Doomed To Fail
Chapter 4
by sammynona
The blindfold kept Gail trapped in darkness as she sat nervously in the back of the car. She heard the city sliding past and her instincts as a hero kicked in, counting the turns they made to keep track of where they were going, but she knew it was pointless. Her heart was pounding in her ears and her mind racing with fear made it impossible to focus for long. The sense of helplessness and arousal that the blindfold enveloped around her only made her situation worse.
Yin had tossed Gail’s trench coat away before they’d gotten into the car, though the captive brunette suspected that was so the villain could enjoy the bashful face she made being forced to stay in the skimpy outfit. Gail had worn the tight top and revealing white skirt to please Yin and her sister, and knowing that she’d dressed herself up to turn on supervillains only filled her with more shame and delight. But it would all be worth it if she could gather a clue to track down Professor Doombringer and force him to remove this submissive programming from her head.
It had sounded like a good plan at first, but as she sat there blindfolded Gail only grew more nervous. Yin said they’d captured a superhero. Part of her was terrified that they were talking about her; that the sisters had known she was the real Torch Gal from the start and were reveling in the chance to humiliate her. Gail clenched her thighs and whimpered at how wet the terrible idea made her. Unfortunately it seemed as though Yin was talking about a different superheroine they’d abducted, though they hadn’t said who yet.
Gail shook her head sternly. No, it wasn’t unfortunate but a good thing that they didn’t know who she was. She didn’t want to be their prisoner. To be bound and captured, utterly at their mercy. For the beautiful sisters to taunt her for how turned on that kind of treatment made her. Gail licked her lips and tried to focus, but it was becoming clear what a stupid idea this had been. She’d practically gift wrapped herself in a sexy white and black outfit for the villains. The worst part was not knowing if this was the programming setting her up subconsciously or if this stupid plan had been her own foolish idea. She wasn’t sure which would be worse, but either way she was so wet she felt her juices puddling beneath her.
The car came to a sudden stop and Gail rocked forward in the seat, whipping her head around in alarm. Yin reached back and pulled the blindfold off with a flourish, finally allowing Gail to see again.
“We’re here. Hope you don’t mind the accommodations, but we didn’t want to risk bringing our big prize back to our real hideout.”
Smiling nervously, Gail did her best to look innocent. “I get it, you can’t really trust me yet. For all you know I could be an undercover cop or something.”
Sister Yin blinked, then slapped the steering wheel as she laughed. “You’re not the big prize, silly. I’m talking about the superhero we’re holding upstairs. No offense but it’s pretty obvious you’re not a cop.”
The way Yin laughed in her face made her feel bitter and angry for being looked down on. But it also sent fantastic chills up and down her spine. Gail quickly got out of the car, knowing if she got any more aroused she’d never be able to concentrate. She inspected the underground garage Yin had parked in. Crumbling cement walls that were dressed in multi-color graffiti, but even the paint was faded and ancient like the rest of the place. Gail guessed that the place had been used as storage for an abandoned factory, probably one of the derelict places on the outskirts of the city.
Yin clapped a hand on her shoulder and led the trembling girl up a creaking staircase. “You a cop. That really is priceless.”
“Why couldn’t I be a cop?” Gail asked, annoyed. “For all you know I’m really a hero that’s going to find out what you’re planning and bust you.” She shut her mouth tight, terrified of whatever else might come tumbling out.
Of course her argument only made Yin laugh harder. “Stop, stop, you’re killing me! I mean, you? A hero? I can’t see it.”
Gail was shaking now from her humiliating tone, which set of an unstable combination of furious pride and unbridled lust. She suddenly stopped and pushed Yin up against a wall, growling at her.
“Why can’t I be a hero? Tell me.”
Rather than looking intimidated Yin licked her lips, dark eyes gleaming like a hungry animal. “Because you have no spine. You melt like butter in a hot pan. And it’s so obvious why you’re so weak.” She leaned in close, her sweet breath warm against Gail’s ear. “It’s because you want to be taken advantage of so badly. You just can’t help yourself.”
Gail felt her strength running out of her, fleeing and leaving her behind. “Th-that’s not true. I’m stronger than you think.”
“I’m sure you are,” Yin muttered, her hands reaching out and wrapping around Gail’s body. Her gloved fingers ran over Gail’s chiseled stomach, the delicate touch sending butterflies through her body. Fingers traceing over the defined muscles of her arms Yin gave a hollow laugh. “See these beautiful muscles of yours? I’m sure you must have been an athlete, or maybe you’re just dedicated to the gym. But all that strength doesn’t matter at all. Because you’re weak where it counts the most. Right here,” Yin purred, tapping a finger against Gail’s forehead.
“You’re lying. I’m not… I can resist. You can’t just-”
Suddenly Yin pressed down on the finger, hardly any force at all, and before Gail could stop herself she found her body being pushed back, retreating compliantly as Gail pressed harder.
“See? You don’t really want to resist. You love feeling so weak and powerless. You’re a puppet who needs to feel those lovely strings pulling tight and taking control. That’s why you ran out in that ridiculous costume you made to be like Torch Gal. You were hoping some sadistic villain would find you and teach you a lesson. Or maybe that even the real Torch Gal would find you posing as her and rough you up to teach you a lesson.”
Yin kept pushing the helpless girl back, using only the strength of her finger to back Gail up against the opposite wall. For her part Gail didn’t resist at all. She simply stared into Yin’s deep, dark eyes as she soaked up her words. It was all so wrong and yet there was no denying the truth. Yin had no way of knowing she was the real Torch Gal, but that really only made what she said worse. Here she was, a trained hero, submissively letting this criminal bat her around like some horny toy.
“You want this. No, I bet you need this. Go on and say it for me,” Yin ordered.
Gail hesitated, hardly able to focus but knowing she couldn’t allow this. Was she really so pathetic that she’d allow Sister Yin to defeat her with just one finger?
“Mhm, I want to hear you admit it. Say that you need to be dominated, and you’ll be rewarded like a good girl.” Yin kept her pinned to the wall with her finger, but from the bottom of her vision she saw Yin’s other hand dropping lower. It slipped under her skirt, pushing her legs further apart without any resistance. Gail gasped as a single finger slid along her soaked panties, gently pressing up against her lips. “Say it for me.”
Breathing hard Gail felt her body twitching, convulsing with need from the simple touch. She wasn’t so pathetic that she’d lose to one finger. But now Yin was using two fingers on her. She swallowed, her mouth dry, and slowly she spoke.
“I… I need this, Yin.”
“What do you need?” Yin asked coyly, her finger moving in circles over her panties.
Gail whimpered. “I need you to take control of me. I- I’m weak, and need a mistress. Please, I’m so wet.”
“I can feel that. You really were made to be a fun little sex toy for a super villain.”
“Ah, yes. Please. I’m a sex toy for… for super villains to use.”
Sister Yin smiled. “What’s your name?”
“Gail,” she answered without hesitation. Then quickly covered her mouth, shocked.
“Was that your real name?”
Hand still over her mouth Gail nodded.
“I bet you were planning on giving a fake name for your shameful night with us, weren’t you.”
Gail slowly drew her hand away. “I- yes, I didn’t want to use my real name.”
“Then that only proves how submissive you really are. You know, with a little more… prompting,” Yin dug her finger along Gail’s pussy, making the brunette cry out in pleasure, “I’m sure I could force you to tell me your full name. Or your address. Even your bank account. You’d tell your Mistress, wouldn’t you?”
Gail shook as the finger continued to tease her, her thoughts lost in a haze of submissive bliss. “Yesss, anything for Mistress. But, please… I can’t…”
“You can’t,” Yin agreed. “It wouldn’t be safe. But you would anyway.”
Under the teasing of that finger along her needy cunt Gail’s eyes rolled back in her head. “Yes…”
Yin kissed her then, pushing her panties aside to slip the finger inside. Gail began to grind down gratefully against her hand, moaning into Yin’s mouth.
“But don’t worry, Gail, I’m not going to take advantage of you. Well, I’m not going to force you to reveal all that personal information. But it is incredibly fun to tease you about it. No, for tonight you’ll just be our lovely little assistant. Anything you do with us is strictly confidential. That’s how supervillains operate anyway. We respect each other.”
Gail was panting, trembling as she felt so close to cumming from the shame of where she was and what she was doing. “… not a villain…” she mumbled weakly.
“No, you’re not that strong.” Yin held up a thin white strip of fabric and Gail thought she was being blindfolded again, her pussy sucking excitedly on Yin’s finger at the thought. Instead Yin held it out for Gail and she noticed the eye holes in the mask, similar to the ones the criminal sisters wore. “Instead, you’ll be our obedient henchwoman, our little minion. Would you like that?”
Gail gulped, her pride crying out to escape or fight back from this indignity. Instead she took the mask and did her best to put it on with her fumbling fingers. “A-anything for you, Mistress Yin.”
Suddenly Yin slipped another finger in, her thumb pressing up against Gail’s clit in a way that made her body pulse with bliss. She came suddenly, overwhelmed with everything that was happening to her. She came as this supervillain treated her like nothing but some weak, lowly thing to be abused. And she came harder knowing this was all she truly was.
Gail collapsed against the wall, her white mask already slipping off as she was left panting for breath. Yin pulled her fingers out of her cunt and licked her tongue over the gloved fingers, smiling to herself. “Fix your mask, Gail, you have to look presentable for our guest.”
She did as she was told, adjusting the thin white mask and her skirt as she followed Yin up the rickety stairway. It was a strange feeling for Gail as she found herself caught between the unbearable panic she felt as a hero, trapped and unable to think of how she could escape, but also the strangely serene sense of peace that was settling over her thoughts. It told her that she didn’t need to worry about escaping, or be concerned with what will happen to her. Mistress Yin had control of her. She only needed to obey to be happy.
Gail knew she should be resisting, but it was so seductive to just let herself go and sink into the programming. In the end she merely trailed behind Yin without a word as they passed through a steel door and entered the factory floor. Even in her conflicted state Gail gasped with shock when she saw the costumed woman chained to an old chair.
Major Virtue struggled against the chains, the chair scraping angrily the more she struggled. She was dressed in her trademark blue outfit, a stiff imitation of a military uniform with a high collar on her neck that ended as a flowing dress.
“You’ll never get away with this,” Virtue snarled. Gail instantly flinched back, waiting for the super powered woman to use her enhanced strength to snap the chains like old bread sticks. Instead Major Virtue only bounced uselessly in the chair, grunting in frustration.
Yin laughed and clapped Gail on the back. “Your scared face was adorable. You thought she was going to bust out and beat us up.”
“I don’t believe it,” Gail said as she studied the restrained hero in awe, wondering how it was possible. Major Virtue was renowned as the prudish champion of the state, flying between numerous cities to steal the spotlight from other heroes. Whenever she’d met her as Torch Gal the uptight Virtue had sniffed her nose at her, declaring that Gail was hardly a proper superhero without any powers of her own. If there was any hero she’d want to see captured and brought down a peg it was her, but that still didn’t explain how low level criminals like the Yin Yang sisters had managed to bring her down.
“We got a little chemical dart that nullifies her powers for 10 hours,” Yin snickered, walking over to the bound Virtue and flicking her nose. The hero snapped at Yin’s fingers, defiant even as she was being taunted. “A present from Professor Doombringer. He was worried that the Major here would be on guard with a high class villain, so he gave it to us to test out.”
“What if it didn’t work?” Gail tried to ask in a casual voice, but her mind was running overtime at the mention of the hated supervillain that had brainwashed her. They really did have a connection to the hypnotist, which meant there was still a chance to track him down and get this stupid submissive programming out of her head!
A familiar voice spoke in bored Mandarin behind her. Gail spun to see Sister Yang lounging atop one of the rusty manufacturing machines. Yin cackled in response, and Gail looked at her confused.
“Whoops, sorry. Sis said that if it didn’t work she’d have beaten the crap out of us and thrown us in jail.”
“That hardly seems like a safe plan.”
“Oh, it was definitely stupid,” Yin admitted bashfully. “But we pulled it off, and now we’re close to getting an introduction with Doombringer himself. He’s planning something big and he promised to bring us into his inner circle if we pass this test.”
Excited, Gail fidgeted with her white skirt. “Really? That’s awesome. So you’re going to be big villains now.”
Yin grinned and threw an arm around Gail’s shoulders. “That’s right, and as our minion you’re getting in on the ground floor. That is if you want to have a life of crime.”
Gail nodded eagerly. “Anything. I mean, I don’t mind being an outlaw if I get to stay with both of you.”
Yang leapt down from her perch on top of the machine, landing down next to Gail with a playful grin. She inspected Gail’s skimpy black and white outfit with approval, muttering in Mandarin.
“Yup, she really went all out for us sis. I wish we had time to play with her more but this is too important. We’ve got to get what the Professor wants.”
Gail turned to Yin, confused. “Wait, didn’t you pass his test already? You captured Major Virtue.”
“That’s only part of it,” Yin snapped angrily. “The real trick is that we have to get this stuck up hero to tell us the entrance code to their headquarters of justice, or whatever they’re calling it now.”
“The entrance code?” Gail repeated nervously. As one of the most recognized heroes in the city Torch Gal had her own code to enter the headquarters, where heroes were able to meet up and plan how to protect the city. It was also where they housed some of the most dangerous weapons confiscated from various supervillains. She bit her lip nervously, debating on what to do. If she gave them the code it would ensure she could get to meet Professor Doombringer and put an end to this awful brainwashing in her head. On the other hand she’d be giving a group of supervillains the keys to weapons of mass destruction. She couldn’t possibly be selfish enough to allow that to happen just to save herself.
“Yeah, we’ve been trying to get the code out of her but she won’t budge. There’s only six hours left and the best we’ve been able to come up with is trying to hypnotize her.”
Yang crossed her arms and snapped at her sister in Mandarin.
“Hypnosis does work, but we need something better than that stupid hypno disk you set up.”
“Hypno disk?” Gail glanced up and noticed a spinning wheel that was hanging above Major Virtue, right in her line of sight. The white and black wheel was painted like the Yin Yang symbol, and Gail almost had to laugh at how cheesy it was spinning around and around. And around. And around. Gail’s eyes followed the swirling circle, her head nodding along with it.
“Look, see, it’s working on her,” Yin happily said, snapping Gail out of it.
“What? I was just-”
“Gail, you give it a try. Maybe you can hypnotize Major Virtue.”
“You think I can hypnotize her?”
Yin shrugged. “Not really, but I need to yell at my sister and come up with a better plan. Just keep an eye on her for us like a good minion.”
Gail watched the supervillains walking away, arguing in Mandarin and waving their hands angrily. She nearly jumped as Major Virtue spoke up.
“Why are you helping them? You don’t look like a criminal.”
“I- I’m not,” Gail stammered, walking around to face the restrained hero. “I can’t help it.”
“Ah, so you’re just some weak willed idiot following orders. How pathetic.”
Gail braced herself for the expected rush of being insulted that she got from the programming, hating that it was coming from the stuck up hero. But nothing happened. Instead Gail only felt the same bitter anger she always had for Major Virtue.
“So go on, do their bidding,” Virtue mocked. “Keep trying your pathetic attempts to hypnotize me. It won’t work against a mind as strong as mine anyway.”
Gail clenched her fist as she got more pissed off. Even though she wasn’t dressed as Torch Gal the Major was still looking down on her. And calling her weak for being hypnotized too. Well, she didn’t say that exactly, but it was implied from her argument. Before she could stop herself Gail was smiling as she spoke in her most seductive voice.
“Actually, strong minds are the weakest against hypnosis. I thought you’d know that, Major Tightass.”
The prudish hero glared at her and struggled against the chains, but Gail found it incredibly satisfying to see the raven haired hero so powerless. When else was she going to get the chance to anonymously taunt her like this?
“See, I know what it’s like for strong women like you. You’re so powerful that you can be arrogant, and no one can call you out on it. It makes you feel superior, knowing that everyone is beneath you. Only, that also makes you so incredibly lonely, doesn’t it.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Virtue spat.
“I’m gonna guess you’re stuck up like that in your regular life too. You’ve probably got some high powered job like a lawyer or CEO, and of course you’re so great you can still be a famous hero too. Except no one likes you for the way you act. Not your coworkers, or anyone else you meet. I bet even the other superheroes avoid having to deal with you.”
Gail smirked as she saw her words land, Major Virtue scowling at her to try and cover up her anxiety.
“I bet the other heroes insult you behind your back, and you pretend you don’t hear. Because you’re so strong you don’t need to worry about anyone else liking you,” Gail said as she leaned in close to the chained woman. “But you do want them to like you. So powerful but so alone. That’s what you are, Major Virtue. And that’s why hypnosis will work on you so easily.”
Virtue glared up at her, seeing only some stupid little girl in her cheap mask trying to insult her. But as she opened her mouth to shut her down her eyes happened to glance past the brown haired girl and fell on the spinning disk. The white and black symbol spinning and slowly blurring together. She shook her head. Had it been going that fast before?
“You’re wrong. I’m not lonely, but I am powerful. I’ll get out of here and throw you all in jail. And hypnosis can’t work on me because I won’t let it!”
“But that’s the point,” Gail laughed, kneeling beside her. “It doesn’t matter how strong you are, how confident or proud you are. The hypnosis will drag you under it’s spell no matter how hard you fight, and that feeling that something is more powerful than you…” Gail shivered in delight, her thoughts reeling. “It’s like ecstasy. Being made to feel weak and helpless. Especially for someone as strong as you, it’s the ultimate taboo.”
“What are you talking about?” Major Virtue tried to sound strong, but Gail heard the hint of worry in her voice.
“All you’re life you’ve fought to be the best, the strongest person in the room. You’ve probably always thought of being weak as something terrible that you need to avoid at all costs. But that’s the secret they don’t tell us, Major Virtue.” Gail closed her eyes and remembered all those fantastic things Yin had told her in the hallway, her hands sliding over her breasts and down to her skirt. Virtue stared in shock, scandalized that this girl was actually touching herself. Only the superhero couldn’t bring herself to look away. The things she were saying were more true than she’d ever admit, but she still had to be wrong.
Gail licked her lips and slipped a hand under her skirt to touch her already soaked panties. “The secret is that being helpless feels so gooood.”
“Y-you’re lying.”
“I’m not. I wish I was. I wish I could fight this but it’s too tempting to resist.” Gail continued to touch herself, opening her eyes and smiling at Major Virtue. “It takes so much work to be strong. To forever be propped up and powerful for all to see. But you’ve been holding yourself up for so long you’ve forgotten that you can let go.”
Virtue tore her eyes away from the spinning hypnotic disk, wondering when her eyes had drifted back to it. “Let go… no, I can’t.”
“Yes you can, do it! It feels amazing,” Gail gushed. She sat down in the restrained hero’s lap, laying her head down on Virtue’s shoulder. “It’s a rush like nothing else. To just let yourself sink and fall and stop fighting.” Gail stared into the spinning disk, letting the black and white colors swirl before her eyes as she slipped a finger inside herself. “It feels so good to let someone else be strong instead. To let them be the ones to carry you as you finally relax.”
“Good,” Virtue muttered under her breath. “It’s so hard.”
“It is. So hard and frustrating to be the best. But hypnosis can take all that away. It’s like you’re always flexing some sore muscle, always tense. Then suddenly you find your mind drifting and all that tension just melts away. As you let yourself relax for the first real time.” Gail let her body go limp, draped over Major Virtue. Staring into the spinning wheel Gail didn’t even bother to keep fucking herself, instead her slick fingers slipped out of her cunt and hung weak and limp like the rest of her. “Let go, and finally be free of all that responsibility.” Gail sighed as she let her head drop back.
Major Virtue watched Gail with wide, disbelieving eyes. It wasn’t possible that the gimmicky spinning wheel could hypnotize her so fast, it didn’t even seem like it could really hypnotize anyone, yet there was no denying how far gone the girl was. Though she was tied to the chair Virtue could feel how completely the girl went limp, as if all of her strength had been sapped away. With her eyes closed the masked girl breathed calmly in her ear, a steady beat that was almost hypnotic in and of itself. Was the wheel really that powerful?
“No, it’s not true,” Major Virtue muttered, shutting her eyes. She was just some cheap criminal or fan girl anyway. A mind that weak would let itself be controlled by anything at all. And yet the way she’d spoken about her had been completely true. How the other heroes always shunned her, or how the other partners in her law practice refused to work with her. It felt awful knowing that she was the one driving them away, but rather than admit it she’d just throw herself into her work and continue to be the best. It had been so long since anyone had ever even bothered to get to know her. But this girl knew her so intimately. It was like she knew how hard it was to be that strong too. Who was she, really?
Major Virtue opened her eyes and studied the girl, surprised to find that her eyes were open under the thin mask. She stared up at the ceiling, eyes blank and devoid of any thought at all. Virtue thought she almost recognized something in her features, but even if she had met her before it wouldn’t have helped. The powerful woman never bothered to care about anyone she met. She was the strongest superhero and made sure all knew it. Any time she met another hero she cast them disapproving glares and asserted her own superiority so they wouldn’t forget. If she acted that way with superheroes then she was only worse with regular people.
The old insecurities were bubbling up to the surface, heightened by the fact that she’d had her powers stolen away by such B-rated supervillains. Now even some ordinary girl in a mask was mocking her like she was nothing. No, that wasn’t right. She was condescending, yes, but the girl wasn’t trying to humiliate her. She made falling into a hypnotic trance sound wonderful, as if it were a gift. But she couldn’t allow herself to be hypnotized; no self respecting hero would.
The girl’s words echoed in her head, reminding her that her opinion didn’t matter at all. That the hypnosis would work no matter how hard she fought. Major Virtue continued to stare at this girl who sounded as if she’d been so strong and confident herself, now reduced to a mindless drooling doll. And against her will Virtue tilted her head up to see the spinning hypnotic wheel.
The second she saw the swirling black and white disk Major Virtue felt the power of it. Impossibly stronger than it had been before. She gasped as her thoughts began to wobble, to grow slow and sluggish as they turned with the wheel. No, this couldn’t be happening. She’d resisted it before like it was nothing. It wasn’t really… couldn’t possibly hypnotize… it would hypnotize her… so powerful, impossible to resist… no, she wouldn’t allow herself… to sink into trance… to let go and… welcome the peace the girl promised…
“Ohhhhh, it’s… I feel it,” Major Virtue gasped, staring intensely at the spinning wheel. She felt it now. As if she were collapsed so tightly and the wheel was slowly spreading her open, allowing her to stop the struggle of keeping herself together. Virtue felt her mind opening under the wheel’s power, and as she let go of her control she felt intense pleasure slipping in to replace it. She mewled in surprise, eyes fluttering as a sense of bliss enveloped her. “I feel… oh, I shouldn’t…”
“No, let yourself go.”
Virtue whipped her head to the side, surprised to see the masked girl smiling at her, barely lucid herself.
“But… I’m a hero…”
“That’s not important. Forget about who you are. You deserve this.” The girl reached her hands out, one running through Major Virtue’s lustrous hair while the other caressed her cheek. “You deserve to be happy and relax, even if it’s only for a short time. Relax with me. Enjoy yourself with me. Be nice and empty and happy with me.”
Virtue felt her resistance crumbling at her words. It wasn’t that the girl was making her submit, instead her words were stirring something deep inside her. Those secret feelings she’d always repressed. Virtue realized that she wanted to be happy. She hadn’t been intimate with anyone in years, and she barely even touched herself at the fear of what those feelings would awaken inside herself. She kept her emotions firmly locked under her control, but this girl had opened the cage and set them free. Major Virtue leaned in and kissed her, reveling in the sensation of the girl’s lips on hers.
“Please,” Virtue whispered, “I want to be happy.”
“Then sink with me,” the girl said, overjoyed. “Let’s be empty and happy together.”
She turned and stared up at the wheel, and Major Virtue happily did the same. The wheel was like a powerful black and white whirlpool sucking her in, only the superhero didn’t fight. She felt the beautiful girl wriggling in her lap, her happy sighs as she let herself become hypnotized. Even if Virtue couldn’t see her she knew they were going into trance together, and didn’t want to fall behind. With a final sigh she let her thoughts melt away, descending into the fog of trance. The masked girl had promised her happiness, and Major Virtue felt bliss like nothing else as her mind went completely blank.
“So good… to be hypnotized,” Gail muttered.
“So good to be hypnotized,” Major Virtue agreed. Her voice was empty of emotion but there was an enormous grin on her face.
A few minutes later Yin and Yang marched back into the factory. Wearing a false air of confidence Sister Yin cast a finger out at the restrained superhero. “Aright Major Virtue, we’ve finally figured out how to defeat you. This time there’s no escape from-”
Yin broke off, noticing that the fun girl Gail seemed to be sleeping on top of their captive. She ran up to make she was okay but quickly saw that she was drooling in a lovely looking trance. And drooling on her shoulder was the hypnotized Major Virtue, her eyes empty of all thought.
“Gail? You hypnotized Major Virtue!?”
The brown haired girl blinked and tilted her head up, yawning sleepily. She glanced at the entranced superhero underneath her. “Oh, yeah, I guess I did. It was really fun going into trance with her.”
Yin grabbed hold of Gail’s hands and yanked her to her feet, crushing her in a tight hug. “You’re amazing! How’d you do it? Wait, no time to talk. We’ve got to get the information.”
Gail nodded, slowly waking. Did she really hypnotize the hero? She was a hero too and shouldn’t have done something like that. But it had felt so good to do it. It had felt… taboo, just as she’d told Major Virtue. She’d broken a fellow superhero and left her a helpless captive for the criminal sisters. Gail bit her lip, feeling some terrible new sense of perverse pleasure filling her. This wasn’t just shame or submission. This felt darker, like black ink weaving wonderfully through her body. It felt corruptive, and pure, and oh so perfect. What was happening to her?
“Major Virtue, can you hear me?”
“Yes,” the raven haired hero answered quietly.
“You feel so good and helpless in trance, don’t you.” Yin said, cautiously.
“Yes,” Virtue hissed in a pleased purr.
“And you’ll tell us anything we want to know,” Yin instructed, grinning now.
“Yes, I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
“Tell us your entrance code to the hero headquarters.”
Gail bit her lip, knowing this was the moment she should rescue Major Virtue and capture the Yin Yang sisters. They knew where Professor Doombringer was and they would probably give him up under interrogation. But Gail wasn’t sure if they’d really give up the supervillain. And she had been the one to hypnotize Major Virtue in the first place. If she’d just stood there quietly then the powerful hero never would have gone into trance and been free in a matter of hours. This was all her fault, a fact that made her cunt drip with need. She was betraying all the other heroes by doing this, just for the chance to free herself from this programming. But if the brainwashing was so insidious that it was making her betray her fellow superheroes then it was only more urgent that she needed to remove it. Yes, she had no choice but to do anything it took to free herself.
Smiling emptily Major Virtue told them the code. “1. 2. 3. 5. 4.”
Yin smacked her forehead. “I don’t know what I was expecting. Now that we’ve got that taken care of, I guess we’re free to have some fun with our captive here.”
Gail shivered. In a breathless voice she asked “What are you going to do to her?”
“Don’t get so excited, we’re not taking advantage of her,” Yin said laughing. “At best I was thinking of finding out her secret identity, but without more of those special darts the Major here would just tear us to shreds if we fuck with her personal life.”
Beside her sister Yang spoke in Mandarin.
“Why would I make her act like a chicken, Yang?”
Yang shrugged.
“Yeah, I can’t think of anything else myself. What about you, Gail?” Gail was about to answer when Yin cut her off. “And nothing perverted. If we try to play with her like we did with you then Virtue here will definitely come for revenge when her powers are back.”
Gail blushed deeply, embarrassed that she’d been so transparent. Besides, with the way Major Virtue had gone under Gail was pretty sure she’d enjoy being played with a bit. But seducing a hero was definitely not something she should enjoy thinking about so much.
“I guess we may as well leave then, we got what we wanted.” Yin put her hands on her hips, sounding a little disappointed. Suddenly she perked up. “Ooh, we should get a selfie with her.”
“Really?” Gail muttered, laughing.
“Come on, when are we going to get this chance again? Besides, hypnotizing Major Virtue will give us insane cred with the other villains.” Yin handed Gail her phone, posing with Yang next to the drooling superhero. They both threw up peace signs, giggling. “Get our good side.”
Gail snapped a quick picture, rolling her eyes. But when she checked the screen she was surprised to see her own face there. The picture they’d taken with her when she’d been hanging upside down and half naked had been made Yin’s screen saver. Gail was startled to find she was touched, and definitely aroused at the thought that Yin would probably have shown the picture of her naked body around to other villains.
“Did you get it?”
“Yeah, I got your-” Gail cut short, noticing a small dark object rolling in through the doorway behind them. Jumping into action she tackled the two sisters and knocked them to the floor. “Get down!”
The flash bang burst like an exploding sun, filling the factory with blinding white light. Police officers burst into the room, training their guns on the three girls. Yin and Yang exchanged a glance but reluctantly put their hands in the air. Gail stared up helplessly at the approaching cops.
“We’ve got them. Three subjects cornered, along with the hostage,” one of the SWAT officers said into his radio.
“She’s not with us,” Yin suddenly shouted, nudging her head towards Gail. “She’s a hostage too, we forced her to do this.”
Yang shouted the same in Mandarin, and though Gail couldn’t understand her it was clear she was pleading on her behalf. Gail sniffed back a tear, but even if they believed them it was too late. Her life was over.
One of them was approaching Gail with a zip tie held out to capture her, and she felt her heart racing with terror. This was all wrong. Even if they believed that she wasn’t a supervillain like Yin and Yang she’d still be arrested. They could throw her in jail, but more terrifying was knowing that her real name would be put into the system. The hero association kept her real name classified from anyone but the top worldwide heroes, but they still knew her real name. Her arrest would show up in the system and they’d learn the truth about everything. Gail would never be able to be Torch Gal again if they knew that she’d been brainwashed like this!
As the cop approached Gail took a deep breath, shoving down the fear and anxiety. Six officers armed with tactical gear. Three submachine guns, two shot guns. The one approaching with his gun holstered. Gail held her hands out for the cop, showing no sign of resistance. He went to slip the zip tie over her hands and Gail suddenly flipped into the air from her knees. She grabbed the officers vest and flipped him over her shoulder as she landed, sending him flying into the next nearest officer.
Before the other officers could respond Gail delivered a jumping kick to the head of a third cop, knocking him unconscious with a well placed blow. She casually rolled and landed between two cops, who were slowly raising their guns to respond. With an expert maneuver she hooked her hands around the guns and yanked them from their hands, before spinning on her heel and smashing the guns into the heads of the opposite officers. The tactical cops crumpled to the floor as Gail tossed the guns into the air, smacking the remaining cop in the face to knock him off balance. He reached for his radio but Gail kicked his leg out from under him and put him in a choke hold. He struggled for a few moments before his eyes rolled back and he slumped to the floor, unconscious.
Gail took a breath and smiled, basking in the glow of a well done fight. Then she noticed Yin and Yang staring at her with their jaws hanging on the floor.
“What the hell was that?” Yin asked in awe.
“Yeah, you were like a martial arts expert!” Yang shouted.
Gail blinked at Yang. “Wait, you can speak English?”
“That’s not important,” Yang said dismissively. “I want to know how you did all that.”
“I took some self defense classes,” Gail said bashfully, helping the sisters to their feet. She also double checked on Major Virtue but the superhero was still happily staring into the spinning wheel, drooling on her chest.
“Forget being our henchman, you could be your own supervillain with moves like those.” Yin pulled her in and hugged her gratefully. “You saved our asses there.”
Yang patted her on the shoulder and thanked her in Mandarin.
“Wait, but you were just speaking in- oh, never mind.” Gail pulled away from them and ran over to the superhero chained to the chair. “We’ve got to hurry before more cops show up.”
“Hurry with what?”
Gail leaned next to Major Virtue, picking her head up in her hands. “How are you feeling, Major?”
“Gooood. Finally happy. So free.”
“I’m glad, but I want you to forget everything that happened here tonight.”
“Nooo. I want to remember being happy.”
Gail’s eyes darted to the door, waiting for more SWAT officers to come pouring in. “Fine, you’ll always remember that sense of happiness and peace. Subconsciously. But consciously, I want you to forget that you were ever hypnotized. You’ll remember that you’re too strong for hypnosis and so you didn’t tell us anything.”
“Didn’t tell you anything,” Virtue babbled. “Course I didn’t, can’t be hypnotized. Too strong.”
“That’s right. So when you hear more cops approaching you’ll wake up and think you’ve been stuck in this chair this whole time, and you were never hypnotized.”
Major Virtue nodded sadly.
“Good.” Gail hesitated, wanting to try giving her more advise on how to be happy. She did hate the stuck up hero but being hypnotized beside her made them feel a little closer somehow. Only she couldn’t think of what to say and there was no more time. Instead she patted the hypnotized girl’s head and ran off after Yin and Yang.
As they slipped through a hidden exit they heard boots marching into the factory behind them. Gail stayed behind a moment to hear their panicked calls for medics, followed by Virtue’s booming voice.
“What they hell took you guys so long? I’ve been stuck in this stupid chair for hours as those idiot sisters kept trying to hypnotize me.”
Gail let out a sigh of relief and walked along the dark corridor for what felt like five minutes. By the time she exited Gail saw they were at an old subway station that was blocks away from the factory. Yin and Yang were waiting for her by a rundown ticketing booth.
“What was all that about at the end?”
“I had to make her forget the hypnosis.”
“Why? I wanna tell everyone that we managed to beat that arrogant bitch,” Yin cackled.
“We can’t. If she knows she was hypnotized then the heroes are going to wonder what she might have said in trance. They’ve got psychic heroes that will check her mind and see we have the code, and then they’ll change it and your information will be useless.”
Yin and Yang glanced at each other nervously and it was clear to Gail that they hadn’t thought that far ahead. Yin shook her head, catching on to something else.
“Wait, so we can’t tell anyone we beat her?”
“I mean, you can brag after you break in and steal whatever you’re after,” Gail said with a shrug.
“Ugh, fine I’ll contain myself.” Yin walked over to her and took Gail’s hand. “Seriously though, we never would have gotten out of there without you. We wouldn’t have gotten the code without you either. Thank you, Gail.”
Gail felt her heart breaking, torn between the knowledge that she’d betrayed her sense of justice, but overjoyed that she’d helped her friends. And the fact that she was able to fight again. Even if they were a bunch of cops she’d beaten up Gail couldn’t deny how amazing it had felt to be able to trust her instincts again. If she was capable of fighting criminals again then she’d consider tonight a success. And Gail reasoned that she could always warn headquarters that the villains were planning a heist.
“So listen, me and Yang talked it over and we can’t let you be our minion.”
Gail looked up in surprise. “Wait, you’re not?”
“Nope, we can’t keep you around as our lackey,” Yin said as she crossed her arms sternly.
The brunette felt a moment of panic. They had to keep her around after all she did for them. They had to tell her how to find Professor Doombringer. Yin saw her anguished face and smirked.
“Instead we want you to be our partner.”
“Yup, you’ve definitely got what it takes to be your own supervillain, even if you’re too insecure to realize it. So when we get to pull off the robbery we want you to come along with us.”
“No. I- I can’t be a supervillain.” Gail shook her head, wondering how to explain.
“We think you have what it takes,” Yin said reassuringly, with Yang nodding her approval as well. “If the three of us work together we can definitely make this robbery work, and then you’ll get to be part of Doombringer’s big supervillain team up.”
Gail was about to protest when she stopped herself. She’d get to meet Professor Doombringer? Once she found out where he was she could get the drop on him, force him to free her. But, to do that she’d have to actually help the sisters rob the hero headquarters. Could she really allow herself to do that?
“I- I’ll think about it. For now I really should get home and rest.” As she turned to go Yin and Yang grabbed her arms, keeping her in place.
“Where do you think you’re going? We did promise you a night of humiliating bondage.”
Gail’s cheeks went bright red. “But… we barely got away from the police. They’ll definitely be setting up a manhunt for you both.”
“For all of us,” Yin corrected her. “And you have too much faith in the police. Now tomorrow you can choose whether you want to become a supervillain and be equal partners with us, but for tonight you’re still our submissive little minion. So you’re going to come with us back to our place and let us tie you up and do whatever we want.”
Yin slid up close to Gail, watching the way she grew redder at the thought of what they’d do to her. She kissed Gail quickly, biting her lip.
“And just remember, Gail, you don’t have a choice in the matter.”
“I don’t have a choice?” Gail felt her eyes fluttering, a smile forming on her face as the warm, submissive pleasure descended on her thoughts like a comfortable blanket. “I don’t have a choice,” she cooed happily.
“Now follow us as we think of plenty of ways to reward you for how amazing you were tonight.”
Gail smiled dreamily as she obediently followed, eager to see what her Mistresses would do with her.
Yin had tossed Gail’s trench coat away before they’d gotten into the car, though the captive brunette suspected that was so the villain could enjoy the bashful face she made being forced to stay in the skimpy outfit. Gail had worn the tight top and revealing white skirt to please Yin and her sister, and knowing that she’d dressed herself up to turn on supervillains only filled her with more shame and delight. But it would all be worth it if she could gather a clue to track down Professor Doombringer and force him to remove this submissive programming from her head.
It had sounded like a good plan at first, but as she sat there blindfolded Gail only grew more nervous. Yin said they’d captured a superhero. Part of her was terrified that they were talking about her; that the sisters had known she was the real Torch Gal from the start and were reveling in the chance to humiliate her. Gail clenched her thighs and whimpered at how wet the terrible idea made her. Unfortunately it seemed as though Yin was talking about a different superheroine they’d abducted, though they hadn’t said who yet.
Gail shook her head sternly. No, it wasn’t unfortunate but a good thing that they didn’t know who she was. She didn’t want to be their prisoner. To be bound and captured, utterly at their mercy. For the beautiful sisters to taunt her for how turned on that kind of treatment made her. Gail licked her lips and tried to focus, but it was becoming clear what a stupid idea this had been. She’d practically gift wrapped herself in a sexy white and black outfit for the villains. The worst part was not knowing if this was the programming setting her up subconsciously or if this stupid plan had been her own foolish idea. She wasn’t sure which would be worse, but either way she was so wet she felt her juices puddling beneath her.
The car came to a sudden stop and Gail rocked forward in the seat, whipping her head around in alarm. Yin reached back and pulled the blindfold off with a flourish, finally allowing Gail to see again.
“We’re here. Hope you don’t mind the accommodations, but we didn’t want to risk bringing our big prize back to our real hideout.”
Smiling nervously, Gail did her best to look innocent. “I get it, you can’t really trust me yet. For all you know I could be an undercover cop or something.”
Sister Yin blinked, then slapped the steering wheel as she laughed. “You’re not the big prize, silly. I’m talking about the superhero we’re holding upstairs. No offense but it’s pretty obvious you’re not a cop.”
The way Yin laughed in her face made her feel bitter and angry for being looked down on. But it also sent fantastic chills up and down her spine. Gail quickly got out of the car, knowing if she got any more aroused she’d never be able to concentrate. She inspected the underground garage Yin had parked in. Crumbling cement walls that were dressed in multi-color graffiti, but even the paint was faded and ancient like the rest of the place. Gail guessed that the place had been used as storage for an abandoned factory, probably one of the derelict places on the outskirts of the city.
Yin clapped a hand on her shoulder and led the trembling girl up a creaking staircase. “You a cop. That really is priceless.”
“Why couldn’t I be a cop?” Gail asked, annoyed. “For all you know I’m really a hero that’s going to find out what you’re planning and bust you.” She shut her mouth tight, terrified of whatever else might come tumbling out.
Of course her argument only made Yin laugh harder. “Stop, stop, you’re killing me! I mean, you? A hero? I can’t see it.”
Gail was shaking now from her humiliating tone, which set of an unstable combination of furious pride and unbridled lust. She suddenly stopped and pushed Yin up against a wall, growling at her.
“Why can’t I be a hero? Tell me.”
Rather than looking intimidated Yin licked her lips, dark eyes gleaming like a hungry animal. “Because you have no spine. You melt like butter in a hot pan. And it’s so obvious why you’re so weak.” She leaned in close, her sweet breath warm against Gail’s ear. “It’s because you want to be taken advantage of so badly. You just can’t help yourself.”
Gail felt her strength running out of her, fleeing and leaving her behind. “Th-that’s not true. I’m stronger than you think.”
“I’m sure you are,” Yin muttered, her hands reaching out and wrapping around Gail’s body. Her gloved fingers ran over Gail’s chiseled stomach, the delicate touch sending butterflies through her body. Fingers traceing over the defined muscles of her arms Yin gave a hollow laugh. “See these beautiful muscles of yours? I’m sure you must have been an athlete, or maybe you’re just dedicated to the gym. But all that strength doesn’t matter at all. Because you’re weak where it counts the most. Right here,” Yin purred, tapping a finger against Gail’s forehead.
“You’re lying. I’m not… I can resist. You can’t just-”
Suddenly Yin pressed down on the finger, hardly any force at all, and before Gail could stop herself she found her body being pushed back, retreating compliantly as Gail pressed harder.
“See? You don’t really want to resist. You love feeling so weak and powerless. You’re a puppet who needs to feel those lovely strings pulling tight and taking control. That’s why you ran out in that ridiculous costume you made to be like Torch Gal. You were hoping some sadistic villain would find you and teach you a lesson. Or maybe that even the real Torch Gal would find you posing as her and rough you up to teach you a lesson.”
Yin kept pushing the helpless girl back, using only the strength of her finger to back Gail up against the opposite wall. For her part Gail didn’t resist at all. She simply stared into Yin’s deep, dark eyes as she soaked up her words. It was all so wrong and yet there was no denying the truth. Yin had no way of knowing she was the real Torch Gal, but that really only made what she said worse. Here she was, a trained hero, submissively letting this criminal bat her around like some horny toy.
“You want this. No, I bet you need this. Go on and say it for me,” Yin ordered.
Gail hesitated, hardly able to focus but knowing she couldn’t allow this. Was she really so pathetic that she’d allow Sister Yin to defeat her with just one finger?
“Mhm, I want to hear you admit it. Say that you need to be dominated, and you’ll be rewarded like a good girl.” Yin kept her pinned to the wall with her finger, but from the bottom of her vision she saw Yin’s other hand dropping lower. It slipped under her skirt, pushing her legs further apart without any resistance. Gail gasped as a single finger slid along her soaked panties, gently pressing up against her lips. “Say it for me.”
Breathing hard Gail felt her body twitching, convulsing with need from the simple touch. She wasn’t so pathetic that she’d lose to one finger. But now Yin was using two fingers on her. She swallowed, her mouth dry, and slowly she spoke.
“I… I need this, Yin.”
“What do you need?” Yin asked coyly, her finger moving in circles over her panties.
Gail whimpered. “I need you to take control of me. I- I’m weak, and need a mistress. Please, I’m so wet.”
“I can feel that. You really were made to be a fun little sex toy for a super villain.”
“Ah, yes. Please. I’m a sex toy for… for super villains to use.”
Sister Yin smiled. “What’s your name?”
“Gail,” she answered without hesitation. Then quickly covered her mouth, shocked.
“Was that your real name?”
Hand still over her mouth Gail nodded.
“I bet you were planning on giving a fake name for your shameful night with us, weren’t you.”
Gail slowly drew her hand away. “I- yes, I didn’t want to use my real name.”
“Then that only proves how submissive you really are. You know, with a little more… prompting,” Yin dug her finger along Gail’s pussy, making the brunette cry out in pleasure, “I’m sure I could force you to tell me your full name. Or your address. Even your bank account. You’d tell your Mistress, wouldn’t you?”
Gail shook as the finger continued to tease her, her thoughts lost in a haze of submissive bliss. “Yesss, anything for Mistress. But, please… I can’t…”
“You can’t,” Yin agreed. “It wouldn’t be safe. But you would anyway.”
Under the teasing of that finger along her needy cunt Gail’s eyes rolled back in her head. “Yes…”
Yin kissed her then, pushing her panties aside to slip the finger inside. Gail began to grind down gratefully against her hand, moaning into Yin’s mouth.
“But don’t worry, Gail, I’m not going to take advantage of you. Well, I’m not going to force you to reveal all that personal information. But it is incredibly fun to tease you about it. No, for tonight you’ll just be our lovely little assistant. Anything you do with us is strictly confidential. That’s how supervillains operate anyway. We respect each other.”
Gail was panting, trembling as she felt so close to cumming from the shame of where she was and what she was doing. “… not a villain…” she mumbled weakly.
“No, you’re not that strong.” Yin held up a thin white strip of fabric and Gail thought she was being blindfolded again, her pussy sucking excitedly on Yin’s finger at the thought. Instead Yin held it out for Gail and she noticed the eye holes in the mask, similar to the ones the criminal sisters wore. “Instead, you’ll be our obedient henchwoman, our little minion. Would you like that?”
Gail gulped, her pride crying out to escape or fight back from this indignity. Instead she took the mask and did her best to put it on with her fumbling fingers. “A-anything for you, Mistress Yin.”
Suddenly Yin slipped another finger in, her thumb pressing up against Gail’s clit in a way that made her body pulse with bliss. She came suddenly, overwhelmed with everything that was happening to her. She came as this supervillain treated her like nothing but some weak, lowly thing to be abused. And she came harder knowing this was all she truly was.
Gail collapsed against the wall, her white mask already slipping off as she was left panting for breath. Yin pulled her fingers out of her cunt and licked her tongue over the gloved fingers, smiling to herself. “Fix your mask, Gail, you have to look presentable for our guest.”
She did as she was told, adjusting the thin white mask and her skirt as she followed Yin up the rickety stairway. It was a strange feeling for Gail as she found herself caught between the unbearable panic she felt as a hero, trapped and unable to think of how she could escape, but also the strangely serene sense of peace that was settling over her thoughts. It told her that she didn’t need to worry about escaping, or be concerned with what will happen to her. Mistress Yin had control of her. She only needed to obey to be happy.
Gail knew she should be resisting, but it was so seductive to just let herself go and sink into the programming. In the end she merely trailed behind Yin without a word as they passed through a steel door and entered the factory floor. Even in her conflicted state Gail gasped with shock when she saw the costumed woman chained to an old chair.
Major Virtue struggled against the chains, the chair scraping angrily the more she struggled. She was dressed in her trademark blue outfit, a stiff imitation of a military uniform with a high collar on her neck that ended as a flowing dress.
“You’ll never get away with this,” Virtue snarled. Gail instantly flinched back, waiting for the super powered woman to use her enhanced strength to snap the chains like old bread sticks. Instead Major Virtue only bounced uselessly in the chair, grunting in frustration.
Yin laughed and clapped Gail on the back. “Your scared face was adorable. You thought she was going to bust out and beat us up.”
“I don’t believe it,” Gail said as she studied the restrained hero in awe, wondering how it was possible. Major Virtue was renowned as the prudish champion of the state, flying between numerous cities to steal the spotlight from other heroes. Whenever she’d met her as Torch Gal the uptight Virtue had sniffed her nose at her, declaring that Gail was hardly a proper superhero without any powers of her own. If there was any hero she’d want to see captured and brought down a peg it was her, but that still didn’t explain how low level criminals like the Yin Yang sisters had managed to bring her down.
“We got a little chemical dart that nullifies her powers for 10 hours,” Yin snickered, walking over to the bound Virtue and flicking her nose. The hero snapped at Yin’s fingers, defiant even as she was being taunted. “A present from Professor Doombringer. He was worried that the Major here would be on guard with a high class villain, so he gave it to us to test out.”
“What if it didn’t work?” Gail tried to ask in a casual voice, but her mind was running overtime at the mention of the hated supervillain that had brainwashed her. They really did have a connection to the hypnotist, which meant there was still a chance to track him down and get this stupid submissive programming out of her head!
A familiar voice spoke in bored Mandarin behind her. Gail spun to see Sister Yang lounging atop one of the rusty manufacturing machines. Yin cackled in response, and Gail looked at her confused.
“Whoops, sorry. Sis said that if it didn’t work she’d have beaten the crap out of us and thrown us in jail.”
“That hardly seems like a safe plan.”
“Oh, it was definitely stupid,” Yin admitted bashfully. “But we pulled it off, and now we’re close to getting an introduction with Doombringer himself. He’s planning something big and he promised to bring us into his inner circle if we pass this test.”
Excited, Gail fidgeted with her white skirt. “Really? That’s awesome. So you’re going to be big villains now.”
Yin grinned and threw an arm around Gail’s shoulders. “That’s right, and as our minion you’re getting in on the ground floor. That is if you want to have a life of crime.”
Gail nodded eagerly. “Anything. I mean, I don’t mind being an outlaw if I get to stay with both of you.”
Yang leapt down from her perch on top of the machine, landing down next to Gail with a playful grin. She inspected Gail’s skimpy black and white outfit with approval, muttering in Mandarin.
“Yup, she really went all out for us sis. I wish we had time to play with her more but this is too important. We’ve got to get what the Professor wants.”
Gail turned to Yin, confused. “Wait, didn’t you pass his test already? You captured Major Virtue.”
“That’s only part of it,” Yin snapped angrily. “The real trick is that we have to get this stuck up hero to tell us the entrance code to their headquarters of justice, or whatever they’re calling it now.”
“The entrance code?” Gail repeated nervously. As one of the most recognized heroes in the city Torch Gal had her own code to enter the headquarters, where heroes were able to meet up and plan how to protect the city. It was also where they housed some of the most dangerous weapons confiscated from various supervillains. She bit her lip nervously, debating on what to do. If she gave them the code it would ensure she could get to meet Professor Doombringer and put an end to this awful brainwashing in her head. On the other hand she’d be giving a group of supervillains the keys to weapons of mass destruction. She couldn’t possibly be selfish enough to allow that to happen just to save herself.
“Yeah, we’ve been trying to get the code out of her but she won’t budge. There’s only six hours left and the best we’ve been able to come up with is trying to hypnotize her.”
Yang crossed her arms and snapped at her sister in Mandarin.
“Hypnosis does work, but we need something better than that stupid hypno disk you set up.”
“Hypno disk?” Gail glanced up and noticed a spinning wheel that was hanging above Major Virtue, right in her line of sight. The white and black wheel was painted like the Yin Yang symbol, and Gail almost had to laugh at how cheesy it was spinning around and around. And around. And around. Gail’s eyes followed the swirling circle, her head nodding along with it.
“Look, see, it’s working on her,” Yin happily said, snapping Gail out of it.
“What? I was just-”
“Gail, you give it a try. Maybe you can hypnotize Major Virtue.”
“You think I can hypnotize her?”
Yin shrugged. “Not really, but I need to yell at my sister and come up with a better plan. Just keep an eye on her for us like a good minion.”
Gail watched the supervillains walking away, arguing in Mandarin and waving their hands angrily. She nearly jumped as Major Virtue spoke up.
“Why are you helping them? You don’t look like a criminal.”
“I- I’m not,” Gail stammered, walking around to face the restrained hero. “I can’t help it.”
“Ah, so you’re just some weak willed idiot following orders. How pathetic.”
Gail braced herself for the expected rush of being insulted that she got from the programming, hating that it was coming from the stuck up hero. But nothing happened. Instead Gail only felt the same bitter anger she always had for Major Virtue.
“So go on, do their bidding,” Virtue mocked. “Keep trying your pathetic attempts to hypnotize me. It won’t work against a mind as strong as mine anyway.”
Gail clenched her fist as she got more pissed off. Even though she wasn’t dressed as Torch Gal the Major was still looking down on her. And calling her weak for being hypnotized too. Well, she didn’t say that exactly, but it was implied from her argument. Before she could stop herself Gail was smiling as she spoke in her most seductive voice.
“Actually, strong minds are the weakest against hypnosis. I thought you’d know that, Major Tightass.”
The prudish hero glared at her and struggled against the chains, but Gail found it incredibly satisfying to see the raven haired hero so powerless. When else was she going to get the chance to anonymously taunt her like this?
“See, I know what it’s like for strong women like you. You’re so powerful that you can be arrogant, and no one can call you out on it. It makes you feel superior, knowing that everyone is beneath you. Only, that also makes you so incredibly lonely, doesn’t it.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Virtue spat.
“I’m gonna guess you’re stuck up like that in your regular life too. You’ve probably got some high powered job like a lawyer or CEO, and of course you’re so great you can still be a famous hero too. Except no one likes you for the way you act. Not your coworkers, or anyone else you meet. I bet even the other superheroes avoid having to deal with you.”
Gail smirked as she saw her words land, Major Virtue scowling at her to try and cover up her anxiety.
“I bet the other heroes insult you behind your back, and you pretend you don’t hear. Because you’re so strong you don’t need to worry about anyone else liking you,” Gail said as she leaned in close to the chained woman. “But you do want them to like you. So powerful but so alone. That’s what you are, Major Virtue. And that’s why hypnosis will work on you so easily.”
Virtue glared up at her, seeing only some stupid little girl in her cheap mask trying to insult her. But as she opened her mouth to shut her down her eyes happened to glance past the brown haired girl and fell on the spinning disk. The white and black symbol spinning and slowly blurring together. She shook her head. Had it been going that fast before?
“You’re wrong. I’m not lonely, but I am powerful. I’ll get out of here and throw you all in jail. And hypnosis can’t work on me because I won’t let it!”
“But that’s the point,” Gail laughed, kneeling beside her. “It doesn’t matter how strong you are, how confident or proud you are. The hypnosis will drag you under it’s spell no matter how hard you fight, and that feeling that something is more powerful than you…” Gail shivered in delight, her thoughts reeling. “It’s like ecstasy. Being made to feel weak and helpless. Especially for someone as strong as you, it’s the ultimate taboo.”
“What are you talking about?” Major Virtue tried to sound strong, but Gail heard the hint of worry in her voice.
“All you’re life you’ve fought to be the best, the strongest person in the room. You’ve probably always thought of being weak as something terrible that you need to avoid at all costs. But that’s the secret they don’t tell us, Major Virtue.” Gail closed her eyes and remembered all those fantastic things Yin had told her in the hallway, her hands sliding over her breasts and down to her skirt. Virtue stared in shock, scandalized that this girl was actually touching herself. Only the superhero couldn’t bring herself to look away. The things she were saying were more true than she’d ever admit, but she still had to be wrong.
Gail licked her lips and slipped a hand under her skirt to touch her already soaked panties. “The secret is that being helpless feels so gooood.”
“Y-you’re lying.”
“I’m not. I wish I was. I wish I could fight this but it’s too tempting to resist.” Gail continued to touch herself, opening her eyes and smiling at Major Virtue. “It takes so much work to be strong. To forever be propped up and powerful for all to see. But you’ve been holding yourself up for so long you’ve forgotten that you can let go.”
Virtue tore her eyes away from the spinning hypnotic disk, wondering when her eyes had drifted back to it. “Let go… no, I can’t.”
“Yes you can, do it! It feels amazing,” Gail gushed. She sat down in the restrained hero’s lap, laying her head down on Virtue’s shoulder. “It’s a rush like nothing else. To just let yourself sink and fall and stop fighting.” Gail stared into the spinning disk, letting the black and white colors swirl before her eyes as she slipped a finger inside herself. “It feels so good to let someone else be strong instead. To let them be the ones to carry you as you finally relax.”
“Good,” Virtue muttered under her breath. “It’s so hard.”
“It is. So hard and frustrating to be the best. But hypnosis can take all that away. It’s like you’re always flexing some sore muscle, always tense. Then suddenly you find your mind drifting and all that tension just melts away. As you let yourself relax for the first real time.” Gail let her body go limp, draped over Major Virtue. Staring into the spinning wheel Gail didn’t even bother to keep fucking herself, instead her slick fingers slipped out of her cunt and hung weak and limp like the rest of her. “Let go, and finally be free of all that responsibility.” Gail sighed as she let her head drop back.
Major Virtue watched Gail with wide, disbelieving eyes. It wasn’t possible that the gimmicky spinning wheel could hypnotize her so fast, it didn’t even seem like it could really hypnotize anyone, yet there was no denying how far gone the girl was. Though she was tied to the chair Virtue could feel how completely the girl went limp, as if all of her strength had been sapped away. With her eyes closed the masked girl breathed calmly in her ear, a steady beat that was almost hypnotic in and of itself. Was the wheel really that powerful?
“No, it’s not true,” Major Virtue muttered, shutting her eyes. She was just some cheap criminal or fan girl anyway. A mind that weak would let itself be controlled by anything at all. And yet the way she’d spoken about her had been completely true. How the other heroes always shunned her, or how the other partners in her law practice refused to work with her. It felt awful knowing that she was the one driving them away, but rather than admit it she’d just throw herself into her work and continue to be the best. It had been so long since anyone had ever even bothered to get to know her. But this girl knew her so intimately. It was like she knew how hard it was to be that strong too. Who was she, really?
Major Virtue opened her eyes and studied the girl, surprised to find that her eyes were open under the thin mask. She stared up at the ceiling, eyes blank and devoid of any thought at all. Virtue thought she almost recognized something in her features, but even if she had met her before it wouldn’t have helped. The powerful woman never bothered to care about anyone she met. She was the strongest superhero and made sure all knew it. Any time she met another hero she cast them disapproving glares and asserted her own superiority so they wouldn’t forget. If she acted that way with superheroes then she was only worse with regular people.
The old insecurities were bubbling up to the surface, heightened by the fact that she’d had her powers stolen away by such B-rated supervillains. Now even some ordinary girl in a mask was mocking her like she was nothing. No, that wasn’t right. She was condescending, yes, but the girl wasn’t trying to humiliate her. She made falling into a hypnotic trance sound wonderful, as if it were a gift. But she couldn’t allow herself to be hypnotized; no self respecting hero would.
The girl’s words echoed in her head, reminding her that her opinion didn’t matter at all. That the hypnosis would work no matter how hard she fought. Major Virtue continued to stare at this girl who sounded as if she’d been so strong and confident herself, now reduced to a mindless drooling doll. And against her will Virtue tilted her head up to see the spinning hypnotic wheel.
The second she saw the swirling black and white disk Major Virtue felt the power of it. Impossibly stronger than it had been before. She gasped as her thoughts began to wobble, to grow slow and sluggish as they turned with the wheel. No, this couldn’t be happening. She’d resisted it before like it was nothing. It wasn’t really… couldn’t possibly hypnotize… it would hypnotize her… so powerful, impossible to resist… no, she wouldn’t allow herself… to sink into trance… to let go and… welcome the peace the girl promised…
“Ohhhhh, it’s… I feel it,” Major Virtue gasped, staring intensely at the spinning wheel. She felt it now. As if she were collapsed so tightly and the wheel was slowly spreading her open, allowing her to stop the struggle of keeping herself together. Virtue felt her mind opening under the wheel’s power, and as she let go of her control she felt intense pleasure slipping in to replace it. She mewled in surprise, eyes fluttering as a sense of bliss enveloped her. “I feel… oh, I shouldn’t…”
“No, let yourself go.”
Virtue whipped her head to the side, surprised to see the masked girl smiling at her, barely lucid herself.
“But… I’m a hero…”
“That’s not important. Forget about who you are. You deserve this.” The girl reached her hands out, one running through Major Virtue’s lustrous hair while the other caressed her cheek. “You deserve to be happy and relax, even if it’s only for a short time. Relax with me. Enjoy yourself with me. Be nice and empty and happy with me.”
Virtue felt her resistance crumbling at her words. It wasn’t that the girl was making her submit, instead her words were stirring something deep inside her. Those secret feelings she’d always repressed. Virtue realized that she wanted to be happy. She hadn’t been intimate with anyone in years, and she barely even touched herself at the fear of what those feelings would awaken inside herself. She kept her emotions firmly locked under her control, but this girl had opened the cage and set them free. Major Virtue leaned in and kissed her, reveling in the sensation of the girl’s lips on hers.
“Please,” Virtue whispered, “I want to be happy.”
“Then sink with me,” the girl said, overjoyed. “Let’s be empty and happy together.”
She turned and stared up at the wheel, and Major Virtue happily did the same. The wheel was like a powerful black and white whirlpool sucking her in, only the superhero didn’t fight. She felt the beautiful girl wriggling in her lap, her happy sighs as she let herself become hypnotized. Even if Virtue couldn’t see her she knew they were going into trance together, and didn’t want to fall behind. With a final sigh she let her thoughts melt away, descending into the fog of trance. The masked girl had promised her happiness, and Major Virtue felt bliss like nothing else as her mind went completely blank.
“So good… to be hypnotized,” Gail muttered.
“So good to be hypnotized,” Major Virtue agreed. Her voice was empty of emotion but there was an enormous grin on her face.
A few minutes later Yin and Yang marched back into the factory. Wearing a false air of confidence Sister Yin cast a finger out at the restrained superhero. “Aright Major Virtue, we’ve finally figured out how to defeat you. This time there’s no escape from-”
Yin broke off, noticing that the fun girl Gail seemed to be sleeping on top of their captive. She ran up to make she was okay but quickly saw that she was drooling in a lovely looking trance. And drooling on her shoulder was the hypnotized Major Virtue, her eyes empty of all thought.
“Gail? You hypnotized Major Virtue!?”
The brown haired girl blinked and tilted her head up, yawning sleepily. She glanced at the entranced superhero underneath her. “Oh, yeah, I guess I did. It was really fun going into trance with her.”
Yin grabbed hold of Gail’s hands and yanked her to her feet, crushing her in a tight hug. “You’re amazing! How’d you do it? Wait, no time to talk. We’ve got to get the information.”
Gail nodded, slowly waking. Did she really hypnotize the hero? She was a hero too and shouldn’t have done something like that. But it had felt so good to do it. It had felt… taboo, just as she’d told Major Virtue. She’d broken a fellow superhero and left her a helpless captive for the criminal sisters. Gail bit her lip, feeling some terrible new sense of perverse pleasure filling her. This wasn’t just shame or submission. This felt darker, like black ink weaving wonderfully through her body. It felt corruptive, and pure, and oh so perfect. What was happening to her?
“Major Virtue, can you hear me?”
“Yes,” the raven haired hero answered quietly.
“You feel so good and helpless in trance, don’t you.” Yin said, cautiously.
“Yes,” Virtue hissed in a pleased purr.
“And you’ll tell us anything we want to know,” Yin instructed, grinning now.
“Yes, I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
“Tell us your entrance code to the hero headquarters.”
Gail bit her lip, knowing this was the moment she should rescue Major Virtue and capture the Yin Yang sisters. They knew where Professor Doombringer was and they would probably give him up under interrogation. But Gail wasn’t sure if they’d really give up the supervillain. And she had been the one to hypnotize Major Virtue in the first place. If she’d just stood there quietly then the powerful hero never would have gone into trance and been free in a matter of hours. This was all her fault, a fact that made her cunt drip with need. She was betraying all the other heroes by doing this, just for the chance to free herself from this programming. But if the brainwashing was so insidious that it was making her betray her fellow superheroes then it was only more urgent that she needed to remove it. Yes, she had no choice but to do anything it took to free herself.
Smiling emptily Major Virtue told them the code. “1. 2. 3. 5. 4.”
Yin smacked her forehead. “I don’t know what I was expecting. Now that we’ve got that taken care of, I guess we’re free to have some fun with our captive here.”
Gail shivered. In a breathless voice she asked “What are you going to do to her?”
“Don’t get so excited, we’re not taking advantage of her,” Yin said laughing. “At best I was thinking of finding out her secret identity, but without more of those special darts the Major here would just tear us to shreds if we fuck with her personal life.”
Beside her sister Yang spoke in Mandarin.
“Why would I make her act like a chicken, Yang?”
Yang shrugged.
“Yeah, I can’t think of anything else myself. What about you, Gail?” Gail was about to answer when Yin cut her off. “And nothing perverted. If we try to play with her like we did with you then Virtue here will definitely come for revenge when her powers are back.”
Gail blushed deeply, embarrassed that she’d been so transparent. Besides, with the way Major Virtue had gone under Gail was pretty sure she’d enjoy being played with a bit. But seducing a hero was definitely not something she should enjoy thinking about so much.
“I guess we may as well leave then, we got what we wanted.” Yin put her hands on her hips, sounding a little disappointed. Suddenly she perked up. “Ooh, we should get a selfie with her.”
“Really?” Gail muttered, laughing.
“Come on, when are we going to get this chance again? Besides, hypnotizing Major Virtue will give us insane cred with the other villains.” Yin handed Gail her phone, posing with Yang next to the drooling superhero. They both threw up peace signs, giggling. “Get our good side.”
Gail snapped a quick picture, rolling her eyes. But when she checked the screen she was surprised to see her own face there. The picture they’d taken with her when she’d been hanging upside down and half naked had been made Yin’s screen saver. Gail was startled to find she was touched, and definitely aroused at the thought that Yin would probably have shown the picture of her naked body around to other villains.
“Did you get it?”
“Yeah, I got your-” Gail cut short, noticing a small dark object rolling in through the doorway behind them. Jumping into action she tackled the two sisters and knocked them to the floor. “Get down!”
The flash bang burst like an exploding sun, filling the factory with blinding white light. Police officers burst into the room, training their guns on the three girls. Yin and Yang exchanged a glance but reluctantly put their hands in the air. Gail stared up helplessly at the approaching cops.
“We’ve got them. Three subjects cornered, along with the hostage,” one of the SWAT officers said into his radio.
“She’s not with us,” Yin suddenly shouted, nudging her head towards Gail. “She’s a hostage too, we forced her to do this.”
Yang shouted the same in Mandarin, and though Gail couldn’t understand her it was clear she was pleading on her behalf. Gail sniffed back a tear, but even if they believed them it was too late. Her life was over.
One of them was approaching Gail with a zip tie held out to capture her, and she felt her heart racing with terror. This was all wrong. Even if they believed that she wasn’t a supervillain like Yin and Yang she’d still be arrested. They could throw her in jail, but more terrifying was knowing that her real name would be put into the system. The hero association kept her real name classified from anyone but the top worldwide heroes, but they still knew her real name. Her arrest would show up in the system and they’d learn the truth about everything. Gail would never be able to be Torch Gal again if they knew that she’d been brainwashed like this!
As the cop approached Gail took a deep breath, shoving down the fear and anxiety. Six officers armed with tactical gear. Three submachine guns, two shot guns. The one approaching with his gun holstered. Gail held her hands out for the cop, showing no sign of resistance. He went to slip the zip tie over her hands and Gail suddenly flipped into the air from her knees. She grabbed the officers vest and flipped him over her shoulder as she landed, sending him flying into the next nearest officer.
Before the other officers could respond Gail delivered a jumping kick to the head of a third cop, knocking him unconscious with a well placed blow. She casually rolled and landed between two cops, who were slowly raising their guns to respond. With an expert maneuver she hooked her hands around the guns and yanked them from their hands, before spinning on her heel and smashing the guns into the heads of the opposite officers. The tactical cops crumpled to the floor as Gail tossed the guns into the air, smacking the remaining cop in the face to knock him off balance. He reached for his radio but Gail kicked his leg out from under him and put him in a choke hold. He struggled for a few moments before his eyes rolled back and he slumped to the floor, unconscious.
Gail took a breath and smiled, basking in the glow of a well done fight. Then she noticed Yin and Yang staring at her with their jaws hanging on the floor.
“What the hell was that?” Yin asked in awe.
“Yeah, you were like a martial arts expert!” Yang shouted.
Gail blinked at Yang. “Wait, you can speak English?”
“That’s not important,” Yang said dismissively. “I want to know how you did all that.”
“I took some self defense classes,” Gail said bashfully, helping the sisters to their feet. She also double checked on Major Virtue but the superhero was still happily staring into the spinning wheel, drooling on her chest.
“Forget being our henchman, you could be your own supervillain with moves like those.” Yin pulled her in and hugged her gratefully. “You saved our asses there.”
Yang patted her on the shoulder and thanked her in Mandarin.
“Wait, but you were just speaking in- oh, never mind.” Gail pulled away from them and ran over to the superhero chained to the chair. “We’ve got to hurry before more cops show up.”
“Hurry with what?”
Gail leaned next to Major Virtue, picking her head up in her hands. “How are you feeling, Major?”
“Gooood. Finally happy. So free.”
“I’m glad, but I want you to forget everything that happened here tonight.”
“Nooo. I want to remember being happy.”
Gail’s eyes darted to the door, waiting for more SWAT officers to come pouring in. “Fine, you’ll always remember that sense of happiness and peace. Subconsciously. But consciously, I want you to forget that you were ever hypnotized. You’ll remember that you’re too strong for hypnosis and so you didn’t tell us anything.”
“Didn’t tell you anything,” Virtue babbled. “Course I didn’t, can’t be hypnotized. Too strong.”
“That’s right. So when you hear more cops approaching you’ll wake up and think you’ve been stuck in this chair this whole time, and you were never hypnotized.”
Major Virtue nodded sadly.
“Good.” Gail hesitated, wanting to try giving her more advise on how to be happy. She did hate the stuck up hero but being hypnotized beside her made them feel a little closer somehow. Only she couldn’t think of what to say and there was no more time. Instead she patted the hypnotized girl’s head and ran off after Yin and Yang.
As they slipped through a hidden exit they heard boots marching into the factory behind them. Gail stayed behind a moment to hear their panicked calls for medics, followed by Virtue’s booming voice.
“What they hell took you guys so long? I’ve been stuck in this stupid chair for hours as those idiot sisters kept trying to hypnotize me.”
Gail let out a sigh of relief and walked along the dark corridor for what felt like five minutes. By the time she exited Gail saw they were at an old subway station that was blocks away from the factory. Yin and Yang were waiting for her by a rundown ticketing booth.
“What was all that about at the end?”
“I had to make her forget the hypnosis.”
“Why? I wanna tell everyone that we managed to beat that arrogant bitch,” Yin cackled.
“We can’t. If she knows she was hypnotized then the heroes are going to wonder what she might have said in trance. They’ve got psychic heroes that will check her mind and see we have the code, and then they’ll change it and your information will be useless.”
Yin and Yang glanced at each other nervously and it was clear to Gail that they hadn’t thought that far ahead. Yin shook her head, catching on to something else.
“Wait, so we can’t tell anyone we beat her?”
“I mean, you can brag after you break in and steal whatever you’re after,” Gail said with a shrug.
“Ugh, fine I’ll contain myself.” Yin walked over to her and took Gail’s hand. “Seriously though, we never would have gotten out of there without you. We wouldn’t have gotten the code without you either. Thank you, Gail.”
Gail felt her heart breaking, torn between the knowledge that she’d betrayed her sense of justice, but overjoyed that she’d helped her friends. And the fact that she was able to fight again. Even if they were a bunch of cops she’d beaten up Gail couldn’t deny how amazing it had felt to be able to trust her instincts again. If she was capable of fighting criminals again then she’d consider tonight a success. And Gail reasoned that she could always warn headquarters that the villains were planning a heist.
“So listen, me and Yang talked it over and we can’t let you be our minion.”
Gail looked up in surprise. “Wait, you’re not?”
“Nope, we can’t keep you around as our lackey,” Yin said as she crossed her arms sternly.
The brunette felt a moment of panic. They had to keep her around after all she did for them. They had to tell her how to find Professor Doombringer. Yin saw her anguished face and smirked.
“Instead we want you to be our partner.”
“Yup, you’ve definitely got what it takes to be your own supervillain, even if you’re too insecure to realize it. So when we get to pull off the robbery we want you to come along with us.”
“No. I- I can’t be a supervillain.” Gail shook her head, wondering how to explain.
“We think you have what it takes,” Yin said reassuringly, with Yang nodding her approval as well. “If the three of us work together we can definitely make this robbery work, and then you’ll get to be part of Doombringer’s big supervillain team up.”
Gail was about to protest when she stopped herself. She’d get to meet Professor Doombringer? Once she found out where he was she could get the drop on him, force him to free her. But, to do that she’d have to actually help the sisters rob the hero headquarters. Could she really allow herself to do that?
“I- I’ll think about it. For now I really should get home and rest.” As she turned to go Yin and Yang grabbed her arms, keeping her in place.
“Where do you think you’re going? We did promise you a night of humiliating bondage.”
Gail’s cheeks went bright red. “But… we barely got away from the police. They’ll definitely be setting up a manhunt for you both.”
“For all of us,” Yin corrected her. “And you have too much faith in the police. Now tomorrow you can choose whether you want to become a supervillain and be equal partners with us, but for tonight you’re still our submissive little minion. So you’re going to come with us back to our place and let us tie you up and do whatever we want.”
Yin slid up close to Gail, watching the way she grew redder at the thought of what they’d do to her. She kissed Gail quickly, biting her lip.
“And just remember, Gail, you don’t have a choice in the matter.”
“I don’t have a choice?” Gail felt her eyes fluttering, a smile forming on her face as the warm, submissive pleasure descended on her thoughts like a comfortable blanket. “I don’t have a choice,” she cooed happily.
“Now follow us as we think of plenty of ways to reward you for how amazing you were tonight.”
Gail smiled dreamily as she obediently followed, eager to see what her Mistresses would do with her.
Doomed to Fail is one of my earliest series and still a personal favorite for me. Lots of fun kinky characters and adventures ahead! If you want all the available chapters right away you can go to my patreon, which I can’t link directly, but you can join my discord server and see announcements on all new stories, along with everything else Sammynona going on in the world. You can also check out my official bluesky page: