The Librarian


by me_chan

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #magic #sub:female #sub:male

Disclaimer: Not to be read by anyone under age 18 or those offended by mind control and domination. Constructive criticism welcome. Any feedback you’d like to leave, contact me at Enjoy.

Note: This is an on-going Choose Your Own Adventure story, the narrative driven by polling on my Patreon, where members can decide where the story goes next.

Katrina Brunig slowly waded through the another well-occupied sea of students and books during mid-terms, unable to move faster than she wanted to because of the squeaky wheel maintenance had yet to fix, and the administration had yet to replace.

A scholarship student at a prestigious private college, Katrina worked at the university library to cover the what the scholarship didn't with a portion of the tuition, food, and anything else. It was the best job she could hope for, mainly because of her love of books versus other positions like the school fitness center or an executive assistant for the administration. A slight misanthrope, Katrina hoped that of all the jobs she could take, being a librarian would involve working with the least amount of people; her hopes were dashed just a month into being on the job, with much of the library constantly being a third full, keeping her busy enough to put leisure reading and studying aside.

Considered a quiet, diffident, mousy personality to those who knew her best at the college, Katrina rose only to a height of 5'3, as short bobbed hairstyle barely able to hide just a clean face bereft of make-up, plainly keeping to plaid and jeans versus some of the designer clothes some of her richer classmates like to show off in. She seemed invisible to the average person on campus, which was often better compared to those treating her as a target of humiliation, or a servant to wealthy whims.

She'd carefully picked out different books to pick up from empty parts of tables or study cubicles; the experience of being yelled at for putting books back that were still in-use shook Katrina up a bit, and it didn't help that her supervisors sided with them, and never admonishing the loud, entitled students for making such noise. It was made even more odd considering the supervisor's standing mandate for putting books back with more immediacy.

It was her luck that her cart was almost knocked over by a few passerbys, pulling her away from collecting a few stray books. She caught the cart before it made a loud noise of tumbling books, just in-time to see Danica Arwood take one of the stray book. One of the legacy students at the university and a reputable queen of mean, Katrina had only heard of Danica but never met. Danica's elitism was actually warranted enough as her family showed a great deal of philanthropy at her school, including the library being named after them. Her breath caught as she managed to avoid two potential tragedies in nearly the same moment, and when Danica tossed one of the two books at her cart, walking away with the other.

Collecting the books she could without issue, her sphincter unclenched and anxiety lessened as Katrina thought herself low enough that Danica couldn't see her from the high horse she rode. Making it to the stacks to finish the last of the organizing before her shift ended, every book was accounted and put back where it belonged, with the exception of one, the stray book tossed her way. 

As Katrina held it in her hand, she noticed it was a sturdy, aged book. A harder cover than most hard covers there, almost like a tome.

Fears of having taken someone's property by accident didn't overtake the slight shock to see the book begin to glow a yellowish-gold, feeling something as she held it.

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