Doomed To Fail

Chapter 2

by sammynona

Tags: #D/s #exhibitionism #f/f #humiliation #sub:female #superhero #bondage #brainwashing #clothing #comic_book #dom:female #multiple_partners #pov:bottom #self_sabotage #supervillain

    In a dimly lit warehouse Torch Gal carefully weaved through the old shipping containers, listening out for her opponent. This time, the nervous hero kept telling herself. This time she wouldn’t slip up. As she was about to step down she caught herself, lifting her boot away and noticing a pile of screws and scrap metal. If she had kicked them it would have given her location away instantly. Torch Gal allowed herself a victorious moment, wondering if she was finally overcoming this stupid brainwashing that kept sabotaging her. Then she spun to the side and immediately found herself walking into a huge pile of boxes, sending them crashing loudly to the floor.
    She slapped her forehead. “Come on, how could I possibly miss that?”
    Booming footsteps rang out behind her and Torch Gal slipped into a defensive crouch as a muscular woman appeared atop one of the shipping containers. The grinning girl was dressed in brown pelts and chain mail armor like a viking, her flame red hair weaved intricately above the bronze crown she wore on her head. Wrapped between her hands was a long heft of rope, meant for Torch Gal.
    “No getting away this time,” Erika the Red laughed as she leapt down at the superhero, tossing out her lasso.
    Normally Torch Gal’s honed instincts would allow her to dodge the lasso with ease. Instead Torch Gal trembled as her instincts told her to dive into the rope, to let it go taught and trap her arms and legs. To let that enormous girl truss her up in ropes until she couldn’t move, to laugh at her and abuse Torch Gal in so many delicious ways. Torch Gal saw this horribly seductive image in her mind and now had to fight against her instincts instead of trusting them. Torch Gal managed to dodge the lasso in time but she was slower than usual, and Erika the Red had already leapt down to her and was barreling in to tackle her.
    At the last moment Torch Gal flipped over her opponent, twisting easily in the air above the more muscular woman. She felt the start of a smile spreading on her face that she was able to dodge the attack. It felt natural, just like it used to. Maybe she was finally-
    Suddenly a strong hand wrapped around her ankle. Torch Gal realized too late that her flip had left her completely exposed in the air, and Erika the Red was easily able to pluck her down. The burly redhead slammed Torch Gal to the floor, planting a knee on her back as she quickly wrapped up the hero’s arms in the thick rope.
    Torch Gal writhed and wriggled and tried to fight but somehow her frantic moves only helped Erika tie her up faster. Before she knew it the viking woman had bound her legs as well and now Torch Gal was trapped in a proper hogtie. Erika the Red cackled happily as she grabbed the piece of rope connecting the knots on her arms and legs and easily lifted Torch Gal off the ground, throwing the bound girl over her shoulder like she was some designer purse.
    “Wow, you really are making this too easy,” Erika chuckled.
    “I’m not trying to make it easy,” Torch Gal whined. Still struggling against the restraints she felt the harsh robe scratching at her skin, binding tighter and tighter and fuck it made her so hot. She bit her lip to keep a moan in, refusing to let it slip how horny she was.
    “Does that mean you want to go for another round? This is the fifth one straight I’ve won.”
    Torch Gal blushed. “P-please. I’m just rusty, that’s all.”
    Erika the Red unslung Torch Gal and released the knots, letting the panting hero drop to her hands and knees.
    “Alright, but try to make it a challenge this time. Superhero duels are supposed to be really entertaining.”
    Torch Gal mumbled under her breath as she ran back to her side of the warehouse, cheeks flushed a deep red under her blue mask. She’d never really gotten along with Erika, Torch Gal always considered her more of some Renaissance fair role player than a proper superhero, but it’s not like she could spar with any of her other friends. If any real heroes found out that Torch Gal had let herself gotten brainwashed she’d be the laughing stock of the city. And she refused to let another living soul know about these horrible fantasies that kept running through her head.
    Even know she was dripping wet at the thought of Erika the Red deciding that she liked Torch Gal better tied up. Maybe the curvy heroine knew about how Torch Gal would make fun of her and the redhead had only agreed to spare as a chance for some revenge. Torch Gal could perfectly picture Erika ripping her costume apart as if it were made of tissue paper, those strong muscles of hers rippling as she lifted the naked hero helplessly in the air. Forcing Torch Gal to kiss and worship her huge breasts, to suck on her nipples and get her ready. Then Erika would lift up her armored skirt and use the tied up Torch Gal as if she were nothing but a vibrator, only good for giving her pleasure. Oh god how humiliating it would be to be treated like nothing but an object just a sex toy for her to-
    “Ready or not, here I come!”
    Torch Gal jumped, fingers still deep in her pants and rubbing at her clit. She fumbled and tried to pull her hand free. When had she even started touching herself? But in her hast the glove caught on her zipper, trapping her hand in her pants. Torch Gal nearly cried out in agony as she desperately pulled to get her hand free. She couldn’t let herself be caught masturbating like this. Erika would tell everyone how shameful she was and then everyone would know the truth!
    She heard the viking hero sprinting in to fight and Torch Gal ducked behind a shipping container. She kept pulling to get her hand free but for some reason her fingers were still circling desperately at her clit, the fear and shame only getting her off harder. That stupid fucking programming!
    Torch Gal kept running for her life, diving through the shadows of the warehouse as best she could with that trapped hand diligently fucking herself. Erika the Red was loudly chasing behind, turning over boxes and crates as she hunted for her prey. Torch Gal had to bit down on her other hand to keep from moaning at the thought of what she’d do to her when Erika caught her like this.
    The desperate heroine turned a corner and came to a dead end. She’d fled all the way to the very corner of the warehouse. All that kept her hidden now was one old shipping container, and Erika had just leapt onto the other side of it. She was trapped with nowhere to hide.
    Torch Gal’s fingers slipped inside her and fucked her faster, almost determined to make her cry out in pleasure and be caught like this. Of course, that’s exactly what her traitorous hand wanted. The fabric of her glove slick with her juices, so rough as it slipped deeper inside her.
    Suddenly Torch Gal’s eyes flew open as she realized how stupid she was. She tugged again, feeling the glove caught fast in the zipper of her pants. Then she forced her fingers to relax and easily slipped her hand out of the glove. She smacked herself in the forehead, cursing herself.
    A shadow appeared above her as Erika the Red leapt down to attack. Hastily Torch Gal shoved the caught glove into her pants so it was out of sight and barely had time to get into a defensive crouch. Not that the stance helped at all. As Erika moved in to attack Torch Gal tried to evade only to find her feet tripping under her. The glove stuffed into the crotch of her pants teased at her with every movement and the hero ended up tumbling down to the ground. 
    “You’re not even trying!” Erika the Red shouted triumphantly as she threw out a rope net, snaring the fallen hero. The viking woman yanked on the net and it went taut around Torch Gal, dozens of weaving lines digging perfectly into her skin from every angle, wrapping her up completely. The tightening net forced her thighs together which only made the glove push in against her cunt, mercilessly teasing her.
    Torch Gal had to clamp her mouth shut to keep from moaning out as Erika actually dragged the subdued hero over the floor, hauling her in as if she were the catch of the day. Erika was panting from the chase, her wide cheekbones rosy red. Torch Gal guessed that Erika must find humiliating her to be tiring work. The imposing redhead flexed her muscles and hefted Torch Gal into the air, flashing her a triumphant grin.
    “You can stop taking it easy on me if that’s what you’re doing.”
    “I’m not- nggh, taking it easy,” Torch Gal muttered, feeling so utterly trapped and humiliated in the net. Her thighs kept clenching, trying to hump the glove balled up in her pants. Torch Gal realized she was making herself swing in the net with her depraved wriggling.
    “Then I must be a lot better than I thought,” Erika said with a laugh. “I remember you being a lot stronger than this. If I didn’t know better I’d think that you wanted to be caught and tied up.”
    Torch Gal felt her stomach drop at the truth, and her pussy cry out for attention. There was no denying it now; that really was what she was after. No, it wasn’t what the hero wanted, but it’s what her body was determined to get. It sabotaged her every move, ruined every attempt to escape. Was she going to be doomed to fail like this every time she tried to be a hero?
    “I- I gotta go,” she said, panicking. Torch Gal kicked out at the tight net, only reminding herself how perfectly she was captured. She writhed and fought against the net but it didn’t yield, only squeezed her in tighter, making her feel small and owned and perfectly at the bigger girl’s mercy.
    Erika watched her fight with surprise and dropped the net, causing Torch Gal to fall to the floor in an undignified heap. Dazed, Torch Gal picked her head up and realized that she’d rolled free of the net. Impossibly she could feel the memory of it fresh in her mind, felt the phantom pressure of the taut rope wrapping over every inch of her like a spider web. Torch Gal shivered and sprinted off, legs so weak they felt ready to melt beneath her.
    “So are we still going to spar?” Erika called after her.
    “Yes!” Torch Gal shouted excitedly, instantly dreaming of all the other ways the muscular girl could restrain her. Then shook her head as she tried to come to her senses. “I mean no! I mean- I just need a few minutes.”
    Before Erika could question her more Torch Gal took off running, slipping into a bathroom in the corner of the old warehouse. Her heels clicking in a hurried panic she stumbled into the bathroom, thankful that it was kept clean. With every step she felt the glove pressing against her soaking sex, and now she couldn’t stop a needy moan from squeaking out of her mouth with each step. Moaning and panting she stumbled into one of the stalls and collapsed against the wall.
    She didn’t even bother undressing herself or dropping her pants. Torch Gal simply closed her eyes and let her hands press up against her crotch, pushing the glove in deeper and sending lovely pulses of pleasure through her body. She focused all her attention on the feeling of the net wrapping her up in its embrace. With patience she mentally wound the ropes around her arms and legs, feeling them pull tight just like when she’d been captured. The more real the net became in her mind the greater her pleasure. 
    Torch Gal was shaking as she touched herself, whimpering at the memory of all the ways Erika the Red had utterly humiliated her. Wishing that the muscular girl had forced Torch Gal to strip and crawl to her. For the fallen hero to beg to be tied up and used like the slut she was. To be anything her mistress wanted her to be. She needed it so badly.
    “Please mistress Erika,” Torch Gal moaned quietly, the fear of being overheard only making her hands rub more desperately against her pants. If Erika found her like this she’d be able to blackmail Torch Gal, could force her to do anything. Erika could… she could…
    Torch Gal felt the orgasm swelling inside her and quickly dug into her pants, pulling out her lost glove. For a moment she stared at the yellow glove, dripping in her pussy juices. Then the orgasm struck and she shoved it into her mouth, groaning into her gag as she lost herself to the intense pleasure. Torch Gal licked at the fabric and tasted her juices, the shame of what she was doing only another spice to increase her bliss.
    Finally she collapsed to the floor, her hair a complete mess. Torch Gal spat out her glove and  panted air. Every time it was stronger. Every time she masturbated and fantasized about being abused and subjugated the orgasm would grow more spectacular. Torch Gal shivered, knowing that each time she gave in to the brainwashing she only gave it more power over her. But worse was the question she refused to listen to, always whispering seductively in the back of her head.
    If it felt this amazing just masturbating and fantasizing about being owned, how much better will it be when a woman actually does conquer and enslave her? Torch Gal let out a pathetic whine, knowing that if the pleasure would be anything like she imagined she wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to withstand it.
    Torch Gal took another minute to compose herself as she attempted to clean off her glove in the sink. No matter how much she scrubbed at it the fabric still reeked distinctly of pussy. In fact Torch Gal herself smelled noticeably of sex. Torch Gal paled at the thought of Erika the Red discovering that she was getting off while they spared. She could humiliate Torch Gal before the whole city, or blackmail her just like in her fantasy. There was no way of knowing what the low level hero would do if she learned how Torch Gal had been brainwashed into a shameless slut, but she was pretty sure it wouldn’t end up as kinky as her fantasies.
~ ~ ~
    In her loft above the warehouse Erika the Red grunted with pleasure as she pressed the vibrator against her clit. She winced, knowing she had to keep her voice down or Torch Gal might hear her from down in the warehouse. Thinking of the superhero brought a smile back to Erika’s face. That Torch Gal was actually here in her base! Getting a chance to spare with an elite hero was a rare opportunity for new heroes like her, yet Erika still found herself risking it all by sneaking upstairs at the first chance to get herself off. But the redhead kept rationalizing that she needed to let off some steam; it wasn’t her fault the tiny brunette looked so damn hot when she was tied up.
    As she slowly circled the pink vibrator around her clit Erika kept focusing on the net wrapped in her other hand. Remembering how the rope would tug every time Torch Gal writhed inside the net. The desperate face the powerful hero made as she kicked and fought to no avail. Erika licked her lips and slid the toy inside herself, knowing she needed to hurry. Torch Gal would be back soon and Erika couldn’t let her idol find her masturbating over her. There was no way of knowing what the superhero would do if she knew that Erika had a bondage fetish.
    It wouldn’t have been so bad if they were just sparing. Erika hoped that maybe she would get at least one victory with her ropes or chains, and that single proud moment would be something for her to cherish as she played with herself that night. The rest of the time she expected Torch Gal to toss her around the warehouse like a ragdoll. The brunette was the best fighter in the city, and maybe Erika secretly hoped that Torch Gal would turn her ropes against her and tie her up instead.
    Only none of that had gone to plan. Instead Torch Gal had ended up snared in her ropes every single time. With her feet lassoed and hanging upside down from the ceiling. Falling to the floor with ropes coiled around her tight as a boa constrictor. Every trick that Erika used worked like a charm as Torch Gal wound up bound and helpless, visibly growing more and more frustrated with each defeat.
    There were times Erika wondered if this was some impostor or a shape-shifter but this was certainly the same Torch Gal she’d been lucky enough to meet twice before. She’d hardly spoken to her, Erika was just a low level hero after all, but it was definitely the real Torch Gal. The question was why she was letting Erika win every time? Was she testing her for something? Or maybe…
    Erika gulped, gripping the rope in her hand tighter. Maybe Torch Gal was enjoying this the same way she was? There were a few times she saw Torch Gal squirming against the ropes where it looked less like she was trying to escape and more like she was doing anything possible to get herself tied in tighter. She imagined Torch Gal failing on purpose and becoming more turned on as Erika wrapped her up in the restraints. Her pussy dripping inside her uniform, driving her to become more desperate. Then as she lifted up her captured prey Torch Gal would let out a lewd moan, unable to stand it anymore.
    “Please Erika, I need it,” she’d plead, doing her best to strip off her clothes while trapped in the net. “I’m so wet, please take me.”
    Erika would pin the restrained hero up against the wall, lashing her to the side of the warehouse as she easily ripped down her pants, discovering for herself just how wet Torch Gal really was. She’d twist the rope around the horny girl’s hips and slip it between her legs, grinding it up into the smaller girl’s soaked pussy as she cries out in need.
    “You’re my prey now,” Erika imagined herself growling, taking the other girl’s chin between her thumb and forefinger while she continued to tease her with the rope. “I’m going to show you all the fun ways I can tie you up, and you don’t get to cum until I say so.”
    Torch Gal would melt into the ropes, losing all her will to resist. “I’m yours,” she’d moan. “Take me.”
    Erika would kiss her passionately and rub the rope into her clit, pulling the restraints tighter as she-
    Erika came hard from the vibrator inside her, twisting the rope tight in her hand. Realizing she was going to scream she bit down on a length of the rope, moaning into it as her hips bucked from the intense orgasm. Stars flashing before her eyes Erika finally turned the toy off and collapsed into her bed, panting for breath.
    “Oh fuck,” she whispered, freckled cheeks flushed bright red. “If only she was really into this too.” Erika pried herself up from the bed and saw that the rope she’d wrapped around her hand had been pulled so taut it left harsh red marks over her skin. She ran her fingers over the rope burn, savoring the mixture of pain and pleasure. Erika wished she could find a girl into the kinky kind of stuff she was into but it was nearly hopeless. Dating civilians was out of the question, Erika was too invested in her superhero career to mess around with an alter ego. Besides, how many six foot four redheads with huge tits could there be in one city? Way too conspicuous.
    And it wasn’t like she’d be able to find a superheroine actually interested in being captured like a damsel in distress. At least Erika could enjoy the opportunity to truss up the female supervillains in her ropes whenever she had the chance. Beautiful women in tight skimpy outfits who squirmed in her nets. Erika smiled but shook her head. This was no time to get herself turned on again.
    She slipped her viking costume back on and checked downstairs, noticing Torch Gal waiting for her down in the warehouse. Blushing and wondering how much time she’d spent masturbating Erika leapt down to join her, falling two stories and landing as easily as if she’d dropped two feet.
    Torch Gal jumped in surprise, putting a hand to her chest. Erika noticed that the hand was missing it’s usual yellow glove, which meant she might have lost it somewhere while they were sparring. 
    “You scared the crap out of me.”
    “Sorry about that,” Erika mumbled as her cheeks went the same bright red color as her hair. “Just had something to take care of upstairs. So do you want to, um, keep sparring?”
    “No, I think I learned what I wanted to,” Torch Gal said as her eyes dropped to the floor.
    “What were you trying to learn anyway?” Erika asked, curiosity getting the better of her. “What it’s like to be tied up?”
    Torch Gal blushed and quickly looked away.
    “As a matter of fact I was. You see, I, uh, wanted to work on getting myself out of restraints if I was captured,” she finished brightly. Torch Gal put her hands on her hips and threw on a triumphant grin. “I’m such a great hero that no one’s ever even come close to restraining me before, and I realized that because I’m so good at what I do I actually don’t have a lot of experience failing. Like none at all.”
    Erika tried not to laugh at Torch Gal’s fake confidence and show of bravado.
    “So you wanted to see how you’d react if someone put you in a net. And since that’s my specialty…”
    Torch Gal nodded shyly. “Um, yeah, that was the idea. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner but it’s a little embarrassing.”
    “Not at all,” Erika replied a little too eagerly. “I can tell that you didn’t really know what you were doing when you’d been captured. Half the time you wound up working your way tighter into the ropes.”
    “You don’t say,” Torch Gal muttered quietly.
    “But I can show you what to do! I could tie you up more if you like,” Erika said with a grin. “Oh, and teach you how to get out.”
    Torch Gal almost seemed to be blushing under her mask. “I, ah, would really like that. A lot. To learn how to escape, of course.”
    “Of course,” Erika agreed, trying to push the dirty fantasies out of her mind.
    “So we should meet up again sometime so you can,” Torch Gal shivered. “Tie me up more. And not just rope. I need to know what it’s like to be tied down in every way possible. Zip ties. Chains. Nets. Leather restraints. Silk ties.” Torch Gal was nearly drooling as she spoke, and Erika was so lost in imagining all of this she didn’t notice herself until the last one.
    “Wait, silk? You want to be tied up in silk?” Her heat beat faster at the thought of her collection of red and black silk restraints she had in her closet, along with everything else that Torch Gal had mentioned.
    Torch Gal blushed as she stammered. “I just, um, it would probably be different than rope, right? So like if some supervillain with a silk theme ties me up in it I’d be pretty helpless. So like, just in case.”
    Erika nodded, herself very well versed in how different being bound by lush silk was from harsh ropes. “Yeah, that makes since. So I guess I can see if I can find some silk to tie you up with. I’m sure I could find some somewhere.”
    “And don’t tell the other heroes,” Torch Gal suddenly added loudly. “It’s just, well, embarrassing.”
    “It’ll be our secret,” the tall redhead said with a pleased smile. The chance to privately train with Torch Gal, AND getting to bind her in every way she could think of? This was like a dream come true! But she couldn’t let Torch Gal know that she was going to get off on this or she’d put a stop to it right away. Trying to keep her cool Erika said “You can come back next Thursday, I’ll try to find some good stuff to work with.”
    “Awesome,” Torch Gal whispered with bright, excited eyes. Erika thought she almost saw arousal there too which startled her. Was Torch Gal getting off on this like she was?
    Then she shook her head. Torch Gal was a professional hero and she was the fetish freak. No need to project her perverted desires onto her. God, how was she going to be able to tie this girl up all night and control herself?
    “Alright, I’ll see you Thursday, Erika,” Torch Gal finally said and extended her hand. Erika eagerly shook it, noticing that it was the hand missing her glove. Her skin was smooth but her grip was strong, if a little slick with sweat. The tight grip made the small rope burn marks on her hand sing with gentle pleasure, and Erika had to use all her restraint not to let out a hungry moan. 
    Instead she offered a platonic smile. “Thanks for the opportunity to train with you. Also, you should know my real name’s Natalie.”
    Torch Gal blinked.
    “Wait, then why Erika?” 
    “Because criminals will think that’s my real name and search for an Erika instead,” the redhead giggled. “You know that girl who can clone herself, Duplikate? She does the same thing. Her real name is actually-” Natalie cut herself off and laughed. “Probably shouldn’t give away secret identities.”
    “I do appreciate your discretion,” Torch Gal said with a cute smile. “I’m Gail.”
    “Nice to meet you, Gail. I’m looking forward to leaving you helplessly tied up,” Natalie said with a grin, then blushed hard at what she said.
    Gail’s face flushed and she bit her lip.
    “I- sorry, that was poorly phrased.”
    “I-it’s fine,” Gail muttered, thighs clenching as her pussy instantly began to drip with desire. “So, see you Thursday.” Gail turned and fled out of the warehouse, wondering how just a single sentence from that gorgeous redhead could leave her so horny. Of course to Natalie that was just a bad joke, but with the perverted programming in her head it sounded like a dream come true. Torch Gal licked her lips, knowing that she’d probably be right back to fucking herself and fantasizing about the viking girl tying her up up the second she got home.
    Natalie waved after the hero as she quickly left, cursing herself for being awkward. But that was quickly forgotten as she ran back up to her loft. Just knowing she was allowed to bind Torch Gal- Gail- in all those sexy ways. The redhead started stripping off her costume once she was through the door, then dove onto her bed for her pink vibrator. Maybe she could wear a small toy in her pussy to tease her as she tied up Gail. No, if she did that she’d end up too horny to think.
    How could she be so excited and so afraid at the same time? Her stomach tying itself up in knots the redhead eased her sex toy inside her pussy, letting it’s soothing rhythm relax her as she come up with more impossible fantasies of that beautiful brunette sharing her depraved fetish for domination and submission. Though she knew it would never happen Natalie still knew that she couldn’t wait for Thursday.

Doomed to Fail is one of my earliest series and still a personal favorite for me. Lots of fun kinky characters and adventures ahead! If you want all the available chapters right away you can go to my patreon, which I can’t link directly, but you can join my discord server and see announcements on all new stories, along with everything else Sammynona going on in the world. You can also check out my official bluesky page:

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