The Librarian

Katrina Empowered

by me_chan

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #magic #sub:female #sub:male

The faint glow of the book forced Katrina to spirit herself away, behind the a few unoccupied aisles nearby, trying hard not to draw attention to the supernatural or magical happening. Racing thoughts rapidly mulling over how to hide it better, where it belonged, and why it chose her hands to glow within decelerated to a crawl; Katrina's cognizance narrowed to a sense of something indescribable growing in-tandem with the brightening yellowish-gold.

The typical shyness drawing her to be unseen took a backseat as a strange boldness grew. Every breath in filtered out what made the old Katrina, and what was left of her felt ejected with every breath out. Simply standing amongst other books as their tint turned as yellow as the strange tome, fingers tingled with the urge to open the book, to scroll the pages, to begin to discover the daunting "why" and "how". Katrina fought it at first, trying to reason with herself about external manipulation; but understanding what she was being cajoled into became accepted rather quickly by her senses, as if the woman she'd always been wasn't destined to be, and what Katrina felt at that moment was. She closed her eyes, momentarily enjoying the silky feeling of the page ends, shining gold and rubbing off on her. 

By the time she'd opened her eyes again with an exotic curiosity, the book had slipped open by eager fingertips. Excited eyes drifted over the open page somewhere in the middle of the book, narrowing with confusion as she found the page pristinely-blank. Turning several pages yielded the same unwritten white, only adding to the confoundment. It was only when her fingers touched the page that something changed. Dragging her finger across the surface, the tip of hers unlocked a penning, briefly revealing script that didn't look English, something almost pictorial, but more complicated. Katrina's eyes widened as she found her lips moving of their own volition, reading the language she'd yet to understand. 

As if written in glow-in-the-dark ink, writing disappeared just as quickly as glowing fingers passed over them. Katrina would've dropped the book to run away in a panic if her muscles and mind weren't fixed and concentrated on interpreting as she saw the writing glow in yellowish-gold crawl up her fingers, hand, and arm. Her mouth droned on in the silent language as she read still, feeling the language travel over her body. The sensation was impossibly-astounding; it felt like a relaxing, rejuvenating shower starting from her fingertips. The words traveled in no hurry, allowing them to pass over her body with enough time for each muscle and nerve to interpret, understand, and assimilate. Logic easily eroded as the words running over her body traveled axiomatically. The uncompromised part of her brain knew the rest of her needed no proof to believe the words.

All that was presented in the way of arguments was how the enlightening words trekked all over her body, even slower across her sensitive parts as if massaging them. Nipples grew stiff, pulled at and circled. The ticklish parts were stimulated just short of making the body reflexively pull back. Between her legs, crevices were filled and lovingly-explored, making her eyes travel away from the words on the page. Katrina knew once the words moving across her throat, chin, and cheeks would insert themselves into all the crevices of her brain, the Katrina Brunig the world knew might cease to exist. But the words etching themselves inside her consciousness proved her wrong as a wordless conversation was had, and all she could express was understanding and agreement. 

When she was told to pay attention to what was happening in the physical world, she did so. She looked at her hands to see the tome floating just centimeters away from her grip. She looked down to see her whole body engulfed in the light, floating above the floor, and exposed parts of her skin partially covered in the magical script. Katrina wondered why her glowing self looked taller from the floor, only to realize the floor beneath her had become reflective. When told to look up, she saw perhaps the strangest thing yet - an upside down replica of the library itself, dim except for the glowing section where she stood. So much of it was easily recognizable from her experience, except for some gothic architecture unique to the ceiling world and a dark air of mystery to it.

Watching the ceiling world, silently learning about its significance, a smile grew on her face, the fear reserved for exposure to what looked like supernatural horror was filled with appreciation, and craving, as if ready to become the feared entity in whatever story there was to be told. A wanton began to beam at the stories there would be told.

Before anything else could go forward, a noise from nearby jolted Katrina, and stopped the glowing effect cold. She'd landed on her feet, unceremoniously keeping herself vertical, wincing the loud smack the tome made when it hit the floor. Everything around her seemed normal and in-place, unfortunately especially the sound of someone nearby looking to get her attention.

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