and called dumb more. Silver had already made a habit out of dominating her girlfriend by tying her up in all sorts of kinky ways, talking down to her and pegging her regularly. But when Silver started calling Cherry a bimbo it was like she melted with joy. She become a happy pet, sweet and doting and completely suggestible. Like she really was a stupid, fun little bimbo.
    It always fascinated Silver Viper. A fetish she’d never considered having before. She simply had to push it further.
    “So I set up something special for tonight.” She produced the pill bottle and placed it on the coffee table. “I had to call in some favors from some of our more magically inclined criminal associates, but I finally found it. These pills will cause a temporary transformation, lasting about six hours.”
    “Transformation?” Cherry’s eyebrows raised, the girl leaning in closer.
    “Oh nothing much,” Silver replied casually. “Just reducing intelligence, stimulating happiness and pleasure, and enhancing certain… physical properties.”
    Cherry made a huge gasp. “Holy shit are these bimbo pills?”
    Silver Viper rolled her eyes. “Yes, that’s the simple way to put it.”
    “So like, bigger tits?”
    “And will it make your ass bigger too?”
    Silver Viper squirmed nervously, running a hand down one hip. “Yes, it will. It temporarily changes athletic bodies to a curvier, plumper shape.”
    “Bimbo body,” Cherry whispered in awe, holding up the pill bottle. “That’s so rad.”
    It was all Silver Viper could do not to moan right then and there. She thought her girlfriend would like it, but she had no idea Cherry would be so excited to see her turn into a complete bimbo. Silver’s mind raced as she wondered what it would feel like when she started to change. Her body had always been sculpted with hard muscles, a deadly tool. Picturing herself as a curvy, giggling bimbo felt so wrong… and insanely hot.
    When she got the pills Silver was tempted to take one right away, just to test it in private, but she held off. This was Cherry’s gift, after all. To get to spend Valentine’s night with a happy, dumb, blissed out version of herself. To get to be the smart one teasing her silly, simple girlfriend for a change. Or even for the both of them to act dumb and do anything Cherry wanted. Watch all the shows that Silver couldn’t stand, everything she felt too embarrassed to try as her normal, strict self.
    “It’s supposed to feel like an overwhelming sense of pleasure rushing into your head. Happiness shoving out all thoughts but the most basic ones. You’re left happy and horny and giggling. Just like a true bimbo.”
    “I’m already sold,” Cherry replied with a broad grin.
    Silver’s heart leapt up with joy. She was always in control. Always strict and disciplined with herself. A night of letting go, to just be with Cherry as a goofy, fun loving girlfriend? It would be the perfect night.
    Silver Viper spun around to grab a wicker basket she’d hidden behind the couch. “I got everything for tonight too. Lots of snacks. All the unhealthy stuff, like chocolate and candy and popcorn. And some of those silly romcoms you love. Tonight will just be a night for dumb, loving cuddling.”
    She turned and held up the basket, anxious to feel the changes start and let her mind drift into a bimbo haze. Only when she looked up Silver Viper gasped as she saw Cherry gulp down one of the pink pills. She dropped the basket, spilling candy and romantic comedy DVDs all over the floor.
    “Hey, you dropped the snacks!”
    “You took one of the pills?”
    “Well, duh,” Cherry giggled. “You kept hyping it up so much that I didn’t want to wait. Unless… oh shoot, did you want to feed it to me?”
    Silver Viper shook her head. “Why would I give you one of the pills? You’re already basically a bimbo!”
    Now Cherry scratched her head in confusion. “I thought you wanted to turn me into a totally dumb bimbo. Just blast my mind apart and make me your dumb toy for the night?”
    For all her teasing and calling Cherry dumb, Silver Viper realized what a total idiot she’d been about this. Of course Cherry would assume the pills were for her. That this was just another one of their fun games humiliating Cherry. It was all so obvious now.
    “But… but I already…”
    Something pulsed through Silver Viper. Something warm and lovely and felt like total bliss. She clutched her sides and doubled over, letting out a shocked moan as her legs shook.
    Cherry was instantly at her side, pulling her in close. “Kareena! Are you okay?”
    Even with her mind drowning in the strange magical bliss, part of Silver Viper wanted to scold Cherry for using her real name with Torch Gal around. Her eyes drifted up to the bound superhero, who was staring with wide eyes and wriggling in the Shibari rope work. The sight filled her with lust. Pure, unrestrained lust. Silver Viper groaned, her lips twisting into a smile as the pleasure soaked in. She wanted to kiss Torch Gal. To run her hands over the tied up hero. To be tied up like her. To be restrained and dominated and used. Oh god, she wanted to be used.
    Silver Viper slipped to her knees. Her clothes felt too tight, like they were crushing her. Then she imagined that the clothes were ropes going tight against her and her eyes rolled back in her head as she let out a gurgle. 
    Cherry was stroking her hair, concern in her eyes.
    Silver Viper gasped at the love and lust that flowed through her. “Cherrrry,” she whined, her hips thrusting forward as unimaginable pleasure rushed down to her clit. There was a tearing sound, and suddenly the pressure against her chest vanished, replaced by cool air on her breasts. 
    Cherry’s jaw dropped as she watched Silver Viper’s tits continue to grow, her shirt ripping in half and falling aside.
    “So gooood,” moaned Silver.
    “Wait. Wait wait wait. You took the bimbo pill?”
    “Boobie pill,” Silver muttered, giggling to herself as she stared down at her new cute tits.
    “Why would you take the bimbo pill?”
    Silver Viper blinked slowly, trying to remember. She’d had such a good reason, too. “Oh! I wanted to be, like, dumb. Like really dumb. Like you!” She turned and wrapped herself around Cherry, only now she couldn’t press up tight against her girlfriend with the huge, magic tits in the way. Although rubbing her new titties against Cherry felt really amazing.
    “You want to be dumb like me?”
    “Not all the time,” Silver said, trying to focus. Although the idea of being a bimbo forever. Living in this pleasure. That sounded so wonderful. But she saw the concern in Cherry’s eyes and forced herself to concentrate. “Just wanted… to spend a night with you like this. To be the dumb one. Let you have fun with me. Didn’t expect you to… take it too.”
    Cherry stuck her hands on her hips and frowned. “You showed me a magic pink pill that would give me huge tits and make me a dumb slut and you didn’t think I’d gulp that shit down.”
    “I’m soooorry.” Silver Viper put on her best puppy dog eyes. She pouted her lips, which had swollen bigger. Fuller. Sexier. She ran her tongue over her new lips and moaned at how amazingly sensitive they were. “I’m such a dummy. Dummy. I’ma dummy.” Silver giggled. Then giggled some more. Why had she never giggled before? Giggling was the best!
    “Yes, you are a dummy,” Cherry said as she cracked a smile. “Honestly, you look amazing.” She stepped back and took in the bimbo ninja. Where before she’d been lithe and athletic, now Silver Viper had an hourglass figure and a soft stomach. Her entire body looked filled out, rounder and very squeezable. And the vapid way she was giggling and smiling, curling her black hair around one finger as she waited for Cherry to compliment her more. “You’re a really sexy bimbo, Silver.”
    Silver bounced happily. Although thinking of herself as Silver Viper didn’t feel right anymore. The name didn’t make her mind feel all sparkly the way she wanted. Her real name was Kareena, but that was too long. 
    Reena burst into a ditzy smile. “Call me Reena. Or Reeney. That sounds way cuter.”
    “Wow, you are a bimbo alright.” Cherry suddenly gasped. “Wait, if that pill made you this dumb, what’s it gonna do to me? I’m already dumb.”
    “You’re gonna get super duper dumb,” Reena giggled.
    Cherry already felt her body heating up. Her pretty lingerie was feeling tighter. “Oh no! I just bought these!” Cherry quickly stripped off her lingerie top and yanked down her panties, her hard cock springing up. It felt embarrassing with the suspended Torch Gal able to see her totally nude, but at least she didn’t ruin her brand new lingerie. 
    Suddenly Cherry felt a pair of hands grab at her tits from behind. Reena purred in her ear, a sound that made Cherry want to melt. “You’re so so so cute, do you know that?” Reena giggled, grinding against Cherry’s ass as her hands kept exploring. She was gasping as her hands wandered, as if totally amazed at Cherry’s body. It made Cherry’s toes curl and her heart race. She hadn’t even started to change yet.
    “Y-you’ve told me I’m cute.”
    “I’ve said it, but like, I always try to be cool. But now I just want you to know how much I’m super totally absolutely into you. You’re so fucking pretty and I wanna kiss you all over and I’m sooooo wet for you.” 
    Cherry turned around and was amazed at the pure adoration and devotion on Reena’s face. Normally she was so in control of her emotions. Having bimbo Reena looking so pathetically in love was downright adorable. 
    There was no way Cherry could hold back anymore. She pulled Reena in for a deep kiss, and the bimbo ninja gave a delighted, high pitched moan as she wriggled against her. Cherry let her hands grope at Reena’s big new breasts. And squeeze at her surprisingly soft ass. And suck on her plump lower lip.
    Cherry gazed into Reena’s eyes, drinking in the puppy dog adoration in her bright brown eyes. And then Cherry giggled for no reason.
    Suddenly her body was burning up. She felt her body changing, like a dozen hands massaging her all over and molding her body. And there was a lightness swelling in her head. A dazed, happy emptiness starting to creep in.
    It was one of the greatest feelings she’d ever experienced.
    Before the magic made her any dumber, Cherry suddenly took Reena’s face in her hands. She stared deep into her eyes and said, “I love you so much, and you have no idea how excited I am to be a dumb bimbo with you. So have fun with me. Kiss me, grope me, fuck me… oh god, please fuck my dumb brains out… just have fun with me.”
    “But I always have fun with you,” Reena said innocently, batting her eyelashes and looking so cute and dumb. It really was a fun look on her. Cherry wouldn’t give up her normal girlfriend for anything. She absolutely loved how dominant and in control Kareena always was with her. But just for a night…
    They could be dumb bimbos together.
    The thought made her mind absolutely sparkle. It was such a perfect happy thought. Cherry felt so giddy that she was sure she could float up into the air. Instead, her hair began to grow. Her shaved sidecut grew first, coming out as her natural blonde color to clash with the rest of her dyed green hair. 
    Cherry and Reena hurried over to a mirror, both girls gasping and giggling as they watched Cherry’s hair keep growing longer and longer. It was all a lustrous blonde, with the bottom edges still stained green. Cherry scooped her hair up in two fistfuls, instantly putting them up to look like pigtails.
    “Yes!” Reena cried, running off and returning with a pair of scrunchies. She started fussing with Cherry’s hair, while Cherry felt the rest of her body changing. Her breasts swelled and rounded out, though not as large as Reena’s huge tits. Instead they ended up as her dream size, almost like her tits knew exactly how big they should get. Cherry wondered if Reena secretly always wanted huge titties, and found herself giggling absently.
    As soon as Reena had Cherry’s hair in pigtail, Cherry quickly went behind Reena and put her hair up into pigtails too. Her cock was hard and pressing against Reena’s butt, who kept giggling and shaking her ass back to tease her. Cherry thought that her cute cock had even grown a bit bigger too.
    Finally both bimbos stood in front of the mirror, hugging each other as they gazed in wonder at their changed bodies. 
    “I look so hot,” Reena moaned, running a hand over her tits. She shook her hair and made her pigtails bounce. “I look so dumb too. But being dumb is hot.”
    “Then I’m super hot,” Cherry giggled. Her head felt so soft and empty and full of shiny happiness.
    “You are super hot!” Reena stuck out her plump lips like she was blowing a kiss. Then she giggled and said, “I’ve totally got slutty lips. Like dick suckin’ lips.”
    Cherry gasped. “I’ve got a dick!”
    “Oh my god you do!” Reena squatted down and gazed lovingly at Cherry’s cock. “Oh gosh she’s so super cute too. I wanna suck it.”
    “Pretty pretty please suck my dick?”
    “Okey dokey!” With that Reena leaned in and took Cherry’s cock into her mouth. She sucked longingly, her tongue running along the bottom to tease her even more. 
    Cherry gripped Reena’s pigtails and groaned. It was absolute bliss. Her cock had never felt so good. Reena’s mouth had never felt so good. Everything she felt was so much stronger and sexier on the bimbo pills.
    And Reena was moaning around her dick too as if it was the best thing ever. Cherry licked at her lips and shuddered. They were so sensitive. Sucking a pretty girls cock must feel just as good as being fucked. She was making Reena feel so good. The thought made Cherry grin and started humping her hips, pulling on Reena’s pigtails harder.
    Reena moaned louder, and Cherry could make out the muffled words begging for more. Cherry giggled and happily fucked Reena’s face, until suddenly the sparkly pleasure was too much.
    “I’m cumming Reena!”
    Reena gripped Cherry’s hips and pulled her in, taking Cherry as deep as she could. Cherry’s eyes crossed as she came, and Reena came as the cute cock came down her throat. They stayed lock together, both girls gurgling happily at the bliss washing through them. Then Cherry stumbled back, her cock sliding out of Reena’s mouth. Some cum and drool dripped down her chin, and Reena gave a high pitched giggle.
    “Your cummies taste so good.”
    Now Cherry giggled. “Oh my gosh you sound so dumb right now. They’re not called cummies.”
    Reena pouted, pointing to her mouth. “But you made cummies in my mouth.”
    “No it’s called… um… it’s called something else. It’s…” Cherry shut her eyes and tried to focus. She knew there were other names and words, but they all felt too heavy and smart for her to hold onto. They slipped away, and all that was left was the embarrassingly dumb name Reena had used. And now that Cherry focused on it the words made her feel dumb and sparkly.
    She opened her eyes slowly, looking tranced out. Then she giggled. “I gave you cummies.”
    “It tasted so good,” Reena moaned, rolling over onto her back. She spread her legs, and Cherry saw her dripping wet pussy. “Make cummies in my pussy? Please? I need fucks.”
    Cherry wanted to fuck her girlfriend, but her finger slipped into her mouth and felt so good that all other thoughts left her. She sucked her finger, her eyes glazing over as she started to drool.
    She snapped awake to see her girlfriend laying on the floor, legs spread. “Wha?”
    “Are you gonna fuck me?”
    Cherry pouted, sticking out her lower lip. “But I wanna be fucked.”
    Instantly Reena leapt to her feet, then nearly toppled over as the weight of her new tits threw her off balance. As soon as she righted herself she grabbed Cherry’s waist and grinned. “Okay, I’ll fuck you now!”
    “Yay! I wanna suck your cock like sooo much.”
    Reena stared down at her pussy and frowned. “But I don’t have a cock…”
    “Yeah you do, silly,” Cherry giggled. “It’s in the drawer next to the bed. You should just wear your cock all the time like I do.”
    “Oh yeah! I’ve got that nice purple cock I use to fuck your butt.”
    Cherry wriggled at the thought. “Ooooh. I want you to fuck my butt too.”
    Reena rubbed her chin, having trouble focusing. “Okay, so I get my cock and fuck your mouth. Then I fuck your butt. Then you fuck my butt!”
    “This is the best night ever!” Reena and Cherry crashed together for a kiss, and then Reena was skipping off to the bedroom, leaving Cherry swaying dreamily on her feet with a wide smile on her face.
    Until she noticed the tied up, wide eyed superhero suspended from the ceiling. Cherry excitedly waved her arm at Torch Gal. “Oh hiiii. I’m Cherry.”
    Torch Gal mumbled something through her gag.
    “Wuzzat? I couldn’t hear you.” 
    Torch Gal mumbled something even louder through her gag.
    Cherry giggled. “It’s, like, rude to talk with your mouth full.” She ran her eyes along Torch Gal’s body and was super jealous about being tied up in so much pretty pink rope. Then she noticed the cape wrapped behind Torch Gal, along with the red mask covering her eyes.
    “Oh my gosh are you a superhero? That’s like so cool!” She clapped her hands and bounced in place. Then looked down at herself. “Whoops. I’m nakies.” She started to look around for her clothes, then decided she liked being better naked anyway. Besides, the cute superhero didn’t seem to mind. Although she was all tied up. And gagged. “Wow you are, like, super kinky. My girlfriend ties me up too. It’s so hot. She’ll wrap me all up so I can’t move and then fuck my butt and tease my tits and then she does this thing with her mouth where she-”
    Cherry whirled around to see Reena blushing in embarrassment, even though she was cradling a bunch of sex toys in her arms. “Don’t tell her about my special mouth thing. It’s a secret.”
    “But it’s really hot!”
    “Why did you tie up a superhero lady anyway?” Reena looked over Torch Gal and licked her lips, smiling. “Though you did a really good job tying her up. That’s really hot how she’s hanging there.”
    “It is,” sighed Cherry. “But I didn’t tie her up.”
    “You didn’t? Then how’d she get here?”
    “I don’t know. Let’s ask her.”
    Torch Gal rolled her eyes as the pair of bimbo supervillains walked around the couch, completely stumped about how to get her down. Finally Reena climbed up on the couch to reach her, only to realize her arms were still loaded with sex toys. So she got down, gave all the toys over to Cherry, who promptly pulled out a purple dildo to start sucking on it, then Reena climbed back up and finally took the gag out of Torch Gal’s mouth.
    “Geeze, finally.”
    “Are you okay?” Reena asked, concern in her eyes.
    Torch Gal wanted to say something sarcastic, then sighed and said, “Yeah, I’m okay. Bit stiff from hanging here but the ropes are actually surprisingly comfortable.”
    “Of course they are, silly. I tie people up like this sometimes and you can totally hang up in the air for hours and never feel sore or nothin’.” Reena blinked slowly. Then looked over the ropes again. “Oh wait, did I tie you up?”
    “Yeah, you did.”
    “Whoopsies. Guess I forgot.”
    From down below, Cherry popped the dildo out of her mouth and laughed. “You’re such a dummy.”
    “Not as big a dummy as you.”
    “That’s right, I’m the biggest dummy,” Cherry said proudly. Which made Reena pout, sad that she wasn’t dumber than her girlfriend.
    Torch Gal cleared her throat. “Um, a little help here?” 
    “Oh right. Whoopsies. I forgot about you.” Reena giggled and hopped off the couch. She wandered to the kitchen, pausing to give Cherry a kiss on the cheek that made her giggle, then started rooting through the drawers. “Where is it, where is it…”
    The ropes were making Torch Gal slowly rotate in the air again so she lost sight of Reena, and just heard frantic shuffling through cluttered drawers. “What are you looking for in there?”
    “A knife!”
    “Woah! Hang on!”
    “Found one!”
    “I don’t think bimbo pills and knives mix! Seriously, you can just leave me hanging here and get back to your date. I’m fine watching from up-”
    Something metal flew overhead, and Torch Gal flinched as a knife stuck into the ceiling.
    “-here,” she whimpered. 
    “Oh poop. I missed. I never miss.”
    Torch Gal’s body went limp. “Okay, let’s come up with another plan that doesn’t involve throwing knives at me.”
    Suddenly the rope holding her to the ceiling jerked. Torch Gal glanced up and saw a cut in the side of it now, the remaining strands stretching and breaking. “Oh fuck.”
    The superhero braced herself as the rope snapped and she was dumped down onto the couch.
    “Yay! I got it!”
    Cherry clapped excitedly, the purple dildo stuffed in her mouth. Reena did a little bow and giggled. While Torch Gal rolled over, now tied up and trapped on the couch.
    “Okay. No more knives.”
    “But how are we gonna get the ropes off?” Reena asked, holding a knife in each hand.
    “No knives!”
    “You’re no fun,” mumbled Reena as she put the knives back.
    “You can just untie the knots yourself.”
    Reena strutted over, her big tits bouncing as she bent down to stare real close at all of the knots. She started tugging on the ropes. Each time she did the ropes would pull tighter, rubbing up against Torch Gal’s tits and one especially nice length of rope grinding up against her crotch. Torch Gal whimpered, barely holding in a moan.
    “Please… hurry…” she said, blushing.
    Cherry bomb knelt down next to Torch Gal, her eyes shining as she said something indecipherable with the dildo down her throat. 
    With a wet pop and a gasp Cherry pulled the dildo out, then grinned. “Don’t worry. Reeney’s really good with ropes. She’ll totally have you out in no time.”
    To which Reena responded by popping her hands on her shapely hips and declaring, “I got no clue how to take the ropes off.”
    “Aww, but you know so much about ropes babe.”
    “Yeah, when I’m all smart. But I’m a huge dummy and I don’t know anything.”
    “Wow, that’s really hot,” Cherry giggled. The two bimbos grinned and leaned in to kiss, until Torch Gal cleared her throat.
    “Can you untie me before you start fucking again?”
    Cherry made a big show of pouting. “You don’t like watching me and Reena fuck?”
    “I didn’t say that.” Torch Gal looked away, blushing. “It’s just tough having to watch you have fun while I, um, can’t do anything about it?”
    Reena and Cherry blinked blankly at her. Then Reena clapped her hands. “Ohhh. You wanna be naughty too!”
    “Ohhh, that makes, like, total sense.”
    Torch Gal sighed. “Yes, I wanna at least be able to get myself off if I’m gonna be stuck here.”
    “Well I can get the knives to cut you free!”
    “No knives!”
    Reena pouted, while Cherry raised a hand. Powerful energy surged into her palm, turning into a glowing ball that was strong enough to blow up a car. “I could totally blast the ropes off!”
    “No anime explosion balls either!”
    “That’s probably really smart,” Cherry said as she dismissed the ball of energy. “I’d have, like, totally blown up the apartment. And this is a really nice apartment.”
    “It is! Who’s it belong to again?”
    “I dunno. I think some politiciany lady on vacation or something.”
    Torch Gal sat up, or tried to sit up as much as she could while still bound in intricately sexy ropework. “Hang on, are you just crashing in someone else’s place?”
    “Well duh,” Reena giggled. “We probably didn’t want to show you our secret lair.”
    “You two have a lair?”
    “Oh yeah, it’s a totally cool spot too. Reena found it.”
    “It’s pretty bitchin’. We keep all our stolen stuff there,” Reena giggled.
    Torch Gal raised an eye brow. “Could you tell me where your secret lair is?”
    “Oh sure! It’s at… um, Cherry, where’s the lair at?”
    Cherry scrunched up her nose and closed her eyes, trying to think super hard. “Um, it’s by water? Like a lake? Or a pool? Or maybe a water fountain? I’m really thirsty, is anyone else thirsty?”
    “Should’ve seen that coming. Listen, I’m fine being tied up. So you two can get on with your date, and I’ll just hop out of here.” Torch Gal struggled up onto her feet, her knees bound together and making it awkward to move. Before she could even get one step, or hop, Reena and Cherry dove at her, tackling her on either side as they pinned her to the couch.
    “Don’t leave!”
    “Yeah! You’re, like, really cute.”
    “Especially tied up like this.”
    “It’s so sexy. I just wanna cuddle you up.”
    “Like a big teddy bear.”
    “Yesss!” Cherry flashed her big eyes at Torch Gal. “Please stay and be our cuddly teddy bear?”
    “Yeah, please?” Reena asked, also flashing a cute puppy dog pout.
    Torch Gal squirmed, blushing hard. “Fine. I guess I can stay.”
    “Yaaay!” The girls cheered and snuggled up against her.
    “I was gonna be by myself anyway, so I guess this is a nice Valentine’s day.”
    Reena and Cherry giggled.
    “We can be your Valentines!”
    “Yeah, me and my girlfriend are totally your Valentines now.”
    “That’s actually really sweet,” said Torch Gal with a smile. “As long as I’m not intruding.”
    “Oh no, you’re totally ours and staying with us tonight.”
    Cherry nodded excitedly.
    “Oh,” Reena said, the bimbo suddenly looking serious. “But if you stay you should know we’re totally gonna feel you up too.”
    “And kiss you.”
    “And fuck you.”
    “Can she fuck us tied up like this?”
    “Sure she can!” Reena dove out of sight before Torch Gal could say a word. She hopped back up holding one of her strap ons and another length of rope. Her hands worked quickly, expertly, sliding between Torch Gal’s legs and behind her back and in no time at all Reena was tying off the rope, finishing her makeshift harness and leaving a large orange strap on poking up from Torch Gal’s crotch. The color even nearly matched her orange uniform.
    “Oh my gosh that’s so cool babe! How’d you do that?”
    Reena suddenly blinked, staring down at her hands confused. “How did I do that?”
    Torch Gal wriggled her hips, making the strap on bob back and forth. Reena and Cherry both gasped, instantly locked onto the waving sex toy like they were mesmerized.
    “Gonna go out on a limb and guess that you probably could find a way to untie me, huh?”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Reena replied haughtily, flipping her long black hair back. There was now a single bright blonde streak running through it. “Besides, even a total dummy like me could tell that you totally don’t want to be untied. You’d much rather stayed tied up and fucked by a pair of cuties, right?”
    Torch Gal chuckled. “I mean, who wouldn’t?”
    “Exactly. Now let’s fuck and have fun and you be sure to give me lots of sparkly cummies.”
    “Cummies?” Torch Gal asked, snickering.
    Reena gave her a stern look, puffing up her chest and looking intimidating even with her huge tits. “We can still untie you and, like, not fuck you.”
    “I’ll be good,” Torch Gal said with a blush.
    “Good girl.”
    Torch Gal blushed deeper, and Cherry Bomb whined. “I wanna be a good girl too.”
    “You’re totally a good girl.”
    Cherry beamed brightly as Reena climbed up onto Torch Gal’s lap. 
    “Now be a good girl and eat my butt,” she declared.
    “Yes Reeney!” Cherry said with a giggle, eagerly hopping down to the floor.
    Reena stared proudly down at the tied up Torch Gal beneath her and her girlfriend kneeling behind her. For a moment she almost felt like her old self. Back in control and eager to fuck her cute playthings. But then she remembered what tonight was all about. So with a big smile she plunged herself down onto the strap on, letting the sparkly pleasure melt her brain. She moaned loudly, pressing her tits down to smother Torch Gal in them.
    She felt Cherry’s tongue licking at her ass just as Torch Gal started to suck on one of her nipples. “Oh fuuuck,” she moaned. She wanted to hump Torch Gal so bad, but Cherry was holding down her hips so she could keep eating her ass, and she was so strong that Reena couldn’t move at all. She was trapped with the big strap on so deep inside her and Torch Gal was making such cute sounds sucking on her tits, which made Reena feel so amazing, and Cherry’s tongue was wriggling in her ass and it was all so good that she-
    Reena cried out and came hard, her eyes crossing and her tongue hanging out. But Cherry kept holding her down and using her tongue, and Torch Gal was playfully biting at her nipples and was even starting to hump up into her. Reena felt totally overwhelmed with pleasure. Every twitch of the strap on and every flick of the other girls tongues was washing her mind totally clean of thoughts. She was gurgling happily, eyes so empty and dumb as she drooled on herself.
    “Love… so much… love,” she moaned.
    Both girls worked on her harder, and Reena happily melted into another bimbo orgasm.
    It was the best Valentine’s day that any of them had had in a long time.

This was a fun spinoff story featuring my superhero and villain characters from my series Doomed to Fail. I’m posting the series here weekly but if you want to read all the available chapters right away or just to check out more of my work you can pledge to my patreon, which I can’t link to directly. You can join my discord server and see announcements on all new stories, along with everything else Sammynona going on in the world. You can also check out my official bluesky page:


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