Tina’s Therapy

Chapter 5

by kiwibat

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #hypno #hypnosis #mind_control #slutification #sub:female

Tina stood in front of the mirror. She barely recognized the girl staring back. It wasn’t her. Not the Tina she’d always known. But lately, she wasn’t sure who that was anymore.

What’s wrong with me?

Yesterday felt like a bad dream. She couldn’t believe the way she’d acted. The things she’d said, the things she did. Her mind had been intoxicated by arousal.

Tina tugged at her skirt, trying to make it cover more of her thighs. I can’t believe I went out like this. I can’t believe Mr. Callahan saw me like this. Her stomach twisted as the memory of her neighbor flashed through her mind.. “Oh god, he must think I’m such a….”


The word whispered in her mind.

…such a slut…

No. She wasn’t. She couldn’t be. Dr. Cooper never said anything about that. “So then why do I feel like such a…”


Another wave of pleasure—her body’s reward for surrendering.

“I’ve known Mr. Callahan for years. Why did I act like that? He has a wife, and a kid, and a—"

Big cock.

She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to push the thought out of her mind.

“No! Stop! Stop acting like a—"

Huge slut.

An image of her down on her knees happily sucking Mr. Callahan’s big cock suddenly flashed in her mind. She shivered.

“…Why can’t I stop?”

Tina rubbed her temples. Her thoughts were a mess. Everything felt so hazy and slow, like her brain was short-circuiting. It was becoming harder to focus on anything other than her constantly growing arousal. The more she tried to think, the stronger it became.

This wasn’t what she meant when she told Dr. Cooper she wanted to be just like her mom. She wanted her mom’s confidence, her strength. Not this. Not turning into a…

Huge slut.

She wanted to be smart like her mom used to be. Not dumb like she was now. But that wish felt twisted. Changing her into something she never wanted.

“Why am I always so horny,” Tina softly moaned.

Sluts are horny.

The thought had struck her without warning. It was happening more often. Whenever she closed her eyes, she saw her—that other version of herself. The one who flaunted her body, who loved being a slut. It felt like she was growing stronger, taking over her mind.

Just give in…

Remember how good it felt…

“So good,” Tina moaned.

So why was she still fighting? Wasn’t this what she’d always wanted. To make Dr. Cooper proud? He’d done so much for her. Helped her in ways no one else could. She needed to thank him. To show him how grateful she was. She needed to listen to Dr. Cooper. He only wanted what was best for her.

Dr. Cooper always knows best.

So then why did it feel like something was wrong?

Tina tried to remember why she’d been resisting in the first place but couldn’t. She loved showing off her big boobs. Loved the way it made her feel. She was happier than ever. So what was there to fight against?

Cause I’m not a slut, Tina quickly reminded herself, pouncing on the thought before it got away.

She didn’t want to become a slut, just like her mom.

And dumb too. So dumb.

It was embarrassing to think about some of the dumb things her mom had said. No one would ever believe she used to be a smart, confident businesswoman.

Now she was just a slut. And everyone knew it.

Sex was all that mattered to her. She’d slept with some of the men from her former life: her boss, her yoga instructor, probably more. Even the sexist neighbor she used to hate. He’d always been so rude to her, and now she let him treat her like a slut.

What scared her most was that she didn’t just allow it—she loved it.

It’s because she has big tits. You don’t need to be smart when you have big tits.

Tina wasn’t sure where the thought had come from.

“I have big tits,” she suddenly thought. “Just like my mom.”

What if deep down…she really wanted to be a dumb slut, just like her mom.

“No, no, no! Stop!” she scolded herself. “Tina, you dumb slut, stop!”

A shiver of pleasure coursed through her at the insult, her mind betraying her.

She needed help. She craved guidance. Someone to tell her what to do. To keep her from slipping any further.

Her mom.

It didn’t matter that she was a huge slut now. Her mom always had the best advice.

Maybe she would know what to do.


Tina stood outside her mom’s bedroom.

“Come in!” a playful voice called out.

Anna sat on the bed, dressed in skimpy lingerie, smiling as she painted her nails a glossy pink. Her hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders, framing a face lit up with carefree joy. She looked nothing like the professional businesswoman she once was. She looked like a…


Tina couldn’t stop staring. The mom she used to know was gone, replaced by someone completely different—yet, somehow, it felt… right. As if this was who she was always supposed to be.

“Hey mom…can we talk?” Tina timidly asked.

She used to go to her mom anytime she needed help. She always knew the best ways to comfort her, the perfect advice to make everything better. But now, all she got in return was a vacant smile.

“Sure, sweetie!”

Tina sighed. “…I’ve been talking to Dr. Cooper lately and—”

Anna’s eyes lit up. “Ohmygosh, isn’t he the best?!”

Yes, totally! The voice in Tina’s head giggled. She fought the urge to say it out loud.

“That’s what I wanted to talk about. I feel like I’m… changing…and it’s happening so fast. I can’t keep up. I don’t know what to think anymore. It’s all too much.”

Anna giggled, twirling her hair around her finger. “Oh, sweetie, you’re overthinking! Why worry so much? Just trust Dr. Cooper! He always knows best.”

Tina frowned. “I just want to feel like myself again.”

Anna rested her hand on her daughter’s leg, her fingers giving a gentle squeeze. “When I first started seeing Dr. Cooper, I was totally confused, just like you. I didn’t know what was happening to me. All these, like, super intense feelings. I kept holding on to this, like, boring idea of being smart and respectable,” she said, rolling her eyes and giggling. “But Dr. Cooper totally opened my eyes! I owe him so much. And he can help you too, sweetie! No more worries, no more stress—just feeling sooo good all the time!”

Tina’s heart sank. “But what if I don’t want that…”

Her mom’s ditzy expression faded for a moment, then bounced back. “Aw, sweetie, why wouldn’t you?” she giggled. “It’s so much fun!”

Tina looked at her mom’s empty smile and felt a wave of fear. Is this what I’m turning into?

“I know what you need!” Anna exclaimed, clapping her hands. “A makeover~! Looking good makes you feel good!”

“Looking good…makes me feel good…” Tina quietly repeated. Her eyes glazed over, the words settling in her mind. But then she shook her head, forcing herself back to reality. “No, Mom, this is serious, I—”

Anna pouted, her glossy lips forming a perfect little frown. “Oh, sweetie. You’re overthinking again!” She slid closer, her hands covering her daughter’s and stared deeply into her eyes. “Don’t you wanna look just like me?”

Tina’s eyes widened, unable to look away, as her mom’s words echoed in her mind. Look just like me…

The warmth of her mom’s hands seeped into her own. Her mom’s gaze sparkled with a carefree joy.

A chill ran down Tina’s spine. “I…” she stammered, her voice weak. An image flashed in her mind: her hair perfectly styled, her lips glossy and bright, smiling playfully.

She blinked, her mind swirling, and suddenly the words came out before she could stop them. “I…wanna look just like you.”

Anna’s eyes glazed over, her vapid smile widening. “I want my daughters to be just like me,” she whispered to herself.

The words hung in the air, sinking into Tina’s mind. A chill ran down her spine, but the warmth in her chest pushed it away. Just like her

Anna reached out and brushed her daughter’s cheek. “You’ll be so happy, sweetie. Just like Mommy.”

Just like Mommy…

“Just like you…” Tina whispered, her voice distant.

Tina shivered and suddenly snapped back into focus. Something in her mind felt different, but like everything else lately, she decided not to question it. Her body rewarded her with another wave of pleasure.

Anna shook her head, snapping back to her bubbly self. “Ohmygosh, this is so exciting! I have so many sexy outfits for you to try on!” She giggled and skipped over to her walk-in closet, overflowing with excitement.

Tina followed, her feet moving on their own. Her head felt strange. It was like the more time she spent around her mom, the harder it became to think clearly.

The closet was packed with bright colors and rows of tight, skimpy clothes. Tina’s eyes widened as she took it all in.

“So many clothes…” she murmured, her voice filled with awe. Her gaze lingered on the racks of tight dresses, tiny skirts, and barely-there tops, each one more revealing than the last. Her fingers itched to touch the fabrics, and a strange fascination bloomed inside her.

“Where did you get all this stuff? I mean, you haven’t been working…”

Anna giggled. “Dr. Cooper’s been giving me money. For being a good girl,” she proudly stated, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Tina was confused. “Dr. Cooper? For being…a good girl?”

“Yes, sweetie. He takes real good care of me. He knows what I need. Dr. Cooper always knows best.”

Anna’s eyes sparkled as she pulled a tight, red dress from the rack. “Try this one! It’ll look so cute on you!” she squealed, thrusting the dress into Tina’s hands.

Tina’s fingers brushed the fabric, her mind humming. The thought of slipping into the dress felt exciting, almost necessary. She nodded. “Yeah… I wanna look cute.”

Anna clapped her hands. “Yay! That’s the spirit!”

Tina took the dress, stepping in front of the mirror. As she held it up to herself, her reflection blurred for a moment.

Was this really her?

Her mom leaned in, whispering, “You’re gonna be just like me, sweetie. Doesn’t that sound perfect?”

Tina’s eyes glazed over, the last shred of resistance melting away. “Yeah… just like you.”

“I love being Dr. Cooper’s good girl.”

Tina’s mind was swirling with emotions. Her mom’s words felt wrong, yet strangely alluring. A thought crept in before she could stop it. I should be his good girl, too.

“Maybe I should be his good girl, too,” Tina whispered. The thought rippled through her mind. Looking sexy. Showing off her body Pleasing Dr. Cooper. Obeying Dr. Cooper.

It felt so simple. So right.

Anna giggled. “Ohmygosh, yes! You’d be the best girl for him. He’s gonna be so proud of you!”

Tina stood frozen in front of the closet, her eyes drifting over the bright colors and skimpy fabrics. Her mind buzzed with confusion, the thoughts tugging her in different directions. A tiny voice inside her whispered that this was wrong, but it was drowned out by the warmth spreading through her chest.

Be his good girl… make him proud…

The words kept ringing in her head, urging her. She held the tight red dress up to her body. It felt…right.

She felt good.

“Try it on,” Anna encouraged. “It’ll make your tits look amazing! Big boobs are meant to be seen!”

“Big boobs are meant to be seen…” Tina mindlessly repeated. She slipped out of her clothes and pulled the dress over her head, the fabric clinging to her curves.

Anna’s eyes sparkled with admiration as she took in her daughter’s figure—so much like her own but firmer, slimmer, untouched by years of motherhood. “Oh, sweetie. Look at you. Such a hot young body! Dr. Cooper’s gonna love it.”

Her mom’s words filled her with a strange excitement, suddenly realizing how much she needed Dr. Cooper’s approval.

Dr. Cooper knows best.

Tina stood in front of the mirror, admiring the way the tight dress hugged her curves. A smile slowly crept onto her face. The same vapid smile her mom always had.

I wanna look just like my mom.

And now she did.

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