Picking Better Boss

by fennywrites

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #D/s #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #boot_worship #boots #comic_book #kneeling #mind_control #pheromones #superhero

Celes is a reluctant spy sent to work for a rival gang, courtesy of her friendship with Echidna’s daughter. That caused Echidna to have an interest with her, of course, and there’s nothing good to be gotten from the attention of a gang leader.

Working with Echidna was wonderful. She understood her workers needed time and training to be a good employee, and never begrudged anyone if they needed to take any leave or just some downtime. I actually shouldn’t be here anymore, as I had clocked in over eight hours for today. Almost finishing finding the threads were making me stubborn though, my jaws clenching as I set my sights on all the given data. 

I just needed to focus. To let myself go even further, so I could look wider, understanding and gaining more in one go. Seeing the whole painting, rather than the detailed strokes when you get down to it. 

All nine monitors were moving, flowing and mixing with data already there and ones just taken. I took deep breaths as I looked through each one, my fingers moving through the keyboard as I worked and finding the patterns forming—My phone rang, its voice shrill and cutting, loud within the already darkened and empty room. 

I jerked in my seat, losing the thread I was sure I would have grasped if this didn’t happen. There would only be one person doing this, and a peek at my screen gave me the unwanted answer. ‘Braid’ wasn’t written on it, merely a string of symbols and characters. Just a precaution. Every contact in this phone had that, with each group needing a different key to understand. 

Nonetheless, I picked the call up, not having much of a choice even with the dread pooling inside my stomach. “Surprised you are calling, I’m busy doing what you asked me to, Mr. B.” Asking is such a soft word compared to what he truly did, but I remember the way the pen glided on top of the contract, my signature being left on top. His grin spread then, one akin to when a cat got the canary. His domino mask covered the rest of his face, hiding everything else I might be able to use to understand him. 

“Of course, of course, my dear.” His voice reminded me to focus back on the present, not an already finished past. My grip tightened too with his tone, slimy and making me shiver. I had to be glad that I wasn’t like my friend, Sarah, too. She needed to always be careful, and any slip in emotions meant she would, more often than not, ending up breaking what she was holding. “I merely need your help in collating the beautiful recordings my other subordinates have scrounged up. I’m sure you will be able to finish it in… let’s say, next five hours?” 

My eyes flicked immediately to the corner of my monitor, where the number ‘00:18’ was clear on top of the date. The ticklish feeling of a rope’s strings brushed against my throat, reminding me of my contract and its consequences. It wasn’t real, but I knew it didn’t matter. 

“Understood, boss man.” I whispered, because there were no other paths. 

The only time I had an out was before my signature was on the contract, before the black ink was on top of the white paper, stark and contrasted against one another. 

I let my phone drop back onto the table, exhaustion settling around my shoulders as I covered my face with my palms. No screaming, but it was there, keening at the depth of my throat. 

Soon I would go back to the work, but for now this would do. 

Someone was driving an ice pick into my brain, slamming it into the depths, and then there was a whole marching band scurrying and all playing with percussion. Everything hurt, my nerves pinching, and all I wished to do was groan and curl up in bed. Maybe have a warm chocolate drink on hand. The orange light coming from the window wasn’t helping, how was it already morning? 

At least I have sent the data to Braid, and then my own work just now. On time, if I didn’t count the five extra hours it took me because of Braid’s demand. I could pretend I merely fell asleep, probably. Echidna would only have a problem if I didn’t finish it before the new workday came around, or at least that was what I gathered. Sarah probably could help if she got too angry… But then again, that would be using my friend against her own mother? I didn’t even know where I was going with this. 

Shaking my head a little to try clearing my head—I groaned as my whole brain sloshed around inside my skull. I needed rest, desperately. Or maybe some coffee or tea. I couldn’t afford to be picky right now. 

I stood up, feeling the slight tremble across my legs still. No, this wasn’t a good time to focus on that. Let’s just walk out, one step over another… My eyes occasionally would slip shut, and it was merely the feeling of my body falling that saved me so many times. 

So tired. So sleepy. 

Even when I finally had the drink in my hand, my body leaning against the wall… I could still feel the tiredness lurking at the edge of my thought. The coffee was a bitter swill, dark and viscous, and yet not enough to push away the cobwebs in my eyes. 

Maybe a walk would be better. 

I gulped the rest of the hot drink, put the mug into the dishwasher, and walked through the white and sterile corridor. Always felt so hostile, even worse when I was like this. Tired mentally, and turning everything into something too harsh. 

Without any idea of where to go, I let my feet bring me to the lift, my eyes roving over the different floors. No, I didn’t wish to listen or meet anyone, except maybe for Sarah. Although then again, she was the whole reason why I was in this predicament between Braid and Echidna… 

Ugh. I pressed the button to go to the basement, in the end picking Echidna’s laboratory. No one really liked to go there, what with the various monsters the gang leader had made with her hands. While I might lose a finger or something from them snapping at me, I was sure that Echidna kept them in tight leash. Or maybe they would be kept in a cage of some sort. 

Besides, there were a part of me that was actually curious. Of how these creatures would behave when they weren’t being used as shock troops against other gangs and the Guardians. Or even when they were thrown against one another, their fight filmed to be shown off online for the sick pleasures of people who enjoyed true pain and blood in their sight. 

The lift was a little grungy, with questionable dark stains on the walls and floor. Bleach was the heaviest scent filling the tight space, one I tried to not think about too much. I didn’t even lean against the walls, not wanting anything to end up on my shirt. Just my finger tapping against my hips as I waited for the lift to slowly jutter itself down, shuddering and jerking every step of the way. 

I was glad to leave it when it finally opened at the right floor—even if it meant I was immediately smacked with the heavy musky smell permeating the whole place. If nothing else, that at least made me woke up, a little adrenaline finally running in my bloodstream. 

My wide eyes took in all the cages, each one filled with monsters—and none of them looked alike one another. Some were bigger than humans, standing on their hind legs, tails that ranged from reptilian to mammalian swishing behind to keep their balance. Some were smaller, quadruped creatures that crawled close to the floor or as tall as a hyena. They were all a mish-mash of creatures, furs and scales mixing with one another until no one could know what it was beyond its basic shape. 

The most unsettling part, though? It was the silence. Their eyes, all glowing yellow in the darkened room, followed me as I walked deeper. Looking, watching without a snarl or an attempt to get out of the cage. It was so different from when they were in the arena, fighting against one another, or just when used as shock troops 

I somehow knew where to step towards, a tug in my head that both made my thoughts fuzzier and yet knowing where I should be walking to. There was a certainty with each step, as if my own power was pulling the conclusion straight into my muscles. After all, I didn’t know where I was going, except deeper into the laboratory. 

No fear or uncertainty was able to take hold, the seeds never even managing to take root. My head nodded off again, a momentary sleepiness that robbed me of my consciousness. 

And yet, I never stopped walking. When I woke back up, my thoughts felt muddy, a fog that seemingly dragged everything down until I could barely think. Still, there wasn’t any fight to be had, and so I let myself be moved, following the tug in my head—one that fogged my mind further. 

I didn’t know when the cage had become sparser, the surroundings emptier. 

“Ah… Celes, is that you?” A soft, familiar voice called out. 

My head lifted, and yet my eyelids continued to flutter. It was so hard to keep them open, as if there were magnets in my eyes, determined to keep them closed. The only sign that made me sure there was another was the light footsteps I could hear, of boots coming closer, until I could feel someone’s hand against my cheek. Not a slap, just a gentle caress that made me try to open my eyes properly. 

“You look so tired.” She chuckled, light and airy as she pulled me close—putting my face against the crook of her neck. Letting the smell of lavender suffuse my surroundings, even if it was mixed with the smell of iron and salt. 

“Sarah?” I mumbled, letting my head droop against her, knowing that she was the few people I could feel safe with. After all, we were friends. She even asked Echidna to hire me… While that came with its own set of problems, the issue with Braid wasn’t exactly her fault. 

“Mmhmm. What brings you here? No one tends to come down here…” Her voice was so soft, gentle, easily caressing and calming any spike of feelings that might have formed. There was something else moving at the edge of my sight, but it was hard to focus elsewhere. 

Especially with the way Sarah touched me, distracting and making it easier to let myself drown within the fog. I could feel the tension across my shoulder unwinding, a soft exhalation of relief coming out of me. “Just tired.” I whispered, barely trying to string the words together. 

I didn’t even know what Sarah was doing, except for the fact she was warm, and my mind was all fuzzy with every breath. Her fingers were slowly running down across my spine, sending shivers through me and yet, it was all I could do to try fluttering my eyes open again. 

Unfortunately, the attempt was cut short with her voice. Making me focus back onto Sarah and nothing else. “Why don’t you tell me why you are tired? I don’t think Mom gave you that hard of a work, right? Do I need to ask her for some leniency?” There was a questioning note in her words, as if she was uncertain what she was doing. 

I couldn’t think upon that though—I was focusing on the fear the question invoked within me, which made me jolt even as I shook my head. It made me dizzy, the fog unkind to any attempts to clear my head. Sarah gently sushed me, her hand moving immediately towards my head to let her fingers thread through my hair. It was… calming. I found my eyes drooping down again, as Sarah asked her question again. 

I wasn’t pulled out this time. “No… It’s Braid.” I whispered, the words easily forming in my mouth. There was a part of me that was horrified, wondering how I could be doing this so easily. But it was easy to just continue, especially when Sarah continued to pet my hair. “He demanded for me to do his work, to finish it before today’s work time would even begin. I’m so…” 

Even merely recounting what had happened was frustrating, and I wished I could scream. It was easier still to hold onto Sarah though, my fist holding tight against her shirt—and that let me feel the way she suddenly stiffened her body. A realization she was having, before she pulled me tighter. 

“Ah. Braid, huh… I see, so that’s what…” Sarah trailed off, and I couldn’t find it in me to pull at my curiosity. To even attempt to find out. 

It was so much easier to just relax and let Sarah caress me, whispering gentle words that allowed the fog to cover me deeper. To swallow the thoughts I wished to form, and having the words she wished for me to have. 

I didn’t know how long I was like that, merely continuing to close my eyes as she poured her words into my empty mind, perfect for new knowledge. Her touch never stopped, caressing sweetly and gently—even if it never went more. Soft heat spread wherever she touched me too, a coiling pressure of pleasure that continued to increase without end. Noises came out of my mouth everytime, as this made it easier to just sink deeper, into… 

“—deeper into your subconscious. Everytime you started to feel the fuzziness in your brain, the one that let you know this little creature is doing its touch…” Sarah was talking, the words easily finding its way through my brain. They were carved inside, a permanent mark I couldn’t shake away. “You accept it, don’t you?” 

My head nodded once, the feeling of Sarah’s fingers wonderful against my skin. Especially as my face warmed up in response, sending a shudder through my spine. She was the one moving my head, but I understood how it meant I was acquiescing. After all, my head did accept. 

“Good girl.” The praise made me content, the warmth curling around me like a safety blanket during cold winter, with hands full of a mug of hot chocolate. 

Then it was all blown away, a jagged dagger of cold pressing deep into my chest with her next words. “But you have been bad. Fraternizing with the enemy…” Her disappointment was heavy, a rock dragging me deeper into the ocean of fear. The only salvation was Sarah, and she gave me enough rope to pull myself back up. “But it’s alright. You’ll tell my mo—Echidna about all of it. You won’t hide anything, you’ll tell her how much you have betrayed me. Us.” She snarled, her anger thin and sharp like a whip, more painful than I thought it would be. 

Even through all the despair, I couldn’t help but nod. There was nothing else I could do, the sense of refusal, of being able to think for myself wasn’t in my hands right now. 

“And you won’t be able to stop it, no matter what you do… or panicking, even. I’m angry, but I don’t want to hurt you.” Sarah’s touch was becoming rougher as she caressed me, the sharpness of her nail digging into my skin for a moment. “Let the command sink into the deepest part of yourself, only to be remembered when Echidna or I tell you to.” 

I nodded, this time of my own volition. It was easy, it was pleasurable, even. 

“Good girl… now go. You’ll tell her after today’s work.” 

The command sank in easily, a mere continuation of the previous one. I left Echidna’s laboratory behind me, feeling the blissful heat seeping across my body from Sarah’s words. 

The day passed in a daze, with me barely realizing what had happened. The next thing I knew was how everyone was starting to leave, chatting with one another as they left the office behind. No one really talked with me, and I didn’t try to socialize with them either. 

It made my heart twinge, but I shook my head to shake off the funk. Just focus on my work, and the report I just finished. With the work finished like that, I finally had some free time to meet up with Echidna—she would want to read this for sure. 

Through my walk and the time I spent standing in the lift, I checked the papers again, all to ensure that it was all printed properly. I didn’t want to imagine what would have happened if there was a tiny mistake… But I shouldn’t be, after all I had finished this one yesterday, and even sent out the digital file already. 

A small smile formed on my face as I thought about it, just as the lift dinged and opened at the top floor. Rena, who was Echidna’s receptionist, was still sitting in front of the computer, fingers moving quickly as she typed and listening to a phone call. Our eyes met for a second at that moment, the woman careful to keep watch of me as I got off. 

A nod was given at the end, an agreement and approval all at once. She pressed a button, and I could hear the click of doors unlocking. Walking past her, I murmured a soft thank you before walking into the room—and feeling nervousness started to pop up as I realized I was going to talk with Echidna. Aka the boss of the gang. 

The room was spartan, with a wide window at the back, one that would allow her to look down at the city if she wished to. Red carpet covered the floor, the deep color made me wonder if it hid any blood splatters. Bookshelves were put as decoration to the side too, full of encyclopedias and thick hardcovers, none of them with creases. 

My attention were pulled towards Echidna. Especially when I saw who was standing with her. Sarah was whispering with her mother, and all I could see was the downturn on Sarah’s mouth. The way her hands moved aggressively and fast as she talked, harsh whispers I couldn’t hear from this distance being exchanged. The only reason I didn’t immediately turn away was how placid Echidna seemed to be, or maybe even the excited glint in her eyes? 

I didn’t know. 

The two of them separated soon enough, and Sarah was less… anger filled. That was the only word I could think to fit the way she looked, especially as she saw me standing there awkwardly near the door. 

“Celes…” For a moment, she struggled to say anything, frowning even as she opened and closed her mouth over and over again. Her shoulders were tense. 

“I’ll handle this, Sarah. Don’t worry about it.” Echidna said, a soft smile on her face before she looked at me, and I could feel my stomach flipping already. 

“Right.” Sarah took a few deep breaths, and I could see the tension flowing out of her body with every exhale. She grinned at me, the smile brittle. “Good luck then, my friend.” She patted my shoulder as she passed me by. 

I turned around of course, but she had walked through the door. Leaving me alone in the room, my thoughts running a hundred miles a second. The click of Echidna’s footsteps sending shivers across my spine as I felt her hand on my left shoulder, her mouth so close against my ear. 

“You have something to tell me, don’t you?” There was a buzz following her words, something akin to what I felt when I was underground. 

My eyes fluttered, my body swaying slightly as if I was under the influence. I didn’t drink, but my thoughts still felt foggy as if I had chugged a whole bottle of rum anyway. “I… I do…” I whispered, finding myself in need of an anchor and only able to grasp Echidna’s hold. 

She felt warm against my hand, even as she slowly tugged me around. Making me walk deeper into the room—and hearing the droning louder. Only one source, and yet the noise was enough to drown any words in my mind. Especially the part that was fighting, telling me to not say anything. 

“Tell me.” 

The scales tipped with those two words, my whole body shuddering. My rebellious attempt was doused in an instant, unable to even find its feet. All I could do was speak. 

“I ran away. Can’t stay at home any longer, and the constant pressure… no.” Even merely thinking about it, remembering the way my parents look at me—I couldn’t. The anvil was still there, on top of me and never going away. 

So I tried to use it. The fear, the nervousness that formed whenever I thought of them, to use it as my foothold. All so I could have broken away from the buzz and the fog that had been covering my whole mind. 

As if Echidna had read my mind, the buzzing grew louder. Penetrating, reaching even deeper into my brain. I gasped, jerking slightly in place. I was standing in the middle of the room now, on top of the red carpet, and yet still in front of her desk. She was sitting there, her feet crossing against the other as she watched me with an amused smile. 

“This might be easier if Sarah’s the one handling you… But this isn’t the time yet for her.” She smiled, full of teeth that felt like it could have torn into me. “It’s alright, you are safe here. After all, I’m your mistress, aren’t I?” 

She placed emphasis on the words, ones that made my head swim even worse as I tried to grapple against it. I swayed on my feet, trying and failing in my fight. “N… No…”I whispered, feeling incredibly lost. At this moment, I wished so much I could have something else rather than this power that could only allow me to look at various information. Of data and collating them together. 

Something physical would allow me to just rumble. The ability to shoot lasers or anything else meant I could be attacking as of this moment—but then again, I wasn’t in the best situation either. 

“Call me mistress, pet.” She said it again, and the words felt like they were being carved right inside my brain. The buzz shaking everything up until the only thing I could do was Echidna’s command… 

“M-Mistress…” Letting the words out felt like I was giving up, but the way the droning sound receded—I couldn’t help but relax. It was so much better without the constant hum, scratching and covering every part of my thoughts. 

Echidna caressed my cheeks, the sharp smile becoming warm and approving that made my stomach flip. “Good girl. I know you’re smart.” 

Cheeks flushing, I looked down and away, unable to face Echidna anymore. The way she touched me so tenderly—it should be just a fake. But at this moment, with the way my thoughts were being handled so easily by her? All I could think of was how wonderful she was being, so much so I wished to listen and be obedient to her. 

Kneel for me.” 

Another emphasis. One that made my legs buckle beneath me, my knees meeting the carpet painfully—and yet the warmth in my stomach continued. She looked pleased, happy from what I had done, and that was enough. 

Arousal burned in my core with every order I followed, with every smile she gave to me. I wished for more, and so, when she ordered me to speak once more—I had nothing to stop me. 

The buzzing had continued for so long it had turned into a background noise for me, a constant presence and yet wouldn’t disturb me unless I focused on it. I was concentrating on Echidna for now, my body shivering slightly from all the praises she had heaped on me. 

Her hands were gently running across my hair, shutting down any sort of thoughts that might have bubbled up while I was kneeling, waiting. She had said that during one of the lulls, when I was trying to find a way to tell her more of my story. 

I let my eyes close, relaxation suffusing every part of my body. I had told her everything, and now it was on Mistress’ side to decide. After all, she now knew about my betrayal, how I was working for Braid, despite telling her that I joined her gang on my own volition. A lie, an understandable one, but that didn’t matter. Especially when I had promised beforehand that I would be a good friend for her daughter… 

Guilt gnawed inside, akin to maggots scouring meat from bone. Everything was covered over in placidity though, for that was what she demanded out of me. I didn’t know what to expect, except the fact she wanted me to relax, to not think of anything. Easy to do now, especially when I closed my eyes, and let the incessant sound come to the foreground. Drowning me until there was nothing else inside my mind. 

She took her time thinking, and I didn’t know how long it was. The window had long since turned dark, with the light in the room made looking outside an exercise in frustration. I could only see the reflection, even if it was more of a silhouette of Echidna across the desk, and a little of myself underneath. Most of my body was hidden by the desk, after all. 

My hair was mussed a little, and yet I couldn’t muster the desire to fix it up. Not unless Echidna ordered me to. And wasn’t that a shiver-worthy feeling? One that made me wonder how deep Echidna’s change was, how much had she done with the alone time we had. Despite knowing I should have feared her, I could still feel the stirring of arousal. It had been another constant presence, one that had been slowly winding down as Echidna stopped talking. My musing merely awakening it back up, the coals of my desire slowly igniting red. 

The way I swayed left and right, the sub-vocal whimpers coming out of me had to be too obvious. Echidna arrested her hand’s movement and peered down at me, interest forming behind those dark eyes, glittering like the stars in the night sky. 

“Are you feeling too aroused, pet?” Her voice was low, rumbling in such a way it scratched a part of me I never knew needed something. Then she noticed how I trembled as I listened to her words, the nod I was giving her, especially as I rubbed my thighs together. I didn’t dare to do anything more, but her smirk grew a touch sharper. More predatory, and I was the designated prey. “I see now. Do you think I have responsibility for this, as your owner, pet?” 

My breath hitched, an inferno forming in my core. The gasp coming out of my body, the jerk running through it as I realized the possibility she handed me—I knew it would be a trap, but with how empty my mind was, only filled with my desire for Echidna… I couldn’t help it. 

“Please. I… I need it.” I begged, the want stronger than my will. 

Echidna didn’t answer, except for the soft hum. Arousal and embarrassment burned in my gut, as that meant she was waiting for me to give a better answer. Not just being needy, but being able to articulate what I wanted. It was worse than if she told me straight on, because this meant I was grasping it myself. Not being ordered—because she was happy to let me be like this. 

It was never really a choice. “I’m… I’m so aroused, Mistress. I need you, please.” My tone had turned into a pleading sound, and I could see in real time how much that satisfied her. 

The sharp smirk had turned softer, and the way she looked down at me—she was dissecting, carefully cutting me open with merely her eyes. “So you do know how to plead.” She approved, the slight lilt making me shiver downstairs. 

What mattered the most was how Echidna moved her feet, and I could feel the end of her shoes meeting the area between my legs. Not right against my entrance, but grinding slightly against my pants, the fabric in turn pressing against me inside. I moaned at the pressure, trying to grind down in desperate need. 

Which made her stop, and I couldn’t help but whine. Her shoe was still there, but without her pressing against me—it made the whole thing unsatisfying. 

“No. Did you forget?” Her tone was flat, not clipped. Not yet. But this was enough to make me whimper, curling down a little further to make myself smaller. 

Slowly, haltingly, I started to apologize, to say the words that should make her happy. After all, I did wrong. I had chased my desire more than trying to be good for Echidna, for my mistress. This was the payment, and I didn’t stop saying my apologies until she gave me another sign through tapping my shoulder. I shut my mouth then, silent and tense as I looked down. Towards her legs, one on top of the other as she crossed them against one another. 

Her leggings pronounced her muscles further, hugging and making them obvious. But kneeling down here, my knees still pressing down against the carpet… My mouth watered as I realized the implication, the possibilities she could do to me. With her strong muscles, she could just press down against me with them, there was no need to even lift me up or anything else. 

My stomach flipped again, not in nervousness, but in a tick of excitement. 

Peering up a little, I found Echidna had turned her smile back to predatory. A dark grin that showed how much she wished to devour me, slowly consuming me until all was left was her own relish, happy to have gained every inch of myself. 

“I suppose it will be remiss of me to not take care of you this moment.” She started, giving me a little bit of hope. Enough for me to want to grasp it immediately, without waiting even for another moment. That would be foolhardy though, and Echidna would surely give me punishment. 

So I waited, because that was what a good girl did. 

“But you shall clean this first.” She lifted her feet again, the boots a little shiny from the moisture it had gathered from myself. 

I leaned forward, licking it at first before I slowly ended up opening my mouth. Getting everything inside, trying to swallow the leathery taste against my tongue. It didn’t taste good, but this was what she wanted out of me. And that was enough. 

My body shivered, as I tried my best to deepthroat the boot. Get more and more of it inside, making my throat choke as I found how huge it was compared to myself—I didn’t know how long I was like that. Tasting, getting more, and yet unable to stop. 

When Echidna finally pulled it out of my mouth, it was a moment before I realized that wish. How I had leaned forward, trying to keep it still inside me. It stunned me, even as I looked up towards Echidna’s face dazedly. 

My arousal was still going on, a fire burning in my core. Took all I had to just keep my attention on her, not on myself. Not on how much I wished to gain more—I still hadn’t reached any sort of peak. But Echidna was no longer thinking about my own pleasure, her thoughts turning elsewhere. 

“Good girl.” Another praise, and more fuel towards the arousal within me. I shook slightly underneath her, desire and want mingling together easily. “Now let’s have you finally play with yourself, hm? I need you to stop thinking, and this is the easiest way for it.” 

I groaned softly as my hand slipped down, the papers I brought before no longer even in my mind as they all fell down towards the carpet. She would have asked me to pick them all up I was sure, but right now—it was all I could do to keep my fingers playing against myself. Touching my clit, spreading more of my own arousal until everywhere was slick and wet. 

Moans, soft noises of pleasure, were all easily dragged out of me. I knew the best way to push myself into even worse situation, until all I could think of was the pleasure— 


I whined, loud and begging. I shouldn’t be, but the way my fingers stopped in the middle was enough to make me desperate for more. So close. A few strokes away from reaching the peak And yet, Echidna didn’t care for my pain, merely focused upon how much I was shaking and whimpering. How much I needed more—just little bits of almost. 

“Sssh, a little bit more. I just need you to answer a little question.” 

“Anything. Please—!” Because the arousal had long since drowned my willpower, subsumed it until I had nothing left. Maybe in the past I could have fought, trying to stop myself from whatever it was that Echidna wished out of me. 

But at this moment? I had nothing, and everything I wanted was in her hands. The permission. I just needed it, just a little bit of allowance. 

“Tell me, do you wish to get away from Braid?” She asked, her eyes dark. There was something more hidden in the question, but I couldn’t think of it anymore. I merely gave her a nod, more pleading coming out of my throat. 

That would solve all my problems—except for the one I was having right now. On how I was just telling everything to Echidna, on how I was kneeling on the carpet barely able to string two thoughts together unless Echidna ordered me to. The buzz ate most of my anxiety, leaving me with merely the liquid warmth and pleasure curling in my stomach. 

“Yes… You are the better boss.” I whispered, remembering how she merely demanded me to finish my work, not needing me to do something extra just because. At how she didn’t suddenly demanded extra work out of me, knowing I wouldn’t be able to refuse. At how she didn’t look down upon me, as I signed my life away— 

Echidna chuckled, and I shivered again. 

“I suppose there’s not much choice here then.” Her hand caressed my cheek, my hair. The warmth burned, turning into molten desire. “But I also have to ensure my family’s safe, and you understand that, don’t you?” 

I didn’t, not really. I had long since left my family, only having myself to fall back on. Besides, even back then, there was never any sort of support. But that didn’t matter, in the end. Echidna told me I would understand, and I had no other choice. 

She spent hours talking to me. Slowly unraveling and rebuilding me however she wanted me to become. 

Weeks had passed since then. Ever since I had opened myself to Echidna. I could feel my body shuddering slightly as I remembered how often I had been meeting her now, that every time I had finished my work I would have gone up to her office and… 

Warmth filled my stomach as my thoughts ground to a halt, memories melting together into sensations that left me shuddering. Any attempts to remember was a scrabble in my mind, everything melding together into a slurry I was unable to parse. 

It didn’t matter. 

A small smile spread on my face as I felt that certainty sank into my gut, not even finding a desire to fight it—because it was true. What mattered was going back to Echidna’s office again, and I started to gather everything together. The papers, the USB stick, every one of them filled with reports I needed to give. 

My phone rang, and I found tension finding its way back into my back. Pain started to form at the base of my ribs at the back, as if my muscle was being pulled. My mouth dried as I looked at the screen, staring at the familiar string of symbols and numbers. 

Braid again. I wished I could have slammed the phone closed, that I could have just refused to pick up. But that wasn’t a choice I have. With no choice at hand, I picked it up, my heart beating in my rib cage like a jackhammer drilling onto the road. It pained me to do so, both physically and mentally, but his voice came through in the end. 

There wasn’t any sort of those lightning in a bottle chance, where the call would just drop. I grimaced before steeling myself to listen to him, certain he was about to ruin my schedule again. The man delighted in making my life worse in small ways, like ensuring I couldn’t sleep. Irritate me just enough I would snap more at my coworkers. Just little things, but with far-reaching consequences. 

“Good afternoon, Celes.” His greeting made me shudder, as if slime had just been poured over my back. “I hope things are going fine for you because I just netted an incredible contract concerning you and your current boss, Echidna.” 

My stomach felt like it had just dropped on me, and it took all I had to not demand him to tell me everything. He would, but if I tried to say anything, he would shut up just to make things harder. “Thank you, boss.” I whispered, hoping my tone managed to be flat enough he didn’t realize anything was off. 

“Of course, of course. I have to take care of my subordinates and all. Although by now you are more of an ‘ex-subordinate’, I suppose,” He chuckled, as if he had said something funny instead of something that made my heart stop. “Nonetheless, you don’t need to worry about me anymore. Your contract with me has been bought by Echidna, and she’s going to be your full boss from now on. That’s what you wish for, am I right?” 

“What?” I croaked out, unable to even try to hide my confusion. It was true that I hadn't felt any of the usual ropes and binding slowly digging into me that would usually happen when I was against him, but I focused on this matter more for now. On the fact he just dropped this bombshell of a revelation on me. 

More chuckles, more signs of how much he didn’t care. Not like I wanted him to care, but it was the principle of the matter, of the fact he was my boss. “Our contract is no more, and Echidna now owns you as much as I did beforehand. Thank you for all the money you have made for me, I’m sure she will take care of you well—that’s what you think of, didn’t you? So congratulations, Celes. I am sure everything will be going good for you.” 

The call was disconnected before I could even say another word, leaving me with a silent phone. I couldn’t think of anything beyond staring at the screen, mind still boggling over everything he had told me. Because I could hear the truth in it, that he was being honest, and I didn’t want to know what that would mean. 

Before I could have done anything else, perhaps going home to wonder about how much did this change—my phone blared again. This time, one by Echidna. I could feel it, the usual press of contract against me, the strength of demand forcing my thumb to slide on the accept call button. Fighting it for a moment would be easy, before it would have changed into pressure and danger. 

I knew that ending, though, and I’d rather not face it this early in the contract. So I picked the call up, hearing the sweet voice of Echidna straight into my ears. It drowned me within the syrup, choking me with its viscosity. 

“My dear Celes… you have received Braid’s call, haven’t you?” 

I nearly nodded before realizing she wouldn’t be able to see it by the virtue that this was a call, and instead telling her that yes, I had gotten the call. 

“Then you need to come on up. Come back to my room to remember.” 

The word impressed itself upon me, the curtain whispering, just so I would open them. I barely realized it as I put the phone back down, breathing harsh as flashes of the past crowded itself upon me. Reminding me of what had happened, of the incongruity I didn’t realize until she told me. 

Arousal started to burn in my stomach as I stood up, walking towards the lift as memories bubbled up. Reminding myself of their existence, even though I didn’t remember them beforehand. My throat dried up as the thought of kneeling right in front of Echidna made the fire worse, a burn that would so easily turn into a roaring maelstrom if I let it. 

Each step flashed the flame into a bigger heat, my stomach churning in such a way that made me whimper, wanting and desiring more. I couldn’t fight her, the orders resonating in my head without me doing anything about it. 

I managed to place myself in the lift, clicking the button to go to Echidna’s floor. Meanwhile, my body continued to burn with arousal, and I had to stop myself from plunging my hand into my panties. It would be so easy, considering most people had long since left the office the moment the workday’s done. 

There wasn’t any camera too here… I gulped the saliva in my mouth, trying to quench the fire even slightly and failing to do so. It merely continued to burn merrily, making me squeeze my thighs together in need and want. 

By the time I had arrived to the Echidna’s floor, I was a mess. I was lucky that Rena wasn’t sitting at front as usual, probably sent home already by Echidna. I shuddered as I realized that she probably didn’t want anyone else seeing what was happening to me—especially as I heard the soft buzzing again. The one that burrowed into my head, the one that made my head feel empty and made it easier to just listen

I followed it, barely managing to find the thoughts, the ones that let me knock, before opening the office door. Back onto Echidna’s room, with the red carpet and oaken desk. I whimpered as I saw her leaning against the table, she looked relaxed there. Legs crossing against one another as I noticed her not wearing office clothes, no. 

The boots were made of leather, shiny and looked like it was just polished today. The leggings covered her legs perfectly, hiding any sort of imperfections beneath the tight netting—and the natural color still gave the illusions of perfection. Short skirt drew my attention, its blood-red color sending more heat straight into my core, as I looked up and up and noticing the red didn’t stop there. She was wearing a dress, all made out of some sort of shiny material, tight and showing off even more of her body. Darker red formed a pattern that pulled on my attention, as I slowly lifted my head further until I saw her face. She was smiling at me, not with love, but with teeth and I couldn’t help but kneel right then and there. 

Not on top of the carpet, but on the floor. The ceramic was unyielding, and I had to stop the grimace that nearly formed on my face. The buzz helped to curb that away, allowing me to focus back on what was more important—Echidna. Who was now smiling in a more satisfied manner. 

That, more than anything, was what made me whimper in wants, the fire flaring brighter in my gut. “Please.” My whisper was a pleading sound, begging for whatever Echidna would deign to give to me. 

“Then go under for me, my little pet. I finally own you.” 

I gasped, eyes closing at the sheer electricity running all across me. The certainty blanketed me wonderfully, and it left me dizzy with want. It was so easy to let my head drop a fraction, letting her words and the buzz to cover me. Let myself sink, until I no longer held anything else. Leaving me within her mercy. 

Her steps weren’t loud, the high heels being muffled by the carpet. I still could feel it when she stopped right in front of me though, her eyes staring down upon me, the hum of the insect filling me even further. 

It was wonderful, and I let myself sink deeper. The tension I didn’t even realize was there across my back loosened up, as I let my body drop a little further. I didn’t know if the buzz I was hearing was from the insect, or from how relaxed everything felt. Everything felt a little further apart, as if there was a gap between my thoughts and my limbs. 

Her fingers were warm against my chin as she lifted my head up, my eyes barely managed to open. “Go even deeper for me, will you?” She said, before letting my head fall again—and everything was such a rush. 

My head jerked down. For a moment, I could feel as if I had been thrown up to the sky, before I fell back down again—and this time, deeper into my thoughts. Into the buzz in my head that made my eyes flutter shut again. It was easier to not think, any words swallowed by the static sound in my head. 

“Feeling good?” Her voice was surprisingly gentle, her fingers moving upwards. Touching my head and furthering my trance deeper. I mumbled words, ones I wasn’t sure anyone could understand. But she seemed to, petting my head in fondness. “Good girl.” 

I shuddered from the words, the warmth of my core spreading further across my body. I wanted for more, for her to praise myself further. It was becoming a need, like someone barely surviving in the desert and was merely teased with water. 

“Do you remember how often you came here?” She asked, and I couldn’t help but moan. 

Her words triggered their existence, floating back up to show me what had happened beforehand. Memories I didn’t even know exist until now. The curtain opened, and there was no way to bury them back unless Echidna wished for me to. 

I was within the office, hidden beneath the oaken desk as my face pressed against Echidna’s entrance. My tongue was licking her as much as I could, and each time I could feel pleasure running across mine own. Each moan, each tremble was also sent down to my own pussy, making it easy to know where I should focus to make it feel better for Echidna—but it was also so easy to make it harder for me, all because I was barely managing to think as I nearly reached the peak. One I wouldn’t be able to reach towards, because Echidna had told me that I wasn’t allowed to come until she did. 

Blinking back to the present, my brain was still steamy from the memories. The surge of arousal didn’t help, my lower body clenching harder against empty air. I wished for more, and yet unable to get anything. My hand spasmed for a moment, wanting to plunge itself into myself, so I could gain more pleasure without needing to ask for more. 

I knew better than that, because she would stop me before I would reach anywhere. All I could do was whimper pathetically on the floor, looking and begging into Echidna’s eyes for her to finally do more than merely looking down at me. My thoughts were all melting down, all turned into more arousal and need. The insectile hum filled me further, approving how I was behaving, amping my excitement and making me even wetter than before. 

“You remembered a bit… But does it really matter?” Echidna chuckled, petting my head more like a pet. Pushing down any thoughts that might try to bubble up and turning me even further into this person with simple thoughts and mind. “Well. You did well as someone to try this little pet on.” She lifted her hand up, offering her hand for the insect to settle on. 

It was sleek and black, akin to a beetle, if a bit bigger than usual. The wings were still buzzing so loudly and digging into my brain, despite the fact it wasn’t flying anymore. Turning it further into mush, shaping it into something Echidna wished for me to become… I should hate it. The source of my change, of how Echidna had controlled my mind and thoughts—and yet all I could do was feeling excited, wanting more. 

For a moment, I thought of a swarm of them, all of them buzzing at the same time and I would no longer be able to think. I nearly came right then and there, just facing those possibilities. 

“What are you thinking about, little pet?” Her words weaved itself so beautifully with the buzz, combining into one that hammered into my mind. I could never have fought her, and the words came so easily. She listened without judgment, excitement twirling within her eyes. “That is indeed a good plan. Not one I can always use, but a few people here and there… yes. It will have to be hidden, but no one showed everything off. Heroes, rogues, other villains… This will be perfect for my own protection as well. You did good, Celes.” 

I moaned, shuddering upon hearing the praise. I could barely think much more, but when Echidna leaned forward, I could listen to her next words so clearly. 

“So come. Reach that peak you so wished.” 

It was as if a tidal wave had slammed onto me. I couldn’t fight it, and it was all I could do to follow its wave, its movement as pleasure surged through every part of myself. From the tip of my toes until the top of my head. Everything was swallowed by goodness, as my core massaged the air—and yet that didn’t drag anything down. 

I didn’t know how long I was like that, throat hoarse from screaming myself raw. The pleasure had consumed me, and it left me shaking, tears and drools still escaping my eyes and mouth. My mind was terrifyingly blank from the overload too, nothing seemingly forming as I blinked. The pieces were all distant, taken away before I was able to grasp them. 

Echidna was holding something new in her hand now. Leather-made, with buckles at its end. My eyes were wide as I saw her caressing it slowly, the fingers touching it with gentleness I didn’t expect out of her. But as she offered it to me, her eyes almost daring me to move forward—I did. 

I leaned my head forward, letting Echidna have free rein over my neck. 

“You understand its purpose, don’t you?” 

There was no need to answer, my body shuddering slightly beneath her as she put the collar together. The leather didn’t press tight against my neck, but I knew it would always remind me of my position. 

“My pet. Everyone will know it the moment they see it tomorrow… but you don’t care about that, did you?” 

I shook my head, a certain tightness bubbling quietly as the thought how they all would know who owned me forming at the back of my head. It would be so wonderful, it would be the best thing to ever happen to me. 

“No, Mistress. Only what you wish for me to care.” That was the only way I can reply to her, and if the way Echidna looked down on me was any indication—it was the right choice. 

I was happy here, kneeling beneath her.

Thank you for reading the story! I want to say thank you for my patrons, who have always supported me through thick and thin. For anyone who wants to read more of my works, you can patron me on my Patreon! You will be able to read more of my story, as well as gaining faster access to my works as well. I tend to publish 1-2 works per month in my Patreon, and I will release whatever's on patreon to the public after a while, depending on my ability at the time.


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