Doomed To Fail

Chapter 6

by sammynona

Tags: #D/s #exhibitionism #f/f #humiliation #sub:female #superhero #bondage #brainwashing #clothing #comic_book #dom:female #multiple_partners #pov:bottom #self_sabotage #supervillain

    “Sit,” Silver Viper commanded, holding the camera steady in her hands.
    Erika the Red stood in place, naked and dripping wet. A latex-clad hand slid before her face, trailing blue mist which she was helpless but to breathe in. The hero shuddered, eyes glowing blue as the mist sunk in.
    Then she dropped down to her knees, her wet pussy on display. A raspy breath escaped Erika as she moaned, “Sit.”
    “Tell us your name.”
    Erika just sat there.
    Silver Viper growled with frustration. “I thought you said she’d obey us, Madame Mist.”
    “I told you she will obey any command after breathing my mist,” the other villain replied, her black latex outfit creaking softly as she knelt down beside Erika. “Any one command. She needs a new dose to receive a new command.” Madame Mist wriggled her hands under Erika’s face as blue mist wafted up to her.
    “Well that seems pointless,” the ninja huffed. Madame Mist’s head snapped over to her, and though her reflective gas mask hid her expression Silver Viper still flinched, and muttered an apology.
    “You simply need to have more imagination, dear. Watch.” Madame Mist lifted Erika’s chin to make the hypnotized hero look at her. “Fuck yourself.”
    Instantly Erika moaned the words, “Fuck myself.” Her hands slid down to play with her pussy. She seemed completely oblivious of her enemies around her, or of the camera that Silver Viper hastily turned to capture the action. She fingered herself with abandon for all to see, repeating her order every so often in a low, needy moan. “Fuck myself…”
    Madame Mist stroked a black latex hand over Erika’s tits. “And she’ll be trapped obeying this command until the mist wears off. You could do anything to her and she’ll just keep fucking herself for hours.”
    Silver Viper grinned, rubbing a hand over her own excited nipples. “Perhaps that will be useful.” Then she looked down at Gail, wearing a pure evil smirk. “Enjoying the show?”
    Gail was laid flat on the concrete floor, still bound up in Erika’s beautiful rope work. She was pinned under Cherry Bomb’s ass, who sat on her unceremoniously, and every few seconds the giggling villain would tug on the rope between Gail’s legs, rubbing it up against her pussy to drive her wild.
    She bit her lip and kept her silence, wriggling under Cherry Bomb. Silver Viper just turned up her nose. “Be as stubborn as you like. You’ll be putty once Madame Mist gets to you next.”
    Gail whimpered, but the villains had it all wrong. They assumed she was fighting this humiliation. Instead Gail was loving it. The mind control programming had never been happier, and she could feel her entire body practically vibrating with joy. She was watching Erika being hypnotized and toyed with by the kinky villains and only wanted to cum. She was biting her lip to stop herself from begging to be taken already.
    It was impossible to escape. Every plan she imagined to break free and retaliate somehow ended up with her tripping and falling helpless at their feet, or running right into Madame Mist’s hypnotic gas, or just face-planting into Silver Viper’s tits or under Cherry Bomb’s skirt so they could use her to get off.
    Because these were villains who were truly going to have their way with her. Not the loving domination that Yin and Yang had given her last night. Or the affectionate bondage Erika had tied her up with. They didn’t know her and didn’t care about her. They’d fuck her, humiliate her, and leave her with her reputation in tatters.
    Cherry Bomb drove the rope up against her clit again and Gail whined quietly as she came again. Feeling Gail struggle under her, Cherry Bomb just giggled and said, “No use struggling. We’re going to have fun with you soon.” They really thought Gail was trying to escape. Why? She was a slut. She was made to be used. They were meant to use her. It was all perfection.
    Except Erika didn’t want this.
    That made Gail pause, just when she was about to beg Silver Viper and Cherry Bomb to fuck her already. Whether it was the brainwashing or not Gail had given up on herself, but as kinky as Erika might have been she wouldn’t want to be humiliated like this.
    Gail shook her head. She was a hero. She couldn’t be selfish. She had to get Erika free of these villains… then she could let all three of them fuck her senseless.
    But how could she get her free? With that blue mist in her head Erika couldn’t resist, and was just lovingly fucking herself.
    “So what are we going to make her do now?” Cherry Bomb asked, almost sounding bored.
    Silver Viper scoffed. “Do you need anything better than watching a hero fuck herself?”
    “Yeah, like fucking me. I’m super horny and I’ve always had a thing for her. I want Erika to just throw me down and break me,” Cherry Bomb moaned, practically drooling.
    “You would want to be submissive even with a brainwashed hero,” Silver Viper chuckled.
    “Hey, a brainwashed hero will fuck you without restraint, and just look at those muscles. She’d destroy me.”
    A sinister grin spread on Silver Viper’s lips. “Yes. She would be merciless.” Then she lowered the video camera and took out a knife.
    Gail froze, and even Cherry Bomb shivered from on top of her. “Hey, I thought we were just humiliating her.”
    “I’m not hurting anyone,” the ninja said, flipping the knife to hold it by the blade before presenting the handle to Cherry. “What do you take me for? This is so you can cut off this girl’s shorts.”
    Gail’s clit pulsed with delight. They were going to cut off her shorts? Leave her bound in rope with her pussy exposed? They were finally going to fuck her!
    “Ohhh, I get it. You want to have some fun with her while I play with Erika.”
    Silver Viper shook her head, her smile as sharp as the knife Cherry Bomb took from her. “Even better. Just get her ready.”
    Gail watched as the ninja walked over towards a bag of supplies. She was desperately curious to see what Silver Viper was up to, but then she felt a tug on her shorts.
    “Hold still,” the punk girl told her, as Cherry Bomb started to slowly slice the fabric with the knife. Gail did her best not to move, but the fear and excitement of what was in store still made her shiver, and she got a small nick on her thigh from the knife. She gasped. The sharp pain had never felt so good. What was happening to her?
    “Careful. I’ve got a knife here.”
    “S-sorry,” Gail muttered.
    After a few more cuts in the fabric Cherry Bomb tugged and triumphantly pulled Gail’s shredded shorts and panties off of her, leaving Gail bottomless except for the rope nestled between her pussy lips.
    “There, now we can-” Cherry Bomb gasped and laughed with delight. “Holy shit, you’re drenched!”
    “N-no I’m not.”
    A finger slid up her pussy lips and Gail whimpered with bliss. “Your pussy doesn’t lie. You’re loving this.”
    Gail kept her mouth shut, but that only made her seem guiltier.
    Cherry Bomb knelt next to her, whispering excitedly like they were conspiring. “Is it being tied up? Or having me strip you and everything?”
    Gail gulped, but her shining eyes gave away her excitement.
    “Or is it watching Erika getting used?”
    She couldn’t stop herself from looking over at Erika, still fucking herself absently while Madame Mist towered over her, skin tight latex shining. Then she saw Silver Viper returning, holding a harness and a long purple strap-on in her hands.
    “Oh god,” Gail moaned, writhing on the floor. Who was going to wear it? Silver Viper as she fucked Erika? Or would Madame Mist get the honor of fucking Erika first? Maybe Cherry Bomb would put on a strap-on and fuck her while they watched. Although it didn’t seem like she needed a sex toy for that, judging from the bulge poking through her dress.
    Cherry Bomb saw her looking and fumbled back, blushing and crossing her legs to hide. Not that Gail understood why, since she was a slut here to be used by everyone, no matter what kind of body they had. She existed to be used. To be taken and shown off to everybody. To be-
    Gail nearly got lost in the fog in her head, but snapped back when she saw that Silver Viper wasn’t putting the strap-on on herself. Instead she was cinching the harness onto Erika’s hips. She watched, confused, as a dildo inside the harness slid into Erika, making her moan and shudder with the purple strap-on now equipped in front of her.
    With a wave of her hand Madame Mist produced blue fog for Erika to breath in, overriding her last command and leaving her blank. Silver Viper hesitated, waiting for the last wisp of superpowered mist to vanish, before she leaned in close to whisper in Erika’s ear.
    Erika’s glowing blue eyes turned and fixed on Gail, who trembled under the brainwashed gaze. Erika took a step towards her, that strap-on waving enticingly. Then, in a mono-tone defeated voice, repeated her new command. “Fuck her brains out.”
    Cherry Bomb cackled beside her, shaking Gail by the shoulders. “Oh, that is fucking good! I’m jealous.”
    Gail’s mouth dropped open as she watched Erika take slow, lumbering steps towards her. “Fuck her brains out. Fuck her brains out,” she groaned, reaching up to cup her tits.
    Sweet, beautiful Erika had just been made into a mindless machine existing only to fuck her brains out. Gail’s clit throbbed and her mind melted and dripped out her cunt.
    “It’s perfect,” Gail whimpered. It was everything the programming made her want. Submission. Humiliation. Corruption.
    Unfortunately Cherry Bomb and the others didn’t hear her. Instead Cherry Bomb grabbed Gail by her rope harness and spun her around, rolling her over onto her back with her legs now spread to welcome Erika in. All that stood between her pussy and Erika’s toy was the drenched rope nestled between her pussy lips.
    Gail wriggled her ass on the ground, biting her lip as she tried to push it aside with her hands bound. 
    “Trying to get away?” Cherry Bomb asked with a tilt of her head. Then she saw the desperation in Gail’s eyes and there was a moment of understanding. “Hehe, you’re just as bad as me, aren’t you? Here.”
    She slipped her fingers under the rope and dragged it aside, Gail’s pussy glistening as her lips spread.
    Erika was nearly on top of her now. She stood over Gail with a glazed expression, blue light in her eyes. “Fuck her brains out,” she groaned, and Gail knew she would do it too. No hesitation. No restraint. Just Erika’s body and all her muscles fucking her like it was her only reason to exist.
    Cherry Bomb gripped Gail’s shoulder, grinning excitedly. And there was longing in her eyes as she stared at Erika. They really were the same. Cherry wanted to be fucked senseless as much as Gail did.
    And walking up to them was Madame Mist, rubbing a hand over her tits as she watched, face hidden behind the gas mask. Silver Viper was beside her, turning the camera on Gail to capture everything.
    Without her mask on everyone who watched would be able to see who she really was. With Madame Mist’s fog in her head she’d probably happily volunteer that she was Torch Gal, too. The whole city would watch her fucked and begging for more. They’d see the slut she truly was now, thanks to Professor Doombringer’s brainwashing. 
    She’d never felt so wet and ready to be fucked in her life. Every inch of Gail was vibrating with pure need. This was it. Everything she’d been fearing and dreaming of ever since she was captured. Her life as a hero would be over, and her life as a slut would truly begin.
    Erika dropped to her knees and positioned herself, ready to thrust in. Gail spread her legs, raising her hips, thinking of everyone who would watch. Her friends. The other heroes. All the villains she’d ever put away. Yin and Yang.
    Everything seemed to fade. Yin and Yang would see this. They’d know she was a hero and had lied to them. It’d devastate them to learn this way. Not to mention her Mistresses had given her an order. That she was to try to fuck Erika, but to earnestly express her feelings. Their first time fucking wasn’t meant to be like this, some kinky fantasy surrounded by villains.
    She wanted Erika to fuck her because she wanted it. She wanted Yin and Yang to be proud of her for obeying, not giving up on what she wanted to be fucked mindless and humiliated instead.
    Time froze as Gail’s mind warred with itself.
    She wanted to be humiliated and fucked.
    But she wanted to be an obedient slave to her Mistresses. Obedient slaves didn’t give in to every need. They did what they were told. She would do what she’d been told!
    And that meant she couldn’t be fucked like this. Which meant there was only one thing to do.
    Gail closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as Erika rocked back her hips to thrust into her. 
    Then Torch Gal opened her eyes, ready to fight and serve her Mistresses.
    She kicked off the ground and brought her legs in tight, pressing them into Erika’s chest to hold her back. Then she kicked out with all her strength, shoving the oblivious Erika backwards while catapulting herself back as well. Torch Gal flipped over and landed on her feet, with the three villains staring in shock.
    It’d be the perfect moment to fall back and leave herself open, to get laughed at and shamed.
    Instead Torch Gal thought of her Mistresses and sprung into action. She spun around on her heel and caught Cherry Bomb with a kick to the back of the head, knocking her out cold. She didn’t want to hurt the cute villain, but with her explosive power removed from the fight Gail would remove the biggest threat.
    Silver Viper was on her instantly, shouting as her hands shot out quickly, aiming for her vital points. Luckily, even though her arms were bound behind her, Torch Gal had trained for this years ago. She ducked and twisted her body, taking most of the punches and jabs but letting them land where they couldn’t do any real damage to her vital areas. Each hit would have been enough to take out a regular opponent, but Torch Gal stood her ground with ease. The ninja growled with frustration, unable to get a clean hit in.
    “Why. Won’t. You. Go. Down!?”
    Torch Gal suddenly kicked out low, but Silver Viper leapt over it. The ninja was just starting to laugh condescendingly when Torch Gal jumped up using her other leg, smacking the top of her head into Silver Viper’s jaw.
    White hot pain radiated through Torch Gal’s head, but it was easy to ignore. She was a good slave. She would obey her Mistress. She would let nothing stop her.
    Silver Viper stumbled down to her feet, cursing and grabbing her jaw. She was wide open, and Torch Gal spun around to deliver a powerful kick. With a satisfying, “Oomph!” the ninja was thrown backwards, crashing to the ground in a heap.
    Torch Gal watched her fall with a great deal of satisfaction. Then she heard the faint sound of a heel click, and instantly took a deep breath of air. A second later Madame Mist threw herself onto the hero’s back, green paralyzing mist billowing from each hand in huge clouds.
    “You’re ruining everything!”
    Torch Gal said nothing, holding her breath as she rocked side to side, trying to keep the villain from getting a grip on her. Madame Mist clawed at her, blasting green mist right into her face. But Torch Gal remained calm and centered. She served her Mistress. She must obey. She must prevail.
    So she planted her feet and leapt up into the air, hopping up high enough that she could twist in the air and let gravity slam her down on top of the surprised Madame Mist. The villain cried out in pain as Torch Gal slammed her against the concrete. Torch Gal quickly jumped to her feet to get away, but Madame Mist had created a huge cloud of paralyzing gas around them. She’d keep spreading it until the entire warehouse was stuffed with the superpowered fog.
    Madame Mist groaned and got to her feet, high heels skidding slightly as she reeled from the hit. But she had her hands open wide, spraying out as much of the green mist as she could manage. It engulfed her, and surely the annoying hero had gotten a whiff of it. Just a single breath was all she needed to defeat her.
    “There’s no point trying to resist!” Madame Mist shouted out from behind her gas mask. The latex-clad villain spun about, searching for any sign of their frozen body, trapped in the mist. “Just give up. You’ll love becoming one of my fucktoys. I treat my playthings oh so well. Maybe I’ll even make you one of my minions.”
    There was a footstep behind her. Madame Mist spun, hands up and oozing green mist, only to see Torch Gal frozen in place, crouched down low like she was trying in vain to hide. She was entirely still, eyes shut as a last feeble act of resistance.
    Madame Mist grinned and lowered her hands. “They all fall before me eventually.”
    She started to reach for her new toy, when Torch Gal’s eyes shot open, and Madame Mist saw there wasn’t a hint of green light. Before she could react Torch Gal leapt up into the air, flipping over her. Madame Mist stared up in shock as the bound hero leapt over her, which left her wide open as Torch Gal’s feet swung down to pin her head on either side. She felt the feet trying to get a hold of her head to grapple her, but Madame Mist twisted away. There was a brief tug on her mask, but it was gone quickly, followed by the sound of someone hitting the floor behind her.
    Madame Mist grinned, her green mist swirling all around them now. “Trying to put me in a headlock with your feet? Ambitious, but foolish.” She turned and saw Torch Gal laying on her side, wincing and still desperately holding her breath. “My latex outfit is hard to get a hold of, I’m afraid. Kinky but functional.”
    Green mist poured from the villain’s hands as Madame Mist advanced on her. Oh, would she make this girl pay now. Any second she’d be breathing in the minty taste of the mist. Madame Mist could almost taste it herself as she imagined this tied up hero frozen and helpless before her.
    “You think you can beat me?” She bared her teeth like a wolf ready to strike. “I’m Madame Mist! Do you have any idea how many heroes I’ve defeated? How many women I’ve enslaved? And you think some tied up girl is going to be enough to… enough to…”
    Madame Mist wobbled, blinking slowly as she lost her balance. She wobbled and tried to steady herself, only to discover that her arms were stuck in place, outstretched to her sides. She couldn’t move a muscle.
    The green mist around her cleared enough for Madame Mist to get a good look at the fallen hero. And the gas mask that she had cradled between her feet.
    “Oh,” was all Madame Mist said, finally able to taste the crisp mint taste of her own mist now that her face was exposed. Her blue eyes flashed and lit up with green light, as all of her muscles locked into place and her mind went blank, unable to produce a single thought.
    Torch Gal hurried back out of the fading cloud of mist, leaving the frozen villain where she stood in her tight latex outfit, face frozen in surprise. She waited until she was a couple of yards from the gas cloud before Torch Gal let herself take a breathe. 
    “Phew. Glad that gas mask wasn’t just a fetish thing,” she chuckled to herself. And thank god she’d done all that underwater training to hold her breath so long.
    “You’ll pay for this!” Silver Viper shouted, as Torch Gal just barely dodged a flying kick aimed at the back of her head. Torch Gal rolled out of the way of a follow up kick, and both ended up crouched, facing one another. Silver Viper was furious, tears in the corners of her eyes as she snarled. “We’ve spent weeks planning this! And we spent all that money to hire Madame Mist! You ruined everything!”
    Silver Viper reached into her belt and took out two curved knives. Torch Gal took a wary step back and desperately wished that her arms weren’t tied up.
    “Don’t worry, I’m not interested in killing heroes,” Silver Viper spat, voice dripping with hatred. “I’m just going to teach you a lesson for ruining my plans.” Daggers poised like deadly fangs, Silver Viper leapt forward with a battle cry.
    Torch Gal pivoted onto her back foot and lashed out with a lightning fast front kick, so fast that she didn’t think Silver Viper even saw it coming. She hit the ninja square in the face, and in the blink of an eye Torch gal had pulled her foot back, ready to strike again. But Silver Viper just stumbled back, dropping her knives as her eyes rolled back into her head.
    “What… just happened?” was all she managed to say, before she flopped down to the ground unconscious.
    Torch Gal held her defensive pose, checking that all three villains were down and weren’t getting back up. Then Gail let her shoulders slump as the adrenaline wore off and the exhaustion set in. Her lungs burned from holding her breath so long, and she could feel every single one of Silver Viper’s punches now, her chest aching from the hard hits. But she’d done it. She’d taken out all three villains and saved herself and Erika. And all with her arms bound up behind her!
    Gail grinned, glowing with pride. She’d managed not to let herself be humiliated and behave like a hero instead! Plus she would be able to obey her Mistresses and make them happy.
    That realization left a bitter taste in her mouth. She enjoyed playing with the girls, but they were still criminals. Was she really so far gone that she could only behave like a hero if it meant acting like a slave for other villains? Gail certainly hoped not, but part of her was already getting turned on at the idea of being so pathetic. Luckily she was tied up and couldn’t start masturbating right then and there.
    Gail shut her eyes and fought down these humiliating desires. She was a hero. A hero, dammit! She wouldn’t give in this easy. She would fight.
    She was so focused on her internal struggle that she didn’t even hear the approaching footsteps until a pair of muscled arms wrapped around her waist, lifting her off her feet.
    Gail cried out and tried to twist away, but she was helpless like this. She glanced back and saw it was Erika holding her. “Oh thank god,” Gail said, relaxing into the hug. “I thought you were another villain.”
    Then Erika spoke in an empty voice. “Fuck her brains out.”
    Something pressed up against Gail’s pussy, making her moan out in shock. Erika was still wearing the strap on, grinding the length of it against Gail’s dripping cunt. Erika’s eyes were still glowing with blue light, locked in the hypnotic trance Madame Mist had put her in. She lifted Gail higher, walking them towards a barrel that she could bend Gail over. “Fuck her brains out. Fuck her brains out.”
    Gail’s mind couldn’t function as she took all of this in. She’d defeated all of the villains, but Erika was still entranced. And Gail was helpless from this position. Erika was going to hold her down and fuck her until the command wore off. Madame Mist had said that could take hours.
    And she was so fucking horny already. If Erika actually fucked her, if she slid that strap on into her, Gail knew she’d really lose her mind. She’d break completely. She probably wouldn’t even last a minute. Gail could already picture herself drooling and cumming helplessly, utterly mindless. And Erika would fuck her without restraint. No mercy. No stopping. Only the absolute command to fuck Gail. And Gail cumming her mind away.
    Gail was already moaning at the thought as Erika lowered her down over a barrel, bending her forward to get perfect access to her ass. “Oh god, Erika. Natalie. Please.”
    She felt Natalie holding her down with a single powerful hand, as she guided the tip of the strap-on between Gail’s legs.
    “Please… fuck me…” Gail whimpered, opening her legs wider.
    She deserved to be fucked like this. She wanted it.
    But Natalie didn’t deserve this, Gail realized. This was Gail’s brainwashed perversion. Natalie wouldn’t want any of this.
    It was the only thing that gave Gail the strength to resist. Just as she felt Natalie pulling her hips back, ready to thrust, Gail threw herself to the side, sliding off the barrel. She used the momentum to swing a foot up and kick Natalie square in the jaw. Then Gail fell and hit the floor hard, feeling exhausted and horny and completely spent.
    She watched Natalie stumble back from the blow, shaking her head and groaning. If this didn’t work, there was nothing else she could do. She almost hoped Natalie would open her eyes to reveal blue light, before she pinned Gail down to fuck her brains out.
    Instead Natalie grumbled and it was her normal green eyes that Gail saw when she looked down at her. “Ugh. What… what happened?”
    “Natalie? Are you back?”
    “Back from where?” she asked, confused. Natalie glanced down at Gail, bound up and legs spread, and then at the strap-on she was wearing. “Oh god,” she muttered. Natalie whipped around, wide awake now. “That latex bitch got me. Where is she?”
    “Over there,” Gail answered wearily, pointing a foot over at the frozen figure. “Silver Viper’s over there,” she added, pointing. “And Cherry Bomb is… well she’s somewhere. Can’t remember.”
    Natalie turned to Gail with an amazed expression. “Wait. Did you take out all three of them?”
    Gail chuckled, wincing as her ribs rang with pain. “Technically I sucker punched Cherry Bomb and she went down with one hit, so I only really fought against the other two.”
    “That-” Natalie looked at her as if she’d sprouted angelic wings and a golden halo. “You’re amazing.”
    “And did it all with no hands too.”
    “Oh shit, right.” Natalie knelt down beside her, and Gail grunted as she rolled over to let Natalie start undoing the bondage.
    “Okay, now I’m really feeling that fight.”
    “I’ll say, you’re already showing bruising. And I didn’t think you’d get rope burn this bad from my bind.”
    Gail blushed, thinking back on her rough night with Yin and Yang. “Um, must have been a really bad fight. I had to twist and jump a lot so… yeah, bruises and rope burn.”
    “I don’t know how to thank you.” Natalie’s hands stopped, and Gail felt them trembling. “Those villains came for me. If I was on my own I’d already be captured and letting them do god knows what to humiliate me. And I almost fu- I mean, I almost… to you.”
    “It’s okay,” Gail said, smiling back at her. “And this wasn’t so bad, all things considered.”
    Now Natalie blushed. “I mean, if this was other circumstances me wearing this strap-on and you tied up wouldn’t be so bad.”
    “Oh really?” Gail twisted around, taking the rope out of Natalie’s hands. “Is that so?”
    Natalie bit her lip, like she was debating on something. “And, well, I might have some more equipment we could try back in my loft.” She looked up towards her room on the second floor of the warehouse, and Gail followed her gaze with a grin.
    Right as a bright red orb of energy flew through the air and crashed through the window of Natalie’s room. An explosion tore the place apart, sending scattered rubble and burnt clothes littering down across the warehouse.
    Natalie’s jaw dropped as she watched all of her things destroyed in an instant. They both turned and saw Cherry Bomb on her feet, hands in the air as she jumped up and down happily.
    “Wooh! Blow it all up!”
    “Cherry Bomb!” Natalie shouted, voice strained with fury. “The fuck!”
    Cherry Bomb stopped in place, putting her arms down and looking over sheepishly. “Was… was that too much?”
    “You blew up all my stuff!”
    “Oh. Um, sorry,” the villain muttered, nervously twiddling her fingers and appearing genuinely apologetic. “I just got carried away and really wanted to see something blow up and-”
    “Just go over there and wait for the police to show up!” Natalie pointed a hand over by a storage container, and to Gail’s surprise Cherry Bomb hung her head and shuffled over like a kid being sent to time out.
    Gail shook her head. “I can’t believe that worked.”
    “Cherry Bomb has impulse control issues, but she’s generally okay. Still…” Natalie trailed off as the burning remains of a shirt drifted down from the air. “There goes all my clothes. All my furniture. What the hell am I supposed to do now?”
    Gail gulped. She was extremely horny and guilty which made for an unwise combination. “You could, um, come live with me?”
    Natalie’s face went almost as red as her hair. “What?”
    “I mean you can stay over at my place, until you get everything sorted,” Gail blurted, nearly stumbling over her words. “Just for a few nights. Cause that’s what friends do. Friends help each other. So I’m just helping you. As a friend.” Gail winced. Why the hell was she saying friend so much?
    From the way Natalie’s lips frowned it seemed like she was disappointed too. “Oh. Sure. I guess that’s fine. Thank you.”
    Gail rolled her eyes. How was she able to fight off three villains but have her courage fail her as soon as she talked to a pretty girl?
~ ~ ~
    It took about an hour for the authorities to take the supervillains into custody and get everything sorted, so by the time they made it to Gail’s apartment both girls felt exhausted. They were covered in dirt and ash from the explosions, with Gail’s bruises showing all over her arms from being punched repeatedly by a pissed off ninja, while Natalie held a cardboard box with her costume and the few things she was able to recover from the blast.
    They walked in the door and didn’t say a word. Just sighed and felt the weight of the day on them. Gail had been victorious in battle, but she’d been too scared to do what her Mistresses wanted and express her interest in Natalie. Resigned, she looked over at Natalie, ready to call it a night, but when she looked into Natalie’s eyes something stirred inside her.
    Fuck it, she thought.
    Gail reached out for Natalie, at the exact same moment that Natalie dropped her box to the ground and turned to embrace her. The girls crashed together in a desperate kiss, with Gail practically needing to climb the taller girl. Eventually Natalie decided to help and just picked Gail right up off the floor, hefting her up into the air to kiss at her tits. They giggled and laughed as they shed their dirty clothes and stumbled down onto the bed.
    “Oh Natalie,” she moaned, sucking on the redhead’s tits as she felt Natalie’s fingers slip easily inside her pussy. “I wanted this so bad.”
    “Same,” Natalie whispered, holding Gail close as she wrapped her legs around the smaller girl.
    “I want-” Gail was cut off as Natalie kissed her. They were all passion, groping and grinding without any skill or purpose. It was pure sexual need taking over, and Gail happily gave herself up to it.
    The entire time they fucked Gail felt a warm hand on the back of her neck. The hand of her Mistress Yang, praising her for being a good slut. Gail grinned, and dove down between Natalie’s legs to eat her out. She was a good slut. She obeyed her Mistress. She’d fuck Natalie for her Mistress.
    Everything blurred together, and Gail sank into the bliss of fucking Natalie the way a good slut should.
~ ~ ~
    The next morning both women groaned awake, bruised and battered but happily cradled in each other’s arms. Without thinking Gail leaned in and kissed Natalie as soon as she woke. They smiled at each other in the warm morning light.
    And then they both went wide-eyed as the night came back to them.
    All of Gail’s confidence had fled. She’d fucked Natalie, just like her Mistress had encouraged, but there hadn’t been any follow up orders. Gail was on her own and she panicked.
    “Um, hey, Natalie.”
    “Hey,” Natalie said back, looking just as terrified of the situation.
    “So that was-”
    “The mist!”
    Gail blinked, caught off guard. “What?”
    “It, uh, must have been the mist,” Natalie said quickly, sliding out from under Gail. Her muscled body looked so amazing. “It must have, um, still been in my system.”
    “Oh right,” Gail agreed, wrapping a blanket around herself. “Yeah, it must have affected me too.”
    “Yeah, cause I’d never just sleep with anyone like that,” the redhead chuckled nervously.
    “Same here.”
    “I mean, we barely know each other.”
    “And we’re both heroes! We can’t just start, like, casually fucking.”
    “Y-yeah,” Gail said, though that sounded amazing.
    “But it was just Madame Mist in our heads. So it’s alright.”
    “Yup. Just Madame Mist.” Gail thought of Yin and Yang, hands teasing her body as they told her to do her best and fuck Natalie. She felt proud to have obeyed but she clearly freaked Natalie out. She shouldn’t have just jumped her like that.
    “But it’s out of our system now. So we won’t do anything like that again,” Natalie said, voice strained.
    “Oh, right. No need to have sex again.”
    “Cause we’re friends.”
    “Friends,” Gail agreed.
    “And fellow heroes.”
    “That too.”
    “And we’re roommates now,” Natalie said with a panicked smile. 
    “Yes we are,” Gail said, getting up from the couch and retreating back to her room, blanket wrapped around her naked body. “So I’m just gonna go to my room. And you can take the couch. And I’ll just see you later… roomie.”
    “Sounds good,” Natalie said, fleeing into the bathroom. Gail fled into her room, and as soon as the door was shut, slammed her head back against the hard wood.
    “Ugh, I’m such an idiot. Why did I make everything so awkward?” Gail let her shoulders drop as she shook her head. “Of course Natalie isn’t into me. It was just the adrenaline, and Madame Mist, and Mistress Yang and Mistress Yin.” She winced. Had to stop thinking of them as Mistress. They were criminals, and perverts who were trying to make her as sex crazed as them. Or maybe she was already as perverted as they were, thanks to this brainwashing. Either way she’d have to be careful hanging around them. They were certainly a bad influence on a hero with a reputation like hers.
    Gail suddenly went pale. She invited Natalie to stay with her, but wouldn’t she ask questions when she saw that Gail wasn’t going on patrols? Or want to know where she was going, every time she went to see Yin and Yang? If Natalie discovered she was hanging out with known criminals her career would be over. And if Yin and Yang ever saw Natalie they’d realize what she really was!
    Gail slumped down the door and rolled up into a ball. Too many problems to deal with. 
    But at least the sex last night had been amazing. They hadn’t even done anything kinky with the bondage stuff Gail had been fantasizing about. It was just sweet and wonderful sex that made her shiver and smile just to remember it.
    Too bad Natalie didn’t want to do it again. The sex really had been incredible. Gail couldn’t stop a hand from snaking between her legs, and pretty soon she was slumped over on her side, biting back moans as she fingered herself to a fantasy of Natalie bursting in to tie her up and dominate her. Fucking her brains out with a huge strap on, melting her mind with each powerful thrust. Oh god, if only that were still possible.
~ ~ ~
    Natalie slammed the bathroom door behind her and groaned, smacking her forehead. “Why did I make that so weird?”
    She didn’t mean to sleep with Gail. She’d just spent years being a fan of Torch Gal and fantasizing about her, but she couldn’t stop herself from jumping her the second they got into her apartment? Gail must think she’s just a groupie or something.
    At least she’d made damn sure that Gail wasn’t going to sleep with her again after that disaster. Which was an absolute shame, because it had been the best sex of her life. Natalie had just gotten so turned on from tying Gail up, and then being commanded to fuck her. She could barely remember that trance, but waking up to find herself wearing a strap on and having Gail laid out before her, legs spread and inviting, she’d nearly fucked her right then and there.
    Natalie shook her head. It must have been a residual effect of Madame Mist’s power. Surely she didn’t remember Gail turning to kiss her back. Must have just imagined it.
    Natalie sat down on the side of the tub and sighed. Now she was living in her crush’s apartment. She’d have to be careful not to seem like she was just here to fuck her. Gail was Torch Gal, after all, one of the best heroes in the city. Natalie should use this as an opportunity to learn from her, and become a better hero. So she’d do her best to patrol with Gail and learn what she could, and show no trace of how much she wanted Gail. She’d be professional.
    But it still sucked that Gail didn’t want to fuck again. “Oh well,” Natalie muttered, head in her hands. “At least I won’t have to worry about any more kinky villains giving me problems. Not with Torch Gal around, anyway.”
    She took some solace in that, but thoughts about her career quickly turned back to the fun from last night, and before she knew it Natalie was masturbating in the bathtub, biting her hand to keep quiet as she rubbed her clit to thoughts of Gail tied and submissive beneath her, moaning her name. If only something like that was still in her future.

Doomed to Fail is one of my earliest series and still a personal favorite for me. Lots of fun kinky characters and adventures ahead! If you want all the available chapters right away you can go to my patreon, which I can’t link directly, but you can join my discord server and see announcements on all new stories, along with everything else Sammynona going on in the world. You can also check out my official bluesky page:


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