It's All Just a Coincidence

by fennywrites

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #mind_control #pov:bottom #scifi #sub:female #androids #robots

Meeting her was the best coincidence I ever had, does it matter that my upgrades seemingly fall under her control when that happened?

Our meeting was just a coincidence. Or at least that was what I told myself. Her hand held onto the empty chair in front of me, and she smiled. “Is this one empty? I would just sit elsewhere, but the seats are full.” I couldn't look away from her, the looks, the way she pitched her voice—it was all distracting. Making everything a thousand miles away.

A part of me vaguely remembered that this cafe wasn't really too full. There should always be some empty tables if she wanted to, but—I nodded before I could think any longer. There wasn't any wonder of anything else, I just gave her my approval, and the way she beamed at me made me melt.

“Um.” My throat seized up for a moment, the implant I had rebooting itself. It was part of my upgrades the office paid for me, ensuring I wouldn't end up tongue-tied while giving a presentation towards the higher ups. My brain gave a small warning about it, but it was only for a moment.

“It's alright, you didn't have to think about it too much.” She said, and I ended up nodding, letting go of the little niggling worry that had formed.

The knot in my stomach relaxed a little bit too, and I smiled at her. “We can talk a little bit, I don't think I ever saw you here before...” I trailed off, expecting her to continue.

She met my expectations readily. “Heard it from my network, they recommended this place is somewhere good to find people.” Her smile became a mote bigger, showing a little bit of her teeth. They were white and a bit— “What about you, Liza? You come here a lot right?”

Wait. Did I tell her about my name? I suddenly felt painfully aware of the present, a sudden feeling as if I was out of place.

Then she tilted her head, and I heard a tap from her finger to the table. Just a little blink, and a sudden wave of calm drowned me. That was... fine. I must have told her sometime, when we first saw one another, when she asked me whether she could sit or not.

The anxiety slowly drained away, and I exhaled in relief, a little dizzy from the sudden change of my mood. “Yeah... This place has really good food, and it's not as expensive as other cafes. The latter is my main issue though.” I weakly smiled at her, not wanting to tell her about my various problems. One of my hands rubbed my arms, feeling the sleeves and the slight raised tissue underneath.

She frowned slightly before nodding, not being pushy like I expected. That was even more of a relief, some people just didn't know when to stop sometimes. Or they tried to implicate things that weren't true. Everything was just fine, and she was just sitting here in this cafe because she wanted to.

“Look at me, dearest.” Her words made me jump a little, and I automatically do. Her eyes—I froze. They were mesmerising, a kaleidoscope of colour seemingly forming within them. Android—But I could no longer muster any sort of fight in my hands. Or even body, really. None of them were beholden to me anymore, and all I could do was look, and look, and look even deeper... Each blink made it harder to lift my eyelids again, and each time, I ended up slumping forward.

Closer to her.

Her hands gently grasped mine, and the other one kept me upright. ”That's it, just keep looking... I have dug deep, and you like it this way, don't you?“ Her voice was still the same as before, but now it had a certain quality that tugged my consciousness. Ones that made my eyes flutter despite myself. ”Someone coming straight at you, smiling, being a gentle person, drawing you in with their words...“

I whimpered, my body trembling. I wanted to move, to deny her words, and yet all I could remember was the shameful works I had read yesterday night.

”It's alright, little one. I'm judging you the way you like it, hm?“ My head nodded without my intervention, another warning buzzing at the back of my head. But I couldn't focus on it before it fizzled away, taken down. There should be more warning, more catastrophic exclamation forming in my head. But there was merely calmness, if one ignored how each warning was just deleted away, turned off before I could even realise there was more. “I should have done this more subtly, but your corporate firewalls are a little annoying wirelessly.”

That. That should be another alarm bell ringing in my head. But all I could do was smile and nod, showing to the world I was just listening to her attentively. Being good...

She continued to talk, and I had no recourse. My eyes were still focused upon the swirling colours, and her touch felt warm against my skin, grounding me to the present. Any sort of alarm, or fear was easily muted, in fact, the further I heard her words... The better I felt.

Pulse of warmth had started forming from my core, gradually heating up. I didn't even know when it started, but by the time I realised, I could only whimper softly from the insistent feeling down there. She smiled a little wider at my reaction, but she didn't seem to have an inclination to do more than that.

No, she just continued her gentle touch, keeping me upright so I could hear her better. To be a good girl and remembering everything, and yet unable to do anything about it. That I would love how I was being played like this, that I should open my protections and allow her full access.

That was a bad idea, even if I wasn't sure why. Some sort of company secrets, that even if I was merely a middle manager, I could still find some more holes in the security... But she stroked those worries away.

“That's alright, you can open it to me next time. Where do you live, dearest?” She asked so kindly, even if she could just order me to tell her and I would be so happy to give it to her.

“Boulevard Apartment, Rose Lane. Room... 1442...” Each word coming out of my mouth made me jerk slightly on the chair, a feeling of approval overwhelming every other thought.

What she said next didn't help. “Good girl... we will be more deeply acquainted there, you and I. You'll love that, won't you?”

I could only nod.

The whole time I spent going back to my room was all a haze, and I decided to dismiss the whole thing as a dream. After all, there was no evidence it wasn't just some sort of fever dream. Maybe I was just so pent up I decided to conjure up a situation that could only happen in stories.

I groaned too when I realised I didn't manage to finish any sort of work when I was at the cafe. Sighing, I reluctantly sat down on the chair and started to go through all the various documents and everything, catching up to what I should have done hours ago. At least there wasn't anything urgent. I shuddered at the thought of being scolded by the higher ups if I did anything that fatal.

Hours passed before I managed to finally finish everything, the day had long since grown dark. I groaned when I saw it was nearly midnight, and I needed to go to sleep now if I didn't want to be late for work tomorrow. No more remote for the week... I hated to be in the office, but there was nothing I could do except shut down my laptop. And get some food for the night, as my stomach helpfully reminded me with a growl.

My apartment wasn't too bad, having a small kitchen aisle still. Some of the newer-fancy ones tended to have instant-food makers instead. Those were fast, but I felt they weren't really fulfilling compared to what I could make myself.

Checking my refrigerator, I decided to just cook two eggs and reheat the rice leftovers I had. The decision to cook too much every weekend so I could just reheat them all over weekdays was paying dividends here. Who knew how healthy that was, all I knew was that it was still better than instant rice. Ugh, abominations.

Cooking those were quick, and the aromas of cooked egg with heated up soy sauce filled the room. The rice took a little bit longer, since I had to wait for the water to boil and steam it inside the rice cooker. But once everything was finished, I relished completely in the heat and taste.

Simple but so, so good... Ah... even if this was just a simple meal I made in less than ten minutes, I still found it satisfactory. But when I was about to wash them up so I could go to sleep—I heard a knock from the door.

I froze. It was almost midnight already, and I was sure no one had asked if they could come at night. The apartment should have been safe, and yet I could feel a chill forming at my back. Slowly I stood up, walking towards the door to peek at who it was that had come to my doorstep.

Every step I took felt like I was going to my doom, towards my executioner. I peered through the peephole—and there she was. The woman I had decided to be just my imagination. She was looking straight at me, smiling. But it was those eyes, those swirling colours that made me freeze.

My mind just numbed, even as my hands moved towards the sliding lock. They opened easily, smooth and without a single snag. I was wondering if I could have forced myself to stop if it was harder than that, but that was a moot point now. The only thing I could do was open the door, letting her in before locking it back once more.

“Thank you, you are being really great to me.” She smiled, and once more, her approval made me melt. I whimpered, and all she did was give another hum of approval. She liked me this way, and I flushed harder. “Now... we have all the time in the world, hm?”

“Uhm.” I short-circuited for a moment, before shaking my head. “Work's tomorrow...” I mumbled, face hot and red and I blabbered everything despite the fact I knew I shouldn't have.

We somehow had moved onto my couch by the time I finished telling her how my laptop was connected to my office, with me perched on her thighs. She didn't tell me to move, but the press of her knee—slightly warm from the hum of the machinery underneath—was wonderful down there. I whimpered a little louder when she shifted herself a little, her two hands stabilising me to stay on top of her like that.

“You are trying to rationalise everything so hard, and yet you are telling me all of these... Why are you trying so hard, little one?” She said as she took out a connector from her wrist, and I knew what she wanted to do.

It was my last chance to stop everything, and yet even as she pulled me down a little more, to expose the little nub of my port that was hidden at the back of my ears. Another part of my upgrades that allowed easy access to various pieces of machinery that I didn't think of using much. In fact, I could even use it to help doing my work easier but I didn't really want to.

But at this moment, all I could feel was how close she was, with her fingers running across the cover. At how intimate it felt, with the way she caressed and opened the port. Being a human didn't make that act any less sacred than when I stripped myself off my clothes. In fact, the way I was still clothed as she gently and slowly plugged herself into me was—I whimpered.

She felt so vast compared to myself. An ocean, compared to a lake. I couldn't understand everything, every part of the data she deigned to put into myself. Parts of me were alarmed for even less than a second before she shut them down, and I could feel bliss spreading in my head.

I slumped down, nuzzling down to the crook of her neck. My head felt empty, and I wanted nothing more.

She was rifling through my mind, peeking through all the memories I had to find what she was looking for. Perhaps related to the works—Her hands wandered down, and I found my line of thoughts shut down. There was no need for that, just her and the present.

My body was so wet and aroused already, desire forming and taking over my mind with every second that passed. She didn't do much, beyond holding me close to her body, what mattered was what was happening in my mind.

When she was just passing through my thoughts, the caress of her within my mind felt like it was all just too much. My lower body twitched, pressing against her thighs just so I could find some sort of friction, to get more out of this mental-pleasure I was receiving.

Everytime she managed to pass through a firewall, or even just any sort of protection, my mind blanked for a moment. But it was accompanied with a burst of pleasure that made it so, so good. All warnings, all layers of myself were peeled away, leaving everything bare to her.

She took what she wanted, and it felt so, so good to let her do it. My mind was broken open, laid bare until I was left a twitching mess. Wetness covered every bare part of her thighs, full of my mess from all the pleasure she overloaded my mind with.

“You did so well, my little pet~” She said, approvingly, kissing the side of my head gently. Full of intimacy and condescension. That somehow made it even better, and I mewled in want. “What a greedy one, you want me to fuck you up even more, hm? Turn you further until you can only do what I want?”

My whole body jolted, fear or want I wasn't certain. But the very thought of her destroying me in such a way lit a fire within me. I whimpered, looking at her with pleading eyes. She merely chuckled humoredly at my eager reactions, especially as I couldn't even string two words together to say what I actually meant and wanted.

“Mm, a little choker around your neck...” Her fingers brushed my neck, circling it as if she wanted to put something on there made me shiver further. “An accessory that makes people think of fashion, but you, you alone will know what it signifies.”

I moaned at the thought, at how I would have a piece of fabric clinging tightly at my neck. No one would know, and yet... I could only think of her. The thought felt vivid in my head, and I grinded more against her. I could feel my arousal brimming again, demanding for me to reach the peak again.

“Or maybe I should just leave something within you. Not a single trace outside, no one would even know... but you'll turn into my puppet whenever I wish. Who knows when I want it? You'll just become mine whenever, and you'll never know when that will happen.”

My imagination was so vivid I felt she was showing it there, in my mind. I could see how I was just doing my own works, just doing what I needed to do—and then suddenly shut down. Changed by whatever she put within me. I would follow her orders, some way or another. Whether she sent me through the internet, or just have it be hidden until it was time... I moaned and came right then and there.

“Oh? You like it so much? Then we really need to do that, just perfect for my needs too.” She whispered, and I couldn't help but find myself excited all over again for the future. After all... She was promising this change to me.

We continued through the night, until the next day when I needed to go to the office. That was when she finally let me go, and I could feel an undercurrent of something beneath my brain. A trojan horse, ready for whenever she wanted.

But for now, I would smile and hide myself in the office. No one would ever find out, and if they do... They too would find out how wonderful she was.

Thank you for reading the story! I want to say thank you for my patrons, who have always supported me through thick and thin. For anyone who wants to read more of my works, you can patron me on my Patreon! You will be able to read more of my story, as well as gaining faster access to my works as well. I tend to publish 1-2 works per month, and I will release whatever's on patreon to the public after a month.

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