Fascinated hypnovember2024
Guest bedroom
by misshypnofascinated
It was a long day. Too long for my liking. And too late to make my way home in any case. I took the guest bedroom. The rest of the house was quiet, and the hosts all went to bed at a sensible time. But I'm wide awake.
I open my phone. A message if I'm available appears on the screen. It feels perfectly timed, just the moment I lay down in my nightgown. I feel the excitement rising. I say yes.
It is harder to relax, in a strange house, with weird noises and a ill-fitted matras. But when you ask me to drop, I obey.
I sink deeper, every time. I'm proud I sink deeper every time. The room falls away. It is just my phone and you and me. My whole body feels ready.
I can't wait to see what will happen. I obey.