The Trap in the Dungeon

by fennywrites

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #fantasy #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwashing #breeding #futanari #living_armour #magic #mind_control #oviposition #tentacle_fucking #tentacles

Finding an armor in the dungeon was a wonderful boon to this poor adventurer, but considering how dangerous the dungeon was recently… was there something more, hidden inside it?

Being a poor adventurer meant that I wasn't able to buy what I needed, especially when going to a dungeon. As an example, I could decide to get more rations, or to buy glasses that allowed me to see traps. The latter would be a game changer, but what's the use of surviving traps if I couldn't eat afterward? 

Sometimes the world was cruel, though. I had heard from the Guild that we had to be even more careful in the dungeon, what with how it was behaving erratically. I ignored that because this was my only way to get money. 

It was in the dungeon itself that I ended up in trouble, all because there were a bit too many monsters around. They ended up finding me, and I had to escape. I tried to get back to the surface, but with how many groups there were, I kept having to take smaller roads. Even had to pick ones I had never seen before, as the ones behind me caught up and there were another on the more familiar road—it was an easy choice. I took a leap of faith, believing that I would be able to find my way back. 

Still took a while to get away, even as I went deeper and deeper into the unmapped areas. Or maybe it was just the road no one else had taken yet? Hmm, selling the map to a new place could be decent coin… But I would have to find a way to get out fir—My eyes sparkled as I saw it, sitting alone without any enemies around it. 

A treasure chest. 

I walked into the room, being careful to keep watch on every side, even the ceiling and the floor. There was nothing to see, just a plain, small room. No scratch or scuff marks that monsters would make for making their nest. No piles of bones or adventurers’ outfits being placed anywhere. Not even a sickly, sweet smell that would have made me run for the hills. 

Even the mere thought made me shudder, knowing it meant there were depraved traps ahead. They weren’t deadly, and some people ended up liking it because of that. There were even people deliberately letting themselves be caught in those. Degenerates or stupid, I didn’t know which. 

Still though, that didn’t matter. I walked deeper, closer to the kind of-plain, but still solid looking chest. No weird smell wafting off of it, nor did the entrance suddenly closed. I was free to just leave, if I wanted to. But I... didn't want to. I needed this. 

This was a lucky break, and worlds be damned if I didn't take it. Whatever was inside, whether it was an equipment, some sort of weapon, or accessories, or even just jewels—anything was useful. Because it didn't matter it wasn't better than my current weapon. As long as I could sell it, I would have gotten more than my usual foray. 

So I knelt in front of the chest, slowly caressing the outer parts. The metal gleamed in front of me, clean, just like every other part of this room. No rust or dust, as one would expect if this room went undiscovered for years. 

I knocked against the chest for a moment, being careful that it wouldn't suddenly jump at me. Or bite my head or limbs off. But after a few moments, nothing happened and emboldened me. Because it would be better to bring it back to the Guild, find someone I could pay to unlock it—but the thought of needing to share the loots made me scowl. Or even just lifting the whole thing up. No way I could escape from monsters while lugging this thing around. I had some experience in lockpicking at least. 

So I looked at the lock again, gently caressing the metal and noting the cleanliness. More points to the weirdness of a dungeon I suppose, but that didn’t matter. I pulled out the few lockpicks I had, ones that any half-decent adventurer always have. No one knew when they would find a half-decent chest, after all. 

Being good with picking locks were an important skill, ones many adventurers seek. Especially if you were a little richer than me, and able to afford the better lockpicks that could be used over and over again. I managed to scrounge up some money for disposable oneness, but that didn’t mean everyone could. One day, I would get sturdier picks, but that day wasn’t today. 

I pushed the straight rod first into it, picking the sturdiest out of the few I owned. Then I used the hook, slowly pressing and pushing or pulling it, making little bits of progress with every movement. I was lucky too during this whole thing, as no monsters appeared here despite my defenselessness. 

Sweats formed on my forehead as I continued, knowing any sort of mistakes could be fatal. Like breaking the pick inside, which would render opening this chest the normal way as impossible. So I just knuckled down, intent on finishing this as fast as I could. 

Maybe it was hours, or maybe it was just a few minutes. I had no idea. My work was a steady progress, each press and twist giving me knowledge of what I needed to do to open it. 

The ‘click’ sound was heaven, and I let out a sigh in relief the moment I heard it. Even falling down onto my butt for a moment. The chest had opened slightly now, and I could just open the box in a moment. I spent a few minutes just breathing, calming down my hammering heart in my chest first of course. The thought of failing was nauseating, and this moment of relief was just an elation that made me felt so relieved. I hope that whatever the treasure was, it would all be worth it. 

After all, a metal chest was way more promising than any wooden ones, from what people said. With a reverent look, I slowly lifted the lid up. It was a little heavier than I thought it would be, but not as much as it should be, when it was made completely out of metal. 

I inhaled sharply the moment I saw what was inside, my eyes wide. A beautiful leather armor laid inside, complete with a few accessories. Whorl-like pattern formed all over the surface of it, forming patterns that ended up pulling my attention with it. I had to shake my head a little bit to shake my focus, my eyes focusing on with the rings and bracelets, all studded with jewels. I would have to appraise them first before deciding on anything, but these were all very wonderful upgrades and a windfall for me. 

So much so that I ended up deciding to change out of my current armor, the longer I looked at it. The way the whorls keep pulling my eyes, the gleam of the leather telling me of its quality—I wanted to wear it. My current armor was serviceable, but I had since grown from back then. Despite the fact it was a gift from my family before I came to the city, this new armor was definitely an upgrade. 

I lifted it up with a grin, a little surprised at how light it was. Did I somehow manage to win a jackpot? A blessed armor… Everyone wanted one of those! No one really knew how to bless equipments, except for a few of the best of the best blacksmiths and tailors and what-have-you. Even then, sometimes I wondered if they really blessed it, or it was just rumors twisting themselves out of shape. Still though, any sort of blessing, no matter how weak, was always seen with envious looks. 

The patterns all over the armor were definitely pretty enough to be signs of it being blessed though. I had only ever seen one of these kinds of armors once, from afar. When Rafal, the hero of the Eastern Front, had gotten a huge welcoming party by the King. He was wearing it while moving through the parade, riding on top of his horse. His was even more elaborate, with patterns that reminded me of scales. Meanwhile, this one… the whorls were beautiful, and eye-catching, but not in the same way. 

Taking off my old armor, I donned the new one on. It was easy, merely needing me to tie the few straps properly across my body. The armor suddenly came to life, tightening itself against my body, seemingly contouring itself against it. My eyes widened at how comfortable it felt against my body, not even giving me a feeling it would chafe against my skin. No, I would say it felt soft more than anything else. If I wished for more, it would be to hope this would be able to do self-repairs. A blessing, but I wouldn’t hold my breath in hoping for that. 

Nonetheless, even an armor that would follow my body shape was great already. I felt safer, knowing it wouldn't get too tight or too loose no matter what happened. For the rest of the accessories in the chest… I just grabbed and shoved them into my backpack, taking care to cover them with oilcloth. 

With those done, it was time to get back to the city. I didn't want to try going deeper with these treasures in my bag and potentially losing them. I didn’t know what these accessories did, but I would sell them to the better stores… and I would keep the armor. For my own future. A smile spread on my face as I felt warmth in my chest, at this sudden turn of luck. Money wouldn’t be as tight anymore, and that was enough. 

But when I left the room, I realized that... I had no idea where I had to go to get back to the entrance. I bit my bottom lip, wishing I had one of those go-home-feather. One of the most handy items to bring to a dungeon-delving, that feather would lead anyone out of there, and even back to the closest settlement. Another thing I ended up not buying because I had to choose between repairing my armor, or ensuring my escape. I regretted the choice now, but I knew there was no choice back then, not unless I could have seen the future. 

Deciding to be careful, I took out a chalk and left some marks on the dungeon walls. They would eventually be wiped away, but for my current purpose, it would be enough. I didn't want to find out I was, in fact, looping around until I had walked for too long, which would be a waste of energy and stamina. 

Every time I found an intersection, I gave it a mark. Just to give notes where I came from, and where I went. So far, I haven't seen anything though... But I didn't think I was walking closer to the entrance, even though I didn't see any other monsters. They tended to be rarer and rarer the closer you were to the entrance, and this was making me more scared. My hand groped my pants a little bit, gripping my dagger's handle. I would be ready if there was any sudden ambush. Hopefully. 

Luckily, nothing really happened as I walked through a few more intersections. None, except for how the dungeons had slowly turned more linear, and the corridors becoming wider as well. Still not going towards the entrance, as I saw the other sign, no other humans around. I should still be on the third floor, a little further than I should be, as a beginner. But not as deep as where some of those crazy strong adventurers went. I remember hearing the 'Wolf Fangs' proclaiming how they had defeated the floor master a few floors below me, perhaps the eighth floor. 

Which should mean the stairs going down in front of me was a coincidence, right? I glared at it, not liking what it meant. It was a new stairway, which meant it would lead to a new area… Another great information to sell to the Guild, even if it had to be checked out first. Then once the Guild had confirmed everything, I would get some money out of it. 

But it would never be as much as, if I found more treasures, finding enough that I wouldn't need to worry about living costs anymore that attracted me. The amount in my bag would be probably be enough for the next year or so, or maybe a few years if I was being frugal about it. In the end I would still need to go back, to put myself in danger again. 

This though? If I went before anyone else did... All the chests inside would be for me. Everyone understood that pioneers, people who found new areas were either just selling the whole information wholesale, not even attempting to explore because they knew that would be too much, or they grabbed every valuable that wasn't nailed down to the dungeon. 

This was my chance. 

I licked my lips before stepping deeper, ignoring the approval forming in my head. I needed to do this. 

The fourth floor wasn't as bad as I expected, or maybe it was because this area didn't seem to be teeming with monsters, just like where I walked before. There were a few, but they seemed... different? I wasn't sure, but they looked to be of higher ranks than they should be. Goblins wearing a more ornate outfit, with jewelries and even some with outright armors. Slimes not merely being a blob and fashioning themselves into either humans or other monstrous looks. 

Luckily I still managed to hide away from them, all through trusting my guts. After I wore the armor, it felt clearer, and I was somehow managing to sneak away while they were looking elsewhere. My eyes and attention seemingly always found where they didn’t pay attention at, which allowed me to go deeper and deeper into the dungeon. 

The place slowly changed, no longer was it more akin to caves—but I could see the structures forming around me. Even one I could call as a settlement, perhaps. 

I gulped, the realization churning uncomfortably in my stomach. It would be better to just go away now, to just sell all this information to the Guild. They knew what to do, especially compared to me. Who was just a random adventurer, not even part of a party. I felt it was unfortunate that I couldn't find any more treasure chest, as information bounties always took time. The Guild needed to verify the information first, before deciding how much it would be worth and finally giving me my rewards. Well, all of that wasn’t true if I was some super famous adventurer… I wasn’t jealous or anything, of course. 

Nonetheless, I should go back now, before anything bad happens. I knew I couldn't fight off any of the monsters here, as I could feel the pressure coiling all around them. Even without them looking at me, going ready to fight—I knew they were stronger than anything I ever faced before. 

I turned around, following the pile of arrows I had left behind while doing this exploration. 

It wasn't the first, the second, or even the fifth arrow. I merely walked through, moving faster than I should in hopes I could get back to the third floor soon enough. Maybe it was the tenth or so that I finally realized how I didn't recognize the area at all. How it seemed like I was walking even deeper into the dungeon. When I looked back, the arrows I had left behind was all gone, leaving clean walls behind me. 

If I wasn’t scared yet, this would be the inciting event. I gulped, the high I felt over the jewelries and armor losing its luster, and all I wanted was to find a way out. I tried to leave marks upon the walls again, just a little helpful signs. But every time I looked away, the chalks were all immediately wiped off, leaving the walls pristine once more. I had nothing to mark the dungeon's walls permanently, if that was even possible. 

No choice but to keep moving, my ears sharp to listen for any sort of danger. I was careful before, but this was amped up to eleven. I knew the likeliest choice of what could happen to me, and it wasn’t pretty. 

Just as I thought of that, of the possibility of becoming just another statistic. Of the dead adventurers, I ended up slamming myself face first to something—someone? It was solid, and yet not hard enough to break my nose. I fell to the floor, groaning and in pain, apologies instinctively about to come out of my mouth when I looked up. And up. And up. 

The first thing I noticed was her wings, and how they were folded neatly behind her. Scales were all over her body, glimmering and pretty over every open skin I could see over the tunic she wore. Most importantly was her face, vertical pupils in her yellow eyes, with elongated jaws and sharp teeth. The face of a reptile, and one I remembered clearly reading off a book. 

She was a dragon. Not a type I ever saw before, or ever heard anyone talk about before. One with two legs, standing as if she was a human. Looking down at me, her mouth stretched to the side as if she was smiling. Or was it a smirk? I wasn't sure how to read a reptile face. Her tail slapped the floor a few times as she gently pulled me up—and she was careful with her claws, not a single one nicking my skin. 

“W-w-wha—” I nearly screamed. Nearly, as she pressed her hand—claws? those, against my throat. I snapped my mouth shut in my hurry, eyes wide with fear. 

“Hush now, little human.” Her voice was scratchy, or maybe more like gravelly. The rumbling of stones clashing against one another. I tensely stared at her, uncertain on what she was getting at. “I see you are trespassing our place... But you didn't seem to be a bad person.” There was a hint of a smile, even as she looked down and looked across my body. 

“U-um...” I started, scared that she would press her claws closer if I spoke. It seemed that if I didn’t try to scream, she wouldn’t press the claws deeper. “I-I won't say anything, promise!” I tried to say, hoping that she would let me go. There was no way fighting would go well, considering I couldn't even see it when she pressed her claws to my throat. I would die before I could even try to pull my dagger out. 

”Hmhm... I'll see, but I hope you'll follow me, yes?“ She said, a questioning lilt at the end. There wasn’t a choice about it though, and she knew it. I followed her, not knowing or wanting to find out what would happen if I picked otherwise. 

She moved quickly, but she always stopped to let me catch up. The first few times this happened, I always turned my head towards another path. The one we didn’t take, just wondering how I would fare if I escaped now. Maybe if I moved just the moment she also walked away, she wouldn’t realize. She always looked at me then though, and I had no choice but to discard that possibility. 

Stronger than anything I had ever seen, and yet smart enough to talk and think, and possibly even plan. I didn’t think I ever saw anything like her, not from books or rumors. Every book I ever read about dragons always write how huge they were always too, and they weren’t something that had two legs while being small enough to be inside a dungeon. 

”What... are you?“ I muttered, frowning and trying my best to ignore the worry I had. Luckily it was mostly muted, not as huge as it could be. I didn't expect to hear the soft rumble, of two stones clacking against one another. One I belatedly realize as a chuckle. And yet it still sent shivers down my spine, as the laughter felt like a predator was laughing right next to my ears. 

”Just a dragon, dear human. Do you mind telling me your name?“ She asked, turning the question back at me. She was looking toward me again, her tail swaying gently across the air. 

I could lie here, but it didn't even pass my mind to do so. ”I'm Rosa.“ I murmured, a name my mom gave because she wished for me to be as beautiful and adored as one. Forgetting people also talked about the thorns. That didn’t really matter though, in the end. I had no time for romance, or even friendship. All my free time went to find ways to become rich… 

“What a beautiful name.” She let out a soft sigh, before continuing to talk. “You can call me Veliana. That's not my full name, but that's what a human like you can pronounce.” She did another chuckle before turning around again, paying attention back to the front. 

The rest of our walk was done in silence, and we somehow avoided every other monster on the way. 

The place she brought me to was so deep into the dungeon, I didn’t think I could survive without her there. She showed off her fangs, all sharp teeth that told me what she could do, all while pushing me into a room. 

“I can't bring you to the settlement, as that'll be too obvious, unfortunately.” She let out a soft sigh at that, sounding performative despite trying to be sincere. “But you'll be safe here for a bit. Just a few days! Some things had happened, and tensions are high. If you are found by anyone else, well…” She trailed off, and I didn't need her to spell it out to me. 

My face paled. “I…” Her words were suspicious, but there were some parts of me that seemingly trusted her. Not wrong too so far, after all, she had been helping me. Finding me places to stay, and even avoiding any of the other monster groups as we walked. It was perfect. So I decided to change tracks, trying to plead and make her pity me. “H-how long until you can lead me out?” 

She let out a low chuffle, her body shaking the moment I asked it. As if my question was amusing, instead of something important. I frowned at her behavior, knowing no words would be able to change her—she was too powerful compared to me. Thousands of me wouldn't even put a scratch on her, that's the amount of difference between us. 

“Again, it shouldn't be more than a few days at most. I will have some food sent to you everyday as well, so don't worry about it. Hm... What else do you need…” She murmured, eyes half-lidded in thoughts. The clear eyelids showed how human and yet still inhuman she was being, and I watched it in fascination as it lifted back up when she snapped her claws together. “Oh! There’s a bathroom and toilet too, so don't worry about it. Everything is prepared and clean.” 

“I... see? Um, thank you for this…” While I was still suspicious, especially with how she already had a safe room like this, I was uncertain of what I could do. So I fell back onto the general politeness people expect out of me in society, especially towards someone like Veliana, who was so powerful she probably could fight the whole country without breaking a sweat. 

“No problem, I always find it in me to help when possible. Just a few days, then I’ll send you home once I have my schedule clears up a bit.” Veliana said cheerfully, before closing the door in front of me. The door seamlessly melded with the surrounding wall, leaving me to gawk in surprise. 

In fact, when I tried to touch it again, all I could feel were smooth walls. There wasn’t any gap around it, as if the door was never there. Something I wouldn't be able to break through no matter how many times I try. 

A little nugget of worry was there, of course. That she was imprisoning me. But the room looked too nice for that, to even call it a prison cell would be an insult. There was the fact I also knew what people said would happen, if you get caught by monsters. I swiveled my head left and right, noting there wasn’t anything else with me. Whether it was goblins, or slimes, or whatever else… There was nothing. I shuddered slightly at that possibility, not wanting to think about it more than I needed to be. 

I felt too calm, without a clue of the reason why. Usually, this would end up with me screaming, trying to run away—or failing that, probably frozen in fear and pissing in my pants. None of that happened. I just calmly followed her, without a single worry in my head. 

I wasn't sure what had happened there, but I shelved it to the side. Better focus on the room, checking everything I could see here. I noted the clean and white bed—before jerking in realization and looking again at it. While I was walking towards it, I also realized how clean the room was, better than any inns I had ever stayed. The main event was still the bed though. I marvelled at its softness, at how smooth the fabric felt against my palm. 

“I didn't expect monsters to have this good of a bed…” 

Looking around for more, I noted a bookshelf, already filled with a few books. A cupboard was next to it, both made out of stone and yet smooth enough I didn’t think it would realize it was made out of rocks if I was blindfolded while touching it. 

There were another door too, which led to the latrine when opened. There was even some sort of plumbing system for bathing, which turned this place into something better than any accommodation I was ever in. 

Unfortunately there wasn’t anything else. Maybe I could relax for a bit, I had been panicking while walking through, being chased by some monsters back in the upper floor… Deciding on that course of action, I walked back to the middle of the room. Near where I had put my backpack. 

My fingers started to move towards where I had tied the armor before, and I thought over how I should check the accessories first while doing so. Just a little appraisal myself, before I would go to the official licensed appraiser. Those people tended to shortchange if we didn’t do any checks ourselves. 

This was when everything went to hell. To be more factual, I felt it was when I decided to wear the new armor. But it was right now, at this was the moment I found out how much that decision was biting me in the ass right now. 

No matter where I groped my armor, there wasn't any seams at all. Or those straps that should let me take it off, I couldn’t feel it anywhere. Everything was just smooth leather, contoured straight against my body. I paled, trying my best to grip and take it off—and that was when the armor showed its true self. 

Tentacles came out of its inner side, caressing me through my shirt. I was lucky I had one, or at least that was what I would think of—if I didn’t feel a cool liquid coming out of the tentacles. At how the shirt had started to feel wet, and the slimy tentacles were now rubbing against my skin. So many feelers were pressing down, brushing against my body in such a gentle way, that I couldn't help but moan. 

Pleasure was dragged out of me, sparks of heat and warmth coming and joining with the constant caress and touch. It was all too much, especially when I stopped trying to take it off, leaving me swaying slightly as I stood there. The armor 'rewarded' me for it, the touches intensifying all over the place immediately. Some of them focused against my nipples, tightening and kneading against my breasts. They felt so, so sensitive with the lather of liquid, the tentacles spreading them liberally without care. 

Every other part of me was slathered with the same fluid too, and it tuned up the feelings I were already experiencing. The caresses that merely brought disgusting feeling had turned into wonderful pleasure, making me moan even louder. I fell down onto my knees, writhing on the floor, even as the tentacles explored all across my body. 

I came suddenly and without warning, a loud scream ripped out of my throat. A few tentacles had popped out from the 'bottom' part of my armor as well, and they had pressed themselves against my slit below. Those parts weren't doing anything right now, but I was sure they were just waiting for the right chance. 

”What the fuck just happened...“ I whimpered, barely managing to drag myself to standing again. I was lucky the tentacles didn't try to caress my skin all over again, because I was sure I would fall again if they did. My body felt so, so sensitive and aroused. My nipples were all standing in attention, and my entrance was incredibly wet and dripping.  

I needed to find a way to get out of this armor. Even if I had no resource except for what this room gave me. Even if I was already covered with it, not even having anyone else to bounce ideas with. 

I couldn’t hold onto the regrets, of wishing I had waited until I was back in town. In the end, the supposedly-blessed-armor had turned into a curse for me. 

When I woke up again, I thought that a few hours had passed. I wasn’t sure, there weren’t any clocks, and I was at the best of time, couldn’t keep threads of time in my head. At least I knew it shouldn’t be too long, considering how there weren’t any food yet. 

I looked down, towards the armor—and sharply inhaled as I saw how it had lengthened itself. It was only down to my waist before, but it had encroached my hips now. Touching the armor a little bit, and one of the tentacles wrapped themselves around my finger at once. It felt... tingly. Sending sparks across my loins, and I flushed slightly. My brain seemed to use that as permission to show off the possibilities, of what I could have even done with them as my help… I shook my head to push them away, but the thought clung tightly, like a burr stubbornly clinging onto you. 

The living armor had been pleasuring me before I fell asleep, and I had a feeling it didn’t stop even afterward. My body was tingling all over, too hot and warm. It was so hard to focus on them too, my thoughts seemingly slippery when I tried to swing my attention to it. It shouldn’t be, not when the tentacles were still continuing its ministration, sending sparks of pleasure every few seconds. 

“Ugh…” I groaned on the bed, wishing and wanting I had something to use to fuck myself. I should be thinking of a way to get the armor off, but right now all I wanted was to reach orgasm. The other problems could be handled later, after this

My hand went down, fingers easily slipping into my already wet pussy. I played against my entrance first, before ending up focusing on my clit. I pinched and rubbed it, trying to give myself enough pleasure. The tentacles encouraged it too, their movement becoming more vigorous underneath the armor. They added more sensations, drowning and swamping me. A few of them were even playing with my slit, and more joining in with my fingers. 

It didn't take long for me to reach the peak—and the tentacles immediately did a follow-up. They pressed hard against me, one of them covering my still-sensitive clit. Bumps were already making me groan, but when the tentacle sucked the bundle of nerves, I screamed from pleasure, coming once more. 

Again and again, without any mercy. 

I didn't know how many times it happened, but I couldn't fight it. All I could do was wiggling my butt on the bed, hoping for something else to happen. My hands gripped the mattress tight as I screamed, gasping and moaning as I was dragged over the peak without stop. 

And yet I still hadn’t reached contentment. More. I needed more. I didn't try to think of anything else, to try anything beyond gasping and begging for the armor to do more towards my body. 

I didn't know how many times the armor did it, but when I finally had my coherence back, I saw its length. It had managed to finish covering my hips and was even over my pussy. There were still some tentacles around it, but they weren’t moving. My cheeks flushed as I thought about them, feeling the start of arousal burning again in my core. 

The tentacles started to stir as I moaned, imagination running wild on what feelings these all could give me. They started to touch my folds and clit once more, making me automatically tightening myself against them in response. All the pleasure was wonderful, convincing me to nearly just lay back down and let myself be fucked—or was this counted as masturbation? I had no idea. 

No matter. I should stop doing all these debauchery acts for now. Maybe after an orgasm... My hand creeped down on that thought, caressing and playing with my entrance again. The armor split open immediately, but it didn’t let me touch my own clit. Which made the masturbation more frustrating than it should have been. 

I tried a few minutes before I finally gave up, the friction not enough to let me reach beyond feeling bothered. I glared down at the armor, the thing not giving me any answer except for a caress across my clit, making me gasp—and it stopped again. A complete tease, and I had no choice but to accept its choice for me right now. 

Fine. I turned my head to look towards the bookshelf instead, hoping for a book that could help against the living armor. In some ways, its stubbornness to not allow me to reach a peak was better for me in the long run. 

My legs trembled as I stood up, barely managing to stand. I was sure I would fall if I wasn’t grasping the bed, and as I walked towards the bookshelf—I could say every step was a torture. The tentacles within the armor constantly brushed itself against my skin, soft hairs that completely distracted me as I moaned. 

My clit, my nipples... They were all caressed, even my stomach and chest. Nothing was free. I whimpered slightly, trying to keep moving forward. 

I was panting, my cheeks flushed with arousal when I finally reached the bookshelf. My hand grasped the stone tightly, trying my best to stay still. I looked across the books’ spines, trying to see if there was anything of interest. All the distracting feeling still made me take a few times to read the titles though. 

Introductions to Monster Biology, Dungeons, and How to Avoid the Traps, Beginner Adventurers: Basic Know-How and Financial Tips... 

I blinked at the eclectic list. There were more books about dungeons, monsters, adventurers, and even how to live in the cities. But there weren’t any rhyme or reason on what was there and not. In the end, I picked the one about monster biology, hoping that one would have something about living armors. This was when my eyes slid to another row, and I flushed when I realized what the titles were. 

I was Captured by an Orc Encampment and They Turned Me Into Their Sex Slave!, Becoming Tentacle's Seedbed, I Never Know Being a Hucow is This Pleasant, and many more. 

Each of the titles were provocative, designed to make my mind imagining the scenarios inside. Arousal burned even brighter in my body, especially as I knew how wrong it was to think about them. So wrong and taboo, and I didn’t have the free time to do anything else. 

There were the temptation to throw this filth into the latrine, but I… I didn’t want to. I turned away, deciding to focus on my research instead. No need to think about what happened in those books, nope. 

Picking the monster biology book, I went back onto the bed to read, trying my best to ignore what my mind had conjured. The sex smell that had permeated through the bed didn’t help, of course. 

The smell, and the way the tentacles moved around were distracting. The former was easy to get used to after a bit, while I tried my best to ignore the latter… The living armor knew when I was getting too immersed, and that was when it struck. 

I still managed to find information about living armor of course, even if the only recommendation was unhelpful. 

Just accept it. 

There was no way to take it off, and I found those words were playing over and over in my head. I didn't want to give up, but that felt as if I was trying to not accept the reality ahead of me. 

Maybe I was trying to run away from the reality, but I wasn’t sure. The haze in my mind was getting thicker, the feeling, the wish to fuck myself becoming stronger. I wanted to do so many more against myself, until my arousal would finally be quenched. All so I could lay down and feel content, because I had satisfied my desire. 

My hand slowly glided down as I thought about it, a slight whimper escaping my mouth as I caressed my entrance. Still so, so sensitive. I needed more than just my fingers. More than the tentacles. A little bigger… 

The walls slid open then, and I saw that same dragon appearing again. Veliana had a tray filled with food, and she smiled when she saw me. Still the same showing off of her fangs, sharp and dangerous. 

I froze, knowing my hand was in a compromising situation. The part of mine that sought to do more still, to ignore the fact she was there, was immediately banished away. Even so, I still swept my eyes all across her body, feeling a mild disappointment to see she was covered down there. 

My hand twitched, the desire to slap myself growing at once. I held that off though, because Veliana would certainly ask why I did that. And I didn’t want to tell her how I was so aroused because of this living armor, and how the haze of arousal was thick and all encompassing. 

”It's food time already?“ I choked out, slowly putting my hands to my sides, desperately ignoring the burning feeling in my core. Even so, my brain decided to play a trick at me, whispering thoughts of just masturbating right here, right now. Show myself off to Veliana. I tried to dismiss it, but the thoughts stuck close, no matter what I did. 

“Indeed, it's dinner time. Here.” She placed the tray on my lap, and I zeroed upon the fact they had warm food here. The smell made my stomach grumble in hunger, and not for something long and thick. Veliana continued to talk, still as gentle as ever, “Do you want me to stay, or do you want me to leave?” 

Telling her to leave would be better, because my brain was sabotaging my thoughts. And yet, as I prepared to do so, ”Please stay...“ was the one that came out, my cheeks as red as a tomato. 

Veliana looked a bit surprised, those clear eyelids showing off again as she blinked. She smiled again at me after, giving myself a sense of approval that sent fuzzy feelings across my stomach. Even the tentacles were wriggling happily all across me, and I had to bite my bottom lip to prevent myself from crying out. 

We merely talked for a while, the dragonwoman merely standing in front of me with an intense look on her face. I didn’t really realize, distracted as I was with the delicious but simple food. It was merely meat and vegetable soup, with pickled cucumbers on the side, and no longer piping hot, even. But the taste was still a comfort, one that made me relax, tension unwinding across my body. 

“It's unfortunate I can't bring you warm food for now, but we'll see how it goes later on.” 

“Uhm, this is good already, no worries.” I reassured her, trying my best to not make a trouble for her. I didn’t think I could even find my way out anymore without Veliana, and so ensuring her staying happy was imperative. Took me a moment to think of a way, and I couldn’t help but flush. My thighs pressed themselves together, which made the tentacles writhe and made me aroused further. I still say the words, stammering and blushing throughout. “Y-you can sit down on the bed. This is all yours anyway, isn't it?” 

Approval rolled out of her. Or maybe it also came from my gut, from the armor—I had no idea. She still sat down, her tail curling up slightly behind her. I was fascinated as I watched the tail move, wiggling this way or another. 

Her tail’s tip was thin, steadily widening as it reached closer to her body. The scales were smooth and radiant, the black color—one as dark as the night sky—formed iridescent color underneath the light. It was beautiful, glittering under my sight. 

Absolutely captivating. My eyes never moved away from watching Veliana, even as I continued to eat. With each spoon, my hunger was staved away… and something else replaced it. Arousal filled its place, not helped by the constant pleasure being given all over my body. 

Perhaps I had lost my mind. The longer she was there, next to me, the more a part of me desired for her. Wanting and wishing she would do more than just sitting there, so close, and yet so far away. 

Just before I managed to squeak out anything, she had stood back up, the food tray back in her claw-like hands. 

“I see you have finished the food, I'll take my leave now then.” Veliana said, walking and leaving me behind without giving me any chance to reply. 

Disappointment and regret warred within me the moment I realized she had left, that she was no longer there. A part of me wished I had opened my mouth sooner, begging and pleasing so she would do me, maybe even with that wonderful tail— 

I jerked on the bed with that realization. Arousal had flared so deep, so hot within me that I was hoping for a monster to fuck me. I groaned as I shook on the bed, not sure why I wasn’t feeling any sort of disgust towards those thought. 

Looking towards the bookshelf, I put my sight back onto the kinky titles, the ones I had tried to not look at. And there wasn’t any revulsion either—then again, I never felt disgust back then, did I? 

I didn’t know what was happening to me, but as I looked down at my armor… I noticed how it had grown a little bit more. Surely, this was its fault. 

Sleeping, eating, masturbating. 

The three activities I keep doing over and over again the past few days. Reading was the pastime I needed most desperately, and yet kept being distracted from. 

I tried so hard to read more books, to understand what was being said. All while hoping I would finally find the panacea for this situation—and yet my brain didn’t seem like it wanted to work. The alphabets seemingly floated and wiggled all over the place, forcing me to reread them more times than I could count before they finally stick. 

Usually with another problem at hand. Just like how it was right now, my body rocking against my own hand and the tentacle as I tried to reach another orgasm, to shut down the constant arousal my body was in. Luckily, it didn’t take long this time, as I moaned loudly—the liquid all coming down and taken by the living armor. I let out a soft exhalation of relief, laying down on the bed to ride on the glow of a wonderful orgasm. 

The living armor was growing again underneath me, and I could feel it as more of my skin was hidden underneath. It had spread across my legs by now, covering every inch of them and even turning to something else. It didn’t even look like leather armor now, more like some sort of skintight clothing. The best part? Everytime I rubbed it from outside, the tentacles did the same to me inside. 

Another addition to the living armor was a thicker tentacle, the only one that only appeared when I was whimpering, begging, and losing my mind from all the pleasure and arousal. I never seemed to lose interest in getting more pleasures, craving even more everytime I let myself go, allowing myself to indulge in these wonderful feelings. The sensitivity on my body seemed to increase as well, never dropping despite the constant play. 

Despite all of that, if someone asked me whether I was even still trying to take the armor off— I would be angrily saying yes. It was getting harder to keep that in mind though, not when the armor was so good to me. Keeping me safe and even fucked me on occasion. 

My eyes slid towards that one book. The one about becoming a seedbed. After all, my armor was technically tentacles, weren't it? Just becoming an armor, instead of a bed of tentacles. 

I knew I was becoming increasingly addled, desire pushing me into illogical actions. The book was porn, I was sure. And yet I couldn’t shake the thought that, maybe, there would be something there to explain what was happening to me. What the living armor was doing. 

I stood up, walking towards the bookshelf. The tentacles massaged me, telling me its approval—and I could even feel it forming something thick down there, the tip pressing against my entrance. It was readying itself, and would press inside me as I get more aroused. 

My breathing were becoming labored, especially as I understood how the armor approved this course of events. The armor tended to give me pleasure and fucking whenever I did what it preferred, and making me whimper, withdrawing its support when I wanted to do something it disapproved. Even the few days of being under its control, I had preferred to do what it wanted, even if it might be detrimental to myself. But that didn’t really matter, did it? It wouldn’t let me die, as long as I wore it, so there wasn’t anything I should disapprove. 

Picking the book up, I went back to the bed and laid down. My hand had long since going between my legs, the clothing separating themselves along my pussy lips, so I could pleasure myself as I read through. The approval was stronger now, and I barely could focus. 

The room I was in was actually a mimic! The floor had long since become pink and fleshy and full of some sort of sticky fluid, and I couldn’t see any way out. I snarled, about to pull out my weapon to carve my own way out. Maybe I could have done it— 

But the tentacles were sentient. A few of them immediately bound my wrists and ankles, and despite me holding onto the dagger desperately, another one pried it out of my hand. I was still clothed right now. But with every second that passed, my clothes were starting to melt off from the liquid, starting from the edges of my pants. 

The tentacle, once seeing I was sufficiently disarmed, immediately went all across my body, caressing and pressing themselves against my armor. They were just cheap leather, but they started to smoke and melt with every pass the tentacles did. 

More importantly, as the clothes melted, the slimy liquid was pressed and slathered all across my body. Anywhere the ooze touched, the more sensitive the place became. I moaned, feeling good as the tentacles rubbed them. A few of them were now focusing onto my breasts and nipples. Not on my private areas, but the way I was being rubbed... 

I wished I could say I hated it, but they seemed to know where to touch and when to stop. All so I would end up whimpering and wriggled my body. Not to move against them, but to ask for more. 

I froze for a moment, realizing that I was accepting this so, so fast. But as the tentacles tightened themselves across my body, pulling me down so I would lie down against their soft embrace—I couldn't help but moan. Their barbed tips against my body was wonderful, and I didn't notice as a few of the thinner ones raised themselves up, inserting themselves into my ears. 

They went through easily, their slime somehow having numbing agents and yet still sending tingles all across my spine. They reached deep into my brain, doing things I shouldn't want them to do. And yet all I could find in myself wasn't to fight, but to resist playfully, moaning all the while. 

I tried a little, tugging away from their touch. They merely tightened against me a little further, and I stopped. I wasn't sure if that was because of the tentacles in my brain, or if I just wanted to be under its influence. 

They spread my legs wide, allowing them easy access to where I had been waiting. I was so, so wet already and the thick, sweet, heady scent in the air made me whimper and gasp. Why was I being uncertain just minutes ago? 

They just wanted the best for me, just wanted to give me pleasures. And wasn't that what people needed? An endless pleasure, given to us by them...

I moaned hard around here, imagining myself in her position was making my stomach pulse with arousal. It didn't help that the tentacles in my armor were doing the same. They played across my skin, rubbing, grasping anywhere they could reach. Some of them were also pressing themselves against my pussy. Playing with it as well, joining my fingers as I whimpered and gasped. 

Another one snuck onto my clit and sucked against it for a moment, and I screamed in pleasure—coming and shaking straight to the tentacles. They devoured it with great enthusiasm, and I could only gasp on the bed, eyes still upon the book. 

There were more of it, the tentacles were still doing more towards the woman. Just like what they were doing to me. The one within my pussy was still pumping itself in and out, slowly fucking me. I had been instinctively tightening myself whenever it was within me, turning the penetration into something even more pleasurable. 

“That was... intense...” I whispered, wanting to read more and yet too tired. I had come too much, all aided by the tentacles. 

Sleep tugged at me, making my eyes slowly closing even as the tentacles came inside my pussy—filling me with warm liquid. I finally laid myself down onto the bed, content with how the tentacles were curling all around me, even the one that stayed inside. 

When I woke up again, I felt full. Not as in I had eaten, but the feeling of bloated stomach, as well as how my breasts had increased in size. I stared at them for a moment, slowly touching and massaging them—and I had to let them go immediately. 

There was an intense feeling running all across my nerves then, especially around the nipple area. I gasped as the tentacles started to move vigorously, gripping and grasping the breasts for a moment. Until I could feel some liquid leaking out of my nipples, one that felt so, so good. One that made me moan and came again, even though I wasn't doing much more than just having my breasts played with. 

“W-what have you done?” I couldn't help but ask, even though the armor couldn't answer me at all. Looking down on my body, I noticed how my stomach looked swollen too. Even when I pressed it, there was just a feeling of sloshing inside, as if there had been a lot of water poured into it. 

I frowned, wondering if I should worry about it. Then the tentacles ribbed me, squeezing and playing for a moment, and I just—got distracted. I wanted to come again, my arousal was still going strong despite how I had cummed moments ago. 

My room too was full of sweet scent, one that made me hotter with every inhale. I turned my body around, pushing the book away and started to go at it. Fingering, playing across my body, I did everything I could. The tentacles wriggled too, following where I was touching and everywhere I didn’t to overwhelm me with pleasure. 

It didn't take long before another thick tentacle was formed once more, one that pressed itself against my entrance, already spreading its own ooze against my wet slit. I moaned, whimpering slightly at the feeling. It hadn’t even gone in, and yet I was already feeling too good. When it pushed itself inside—I couldn’t help but gasp, moaning hard at the feeling of being filled. 

I shuddered a little, my hand slowly going down towards it. Maybe I could use it to aid my masturbation further… Everything so far felt like I was doing something. Fulfilling a purpose? I had no idea. Before I could grab it though, the armor that had spread over my hands stopped me. Forcing me to stay still, all as something was happening to the tentacle penetrating me. 

Something even thicker was forming at the base of the tentacle, one that made me wonder how it would feel when it would come inside me—because I knew what would happen, as the armor stiffened itself all across me. The rest of the feelers playing and fondling my body. It wished for me to stay, to let it put the bulb into my womb. 

And I let it. There wasn’t any thought of fighting anymore. 

The round part moved forward, stretching and widening the tentacle. I whimpered as it finally reached my entrance, and I could feel how big it was. It slowly slipped in, filling me so, so much until all I could think of was how full I was now. At how much my womb was filled with it, especially as there were more coming from the armor, more eggs being pushed into my stomach... 

When Veliana came back to the room, my stomach was so round and stretched, completely filled with eggs. I looked heavily pregnant, and I shivered in delight, the armor seemingly giving me even more approval at my feelings. The living armor had long since spread all over my body, and it was absolutely wonderful. 

“Ah Rosa... I see you have been feeding your living clothes well.” She said, smiling happily upon gazing at my bloated stomach. There were alarm bells ringing in my head from that sentence, but it was muted, silenced by the armor. I could only stare as Veliana walked closer and caressed my cheeks, satisfaction swirling in her reptilian eyes. “But you are still missing something, aren't you?” 

When she worded it that way, I could feel it. Beyond the arousal and fullness, I needed something more. Just a little... Right now these were just eggs, but they weren't filled with life, not yet. I whimpered softly, looking towards her with pleading eyes. 

But she only continued her caress, moving her claw-like hands across my body. They were so sharp, and it would be so easy for her to dig into my skin. Making me bleed, painting the canvas of my body with the iron red of my blood. All I could feel was how sensitive my body was, how her movement made the tentacles go crazy underneath my armor. I moaned louder, straining to lift my hips so she could see how ready I was. 

“The living clothes truly did a number on you. Only three days and you are already ready and wanting nothing more than to be bred, aren't you?” Her forked tongue went out and licked across her fangs, and I shuddered at the sight. 

Her words were damning, if I was thinking the same as before. But right now, all I could think of was how crazy her scent was making me, even though there was nothing else I could do. The living armor had covered everything except my head, and that made me only able to do what it wanted me to. 

By now, it was obvious that Veliana was controlling the living armor, one way or another. My arousal was now sent to overdrive, all to prepare myself. Veliana had been saying I was ready after all, and as her claw slowly moved downwards... I couldn't help but find myself tightening my entrance, feeling excited over what would happen. 

The need building within me would finally be fulfilled. 

She passed through my stomach, barely caressing them and still enough to make me moan, pressing my body against her touch. She ignored me, letting her claw moving further down until it finally reached my folds. The living armor had separated itself down there, forming a slit for Veliana. Whether it was to fuck me or anything else—I was ready. 

“You are ready to accept it... But I want you to say it with your own mouth.” Her claw-hands moved back up, grabbing and squeezing my breasts while on its way. Pulling a moan out of me, even though I wished she would toy with me down there instead. But what I wanted wasn't important here, only hers. Despite my addled mind, I still found saying it was a little too much. “You can try holding it back, but I wonder how much longer you can stand being alone with the living armor. With it slowly stoking up your desires, your wants until you are nothing more than a vessel for breeding...” 

I whimpered, her words painting a vivid image in my head. Of how much more swollen I would be, especially with fertilized eggs. Then I would finally give birth, and they would hatch without me knowing what was even inside. I didn't want that, right? And yet, I could feel the desire growing despite my attempts. 

“So what are you fighting for? You are already on the precipice.” She whispered, cruel even while being kind. She was pushing me to the ending she wanted me to have. The one I was already walking towards. “Just give up.” 

She accompanied those words with a snarl, another grab against my breasts. And I couldn't help but come hard, screaming as my nerves were overloaded. Milk squirted out too, raking even more pleasures all across my body. 

When I finally came back to the present, my tongue was lolling out of my mouth, with some drool escaping as well. I didn't know how much mess I had made, but at least I had some moments of clarity. Or as clear as I could have, with a brain full of desires to get fucked. Whether it was by the tentacles, or by Veliana. 

Veliana was licking the drips of milk that had splattered all over her hands and arms, and the way she was looking at me while doing so... I flushed and looked away. 

“Good milk, Rosa. It tastes good.” I shuddered again listening to her voice, over how good it felt to hear her praises. “You'll want to make more, don't you?” 

I nodded before I could even think. There was something about the way she talked about it that made me desperate to please her—an extension of how I wanted to please her. And agreeing would make her happy. 

“Then you need to tell me what else you want out of me. You can use your words, I know the living clothes didn't turn it to mush.” She smiled, full of predatory desire to devour me. She knew I just needed a little push. And so she lifted my chin up, forcing me to look back towards her yellow eyes. 

“I...” I whimpered, trying to stop and yet unable to underneath her stare. “Please... fuck me.” 

“Fuck you why? You are being fucked really well by your living clothes, no?” She continued, eyes glittering with sadism. One of her hands was caressing my parts below, activating the tentacles that were lying dormant there. I couldn't help it, I moaned from the feeling again and yet still wanting more. Just their fuck wasn't enough, not anymore “I'll have to leave, if you can't tell me properly.” 

That was what finally pushed me over the edge. What threw me off the cliff, plunging straight to my fate. There was nothing else I could do, and so I leapt into it wholeheartedly. If this was the only choice, it was better to accept it. 

“Breed me. Please...” The words came out, even if I squeezed my eyes shut. I still whimpered, but in the end, I still begged. Still voicing the words out loud. I knew I shouldn't, but the thought she might leave me here for hours on end until my next meal time—I couldn't bear it. 

She let out a hiss of satisfaction. Making me moan even as I yielded myself to her expertise. That was what she sought, and she was unsatisfiable. Her face leaned close, all fangs and scales, and I could feel her forked tongue against my skin. “Good girl.” She said, and I let out a gasp, the burn of pleasure filling every part of myself. 

It felt good to hear that, making me wish for more. She maneuvered herself on top of me, pinning me down even though there wasn’t a need for it. The living armor wasn't allowing my body to move, moving me according to its will instead. My legs were forced to spread, showing and allowing Veliana easy access. 

“Is it you, or is it the clothes, hm?” She laughed cruelly when she noticed, looking at how my legs trembled from the effort. Whether it was to close them back down, or keeping them open, I wasn't sure. I flushed from her teasing nonetheless. “I'll breed you. Fill you up with my cum until the eggs are all fertilized, all becoming my offsprings.” 

It was easy to think of how that would go. How my womb would be warm and full of life, as the eggs grew inside—until I gave birth, and they would hatch and I would take care of all the baby dragons. 

They were weakening my mental state further, making me want and desire for Veliana’s wish. There were no more fight within me though, and I let me be brought away by the pleasure as more tentacles brushed against my clit and nipples. Veliana’s words didn’t help. 

“You'll take care of them. And as they feed off your milk—” Another clawhand squeezed my breast, making me moan, half in pain, half in pleasure. I was starting to lose myself, unable to think except for her. “I'll breed you again. The living clothes will fill you up, until you are full of eggs again.” 

She brushed my stomach, my full and sensitive stomach. “And I’ll fertilize them. Over and over again, for that's the only thing you are useful for.” She grinned, full of teeth. 

I could only moan at the thoughts she inserted into my head, at how perfect those sounded to me. Because that was what Veliana wanted, and that made it what I want. Nothing more, nothing less. 


She was happier to hear me beg. More satisfied. My pleading had made her remove her cloak, finally allowing me to look upon her for the first time. Scales covered all across her body, without a mammary gland in sight. The ones on her stomach looked softer and more delicate, and as it went down to her privates—I noticed how it was only a slit. 

But when Veliana stroke across her entrance, I could see something started to poke out. My attention was fully upon it, as Veliana grinned at my wide eyes. After all, the dick was huge—bigger than anything I expected to come out. Ribbed and full of bumps, I wasn't sure how much I could keep my mind when that entered me. 

“Ready or not, I'll fuck you until you are full of my offsprings now.” She growled, and entered me in one go. I gasped, immediately filling how full I was with that. The eggs, her dick—I was lost in pleasure, even before how much the bumps in her cock were rubbing my insides so perfectly. More moans escaped me as Veliana moved, immediately putting me under a fast pace. “Hah! You are really tight, even though all those tentacles must have fucked you everyday!” 

Her words weren't wrong. It was easy to let my armor took care of it all, to be still so Veliana  would be able to fuck me until she was satisfied. I was dragged over the peak far faster and quicker than the tentacles too, her dick somehow making this even more pleasurable than before. It didn’t take long until I screamed in pleasure, making me came— and yet she still didn’t stop. 

I whimpered at how sensitive my body became, instinctually tightening across her penis whenever she pulled out. All in an effort to keep her inside, to make my too sensitive body a little bit of respite—as well as letting me feel fuller for longer. To feel the satisfaction of her dick filling me up until there was nothing else. 

Her fuck pushed out everything else, every thought and words I could have formed in my head. Until all I could think and hear was her words. Of how I was becoming her breeding pet, to be used to bear more dragonets—or tentacles, or anything else she wanted me to. I moaned again, body wracking with shudders and pleasure when I thought of how useful I could be for her. 

I finally clamped down on her dick then, and this was the one that finally pushed her over the edge. Veliana came too, a warm tidal spurt of cum that filled me to the brim. I screamed in pleasure as that triggered another orgasm in me, one that filled my head with white. 

I didn't know how long I was like that, barely thinking except for the good feeling of pleasure. 

Veliana stayed inside me, her dick expanding to plug her cum inside my pussy for as long as she needed it to be. She was looking down at me satisfiedly, a dangerous look still dancing in her eyes. “Now... we'll do more until we are sure it'll take. Are you ready, pet?” 

“Yes, Mistress!” I cried out, my desire all for her. My living armor was wriggling too, excited to give me even more pleasure in between...

Thank you for reading the story! I want to say thank you for my patrons, who have always supported me through thick and thin. For anyone who wants to read more of my works, you can patron me on my Patreon! You will be able to read more of my story, as well as gaining faster access to my works as well. I tend to publish 1-2 works per month in my Patreon, and I will release whatever's on patreon to the public after a while, depending on my ability at the time.


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