More Lifelike Than Ever

by lycanroc

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:protagonist_death #bimbofication #drones #multiple_partners #scifi #sub:female #body_modification #dystopia #omegaverse
See spoiler tags : #exhibitionism #free_use #identity_death

In a city where omegas are little better than meat, Thea finds herself discontent with the system and wanting to join the resistance. But the city knows all, and Thea is about to learn just why the city’s never changed for the better.

Hi! Disclaimer that my porn is not my politics. The rise of fascism worldwide and the very invasive state of big tech worry me greatly, and I only wish losing our autonomy could be this sexy. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

Another day at work, another day of being asked when she would settle down with a nice alpha, another day of being harassed by her nepotism hire of a boss: enough was enough, and Thea stormed right out after her shift.

On the way, she avoided looking up at the massive advertisements plastered all over the street, keeping her disgust contained. She didn't need the city flagging her for suspicious activity, not when she'd finally found people like her. People who thought this whole system was wrong, and who were willing to risk it all to try and change it. To do anything but love the city they lived in was treason, and Thea didn't know or want to know what happened to rebels after they disappeared.

"Cheep!" The biggest screen of them all was playing an ad for the newest model of the city's proprietary virtual assistant, or as Thea liked to think of it as, surveillance with tits. She walked away, not wanting to hear or see this video reel again. She could see it in her mind's eye, the bimbo omega mascot tripping and falling, apparently cutesy clumsy and giving the camera a good shot of her ass. More lifelike than ever, it bragged. But Thea was only disgusted by it.

But today, she'd finally be able to air out her grievances. Through the undernet, she'd been able to find a group of rebels and she was excited to finally meet them. It had taken months of earning their trust to get the address to their next meeting, and Thea tried her best to look casual as she slipped into the old factory district. Apparently the place hadn't been torn down due to some city policy on historic buildings, but that just meant it was away from prying eyes and ears. She'd left her phone at home as instructed, meaning she was untrackable.

There it was. Just one of many abandoned factories in the vicinity, but the only one with a sign depicting an eagle. Thea couldn't help but be excited, especially when this was how it played out in her fantasies. What kind of people would she meet? What kinds of things would they do together to get omegas some rights in this city? To make them more than just meat? Thea pushed the door handle and it gave, swinging open into darkness broken only by the dim safety lights on the floor. Take a left, then the door would be on her right, she reminded herself. She stepped in, and the door swung shut behind her with an audible click.

Immediately, Thea turned to try and open the door again. The handle gave, but the door wouldn't budge. Maybe this was some necessary step to catch spies, she convinced herself, trying to quell her rising panic. She wasn't a spy. She wanted to be part of the resistance. So she turned into the darkness, and started walking. Left at the fork, and door on the right... she found it, and put her hand on the knob only to be fed a powerful electric current. She couldn't even scream as her entire body erupted into pain, and then everything faded to black.


Thea woke with full body soreness and no recollection of where she was. What had she been doing, and why was she naked? She opened her eyes to curved metal, and found she could barely move. She was between two metal somethings, her body squeezed tight between them. She couldn't see past the metal before her face, either, and panic set in once more. "Hello?" she asked, and suddenly remembered. Right, the resistance. "I'm- I'm not a spy, I swear," she called out into the unknown, and received a reply.

"Already awake? That's a record. Megy, play the processing speech," the voice called, and Thea's heart sank. Why would any resistance member be using Megy? "Cheep," affirmed the virtual assistant, and then it began to speak in a more serious tone. "Good behavior is expected from all citizens of our fair city. Attempted treason is not permitted, but the city is just in its sentencing of mandated community service. We hope you will learn to love your city again."

The entire thing had been a trap. The vetting, the secret chatroom, the address- she'd never been talking to a resistance, had she? The entire time, she'd been talking to a city employee or worse, Megy. And now she was going to find out what happened to people like her, and why nothing ever changed for the benefit of omegas. She tried to escape again, but she really was pressed tight. There were parts where her body fit into the indents of each metal plate, and parts where they didn't. "Nanites activating. As a safety measure, please do not move," Megy's voice instructed, so of course Thea moved.

Or she tried to, at least. Her body was hot suddenly, and her legs weren't holding her weight anymore. She couldn't even scream. It felt like she was melting, and the plates started to squeeze together. It was a mold, she realized, and her body began to conform to it as it clamped around her. The nanites pulled her skin out from where it would be pinched, following their programmed instructions to make this a safe, successful process. Thea's body burned as her breasts and ass swelled to fill the mold, and her waist tucked in impossibly small. Her arms and legs grew thinner as muscle melted away, converted into fat to be carried away to parts that needed it.

The press closed, impressing on the malleable flesh the standard Megy body, from her cute, doll-like face to the number of bumps on each areola. Thea tried to scream again, but her vocal cords were being reformed by the nanites as well. Her face conformed to the mold, erasing her old features permanently. Her body gradually cooled, setting into its new, improved shape, and with a hiss she was released from her prison.

She gasped for air, dropping to her knees from the pain and the sudden, massive change in her body mass distribution. Massive tits hung from her chest, heaving with each breath. She had to reverse whatever they were doing to her. Where was the tech? She looked around, seeing only steel walls, and then her body stopped responding to her. It stood up, and put her arms to her sides at attention. It turned her around, revealing another room behind a thick glass window where a bored looking man sat behind a sea of monitors. Thea itched to break right through that glass and fix things, but her body was still under the control of the nanites.

Meanwhile, the tech opened up a new folder. The nanites had finally finished indexing the woman's mind, converting them into a user friendly file system. He took a moment to confirm the transfer, and opened her memories folder. Each day had been converted into a plain text file, perfect for editing. Same with her identification info, her personality data, and just about everything else. With the check done, he highlighted all the unnecessary folders, and simply hit delete.

In mere seconds, the old personality was disposed of, and the tech dragged and dropped the installer in. Megy biosoftware, designed to install the virtual assistant into a human body. It was still in development, but the handful or so of units created had been promising. Each Megy was designed to pretend to be a regular human, and in this case, was programmed to act as an omega with a serious Megy obsession. The tech left the install to run, and the body behind the glass just smiled blankly as it was given new life.


A promotion was being held outside the city's central transit hub, giving out commemorative goods for and providing demos of the newest Megy OS release. Several Megy cosplayers were working the event, each one completely identical to each other and to the product being sold. It was a paid upgrade, but each of the sales girls were determined to get as many citizens upgraded as possible.

"Cheep! Hi!" One of the Megys called out, her cutesy face in an adorable smile. "Would you like to come try the upgraded Megy OS?" She asked this of every passerby, more machine than human, but that was what she was aiming for. She had always looked up to Megy, the pinnacle of all omegas. She was cute, obedient, always happy and built for service.

Her feathery bikini kept riding up between the puffy lips of her perfect cunt, keeping her aroused and on display for the alphas around her. Many of them groped her too, grabbing her massive tits, slapping her plush ass and even stealing kisses from her. She welcomed all of it as an omega should, and had even been allowed breaks to provide personalized customer service, eating pussy and taking cocks down her throat to sweeten the deal.

She spotted another passerby, one moving faster than they should have away from the promotion. She intercepted them with a smile, her heels clacking against pavement as she ran over, breasts jiggling so intensely that one nipple slipped out of the tiny bikini that failed to hold it. "Cheep. Hi!" she greeted, and tucked her errant breast back in. "Would you like to come try the upgraded Megy OS? With improved features like enhanced AI, seamless Integration into home security systems, and-" She stopped her pitch, still smiling as the customer she'd tried to pull grimaced. "No thanks," she said, discontent enough to trip the salesgirl's alarms.

The salesgirl locked onto the possible dissenter, capturing her face and matching it to her ID in the database. She was an omega. She would find herself slowly guided to a chatroom for like minded individuals, and if she was serious about it, be invited to a specific factory...

Megy smiled. "Okay, cheep. Have a beautiful day!" Another dissenter flagged. Megy loved her city, and loved obeying her masters. A hand on her ass pulled her away to her next client, who wanted a hands on demonstration. In a private booth, Megy bent over and pulled down her string bikini, showing her constantly dripping pussy to her alpha customer with a smile. She was going to end up pregnant by the end of the event, and she couldn't wait to birth more omegas to service the city. Yes, Megy loved her city, and she wouldn't change anything about it.


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