To Find the Truth

by fennywrites

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #fantasy #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwashing #collars #demon #fingering #lactation #magic #mind_control #threesome

Delilah is a rookie journalist and decides to find out what is happening with the prison building the Duchess had built. After all, no one seems to work there, despite the fact it kept getting new prisoners from the city.

To be a woman sucked. Admittedly, it was better now than it was then, but even I knew that this was thanks to the effort of a lot of people. Commoners, nobilities, both of them had done something that had helped, and changed the course of people’s lives. Of course, the one people talked the most was the shining example of Duchess Springtomb.

Her husband, whose family she married into, had ended up dying over the course of their marriage—there were, of course, rumors that the Duchess had murdered him herself. But I doubted it, succumbing to illness was a likelier possibility, one way or another. Besides, I was certain he got the best medicine and care, with the money nobilities tended to throw around. Then the husband died, and somehow, the wife bloomed. As if she had released the shackles tying her down, and so freed herself after taking over the businesses owned by the family. 

People gossiped. Especially commoners, people like me, who worked near the family but not employed by them—I drank every word people said. How those businesses seemingly flourished anywhere and everywhere by now, that she was competent.

So, I decided I would be like her. I studied my numbers and alphabets as well as I could, ignoring the ones who would try to tell me we could just play instead of studying. They never asked me again. 

Having almost no friends, except the bare few acquaintances, admittedly sucked. Those people I knew stick by me a little was mostly because their parents were friends with mine, so it was mostly a forced relationship—and everyone left, in the end. I just wasn’t feminine enough, or interested in gossips or doing every other things people expected me to. 

No. I refused their demands instead. And when I was finally old enough, I went and applied to one of the news companies opening up in Riverdale—well, that wasn’t the only place I applied to. But somehow, the boss thought my spunk and desire to get news were a good fit for the company he wanted to make. A few others also asked me about my seriousness, telling me that as a woman, doing things like trying to find and chase people for news wasn’t anything good. It would be hard work, and wouldn’t it be better if I’m in the building supporting others better suited for the job? Yeah, I left really soon the moment I heard that. 

For now, I was instead sitting in the new… kind of office the company had. Truthstar News Company, for truly reporting about the truth and facts, and we really wouldn’t embellish anything. Or at least that was what would be said, who knew how it would truly work. We hadn’t really published anything, not yet at least.

The office was located at the bottom floor of the boss’s building, and it wasn’t too bad. What with the decent ventilation, and there were even a few tables for each of us. We could easily go out and find clues, and other people would have easy time to get in too. Very open, even if there wasn’t anyone coming right now. We were still too new, without any published paper for people to peruse and read. 

My hands caressed the wooden desk I got, a personal one. Felt wild to be invested in like this, but I wouldn’t look at the gift horse in the mouth. Taking the wax tablet the boss gave me, I focused on writing on a few topics I might want to poke at. 

A few issues on the border, with the whole demons starting to appear more, perhaps? People were always interested in demons, but this one would be mostly filled with rumors, and besides, if people wanted gossips they could just listen to merchants or the aunties. Perhaps I should focus more locally, of the people living here, in Riverdale. 

Talking how the business was booming, what with how Duchess Springtomb had managed to salvage the businesses handled by the dukedom and even pushing them to greatness? That sounded better, and people always liked a bit of good news. 

But as I thought over the Duchess, I remembered something else. The ones the news wouldn’t stop yapping about while it was built, and then there were just… silence afterward. The prison building, where the Duchess said that the place will accept any and every criminal around, and would even take in the worst of the worst. The country was originally skeptical, but then—I frowned, feeling a sense of weirdness. Of something different, all because I didn’t remember there were any follow up. Just that the Duchess was building the prison suddenly, and then it was all just up and starting to work a few years ago. 

I immediately wrote that note down, trying to also remember whether people talked about it or not currently, and felt a trickle of coldness sweeping through my body at the realization that I didn’t remember anything like it. 

Something had to be afoot. The builders, carpenters or stonemasons needed to be asked, and then some people who could be hired as guards? I noted everything in the wax, happy that I had somewhere to put this thoughts down that wasn’t merely in my head. 

With this decided, I started to walk out—before remembering I had to leave a note to the boss so he wouldn’t explode when no one was in the office. Everyone else had gotten out, either for lunch or some other reason I had no idea, I was too into my notes to talk to anyone previously. 

At least he left another wax notepad for me to write in, I would probably get a heart attack if I had to use some precious paper and ink for this. 

Boss, chasing some lead. - Delilah. 

The more people I talked about, the more certain I was that this was a case. A true one worth to be researched on, even.

The carpenters had shrugged when I asked them, saying that they weren’t the ones doing it, but maybe this rival or another did? So of course I went to those people as well, and they also frowned and said they didn’t. The stonemasons were the same! The only certainty was everyone saying someone else did that. But I couldn’t find them, not even when I tried asking the more gossipy people in the city. 

Had to promise that I would listen to them again in the future, of course. But I felt that it was worth it, considering I also found out that none of the usual temporary guards got asked as well. Those people would usually be dragged into doing something, at least to keep people out during the building time. Nor did they know if anyone was working there now, and that was completely weird. Riverdale is the closest city in position with the prison, so if they wanted to take anyone in, it was obviously cheaper to get people here than from some other cities. 

Didn’t mean I could scratch that out, just made it incredibly unlikely. I closed my pad, full of tiny scribbles that I was sure that I would need to fix later on—but for now, I paced on the road, the one right outside an inn.

Aleheart Inn catered to both men and women, with the former coming after their work, so they tended to come at night. The latter came during afternoons, all so they would have some moments to talk with one another. I could go inside to get more information, asked if they had some more gossips—but that would just be superfluous information. Ones I didn’t need for my current case. 

So I instead started to walk back to the office, all the while thinking how I would tell the boss about what I had searched and found. Asking him how he wanted the article to look like, a call to action? A criticism? Just questioning? But before I could have gone more than a few steps, I realized something. Maybe I could dig a little deeper instead, give him something more concrete. That might be a stupid thing to do. Something incredibly idiotic that I was sure the boss would hit me on the head if he heard me pitching it. 

But I still turned my head towards the prison building, which was located at the outbounds of the city and still a little further. No need to find anyone else to support me, or report to the boss where I was going. 

Besides, I felt like if I didn’t have any first person source, he would completely throw my article out. I knew he had said he would support us, but—this felt like it would be too much, especially when it was concerning the person everyone was lauding about. If I started talking about the Duchess in a random tavern? I could bet that soon enough, everyone would be singing some tales or tunes about how she had single-handedly saved the city. 

So I started my walk, knowing it would be hours until it was time for me to come back. 

I so wished I could have scolded myself for just walking straight to the building without any other plans. Well, I did buy some jerkies, all so I could have something to eat in between of going and coming back to the city, but I still didn’t bring too many things.

Food, a waterskin, then a fresh wax notepad for both taking notes and drawing sketches of what I would see inside the building. It felt so little, and yet… it shouldn’t take that long, right? 

For a moment, I wondered why the other news company, especially bigger ones, never covered this. In fact, I remembered how all the other ones always praised the Duchess and the way she did things. Was there really no criticisms? Hm, actually, that rag no one really read might have those. But that was a contrarian newspaper, and I couldn’t really use that as a stick to compare the others with. 

I shivered at the thought that there might be more conspiracy afoot, but I doubted it. For that to happen, the Duchess had to be controlling so many parts of the city that I might as well just give up on this article. But there didn’t seem to be anything wrong in the city, and I was sure that some people were still saying she wasn’t as good as it seemed. So I dismissed that theory.

At least, I had arrived at the complex while thinking all of these. The first order of business: hiding in the bushes just in case. I still peeked out of it, of course. The sticks and leaves were sticking against my body, annoyingly. But I could ignore that easily, finding my focus coming on the first thing I saw ahead of me. A massive fence built right outside the building—it was so high that I barely could see what was behind it, considering my position. It was made of stone, and if I moved a little to the right, I could see the massive iron wrought gate placed at the front. Fully locked, and had spikes on the top to prevent people from trying to get inside from there. 

But the most important part was—how there was no one else. With the way the gate was built, I could see that there were literally no guards moving around. I couldn’t help but narrow my eyes at that information. Suspicion easily formed in my feelings as I watched, trying to see if something surprising would happen. 

Maybe I should just try to sneak in? That thought immediately popped up in my mind. But I had no idea about what kind of security implements they had, beyond those barbs up top. Sneaking in would be really dangerous, both because it would be so easy to end up having clothes being snagged by it, or just the sheer danger of trying to walk across it. Especially up high, where there wasn’t much, if any, other footholds. 

However, since I wanted to work this article out—well, there wasn’t any other choice. Breathing a few times, ones deep enough my chest ended up hurting, I tried to calm myself down. All while also trying to walk around the walls, trying to see if there was any part where the barbs weren’t as tightly wound against each other. There really wasn’t any gaps, not until I had walked for minutes. Or maybe an hour had passed, I wasn’t certain. The whole fence and, presumably, building was bigger than I thought. 

Maybe even more than the mansions in the city, but I never tried to do a measuring. Anyway, I jotted the huge size down, all the while wondering why did they need all the space for. Unless they were aiming to find thousands of people to fill in? But where would they even find them? 

More questions, and yet no answers were given. All I could do was continuing my steps—and there! It wasn’t much, but the barbs on top of this part of the fence were a little more stretched out. If I moved right, I should be able to wiggle through, even if some part of my clothes would snag. Hopefully not, but as long as I took those scraps off the barbs before I left, that should be fine. 

With the position decided, I just went and climbed, not allowing myself to get any second thoughts. If I failed, I would go back home and tell the boss the little suspiciousness I was getting all over. But otherwise, I had gone too far to stop here. 

The rocks were solid under my grip, under my soles. I hadn’t done this for years—maybe ever since other kids no longer asked me to join up with them. But with the fact there were enough rocks to always be stepped over, and ones I could grip, it wasn’t too hard to reach the top. The only question was, how do I pull myself over and up. 

The answer to that was actually how I had to really use my arms—and considering I never did pull up or anything, it was incredibly painful and muscle pulling. I groaned and gasped for every inch I managed to gain, and nearly collapsed straight to the barbs when I was finally on top. It was only the certainty I wouldn’t be able to extract myself did I stop myself… But I knew I would collapse on the grasses on the other side for a bit, after this. 

I gulped, staring at how… sharp the barbs looked. They weren’t huge, each wire perhaps only as thick as my finger. But the fact they were looped constantly, and the loops reached to my calf, well… I was scared it would hook onto my pants. Or something else more dangerous, such as stabbing right into my flesh. 

I shuddered, not liking the thought I was having. Despite my drive to continuously finding out the truth, one way or another, blood was a little too much. More like wounding myself badly, I suppose. Because that way lay the road to losing all independence, one I had painstakingly getting. Finding people I could work with, all fearing that I would end up having to work under my parents with their way of thinking—I really couldn’t do that. 

Oh, I do love them, but they had certain notions on how I should be, and it was the way my parents had been. Support my husband and family, and nothing else. Any wish I had to be my own person? Forgotten. My mother might be able to do that, or she might have ended up convincing herself to do that, in the end it didn’t matter. As long as I could, as long as there was something else I could be doing, I shall try. 

Focusing back to the present, I grimaced as I slowly find places where I could grip the wires, almost afraid to do that because these things were slightly rusted. Even if no one really understand why, but wounds from something dirty like a tarnished sword would always end up worse than if it was a clean one. 

My hands were slightly clammy as I clasped it, nervousness making my heart beat faster in my chest. Not so fast I felt it would jump out of it, but enough to make my stomach twist uncomfortably. Once I felt my grip was solid enough, I jumped over—and nearly had my organs leaping into my throat at the feeling. 

Breathing fast and panicking, I looked over the barbs and my pants, really glad that there were merely a bit of a nick—not enough for a full-blown rip, but at least I was mostly unscathed. Not sure how I would go back out later, but I would handle it. I might even be able to open the gate from the inside. 

Before going down, I spent a few moments just… looking at the other side. It was pretty barren, except for various trees and vegetation growing. The concerning part was how empty it sounded? I couldn’t hear any insects, which, when I thought about it, was also how it was when I wasn’t on top of the fence. 

When I was walking here from the city, of course I heard the insects sounds, the mosquitoes biting wherever they could… But when did they stop appearing? I felt chills going down my spine because there were a lot of implications. Bad ones. 

I knew the temples had been saying something, along the lines about more demons than ever spreading all over the place. But they had been calling for a warning nearly every year—and without anything bad happening, people ended up ignoring them. Perhaps I should rectify myself, and go to find them again soon. Maybe tonight, even. As long as I could go back from here safe and sound.

Pushing those thoughts away, because I had no fancy holy magic to do anything about demons. Back to looking forward, and I finally saw the building properly. My breath caught at its sheer majestic. It was a dome, all made from smooth, white stone that didn’t seem to have seams with one another. They were all just connected without end until it reached up top, until I couldn’t see it anymore. Definitely couldn’t be scaled through. Not unless I somehow have a sticky palms and feet. 

Alright, time for more walking. Maybe there would be another way in, since the main entrance would be watched over for sure. I could go through there, but unless I didn’t mind being caught… Nope, I didn’t want to know what might happen to myself in that case.

Walking through shrubberies and bushes weren’t too bad, especially without any sort of bugs slipping through the cracks and biting my skin. The main issue was how… hot everything felt, as if my body had decided to heat up like a furnace. An uncomfortable feeling forming across my body, a warmth I couldn’t really describe—and these all became worse everytime I took a look at the building. 

That didn’t mean it wasn’t progressively becoming worse when I didn’t, it just meant I could feel a difference when I was staring. Sometimes, I ended up staring for minutes, time passing without me realizing it beyond how this smooth walls were pulling my attention. Only the sound of leaves being shaken by a strong breeze did I jerk awake, as if the thundering sound was the only thing that caused me to come back to the present. 

I shook my head, and my thoughts joined in the wobble. They felt awkward and slipping away from my metaphorical grip, my control was being eroded away. On some levels, this felt… dangerous, giving evidence that there was something going on, so much so that it had even affected my thoughts. And yet, I couldn’t really feel any panic in my bones, or in my thoughts. They were gone, impossible to form and yet logically, I knew I should be feeling them. Maybe not too much, just on the edges, nipping and influencing my thoughts in certain ways. And yet… all I could feel right now was nothing, except for curiosity. 

The only thing that kept me continuing on, trudging without stopping, was the fact that there was no reason to halt. That I still wanted to find more articles for my newspaper, even if there was one news I could make right now. The prison the Duchess made need a cleansing from the local Temple, especially considering it has some sort of mind muddling magic going on inside.

And yet, I couldn’t find it in me to turn back. Because that news, while very… dubious on the Duchess’ side, could all still be explained away by her. The darkness, the corruption could definitely be side-stepped as a recent thing, it didn’t… feel thick after all.

The Temple always said that when it had reached a certain level, it would be easy to feel against one’s skin. It would be as if there were oil in the air, heavy and cloying, making it harder to breathe—so many symptoms, but none I could feel right now. There were no pests around too, no bugs or arachnids. 

I had come here believing the Duchess had done wrong, and I needed to find out what. Everything I found pointed toward that idea, but there was nothing concrete. Gritting my teeth, I continued, trying to ignore the way I was starting to feel woozy. I knew something was messing with my brain, further than what was already in the air. I couldn’t fight it, and the longer I was walking, the more I found myself compromised even further without any recourse.

I couldn’t care for any of that, unfortunately. Perhaps an effect of the magic itself… but that didn’t matter. Moving was easier, even as everything else slipped through my fingers. As if I was trying to grasp sand. The only thing left, the ones not ground down by anything else, was my resolve. My desire to do my goal. I held onto it tightly, refusing to let go, to let it change and mutate to something else. 

I didn’t know how long I let my feet walk, one after another. The grasses and bushes were loud as I tried to tromp through them, each step making everything rustle as I just keep moving forward. I did try to not be too loud, but that was an even harder thing to do, considering the little choices I had.

Only two were given to me, either walk outside this forest and on the trail where I would be obvious to anyone peeking outside the building—even if I saw no windows, but those could be elsewhere not obvious—or I could stay inside here, merely making enough sound to awaken any sleeping beast. But at least no one would know it was me causing it, not unless they walked inside this forest, and hopefully that meant I could see and hear them first. 

Truly, a great plan. 

The most annoying part was the hums that were setting my teeth on edge, the sound constant and yet merely at the edge of my hearing. I could only hear it when I stopped for a moment, closing my eyes just to regain my bearings. That was the only time I could feel the buzzing, the sound somehow penetrating even through my palms if I tried to cover my ears. It couldn’t be stopped, and merely continued to make me feel unsettled. 

“It’s always a good time to check this place up, Mom is so smart.” A soft voice was ahead, and I felt my body jerk slightly as I tried to go back to the present. 

I had been letting myself too into the walk, ignoring everything else as I tried to find another place to get in the building from. I slowed my steps immediately, being careful to not rustle too many of the vegetation at once as I cocked my head, trying to hear more. 

“Of course, she is our Mother after all. Let’s go in and finish, we just need to check if the magic holds up.” This one’s voice was more… regal, perhaps? I wasn’t exactly sure, but whoever they were, they had a posh accent. One that I definitely associated with nobilities. Granted, I only ever heard them a few times when a few teenagers decided to explore the cheaper districts in some sort of dare. But that was the information I could gather—at least, until I managed to see the shadow of two people very near to the building. 

And I couldn’t help but gawk at what I saw. Seeing them was such a surprise that it made my head a little clearer, blowing away the fog that had been encroaching my mind. 

Two definitely non-humans were talking with one another, one grinning, the other more serious looking as they walked towards the building. One of them had leather wings folded neatly on her back, while the other had something akin to wool spread all over her body. I couldn’t really see more from here, but the winged-woman had longer dark hair, while the wool-woman had a shorter one and yet light colored. A blond, from what I could tell. 

I narrowed my eyes, taking out my wax pad surreptitiously while trying to draw them the best I could. Well, mostly just writing their description and some things like how the wooled-woman has horns curled up on the side of her head.

The two of them were still talking, excited and pointing out at the building as they walked near the building and—they opened a door that I didn’t even realize exist before. “Heh, no one would be able to even find this side door.” The sheep-woman continued, walking inside without care. All while her companion sighed and merely pushed her so she would walk into the building.

When the door was closed behind them, and how it just… melded back again, I could only let my mouth fall before closing it again with a clack. That was two demons just walking inside the building. This couldn’t be anything except huge news—like even if the Duchess wasn’t working together with them, even if their words about ‘Mom’ and ‘Mother’ were suspicious—well, her prison building was still where they went into. Perhaps even be where they were hiding to be so close to the city? 

Wait no, they seemed to plan on leaving again afterward. But that didn’t mean this place wasn’t important to them—and I had to find out what was happening inside, didn’t I? 

I wished to sigh, to just press my palm against my face. But I couldn’t. There were so much danger to be had when walking to an unknown building where two demons had just been seen going into, even if it meant I would be able to give a better news and report to the boss. 

Just going back wasn’t really an option. Not really. 

After all, I was already here, and it wouldn’t be too hard to get in the building, right? 

I ignored the sensation of warmth seemingly spreading across my body upon taking that choice, as if there was something else approving. 

Going into the building wasn’t too hard, especially since I knew where the door actually was. Just a little push and voilà, I was now inside. Seems like secrecy was the main way they protect this place. 

The room I got into from the entrance was… non-descript. That was probably the best way to describe it. The same white, smooth building blocks, seamlessly combining with one another made the walls and ceiling. The corridor was wide, allowing around three people to walk side-by-side. At the end of the room, there was a steel door with a lock.

For a moment, I thought that I could just open the door the tiniest bit, peek outside, then hightail it out of here. After all, even being here was me taking a risk. But leaving—I didn’t want to. Not yet. I had only found hints, of possibilities. But nothing really concrete, just feelings. That wasn’t what I wanted to write in my article, one I was already composing in my head. I had some ideas already, talking about the suspicious points I knew others surely also thought about. Then I would pull all the evidences and that would be perfect. 

And that couldn’t be done by just leaving, without any sort of proofs. So I walked to the door, surprised that it wasn’t locked. I peeked through, glad that I had some opening. Luckily no one was looking at me right then and there. But the unfortunate part, was the fact that this was just leading to a corridor—more empty and white one, and I had to close my eyes for a bit.

I felt incredibly woozy, nausea forming uncomfortably in my stomach the longer I was in this place. Maybe not nausea exactly, but there was a terrible pressure forming in my brain… 

Shaking my head made it a little worse, and I had to hold the door’s handle for a bit. Just to have something solid, even as I let myself lean against the wall. It was surprisingly cool against my skin, but maybe that was just the paint. 

It took a few minutes before I could find a little balance in myself once more, and I immediately start moving. I had to hurry. Finish finding the proof then go back. After all, managing to go this far, only to be caught by the demons—that would be the end of me.

I walked left, once I closed the door behind me gently, careful to not make a single sound. Why left? It was all instinct. Besides, I could just turn right afterward, after I finished going through everything on the left.

The corridor was barren, not even filled with any potted plants or paintings or something else to make them feel different. No personality for any of them. I could see some occasional doors, but they were all made of steel, without any built-in glasses I could use to see through to check what was inside. So I figured it was best to let whatever’s behind be and continue on. See if there would be something else I could find…

The more I walked, the more it felt as if my mind was frying, if I wanted to be honest. The samey corridor made me feel as if I was merely walking in place, not ever moving forward—it was only the fact I still saw some changes that I didn’t break down. One door after another, all coming without end.

Looking back—there wasn’t anything, really. Only the same corridor and doors as the one at front. I didn’t even know which one I came in from, because I thought that closing it would be safer than not. I shouldn’t have done that. 

Nervousness skittered inside me as I walked—until finally, I saw something different. Relief coursed through my body, that there was an ending to this. Another steel door, because of course. I opened it, not caring to try going slowly because I couldn’t stay any longer in the corridor, seeing the constant sameness everywhere until I managed to arrive over here. Nope. 

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down, just looking around the place. I was now in some sort of clearing, a massive field, all covered in so much dim, orange lighting that I could barely see any shadows behind me. Those weren’t as important as the people I saw were walking around, chatting with one another… and completely naked, except for the collar on their necks. And chastity cage on a few of them, the ones with that looked frustrated. The rest were grinning, talking without much worry in their face, all the while completely ignoring everything else. 

What was most important was how they didn’t seem to think twice of what some people were doing—I flushed as I watched, immediately looking away. Hard to find a safe place though, somehow there would always be another pair fucking one another. Or if I was unlucky, there would be a whole group of them, everyone being so close to one another. Piled up so they could change who was fucking or who got fucked every other minute. 

This was also, the first time I saw dicks right in front of my eyes too. Some were free, but most of them were hidden underneath a cage. I watched more people, just to see if they would be doing something that wasn’t sex. My cheeks reddened so deeply as I looked around, seeing everything.

I wasn’t here to look at orgies, even if this was another mark against the Duchess. There was no way something like this was allowed by the Temple. I pulled out my wax note pad, erasing what I had written as best as I could, while scratching out what I had seen. The free sex and debauchery—even over here, where I was far apart from the various groups of people, I could still smell the thick scent of arousal in here. 

Of sex and fucking and the moment I was done writing, I just slammed the pad back inside my little bag. I had to do something. I didn’t know where that desire come from, merely that it had just grew inside, and I… walked right towards people. Going through the clearing without care that others would see me. 

“Never saw you before!” A woman had just suddenly come so close, a sweet, almost milky scent coming out of her as she put her hand around me. 

I could only blink in surprise, especially as she kept pressing her body close, almost—was she grinding against me? I should feel more, but it was somehow hard to find the reason for it. Especially with how nice she smelled… I leaned closer to her inadvertently, wanting to get more of it. 

She giggled, turning around a little bit so she could use her other hand to also pull me closer to her—making my face almost buried in her breasts. I inhaled the sweetness, the milk scent that suffused the surrounding air. It was wonderful, my brain almost turning off just from the sheer amount of sensations given to me. 

It was only when her hands started to roam, easily pulling off my shirt, that I was starting to regain some of my sanity back. That there was something wrong going on with this. Her fingers touched me so nicely though… I moaned, couldn’t help but loving her caresses, especially as she cooed all over my reaction. 

“Aren’t you a silly little one? Why are you wearing all these here anyway?” She continued asking, even as she took off everything—I couldn’t even think about how mortifying it was to be naked. 

No, all I could think of was the way this would allow her to have easier access to me. But wasn’t there something wrong with this situation? I was here for something else, and it wasn’t for sex. Even if this was really nice, and I wanted her to push me down and do more. I had lifted my head up, looking towards the way her grin went wider whenever I pliantly gave her more access to wherever her fingers wanted to go. 

It sent pleasure to some fucked up part of my brain. Or maybe it had always been there, I had no idea, except she somehow knew and easily played me like that. 

“Now, let’s push away all of those silly thoughts I’m sure in your head, shall we?” She maneuvered my head around, making it come closer to her breasts—and sent more of those sweet, milky scents straight to my nose. 

I gasped, because there wasn’t anything else I could do. My eyes were glued onto her bountiful chest, at the way the nipple, which was darker, already erect and ready for me to just—suck. Saliva pooled in my mouth as I watched, as she pulled my face closer and closer, so I could put my mouth around it. 

When it was finally inside, and I started to suck, almost automatically—the taste was wonderful. As if it was a liquid ambrosia, pouring into my throat. Not too sweet, and yet so flavorful I couldn’t be bored if I drank this the rest of my life. The drink continued to flow, and I just let my thoughts went fuzzier than before. 

Maybe I hadn't drunk enough, or maybe there was something else, but as the woman’s finger started to drift down—reaching towards my entrance. I gasped as her digits easily slipped in, my body already so aroused that she didn’t find any resistance. 

“Oh, you are so, so wet for me, dear. Let’s go further, shall we? You love this, aren’t you?” Her words were so sweet, curling up all around me until I wanted to beg for more. Or maybe I already was, it was hard to really understand what I was doing, even as I drank more and more of the milk out of her breast. 

She had moved me to the other side, and my brain had turned completely fuzzy. Easier to only do what she wanted me, even as she fingerfucked me until everything was melting out and there was nothing in my brain. Only pleasure and wonder, especially when she rubbed my clit and—I moaned loudly, letting go of her nipples as I came, and hard at that. 

Her fingers still moved for a while after, but it was more of an attempt to wring it a little longer, one that made me gasp and tightened all around her digits—merely for a while. But it was enough to make me cum a few times more, until it all became too sensitive for being touched even longer. 

I tried to push her, but I could barely muster any strength that she just easily ignored me. Her fingers merely coasted deeper, and I could only whimper as the pleasure no longer feeling good— 

“Who’s that with you, pet?” There was a sudden familiar voice. Not so familiar I knew them like my neighbors, but not one I never heard before as well. 

“She looks real delicious… Mom shouldn’t have issue if we take her, right Rori?” 

My ears pricked, trying to pay attention as much as I could to whatever these two were about to say. Even if my mind was still all fuzzy and melty and it was easier to let myself lean towards the woman they called as ‘pet’. That sounded like something I should really be paying attention about, but all I could think of was how good it had to feel to be called that. 

“Mistress Rorianna! I just saw her and she’s looking all alone and confused so I decide to come onto her. I… I hope I didn’t do anything wrong?” The confidence she had before was all gone, and I felt my own heart clenching at her worry, the way she thought these two would react. My hands easily hugged her as I let myself nuzzle against her body, barely thinking more except the fact she was feeling bad and I wanted to make her feeling better. “Aww, thank you, you are trying so hard, especially after drinking so much, am I right?” She giggled, cooing over me while peppering a few kisses to my face. 

That felt good. I also happily laughed back, not even sure why that was happening. Just understanding that she was glad, and I seemed to cause it myself, and that made everything just a little bit brighter. I grinned, trying to grind myself against her because that would make the current feelings even better

Her laughter continued to make warmth bubble up inside me, even if what she was currently doing was pushing me away. “Hush now, we need to focus on Mistress Rorianna and Mistress Linney! They are very important.” 

I wished I could pout at her, but still, I reluctantly let her go and turned around. And those two were the ones I saw before. They were the ones outside, the one talking to each other as they walked into this building! 

“Oh? So you were spying on us?” was how I found out that I didn’t really have a filter, with my brain all fuzzy like this. I didn’t feel any bad for telling them what I had seen though, it seemed right, to let them hear about the little invasion of privacy I had, unfortunately did. 

I gave them a nod pretty quickly, smiling and waiting patiently for them to ask me more questions I was sure they have. 

The one with beautiful eyes that kept trying to make me drown within it smiled and walked forward, her slightly cold hand touching and caressing my cheek. “Alright pet, let her with us, yes? Find someone else to fuck for now, we have to do… something with her.” Her voice was so wonderful, and I wished I could ask her to keep talking… “And yes, you did very well. We’ll handle it all now.” 

But she was gently rubbing my face, and I just couldn’t help but melt against her. The slight difference in temperature was so heavenly, considering the heat pooling in my stomach right now. 

“Got it, Mistress Rorianna! I’m glad to have helped.” The other woman also let out a soft sigh of contentment, of happiness that I was certain all bubbled out because of what Rorianna had said. Then she turned and left me alone, with these two demons, and my mind already melted away. 

The best part? I was completely happy for her to do that. 

They brought me back to the corridors that had, kind of, broken me all up. Stressed out my mind from seeking more stimuli than just seeing the same thing over and over again, with maybe another door helping to reduce the monotony—but that wasn’t enough, not at all. Then we went to one of them, I wasn’t sure which. 

The room we were now in was—pretty bare. White stones everywhere on the walls, and the tiles were all the same. The only colors were the door itself, and them. The two demons. 

One had her fangs occasionally peeking out of her lips, and the cold on her skin… she had to be a sort of vampire. A strong one too, perhaps. The other one was more like how a sheepdemon should be, from what I remembered off the books in the libraries. What they were didn’t matter though, especially with the way these two were looking at me as if I was just a slab of meat. 

That thought shouldn’t be as arousing as it was. 

“Right, I have been soooooo patient now, so it is time!” The sheepdemon was excited as she came forward—and immediately pulled me into her fluff. Into the wool. I had touched those when it was still attached to the sheep, and lord, those were wiry, lumpy, even left my skin incredibly itchy. 

This one was different. 

I shuddered, moaned even as I was nearly fully engulfed with the soft, warm wool. As if I had just placed myself into a warm bath, I couldn’t help but letting myself sink even further, as the sheepdemon continued to touch me. Her fingers were starting to not only caress my skin, but going into a few intimate places. Rubbing my breasts and nipples, going further—it all felt good, though. In fact, I wanted her to continue doing it, so much more until my brain melted even further and I had nothing left. 

“Look at her, she’s just so empty now, isn’t she? Right, pet? Tell me how you feel.” The sheepdemon—Linney? The name felt right, as it was the only other name that woman had said. “Your mind is going fuuuurther down, just tumbling as you sink further into my wool, my warmth.” 

More moans out of my throat as I let myself fell deeper and deeper, further into the fluff she had all around her body. My brain was nearly so blank, but I still found the right words to say. “So empty and gooood.” I whispered, nuzzling happily especially as I was feeling myself dripping down below. 

“Linney, you know we have to find out why she came here first. Mother will want to know what else she needs to do to prevent more people from finding this place out.” The vampire, Rorianna also came closer to me, her hands coming and touching my bare body, joining Linney easily. Even if she started to also attack me elsewhere, touching where Linney wasn’t doing so. 

I couldn’t help but gasp and whimper as the two of them started to play with my body, finding it hard to really follow the words they were saying. 

“Alright, pet. Tell us why did you come here, and we’ll perhaps… play in a better place.” Rorianna whispered, her fingers gently teasing my slick folds, making me gasp. “Because you do want to be filled, don’t you? You feel so empty as we played with you, making you so, so aroused until you couldn’t think straight.” 

I moaned harder, trying to clench my entrance around her fingers—but Rorianna was smarter than I was right now, and she knew and understood how to avoid it. I whimpered, the feeling of emptiness somehow intensifying with every second that passed. Her words somehow made the wish to be filled to awaken within me. 

“Please.” I cried out, trying to shake my body to press against someone—but I was merely soothed by Linney in front of me, even as Rorianna continued her ministrations on my body. The two of them were working together, perfectly ruining whatever idea I could have conjured. But there was nothing, except for the want for the two of them to ruin me as complete as possible. 

“Think about the softness of the wool instead, little pet. We need to dig into your brain to find out more~” Linney was cheery, and her words made it so much easier to just close my eyes and relax to the touches. “Good, good. With every breathing you make, the easier it is to sink. To just let your mind go—but that only meant you will answer all of our question without worry. Just replying the truth as your mind think of it.” 

“Mmmhm…” I easily agreed, not finding any part of me that would have refused. After all, I was feeling completely good and the fuzziness had spread all over my brain. Only their words made sense now, and I could only do the same when they asked me their questions. Rorianna’s fingers dipped into me occasionally, and I could only moan and try to put myself deeper into the soft, cushy wool. 

“Good girl.” The praise burrowed itself into my mind, telling me what I was and—I moaned again, the sheer happiness of hearing that easily covering me in warmth and love. Condescending love, one given from an owner to a pet, but love anyway. Perhaps I should have hated it, and yet all I could do was wanting more. Especially when they said this, “You want to be more of a good girl for us. Always one. If a part of you rather to be something else? You will ignore it, letting it languish and be away from the most important part of you. The one that yearned to be a good girl, wanting to continue obeying and begging for us.” 

Yes. I did wish for all of those, didn’t I? There were, of course, parts of me that disagreed, telling me that I should try to find a way to flee, to get away from these insidious whispers—but why should I? They made me feel good and happy, the stress I had been holding all over the years just melting away as if they weren’t there. 

“Time to tell us why you came here, little one.” Rorianna purred, and my head was so sloshed I didn’t think I could think straight. 

The words still came to me, of course. The desire to be a good girl continuing to ring true in my brain, no matter what happened. It was easy, the way I thought over her too good to be true’s reputation, the questionable fact that no one worked here during the construction and guarding it… The words just flowed so smoothly, even as both of the demons played with my body. 

I finally shut up when I was finally done, letting myself sink further into the wool contentedly. Everything felt picked clean, until they would ask me for more of course—but for now, I had done my best and they were cooing how good I was. It made me feel so hot as I did so, shuddering softly as they spoke to one another on what they needed to do with me. 

“Did you tell anyone else, pet?” 

I really needed to tell them yes, but that was a lie. “Just hinting it at my boss.” I whispered, moaning when Rorianna twisted her fingers just right. “N-no one knew.” I at least managed to stutter out, gasping the more she played with my body. 

“Hm, do we need to do something about her boss…?” 

“That might be making it too obvious, so perhaps we’ll need a while. We have to solve the other issues she pointed out though, we can’t just turn everyone who comes here into a pet. We are actually quite lucky she isn’t a blabbermouth, Linney.” 

Rorianna was sighing a little, and I wished I could have done something to help her feel better. But her fingers never stopped, continuing its way to find where it felt the best despite everything was. Heat and warmth pooled much, much more between my legs, wetness already trickling down—and yet I couldn’t do anything else except for moaning and pushing my body against her fingers. 

Linney was happy to see the way I was acting, if the way her hands ran across my hair was any reaction—the fingers easily dig and rubbed my scalp in a pleasant way, tingling and furthering the fog in my mind. So, so easy to just give everything up with a moan and a beg. Saying please so they would make me reach the peak I so desperately wanted. 

They were still deciding, but I could feel the way Rorianna’s fingers were moving stronger. With intent and I pushed my body against her—desire was one of the few things that could go through the fuzz in my brain. I needed more, just a little bit more until she would unravel me. 

“Good girl, aren’t you?” Linney whispered, and her hands moved down, no longer on my scalp but going down—touching my breasts. Rubbing, caressing, pulling the nipples—I groaned, moaning and pressing my chest against her fingers. They continued playing as if I didn’t do anything else, her wishes not following mine and that made it better. 

“Please.” I sobbed into her wool, not knowing if she heard or not—but the pause on her fingers made it clear she did. 

She didn’t do much though, nor did Rorianna, as if they were waiting for something. What else did I need to offer, that they couldn’t take from myself? 

“I need it, please.” I begged again, brain too fuzzy for anything else. They wouldn’t say what else they wanted out of me, merely leaving me in this position. Where all I wanted, where my body ached to do right by them. To be the best girl as I could be. “Just tell me what you need me to do, please.” 

“Hmm, is it everything? Anything we wished?” Linney was the one who talked this time, a husky tone that made me moan and shake as Rorianna continued to not let me reach the peak. To not allow me to unravel until she gave me permission. It was incredible, it was arousing—and yet I was still unable to reach the end. 

I nodded, giving them all my agreements. Anything, everything they wanted. They ruined me, they drowned me in lust and pleasure, and yet—I loved it all. Was it their fault? I had no idea, but I was the one who stepped anyway. The one who had picked all the choice to arrive her, in between of two incredible demon who could have broken me mentally without all these physical touches they were letting me have. 

“Then you’ll help us subvert your news company. They’ll be another part of our Mom’s campaign, to ensure more people know how good she is, her wonderfulness and everything else. That’s what you’ll do, right? Let people know the gloriousness of her? For Duchess Springtomb.” Linney continued on, knowing and reveling in the way I reeled the moment I heard those words. 

Because despite everything, there was still a part of me who was a journalist. Who wished to tell people the truth—and yet, the moment the sheepdemon asked that… I could so easily imagine myself following all their orders. Changing, subtly turning the critical piece to be something sweeter to her. Reminding people the goodness she could do, instead of the questioning things everyone should be doing. 

I shivered, my pride warring against my lust and wants—and maybe I should be more critical of myself. But I found myself, just, nodding. Agreeing. “Please. I will do it. I’ll help you all just—let me reach it. I beg you two…” I whimpered, trying to press my body against theirs further, just somehow getting some friction that maybe would allow me to come and think again. 

But they were stronger than I was, and they easily held me back. Preventing me from getting more.

“What a good girl.” Rorianna this time, and she started to stroke me harder, stronger and turning me into a mess. My arousal had build and build up so much I couldn’t think anymore, merely moaning and pressing against her. “Now, it is time.”

It was sudden, and yet a welcome change. The touch was more, nearly too much—and Linney played with my body. My breasts. Twisting my nipples until the pain and pleasure mixed all together into a slurry of feelings that make me gasp and came over Rorianna’s finger.

I slumped right afterward, moaning softly as my brain was full of fog and wonderful feelings—especially as the two of the demons cooed on top of me, rubbing my head gently, while Rorianna was starting to play with my body again…

They were whispering more words to me, things I knew would settle deep in my brain until I wouldn’t know which was theirs and which was mine. But that didn’t matter, what I wanted was to make them happy.

“Good pet.” They whispered, as I let myself be taken by them, knowing I would give up everything to just keep the wonderfulness of present forever, to hide away the tide of fear and worries that were all pressed and hidden inside thanks to the sheepdemon’s wool.

In the end, the only choice to keep that would be to be theirs.

Thank you for reading the story! I want to say thank you for my patrons, who have always supported me through thick and thin. For anyone who wants to read more of my works, you can patron me on my Patreon! You will be able to read more of my story, as well as gaining faster access to my works as well. I tend to publish 1-2 works per month in my Patreon, and I will release whatever's on patreon to the public after a while, depending on my ability at the time.


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