Hypnotising the Football Jock
by ryan_devry
Hi! I'm Ryan and I write weird little gay stories about mind control and other taboo subjects. You can check out my website for more.
For more stories like this, check out my 'Under His Control' series on Smashwords or Itch.io. There's also a bundle available of the first four stories, including this one and 'Pleasuring the Hypnotist'.
Thanks for your support and thank you for reading!
Matt fidgeted in his seat. Not that it was uncomfortable – if anything, it was too comfortable. Any softer and he’d sink into it.
No, Matt was craving his vape.
It had only been, what? Ten minutes? Before that, he’d vaped in the car on the drive over, non-stop.
Matt squirmed again, casting a glance at the guy sitting across from him.
The hypnotist.
Hypnotherapist, Matt corrected himself. Hypnotist sounded so… hokey.
But this guy was a pro.
His five star ratings across the apps attested to that.
Matt wasn’t sure he believed in hypnosis, exactly, but he was willing to give this guy a try. At this point, he’d try anything. He’d tried weaning himself off his vape; hadn’t worked. He’d tried quitting cold turkey; hadn’t worked. He’d tried going for walks; hadn’t worked. He’d tried the damn nicotine patches.
It. Hadn’t. Worked.
Matt was fucking desperate.
And the hypnotherapist seemed more interested in his iPad than he did in Matt. He hadn’t looked up once since they entered the room, eyes glued to the screen and fingers swiping.
What kind of service was that?
This guy really had to be brilliant, to treat his clients like this and still have a perfect customer score.
Matt cleared his throat.
The hypnotherapist ignored him, frowning at something on the screen, flicking a long finger.
Okay. Actually, this was infuriating. Matt fidgeted again, reaching for his vape – realising belatedly he’d left it in his car. And he probably couldn’t vape in here, anyway.
“Will you stop doing that?” The hypnotherapist’s voice was soft, almost delicate. He spoke with a light lisp.
“What?” Matt asked, dumbfounded.
“The fidgeting. Being all squirrelly.” The hypnotherapist flapped a hand at Matt, before returning it to his iPad. “Just sit still and be quiet.”
Matt couldn’t believe his ears.
This guy – this twink – was just going to speak to him like that? Was going to ignore him like that?
And thought Matt was going to sit there and take it?
Hell. No.
He clenched his teeth. And his fists.
Take it easy, Matt told himself. He couldn’t just start wailing on the twink, not for something insignificant like this.
He was on edge, that was all.
He wanted his vape.
He hated how much he wanted it.
“Listen, man,” he said, putting only the hint of a threat in his voice. “I drove a long way to get here.”
The infuriating twink gave no sign he’d heard Matt.
Matt leaned forward in his seat, elbows resting on his knees. “Listen,” he said again. “I showed up on time.” He thought about the extra time he could’ve spent vaping. Pushed the thought away. “I respected your schedule. So I would appreciate it if you could also respect my time.”
“I have to say,” the twink said. “We’re not off to a great start here.”
Matt leaned back, accepting the acknowledgement.
“You seem very high maintenance,” the hypnotherapist went on. “I don’t like it. It’s not attractive.”
Matt saw red for a split second. He’d been expecting… an apology, maybe? Or at least for them to dive into the session without any further delay.
“I’m not high maintenance,” he growled. And why, for fuck’s sake, was he zoning in on that, instead of on the hypnotherapist’s rudeness?
The twink arched an eyebrow.
Matt fell silent.
He didn’t mean to.
It was just such a withering look.
“Good. Now –” The twink consulted his iPad. “Matt. Twenty-two. College football… dull, dull, boring.” He swiped. “Ah. Wait! No, this is also boring.” He furrowed his brow. “Hm. Vaping?”
Matt’s body gave an involuntary jolt at the word.
Fuck, he needed to vape so bad.
“What’s that?” he said, mouth dry all of a sudden.
“Vaping.” The twink overpronounced the word, finally giving Matt his full attention.
Matt swallowed. “What about it?”
“Not smoking?” A hint of incredulousness had crept into his voice. “Vaping?”
“Yeah.” A defensive note in his own voice.
Silence stretched between them.
Matt finally broke it. “I don’t smoke. I mean, I’m not stupid.”
“Man,” Matt hissed. “What is your problem?”
The twink leaned back. Seemed to actually think about it, a tiny crease appearing on his forehead.
Matt counted the seconds in the silence.
How many seconds would he need to go downstairs, outside, and get his vape from the car? His jaw clenched at the thought.
“It isn’t so much a problem, per se,” the twink said at length. “It’s more like… There are people out there, right, and they have real problems. You know what I mean?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “And then there’s you, young athlete, obviously got a couple of things going for you. I get it though, lots of guys come see me to help them kick their addictions.”
He heaved a sigh. “It’s just that you’re the first who’s addicted to strawberry clouds.”
Matt exploded out of his seat. “Who the hell do you think you are?”
“I’m Luca Montresor,” the twink said calmly. “Greatest hypnotherapist in the world.”
Matt could only stare. Is this guy for real?
Maybe all the five star ratings had gone to the twink’s head.
Still… no matter how insufferable the hypnotherapist had turned out to be, Matt was commited to seeing this through.
He’d driven all this way, after all.
And he really did want to quit. He hated the way all the vaping had started to affect his performance in the field. Hated the way it had become a constant craving.
This was his last chance.
“Okay,” he said. “Right. But can you help me or not?”
“Of course I can. Weren’t you listening?” A flicker of annoyance passed over Luca’s face. “I’m the greatest hypnotherapist in the world. Now sit back down.”
“Right.” Matt settled into the couch again, forcing himself to relax. He took a steadying breath. “So… how does this work?”
“I’m going to hypnotise you. Obviously.” Luca sneered. Matt suppressed the urge to punch him in the face. “Once you’re under, we’re going to address your oral fixation and your high maintenance attitude. We’re going to put these traits to better use.”
“I am not high maintenance,” Matt snapped.
“No? Did you not demand I pay attention to you, just then? And very rudely, I might add.”
He hadn’t been that rude. “Well, yeah. Because you were ignoring me.”
“Do you often break down when people ignore you?”
“I didn’t break down –”
“Is that why you play football? Having all those eyes on you, being the center of attention?”
“Of course not.” Even as he spoke the words, Matt started to doubt himself.
He played football because he enjoyed it.
He was good at it.
So what if he also enjoyed the attention that came with being an athlete, both on the field and off?
Didn’t everyone enjoy getting some attention?
“Anyway, that’s different. I’m a paying customer, for fuck – for chrissake! It’s your job to pay attention to me.”
“It’s my job to make you better. Whether I want to pay attention to you or not is up to me.” As if to prove the point, Luca turned his attention back to the iPad. “But fine. Moving on. Let’s talk about your oral fixation.”
“I definitely don’t have that, either!”
“No?” Luca grinned. It made him look feral. “You’re not craving to suck on something right now?”
Matt struggled to come up with a response. Yes, the twink was technically correct.
But the way he’d said it, the positively lewd curl on his lips…
“Don’t be ashamed. It’s perfectly normal.”
“It’s the nicotine,” Matt said, struggling to keep his tone even. “I’m addicted to the nicotine. Wanting to… suck on something… doesn’t enter into it.”
Man, this twink was really getting under his skin.
Luca was leaning forward now, his green eyes sparkling. “Have you sucked cock before?”
Matt blinked once.
Then he was up on his feet.
“What?” Fuming rage. “What did you say?”
He needed to calm down – he was going to bash this fucking twink’s face in.
He was going to go to jail.
His football career was going to be over.
Fuck, he needed his fucking vape!
“You’re joking,” he said through clenched teeth. “Tell me you’re joking.”
Luca looked up, utterly unworried. “I’ve never made a joke in my life.”
“I’m not a fa– I’m not gay!”
“Close one.” Luca leaned back in his seat. “I personally don’t see the connection, but I’ll take that as a no on the cocksucking.” A sharp glance. “Sit down.”
Matt was halfway down in his seat already when he stopped himself.
“No. Fuck you.”
“Relax,” the twink said. “Take a deep breath. That’s good. Now sit down. I’m going to help you.”
Matt found himself back in his seat. And blinked; he didn’t remember sitting down. Wasn’t he leaving? But there was something in the hypnotherapist’s tone of voice, making him pay attention.
Calming him.
“That’s right. Relax. You drove all this way, might as well settle down and get comfortable. There’s no rush. Relax.”
The twink’s voice had changed, somehow. He spoke slowly and softly, and yet the sound was full and strong. Almost as if Matt was hearing it in his head.
"You’re safe here. You feel safe. Safe and relaxed.
"I want you to focus on the sound my voice. And as you listen to my voice, you slowly come to realise how safe you are here. With each word I say, you allow yourself to become more relaxed. Go ahead and close your eyes. It will help you relax.
"That’s good. That’s very good.
"Allow yourself to become aware of your body. Let my voice soothe you, and remember how safe you are here. You can feel your body slowing down. You become aware of any lingering tension you may feel, and you know it’s safe to let go. Let go of the tension now and relax. Feel the texture of the couch against your skin. Feel how soft it is. Feel the comforting pressure of the couch against your body.
"I’m going to count back from ten now. Each time I count, you’re going to take a slow breath… and let it out again. As the numbers change… one by one… you’ll take a slow, deep breath… and let it out. And with every breath, you will feel yourself relax even more… and my voice will soothe you more… Remember, a slow, deep breath… and let it out.
"That’s so good.
"You’re such a good boy.
"Ten… As you take a slow breath… you feel a sense of peace filling your lungs… filling your chest. And as you let it out… you melt into the couch… you’re so relaxed… you’re melting into the couch, and it feels so… good.
"Nine… Breathe… you’re sinking deeper… deeper into the couch… You feel it envelop you in its warmth… and you become even more relaxed.
"Eight… You sink even deeper… You’re under now, and you feel so safe… and relaxed.
"Seven… You are safe… you are relaxed… you are doing so good… you are such a good boy…
"Six… Deep breath… you feel yourself sink deeper… enveloped by warmth…
"Five… And as you’re sinking… deeper, even deeper… sinking faster… you start to feel so good.
"Four… You are safe… You feel relaxed… You feel so good…
"Three… Still going down… down… deeper down…
"Two… You are relaxed… you are entering into hypnosis and it feels so good… it feels better than anything…
"One… Breathe… There you are… such a good boy… You are hypnotised now… and it feels amazing.
“Open your eyes and look at me.”
Matt did as he was told.
"Good boy.
“The sound of my voice makes you feel so good. You enjoy listening to my voice. Go ahead and say it.”
“I enjoy listening to your voice,” Matt said. His voice was flat and dreamy, coming from miles away.
“That’s a good boy. You like it when I call you a good boy.”
“I like it when you call me a good boy.”
"Being called a good boy makes you feel sooo good. It fills you with joy and warmth. It feels like all the best orgasms you’ve ever had… but even better than that.
“But only when I call you my good… boy…”
Matt whimpered.
So much pleasure was washing over him. He didn’t think he could stand it.
His dick felt so good it almost ached.
"That’s why you like listening to my voice so much. My voice has the power to make you feel so good… but only if you obey.
“It’s for your own good. I wouldn’t make you do anything you don’t really want to, deep inside… It’s very good to listen to me, and to obey me… You are safe with me.”
“I am safe with you.”
“You are relaxed.”
A contented sigh. “I am relaxed.”
“You will obey.”
“I will obey.”
“Good… boy…”
Matt shuddered.
"You’re going to get up, but you will still feel relaxed… That’s good. So good… Now get on your knees. Yes, right there…
"You like being on your knees.
"And you love being on your knees with a man standing in front of you… Just like I am now. Close enough to see the outline of their cock. You love having your face close to my hard cock. Love having your face close to any hard cock.
"You can feel it. The want, the desire. You love cock. You love it, so much.
“You’re safe. You feel good. You love cock. You can say it.”
“Say it.”
“I love cock.”
“Good… boy…”
Matt gasped. His mouth hung open and his eyes were fixated on the bulge between Luca’s legs.
He loved seeing the outline of another guy’s cock.
His body leaned towards it, instinctively.
His lips were so close to brushing Luca’s pants.
“That’s right… You love it so much… you want it so bad…”
While he spoke, Luca took the tiniest step back. Matt craned his neck, but it was no use; Luca’s crotch remained just out of reach.
Matt started to whimper again when Luca’s long fingers started unbuttoning his pants, slowly.
Luca lowered his pants. His cock flopped out, bouncing once. It was long, on the thin side, with a light upwards curve.
Matt’s eyes were fixed on the twink’s cock. His mouth started to water – a purely physical response to what he was seeing, one he didn’t have any control over.
“You want to feel my cock in your mouth.”
“I want to feel your cock in my mouth…”
He did. He really did.
Matt found himself leaning forward again – and again, Luca matched his movements, staying tantalisingly close but out of reach.
It was torture.
“That’s right,” Luca said. "See how hard it is? You want to feel that hardness against your tongue. You want to feel the weight of it. You want to taste it. You want my cock to fill up your mouth. You want to take it deep… want to feel it stretch your throat…
"You want it more than anything.
“Smell it. Go ahead, but don’t touch it… Yes… yes, there you go. Take a deep breath… Good boy! Just like that, yes…”
The musky scent of cock filled Matt’s nose, making his head spin. At the same time, a fresh rush of pleasure set his nerve endings singing.
"That’s right… really inhale it. Notice how good you feel. Become aware of how much you want cock. Not just my cock, but any cock.
"You know you have an oral fixation.
"You don’t want to vape. You are wrong about wanting to vape. You never wanted to vape, you just wanted to suck on something.
"Sucking makes you feel good.
"Sucking cock makes you feel good.
“Sucking cock is what you desire.”
“Sucking cock… is what I desire…”
"That’s right. Good boy.
"You won’t vape anymore. Good boys don’t vape. Whenever you think you want to vape, you will remember it’s not true. What you really want is to suck cock. You will know this subconsciously, without thinking about it. You will not realise you want to suck cock, but you will want it all the same.
"Every time you want to vape… every time you want to suck cock… it will increase your desire, your need.
"But you will not act on it.
"You will feel it’s there, and it will make you feel frustrated, but you will not give in. You will want it so much, it almost hurts. So much, it will start to drive you crazy.
"Take a deep breath again. There you go.
"Treasure the smell. Whenever you smell this, you will remember how good you feel… sitting on your knees in front of a man’s cock. You will remember how you love sucking cock. All your conscious thoughts will be washed away by your desire to suck cock.
"The next time you smell this scent… a man’s musk… you will let go… and give in to your lust… and it will feel so good. You will be such a good boy when you’re down on your knees… sucking cock.
"You won’t be able to stop until you have a load in your throat.
"You won’t want to stop, because you’ll feel so good.
“Tell me you understand.”
“I understand… Whenever I smell… cock… I want to suck… cock…”
"That’s right. Good… boy…
"Now take one last look at my cock. Think about how much you want it… how desperate you are for it… And hold on to that feeling, and put it away… Store the feeling away, deep inside… and let it wash over you the next time you smell a man’s sweaty cock. Good boy.
"Good boy.
"I’m so proud of you. Go sit back down now… that’s right, go sit in the couch. Good…
“I’m going to count back from five now… and with each number, you will become more awake. You won’t remember what happened during this session… but you will remember you don’t vape. You suck cock, instead. And when you smell a man’s cock… you will fall back into a trance, easy as that… as if it’s nothing… and you will give in to your desire.”
While he spoke, the hypnotherapist returned to his own seat. Matt followed him with his eyes, unable to help himself.
He whimpered when Luca stowed his cock away and rebuttoned his pants.
"Five… Starting to surface again… starting to forget…
"Four… You feel the strength return to your body…
"Three… You’re becoming more aware of this room… breathing normally again…
"Two… Take a deep breath… You’re feeling good, well rested… like you just had the best nap…
“One… You are awake. And you feel amazing.”
“… Whoa.” Matt blinked. Shook his head. “What…”
“Take it easy. We got a lot of work done this session.” The twink was looking at Matt intently. A Mona Lisa smile curled his lips. “How do you feel?”
“I… great. I feel great.”
Better than great – Matt felt pumped, full of energy. Too bad he didn’t have a game today; he would dominate the field, he just knew it.
“That’s so wonderful to hear.” Luca swiped at his iPad. “Now, I hate to rush you, but I do have another appointment.”
Matt glanced at his Fitbit.
An entire hour had passed.
He didn’t remember anything. But… he really did feel great. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so… relaxed, yet so full of energy. His watch showed his heart rate at forty-nine beats per minute.
Matt double-checked. It didn’t seem possible – he’d never gone below fifty-five, and that had been before he’d started vaping – yet there it was.
Something tickled at his brain.
He’d thought about vaping… but didn’t feel the need to do it. For the first time in months.
Matt was still processing when the twink – the hypnotherapist – gently led him out of the room. They went down the stairs and past a small waiting room that Matt hadn’t noticed before. A big, muscular, kind of dangerous looking guy occupied the single chair.
“Brent,” Luca said cheerfully. “You’ve shown yourself in, I see. I’ll be ready for you in a minute.”
When they reached the front door, Matt turned to Luca.
“So… that’s it? I’m cured?”
“‘Cured’ isn’t really the right term. You were never sick to begin with.” Luca smiled, kindness radiating from his face. “But, yes, essentially. We may need a couple more sessions, but for the coming days at least, you’ll no longer feel the need to… vape.”
There was that tickle again – and then just as soon it was gone.
“Wow. That’s… Amazing. Thank you. I mean it, sincerely.”
The smile widened. “You’re very welcome.”
“I’m so sorry for the way I behaved before. I have a… a short fuse. And the vaping, the cravings weren’t helping. It’s not an excuse, I know.” Matt took a deep breath, feeling his lungs expand. Literally a weight off his chest.
Still feeling more calm than he had in ages.
“Water under the bridge,” Luca said magnanimously.
Matt extended his hand. Luca shook it, limp-wristed, his long fingers enveloping Matt’s hand for a second.
“Tell you what,” Luca said. “See how it goes this week. If the cravings come back, give me a call, I’ll set you up with another appointment. How does that sound?”
“Sounds good. Yeah.”
Luca snapped his fingers, as if he’d suddenly thought of something. “A bit of a random question: do you have a game coming up soon?”
“I do, yeah.” The question surprised Matt; Luca did not exactly look like a sports fan. He shook his head, banishing the unkind thought. “This Friday. Honestly, if I keep feeling the way I do now, those Beavers don’t stand a chance.”
“Friday. That’s… three days from now. Yeah. Yes, that should be enough time.”
“Enough time for what?”
Luca grinned. His green eyes bored into Matt’s.
It was a little… intense.
“Enough time for your body to flush out all those strawberry-flavoured toxins.” He gave an apologetic half shrug. “Sorry. I really have to get to my next appointment. Drive safe.”
After Luca had gone back inside, Matt sat in his car for a while. His eyes kept wandering to the glove compartment. Where he kept his vape.
He felt nothing.
Well. Not nothing – but no cravings, no need to grab his vape, put it to his lips…
The tickle in his brain was somehow stronger this time.
Matt shivered. It was not unpleasant.
It felt… pretty good, even.
Whistling, Matt turned on the engine and started the long drive home.
They won the game.
Matt had dominated. Sure, his teammates had played on point too, but it was really Matt who’d stolen the show, steamrolling past the Beavers’ defense.
The crowd had loved it.
And Matt in turn had loved their cheers, their shouts.
All those eyes on him.
He had to admit, it did something to him. The twinky hypnotherapist had been right; Matt did enjoy being the center of attention.
Afterward, the atmosphere in the locker room was rowdy, going on boisterous. Coach made an appearance, gave a rousing victory speech. Cheers and shouts and lots of shoulder claps.
Matt felt like he was floating through it all. The past couple of days had passed in a bit of a blur, as if he was witnessing someone else live his life, make the decisions.
It was a little weird, but it was nice, too.
He hadn’t vaped once. Still hadn’t even felt the need to.
The tickle in his brain hadn’t gone away – if anything, it had spread throughout his body. Instead of worrying about it, Matt just rolled with it.
Accepted how nice he felt.
Relaxed, yet full of energy. Every nerve ending sparking, dancing.
Honestly, his transformation over these past few days was nothing short of a miracle. He felt more fit, more focused – he wasn’t constantly craving his vape, so his attention had been one hundred percent on the game.
The game they’d just won!
Matt felt giddy again thinking about it. He needed a shower pretty bad – he reeked of sweat, and he wasn’t the only one. As usual after a game, the locker room was becoming pretty fragrant.
Matt sat down hard on the wooden bench, wearing only a towel. There weren’t enough showers for everyone; their college’s locker room was pretty modest, at least compared to those of the big football colleges. He didn’t mind waiting his turn.
His friend Tyler slapped him on the back. “Man! You were on fire out there.”
“Yo, thanks man.”
Tyler stepped in front of Matt to access his locker. He was a big, lean guy; like Matt, he was only wearing a towel.
The brain-tickle was back, stronger than before. For a split second, he couldn’t help but stare at Tyler, taking in the other guy’s lean muscles; taking in the short, coarse hair covering Tyler’s chest.
Matt shook it off.
Or he tried to, at least. He couldn’t help but notice the bulge in Tyler’s towel. It happened; Matt had popped plenty of involuntary locker room boners himself.
Tyler noticed him looking. Arched an eyebrow.
“You’re gonna put someone’s eye out with that thing,” Matt said. It was meant as a joke, obviously – yet Matt’s voice cracked on the last word. His heart was suddenly beating in his throat.
The tickle turned into a zap. The room seemed to close in on Matt.
He took a couple of deep breaths to ground himself. A sharp scent entered his nostrils, a mix of stale and fresh sweat. It made his head swim.
Tyler was oblivious. The taller guy grinned down at Matt. “What can I say? Victory makes me hard. I can’t help it.”
Matt grinned back, half-hearted, hoping Tyler would drop the locker room talk.
“Wish someone would take care of it, though. Hey, maybe Josh will let me put it in, what do you think?”
Josh was another teammate, currently in the shower. Matt severely doubted Josh would let anyone ‘put it in’. The guy was a walking slab of muscle, a true red-blooded, one hundred and ten percent straight jock.
“Good luck with that,” Matt said. “I’ll come visit you in the hospital.”
“Nah, man. Nobody can resist this!”
With a flourish, Tyler flung away the tower, revealing his semi. He shook his hips, helicoptering his dick for effect.
Matt’s grin cracked wider. “Dude! Get that thing out of my face.”
Then Matt caught a whiff of Tyler’s smell.
His mind went blank.
The tickle in his brain became a spark; the spark became a live current, rushing through his body.
“Oh,” Matt said, before dropping to his knees.
He was dimly aware that Tyler was frowning down at him.
That didn’t matter. Only one thing matter.
Tyler’s cock, in front of his face.
“Oh,” he said again, hearing the slutty whine in his own voice.
“Matt? What are you doing?” Tyler’s voice came from far away. “Are you all right?”
His cock seemed to radiate heat. Matt felt it against his face, basked in it, let its warm golden glow fill him up.
He couldn’t look away. He wanted it so bad. He’d never wanted anything as bad as he wanted Tyler’s cock.
His mouth was hanging open.
Deep breath…
Matt inhaled Tyler’s scent, pressing his face hard against Tyler’s cock. He moaned. He shivered. His cock felt like it was going to blow.
“The fuck, dude? I was kidding about sticking it – oh.”
Matt didn’t let Tyler finish – couldn’t risk letting him get away.
His mouth engulfed Tyler’s cock.
As he clumsily tried to take it as deep as he could, he became aware of a voice in his mind. Talking to him.
Saying, good boy.
Matt shivered again, every inch of his body tingling.
He started to suck, not really caring how Tyler felt about all this. He needed to suck dick.
Tyler’s body tensed. For a moment, it looked like he would step away – but then he relaxed again. His cock grew harder inside Matt’s mouth; soon, its head was swollen and causing Matt to gag.
“Ahhh,” Matt said, letting out his breath at the same time.
Tyler gasped as his cock slide down Matt’s throat. “What… How… are you… so good at this?”
Matt didn’t have an answer to that. All he knew was that he needed Tyler’s cock down his throat.
Needed it more than anything.
Fuck, it felt so good to be sucking it.
Matt bobbed his head up and down, fast, throating Tyler’s cock. Slobbering on it.
Tyler’s cock was so hard in his mouth! Matt squirmed and moaned, butterflies spreading from his stomach. He moaned louder when Tyler’s cock began to twitch.
Sucked it even harder, spurred on by the little gasps and moans Tyler made.
“Oh… oh, fuck…”
Tyler grabbed a handful of Matt’s hair, roughly holding his head in place. Matt let out a needy whimper, but only for a second. The sound was almost immediately smothered when a load of cum exploded out of Tyler’s cock, straight into Matt’s throat.
The feeling was new to him. His body struggled against it, tried to pull away – but Matt fought back and forced himself to stay put, swallowing every rope of cum shooting from Tyler’s cock.
“Holy shit.” Tyler sounded out of breath. “Jesus fuck. That’s the best head I ever got.”
Matt made a disappointed noise when Tyler pulled out his cock, which was still swollen and slick with Matt’s spit.
His throat felt so empty.
He needed more.
He wanted this feeling to never end.
Someone else stepped in front of him.
Matt looked up to see Justin looking down at him, Kyle by his side. More of their teammates were watching. Matt had been so focused on sucking Tyler’s cock, he hadn’t noticed the kind of attention he was getting.
Justin’s towel was tenting out in Matt’s face.
Matt looked up, his eyes undoubtedly slutty and needy, and stuck out his tongue.
Gave the outline of Justin’s cock a slow, slow lick.
Justin had always struck him as a pretty shy guy. Even now, he was blushing, his face beet-red. Justin didn’t waste any time, though. Without a word, he dropped his towel.
Matt gasped at the sight of Justin’s massive piece of meat – and so did Kyle, who was still standing to Justin’s side. A moment later, Kyle dropped his towel too, revealing his own erection.
Matt was in heaven; he felt greedy enough to suck both their cocks at the same time – but was also realistic enough to know he’d barely be able to handle Justin’s on its own.
So he started with Justin’s cock.
It was so fucking thick! He moaned around it when he took it, when he let it stretch his throat wide.
Matt’s eyes rolled back in his head and he let his body go limp. He was overstimulated, a thick cock in his throat, the smell of cock surrounding him; he was well on his way to become a mindless, drooling mess.
While Matt sucked and choked on Justin’s meat, Kyle started rubbing his cock against Matt’s face – gently at first, but becoming more brusque and needy with every thrust.
“Come on,” Kyle said, his voice no more than a frustrated whisper. “Suck mine. Let’s go.”
Matt pulled back from Justin’s cock to obey; turned his head towards Kyle’s. His throat was turning raw, anyway. Kyle’s cock was much less girthy. Sucking it would count as a break.
Kyle clearly didn’t see it that way.
As soon as Matt had Kyle’s dick in his mouth, Kyle started fucking his face. It hurt; it felt so good.
But still, Matt’s need didn’t go away.
It only grew.
Kyle’s hard stomach was slamming into Matt’s face, crushing his nose, while Kyle was fucking his throat raw without mercy.
“Fuck yeah fucking take it fucking slut…”
Matt moaned, wanting more, wanting to be throatfucked even harder.
“Yeah, like that, you fucking bitch? Fucking… fu… FUCK!”
Again, Matt’s mouth and throat were flooded with another man’s salty cum. Kyle spasmed and shivered, holding Matt close, crushing his head against him.
Then, without another word, Kyle pulled out, turned, and left.
Matt glanced around. Even more guys had gathered around him, watching. Looking flustered. Stroking their dicks through their towels.
Then Justin’s cock was in his face again. “Finish what you started.”
Justin didn’t wait for a response; he rammed his cock into Matt’s mouth, thrusting, burying it up to the base in Matt’s throat so that his pubic hairs tickled Matt’s nose. Matt gagged on it, once, twice; his body spasmed, so he leaned forward, impaling himself on Justin’s cock.
“Oh, fuck, yeah… fucking choke on it…”
Matt did.
After some time, he became aware of being surrounded; at least five guys had formed a circle around him. All their dicks were out. Plenty of the guys were stroking themselves; others were rubbing their cocks against Matt’s body.
Someone – Josh, maybe? – tried to force his cock in Matt’s mouth, even though Matt was still choking on Justin’s cock.
“Wait your fucking turn,” Justin growled. “I’m not done.”
Matt redoubled his efforts, opening his throat wide and bobbing his head as fast as he could.
He was going to service every single one of his teammates, even if it killed him.
“Oh… oh, yeah… just like that… I’m gonna… I’m coming…”
Matt felt his soul leave his body as Justin’s thick cock filled his throat with his cum. He tried to swallow, but it was too much; it was a fucking deluge. He gagged. He coughed. Cum spattered everywhere, back on Justin’s cock, dripping from Matt’s chin.
Then Justin was gone, and another guy took his place.
Matt lost track. Whatever was left of his mind vanished now; he became a drooling, shivering mass. A creature, a drone, existing only for pleasure.
For sucking cock.
He only felt need, raw desire – and pleasure, too.
Matt heard someone calling him a good boy and he melted away, not even sure if the words had come from one of the guys or if they had only been in his mind.
Still the cocks kept coming. Matt’s throat was used, gently, roughly, any which way. A puddle had formed in front of him; drool and cum were dripping from his chin, onto his body, onto the floor.
Occasionally someone grabbed the back of his head, forcing his head down on another guy’s cock.
“Yeah, just like that!”
“Fucking look at that slut!”
“Never knew you were such a good cocksucker, Matt…”
“Could’ve been using that throat all this time…”
The rough voices all ran together.
Matt moaned and whimpered and choked and gagged. He didn’t have any words. Not anymore. No conscious thoughts.
His entire being reduced to need.
An open throat, fucked raw…
This was where he belonged, on his knees. Sucking cock.
Sucking so many cocks…
“Yeah, that’s it… There you go…”
The voice brought Matt back to the world, from wherever he had gone.
His focus narrowed again. He became aware of Josh’s massive cock, slowly fucking his throat, slipping in and out of his wet mouth.
His jaw ached. His legs were on fire.
How much time had passed?
Everyone else was gone. Only Josh – the biggest guy on the team – was left; he had one heavy hand on Matt’s head, thumb stroking his hair.
Caressing Matt, really.
“Fuck… you’re doing so good…”
“Ghah,” Matt replied.
The big guy’s thrusts came slow. Clearly he didn’t feel the need to hurry, now that everyone else was gone. But he went so deep; even though Matt’s throat was pretty numb by now, he felt himself being stretched beyond anything he’d thought possible.
“Mm… Nobody’s been able to take my dick like this before… You’re a natural…”
Matt heaved a contented sigh. It set his throat vibrating around Josh’s cock.
“Oh… wow…” Josh looked down, his eyes glazed over and mouth hanging open. “Aren’t you a… good… boy…”
A shiver ran down Matt’s spine, electrifying him. His balls suddenly twitched. He became aware of how hard his own cock was; he reached down for it, wrapped it in his fist.
It was fucking leaking precum.
“You like that?” Josh asked, amused. “Like being called a good boy?”
Matt’s eyes rolled back in his head. He didn’t think it was possible, but his throat opened up even more, and he felt Josh’s surprise as he was suddenly able to go even deeper.
“Oh… god… fuck… I’m so fucking close…”
“Uh-huh,” Matt tried to say, but couldn’t. Words were impossible; he was such a slobbering mess.
Josh’s cock grew even harder in Matt’s throat. It twitched; the telltale sign Matt recognised by now.
Matt furiously pumped his own cock.
He started coming at the same time Josh’s cock filled up his throat with rope after rope of hot, thick cum. Matt tried to swallow it all again, his body spasming while his dick shot its own load.
He succeeded in getting most of it, at least.
After what felt like a few minutes, Josh finally pulled out, satisfied that Matt had gotten every drop. He wiped his dick dry with a towel, then threw it at Matt. “You should get cleaned up, dude.”
Matt could only stare up at his huge teammate, out of breath and throat full of cum.
Josh reached out and ruffled his hair. “Good job. Thanks.” He got dressed quickly, was out of the door already by the time Matt had gathered himself enough to stand up.
Matt collapsed on the wooden bench as soon as he was alone. He tried to catch his breath. His legs were shaking.
What the fuck had come over him?
And… why had it felt so fucking good?
Because you’re a good boy, a voice spoke up in his mind. And good boys belong on their knees.
Another shiver ran through Matt’s body, a buzz that started on the top of his head and made its way down.
Yeah. Yeah, he was a good boy.
He did belong on his knees.
That made perfect sense.
He thought about what Josh had said, about getting cleaned up. There was a mirror on the far wall; Matt got up and made his way over there.
He almost didn’t recognise the naked person in the mirror, looking back at him with glazed eyes. His face was wet, drool still hanging from his chin. His body was covered in cum, most of it dry and crusty by now.
Okay. Yeah. He really did need to clean up.
But before he headed for the showers, there was something else he needed to do.
Matt went back to the bench, where his bag was.
He grabbed his phone. Unlocked it. Tapped something.
And left Luca Montresor, the greatest hypnotherapist in the world, a five star review.
Hi! I'm Ryan and I write weird little gay stories about mind control and other taboo subjects. You can check out my website for more.
For more stories like this, check out my 'Under His Control' series on Smashwords or Itch.io. There's also a bundle available of the first four stories, including this one and 'Pleasuring the Hypnotist'.
Thanks for your support and thank you for reading!