Enough Thread to Hang Yourself
by lamiaprincess
There was a recent Kallie tweet involving NTR and the red string of fate and I decided to take a spin at it myself. I really wanted something dramatic and stark and I hope everyone enjoys this.
It wasn’t any typical romance cliché. Dorothy and Lisa weren’t childhood friends, and didn’t fall in love with each other at first sight. It had taken some time, but once the connection was made, the two of them fell in love with each other fast and hard. Dorothy smiled and felt ecstatic as she would listen to her girlfriend eagerly discuss her plans for the future. Living together, getting their own place with a big backyard for a garden, eventually adopting kids. Lisa’s mind was full of grand ideas and always short on the plans to get there, but Dorothy was just thankful that she had found someone that truly loved her. She had bounced from disappointing one-night stands with men to being stood up and ghosted by women she would find through dating apps. Lisa has been her first stable relationship, and she couldn’t see ever needing anyone else. She was the gentle, secure wall that Lisa needed after many failed relationships, and Lisa was the excited, burning passion that made Dorothy feel like she was the most important woman in the world.
Which made it hurt all the more that Dorothy was currently sitting in their apartment with one of Lisa’s exes, both of them nursing a small glass of wine. Dorothy sat on the couch, sipping her wine as she stared at Victoria. Her long, black hair came down in waves onto the chair she was sitting on, an act of rebellion against her parents. Her frame was lithe and small, and it gave the impression of a woman who had been in a program like the track team during her high school career. Victoria and Lisa had broken up amicably, according to Lisa, but Dorothy still felt a pang of unease sitting in the same room as her. But Victoria wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the fact that Dorothy’s ideal relationship looked like it was starting to fall apart at the seams.
“I heard from Lisa that things are going pretty rough between the two of you. Something about since your grandmother died? I’m here if you want to talk about it.” Victoria gave Dorothy a small smile, care and concern being plain to tell. Dorothy shifted awkwardly, trying to make herself more comfortable with the topic. She didn’t know why Lisa was talking to one of her exes, and specifically about her and the troubles she was going through.
“I don’t know how comfortable I feel talking about this with you. I had hoped that Lisa and I could talk more tonight about how I’ve been. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying anything. I just don’t know you, and talking to one of Lisa’s exes makes me feel really awkward.” Dorothy’s voice was faint and thin, sounding like Dorothy was at risk of being blown away with the wind. It was hard to muster up the energy to be any more animated. Victoria nodded, the expression on her face inscrutable. She crossed her legs, leaning forward to look closer at Dorothy.
“Ahh, I see part of the issue. Don’t worry, I’m not interested in Lisa anymore. That ship has long sailed for the two of us. I’m just not the right kind of woman for her. But we’re still friends, and the topic of what has been happening with you…well, it just had to come up. She’s really worried about you.” Dorothy shrunk back physically, making herself take up less space on the spacious couch. Victoria frowned, sipping her wine.
“I’m fine…it’s just…been hard since she died. I’m not really taking it well. But I’ll manage. Lisa is wonderful to me.” Victoria nodded, leaning back into her chair as she looked intently at Dorothy. She couldn’t quite explain why that piercing look seemed familiar to her, the way in which Victoria looked at her like her facade was so easy to spot.
“Well, okay doesn’t involve you having a breakdown over doing dishes. Listen…the reason why Lisa talked to me about it is that I used to do work as a therapist. I think a lot of therapy is a load of dogshit, but if there is one thing that I learned how to do effectively, it’s listening to other people. It’s been two months since she died and I’m sure you can see what the stress is doing to the two of you.” Dorothy tried her best to be in denial, but couldn’t help but reply with a small nod. It had been two months of crying, of sobbing, of struggling to be the partner that Lisa needed. Dorothy could see it in the ways in which Lisa would get short with her in ways she hadn’t seen before, in how Lisa would lose her energy for projects and goals to have to help manage Dorothy’s emotions.
“I feel terrible about it. I had hoped that after enough time the pain of her passing would go away but…it hasn’t. I had a horrible relationship with my birth mother, so my grandmother for a large part of my life was my mother and…it just feels like it has happened too soon.” Victoria listened intently, nodding her head along while seemingly rummaging with her left hand in her purse. Dorothy didn’t notice this, too busy looking down at the ground.
“I can see how poorly it's affecting her. I know that it’s triggering her own trauma from bad partners. I’m sure you’ve heard about…” Dorothy waved her hand in circles, causing Victoria to chuckle, a smile coming across her face.
“Hunter. Yeah, she was a real bitch. Lisa actually spent quite a few nights at my place while they were breaking up, because she was afraid of her doing something. Nothing ever happened, but apparently it got bad towards the end.” Dorothy nodded. She suspected she knew even more than Victoria did.
“I don’t want to hurt her anymore. I know I am and I…I barely feel like I can stop it. I love her so much. She’s so special to me.” Victoria gave Dorothy a warm smile, before finally pulling her hand out of her purse.
“That’s really understandable, Dorothy. Listen…I’m not a therapist anymore. I got out of that. Therapy isn’t really going to help you at this stage, since you still have grief to work through. A lot of people think therapy is going to be a magic button to solve their problems, but some problems are just too difficult to work through.” She opened her hand onto the coffee table, dropping a light purple pill onto the glass tabletop. It was a pill cut into a hexagon shape, with the top and bottom sides being curved and rounded. Dorothy didn’t recognize the pill, and she looked over with interest.
“I’m actually back in college, and I’m learning pharmacology. The way that drugs work on people, well that’s something you can truly see. This pill is a newer one on the European market. I’ve looked into it and it seems to be pretty safe all things considered, but it hasn’t been approved by the FDA yet. But it’s supposed to be a potent antidepressant. I’m just gonna offer you some for right now. It might help, and getting prescriptions through an actual doctor is going to take forever.” Dorothy looked at her suspiciously. It was hard to trust someone who was handing you experimental pills from Europe for free.
“Have…have you taken it before? I don’t…know if I…” Victoria smiled, slowly nodding her head. Somehow, it didn’t make Dorothy feel any better about it than it did before.
“Yeah, I took it for a little while. Back when I decided to return to college, actually. I found it really stressful to be an adult back in college, and took this to help me get out of my slump. So I can confirm it at least worked for me. Listen…” Victoria took the purple pill between her fingers, tilting it back and forth as she held it in front of Dorothy.
“I know it's scary. If you don’t want this, I can take it away and we don’t even have to talk about it again. I’m not going to force anything on you that you don’t want. But I do think it could help give you the time you need to help deal with what’s going on, and maybe have a day where you can just enjoy your time with Lisa. Up to you.” Dorothy looked at the pill as fraught and worry crept into her face. She leaned forward, conflicted as to what she would do, right at the edge of either reaching out and accepting the pill or falling back and rejecting it.
The pill dropped out of Victoria’s hand, falling gently into Dorothy’s hand. Dorothy reached out for the pill, her hand shaking a little bit as she took the pill back and held it in front of her face. She gulped, feeling her heart beating as she opened her mouth, throwing the pill inside and quickly swallowing, not even thinking about washing it down with some of her wine. Victoria stared directly at her, looking directly into Dorothy’s gaze as she shied away a bit. Something about it was a little odd, some inner voice finding a worry to scratch, but she did her best to push it away. Lisa trusted Victoria, and Victoria didn’t have any incentive to hurt or trick her.
Dorothy could start feeling the effects of the medication soon after Victoria had left. She had only stayed for about an hour longer, chatting about this or that before obligations called her. It was gradual, at first, the ways in which feelings and worries would sit on her shoulders for a little less long than before. The pain would come back, but it would feel more manageable now. That realization ended up putting a spring in her step, it revitalized her in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time. Dorothy practically skipped over to her closet, finally feeling sick and tired of wearing the same rotation of sweatpants and hoodies every day, and quickly undressed, changing into a white sundress that she knew Lisa loved. Turning around from the closet, Dorothy quickly noticed the mess that had built up over the last two months: clothes that were both dirty and clean, struggling to remain in their own sections of the room. The bed, which hadn’t been made in weeks. The floors in the living room and kitchen hadn’t been swept, the counters needed to be wiped down. The dishes were in a conveyor belt style rotation from clean to dirty. Previously, Dorothy had looked at the mess and found it insurmountable, but now, as she looked at an apartment that needed cleaning, there was one feeling rising in her body.
Lisa came home from work, and audibly gasped as she noticed the state of the apartment. It wasn’t just clean, it was completely spotless. Her jaw slowly dropped as she took off her jacket and hung it up, looking at Dorothy who was eagerly cleaning the stovetop, wiping away a considerable amount of built-up grease. It hadn’t just been a surprise, but it felt more like a miracle. Dorothy turned around, with a big smile on her face.
“Hey honey! How was work!?” Dorothy was cheerful, downright jubilant. Lisa barely processed her question as she stared at her girlfriend that had previously been a depressed lump that struggled to do anything.
“Holy shit. Is Victoria a miracle worker? Are…are you okay, sweetie?” Lisa walked up to Dorothy, pulling her into a hug. She was worried about her girlfriend, but was overwhelmed by the sheer joy she was feeling of seeing her girlfriend up and about, seeing her girlfriend smiling widely in the middle of the day.
“Yeah! Victoria really helped me. She listened to what I was going through and then offered me some help to deal with it. Did you know that she was a pharmacologist?” Lisa broke the hug, giving Dorothy a little kiss on the cheek.
“Well, she’s more of an amateur pharmacologist. She’s still learning…” Lisa paused as she thought about the implications of what Dorothy had told her. “Did she give you anything? I wasn’t really asking her to do that.”
“Just an antidepressant, and don’t worry. It’s really working! I feel positively lovely! You know those posts about how people suddenly feel like the clouds have parted and suddenly everything is crisp and clear once they find a medication that works for them? That’s how I feel right now. Victoria is a really wonderful person, you know! She was so nice to do this for me!” Dorothy was practically beaming, even as Lisa’s face clouded. She was obviously troubled by all of this. It was pretty unlikely that Victoria would be able to guess an antidepressant that would work for the first time. But with Dorothy feeling as wonderful as she did made her swallow her concerns.
“Yeah, she’s pretty great. She’s been a big help to me over the years.” Dorothy nodded, and Lisa laid down on the couch, trying to figure out what to do with the sense of unease inside of her.
Dorothy was walking through a concrete jungle that she didn’t recognize. It was a jumbled mix of concrete, rebar, and metal pipes, stained in bright yellows and pinks. She hadn’t had a dream quite like this, ever, and as she looked down on herself, she noticed something around her wrist. It was a thin, red thread, gently laying on top of her hand and becoming taut as she moved her arm around. There was something comforting about the thread, something familiar. It felt like the color of love. Dorothy walked forward, keeping track of where the wire was taking her. The landscape didn’t change to any noticeable extent as she was walking, the thread seemingly going on forever.
It was at that moment, however, that suddenly the urban jungle faded away. Her feet touched soft grass instead of the hard, unforgiving concrete. The sky turned from its muted gray color to a shining, brilliant blue. The air had turned crisp and clean, and Dorothy could finally see who was at the other side of the thread. It was Lisa. Her beautiful, beautiful Lisa. She hadn’t thought in a while just how beautiful her girlfriend was. The charming redhead with her beautiful freckles. When Dorothy had first met her girlfriend, she remembered how beautiful and shining her smile was. Lisa remarked later on that it was the first time someone had noticed her face over her breasts. Not that Dorothy could ignore those either.
She embraced her girlfriend, and the two began to kiss each other. Dorothy loved how soft and delicate Lisa would be as they kissed, in comparison to the few guys she had been with, who had kissed her with such need that she felt like they would devour her given the chance. Kissing with Lisa was a slow dance, a gentle escalation of force and passion. She would kiss Dorothy as if she were the most precious object in the world, something that if mishandled would be blemished. The scene shifted, however. Lisa’s tongue became curious, and pushed past her own, crowding her mouth. The kiss was suddenly quite different than before. There was no hunger, no slowly burning passion, but domination. Lisa’s tongue was invading her space, pushing down Dorothy’s tongue, reaching for her throat. Lisa’s gentle embrace had been embraced by a strength that she hadn’t experienced from her. She was stuck, trapped in place in a kiss that was taking ownership of her mouth. This didn’t bother her. She loved Lisa, the red thread connecting the two in a clear show of devotion. The kiss was broken as Lisa pulled away, and Dorothy opened her eyes, looking at the stunningly dark locks of raven black hair.
She looked up and saw a perfectly unblemished face, with a pair of perky but reasonably petite breasts on the chest underneath it. Confusion overtook Dorothy. She couldn’t understand what she was seeing. She had been kissing Lisa, because she loved Lisa. She loved Lisa. She could just follow the thread back to Lisa, obviously. But Dorothy quickly realized that the thread no longer went towards Lisa, but back to Victoria.
Did she love Victoria?
It has been a week since Victoria had given her the medication. The medication was helping her get through the day happily and without issue, and Lisa had quickly stopped asking anything about it. The improvement in her girlfriend was remarkable and noticeable. But the dreams hadn’t stopped for Dorothy. They were beginning to intensify, even. She was starting to notice Lisa in them too, unattached to her by any red string, and in those dreams, she couldn’t feel any love for her. Instead, the dreams would remind her again and again who she really loved, who the red string was truly attached to.
Dorothy shook the thought out of her head. She was not the kind of girlfriend who would do this. Yes, things had been rough between Lisa and Dorothy in the past, but things were better now. She didn’t need to be around Victoria all that much to begin with. She was Lisa’s friend, and more importantly, Lisa’s ex. She shouldn’t be thinking about her while cleaning her girlfriend’s apartment. Thankfully, since Dorothy always had the energy to find time to clean, it was going much faster than before. She couldn’t shake this lingering feeling that it wasn’t worth it though. Cleaning Lisa’s apartment made her happy, and Dorothy couldn’t help but notice how quickly the concerns about the medication were dropped.
It was almost like with Dorothy back to her regular self, back to cleaning on the regular and helping Lisa out with her side projects and being her normal, gentle self, Lisa’s concerns about anything had vanished. By the fourth day, she had stopped asking about how Dorothy was handling everything. Dorothy had spent so much time feeling guilty about how she was affecting her girlfriend, how she was accidentally feeding into Lisa’s trauma, that there was something…unfair about Lisa's handling of this.
‘I spent two years being wonderful to her, and then my grandmother dies, and then she can’t handle that I’m going to be suffering from that? Now that I’m visibly okay, she doesn’t have to care anymore?’ Dorothy thought, before sighing and rubbing her temples. She had no idea where thoughts like that were coming anymore. She was usually so patient and understanding with Lisa. She knew that it wasn’t anyone’s fault why Dorothy being depressed reminded Lisa of having to manage Hunter’s emotional state. That’s how trauma was.
‘But what if you didn’t find this drug from Victoria? Was she going to feel safe and rewarded in the relationship as it was continuing? If it would get too much from her…why wouldn’t she just abandon you?’ The thought hit Dorothy directly in the chest, like someone had taken her heart and squeezed it hard with a vice grip. She knew that Lisa was struggling in the relationship before this. She was a go-getter and someone with a lot of drive, but she struggled doing anything around the house. With Dorothy mostly out of commission for that, chores fell behind, and that stressed Lisa out. Lisa was upset that Dorothy struggled to have the energy to do things with her. Things hadn’t gotten so bad that they had a fight about it, but Dorothy felt sometimes that Lisa was pretty close to snapping.
“I should take my dose for today.” Dorothy said, gritting her teeth as her head swam for a little bit. Maybe now that the antidepressant was removing her negative feelings, she was seeing all the different ways in which Lisa wasn’t just the girlfriend she put on an altar in her own mind. She wasn’t perfect, and she was also entirely capable of making mistakes in the relationship. Maybe after all of this, the two of them could sit down and have a heart to heart about it. Lisa was still a good girlfriend, and Dorothy felt confident she could take her concerns to her.
Dorothy unscrewed the bottle cap, and shook out one of the last remaining pills. Victoria had warned her before she left that the medication shouldn’t be taken when one is very stressed out. She had said something about how the medication interacts with cortisol, but Dorothy couldn’t care less about anything like that. She threw the pill into her mouth, dry swallowing it yet again, eager to have these horrible thoughts about Lisa out of her head. Eager to not be thinking about whether or not her girlfriend was going to make the choice to leave her or not. The medication made her happy, and productive, and that was all Lisa needed Dorothy to be at the end of the day.
Victoria and Dorothy walked hand in hand through the concrete jungle. It no longer seemed like such an imposing and intimidating place, a location where life had been strangled and choked out, replaced with artificial construction. It was comfortable, and now, it felt like home. She didn’t feel a need to go out into the meadow anymore. The meadow was too overwhelming for her, especially when she was with Victoria. Victoria had a habit of being handsy with her any chance she could get, groping her ass or her tits. Dorothy understood why. She had really nice tits and a pretty decent ass. Of course Victoria would want her hands all over them.
Something in her head said that none of this was right, but she ignored it. She had always been in love with Victoria, wasn’t that obvious? That’s why they had the red string tied around their wrists, connecting them to each other. The symbolism truly could not be more obvious. This string had always been connected to Victoria. There was no one else here that the string could even be connected to. Dorothy smiled at Victoria, who smiled knowingly at her. She never understood the smiles and just played along. Victoria knew something she surely didn't, but that was okay.
Dorothy realized that Victoria had led her somewhere, as she almost walked directly into her beloved. Victoria was smiling at her, taking her wrist in her hands as they stood on the edge of a wall, an impossibly high wall that seemed to go down into oblivion. It would have been a terrifying sight had Victoria not been there. She knew that Victoria wouldn’t put her in harm's way. Victoria gently untied the string around Dorothy’s wrist, and for a brief moment she felt a panic in her heart about being disconnected from her. The world shifted in color, darker, more sinister. She suddenly found herself wanting to go to the meadow, wanting to be as far away from this place as possible.
But then the string was wrapped around her neck, and everything was right again. Victoria looked at her handiwork, pulling the string a couple of times to make sure, which caused Dorothy to giggle from how the string tickled her. She turned Dorothy to look at the large gap in front of the wall, and moved behind her. Dorothy simply smiled, wondering what her beloved was doing, when she felt two hands on her back, and a quick, hard shove.
‘Ahh…it's like bungee jumping.’ Dorothy thought as she felt further and further and further down from the wall. She had been bungee jumping once in high school, and while it had scared her almost to the point of tears, actually getting to do it was one of the most exhilarating experiences in her life. There’s something so freeing about the fall, the way that your body was unable to do anything about the forces acting on it, that let you just close your eyes and-
Dorothy opened her eyes as the thread became taut, the sudden force of it snapping her out of her moment. She could feel the red thread around her throat, tight, preventing her from breathing. She tried to breathe, and could barely manage more than a couple of pathetic gasps as she looked down into the pit. She couldn’t bring herself to feel any kind of dread or fear for her life. Victoria was on the other side of this thread, and she wouldn’t let her fall. Almost on cue, Dorothy felt the thread tighten as her body was slowly dragged upwards.
‘It’s a good thing this is a dream, and I can’t die here.’ Dorothy thought, not really knowing if that was true or not. There were more important things to be thinking about, such as how much she loved Victoria. She hadn’t quite realized it before, but now that the thread was wrapped around her neck, choking the life out of her, it felt inescapable. Love filled her brain in the place of blood and oxygen. It dripped down her neck and stained her body red. She could sustain herself on it in the place of all else here, it was what she saw when she closed her eyes. She loved Victoria so much, she didn’t understand how it had taken her this long to realize that fact. There was simply no one else for her to love. It was more than fate, it was some kind of mathematical certainty that she would fall madly in love with Victoria.
The slow, consistent climb up the wall left Dorothy with a lot to think about. All of it Victoria, and all the ways she could show Victoria the depths of her devotion to her. She would have to move into her place as soon as possible. Lisa wouldn’t understand, but Lisa wasn’t understanding anything she was going through anymore. Victoria did, Dorothy knew, deep down in her love-red soaked soul. Love was dripping from the bottom of her feet now, she was drenched in it. She was going to have to put Victoria’s wants and needs above her own. Not in just the small ways that all relationships compromise, but a complete and total compromise. Victoria was saving her life, she had to become lesser to her. Lesser than the beautiful, shining woman who was giving her the girlfriend she always needed.
Dorothy started to giggle. Her pussy was getting wet now, her fluids leaking down her legs and mixing with the constant flow of red love. She hoped she could perform however Victoria wanted her too. She needed some way to show her devotion, and she could practically worship Victoria’s body to do it, while making her own constantly available. The thought of ever potentially saying no to Victoria was foreign and alien. This was a debt she was going to need to spend her entire life paying back. Her pupils were fully dilating as she stared off into the distance. Her heart was beating faster and faster as she crept ever closer to the lip of the wall, ever closer to seeing her dearly beloved. They weren’t merely soulmates who had found each other; in that moment, Dorothy felt like she had been specifically made and crafted to be Victoria’s girlfriend. Her entire existence was sublimating, molding itself into being the perfect girlfriend for Victoria.
She was almost at the top of the wall, almost done with choking herself on her devotion to Victoria, when she suddenly woke up, eyes opening wide almost instantly. The alarm clock read 10:53 am as Dorothy woke up. Lisa had long since gone to work. She knew what she needed to do. She grabbed her phone, and feverishly dialed Victoria’s number.
Victoria had pushed Dorothy against the coat closet door as soon as she walked in, pressing up against her as she kissed her and shoved her tongue into her mouth. Dorothy moaned and shuddered, her body feeling electric pleasure with every single place Victoria touched. She was hornier than she had ever felt in her entire life. She wasn’t just feeling a heat from her cunt, but a roiling inferno that she desperately needed to release. Dorothy angled her hips, trying desperately to rub her cunt on Victoria’s legs, needing to hump the beautiful woman in front of her. Victoria chuckled and smirked, before gently grabbing Dorothy’s throat and pinning her to the wall. She could still breathe, but the pressure on her neck made her pussy ache with need, her heart beat faster as she fell more and more in love with Victoria.
“God, Hunter was a fucking dumbass. Never questioned the women at the club when they told her only to use this in discreet doses. ‘The girls get too clingy and needy if you make them keep taking this,’ as if that isn’t the best fucking part. You’re so fucking hot like this, Dorothy. Such a wonderful little girl for me.” Victoria’s voice had lowered a bit, her tone sultry and alluring, a siren tempting her into tragedy. Dorothy would whole-heartedly leap into tragedy if Victoria wanted her to. She figured she already had. She’d called her girlfriend’s ex over so she could cheat on her with the woman she had suddenly realized she was actually in love with and meant for.
“Hunter only used these to get Lisa to spread her legs. The woman refused to let me penetrate her, and I was fine with that, but Hunter pops a little pill in her and suddenly she’s bouncing and moaning on her strap. I can’t tell you how jealous I was, Dorothy. How jealous and how…insatiably curious I was. What kind of magic drug is out there that could do that? That led me to this little club drug, and now, of course, to you.” Victoria’s smile turned wicked, her nipples clearly showing through her shirt as she panted hard, pulling her pants and panties down as Dorothy was immediately enraptured with her.
Victoria let go of her grip on Dorothy, and Dorothy immediately dropped to her knees, looking up at the throbbing cock in front of her with awe in her eyes. Dorothy didn’t know that Victoria was a trans woman, or that she was blessed with such a beautiful cock, but she knew what she had to do. She placed her lips reverently onto the head of her cock, gently kissing it as she looked up at Victoria with smoldering passion in her eyes. She was at the altar she was going to serve at for the rest of her life, and needed to show the object of her worship the proper respect. She kissed up and down Victoria’s shaft, peppering with soft, gentle kisses, making Victoria pant harder than before, her cock twitching constantly. As Dorothy came back to kissing Victoria’s head, Victoria reached out and gently held her head with her hands, petting Dorothy’s hair. Dorothy smiled and squeaked, loving the attention, as she opened her mouth to take Victoria into her mouth. At that point, Victoria’s grin turned cruel, and she forcibly shoved Dorothy onto her dick, pushing it as far into her throat as she could.
“I love the foreplay dear, but I desperately need to use you right now. You don’t mind, do you?” Victoria looked down at Dorothy, who simply looked up at her lovingly with tears in her eyes. She was gagged on Victoria’s cock, clearly choking on it, and yet Dorothy even still tried to press her face into her crotch, to force her love as deep into her throat as possible. Victoria practically moaned as she grabbed Dorothy’s hair roughly, laughing as she started to move inside of her. Dorothy had never been fucked like this before, and it hurt like hell to have Victoria moving her dick as roughly as she was. But she didn’t care about that. She was being used to pleasure her girlfriend, the pleasure and euphoria from that pushing aside any concerns about the pain. Her brain was flooded with dopamine as her mouth and throat was used, knowing that her body was being useful to the person she loved. Knowing Victoria could just take what she wanted from her, and that it made her horny and happy that she did.
It wasn’t long before Victoria was close. She knew that was to be expected, she always came too quickly when claiming her new girls, and Dorothy had ended up being her hottest one yet. She moaned loudly, groaning as she pulled her cock out of Dorothy’s mouth and throat, stroking her shaft quickly as she watched Dorothy cough and look up at her. Her dick erupted, ropes of cum hitting Dorothy directly in the face, making the kneeling woman softly moan as she enjoyed how wonderful the hot cum felt on her face as the door to her apartment opened.
“I managed to get out of work early today! We finished all of our projects hone…honey…” Lisa had just shut the door when she looked down the hallway and saw the last shot of cum from Victoria hit her girlfriend in the face. Her keys dropped to the floor, clattering loudly as she stared agape at Victoria, who smirked at her.
“Hey Lisa. How’s it going?” Dorothy wasn’t even looking at her, too focused on licking the cum from her fingers as her gaze was entirely focused on Victoria. Lisa couldn’t find the words to express the sheer despair she was feeling. Dorothy was feeling so much better lately, and now here she was, dazed out of her mind and cheating on her with her ex. Tears started to run down her face as the emotions hit her, as she realized that as she was beginning to sob that Dorothy still wasn’t looking at her. She was completely obsessed with Victoria, looking up to her like a pet. It was almost familiar in a way…
Lisa darted to the bedroom. She hadn’t asked what medication Dorothy was taking, trusting her at her word. The feeling of complete and total dread that crept down her spine was impossible to ignore. As she found the white pill bottle, she twisted off the cap and spilled the remaining couple of pills onto the nightstand near the bed. The little purple pills fell out, and she instantly recognized them.
“No…no…no no no, Dorothy!” Victoria was standing in the doorway to her bedroom, smiling and looking at her, and Lisa fell to the ground, sobbing openly as she realized what had happened to her girlfriend. Victoria walked into the room, with Dorothy crawling on her hands and knees behind her, not taking note of her sobbing girlfriend. She didn’t need to. Victoria took one of the pills off of the night stand, and squatted down to look Lisa in the eye.
“These pills are pretty wonderful. Hunter didn’t have a clue what she was messing with. I’m sure you remember just how good these pills felt when she would slip them to you. But she was just content with using you as an easy fuck…I guess I should thank her. If she had realized what she could do, I wouldn’t have found such a wonderful woman to take for myself.” She walked back over to Dorothy, groping one of her tits casually, making the woman moan. Lisa did her best to stop herself from crying, glaring at her ex. If Victoria was surprised or scared, she made sure not to show it.
“Why…why would you do this to me? Are you upset I broke up with you? After all this time, this is how you hurt me!?” Lisa almost screamed the last words, and Victoria laughed. Lisa felt her heart stop, as Victoria laughed at her. She didn’t know what she had said that was so funny.
“Nope. Trust me, it’s nothing personal. I just found out after your break-up with Hunter that I could use this to make any woman I could get to take it mine. Do you know how hot that is, Lisa? This little drug warps their mind until all they can think of is being mine! She’s not the only one, obviously. It’s just so hard to control myself now that I can do it.” Victoria once again squatted in front of Lisa, holding the pill in front of her face. Lisa’s eyes locked onto the pill, still sniffing and stifling sobs.
“I don’t hate you, Lisa. You’re still so hot. I always wondered when you were being bounced around from bad relationship to bad relationship whether I could have a second chance, and given the choice…” Victoria smiled as she looked at Dorothy, who was rubbing her face against Victoria’s right side. She really had turned into a little pet. Victoria petted her head, making the woman cry out in happiness.
“...I wouldn’t mind having you both. You know what you need to do for that. You can both be mine, together, if you want. Come on, Lisa. I know you still think about how perfect everything felt while taking this.” Victoria leaned in, whispering into Lisa’s ear. Dorothy noticed what her new girlfriend was doing, and moved to the other side of Lisa.
“It’s okay, Lisa. We don’t have to lose each other.” She whispered into Lisa’s other ear, hoping to help Victoria in any way she could. If she could offer up her former girlfriend, she would in a heartbeat.
Lisa opened her mouth, and allowed Victoria to put her fingers into her mouth, putting the pill on her tongue. There was no way she could win.