LifeSim: Breeding Expansion
Chapter 8
by Fidget
Author’s Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!
LifeSim: Breeding Expansion
by Fidget
Chapter 8
Kenneth was still mulling over what had happened with the delivery girl as he drove home from work the next afternoon. As fulfilling as it had felt to cum inside the cute redhead - even though he wasn't under LifeSim's influence at the moment, he had to admit that it had felt fantastic - he still couldn't figure out why she had been naked from the waist down in the first place. It would have made a bit more sense if she'd fallen under his influence sometime earlier, and had stripped in order to make seducing and persuading him to breed her easier, but he was fairly certain he'd never seen her before.
Either way, as soon as he crossed the threshold of his neighborhood he suddenly found himself once more brimming with happiness, both at the memory of filling her up as well as at the knowledge that his cum would soon have her fertile body swelling with his offspring.
LifeSim had him so happy and relaxed and pleasantly turned on, in fact, that when he pulled into his driveway and saw a cute woman jogging toward him on the sidewalk, wearing a short tennis skirt that rode dangerously high up her toned hips as she ran, he didn't think twice about his urge to step out of his car, flag her down, and ask her for a quick fuck.
"What?" The woman responded, sure that she hadn't heard him correctly. She was a cute brunette in her early 30s, with a small bust on her slender, toned body, but sporting wide hips and a great ass. Her ponytail bounced as she tilted her head to the side in confusion and a stream of conflicted impressions jumbled through her mind: the abrupt and unexpected nature of the question, her need to keep her heart rate up, the sheer inappropriateness of what he had asked, her confusion about who this strange man was, and, finally, an unexpected tingle in her easy-access pussy as the man's hypermasculine voice thrummed through her body.
"I asked if you wanted a quick fuck," Kenneth said again, staring with undisguised lust at the jogger's wide hips, emphasized by her bare midriff and short athletic skirt. He was feeling great now that he was finally back in his neighborhood, all light and carefree and horny, and he knew that he'd feel even better in just a few seconds, once he'd sated his lust for this woman's feminine hips and spilled his seed in her fertile, defenseless babymaker. His pants tightened - the thought of spreading his wild oats and knocking her up was just so damn appealing. "Here, bend over the trunk of my car."
The jogger immediately obeyed his powerful voice without even thinking about it, though once she was face-down on his car she began to wonder why she had done so, even as the tingle in her pussy began to grow stronger by the second.
"What are you-" she began, but then a wave of musk wafted over her, and she found herself unconsciously lifting her tight ass and spreading her legs as her voice trailed off. She was still torn about what was happening to her as she listened to the sound of a zipper being pulled down behind her, still unsure if she wanted to go along with what her body clearly wanted, but then she felt the cool breeze between her legs as her skirt was pulled up and her naked, underwear-free entrance was revealed to Kenneth's sex-obsessed gaze.
The thought that her pussy was exposed and about to be used exactly as she’d been privately fantasizing about for the past day finally overwhelmed the jogger's dwindling resistance to the inevitable, but even as she began to urge her body to prepare itself for sex as quickly as it could, Kenneth still met resistance when he pressed himself against his mate's bubbly butt and tried to slide his cock into the magnetic opening between her spread legs.
Not used to cocksheaths that weren't already soaked and begging for him, it took a second for Kenneth's sex-clouded mind to think to lube up his dick with spit before trying again, but this time he successfully plunged into his newest partner's rapidly moistening depths as she moaned and quivered with a sexual need that had finally built itself up to irresistible levels.
The sensation of her tight pussy squeezing his cock as he thrust between her juicy thighs soon got to him, and in his sex-induced euphoria Kenneth let himself finish inside her without a second thought, flooding the toned jogger's dangerously fertile womb with his baby batter, and in the process filling the neighborhood with yet another soon-to-be mommy swelling with his child.
Kenneth sighed with a renewed sense of happiness and contentment as he pulled his cock out of the cute brunette's saturated vagina, not thinking about how a few seconds of forgettable, pleasurable bliss for him would mean months of swollen, leaky discomfort for her. She just looked so sexy now, with his cum dripping out of her tight pussy and onto the sidewalk, and his giddy mind noted the wedding ring on the woman's finger as she pulled her skirt back down to cover her easy-access pussy. Somehow, however, he glossed over the fact that, just like the cute delivery driver he'd enjoyed inseminating the day before, the jogger also hadn't been wearing any underwear.
When she finally turned around to face him, the woman's face showed no sign of the reluctance about being bred that she'd felt just seconds before, but now bore the expression of unreserved infatuation that all women displayed once they'd been fully exposed to Kenneth's charms. She wrapped him in a tight hug, grinding her still-throbbing crotch against him as she gushed her thanks that he had chosen her, and her hope that he had found her body pleasurable and her pussy satisfactory.
Kenneth disentangled himself, his interest in the woman waning now that he'd obeyed his reproductive urges and inseminated her, and the fit femme happily got back to her jogging, her tight body seemingly none the worse for wear. Now, of course, she carried with her a wombful of his determined, persuasive sperm, along with her new burning obsession with Kenneth, and by the time she made it back to her side of the subdivision a few streets over, her body had already yielded to Kenneth's irresistible masculine essence and his genes had merged with her own.
Only after he pulled his front door shut behind him a minute later, closing himself off from an outside world full of sexy hotties demanding to be fertilized, did Kenneth finally come to his senses and realize what he'd just done to yet another poor, innocent woman, first forcing her to cheat on her husband and then filling her hyperfertile cunt with his seed. And it had been so easy, and had felt good and so natural that he hadn't thought twice about it.
He just wished that he could feel guilty about spreading his wild oats like that, instead of feeling so damn satisfied at the memory of how good it had felt, because that just made him want to do it again…
He was shaken out of his reverie by Becca, who ran up and flung her arms around his neck, beaming up at him with her own unique take on that ubiquitous expression of loving infatuation.
Kenneth had to remind himself that she too was currently pregnant. Again. She wasn't showing yet, of course, only having been knocked up a few days before, but it was still so odd (and oddly hot, at that) to think that inside that slim abdomen of hers, below those full, leaky breasts, his seed was slowly forcing her to swell with life once again. He'd done that to her, and it had felt fantastic, just like it did with all of the women he knocked up, each of their unique feminine bodies delicious and irresistible in their own way.
Kenneth wanted to think that Becca was special, and to him she was, of course, but he knew that to the program Becca was just another pussy that he should be filling with his seed, another womb to co-opt with his rapidly multiplying offspring. And so he had, just like LifeSim had wanted him to.
Becca still seemed to be perfectly ok with it, though. In fact, he noticed that Becca was looking abnormally flushed as she rubbed herself against him, and her breathing was heavy, almost like she'd just finished a private pleasure session of her own while he was outside making babies with a complete stranger.
She was also wearing a knee-length skirt today, which wasn't what she usually wore, but which showed off the widened hips her first pregnancy had given her to perfection.
He was going to ask her about the skirt but didn't get the chance - her curvy body, combined with the sizzling kiss she gave him, soon had his dick stiffening again in spite of the fact that he'd just cum, as well as the fact that Becca was already pregnant.
"Come on, lover," she purred, and then his pants were unzipped for the second time in five minute so that Becca could start stroking his member. "I know you've already put another bun in my oven, but I can still make you feel good, and my hard-working hubby deserves a reward tonight."
A reward for what? Kenneth asked himself, but he allowed himself to be led to the bedroom, where he was surprised at just how much he enjoyed his wife taking her time worshiping his cock, pulling off her top to show off the full, leaky udders that he loved so much, especially when he remembered why they were so swollen in the first place, before she finally finished him off with a slow, luxurious blowjob.
It didn't feel as good as knocking up another of his sexy neighbors would have felt, of course, not by a long shot, but it was nice to spend some quality time with Becca, and it emptied his balls enough to get him through the rest of the night without impregnating anyone else.
When Kenneth awoke the next morning, he was surprised to find Becca already up and gone, though he had no idea where. Breakfast was waiting for him, so he ate and got ready for work as usual.
As soon as he walked outside, however, he was surprised to find dozens of women, of all shapes and sizes and ages, jogging awkwardly down the sidewalks in a wide assortment of mismatched clothing. In the oddness of the sight he didn't notice that every one of them wore a dress or skirt that could provide easy access to their tempting fuckholes.
Many of the unexpected joggers were from his block, most of whom had already succumbed to his masculine charms at one point or another when he'd gotten a bit too close, and as soon as these women noticed him, they immediately bent over his car hood and pulled their skirts up over their asses, revealing a diverse assortment of seductive, soaked pussies begging to put his seed to use. He'd have to get past them somehow to get into his car and escape the neighborhood, and in doing so escape his overwhelming desire to fuck babies into every single one of them.
Unfortunately, they'd chosen their positions quite strategically, and as Kenneth drew closer to his car and his dick began to involuntarily swell and demand feminine attention, he realized that he couldn't hope to resist them all, especially after waking up this morning with his balls full and his urge to breed fully rekindled. None of his potential mates were even wearing underwear, for some reason, and so there was nothing to prevent him from sliding right in and indulging in the pleasure their bodies were designed to bring him.
His only hope was to pick one of them to fuck, and then pray that the satisfaction of emptying his teeming ballsack into her defenseless baby factory would sate his reproductive drive long enough to slip past the rest of the aspiring mommies before he really lost control and started a full-blown orgy in his driveway.
That would still add another neighbor to the list of sexy women that he had enthralled and impregnated, of course, and he knew that he would inevitably see her body growing soft and swollen with his genes as well, but that was a sacrifice Kenneth was becoming increasingly willing to make.
His mind made up, Kenneth gave in to his urges, whipped out his dick, and nestled it into the velvety softness peeking out between the nearest jogger's thighs as she lay face-down on his car hood, just as he had the afternoon before. This time there was no resistance whatsoever, and his cock slid effortlessly into the tight sheath, eager to be teased into yet another involuntary, gene-spreading ejaculation.
Kenneth still hadn't even seen his partner's face by this point, and had no idea which of Becca's friends or acquaintances he was about to fuck into motherhood. Her pussy felt amazing, though, and Kenneth knew that regardless of whether she was old or young, busty or petite, cute or homely, her hyperfertile body would be equally desperate to pass on those physical traits to the next generation. At that thought his hips began their familiar rhythmic thrusting, and his plan to get off and get out was forgotten as he was rewarded with the initial burst of dick-throbbing pleasure that signaled the start of his journey toward blissful, lifegiving release.
In the meantime, Kenneth's irresistible pheromone musk thickened with his coital exertions and floated out over the sidewalk, where it quickly began to ensnare more and more women as they continued to jog inexplicably by, permanently kindling in each of them that same powerful desire to convince Kenneth to slide his cock inside them by any means necessary, along with a growing willingness, almost an eagerness, to feel him losing control and fertilizing their wombs so that they could be forced to have his children. One by one they continued to succumb to the chemical infatuation Kenneth's scent triggered in their susceptible female bodies, and as they did so they found themselves joining the growing ranks of eager potential mates bending over Kenneth's car, revealing their own easy-access pussies with a tingle of anticipation, waiting for their chance to give Kenneth's virile cock the ultimate masculine pleasure.
Kenneth was completely unaware of how quickly his powerful influence was spreading, of course, since at the moment he was entirely focused on his urge to keep thrusting so that he could cum and plump up the faceless woman he was currently fucking. When he did finally notice all of the soft thighs and naked pussies lining the car waiting for him, every one of them wet and fully willing to take a load of his dangerously potent jizz, he lost control almost immediately.
He grabbed his current partner's thighs and pulled himself as far inside as he could, allowing her slick walls to force him past his threshold and trigger his orgasm. At the same time he prepared himself to settle in for the long, satisfying process of thoroughly impregnating his mate, of fully spending himself and emptying his balls inside her, but, for some reason, as soon as he felt that first glorious spurt inside her supernaturally fertile depths, he instantly lost interest and pulled out, almost in disgust.
Once he had done so, the soaked pussy next to him immediately caught his attention, along with the sexy bubble butt framing it, and before he knew what was happening he found his body preparing to plunge into her as well. This had only taken a fraction of a second, and though his second spurt was wasted across the hood of his car in between the two infatuated does, his third sank deep into the slick recesses of the second future mom's fertile cunt.
Immediately Kenneth felt that same sensation of deep ennui sweeping over his body, while at the same time his attention snapped onto another as-yet-unfertilized pussy right beside him, this time accompanied by wide hips and nice, thick thighs.
By this point his ejaculation had begun to slow just a bit, though each drop of his semen was just as dangerously potent, and so there was enough time for load number four to be spurted safely between his current lover's puffy, juicy labia before they too lost their savor and the crevice between the tight, tanned legs next to him became irresistible in turn.
His jets of cum continued to decrease in intensity, but with LifeSim driving his arousal through the roof at the sheer eroticism of his current situation, even though he was only inside most of his partners for a split second, by the end of his orgasm Kenneth had successfully deposited his genetic material deep inside the babymakers of seven different women of various ages, shapes, ethnic backgrounds, and marital statuses before his dick finally softened enough to prevent any further penetration.
The twenty or so besotted women he hadn't been able to make it to began to grumble good-naturedly, their disappointment at missing out on feeling Kenneth's dick pumping away inside their own fertile pussies unable to trump the unbridled joy they now felt just from being in his presence, but the seven he had been able to impregnate moaned with bliss as they sprawled across his car, overwhelmed after even a brief taste of Kenneth's cock while it was actively in the jerking throes of spreading his seed.
Now that Kenneth's balls were empty and the deed was done, he finally came to his senses enough to feel embarrassed at the sheer magnitude of what he'd just allowed himself to do, even as that feeling of deep happiness and satisfaction from pursuing his life goal of boinkboinking as many women as possible began to wash over him.
Either way, his urges had been sated in the worst possible manner, and now he just wanted to get the hell out of there before his libido could recover. So, Kenneth began unceremoniously clearing women off his car, many of whom he'd just finished impregnating, so that he could finally climb into the driver's seat and flee to work, leaving the neighborhood and all of the women he'd knocked up behind him.
As he sent the joggers on their way, he was surprised to see a pussy that seemed oddly familiar among the rest, especially since his need to fill it with his cock was much less intense than the others. From this he could conclude that whoever it was must already be carrying his child, but even so he was shocked when he grabbed her hips to pull her off his car and came face-to-face with a flushed, horny Becca.
"Becca! What are you doing here??"
He'd asked her a direct question, and so now his infatuated wife had no choice but to answer her masculine hunk truthfully. She wanted to answer him truthfully, just as badly as she wanted to keep helping him spread the love to all of the sexy women filling the neighborhood.
She motioned to pull him aside so they could talk privately, and so Kenneth quickly finished shooing the rest of the women off the car, trying his best to ignore them as they straightened their clothes and got back to their jogging.
Becca began her story. "Well, when I saw you and that cute brunette jogger fucking like rabbits on your car yesterday afternoon (along with half the neighborhood, I'm pretty sure), it turned me on so much that I just couldn't stand it, as you probably noticed from my state yesterday evening.
"As much as I enjoyed our evening together, Honey, I woke up early this morning still thinking about how hot it had been to see you with that jogger, and I got so horny that I couldn't get back to sleep. I figured that I could at least use my insomnia to be of some use to you, and so I got up early and went into your office to see if I could figure out a way to use that program to help you."
"Becca, I can't believe you tried to use LifeSim without my permission!"
"I was trying to help! I was trying to find a way to fix things, but I was already so horny, and when I saw the pregnancy icon above my head, and above the heads of all the other women you've already knocked up, the thought of you spreading the love to the rest of the women in the neighborhood just like you did with that girl yesterday was just too hot to resist! So I started looking through the settings, and when I found one that would make all of the women in the neighborhood obsessed with jogging I couldn't help but click it - that way there would always be a nice, fertile cutie outside for you to release all of those manly reproductive urges into!"
That didn't sound so bad, Kenneth caught himself thinking. He knew it was just the program talking, but his dick was beginning to rise again nonetheless, and it was starting to make him want to release just a bit more tension into yet another tight, impregnable pussy before he left for work. Becca smirked naughtily when she caught him glancing at one of the joggers still loitering near the car; Kenneth still hadn't zipped his pants back up, and seconds later his boner was once again peeking out through his fly.
Becca continued her story, subtly motioning the cute young jogger over with her right hand as she did so, just out of Kenneth's line of sight. Her left hand began toying at the hem of her skirt as her own arousal began to grow. “Anyway, I figured out how to make changes apply to all of the women in the neighborhood, but I was in such a hurry that I completely forgot that I'm a woman in this neighborhood too," she giggled. "Though I really should know better by now."
That last part sounded strangely ominous to Kenneth, but he wasn't completely paying attention by this point since the young jogger he had been lusting after began enthusiastically making her way over to him, and he forgot to ask Becca what she meant by it.
Becca, of course, felt no need to volunteer that information, and both her and the jogger's easy-access pussies throbbed with how open and available they were under their skirts.
“Of course, as soon as I hit the button, I suddenly felt like getting up and going jogging!” She laughed at the carelessness that had saddled her with another of LifeSim's compulsions - she'd just been too horny to think straight. “In hindsight, of course it affected me! I’m a woman in the neighborhood, after all, and I’m clearly under LifeSim's spell just as strongly as the other women are! My milky titties and the new knocked up symbol that you put above my head can certainly attest to that!"
By this point, however, Kenneth was only half paying attention to Becca; the cute young jogger in her early twenties had sidled up next to Kenneth and started discreetly stroking his cock to full mast. His eyes were locked on to the way the girl's athletic skirt and sports bra clung to the petite curves of her tight young body.
Becca's hand was now fully engaged under her own skirt. “I would have undone the jogging command, at least for myself, but it looks like you were right and that all changes are permanent for NPCs. After a few seconds of trying, the urge to go jogging got too strong to resist, so I threw together a quick breakfast for you, dug out the best approximation of athletic clothes I could find in my closet, and here I am!” She gestured down at her own mismatched outfit, clearly too small for the widened hips and swollen tits her first pregnancy had given her.
Kenneth was having more and more trouble focusing on what she was saying as his lust for his sexy little admirer grew. He knew he shouldn't give in again so soon after what he'd just done, but it was just so tempting, and the girl clearly wanted it just as badly as he did.
Oh, what would one more really matter.
Kenneth's cute feminine companion happily allowed herself to be backed up against the car, giggling giddily as Kenneth ran his hands up and down her nicely tapered waist. She pulled her skirt up with a confidence born of infatuation and youth, completely certain that the consequences of unprotected sexual intercourse didn't apply to her, and squirmed a bit from the tingly pleasure of having her easy-access pussy on display again. A hot stud was about to take advantage of her nakedness, just like she'd fantasized for the past two days. She couldn't wait.
Kenneth wasted no time pressing himself up against her nubile form and allowing the tip of his cock to gently part her labia as she grinned expectantly up at him, her cheeks flushed with the arousal Kenneth's pheromones had triggered in her receptive body. Her easy-access pussy felt so slick and tight and inviting that it just felt right for Kenneth to press himself a bit harder against her, and they both gasped as her entrance finally yielded and he smoothly slid inside. And once he was inside, of course, feeling her tight young reproductive tract grip and squeeze and coax him, it was so easy to keep going, to feed his arousal and let his urge to cum grow.
He noticed that Becca had followed them over to the car, and had put one leg up on the bumper for a better angle to her own easy-access entrance as she hungrily watched her husband stuff his cock into his new lover's fertile little snatch.
"Mmm," she sighed as she admired the sexy coed's body, "I can see what you see in her, Kenny. Great curves, but in that firm, tight, early-twenties-with-no-kids kinda way. I bet she feels amazing." Kenneth moaned as he silently agreed - she did feel amazing.
The sexy young jogger seemed completely unbothered by the way Becca was talking about her - she was too focused on using her tight pussy to stroke Kenneth's cock, instinctively using her hips and torso to try to tease him into cumming inside her.
"She's a perfect choice for carrying your children," Becca continued as her hand increased its pace. "Just look at those thighs... wait, that reminds me."
Kenneth glanced up, momentarily taken aback that his wife wanted to tell him something while his cock was buried in another woman's vagina.
“I was going to say that it seems like all of the program’s changes to NPCs are sexual, or at least the jogging definitely is - a strong part of why I’m out here is so that my ass and thighs will be nice and tight and toned so that you’ll want to fill me up even more, and I'm pretty sure all of the other women feel the same way.”
She focused her attention back on her husband's slender young lover as she continued to ride his cock. "What about you, Sweetie? Were you out jogging because the thought of a man like Kenny seeing your sexy little ass and fucking it was so hot you couldn't stand it?"
"Oh god yes!" the girl panted and Kenneth felt himself drift even closer to the point of no return.
Becca sighed helplessly at her own identical desires. “It seems like any changes you make to female NPCs, Honey, will not only compel us to do those things, but will make us do so for inherently sexual reasons, and we'll be extremely turned on and receptive as a result."
Changes I make? Kenneth thought to himself incredulously. It wasn't like he had been the one to force all of the women in the neighborhood, Becca included, to suddenly take up fuck-me jogging.
"Becca," Kenneth commanded as his partner's well-filled sports bra bounced in his face and he fucked himself ever closer to release inside her, "I forbid you from using the program unless you're absolutely sure that it will help me."
"Yes, sir," Becca answered obediently as she continued to frig herself on the bumper, getting off at the sight of her husband fucking another woman just the way he'd accidentally programmed her to. She knew that she'd do exactly as her Kenny asked.
It occurred to Kenneth that he should probably have been more restrictive with his command, to prevent Becca from finding a way to twist his words like Kelly and Isabel had, but just then Kenneth felt his cock stiffening and his balls tightening, and his thoughts were forced back onto his partner's nubile body and what he was about to do to it. He tightly gripped her bare midriff with his hands and sank himself as deeply into her as he could, and her tight canal welcomed him in as far as he wanted to go, squeezing him in intense, irresistible pleasure and urging him to just give in and let it happen, to let their bodies do what they were designed to do.
Ohhh yeah, this is what it's all about! Kenneth embraced the urge washing over him, and Becca stared hungrily, bucking on her hand as her manly husband began shooting his sperm into his sexy young lover, showering her womb with the blueprints its relentless, enhanced fertility craved, all so that the young hottie could finally get busy passing her cute features on to the next generation like she was designed to.
Once they were finished Kenneth's newest mate hopped off the car, smoothed her skirt over the flared thighs that hid her full, dripping pussy from sight, gave him a flirty wink, and jogged off the way she had come. She was on top of the world, completely unaware that her body had already begun the unfamiliar process of swelling with a male's offspring for the first time - one final knocked-up young mommy to add to the day's tally, and yet another copy of Kenneth's genes making its way out into the neighborhood.
Becca's eyes were almost crossing as she rode out the remainder of her pleasure.
"God, Kenny, watching you do that to other women is so fucking hot!"
Again Kenneth couldn't help but feel satisfied with himself, almost proud of what he had done. Finally sated, he turned to go back inside, but then stopped in his tracks and slapped his hand to his forehead.
"Oh no," he moaned. It wasn't even eight o'clock in the morning yet. He still had to go to work.
Kenneth was usually one of the first to arrive at the office, but today he was fully a half hour late, whipping into the parking lot and pulling into one of the few open spots near the back.
As he exited his car he noticed the long rope of spooge still stretched across his hood in between the greasy marks of bodies slick with the sweat of arousal and sexual exertion. In his clear state of mind he was horrified at what he had done, of course, as he frequently was at work, and once again despaired of ever finding a way to fix everything. Under the game's influence he had yet again not been able to stop himself from spreading his seed across his neighborhood, and, counting the poor girl the evening before, there would now be nine new impregnated babes who would be overjoyed to learn that their bodies had succumbed to his virile seed.
Once he got inside he noticed that Isabel was continuing to slowly swell a bit larger each day. It was so odd to look at her and remember that he had done this to her, that those were his genes growing inside her, plumping her up, and all because he hadn't been able to resist his urge to cum inside her while he was in the neighborhood.
Luckily, just as LifeSim had said, nobody had found Isabel's sudden pregnancy to be out of the ordinary, and hardly anyone had even commented on it, other that to say that she was coming along nicely and the other usual encouraging phrases for new expecting mothers.
Still, feeling responsible for the situation his female friend found herself in, Kenneth made his way over to her desk to check on her. Isabel's facial features had become noticeably softer as her pregnancy hormones wreaked havoc with her body chemistry, and her olive complexion took on a complex, unreadable expression when she noticed his approach.
"Hi Isabel. I just wanted to see if you were okay and to ask if there was anything I could do."
"I think you've done enough, Kenneth," she said, pointedly gesturing down at her visibly swollen abdomen.
Kenneth looked away, ashamed. At least here he was able to feel some guilt for what he'd done.
"Kenneth, I know this isn't your fault, and that neither of us were able to prevent what happened, but I need to let you know that I'll be pursuing child support once our baby is born."
"Of course," Kenneth said. "I'll do whatever I can."
Isabel sighed. She seemed tired and uncomfortable. Kenneth noticed as her chest rose and fell that her breasts appeared to be a bit swollen as well. Luckily, this far from LifeSim's influence no arousal assaulted him at seeing his friend in this state. "Man, I am not looking forward to giving birth."
Kenneth perked up, having had a sudden idea. "I think that might be something I can actually help with."
"Oh yeah? How?"
"The same way you did this to yourself in the first place - hit fast forward so you skip birth. Becca says that she still remembers it happening, even though she knows it never did, so you won't really be missing anything, other than a lot of pain and discomfort."
Isabel thought about this for a minute.
"As appealing as that sounds, Kenneth, I really don't think I want to put myself back under LifeSim's influence like that."
"Fair enough, I can't say I blame you. Let me know if there's anything I can do in the meantime."
"Kenneth, what you can do for me, and for every other woman in your neighborhood, is to find a way to stop the program. You have got to get this under control."
Kenneth thought about all of the new women scattered across the neighborhood, walking around with his seed hard at work in their bellies. Even though he was currently free from LifeSim's influence, he was still a man with a man's instinctive urges, and he could remember exactly how good it had felt to knock each and every one of them up, Isabel included.
"I know. I'm working on it."
Author’s Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments, or questions, I’d love to hear from you at If you find yourself enjoying my stories, please consider supporting my work on DeviantArt, at, on SubscribeStar, at, or on Patreon, at Subscribers and Patrons get a full five months of early access to my stories (which usually includes new chapters of stories posted here!), input into which stories I write, and some other fun perks. Every little bit helps, and your support is what enables me to keep doing what I love!