LifeSim: Breeding Expansion

Chapter 4

by Fidget

Tags: #cw:noncon #breeding #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #impregnation #multiple_partners #adultery #breeding_kink #flirting #mental_transformation #seduction #videogames

Author’s Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!

The next day was Sunday, and so Kenneth spent a lazy yet productive day at home banging his hot wife.

Sure enough, he felt happier and more fulfilled each time he spent himself inside her, and reveled in the fact that he'd outsmarted the game and would soon be free of his accumulated punishments.

Kenneth was careful not to go outside for any reason, and was happy to discover that he was never once tempted to seek out and impregnate any of his neighbors so long as he was able to have sex with Becca whenever he felt the urge, which was pretty much constantly.

And so all throughout the day he watched his LifeSim happiness meter rise in leaps and bounds, getting closer and closer to his first lifetime happiness goal. Things were certainly looking up.

That night before bed Kenneth decided to spend some more time with LifeSim, checking his progress and making sure he hadn't missed any useful settings that could help get him out of his predicament. He was glad to see that his happiness points were already almost high enough to add or remove a minor trait; by this time tomorrow he should be thinking much more clearly.

Kenneth had already decided to remove his "Impulsiveness" trait first, for two reasons. First, even though his boinkboink life goal would still make him want to fuck all of his neighbors, removing his impulsiveness would make it much easier to resist their feminine wiles. They were infatuated with him, after all, not the other way around, and while he had boosted all of his stats related to charm and sex appeal, and the game had reduced his refractory period and made him constantly want sex through his new life goal, the actual strength of his own sexual attraction was still at default. It's just that whenever he was alone with an attractive woman his desire for sex would trigger his impulsive behavior, and he'd lose the ability to resist his normal reproductive desires. So, getting rid of his impulsiveness had to be the first step.

Second, changing a life goal cost an order of magnitude more happiness points than changing a minor trait, and he definitely didn't want to be stuck with his impulsiveness and his desire for sex until he could change his life goal. Plus, his impulsiveness had made him impregnate Linda before the game had changed his life goal in the first place, so "Impulsiveness" was clearly the more dangerous of the two. His boinkboink life goal would still be in effect, but once he regained his ability to make rational decisions in the presence of attractive women the next day, it should be easy enough to just keep fucking Becca until he earned enough happiness points to change his life goal back.

Now that he had decided on a gameplan, Kenneth briefly clicked into both Kelly and Becca's submenus to confirm that they were in fact pregnant, and he also noted that Becca did have the "Spread the Love" trait that meant she would get off on him having sex with other women. Still, with no real reason to fuck anyone else now that he had decided to only bang Becca, Kenneth should be fine there too. Becca might start to feel a bit disheartened about this decision, and would probably try to set him up with other women at some point, but once his impulsiveness was gone he should easily be able to resist their combined advances. Becca would just have to put up with her sexual frustration until he could find a way to return her to normal.

Kenneth was taking one last look around the interface as Becca's exhausted but satisfied avatar went to bed in the background, when he suddenly noticed a small button in the top right corner of the GUI that looked like an arrow pointing to the right. He hovered his cursor over it to see what it would do.

This option causes some effects and character-states to skip ahead by predetermined intervals, instantly "fast-forwarding" those effects in the relevant avatars. Note that no actual time will be lost for the avatars in question, and that the resulting effects and character-states will seem natural to all non-Player-Character avatars.

What on earth does that mean? Kenneth wondered to himself. Did that mean that traits like his "Impulsiveness" and Becca's "Spread the Love" were just temporary, and could therefore be sped up or skipped? Or did traits not count as "effects" or "character-states"?

Either way, the game did specify that no time would be lost (What a horrible possibility!), and the potential benefits seemed to outweigh any possible downsides that he could think of. So, Kenneth impulsively clicked the button once, wondering as he did so whether that snap decision too had been due to his trait, or if it was just the expected outcome of his normal decision-making process. He concluded that it was impossible to know either way, and now that the button was pushed, it ultimately didn't matter.

Kenneth looked back at his stats submenu. Nothing seemed different - all of his own traits and goals were still in effect, and his happiness meter hadn't changed at all. Becca was still asleep under the covers with her new pregnancy symbol flashing over her head. Maybe the setting just affected parameters that aren't currently enabled in anyone's avatars.

He finally decided to go to bed, having had enough of the troublesome program for one night. He quietly entered the bedroom and slid underneath the covers, not wanting to disturb Becca's sleep. She seemed to be taking up a bit more of the bed than usual, but Kenneth just chalked that up to exhaustion from the day's relentless sexual escapades.

He woke up to the sound of his alarm going off at 6am, as usual. Today was Monday, and that meant he had to go to work. He slowly rolled over toward Becca, trying to clear the bleariness from his eyes. As his vision sharpened, however, he was shocked to find Becca's abdomen looking much larger than usual. He briefly worried that something was wrong, that she was injured somehow, but then he finally realized that it looked exactly like she was at least six months pregnant!

"Becca, you're pregnant!"

Becca was already in the process of waking up when his outburst startled her into full awareness. She turned to face him with a bemused, sleepy smile. "Yes, honey. Enough unprotected sex tends to do that to a girl."

"But how??"

"Well, you see Kenny, when a man and a woman love each other very much, and the man offers the woman a condom but she foolishly turns him down and then he fills her up with cum nine times in 24 hours, eventually all of those sperm will find an egg and knock her up." She rubbed her protruding belly, her eyes sparkling with playful adoration as she teased him.

Kenneth noticed that his wife's beautiful features had grown fuller and chubbier with her pregnancy, giving her a lovely feminine glow. He hadn't wanted this to be the way they got pregnant, but now that Becca was, he couldn't deny that it was kind of nice to see her this way, and that it certainly looked good on her. But how had it happened? He tried to force his sleepy brain to work, to think through the haze of satisfying sexual activity that constituted his past twenty-four hours.

That "Skip" feature! Of course! Again the game had thrown him a curveball. Instead of fast-forwarding their traits, it had just fast-forwarded Becca's pregnancy. That must be what the game meant by "character-states". In hindsight it made perfect sense, and if he had been able to think through the button's potential effects a bit more, he doubted this would have happened. Either way, it was too late now - Becca was not only six months pregnant, but she also seemed to think that her condition was entirely normal, just as the game had said she would.

Oh no. If "Skip" had made Becca six months pregnant, that meant that Linda and Kelly probably would be too...

When he headed out to his car at 7:30, the early-risers of the neighborhood were already bustling. He saw Linda on the porch next door with her typical gaggle of 30-something housewives, chatting and giggling as she rubbed her visibly pregnant belly. He noted that Kelly's mom, Allison, was among them, looking somewhat smug herself. None of the women acted as though Linda's sudden pregnancy were anything out of the ordinary.

As soon as she saw him emerge, Linda made excuses to her friends and hurried over to the fence, where Kenneth met her sheepishly as the desperate housewives craned their necks and tittered in the background. Pregnancy suited Linda's milfy body perfectly as well - she'd already gone through having two kids, so this new bulge in her abdomen nicely complemented her widened birthing hips and heavy breasts. Kenneth noticed that her breasts in particular were even larger than they had been before, having grown soft and swollen as her familiar pregnancy hormones continued to work their way through her system for a third time. Linda had a similar glow to Becca, just more homely and maternal, and she looked so happy and natural and feminine that Kenneth couldn't help but feel that it was kinda nice to see her like this as well. It had certainly felt nice to make her like this, anyway.

Though she was already pregnant with his child, his married neighbor was still just as susceptible to his irresistible charm as ever, and she made sure to shamelessly flirt with him as he tried not to stare at the growing belly that was the result of his impulsive indiscretion three nights prior, back before he had discovered the effect the game was having on all of them. And Kenneth still wanted to fuck her too, of course, which just added to his discomfort at the situation.

Linda, on the other hand, was perfectly comfortable stoking their obvious sexual tension, and after chatting with her for a bit, it also became clear that she seemed to have no problem whatsoever cuckolding her husband. The way she described his reaction to her pregnancy was more than a little unexpected: even though the man had had a vasectomy years earlier after their two older children, he still seemed to fully believe that the child was his. He certainly didn't suspect his impossibly charismatic next door neighbor, the one who suddenly had all of the women in the neighborhood throwing themselves at him for some reason. Nah, Kenneth was a good guy, and even if he had somehow accidentally fucked his wife, he was just so damn personable that he wasn't sure how much it mattered. Or at least that's the way Linda told it, and she seemed perfectly happy to preserve the status quo.

Kenneth extricated himself from the plumped-up, besotted milf as soon as he could, and she toddled back over to her friends who waved and made eyes at him as he walked out to his car. Kenneth found himself absent-mindedly wondering which of the willing women would be the next to find herself swelling alongside Linda. Probably none of them, thankfully, he concluded, reining in his wandering thoughts yet again. Once he earned his first reward that evening, the unplanned impregnations would stop at the three unlucky casualties who had already been knocked up.

Just as he reached his car, however, he saw Kelly coming out of her house across the street, book bag thrown over her shoulder as she headed off to community college. The "Skip" function had clearly affected the plucky student as well; Kelly's thin, athletic frame wasn't suited to pregnancy like Linda's and Becca's were, but that didn't seem to matter to LifeSim, and sure enough the poor girl's belly was awkwardly swelling with his progeny nonetheless.

She was still just as happy to see him as Linda had been, of course, and her cute dance of joy as she ran over to give him a hug around her distended abdomen filled Kenneth with shame at what he had done to her.

Kelly, however, was clearly thrilled at her young, fertile body's reaction to the sperm Kenneth had carelessly spurted into her unprotected womb two days before. In addition to her new baby bump, she had also noticed that her small breasts had begun swelling and darkening as they yielded to the unfamiliar new hormones flooding through her. Intentional or not, after the reckless ecstasy of their coupling the cute little sophomore's genes had successfully mingled with those of her promiscuous older mate, and now the petite twenty-year-old had to prepare to carry and nourish this unique combination of their DNA that had implanted itself in her uterus.

In the meantime, all Kenneth could do was watch as the girl's newly impregnated body obeyed its evolutionary programming and slowly filled out into mature mommy curves. It occurred to him that, as slender as Kelly's figure was now, it would likely soon come to resemble that of her more voluptuous mother on the porch next door, who was doubtless dizzy with arousal herself as she vicariously watched the erstwhile lovers' awkward hug.

Allison had been the one to expose her daughter to Kenneth's charms in the first place, after all, effectively sacrificing her only daughter on the off chance that it would somehow lead to an opportunity for Allison to get him in the sack herself. Kelly had of course immediately fallen for the irresistible stud, and Allison had been stuck at home while her innocent but suddenly very willing daughter had enthusiastically gotten herself bred. Allison was happy for Kelly, but she was still stuck watching their embrace from a distance, and could only imagine how it would feel to have Kenneth's arms locked around her torso, to feel her own wide hips gyrating to the rhythm of Kenneth's coital dance.

"Hi Mr. Kenneth! Wow, uh, I guess you really did it to me, huh?" Kelly said cheerfully, beaming up at him as she caressed the ungainly bulge protruding from her otherwise trim torso. "I thought I was on the pill, but it looks like it didn't work for some reason, and then when you came in me the other day you really knocked me up good. Oh, not that I mind of course! It felt super nice having you inside me like that, Mr. Kenneth, and I'm sooo lucky and thankful that you chose me to ... Oh, hi Mrs. Anderson!" Kelly blurted as Becca suddenly appeared behind Kenneth, the poor embarrassed girl subtly making an effort to distance her suspiciously swollen self from her partner in adultery.

"Oh honey, I know it's Kenneth's. Don't worry - he put a bun in my oven too!" Becca smiled as she walked over to the shamefaced girl so she could rub both of their bulging bellies in solidarity. "Our Kenny has been spreading the love around the neighborhood a bit, it seems, so it's only natural that some of us would get knocked up eventually."

Kenneth noted that, as expected, his wife seemed completely unsurprised and unbothered at seeing other women pregnant with his offspring. If anything Becca seemed a bit turned on by it all, judging from her slightly flushed face, but that could just be the pregnancy.

The two future moms quickly bonded and the conversation turned to genders and decorations, so Kenneth, still quite uncomfortable with the whole thing and not at all ready to face the consequences of his actions, excused himself saying that he was late for work. The girls didn't seem miffed, probably because of how charming they found him, and so Kenneth kissed his wife goodbye on the cheek as he tried to ignore the persistent sensation of unreality he got from seeing her heavily pregnant with their first child.

As he got in the car, Kenneth was thankful to note that at least the game was telling the truth about the women not losing any time. They didn't look six months older; they just looked six months pregnant, and moreover they all seemed to be perfectly happy with that fact.

His thoughts turned to work as he drove past the neighborhood co-op grocer, terrified at the prospect of being near the women in his office without Becca present to take the edge off his endless desire for intercourse.

Just at that moment, however, he passed through the entrance to his neighborhood and experienced a sudden, odd sense of emptiness as, for the first time in days, his thoughts weren’t obsessively dwelling on sex.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he risked checking the screen as he drove. Now leaving play area. LifeSim will still run while you're away, and will be here waiting when you get back!

Oddly ominous, under the circumstances, but oh god, Kenneth was finally free. It was only temporary, of course, but for a few precious hours he was free of the constant need to fuck, free of the stress of trying to resist impregnating his sexy neighbors. Kenneth's shoulders sagged as a weight he hadn't realized he was carrying was suddenly lifted off. It was like waking up from a dream.

He was still mortified at what he had done to Linda and Kelly, of course, but that somehow seemed like another life now that he was outside his neighborhood, and he could deal with the consequences of that life once he got home. Kenneth had never looked forward to a day filled with boring spreadsheets so much in his entire career.

Thankfully, once he arrived at work the delightful tedium of his endless corporate drudgery continued as usual, with no sign of the constant excitement of unrestrained sexual tension that now characterized his private life. Kenneth smiled as he said good morning to his department’s receptionist, relishing both his own lack of inclination to act on his slight sexual desire for the pretty young blonde, and her absence of any indication that she found him anything other than boring, much less sexually irresistible.

His morning proceeded much the same way; he spent most of his time blissfully alone at his desk, and the few meetings he had were as uneventful as he could have hoped. Kenneth went to lunch with some acquaintances from the office, pleased that the men weren’t deferring to him as some sort of pinnacle of masculine popularity, and even more relieved to see the two women from his department continuing to treat him in their usual cool, professional manner.

That afternoon some of his happiness began to wear off as he realized he’d have to return home in just a few short hours. He had considered his situation on and off throughout the day, racking his brain for any potential solution to his neighborhood’s dilemma now that his thoughts were clear of LifeSim’s influence.

Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be much he could do. When he tried to search for information about the game online, he was surprised to find that there was no mention of it anywhere, even on the site he had bought it from, and it wasn’t present in the store or in his purchases. He checked his credit card statement for the charge, but it was nowhere to be seen there either; the money he had spent on the game had apparently been erased from existence, and it hurt his bookkeeper soul to no end to know that his personal accounts would never perfectly balance again.

Once he gave up trying to find information about the game, he turned his attention to trying to get outside help with his predicament. But who could he tell? Who would believe him? Any government agency he tried to get in touch with would immediately dismiss his incredible story as a prank. He briefly considered trying to contact a medium or a witch or something, but decided that LifeSim seemed more technological than magic, or at least that was his working hypothesis for the moment.

As such, Kenneth decided to look for someone who could remove the program from his phone and computer. It was clear that the only ones who could potentially help him were people outside the sphere of the program’s influence, people who didn’t have an avatar to be affected, and that led him to consider Isabel, a friend of his who had worked as a database engineer in his company’s IT department for over 10 years. If anyone he knew could help him with his predicament, she could.

And so, five minutes later, Kenneth found himself at Isabel’s desk, trying to figure out just what to tell her about his problem. In the meantime, he continued to appreciate his conspicuous lack of sexual attraction to his pear-shaped Latina coworker.

Ultimately, he decided to just wing it.

“Hey Isabel, do you know anything about video games?”

“Oh, hey Kenneth! Yes, actually. I’ve done some game dev work on and off over the years, but nothing too major. What’s up?”

How to put this delicately? “Oh, I started playing a new neighborhood simulation game, but it’s been behaving really oddly, and it somehow installed itself on my phone too. It refuses to force quit on either device, and it seems to hide itself on my phone as soon as I leave my neighborhood.”

“That doesn’t sound like any game behavior I’ve ever heard of - are you sure you didn’t just download some sort of virus that just called itself a game?”

Kenneth grimaced inwardly. While he was pretty sure LifeSim wasn't technically a computer virus, he couldn’t deny that it had infected him with a chronic need to breed which immediately spread to any woman who came in contact with him in his neighborhood. He eventually responded that, while it may ultimately turn out to be a virus of some sort, it definitely behaved like a sadistic game, and that it had turned out to be much more realistic than he’d expected.

Isabel asked for his phone and fiddled with it for a few minutes, but couldn’t find any trace of a game hiding itself. She did happen to notice a heart-laden text from Kenneth’s wife telling him how much she couldn’t wait for him to get home, along with a picture of a very pregnant belly. That was strange - Kenneth hadn’t mentioned anything about Becca being pregnant, and it was the sort of thing he would have told her as soon as he knew.

She finally handed him back his phone and asked him to tell her a bit more about the game.

“It’s… kinda hard to describe,” Kenneth responded evasively. “Would you be willing to pop over to my house after work to look at my computer - I can give you some more info on the way.”

“Uh, sure, I guess. I don’t really have anything I have to do this evening. I’ll meet you at your car at 5.”

The rest of the afternoon flew by, and before Kenneth knew it he was in the car with Isabel headed back toward his house, his dread increasing with every mile as he came closer and closer to falling under LifeSim’s influence again. On the way, as promised, Kenneth fully came clean and told Isabel everything that happened since he had bought the game the previous Friday afternoon, from breeding Linda at the party on Friday, to knocking up Kelly and his wife on Saturday, to accidentally making them all six months pregnant Sunday night. He ended with his plan to reverse his first punishment that evening and his hopes that Isabel could find a way to just uninstall the game entirely in the meantime.

Isabel sat and listened to him calmly and quietly, not saying a word until he had finished his entire outlandish story.

"Kenneth, I’ve known you a long time, and you're one of the most level-headed people I know, so while I obviously don't believe you, I do believe that you think that what you're saying is the truth. If it were anyone else, I’d say this all sounds like a really perverted way to ask for a threesome with your pregnant wife. But, since I trust you, I’ll agree to go to your house and see what's on your computer if you promise to tell Becca what you’ve just told me afterward so we can go get you some help.”

"That seems more than fair."

As they neared Kenneth’s house, he spent his final few lucid moments trying to prepare Isabel for the craziness she’d probably see once she was in the neighborhood.

"Ok, we're almost there. I'll probably start acting really strangely once we get inside, but I need you to just ignore me and anything weird happening around me and just figure out how to get the game off my computer as quickly as possible."

He braced himself to try to resist LifeSim’s effects, but, as expected, there was nothing to resist: sex was now simply the foremost concern on his mind, whether he wanted it to be or not, and Kenneth felt a familiar tenuousness around the edges of his psyche that told him he could no longer fully control his baser impulses. At least he had Isabel with him to keep him grounded, the only sane person in LifeSim’s madhouse.

Unexpectedly, however, the suddenly sexually appealing Latina spoke up from the passenger seat in a quiet, oddly breathy voice.

"Kenneth, I, um, I think I believe you now."

He looked over in surprise, and was horrified to discover that not only did the bottom-heavy Latina’s feminine curves suddenly seem mouth-watering to his sex-obsessed mind, but that her dreamy brown eyes had become large and liquid, her cute little nose was flaring so she could take in as much of his hypnotic musk as possible, and her seductive cheeks were flushed with what could only be a dangerous amount of arousal.

Author’s Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments, or questions, I’d love to hear from you at If you find yourself enjoying my stories, please consider supporting my work on DeviantArt, at, on SubscribeStar, at, or on Patreon, at Subscribers and Patrons get a full four months of early access to my stories (which usually includes new chapters of stories posted here!), input into which stories I write, and some other fun perks. Every little bit helps, and your support is what enables me to keep doing what I love!


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