Doomed To Fail

Chapter 3

by sammynona

Tags: #D/s #exhibitionism #f/f #humiliation #sub:female #superhero #bondage #brainwashing #clothing #comic_book #dom:female #multiple_partners #pov:bottom #self_sabotage #supervillain

Torch Gal gulped as she stood in the dark alleyway, holding the trench coat tight around her. No, it was Gail who was gulping with fear. She wasn’t in costume tonight. Besides, this was no place for Torch Gal to ever visit.
    The neon sign above the bar entrance was made up of white letters flickering within blue neon squares, made to resemble the periodic table, and if all the letters had been working would have declared that the bar’s name was “BaD ElEMeNTs.” The terrible name made her either want to laugh or groan, but the rough group of criminals and villains milling about the entrance made Gail want to run away. She didn’t have her costume to protect her or her mask to hide behind. She hadn’t even brought any weapons, afraid of causing trouble. Unfortunately for her the other patrons ignored the no weapons allowed sign as she saw a young cyborg with a metallic red paint job walking through the door with an atomic destabilizer slung over her shoulder.
    Gail shook her head, backing away down the alley. Nope, this was insane. Even if she showed up as Torch Gal with other superheroes backing her up the bar would be almost impossible to handle. And instead of back up she was going to wander in with nothing but her trench coat and what she wore underneath. Gail’s cheeks burned bright red as she remembered the risque outfit she’d assembled. It wasn’t like she would enjoy being ogled all night by supervillains. She just needed to try and get information from the Yin Yang sisters and they’d made it abundantly clear what they were after.
    Taking a deep breath she forced herself to walk towards the group of villains smoking and laughing by the front door. A mix of bikers, paramilitary types and ninjas, all decked out with tattoos, scars, and no less than three weapons each that she could see right away. Gail forced herself to stay calm as she got close enough to overhear, but what she heard still shocked her.
    “I just can’t believe they went out like that,” a biker muttered, spitting on the ground.
    “Hey, I still say it was a decent series. We’re never gonna get another drama like the Good Wife.”
    “No, that show’s got nothing on How to Get Away with Murder,” a commando said laughing. “I fuck with Viola Davis.”
    “I’m telling you guys. Watch the Good Wife. You’ll thank me later. It’s got-”
    The conversation went silent as they finally noticed Gail, hard eyes glaring at her as they reached for their weapons. The commando sneered at her, seeing nothing but a frightened brunette in a trench coat. “What do you want?”
    “Oh, um, nothing,” she stuttered, gripped by terror. It was hard enough trying to keep her cool in a hostile environment, but she also had to worry about the hypnotic programming from sabotaging her. Gail almost half expected her to suddenly announce she was Torch Gal while also giving them her address and personal phone number. Instead she gathered her courage and gave an easy laugh. “I’m just here to meet some friends.”
    The grizzled criminals still stared her down, unconvinced.
    “Also, for what it’s worth I’m more of a Grey’s Anatomy girl, personally.”
    The biker clapped his hand on his thigh. “Yes, now that’s a classic. That’s what I’m talking about.”
    The commando whirled on him, shaking his hands. “Hell no, that show is overrated.”
    “Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea how many careers that show single-handedly launched?” 
    As the criminals continued to argue over network dramas Gail slipped inside the bar, breathing a sigh of relief that she was past the first hurdle. The brunette allowed herself a smile. Maybe this place wasn’t as terrifying as she thought. Sure they were criminals and supervillains, but they were still people. Then Gail walked on into the bar and went pale at the sight.
    The enormous bar was filled with smoke and noise, as wild as a battlefield. She saw no less than three fist fights, five strippers dancing on the tables for cheering villains, and the bartender cracking a drunken mutant’s head against the bar. Gail quickly stepped aside as robotic bouncers hauled the unconscious mutant out the door, tossing him into the street. The bartender noticed Gail and offered a grin missing a few teeth as he beckoned her over. The man was a solid mass of muscle standing eight feet tall with a cork screw scar under one eye. 
    “Sorry about that,” he said in a voice rough as sandpaper. “Sometimes those subterranean mutants like to disagree with me on the fine art of tipping. What are you drinking?”
    “Just a beer,” Gail answered quickly, craning up to look at him. The muscle bound bartender slid a cold beer to her, and Gail made sure to leave a generous tip as she paid.
    The bartender laughed heartily as he pocketed the tip. “You know, you’re alright, little girl. You need anything else just ask for Scarface, I’ll help you out.”
    “Well actually, I’m looking for someone. Do you know the Yin Yang sisters?”
    “Those two are usually off drinking in the corner but I haven’t seen them yet tonight. Wait around and they should show up soon.”
    “I’ll head over that way then. Thanks, um, Scarface.”
    “Anytime,” the scarred man said with a wave of his hand. “Oh, what’s your name? I’ll let them know you’re hear when I see them walk in.”
    “I’m T-” Gail clapped a hand over her mouth, realizing how close she came to making her worst fear come true. She coughed and was about to say another name, but she’d never told the cat burglars a name in the first place. “Um, just tell them what I look like. They don’t actually know my name but they’re expecting me.”
    Scarface raised a scarred eyebrow.
    “They tied me up a few nights ago,” Gail couldn’t help but mutter, her face blushing. At that the bartender laughed, satisfied.
    “Ah, it’s like that then. Sounds like you girls are going to have some fun.”
    “Hopefully,” she said a little too eagerly. Then before she said anything else humiliating she drank from her beer and wandered off through the bar, weaving between tables of drunken supervillains. It felt as if she were trapped in a minefield. Everywhere she turned there were cut throat criminals and ruthless villains, all laughing and drinking and cursing the names of various superheroes. Twice as she walked to the corner of the bar she heard the name Torch Gal muttered. She didn’t stick around those tables long enough to hear more; Gail was too terrified of being recognized out of her suit. Still, she heard enough of their plans for her to make her heart race with terror and her pussy slick with need. Just knowing what this bar full of rogues would do to her if they had any clue who she really was. 
    Her eyes glazed over as a drunken smile played on her voice, the wonderful voice of the brainwashing whispering to her. They’d strip her down to nothing and collar her in chains so she couldn’t escape. Force her up onto the bar like she was just another stripper. Insult her and call her every foul name there was as they force her to dance and degrade herself for their pleasure.
    Gail was nearly drooling into her beer as she lost herself in the fantasy, watching one of the strippers performing and imagining herself in the naked woman’s place. It was only when she felt a delicate hand tap her shoulder that Gail snapped out of the humiliating day dream and spun around, expecting the pair of Chinese criminals. Instead she came face to face with a lithe and imposing black woman, her curly hair tied  back on the top of her head. Her revealing dress was hardly more than black leather straps while sheer red fabric hung over her arms. The woman’s tongue licked out at her plump red lips, revealing a pair of sharp fangs. Bright purple eyes were busy sizing Gail up, and she wondered how this could get worse. Then four spindling spider legs rose up from the black woman’s back, one of them holding onto her fashionable purse. Gail gulped, finally recognizing the deadly supervillain.
    “L-Lady Ananse!” Gail’s skin went pale, remembering the handful of stories she’d heard of the villainess. She was a rarely encountered villain in the city but incredibly notorious. Killing three prominent heroes was certainly a fast way to rising the ranks of the criminal underworld.
    The spider woman grinned, purple eyes shining. “Mhm, it’s good to see I don’t need to introduce myself. I was worried that having to spend a year in hiding from the police had tarnished my reputation.” She spoke in a crisp voice, the smallest hint of an accent teasing at her vowels. Possibly English, or French. Gail couldn’t place it, but then she was too terrified of the pearly fangs hiding behind the woman’s lips to care. Her bite was venomous enough to kill within minutes. “Tell me, girl, do the people of this city still fear me?”
    Hoping to play it safe Gail stepped aside to get out of her way, keeping a friendly smile sealed on her face. “How could they not? You killed Infinity Man.”
    Gail could vaguely remember the famous hero from the handful of times she’d met him, usually when her mentor Torchbearer had met up with him to drink. It still unnerved her, knowing she was so close to a killer. The bar was full of thieves, hired muscle, and mad scientists but very few villains were crazy enough to risk actually killing a hero.
    “Ah yes, Infinity Man. He was a tasty piece of prey.” Lady Ananse licked her lips, handing her crystal glass of brandy over to one of her spider legs. Though the brown, thin leg ended in a sharp point it managed to balance the glass perfectly, her liquor barely shifting. “Would you like to hear how I killed him?”
    “I already know,” Gail replied curtly. “You poisoned him.”
    “They make it sound so boring. I did so much more then just poison him. I quite literally made love to him for two weeks straight before he could stand no more.”
    Gail couldn’t help herself from gasping. “You what?”
    “When I captured the hero I tied him up in my web, then gave him a taste of my poison. You see, my venom heightens sensitivity. With a full bite your body would become ultra sensitive to every sound and touch and sight that your mind would literally short circuit from the cacophony of sensations. But, just a small taste will only have a limited effect.” Lady Ananse dragged her tongue over the point of her fangs, showing them off for the frightened Gail. “It will make a simple touch feel like the height of sexual bliss.”
    One of the spider legs shifted closer to Gail, moving for her throat. She was frozen with indecision, afraid that any attempt to escape would only be foiled by the wicked programming in her mind. Even if she did succeed in fending Lady Ananse off, showing her skills would only make her a target to the hundred other criminals in the bar. So she remained perfectly still as the lithe point of the spider leg tapped at her throat gently, dragging over her skin like a lover’s touch. Gail shivered, wondering what this would feel like if she were drugged as the villainess said. If this touch alone were greater than any sexual satisfaction she’d ever experienced. Her thighs began to gently rub together at the terrible thought, her fidgeting thankfully hidden beneath the trench coat.
    “Now if a gentle touch were enough to leave you in the throes of ecstasy, simply imagine what my mouth could make you experience. If I fucked you with more skill than you’d ever known, my drugs making my ministrations feel as if you were making love to a Goddess.”
    Gail realized she hadn’t blinked for some time, her eyes straining to keep staring into Lady Ananse’s bright violet eyes. Her mind felt numb, but fear was slowly trying to creep back in. Then the black woman’s spider leg was cupping her chin, forcing her to keep staring. Gail didn’t think that Lady Ananse could hypnotize people, but then she’d never heard that her venom was also an aphrodisiac. Although that could be a lie as well. Nothing more than a trick meant to entice her into willingly drinking poison. Yet as her pussy grew wetter by the second Gail’s mouth felt incredibly dry, almost yearning to taste a drop of the woman’s venom.
    As Gail began to waver on her feet Lady Ananse pressed on, speaking in her crisp, rich voice. “As the hero lay trapped in my web I used every method known to tease his manhood, to coax him to the point of ecstasy and leave him begging for it. But I never did let him go all the way. He held out for a day, perhaps a day and a half if I’m generous, but all too soon he was pleading with me to fuck him. He swore he’d give me anything I desired.”
    Lady Ananse stepped closer as her numerous limbs wrapping around Gail possessively, all but the one spider arm that was still balancing her glass of golden brandy.
    “Wh-what did he tell you?” She was suddenly scared that the drugged hero had given up all of the information on the superhero community he had. That this deadly woman knew the secret identities of so many costumed heroes, including her. The idea that Lady Ananse recognized her instantly and was baiting her in was incredibly seductive. Never mind that this was three years ago and she was only a sidekick then. In her mind Gail felt utterly powerless, ensnared in the spider woman’s web, and in that moment she felt exactly how Infinity Man must have. Admitting defeat and offering anything to receive whatever pleasure Lady Ananse was merciful enough to give before taking her life.
    Instead the dark skinned villainess gave a melodious laugh. “Why, he gave me his life. I told him that I could release him. Or I would fuck his brains out. But if he stayed with me I promised that I would kill him in the end. He was accepting the deal before I’d finished speaking. And I certainly held up my end of the bargain. Two weeks of giving him pleasure that normal humans can never know. He called me Goddess, worshipping me for every kiss and every cut I planted on his body. By the time he was so drained of energy that he could no longer move I decided to end his life, because from that moment on nothing in life would ever be able to compare to the time he’d spent with me. And he agreed with me too, begged me to send him off while he ride that sexual high. So I gave him his wish.”
    Lady Ananse was inches away from her face now. Her breath was sweet and smelled of fresh berries. The woman’s eyes were such a deep shade of purple that Gail felt as if she could stare into them forever. One taste. One bite. That’s all it would take for this woman to claim her.
    “Do you think you would make the same choice, little prey?”
    Gail shook, surprised that she was being addressed. Her voice was so easy to listen to, so seductively calming. “Wha?”
    “Would you give your life if it meant you could make love to me?”
    She shivered at the thought, instantly ready to refuse. But then Gail found her eyes roaming over the thin, tight body of the black woman. From her slim waist to the swell of her breasts, skin such a dark shade of black that it appeared flawless. As if she were a diamond, or a work of art. Gail found her hand reaching out for her waist but stopped herself short. She couldn’t, there was so much she needed to do. And yet, she still hesitated. For the chance to touch this incredibly beautiful woman, this Goddess… could Gail ever hope for any more beyond that?
    Lady Ananse grinned, relishing the indecision of her victim. She reached for the crystal glass of brandy perched atop one of her legs, casually bringing it to her lips. But instead of drinking from it she held the rim of the glass to the tip of one fang. Gail eyes went wide as she watched a single, violet raindrop slip from her fang and run down the side of the cup. The drop of venom spilled into the brandy, it’s golden honey color staining darker as the poison spread.
    “Just a taste, and your body will know pleasure like never before. You’ll be mine, little prey. A tasty fly caught in my web.” Lady Ananse handed her the glass, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “But I assure you that the ecstasy of being devoured will be the greatest gift you could ever receive.”
    Gail stared down into the murky glass, watching the poison swirling like a purple storm cloud through the brandy. Just a taste, she thought dreamily. As the glass rose to her lips Lady Ananse suddenly hissed angrily, her spider limbs releasing Gail. Surprised, Gail turned to see Yin scowling at the spider woman behind her.
    “I’m afraid this pretty girl is already spoken for,” Yin snapped. She was dressed in her trademark white and black skirt, but now her hand was reaching for the knife on her belt.
    “You think you can challenge me?” Lady Ananse hissed. “You’re out of your league. Do you even know why I’m back in this filthy city?”
    Yin waved a hand as if she were bored. “You’re here for some big supervillain team up, we’ve all heard the gossip.” Her eyes narrowed. “But I also know that if someone happened to tip the police off that you were back in town they’d tear the city apart to find you. And your new teammates probably wouldn’t like someone bringing that kind of attention to whatever their plan is, would they?”
    The black villainess sneered, then backed away from Gail. “Have her. She’s only a small morsel anyway. I have grander things to occupy my attention.”
    Still keeping her eyes locked on Lady Ananse, Yin put her arms around Gail, leading her away. Gail allowed Yin to lead her along passively, her mind still working slowly to process everything. It felt as if she’d already been drugged, but she knew it was all the fault of the brainwashing that Professor Doombringer had done to her. It was making her weaker every day. No, it was more insidious than that. It was making her want to be weaker. She’d practically been on the edge of cumming just from the horrible and beautiful things that Lady Ananse had promised her.
    “Looks like I showed up just in time,” Yin said as she squeezed her shoulder. “My sister is back at our lair dealing with some stuff. Oh, it’s really big. I almost wasn’t going to come by tonight, but, well, I was hoping you’d take me up on my offer.” The beautiful criminal turned and flashed a shy smile at Gail. Somehow that was able to shake her out of the strange daze and Gail blinked to life.
    “Th-thank you. I don’t… know what she would have done.”
    “Yes, you do know,” Yin replied as she glared back across the bar at Lady Ananse’s back. “Be careful of that one. She’s dangerous. And she always keeps her promises.”
    Gail shivered, then realized with a start that she was still holding the glass of brandy. She hastily put it on the bar, where Scarface scooped it up and tossed it into the trash. As Gail watched a thin stream of purple smoke drifted up from the trashcan.
    “Thanks for saving me, Yin.”
    “I’m hardly a hero,” she giggled back. “But of course I’d rescue you. I’m not going to let that black widow bitch steal my date for the night.” Yin took her by the hand and led her out of the bar, grinning wide as she kept stealing glances at Gail. With her obvious attention on her Gail found herself blushing like she were a schoolgirl with a crush. This was no way for a hero to act. Yin was a thief, not to mention how she and her sister utterly humiliated her at the museum. But the memory of that night kept popping back up into her mind, making her heart race and her body tingle. 
    As they walked out to her car Yin suddenly stopped, spinning around to face Gail with a cheeky smile on her face. “I do believe that my invitation tonight required a certain… dress code?”
    Gail gulped as her ears burned red. Guilt and arousal mixing in her stomach Gail looked off to the side as she opened the trench coat. There was no mistaking Yin’s obvious purr of approval. Looking through her closet Gail had found a white skirt she’d loved as a teen but hadn’t worn in years, and though it was a tight fit the skirt was now so short that her panties were nearly in sight. She’d had to go out and buy a white and black halter top to go with it.
    “Oh yes, that’s amazing. Definitely fits with our color scheme,” Yin chuckled.
    The brunette was about to close her coat but then a wicked idea struck her. Gail tried to fight against it, after all it was too much. But, this was why she was here, wasn’t it? To let the sisters humiliate her in all of the best ways they knew how?
    “Theres… something else.” Gail bit her lip then reached down and lifted up the short white skirt, revealing a black thong, already soaked through. 
    “Mhm, my favorite color. You really are just my type-” Yin stopped and laughed, embarrassed. “I realized I never actually asked for your name, did I? I was almost about to ask Scarface if Torch Gal had walked in.”
    Gail laughed too, relaxing. “I almost asked him to tell you that Torch Gal was here waiting.”
    “They’d have strung you up,” Yin said, bursting into laughter. Gail shivered a bit at the thought, but then Yin did have a cute laugh that put her at ease. “You do kind of look like her, but I don’t think anyone would actually mistake you for Torch Gal.”
    “Really?” Gail asked, shocked.
    “Yeah, she’s a bit taller than you, and more stocky, too.”
    Gail bristled, but managed to hold herself back. Yin put an arm around Gail’s shoulders, peering into her eyes. “You’re much more my type.”
    As Yin leaned in for a kiss Gail expected herself to panic, to try and think of a way out of it. She was just going undercover to get information from the villains. But instead Gail was surprised to find there was no resistance at all. All she saw was a very cute girl who had saved her from Lady Ananse. Yin had made questionable life choices, but she was very earnestly attracted to Gail. So as Yin’s lips pressed against hers Gail gave in to the wonderful feeling of it. The girl’s made out sweetly, rocking back and forth to some unheard rhythm.
    When they pulled away both of them were smiling brightly.
    “Oh, tonight really is going to be amazing. I’ve got you, and some other big news too.”
    “Better than me,” Gail teased. She wondered why she was flirting but quickly silenced the voice. She was still going to ask the girl’s about how to find Professor Doombringer, that hadn’t slipped her mind. But as long as she accomplished that who cared if she had some fun too?
    Yin chuckled. “You are certainly the highlight of our evening. But, well, career wise me and Yang have a big opportunity back at our hide out.
    “And what would that be?”
    She leaned in close, taking Gail’s hands. With an excited grin she whispered. “We’ve caught ourselves a superhero.”

Doomed to Fail is one of my earliest series and still a personal favorite for me. Lots of fun kinky characters and adventures ahead! If you want all the available chapters right away you can go to my patreon, which I can’t link directly, but you can join my discord server and see announcements on all new stories, along with everything else Sammynona going on in the world. You can also check out my official bluesky page:

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