Yuina's Halloween Humiliation

The Witch

by janeisapornaddict

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #sub:female #armpit_fetish #bathroom_sex #blowjob #body_writing #exhibitionism #f/m #f/nb #futanari #halloween #multiple_partners #musk #transgender_characters #urban_fantasy
See spoiler tags : #gangbang #power_exchange #train

-- if you wanna read chapters a week early, or just like my stuff and wanna support me, please consider checking out my patreon! --

Yuina stumbled to the top of the flight of stairs, and checked her phone. 11:48. She still had time.

Finding out that Millie lived on the fifth floor of an apartment complex with a busted elevator had been unsurprising. If Yuina hadn’t already believed she was cursed, the awful luck she’d had at every turn this evening would have been enough to convince her.

She caught a glimpse of herself in her phone screen as she locked it again, and bit her lip.

Well. Maybe her luck hadn’t been that bad…

After the incident in the bathroom, Yuina had been able to clean herself up pretty well. Not perfectly, but she hadn’t looked like, obscene by the time she had gotten on the train.

By the time she had gotten off, she was far beyond the ability of a packet of wet wipes to fix. Her hair was a mess, the carefully cultivated asymmetric bob left frizzy and tangled from dozens of hands using it to hold her in place while cock after cock was crammed down her throat, smudging her lipstick and leaving Yuina with a disconcertingly full feeling from all the hot, sticky loads that she had swallowed. It had also left her mouth tasting of cock, thick and meaty and… Yuina shook her head to snap herself out of it.  

Her top had ripped at some point; Yuina honestly couldn’t remember if she had done it or if one of those randos had. Either way, it had seemed really hot in the moment… before Yuina had realised it meant she’d have to walk all the way to Millie’s covering her left tit with her hand, thanking god at every corner that there was nobody around to intensify the exhibitionist thrill of it all. The heavy, dark, obvious stains on what remained of her top and skirt meant they did precious little to make her more decent. She had been walking awkwardly the whole way too. Between her insanely tall heels, and the fact that someone had found the ‘anal size queen’ curse on her butt, she had the kind of gait that instantly indicated to anyone who looked that she taken something (or more accurately, several somethings) huge up her ass.

And of course, that fucking body writing. More had been added during the train ride, and Yuina had lost track of all of it, between the chaos of sucking and fucking dozens of horny losers and the mad dash to get to Millie’s before the deadline. Her tits, belly, legs and neck were all plastered in lewd writing, easily visible. As she raised her hand to knock on the door, she glared at what Millie had scrawled along her forearm; ‘ass-kisser’. Making out with sweaty, gross, musky dweeb assholes had been so… disgusting…

Bang bang bang.

Yuina folded her arms and waited. The worst part? She could still feel that pull inside her, a greedy desire for more, more, more… she still wasn’t satisfied. Her cheeks were still flushed, her cunt was still drooling all over her thighs, her right nipple was still poking through what remained of her crop top. In fact… absent-mindedly, she started playing with her exposed tit, pinching and enjoying the hot, desperate feeling of-

“Muahahaha!! Well well well… I sense the bearer of my curse outside my abode. Is that you, Yuina Koshimizu?”

Yuina jumped, and took her hands off her tits. Instead, she put them on her hips, narrowing her eyes at the closed door. Millie’s high, nasally voice was a little muffled, but Yuina had to admit she sounded more confident, more in her element, more… in control.

She bit her lip.

“Y-yeah, it’s me, Millie! Now open up and remove this… s-stupid curse!” she called back, glancing around nervously in case anyone was round to hear how weird this all sounded.

“Hah! As I thought! The confident, brazen slut has been brought low by my arcane wisdom… that’ll teach you for disrespecting the mystic arts!! A-and for… um… the other stuff…”

Yuina grit her teeth, and checked her phone again. It was 11:51. At this rate Millie was going to accidentally let the deadline expire while she was doing her stupid theatrics. She shifted anxiously.

“Millie… p… pl…”

“Hmmm? I didn’t quite catch that!” Millie cackled, while Yuina shifted.


“What was that, Yuina? The door is pretty thick, you’ll have to speak up!” Millie crowed, her triumphant tone perfectly audible despite the supposed thickness of the door. Yuina sighed.

“Millie… p-please… I’m begging you to lift the curse…”

“Wowww… you’re really going to ask a ‘pathetic nerd’ like me for help? Y-you couldn’t seduce any hot studs into helping you, with your b-big boobs, and pretty face, and, um, your tummy, and armpits, and, and…”

Millie paused, taking a second to get her thoughts together. Yuina tapped her foot impatiently.

“Um, anyway!! I guess, if you really think you can stoop to accepting the assistance of someone ‘desperate’ like me, then I can count this as you prostrating yourself, and consider that condition satisfied! Now I can remove the curse…”

There was a click as the door unlocked, swinging open to reveal Millie, bedecked in a sparkly witch’s robe and an even taller, pointier hat than she had brought to the blind date, posing dramatically with a smug look on her face, adjusting her glasses with one hand and holding  the other behind her back, eyes closed as she savoured the moment. She was framed by the darkness of her apartment, but even with the lights off Yuina could see all sorts of dorky posters and collectibles (including a Novacan bag), as well as arcane-looking devices hung from the walls and ceiling. Millie continued. 

“Whenever I feel like it, that is! Now, what should I- eep!

The witch opened her eyes, and Yuina felt a thrill as all that arrogance dropped away in a single moment.

“O-oh my goddd… umm…”

Millie didn’t know where to look. Yuina’s tits, her mouth, her hair, her legs, the body writing, the cum, the ruined makeup… the poor girl flushed bright red, clearly short-circuiting, just as she had on their date. Yuina raised an eyebrow, and for the first time in several hours, felt her lip curling into a smirk. But it wasn’t the same as during that date. Actually, seeing Millie getting so flustered was almost… cute.

I knew fucking all those dweebs would lower my standards…

Still… there was no harm in having a little fun with her, right?

“Oh, great and powerful witch, thank you for your generosity! But… what do you want in exchange?~” Yuina leaned closer, enjoying the way Millie instinctively drew back.

“Wh-wh-what do you mean?” the witch stammered.

“Oh, don’t play dumb… you really expect me to believe this isn’t what you wanted? To have me, right here, worked up and horny from an entire night of being groped, smacked, fucked because of that curse… and totally at your mercy? Willing to do anything to get it lifted?” Yuina took another step, and now she was inside Millie’s apartment, licking her lips as the shorter woman cowered. She had to push a small whirring contraption that was hung from the ceiling out of her way; clearly Millie wasn’t used to guests, especially the type who would show up wearing six-inch heels. Millie continued to freak out. 

“N-n-no, I, um, I just, w-wanted you to apologise, and-”

Yuina laughed, reaching out and brushing a piece of imaginary lint from the brim of Millie’s hat. Even that much contact made the girl shake like a leaf. 

“Really? You’re going to pretend? You’re a nasty little piece of work Millie, blackmailing and cursing girls to get them into bed with you, and then acting all innocent when you’re called out… do you do this a lot? Is this how all of your blind dates end?~”

She kept her tone light and teasing, but even that was enough to leave Millie staring at the floor, shakily backing up as Yuina advanced. Advanced towards a cornered nerd… advancing towards cornered…


Millie didn’t help that view of herself as she continued stammering and blushing.

“I-i-it was to teach you humility, and um, uh… f-fuuuuck…” she trailed off as Yuina nonchalantly hiked up her skirt, completely exposing herself. 

“Hey, don’t get distracted, dweeb, I know this is probably the first time you’ve ever seen a pussy, but you’re meant to be looking here ,” Yuina smirked, pointing at the inside of her thigh… and the thirty four tally marks she had collected across the course of her evening. 

“Humility? Like hell, you just got off on thinking about me getting treated like a sex toy by a bunch of strangers, didn’t you? Fucking pervert~” Yuina tried to control herself as she backed Millie into a corner. God, and now that she was in here, the apartment stank of lonely virgin… and that smell was definitely strongest around Millie. Yuina figured that was why she had worn such a thick perfume on their date; to cover the heavy, sharp odour of musk that came from Millie. Normally, that would have been an instant dealbreaker for Yuina. Right now, though…

I can’t just jump on her, not yet…

“So, I’ll ask again…” Yuina flicked her hair, and still somehow managed to make it look elegant. 

“What do you want? You want to hump my hand until you blow again? Or is the big bad scary witch feeling a little more ambitious tonight? Maybe you want me to suck you off? Or to feel what it’s like between my tits… or…” Yuina leaned in, dropping her voice to a low whisper. 

“Maybe you want me to pop your cherry?~”

Millie made a sort of high, keening sound.

Fuck, she’s such a loser… but she’s kinda cute too…

It was obvious that Millie’s plan had been to arrogantly lord it over Yuina and really savour turning the tables on her for as long as she could get away with it, but the whole scheme had completely fallen apart the second she was actually face-to-face with her again. She really couldn’t handle talking to attractive women at all… especially one who was so much more ‘experienced’ than her. The poor thing was so nervous… Millie had taken her hand out from behind her back, revealing a pen she was now anxiously fidgeting with, clicking the cap on and off-

Yuina’s eyes widened.

No way.

“U-um, I can’t… I don’t think- aaahh!! H-hey, give that back!” Millie’s whining was interrupted as Yuina swiped the pen! Yuina gasped as she clutched it. The surface was plastic, but just touching it gave her a strange tingling feeling, like she was touching a battery. It made her hair stand on end. 

“O-OK, I get it, I-I’ll undo the curse!! Y-you don’t even need to apologise, just give me that pen back!” Millie squealed.

Yep. This was totally a magic Sharpie. Yuina glanced back at Millie, who was looking up at her helplessly, and laughed.

“Awww, that’s a very sweet offer, really… but don’t worry. I don’t want to cheat you out of having your fun~” Yuina smiled sweetly, uncapping the pen. She could feel out how to use it; there was an intent that flowed from the object into her, telling her how it wanted to be utilised. As a result, Yuina enjoyed Millie’s increasingly panicked expression as the taller woman carefully sketched some words into the air… and the same writing appeared on Millie’s collarbone, visible to Yuina over the low neckline of her robes. The witch panicked, helplessly trying to look down and see what was written on her, to no avail.

“P-please… Yuina…” Millie whimpered as Yuina stepped in close, practically pressing their bodies together, holding the Sharpie in one hand… and with the other, wrapping a hand around the tiny, twitching outline of Millie’s cock through her robes.

“And now… my turn~” Yuina continued, ignoring Millie’s begging. She uncapped the Sharpie again, placing the tip against her own belly… and scrawling ‘virgin hunter’ directly over her womb. 

“Hey, Millie… you’ve been cursing me all evening. Why don’t you activate this one yourself?~” Yuina teased. Millie was still shaking, but her desire to actually touch Yuina seemed to override her hesitation, and she lifted a hand, nervously pressing it against Yuina’s midriff. She looked up at Yuina. 

“U-umm… what did that do?”

“Hmm… you know… I don’t think it did anything at all. I guess I can’t get any more ready to devour you than I am right now. Get ready for your apology…~” Yuina replied, before leaning down, and pressing her lips to Millie’s, stealing her first kiss as she swapped spit with the desperate witch… and digging her fingernails into the writing on Millie’s collarbone. The writing that read ‘Yuina’s Toy~’.


“Wowwww, you’re such a strong, confident stud,” Yuina cooed, cupping Millie’s blissed out face as the smaller girl continued to shakily hammer her hips against Yuina’s. They were tangled in the sweat-soaked sheets of Millie’s tiny single bed, Millie’s robes and Yuina’s skirt both haphazardly hiked up around each of their hips. They had been going at it for hours. Yuina shivered, and let out a satisfied purr. Even if Millie’s cock was tiny, she was so… enthusiastic that it more than made up for it. Plus, her curious hands had reactivated half of the curses on Yuina’s body again, which probably helped. 

Yuina pushed up the brim of Millie’s hat, enjoying the way the witch’s eyes rolled up as she came inside her ‘victim’ again. She let out an undignified squeal, which Yuina muffled with yet another kiss as the shorter woman clung desperately to her soft body. Yuina felt another tally mark on her thigh. They were easily into the forties by now… and Yuina wanted them to have doubled it by morning. And then, maybe, she would let Millie recover for long enough to actually lift the curses…

Millie let out a groan, and slumped back on the bed.

But for now, Yuina still wanted to have more fun. Every curse the witch had put on her had made sure of that. She leaned in close to Millie and whispered in her ear.

“Ah ah, don’t stop yet… you’re a good toy for me, aren’t you?”

Millie nodded helplessly, and Yuina felt her cock twitching inside of her. 

“And that means you haven’t finished cumming yet, right?~”

Millie nodded again, letting out an incoherent, babbling moan that might have been meant to sound something like ‘Y-yes, I’m a good toy for Yuinaaaa…’

And she really was. Because Yuina had cast this particular curse, she could feel that Millie’s subservient, compliant attitude wasn’t just coming from the body writing, it was also from being totally overstimulated from such an intense cherry popping, the fact that she was a desperate nerd who was eager for approval… and that she was now totally head-over-heels for Yuina. 


Yuina glanced over at the magic Sharpie on the dresser.

“Mmm… such a good toy… it’s for your own good anyway. After all, you’d better get it out of your system now… I think you have a looong November ahead of you, Millie~”


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