LifeSim: Breeding Expansion

Chapter 3

by Fidget

Tags: #cw:noncon #breeding #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #impregnation #multiple_partners #adultery #breeding_kink #flirting #mental_transformation #seduction #videogames

Author’s Note: Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains fictional depictions of erotic scenarios, so act accordingly! All characters are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, all rights reserved. Enjoy!

LifeSim: Breeding Expansion

by Fidget

Chapter 3

Kelly left with a blissful smile on her pretty face, having learned nothing about calculus but plenty about human reproduction.

Becca was nowhere to be found, so Kenneth had gone back to his office to try to deal with LifeSim once again, though it was a bit hard to focus with visceral, intoxicating feelings of happiness and satisfaction pulsing through his body at having successfully fucked yet another of his sexy neighbors. He tried to be mad at himself for what he'd done, to feel guilty for how he'd cheated on Becca yet again, but he was ultimately powerless to make himself feel anything other than a deep sense of personal success at having pursued his new life goal.

As much as he hated the feeling, artificial or not, there was nothing he could do to shake it; the only change in his mood that he could detect was his growing, ever-present desire to have sex again. Already?? he asked himself with a mix of resignation and reluctant excitement as his thoughts turned to all of the other women just meters away from his front door, his mind unconsciously weighing variables like how far away they lived, how attractive they were, who was most likely to be home alone...

It occurred to Kenneth that his thought process was eerily similar to the way he used to automatically sift through investment opportunities and stock prices back when Financial Independence had been his life goal, though these seemed dull in comparison now that the game had made him obsessed with having as much sex as possible. Of course, the same attention to detail that had made him a successful accountant would likely carry over into his new extra-curricular interests as well, and would mean that it was now second-nature for him to unconsciously orchestrate opportunities to be alone with smitten women. Not good. Even worse, acting on these opportunities would feel perfectly natural, almost reflexive even, so he had to be careful to exercise constant vigilance even at home. If he allowed himself to relax too much, to get too comfortable, it was all but inevitable that he'd find himself across the street, knocking on Kelly's door to ask her milfy mom if she could spare a cup of double entendre.

This was especially the case when taking into account his uncharacteristic new impulsiveness. Thinking back on his actions over the past 24 hours gave Kenneth an odd feeling of unreality, since until yesterday he had never had an impulsive bone in his body. Once he was alone with Linda and Kelly and the opportunity for sex had presented itself, however, he'd immediately given in to temptation and inseminated both of them almost without hesitation. Feeling his cock pumping inside their sexy bodies had felt fantastic, of course, but in hindsight it almost felt as though he were remembering someone else's pleasure, since his actions were so at odds with his perception of himself. Either way, even though Kenneth felt perfectly normal now, he had to assume that he could no longer trust himself when put in situations that appealed to his id.

So, having recognized that his current inclination to pop across the street and pay a friendly, platonic visit to Kelly's mom was due to LifeSim's insidious influence, Kenneth painstakingly reined in his libido and turned his attention back to the program and the problem at hand. Immediately he felt himself becoming... deflated, almost depressed even, the sort of feeling he'd have experienced in his prior life if one of his investments were down for the week.

This was clearly more of the program messing with his mind, of course. His new boinkboink life goal apparently meant that not only would he automatically seek out sex to earn happiness points from successful intercourse, impregnating more and more women in the process, but also that acting contrary to that life goal, for example by taking precautions to decrease his chances of being in a position to have sex, would result in depression proportional to those efforts.

And that was the conundrum, wasn't it. He needed to accumulate enough happiness points to change his traits, and the only way to do so was to have as much sex as possible. But now every sex act would inevitably result in pregnancy, so he couldn't have sex. But that meant his happiness points would drop, making him more and more miserable, and he'd never be able to rid himself of the traits that were causing him to want to breed his neighbors so badly in the first place.

By this point Kenneth had spent so much time digging through the game's menus that he'd forgotten that LifeSim's gameplay was always running, and he was startled out of his reverie when he finally noticed the tinny sounds of boinkboink that had been playing through his computer speakers for the past few minutes. He closed the menu, only to be greeted with the sight of his perpetually horny avatar writhing under the sheets with yet another infatuated female partner, and he was equal parts horrified and eager as he watched the digital duo do their dirty dance.

Does this mean that I'm now fated to impregnate this poor woman too, whoever she is? he wondered. So far, every time he'd his avatar had boinkboinked someone he'd inevitably found himself screwing them in the real world as well, though the sample size was very small at only two. If true, however, it meant that LifeSim had immense implications for the existence of free will that went far beyond the relatively tiny problems he and his neighborhood were currently facing.

Even so, Kenneth found that he wasn't really interested in those implications at the moment, and was much more invested in discovering which lucky lady his avatar was coupling with. Finally the pair went motionless under the sheets for a few intense seconds as high-pitched moans of release filtered through the speakers, and then the spent lovers slid out from under the covers.

Kenneth gaped. The satisfied female avatar lying next to his with the "Pregnant" icon now flashing prominently above her head was none other than his wife Becca!

Of course! Kenneth slapped his forehead in relieved annoyance, feeling foolish for not hitting on the obvious solution sooner. His new obsession with sex must be affecting his judgment more than he thought. I am married, aren't I? I can just fuck Becca over and over again until my happiness gets high enough to remove my other traits.

To the game, his wife would be just another fertile female he should be fucking, and sure enough Kenneth felt just as happy at the thought of boinkboink with her as he felt about the other women in the neighborhood. Plus, he and Becca already planned to have kids eventually.

Still, as her loving husband, Kenneth couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that this was the only solution to his problem. He had wanted their decision to get pregnant to be one that they planned together, not one forced on them by a malevolent video game, and he knew that if he had sex with his beautiful wife in her current hyper-fertile state, she'd fall pregnant just as easily as any of the other affected women. He needed only look at the screen in front of him to see those fears confirmed.

Then again, he hadn't consulted Linda or Kelly before he impregnated them either, and he had still done so without a problem. Or even really meaning to, he thought, smiling absent-mindedly to himself, still full of artificial satisfaction at how good it had felt to ejaculate inside the two willing women. And with him sharing the same bed with an infatuated Becca every night for the foreseeable future, sex with her was already practically guaranteed anyway, so, planned or not, fucking Becca nonstop for the next few weeks was clearly the optimal solution to the neighborhood's looming overpopulation problem.

Kenneth briefly found himself wondering about the causal implications of what had just happened. He hadn't thought of his solution until he'd seen his avatar boinkboinking Becca, but that just raised the question of why his avatar had specifically chosen Becca this time in the first place. Did his avatar somehow come to the same realization that he had? If so, where had his avatar gotten the idea? Or was he just overthinking things, and he would have inevitably had sex with Becca today anyway, so his solution had only been happenstance? Kenneth knew that he should probably spend some more time exploring these questions, if only to better anticipate and counter the game's manipulations in the future, but by this point he really wanted to have sex again, and every minute he spent woolgathering about philosophy was a minute he wasn't spending balls deep in his wife earning happiness points.

His decision made, Kenneth went in search of Becca, who for some reason was just coming out of their bedroom, face flushed and breathing heavily. He momentarily wondered why she was so out of breath, but the flush of color in her pretty cheeks was beginning to turn him on, and once her face had glazed over with its usual mix of lust and worshipful adoration, his curiosity had been washed away by his desire for her body.

"Hey honey?" Kenneth rumbled in his enhanced baritone as he walked over and wrapped his arms around his wife's slim waist, pulling her torso against his.

"Yes dear?" Becca responded huskily as she molded herself against her husband's body, sniffing at his appealing musk, willing to do whatever he wanted, but secretly hoping that what he wanted was sex. She couldn't believe her luck that this slab of irresistible masculinity was all hers. Well, mostly hers at least, but it wasn't like she could begrudge a virile, hot-blooded man like Kenny a few innocent dalliances.

"I really wanna fuck your brains out right now. Are you ready?" he asked, trying to resist her intoxicating femininity for the few seconds that it would take for her to respond as his dick swelled against her abdomen. He somehow knew that she perfectly understood the real implications of his question, and he also knew what her response would be now that she was under LifeSim's influence. Still, it was important to him to hear that she wanted this just as much as he did.

"I'm more than ready," she responded, showing him the bedroom eyes that had never failed to bring his dick to attention even before LifeSim. She took his hand, turned, and walked purposefully back into the room, and Kenneth helplessly followed her swaying hips to their marital bed.

In seconds they were naked and he was on top of her, inflamed with desire and fully prepared to slide inside as she moaned encouragingly beneath him, but then Kenneth remembered the condoms they had in the nightstand, and, with herculean effort, merely stroked himself against her slick mound for a few seconds as he considered them.

While the program had made him want sex, it hadn't said that the sex had to be unprotected, and it seemed to him that he'd be just as happy with a condom on as long as he were thrusting away to completion inside someone. But would a condom even work? The program had said that "all forms of birth control have been deactivated", and a condom was certainly a form of birth control, but it somehow seemed unlikely that the game could change the physical properties of latex. And, if his sperm were trapped inside a condom, it was hard to see how they could impregnate Becca. Still, the game had shown his wife's avatar as pregnant, so did that mean she'd somehow get knocked up regardless of what he did? He should probably ask at the very least.

"Do you want me to put on a condom?" His strokes against her slick vulva were getting more insistent even as he said it, and he knew that he didn't have much time. He could already feel his impulsiveness growing, tempting him to just say "fuck it" and plunge himself into her regardless of the consequences, especially since that's exactly what Becca would want him to do in her current state.

For her part, Becca knew that she should say yes, that they weren't ready for an accident to happen, but for the past few days her physical desire for Kenneth had become oddly visceral, almost animalistic, orders of magnitude stronger than any other sexual attraction she had ever experienced. Becca had immediately understood why Linda and Kelly had been so willing to risk unprotected sex with Kenny - what girl wouldn't jump at the chance to ride this impossibly attractive man bareback, and, once he was inside, what girl could resist her instinct to push him just a bit too far, to suddenly lock her legs around him and force him to finish inside her?

Becca felt that very same instinct burning within herself, that need to feel her femininity engulfing him, sheathing his sensitive skin in her slick caresses until he did what came naturally and marked her as his own. Even if Kenny weren't her husband, Becca already knew that her answer would have been the same; just like Linda and Kelly, Becca would have shamelessly thrown herself at this man, married or not, and would have counted herself lucky if she'd gotten herself knocked up in the process. Kenneth's newfound sex appeal was just too overwhelming.

"I know that I should, but I don't want to," Becca finally answered, staring deeply into her husband's eyes as she helplessly rubbed herself against his delicious body. "I want to feel every millimeter of you inside me, skin to skin." She teased her slippery entrance against his probing cockhead, intently watching the shift in Kenneth's expression as his carnal urges overcame him.

No longer able to hold himself back, Kenneth stopped delaying the inevitable and smoothly slid his naked cock into her silky tunnel, both of them gasping at the unexpected pleasure of the direct sexual contact, finally free of the desensitizing interference - and the contraceptive protection - of their condoms. He bottomed out deep inside his wife's fertile reproductive tract and sat there soaking for a second, enjoying the sensation, flooded with amplified happiness at having successfully initiated coitus.

"Plus," Becca continued unexpectedly as he twitched inside her, "after watching you last night with Linda and just now with Kelly, it seems like you've needed to get your rocks off more than usual recently." She smirked up at him, enjoying the shocked look on his face at having been found out. "And I'm going to make sure you get what you need," she continued breathily, shifting her hips to slide him out of her, knowing that he would take charge and plunge himself back in. Her man needed to get his rocks off, after all.

Wait, Becca knew about Linda and Kelly and didn't say anything?? Why did it suddenly seem like his wife was ok with him cheating on her? Kenneth knew they needed to talk about this, but it felt so much nicer to just cup his wife's firm breasts in his hands and squeeze his cock back inside her tight slit instead, feeding his arousal even further. Becca sighed blissfully and continued:

"Not to mention that it didn't seem like you were using protection with our naughty neighbors either, so I don't even know if I'll be the first mistake you make this week." She winked mischievously up at him as he stared down in horror, but his instinctive thrusting continued to pick up the pace nonetheless. "And as much as it turns me on to see you spreading the love like that, it's making me want some of that risky creampie action for myself."

At hearing the phrase "spreading the love", alarm bells had begun going off in the back of Kenneth's head. His arousal-addled mind tried to think back to the first changes he had made with the program what felt like months ago even though it had only been the day before. He was almost positive that he remembered giving his wife the trait "spread the love", thinking that it would help his avatar get more action without making Becca's avatar mad. Well, the setting had behaved exactly as he'd hoped, though he obviously hadn't expected to benefit from that trait in the real world as well.

The true significance of Becca's words began to sink in as he continued to sink himself into her, and he felt his new life goal exerting its influence over his aroused mind as he considered the exciting implications of this unexpected turn of events. Most of Kenneth's resistance to his new desire for boinkboink had come from his reluctance to cheat on Becca, but now he realized that not only would Becca not get mad, but she actively wanted him to do it, and was even turned on by it! Becca had essentially given him a free ticket to fuck anyone he wanted, anytime he wanted. He still planned to resist for the sakes of the other women in the neighborhood, of course, but it was much harder to do so when those same gorgeous women were practically begging him to impregnate them.

Either way, he could (and would) think about other women later. Becca's reaction to his infidelity was entirely due to the traits he had given her avatar, and while he knew that he should be ashamed of himself for changing his wife like this, right now the thought of her getting turned on watching him fuck other women was causing an insistent tightness to start building in his overstimulated shaft, and suddenly all he could think about was pursuing meaning and happiness between his wife's spread legs.

Becca recognized the familiar signs of her husband's impending orgasm and quickly wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him as far inside herself as possible while her infatuated mind pummeled her with the idea that she couldn't pass up this opportunity, that her Kenny was the perfect man to cum inside her like this, that she needed him to do it as deep as possible so that his semen could work its magic on her fertile body.

"Come on, Kenny baby, that's it! Fill me up! I want you to do it! Make me yours!"

Her words sent shivers down his spine, driving him past the point of no return as she trapped his stiffening cock deep within the slick, stimulating folds of her vagina. This time, however, Kenneth allowed himself to fully embrace the sensation of his rising orgasm, and the feeling of those glorious first few spurts deep into his lovestruck wife's unprotected honeypot made him almost delirious with happiness.

"Mmmm, does that feel good?" Becca purred, staring hungrily up at him as she finally felt his cock begin to jerk and shudder deep inside her. She watched with pride as Kenny's face contorted with ecstasy, infinitely pleased with herself for giving this wonderful man such pleasure. All the while she could feel her womb filling with more and more of his warm, gooey baby batter with each pulse. "Does it feel good to fill me up with your cum?"

Kenneth could only moan helplessly in agreement, trying to press himself even further into her tight canal as his dick continued pumping his genetic material into her, adding Becca to the growing list of women thoroughly fertilized by his seed.

Afterward Kenneth fell back onto the bed, exhausted but significantly happier, once again filled with that damnable impression that he was somehow fulfilling his purpose in life. He knew that it was all bullshit, that the game was making him feel this way, but he still couldn't help the way he felt, or prevent a giant smile from spreading itself across his features from the sheer joy of having emptied his balls as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Becca lay beside him, watching the blissful smile on her beloved husband's face, her own cheeks warm with the satisfied glow of the thorough fucking he had given her. She basked in a feeling of primal feminine fulfillment as she lay there, tracing her fingers over her trim stomach, imagining herself succumbing to Kenny's potent sperm inside her and swelling with his child.

Every woman should feel like this, she found herself thinking. She knew it was ridiculous, that Kenny needed to be careful about his conquests or the entire neighborhood would soon be filled with swelling bellies. Still, for some reason that she couldn't explain, the idea appealed to her. It made her oozing pussy tingle like it had when she'd seen Kenneth with Linda and Kelly. Becca had never had any reason to believe that she was the type of girl who'd enjoy sharing her man with other women, but she couldn't deny how much it had inexplicably turned her on to secretly watch as Kenneth rawdogged Kelly this afternoon. Hell, she wanted him to keep spreading the love around the neighborhood, if only so she could keep getting off on it.

Becca slipped two fingers back down into the mingled juices between her thighs as the thought came back, even stronger this time.

Kenny should make every woman feel like this. And I should be there to watch.

Author’s Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments, or questions, I’d love to hear from you at If you find yourself enjoying my stories, please consider supporting my work on DeviantArt, at, on SubscribeStar, at, or on Patreon, at Subscribers and Patrons get a full four months of early access to my stories (which usually includes new chapters of stories posted here!), input into which stories I write, and some other fun perks. Every little bit helps, and your support is what enables me to keep doing what I love!

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