Fascinated hypnovember2024

Sleepy Secret Agent

by misshypnofascinated

Tags: #pov:bottom #sub:female

"I won't tell you~" I say in a sing-song voice. Girls are allowed to have secrets, and today, I don't want to share this. It is my secret for the day.
But the glint in your eye tells me that might have been the wrong thing to say. You walk up to me, and I must look up to you.
"Is that so?" you say in that deep growl. "You think you can hide something for me?"
"I know I can try!~"
Yes, there is definitely a look now. I don't know what you think, but I see that you accept the challenge. The only question remaining is how you will tackle this. I do not plan to fall quickly today.
"Yes, little girl, you can certainly try. And you will go down fighting today, I can see that. But maybe I should ask my sleepy secret agent instead"
Oh-oh. I can feel that.
I don't recognize it. 
But I can feel, something.
"That's it. Let my sleepy secret agent come out and play."
Consciousness slips away, as I hear myself say "Yes, sir"
"Now tell me"
I feel defeated, as the last thing I remember is hearing me, admitting "It is a blue bra with matching panties, sir"

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