Milk Ranch

by fennywrites

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwashing #hucow #lactation #maid #milk #milking #mind_control #urban

Working as a maid, got food and board for free was enough for her. Well, except she kept drinking the milk, which tastes so good… Surely there’s nothing wrong with it.

Routine was good, as it gave me a basis to springboard the whole day from. Waking up, freshening myself, cooking breakfast and drinking the fresh milk offered… I licked the creamy treat off my lips, shuddering slightly with my eyes closed at the taste. It was so good, akin to a liquid ambrosia, or at least how it would taste if it was real. This was the highlight of my mornings if I was being honest. Especially since I drank it before it was time to clean everything, including the house office I was stationed in. 

That was another perk of the job, which I was glad about, since I didn’t really want to stay at home any longer. Things were becoming unbearable there, the constant derision, the talk and talk and scolding—I let loose an explosive sigh, wanting another drink of the milk to stave off the gloom that started to cloud over me. The full-bodied taste of a full cream milk, with a drop of sweetness that was there even without a mix of sugar… That was a heady mix that made me giggle sometimes. 

In the end, I forced myself to bring the plate and bottle to the sink and washed them all. There was a comfort to be taken here, one I didn’t expect to happen. I never enjoyed doing chores when I was at home, but it was somehow alright here. The rhythm of washing the sauce off the ceramic, soaping them all up and even rinsing the suds away were a rhythm that lowered the spike of cortisol in my head. 

By the time I was done, I was calm once more, ready for a new day of work. First, I would have to clean the house for whenever Mis—Boss might come around, my mind neatly skipping how I almost called her something else. I hummed softly as I went to the back, where all the cleaning implements were placed. My schedules were forming neatly in the back of my head. First I needed to take the rags, the one for cleaning tables— 

The alarm rang. No, it was better to call it akin to a siren, the voice sharp and spiking me straight through my skull. My heart rate jumped immediately, panic rising sharply. I knew the feeling existed, and yet they somehow didn’t seem real, pressing so tightly against my thoughts, clouding them. No, they were hidden, unable to get towards my body… But even so, I found my own breathing became ragged, everything else forgotten as I outright ran towards the ranch part of the house. 

My short skirt flared as I loped through the corridors, both in a hurry and brain running on various possible worse case scenarios on what it might mean. Wait no, I could somehow feel my brain understanding the pitch, the way the alarm rang to narrow down what it meant. 

It was a spiking stress level, a jump from relaxation to high stress. As if they were attacked

Are the cows okay? I wanted to scream that, but it didn’t matter. 

Whatever kept my panic from me broke, and all the stress I had been bottling slammed onto me all at once. A soft keen escaped my mouth as my run slowed to a trot before finally stopping, my heart beating a mile an hour as I hyperventilated right there in front of the door connecting to the barn. Panic curled in my chest, squeezing my lungs and heart as I scrabbled at the round knob. Wondering, thinking, why it wasn’t the handle type where I didn’t need to grasp it properly in my palm. 

Finishing the work come first though. The way to calm the cows down already slotting themselves in my thoughts. I knew the buttons to press, the words to say to make the cows stop their mooing. I shouldn’t be panicking, I knew. But at the same time, the alarm was still ringing, still telling me I had to hurry. I managed to open the door, my palm clammy against the cool steel. 

The barn was clean, much cleaner than what it should be considering the amount of cows… I stopped, despite the still ringing alarm. I looked at the outright almost futuristic feel of the place, the sterile white that dominated the colors within the barn. And what was within each pen wasn’t cows, no, none of them were cows. 

Warnings flashed in my mind, but they were muted as I walked deeper into the ranch, the door closing behind me. It wouldn’t be locked, but I found myself moving automatically, checking each pen as the co—no, women, with headset placed around their ears, and those milk pumps placed on their huge breasts… They were calm. Those headsets might be the reason they were placid, a small moo coming from each of them as I passed through them. As if they were greeting me, and a shiver passed through my spine again. 

I continued moving, towards the back. None of the others were having problems, and the further I went, the more I realized that the problem came to the one that was told to me would be the calmest. She was the first one the Mist—the Boss bought. I tried to not think on that any deeper, knowing what I now knew. I ran towards the console in front of the pen, the woman inside being pressed by the many robot hands coming from the ceiling. One was holding a syringe with some sort of mixture inside, and the others were just padding, trying to push her inside and make her stop moving with those pads holding her down. So she could be injected. She actually didn’t seem to be panicking. But the machines were saying she was, so it had to be true. 

I didn’t think much further than that, just placing myself in front of the console and pressed the buttons needed for manual override. Wait. Wasn’t a panicking co—human—my head hurt, trying to reconcile the two conflicting information. But that didn’t matter right now, the way to calm her down should be to do something else. Let her be restrained, injected. After all, the mixture would leave her mind open for the headset— 

My hands let go of the buttons in a rush as if they were burned, the realization hot like fire against my chest. I should be scared, I should be running off right now. But I couldn’t leave her alone, and so I continued the override commands. I ensured that the robot hands were retracting back to the ceiling, leaving the two of us alone, the fence between us. Opening it was easy, more information floating up to my brain with just a stray thought. 

More buttons were pressed, and I could hear the sound of the lock disengaging. The woman was silent now, looking at me with confusion in her eyes. She was still on all fours, her breasts swaying beatifically below her, with milk still being pumped out of her. I should turn those off too, right? But as I looked at the woman, at how a smile slowly spread on her face, that thought seemed so far away from my grasp. 

She crawled closer, and I too, came towards her. My hand didn’t shake as I pushed open the gate, walking into the pen. No dried hay met my feet, only a soft mattress. The illusion fell away, letting me see all the sterileness of this place. For it was never a barn, and these women weren’t cows. 

The enclosure was filled with a different scent than I expected. There wasn’t any sort of sweaty smell, no. All I could smell, one I could inhale deep into my lungs, were the sweet, relaxing scent. Of milk and cream, and now all I could think of was this morning. The glass I always partake after breakfast, fresh and ready to be drunk. The white liquid, full of flavor and taste and oh so fulfilling. 

I was surrounded by it, every single breath merely taking more into myself. And that was alright. I nodded as I listened towards the woman, now no longer on all fours. She was standing, gently guiding my hands towards her body. My mind was steadily filling with fog as I stayed close towards her, the mist subsuming my thoughts within its embrace. Leaving nothing for me to call my own, only what she was telling me. 

It was too easy to find myself just relaxing into her touch. Especially as she moaned softly when I touched her body, feeling her soft skin against mine. “Good girl.” Her voice was breathy, and I shivered warmly. Arousal and happiness curled within my stomach as a warmth, telling me that what I was doing right now was wonderful. Was right. “You tried so hard, little maid…” 

A whimper escaped my throat upon her words, as she touched me back. Caressing my open skin before the ones covered by my black-and-white uniform. The frills and tight shirt, the short skirt were all grasped into her grip, before her hand roamed towards my thigh. The open space between my thigh highs and panties. I gasped upon the almost ticklish touches, incidentally pressing my thighs together and made me intimately aware how close her hand and fingers were. 

They quested upwards, gently rubbing me through my very wet panties. I panted, my stomach flipping around as her fingers touched where she wanted to. It was getting harder to think, and she was just holding me… Wasn’t that a wrong position, though? I was supposed to be outside this pen, wasn’t I? 

“Ssh… allow me to give you a little reward. For hurrying here, for being such a good girl as you do your job…” The emphasis made me moan, my body clenching against my own panties and her fingers for a moment before I loosened up again. My eyes were hooded by now, my brain sputtering and barely thinking even without the fog. “You love your milk, don’t you?” She whispered, her other hand coming up. Grasping my breasts through my buttoned up shirt. 

The pleasure that wrecked through my body was too much, especially as she started to squeeze and play with my surely-erect nipples. Not like I could see, what with the bras and shirt covering them. They were so heavy and big now… I looked down dumbly, feeling certain they had somehow grown in the past months. Another squeeze, and I just let it go, certain that if it was this good, then surely it was alright. 

Or maybe that was what she said, I couldn’t really find the separation between my thoughts and her words by now. She was smiling, murmuring words that made so much sense, and I found myself nodding almost constantly as I agreed with her words. 

I was indeed thirsty, and I wanted more milk. That desire wasn’t something she had encouraged, no. What I had was more akin to a need that had formed as time passed. With every glass and bottle I drank every morning, even in the evening if there were more bottles given… I found myself always drinking every drop whenever I could. Even the little puddle of milk at the end of the glass, the ones people would rinse away. I watered it down, and just gulped all the water into my stomach. 

Still tasted like milk, and I didn’t even know if I was lying to myself or not there. 

For now, what was more important was how the woman had angled my head to look down, to look upon her chest. Only now did I finally notice that she no longer had those milk pumps around them. Instead, her breasts were free and huge, full of milk. White liquid was dripping slightly out of her nipples, and it took all I had to not just latch myself onto them. 

My throat was dry, full of thirst and desire. I slowly licked my lips, wetting them in preparation. In wants. My body was trembling, just a few seconds away from just snapping forward. But I held myself, because she hadn’t told me it was alright. Then she pressed the back of my head, and I didn’t think anymore. 

Nothing, except for the nipple in my mouth, the ambrosia that flowed through it. I moaned to her breast, still reeling from pleasure and how good the drink tasted. Especially with how fresh it was, straight from her. Then she also rubbed through my panties, making me even wetter than I already was… I held onto her tight, holding onto her warmth and wonderfulness. 

Throbs of pleasure pulsed in my core, and the milk smothered every possible thought. All I could do was drink more and more, drowning myself within it as she played with my body. Showing herself a maestro, and me her instrument. It was wonderful, and I allowed myself to be dragged by the flow. 

I didn’t want it to end, after all. 

“You are hooked now, little maid~” 


The sun had just set, and I was standing in front of a spotless sink in the house. I looked around, and noted that everything had been wiped and the floor—well, it wasn’t spotless. But it wasn’t dusty, and I could feel the slight dampness that signified I had just finished mopping everything. Was that really everything, though? 

Warmth was still settling itself in my stomach, a purr that beckoned me to do something more. Something intimate I should be doing on the bed. I licked my lips, nervous and yet knowing I shouldn’t indulge. Not now, not ever. 

I was trying to not remember what had happened back then, or maybe I was, actually. I didn’t really understand what had happened. What the woman had done to me. My cheeks warmed up, even though I barely remembered what happened, only how I had held onto her as tightly as I could. Mouth latching onto her nipples as I tried my best to drink as much as I could from her breasts. Then her fingers, her wonderful fingers playing me… 

I moaned softly, rhythmically pressing my thighs together as my arousal rose higher. Even just the memories were enough to entice me further, my own hands and fingers slowly caressing my own skin. It felt different already, her touches easily dragging me higher, and yet my own was straightforward. I knew it would happen, and so it didn’t pull me the same way. Didn’t give me the indulgement I craved and knew she was giving me. 

My fingers slowly worked themselves into my panties, feeling my arousal already leaking into the fabric. I was far too aroused, too keyed up for mere imagination. But despite knowing that, or maybe because of that, I still tried to reach for more. To gain wonderful bliss, as I reached the peak. 

“I need to stop…” I whimpered, but one of my hands was gripping the sink tightly, and the other continued its touch. More. Just a little more. My fingers slowly moved towards my nub, teasing me despite my desire to just reach the end. Just rubbing, sending the sparks of pleasure I so desperately craved—It wasn’t until I stopped gripping the sink, that one moving to grasp and squeeze my breasts, did anything more happen. The pleasure spiked through, the sudden peak I wanted to grab beforehand. I moaned loudly, as I came and felt the warm liquid wetting my bra. 

The whole thing wasn’t too much, and instead of satiating the part of my brain that wished for it… I felt as if I had given it too much sustenance, making me wish for more. To just lie in bed and play with my body, to keep doing it until I could barely think anything more except for my next fix. I drooled a little, imagining myself drinking more milk. 

I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away. I should do something productive. Even though my arousal was still there, building once more until I would be too overwhelmed to do nothing else. To finally do what I should have done months ago, before I came to the interview and somehow found myself accepted into this job. How did it go again? I scrunch my eyebrows together as the memory of the interview seemingly failed to form in my head, not even any possible signs of how the Mis—the Boss looked like. 

A flash of beauty and wonderment filled my mind, and I had to swallow down my saliva to wet my suddenly dry throat. Even the mere try to remember how she looked sent more warmth filling my veins, and I knew better than trying to find out more. I really should do research now, an already too late option—as I had stayed here for months already. I knew it was, when I didn’t feel any sort of disgust when I found out those cows were actually humans. No, I actually felt more excitement within me when I knew. 

Licking my lips slowly, taking care of the few chaps that had formed through the day, I pushed down my arousal the best I could. Right now it was better to do something else I had already decided—and that was to go to the living room. Towards my computer. Well, more of my employer’s but that was splitting hairs. 

I trudged there, feet heavy with reluctance and desire to do something else. My eyes flicked towards the fridge, where I knew more milk awaited me. Maybe I could nurse one while researching, and that idea sounded incredibly good. So before I even knew it, I was already holding onto one, and now putting myself on the computer chair. Ready for whatever my research would unearth, and whatever I wasn’t ready for, the milk would help drown it within its creamy goodness. 

I knew I wasn’t handling these well, or even close to good. But with a gulp, the milk settled down my nervousness as I turned on the computer, ready to look up many things. Starting from the name of the company, ‘The Wondermilk’. A bit too on the nose, but in my absolutely biased opinion, very true. I took another sip, wishing I could just drink the whole bottle throughout. 

Nothing much really jumped at me from the various articles. Mostly they only talked about the great sales, expansions, how many people were giving it all the positive reviews… I nodded in agreement as I read through some of those. They talked about how much the milk had helped them mentally, and on how delicious it was. How much they so wished they could easily get more. 

More and more of the milk was gulped down, and I couldn’t help the rising warmth in my body. My research was starting to move away from those, towards the possible job openings. I actually couldn’t really find anything about the main company, but I did find a few that lead up to the ranch. On how every few months they would put up a new job advertisement. 

To be the live-in helper. The very job I was working on right now. 

The realization would be more debilitating if I hadn’t been finishing the milk bottle, instead, all I could feel was a forced calm that I knew came from the liquid. I shouldn’t have drunk it, and yet I knew I couldn’t avoid it. Not a single part of my brain wanted to say no to it, each part of me, even the ones that knew my current feeling came from it… wanted more. Needed more. 

I whimpered softly, the warmth within my stomach, the one that had long since growing all over my body and limb, had grown. Not into a furnace, but another kind of heat, animalistic and maddening. One of my hands, the one not holding onto the mouse, had put away the bottle by now. 

It wasn’t slipping under my clothes yet, but I knew it was just a matter of time. No, my hand was slowly groping my chest first, squeezing and making me gasp as I felt a slight trickle escaping my nipples. My breasts were heavy and full, and it was hard to wonder why this whole situation was wrong. 

There was still more milk to be drunk, but it no longer matters right now. What I wanted, no, needed, was to find something better to do than just keep looking for the wrongs the company did. I giggled softly, my free hand searching for something else to look at. 

I never realized the red light on the webcam on top of the monitor. 


Another day, another routine. I should be happy that it didn’t change, despite all the knowledge I had gotten yesterday. Actually, it was hard to remember what had happened after I found out how the ranch needed a new helper every few weeks, even months… Maybe they all had run away. 

I snorted slightly at that thought, knowing that it was a fool's dream to think of it like that. While I didn’t follow all the news, I read enough to know the situation in the world. Of the sudden raise of people with powers, of what they did to others. Actually, I should be running for the hills, shouldn’t I? Go away from here, find a new work that would be safer and without any possible strings in the background I couldn’t see until it already tied me up. 

My cheeks flushed at that thought, and I had to shake my head to throw that imagination away. I was already in a precarious position, without making it any easier for my… Boss. Yeah, she was my Boss, not any other words that could have qualified. 

At the end of it all, I still drank the milk before work, the taste continuing to make me happy and relaxed. I knew it was wrong, but I would only stop when I no longer had any access to them, and no sooner. They tasted incredible, and no other milk could have compared. This was something I couldn’t compromise away, despite knowing it was chipping away all my will to fight. It would be easier to just let things happen… 

I pinched my cheeks, the pain helping me to stay at the present slightly. Right. No time to do some tender loving care on my own body, but I needed to do what I was being paid for. Well, unless I wanted to make it obvious to my employer, but I wasn’t suicidal. Despite everything, I didn’t want to be turned into those… cows? No, that was too degrading. Affected humans worked, maybe. 

Thinking of becoming like them was making me wet though for some reason, and as I looked down onto my body—I realized that I was close to how they looked too. My hands squeezed my breasts again, making me moan softly as the milk within trickled out. That felt good. Better than good, even. If the way electricity coursed through my nerves when I then pinched my nipples were any indication. 

Mmm, I really needed to do something to alleviate this situation, but it was hard to hold onto those thoughts. What felt good, felt this nice should be alright, right? And somehow, I felt as if I was lying down against that woman again, the one who had nearly been handled by the machines. 

“I know you wish to be a good girl.” 

Her words flowed through my body, sending warmth and heat easily. I squirmed as I slowly ended up kneeling on the corridor, minutes away from reaching the supposed barn. I was about to do the cleaning, watching as the women were handled very nicely by the machines. Touched. Pumped. Given food through the dildo they had to suck from. I didn’t know how I couldn’t see all of these beforehand, but now, with all of those in sight, it was all I could do to just keep myself going on. 

I told myself it was because I needed this work, this pay and a place to live. But I was whimpering right now, my fingers already playing my clitoris and entrance with ease I never expected out of myself. I didn’t wear any panties, and so it was easy for my hand to play with me, to induce pleasure until my eyes were crossed, and no thoughts passed in my brain. 

More than anything else, that was what pushed me over the edge—and I came right there, in the corridor. Luckily not making a mess, but it was still shameful. My cheeks reddened in embarrassment, but I stood back up, feeling weak across my legs but still able to. I didn’t want to think about it, and so I just continued to go back to work. Ignoring the way milk still came out of my nipples, the things puffy and hard from the arousal that still burned inside my body. 

I wanted to touch myself more, to just spend hours upon hours lying there on the corridor. Getting more and more pleasure inside of me… But I shook that thought away, forcing myself to do my next work. To run the cleaning and feeding procedure and watch as the women were handled by the robot. 

Painfully wishing I was there instead of outside the pen. 


Aroused to hell and back, feeling my body getting hotter as I watched the women gasp and moan as the robot hands handled their body expertly, I barely noticed I stopped in front of the same woman as before. The one who was hidden at the back, no other women on both of the sides of her stall. I should go on the console, press the appropriate buttons so she would also be handled. 

But I stayed in front of there, hand holding onto the latch to open the door. It would be so easy, and my desire all pointed towards the inside. To just once more gain her attention, the desire that burned within her. I gulped, feeling warmth forming inside my stomach, even though that was merely an idea. 

Nothing mattered though, once she started speaking. “Come in, dear maid.” Kindness. Gentleness. Desire. All of those melted together into a single tone that hooked me all at once. 

I knew I was taken, as I unlatched the door, opening it easily as she smiled at me from inside. Her long, blonde hair flowed from the top of her head, framing her face and most importantly, her chest. They were even bigger than before, round and full. In the same state as mine, with the milk slowly dripping out of her nipples. I couldn’t help but feel my saliva pooling inside my mouth, the desire to just put my mouth around her nipple and suck forming quickly. 

It would be so easy, and with the way she smiled and beckoned me with her fingers—she wanted it too. I gulped, suddenly realizing how dry my throat was as I walked forward. With each step, it became easier. Whenever I came closer, I could smell her all the more strongly, the sweet smell of milk and safety curling all around me. There was more beneath, maybe some kind of spice. 

But it was easier to just let the surface scent drown me, to just let her encompass me within her aroma. “Good girl.” She breathed out, and that made the already existing heat squirm inside my stomach. My thighs pressed against one another, and I could feel the trickling wetness, already formed from inside my core. 

“Please.” I didn’t know what I was begging for, but with her in front of me. So tall, so overpowering and drowning me within her fragrance… All I wished was for her to tell me what she wanted. To finally give me what I could do for her, to stop the constantly increasing burning desire within me. It still burned, still becoming stronger every second that had passed. Perhaps even stronger, as I felt my stomach flip when I saw her smile at me. 

“Crawl towards me, would you?” All her words were always gentle, and I knew it didn’t matter. I would obey, and it was so easy now. 

My knees met the soft floor, and my hands joined in. There was a brief discomfort, a worry that it would be problematic to my wrist. But she beckoned me, and I flushed the feelings away, as if cleansing my own way of thinking for her. It was what was happening, and she left me with enough acuity to know and paved the way even easier for her. Because I understand, her logic would have an easier time sinking inside me. For the brain was the easiest part to trick, once the foundation had been done in the body. 

She stood in front of me. It would be smoother for her to just step on me. To turn me into her simpering slave—but that wasn’t what she wanted to do. No, she slowly put herself down onto the floor too, her hand caressing my cheek. She decided to do the harder road, even as she gently touched my body all over. I could only gasp and moan with every tender stroke, my legs jerking from the pleasure saturating my skin. 

Everything felt far more sensitive, I was sure. The way my uniform brushed against my skin was maddening, swamping me slowly into a fog that promised pleasure. Every touch seemingly passes lightning through my nerves. She slowly moved my head too, puppeting me much like a doll, and my mouth was placed in front of her nipples once more. 

They were puffy, stiff. Ready to be sucked. This close, her scent was overpowering. If I still had any reasons left, it would all have fled by now, leaving desires in its place. Drool pooled in my mouth as I stared at them, wanting and yet knowing I wasn’t allowed to. Not yet. I had to wait for her permission, and she seemed content to let me like this even longer. Her hands were playing on my body, turning me into her toy to use. Pulling moans and begging sounds out of my body as I writhed in her touch, the pleasure breaking me down further. 

“Let yourself go, just feel what I’m doing to you. Focus on them. Let the pleasure drown you until there’s nothing left.” 

Her fingers explored. My mouth, across my body, touching the little scars, the stretch marks. She didn’t stop there, even if she always stopped where I had little imperfections. They were caressed, stroked with gentleness I didn’t think I deserved. I couldn’t say that though, especially as her digits went down further. Towards my most intimate area—and there she could feel me. My arousal, dripping onto the floor from all the pleasure running across my body. There probably was some of my orgasm too, even if I didn’t come so much I ended up squirting. 

She played with my nubs, making my legs jerk, unable to be controlled. More gasps and moans than I ever made before were easily pulled out of me. Not only did she know where my sensitive points were, she didn’t solely rely on those parts. No, she played with more places than I knew I had. Her fingers slipped into me, through my lubricated entrance. Filling me and making me wonder how it felt so good. 

“It’s so hard to think by now, isn’t it? Easier to just listen to me…” 

I gasped and tightened myself around her, tongue lolling out in pleasure even as I realized how little she filled me. And yet, those were enough, and I couldn’t think of anything more when she pulled my face closer. Her wet fingers slipped around my hair as she made my lips and her nipples met one another. 

Her taste was heaven, and anytime I wasn’t drinking it was hell. There weren't any other words for it. I sucked and drank every drop of the milk, desperate, not from knowing I couldn’t get it. But because I was scared she would stop. Every gulp of the liquid was warmth made manifest, as if I was sinking myself into the wonderful hot bath. Relaxation combined easily with the pleasure, and I could barely hear what she was saying. 

The research I had done slowly slipped away from my mind, each word being wiped away in white. She continued murmuring next to my ears, her voice and tone soft and kind, and yet the most insidious of all. I couldn’t hold onto that malice though, especially as she told me to be good for her. My body shuddered slightly, a shiver I didn’t get the reason for. 

“Are you going to be a good girl for me? For the Mistress?” Kind and gentle, she was never anything else than that. Always those, with a lot of patience… 

“Yes…” I whimpered, giving her my answer because she wished for it. She rewarded me for it, sending more pleasures through my body. Telling me that there was only one path for me in this matter, even as I put my mouth against her nipples again. Thinking was so hard, and it was easier to let her handle it all. 

She continued telling me more words and sentences that allowed me to know what I would do after this. For I wasn’t allowed to remember yet, but my subconscious self would do it for me. Would keep it, until it was time for me to really know and understand everything I had agreed for her. I squirmed within her touch, even as more milk drowned me within its taste. 

“Mistress will be so happy with you, with how much you don’t fight her suggestions, her commands and orders.” She continued saying, caressing my cheeks while playing me even harder—pushing me into a drooly, gasping mess that could barely understand what was being said to me. “Now, come.” She reached deeper, brushed a certain place. 

I came, darkness following me soon after. 


How many days have passed? I had no idea, not really. All I knew was following my routines and then… My memories stuttered, confusion showing itself on my face for a moment. Nothing happened, but my brain felt foggier every single day. My throat was dry and thirsty, only able to be quenched by milk. And then there was the fact I was still aroused, my nipples stiff and proudly showing whenever I looked down. I knew I was wet and dripping too, forcing me to mop the floors every few hours just so I wouldn’t slip on my own arousal. 

It was so, so hard to think. Easier to just let whatever was injected into my mind to handle everything. From cleaning the office to the chores I had to do in the barn, and then talking with her was the most wonderful part of the day. I smiled softly at the memory, arousal already forming even from those little thoughts. My breasts were full too right now, and I had to squeeze my thighs together at how much that excited me. Soon I would need to massage and pump the milk out, but this wasn’t the time yet. What I had to do was something else… 

I walked towards the computer, still smiling as I turned the machine on. The camera immediately lights up too, the red light easily seeable. I ignored it, focusing on doing something else. Not opening up a browser, but a communication application. There was only one contact there, the only one I would be allowed to ever contact with. I clicked the video call button, and it didn’t even ring before it was answered. 

The woman I could see on the monitor was wonderful. Full lips, high cheekbones, blue eyes that would drown me as if I was loosened on the ocean… Then there was her long, slightly curly red hair. She raised one of her eyebrows at me, and I squirmed on the chair, begging words ready to come out of my throat. If she wished for me to, that was. She hadn’t said it yet. 

Then her face changed, from bored to grinning as she looked at me with anticipation. “I see that Sarah has done well with you.” She purred, especially when I nodded happily at her sentence, cheeks flushed from many things. “You are ripe, ready for the next step.” 

That. That darkened my cheeks further, my heart hammering from the future talks. “Yes please.” I managed to whisper, despite knowing I shouldn’t have done it without her permission. And yet, Mistress wasn’t unhappy with what I had said, merely giving me a predatory grin. 

“Show me how full your breasts are.” Her voice had a wonderful melody to it, one I didn’t understand. Not yet, I was sure. 

Even so, I straightened my spine a little bit, before pushing up my chests even more with my hands. Feeling my skin like this was wonderful, sparks of pleasure arcing through my body and nerves. It really didn’t help that I could pretty much feel the milk sloshing inside, seemingly sending even more heat right into my core. 

“Mmhmm, I can see how much a little cow like you was excited with that.” Condescension was clear from her voice, dripping through her tones like I was right now. At how wet my whole body was. So much that I barely even registered what she called me, even though I made a noise of confusion. “Not feeling like you are one? But with your nakedness, and the milk coming out of your breasts… what are you, if not a cow?” 

I… was naked? It was a confusing situation to think about. I looked down still though, no longer looking into her wonderful oceanic eyes. I wanted to look back up, to just let myself be drowned into her. But she wasn’t wrong. Not even a single stitch covered me, merely a bush that covered my privates, and nothing else. My brows furrowed in confusion, the certainty that I had worn my maid uniform shaken. Maybe I took them off? That sounded right. I ignored every other possibility, nodding that was the one that made sense. Then it was onto my breasts, which were big and full and oh so ready to be pumped. I could still smell the scent of milk even now, coming from my teats. My mouth watered slightly as desire welled inside me. 

Even so, I still wavered on the precipice. I still tried to fight the heat in my core as I stared down, trying my best to not just push my own nipples into my mouth. It was hard. “I…” I tried to say, to tell her something. To deny, perhaps, even as the words that I was a cow continued to reverberate through my head. 

“Yes, my cow?” She purred, making me whimper as she hammered in that little fact. Even though there was a certainty in my guts that she was wrong, that the logic she was running was false—I couldn’t find where the error was. What the fault could possibly be. “A cow doesn’t wear any clothing, as you can see, and it makes milk too. Which is also happening to your body.” 

I nodded, agreeing. Her reasoning was right. I wouldn’t find a way to break the illogicality through that point, I would have to go through another way, but it was so hard to think. Fog had long since settled itself in my brain. I didn’t know since when it had happened, but by the time I realized, I was already like this. 

“So, we can conclude you are one. Why don’t you play on your body a little bit? Understand it a little more… find where you feel the best.” With the half-lidded eyes and redness coloring her cheeks, it was obvious that Mistress was enjoying the show. Especially as I squirmed and made my breasts bounce on my chest, which also made me feel hotter. More aroused. “After all, every time you feel good, more of your thoughts will slip into the fog. Eaten, never to be found again.” 

Her looks were even more predatory now, and yet all it did was make my stomach broil in want and desire. I whimpered, unable to grasp the danger within her words and sentences. Even so, my hands were still moving according to what she told me. To touch and caress my body, to find where I could feel good, where the pleasure would make me moan and beg for more allowance. 

It wasn’t hard, not really. Every time that electricity sparked across my nerves, I could find myself moving easier. Letting myself be puppetered by her words, to just find and stroke my arousal until I was nothing more than what she wished for me to become. 

“Now come, and find those words locked in your subconscious.” She ordered, satisfaction clear as she leaned back on her own chair. 

I gushed over the seat, gasping and moaning, mind empty except for the words she carved inside me. I knew I would forget it soon after, but it didn’t matter. All I could do was exhale in relief, my body loosened up as I peeked back towards the monitor, giving her an empty smile. She was talking more now, telling me of what I was becoming, preparing me for what my future would be. 

I shuddered again as my mind followed those words, making excitement roll in my guts as my fingers came back down again. After all, pleasure would be the best teacher for me, combined with Mistress’s words.

Thank you for reading the story! I want to say thank you for my patrons, who have always supported me through thick and thin. For anyone who wants to read more of my works, you can patron me on my Patreon! You will be able to read more of my story, as well as gaining faster access to my works as well. I tend to publish 1-2 works per month in my Patreon, and I will release whatever's on patreon to the public after a while, depending on my ability at the time.


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