Succubus Harem
Chapter 8
by nadia_nightside
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Rose looks drunk; she also looks hot as hell. She giggles and slides down into a fluff-covered arrangement of half-destroyed couch cushions.
She’s wearing a designer leather skirt, silk blouse, expensive jewelry—every piece drips with money. Her hair is tied back in a messy bun and her cheeks are flushed. Her eyes sparkle with delight as she glances around the room, taking in all the sights.
I can't help but stare at her as she drunkenly sprawls across the furniture, listing to one side as if she'll fall off in a matter of seconds. I find myself aroused by her beauty and especially her vulnerability, my heart thumping in my chest as I take all of her in.
“Whooopshie daishy!” she slurs. “Oh my goshness. My good gosh. My goodness. Whoops.”
It takes her several seconds to steady herself.
It makes me want to protect her; to keep her safe from harm; maybe even keep her close to me forever. It's a predatory sort of feeling—this dumb bitch got herself in a situation that an alpha like me would have protected her from. It’s only right that I fuck her senseless until she realizes I can take care of her.
She looks absolutely stunning in her disarrayed state. Her voluminous blond hair is tousled around her face and a few strands fall into her bright blue eyes. Her thin frame is adorned with curves that only accentuate her beauty in the tight confines of her silk blouse and her ample breasts are heaving up and down as she tries to get herself together. She looks like an absolute dream, the embodiment of temptation, a siren whose call nobody could resist.
It would be so easy, so fucking easy just to walk over to her and start feeling her up. She'd be a good girl about it, I can tell. She wouldn't say no. She'd want me to go too far. Tweak her nipples. Slide my fingers straight up her skirt.
My gaze lingers on her a bit too long, and when I finally tear away my eyes to look at Gabrielle instead, she's grinning knowingly at me. I blush despite myself, and turn away quickly to look back out the window again. There has be no trace now of what was just happening on the stairs outside.
Instead, there’s a lot of hubbub. People milling around. A lot of pointing. Some teenagers miming and laughing what Nadine was doing. I explicitly forbade Gabrielle from casting a hex to make everyone in the complex forget what they saw—which she was already in the middle of doing, of course—and shoved all three girls into my small apartment. The situation is fucked up, still, but at least inside my apartment it feels somewhat contained.
“You can’t be fucking serious,” I turn back inside and glower at Gabrielle. “I told you not to do this.”
“You told me nobody at the restaurant. Is this the restaurant?”
“You know what I meant.”
“Did I?”
I’d choke her again if I didn’t think she’d just get off on it. Slapping too.
Meanwhile, Nadine is trying to hump my leg—well, not trying, she’s doing it successfully enough. Only, it’s not creating results for anyone
Rose studies my body intently, raising her eyebrows and biting her plush lower lip. I abandoned the sweatpants.
Maybe I shouldn't be naked, but I don't know, fuck you. Maybe I'll do what I want in my own fucking home, all right?
“Goooshhhh you’re fucking hot.” Rose is playing with her hair now. “Who knew that’s what you looked like outside of work? It’s like no tie and boom! Hot guy. Big, biiiig cock. Nice smell. Mmmm.”
“How drunk is she?” I ask Gabrielle.
She shrugs. “It’s hard to say? Tolerances for my kind are much different than yours.”
Rose gets up, slips back down onto the cushions, and laughs uncontrollably.
“I do admit I may have overdone it.” Gabrielle smiles and then her hand wraps around my cock. “But I know what could make her sober up quick…”
"How is she that drunk to begin with? You were gone for all of, what, an hour?"
Gabrielle shrugs. "Well. She's not exactly drunk on alcohol. It's more of a special—"
I put a hand to my face. "I swear to god. Gabrielle, I swear to god—"
"God's not real. Unless we're talking about you, of course."
"I swear, Gabrielle, if you are going to tell me that you gave my boss a magic fucking potion—"
Gabrielle wraps her lips on themselves. It's very cute. I desperately want to make out with her; fuck, I love her.
"It's a special...arrangement?" She makes a face. "A liquid..."
"Do not say concoction."
"A liquid arrangement. Of ingredients. That make her tell the truth."
A truth potion. Fuck's sake.
Rose is licking her lips and touching herself up and down, staring at me through heavy-lidded eyes. Fuck, she is a beautiful woman.
"Biiig. Cock. So big. Gosh. Gosh..."
"And..." Gabrielle giggles. "It really turns her on."
"Babe." I shake my head. "You can't do this."
She wraps her hand around my cock. I'm so fucking hard for her wicked ways. "I think I can. Look...just hear what she has to say. And then you'll want to fuck her, and you'll want me to use my magic, and we'll have my coven-sister here and we'll be fucked stupid and pregnant by you and you'll scour the world in cleansing flame and bring about a dark eternity of pleasure for the worthy alone, and immerse all those who displease you in a terrible everlasting inferno."
She's a fanatic and it is so blistering hot when she strokes me and talks prophecy.
"You can't do this," I say again. "Why do you tell me you want me in charge when you needle your way out of it at every opportunity? I already told you that you can't hex her, I fucking forbid it, but you knew that. And you went around my back and did this, and this...this directly interferes with my plans for the restaurant!"
Rose gasps, sitting up. "You have plans for the restaurant? But it's mine!"
"I mean...I'm going to buy it from you, Rose. You know about this."
“Oh, that?” she giggles. “That was never gon’ happen.”
Everything slows down and stops, except for Nadine. Nadine won’t stop humping my fucking leg. Roughly, I shove her to one side, forgetting my own strength. Thankfully she lands in the pile of cushions, but I could have easily broken her back.
I round on Rose and pick her up by the shoulders. She’s in heels, and still I’ve got her completely off the ground, holding her easily. I'm so fucking big now.
Gabrielle is on me immediately, cooing, moaning, whispering hot runic shit in my ears. She never stops. It’s so hard to ignore what I deserve when she’s around.
I feel my strength surge through me in response to her touch; it's like electricity shooting through my veins, coursing with primal power and virility. The heat between the three of us is palpable as Gabrielle reaches beneath my shirt, caressing my skin with such wild heat that it almost makes me forget what I'm doing here.
Almost. But not quite—I won't forget who is in charge any time soon.
It’s like she’s still doing something to me, changing me, influencing me, but she wouldn’t do that. I can trust her. I know I can trust Gabrielle, somehow, even as every indecipherable word she breathes makes me feel more powerful, more of an alpha male, more domineering, more willing to abuse and enslave women I want to fuck.
It feels…feels so good to trust her. And she says I can trust her so I must be able to trust her because I trust her so much, and Rose—fuck.
Rose is so hot, even drunk as she is. She likes being manhandled like this. Her legs slip around mine.
Gabrielle bites softly on my neck and I feel the strength in me grow even more; it's like a tsunami rising within and threatening to explode into something unstoppable. Something that every woman in this room must acknowledge simply from its presence alone: pure masculine dominance.
I'm so hard I can barely speak. My cock drools all over Rose’s thighs and she loves it.
"Rose. Tell me. The truth."
And so, Rose drunkenly tells me the whole story—I’ll spare you the slurred speech. The short version is she was never going to sell to me. She was using my interest to build up the bid from another interested buyer—one with much deeper pockets. She was going to wait until I was fully committed, money deep into escrow before telling me. She figured she wouldn’t have to face me because with the money she’d get, she could fuck off right out of town.
At least, I think that's the plan. For most of her explanation, I was just watching Rose's beautiful lips and thinking about how well she could suck my cock.
When she's done, Gabrielle looks up at me with those big, beautiful blue eyes. They’re full of mischief, desire, and unbridled lust.
“Now what will you do, Master?”
There’s only one thing to do. I'm so fucking turned on I'm going to burst. I set Rose back down on the ground. I’m so fucking strong. I’ve been holding a full-grown woman up in the air for almost ten minutes or more and I’m not tired in the slightest.
“You’ve got to sober her up,” I say. "You may use a hex. Just for this."
Gabrielle snaps her fingers. Little translucent runes fly everywhere. “Done!”
“Wuzzat?” mumbles Rose. Then she grasps her temple. “Oh. My head. What the hell…”
“Now," I growl, so hard I can barely think, "get her home.”
“What?” Gabrielle backs away from me. Revulsion and confusion. "She tricked you! She deceived you! You've got to fuck her to teach her a lesson! You've got to take your revenge!" She cools herself and then smiles. Retreat and assault, retreat and assault. "I'll hold her down for you, Daddy. I don't care if she's willing or not, Master. I just want you inside her. I need it. She needs it."
"Oh...oh my god." Rose is terrified. "What? Brie? What's happened to you? Why..."
Then she looks at me again, and realizes that if I wanted, I could keep her here for as long as I wanted and do anything to her. Anything at all. My cock is hard, enormous, and dripping with precum. She turns deathly pale.
“This is ridiculous," I tell Gabrielle. "I'm horny as fuck, but I can’t just fuck her because…all this happened. I can find some other restaurant. Especially now, with you. I’m going to put you on a fucking iron leash, babe, and then—”
Huge, banging knocks at the door.
“This is the police! Open up!”
The knocks continue. Nadine takes this moment to rip off her clothes entirely and throw herself at my feet. She’s weeping silently, tears streaming down her face.
“P-please,” Nadine whimpers. “I-if you just fuck me real quick before they come in, I promise I’ll be such a good girl a-and—”
“What the fuck?” Rose throws up her hands. “What the entire fuck is this? Robert, what are you doing? What have you done to that girl?”
More banging. “Sir! Open the door! We will break it down!”
Gabrielle and Nadine are trying to out-whine each other for my favor. Rose looks at me with total contempt.
“Fuck this.” Rose rushes to the door. “Hey, he has me caught here and I’m coming out, okay? Don’t shoot.”
She opens the door and the police rush in, trouncing Rose and smashing her to one side, brandishing their handguns and pointing them at everything. My rage escalates. They hurt my girl.
“Get on the ground!”
My hands are up. I know instinctively I could take just one of them, but there’s two, and I don’t know where those bullets would fly. I've got women here.
“Well, Master?” says Gabrielle.
She’s behind all of this, maybe even the police showing up. She looks so satisfied and fucking smug.
Maybe it’s that, more than anything, that makes me nod at her—just so I can fuck that look off her face as soon as possible.
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