Corrupting the Magical Girl

by fennywrites

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #corruption #magical_girl #mind_control #womb_tattoo

Shining Starlight is one of the magical girls protecting the city, one the demons couldn’t help but want to corrupt. This is the story of what happened to her, as they bring her to their own realm.

My lungs were out of air, and I could feel my body curling up to fight the pressure. But it continued, coming down from all sides, and making me into a mush. All to get through the intense tightness of a tunnel.

I tried to fight, of course. My power flickered, burning around me all over. But it wasn't enough. She pushed me through, and I lost consciousness, just as I passed through the worst of it.

The last thing I heard though, was her whisper.

“I hope you enjoy our welcome, Starlight.”

When I woke up again, I was no longer in my magical girl form. But that wasn't the most important thing. No, what was more important was the fact I was no longer in the city, and was inside some sort of forest.

Trees and shrubberies were everywhere, and as far as my eyes could see as well. I tried to sniff, and all I got was a noseful of saccharine sweet scent, all sharp and making me shudder a little bit. Even just that little whiff was enough to make me dizzy, and I couldn't help but grasp the tree next to me.

The bark felt soft against my skin, as I panted and tried my best to ignore the feeling the sweet scent was bringing to me. My stomach felt funny, but I tried to ignore it, suppressing it down until I wouldn't think of it.

This place was dangerous, that was what my thoughts immediately told me. A lapse of concentration could have ended up very dangerously, especially if I kept taking deep breaths. Right now I was more of breathing through my mouth, taking great care to not smelling the cloyingly sweet scent that felt like it was coating my tongue—

I slapped my cheeks. The sting helped me to focus on the present, and I tried to keep my concentration here. Not thinking of anything else dangerous... Maybe if I transformed, it would be better.

I let my eyes fall closed, and I quickly found the burning power in my chest. It was my own will, of what I needed to transform. For a moment, I let myself soak within the warmth, to trust in my own self to stay free. But it didn't take long before I had to shake my head, and grasp it properly.

The burst spread across my body, my head, chest, hands, stomach, legs... It spread through them all. Forming my outfit all over, and I smiled when I could feel the heaviness that had been forming all over my body was finally lifted up. This wasn't something I would realise, if I couldn't transform.

Clenching my fists a little, I stretched my body a little bit before taking a note of my surroundings. It was indeed a forest. Greeneries covered nearly everything, and I couldn't even see what could be outside of the forest thanks to the thick foliage up above. There were sources of light too from the sky, but I could mostly see shadows underneath.

This transformation, while safe for now, would eventually degrade the longer I was in it. So I should find a safe place. And finding out how I came here and why this forest was so silent. Despite me never going into one, I knew a forest should be noisy, full of life from insects to the animals that lived within.

But for now, as Shining Starlight, I decided to find a way to get out of here. Crouching down a little, I jumped up to one of the thicker branches I saw above me—before immediately letting go and getting back down. I stared at my glove, seeing sap and slime all over it. I shuddered at the sight, not wanting to know what would happen if I was grabbing it straight onto my hands.

Well, going up properly like that didn't work. And I didn't think a stronger jump would allow me to get through the foliage. I had no choice but to pick a direction and stick with it. I disliked that idea, and yet I had no better ones.

Letting out a sigh, I started my walk, hoping I would find something soon.

I didn't find anything. It was all the same thing over and over again, and I had transformed for hours, for sure. I was getting tired, and the sweet scent was once again, coming and spreading all over my nose and mouth.

I wished I could say I fight it without a problem. But with my head muddy no thanks to the atmosphere, and my tiredness from keeping up my transformations, I just... followed it. The sweetness seemed to get better with every step I gave.

It made me shudder. It caressed my cheeks, through my neck and onto my body. The scent wanted me to go somewhere, and I was happy enough to let it decide. My walk continued, nothing seemingly stopping me. No roots seemed to be up and made me trip. No branches growing onto the path I was walking through. Shrubberies seemingly leaned away, allowing me to walk through them to move forward.

I didn't know how long I walked, all I knew was that by the time I was half back onto the present, the transformation had long since undone itself. Saps and leaves were stuck all over my clothings, and wherever the sap touched my skin, I could feel a tingling feeling over there.

With half-lidded eyes, I looked around, to find out where I was now. It was a more open place, a clearing that was still surrounded by trees but had a field of flowers. Sweet flowers that made me want to kneel and put my face against it...

I shouldn't though. It was hard to keep that thought, but I somehow managed. I kept myself standing, despite my desire to just… I shook my head. Pinching my hands a little and using the pain to keep me in the present. The fog was still thick around my thoughts though.

But the scent of flowers... Fruits... the delectably sweet aroma of nectar… They were all combining into some sort of inviting scent that was growing ever stronger for every second that had passed.

Heat was spreading through my body, starting from where I inhaled the aromas, until it stopped within my stomach. Where it joined the warmth that had been growing there since the start, from when I woke up in this weird world I didn't really understand.

I whimpered softly at the swaying plants, upon the moving flowers and fruits. Fruits that seemingly looked like a certain phallic organ that made my cheeks flush. One of my hands reached forward, to one of the closest fruits.

It felt... warm. Firm, underneath my palms. There were of course, a few bumps here and there that felt like veins, but surely that couldn't be it. I leaned closer to it, helplessly unable to think of anything else. My hand was slowly rubbing through the supposed 'shaft' up and down, even though I knew it wouldn't make it any harder. Just seemed to be a fitting response to it.

That kind of thought was probably wrong, someway or another. But the part of me that knew what else to do was being smothered by all the saccharine sweetness of nectar in this clearing. The fog within my brain was thick, and encouraged this behaviour.

I knelt in front of one of the flowers, and my lower stomach felt even warmer. And empty. There was a desire for something else here, something I knew I could do with the fruit's shape.

But I somehow held enough resistance to not do it, instead I got the fruit within my mouth—and felt the tingle spread inside it too. My tongue felt it all, a coating of sweetness that numbed my mind. That made it easier to just lick more, sucking slightly against the bumpy fruit and tasting the slightly salty taste.

My other hand was moving through my body too, and I wasn't certain where my desire was making it go. Until it was stroking through my pants between my legs and it felt so, so good. I didn't think it ever felt that good before.

There was a bit of stickiness on my palm too, probably because of the whole moving through the forest in a haze. But the sap made the whole thing feel better, so I was sure everything would be just fine. I smiled, and sucked harder against the fruit. There were promises within it, I was sure. I didn't know where I got the information on, but there was a certainty in my brain, and I didn't have enough brain cells to try piecing the reasoning.

My whole body was feeling good, and it didn't take long before the fruit did indeed give me its prize. Some sort of salty, and yet pleasurable liquid that made me moan softly. A few of the juice dribbled down my chin, and I wished I could drink them all. I just continued to suck instead, wanting everything it could give.

My stomach was full of warm juice, my whole body tingled and my brain was filled with want and desires and fog. I couldn't think of much, nothing else beyond maybe doing something else with the flowers and fruits.

But as of right now, it was hard to really hold the thread of thoughts. Every few seconds all I could do was stop and stare confusedly at all the greens around me—for I had long since kneeling, inhaling all the sweetness in the air as much as I could. It would be nice if she could hold that thought for long.

Of course, this all meant that it was prime time for something else to ruin what was happening. There was something—someone? landing on the clearing, and it wasn't long until whoever it was walked straight towards her.

She looked familiar. Bat-like wings, fangs, beautiful look, a pair of horns coming up from her head—she was breathtaking. Her draconic tail swept across the flowers, making them shake and release more of their sweet scent.

The fog in my head became thicker, harder to get through. “Who...?” The word barely escaped my throat, but she seemed to hear it, even so. She was smiling at me, fangs sharp and making my stomach feel funny.

“We finally meet again, little Shining Starlight.” She said, words full of melody that made my head sway as I stared at her dumbly. She merely laughed, fingers caressing my cheek and making me shudder and whimper. “Your head feels so soft, doesn't it? Soft, empty, nothing to fill except for arousal and desire...”

I shuddered at her words, because they were so right. And the way her hand was petting my head, running through my hair—they were so condescending, and yet all I could do was whimper and shake my head. I tried to refuse, to say no to her words.

But she just let out a disappointing bark of laughter, and I whimpered a little harder. “Oh poor widdle Starlight, unable to even bear disappointment from her enemies? That's alright, you are still being primed, and this is good progress already.” She then laughed—this time a proper one, and it made me feel good. It was as if someone just injected pleasure straight to my veins, and it left me moaning and gasping, still kneeling on the ground.

She was happy with my condition like this, so I should stay, right? The loudest part of my head agreed with that conclusion. I... let loose of the few tensions that had been running all over my shoulders and back. I nuzzled against her touch, because it made everything seem to feel better. At how it seemed to stroke away any rebellious thoughts I had.

I should fight her. A part of me that hadn't been smothered all over was still whispering, telling me to rebel as much as I could. But as I looked up, towards those yellow slitted-eyes, I couldn't fathom why. Her eyes looked wonderful, and I knew I could lose myself further if I just stared deeper into them. To find out their secrets...

“It will be lovely, to just bring you to my main body like this.” She whispered, claws forming and trailing over my skin. My heart beat a little faster—not because I was scared she could cut me, but because of how easy it would come out of her. ”But this would only be temporary, so fight a little bit, Starlight.“ She kissed my cheeks then, and I feel the tingle spreading across them, turning my cheeks ablaze.

But her words were the trigger, the one that allowed me to find the will back. The one that had been smothered and hidden by the fog, and yet found once more when she told me to. I grasped it, half desperate as I realised how bad my situation was. Upon how much I had given up and gave it all to the sweet temptations of the flowers.

It was hard to grab back my own will. It was slippery, trying to get away from me. That it would be easier to just fall back into that sweetness, into temptation and desires and just allow myself to indulge with these flowers and fruits.

I blinked, and my eyelids were heavier when I lifted them up. No, I... I needed to fight this. I tried to focus on the feeling of the demon's nails against me, at how even now she was tracing across my skin slowly and gently. Not enough to penetrate and make me bleed, but enough to distract me and make me blink.

She was drawing something across her lower stomach, the motion feeling like it all had a purpose. I should fight it, but it was all I could do to keep myself in the present, trying to find my own power once more. It should be burning within me, and yet now it was smothered all over too—the fire flickering and weak.

Still, I grasped it. The woman, the monster, was giggling happily as her nails moved faster through my stomach, leaving me squirming a little as I focused more on my mind—my soul.

Everything felt different when I finally grasped the fire, especially when it *blazed*. The warmth... was different from what I had. This one burned away the fog, pushing away the constant languidness and pleasure I had associated across my physical body.

My body lights up too in real life, filling with power and everything else. It was easier to think now, even if I could still feel the undercurrent of arousal, of warmth that promised everything within. But I shook my head and focused on the enemy.

And yet before I could do anything, the demon had leaned forward, gave me a deep kiss on my lips—one that made it tingle and made me dizzy despite the power surging beneath my skin. I moaned against her touch, and her tongue easily swiped in. She played me like a fiddle, doing it a little longer until she finally let me go.

I should try something, as she was just standing there for a bit. Smirking, smiling down at me with full of condescension. It shouldn't be making my stomach twist excitedly. But I stood there in silence, stunned and not doing anything as she gave me another peck before backing off once more, dragging her lips across my skin and making me shiver and moan. My eyes closed for a few seconds, even.

“We'll meet again, Starlight dear.” She whispered, sending shudders down my spine. Even though she wasn't even close, I couldn't even think of doing anything, before she turned around and fizzled away—leaving me alone here.

Alone and desperate, with the fruits looking increasingly attractive. I suppressed it as best as I could, despite my head slowly becoming foggier with every second that passed. I was still kneeling after all, inhaling all the sweet scent the flowers were giving off.

I stood back up slowly, legs shaky. I had to get away from here, preferably as soon as possible.

The flowers were still like a siren song, the scent calling to me as I moved away. But I knew that if I wasn't in transformed form, I wouldn't be able to fight it. Not that... demon, not the flowers.

It hurt to know that.

I kept myself transformed as I walked, despite the toll I knew it would have on me. Before being sent here, I never transformed for more than a few hours at most. But now I was constantly using it, and I could feel the strain in my mind already. I didn't think I could even try to fight.

But first, I had to find some sort of shelter. I had gotten distracted by the flowers and then that demon—the thought of them made me flush, and my lower stomach to throb, but I squeezed those feelings down. Nope, I couldn't think of that. Or doing anything about the heat all over my body, really.

I looked around, and all I could see was more forest. More trees and shrubberies. While I couldn't hear any sort of animals or insects, I still didn't want to sleep on the ground. Just in case.

The sky was darkening too, as the few lights I could see through the foliage was now becoming orange, signs of the sun setting. I needed to find somewhere to rest...

Maybe I should try to jump up again. Uncertainly, I looked towards one of the sturdy-looking trees. Walking to it, I rubbed around the bark and squeezed it, and felt glad that this time, they didn't feel mushy at all. There were saps, but those tingles it left on my skin was probably fine.

I climbed it, trying my best to find one foothold over another. I didn't jump this time, figuring that lifting my whole body up like that would be worse than climbing. It wasn't a bad idea, until I realised that my body ended up rubbing against the barks. It felt good. My skin felt so sensitive, and my mind wanted me to do even more.

By the time I managed to reach the top of the tree, I was panting and too aroused to think. My body was shaking slightly as I looked around, noticing it wasn't high enough. Not yet anyway. I needed to climb up a little bit more and balanced myself against the branch, as there wasn't a great foothold up there.

But before I did so, I noticed that this tree didn't seem too bad if I decided to lay down. I would be covered by the foliage, and it was high enough that any possible predators probably wouldn't see me. And it wasn't so high I wouldn't be able to just jump down. The only problem would be the little saps that were still clinging to her skin but that should be fine.

I ignored those the best I could, and climbed up a bit more. It took a few minutes before I finally passed through the dense leaves and finally poked my head through the treetops and allowed me to see what was outside this place.

There were oceans of greens, trees everywhere. But afar, I could see the start of blue... which might mean water. That reminded me how the only liquid I had was from that fruit I sucked, and I flushed a little remembering its form. It all worked out, even if the warmth in my belly seemed to still be there.


Tomorrow I would walk towards those blue areas, which I would guess would either be a lake or the ocean. Either way, a water source would be possible. For now, I went back down and laid myself down against the treetop. It felt good, especially when I let go of my transformation.

Even the little movement I did to make myself more comfortable made me moan, and I ended up unintentionally rubbing myself against the tree even more. Even though I knew I should sleep soon, I just—let my instincts run havoc for a bit. Let myself get tired and sleep.

I didn't know when I finally slept, but when I woke up once more… The sun had risen again, high into the sky. I would guess it was around ten in the morning. Not hot yet, but soon.

All parts of my body was still tingling,, as yesterday's effort ended up with me just being frustrated over all the feelings I had, before finally falling asleep. A part of me wanted to just spend a little more time here, just trying to reach the peak.

But I slapped my cheeks at that thought, understanding that it was just my desire talking. Or maybe it was because of the air? I wasn't sure, but my thoughts were weirdly focusing on carnal matters, despite the fact I really shouldn’t think about those. This place was dangerous! Like those lewd flowers and fruits… I flushed at the memories of them, and my lower stomach felt tight again.

The stinging from my cheeks helped me to focus again though at least, and I went back up to check where I should go before going back down again. Today I should be able to reach the lake. Hopefully.

I didn't have anything much to prepare, so soon enough, I was already walking on the road—untransformed this time. Tiredness was nestled deep within me, a fatigue that was deeply set in my soul and not merely my body. Resting my magical girl form would be the best choice for now, as I would need my transformation when I was in danger. Who knew what could possibly happen while on the road?

Frankly, there was nothing happening. No monsters, no weird scents to lure her away from her path. Not even something like the trees were actually moving and I ended up walking in circles instead of straight. Maybe I let my thoughts run away from me too much, but I was glad for that.

I was, frankly, too tired for more things to happen. For now, I was glad when I started to feel a strong breeze coming from the direction I was going, one that smelled like fresh water. Not a salty breeze I would associate with oceans, so it meant I could finally have some water...

As I thought about that, I realised that it was weird I wasn't feeling hungry or thirsty since yesterday. Was the liquid from the fruit that effective in quenching hunger and thirst? Maybe I should have plucked a few? But then again, considering the danger in that clearing, it was probably best I had left them all behind.

My cheeks were red from all the embarrassing events happening there, from how lewd I was acting to how easy I had found myself ensnared. Then that kiss... It was so good. My lower stomach throbbed slightly from the memory, and I had to press my legs together for a moment.

I want more.

Those were the kind of thoughts that plagued me as I walked, and even while the shrubberies and trees were finally thinning. It was merely a few minutes more walk until I came out of it, and an expanse of blue greeted my eyes.

Grasses still followed out of the forest of course, a few metres in until I was closer to the lake's edge. Where the only greeneries I could see were the mosses growing on the rocks. The place looked wonderful, a peek of nature that I had never seen before.

I took another deep breath, letting the fresh breeze chase away the smell I had grown used to in the forest. One that made my cheeks flush again when I realised how much of that scent I had inhaled. The smell of arousal...

But this one was better. I slowly walked to the lake's edge, letting my hand felt a little bit of the water. It was cool against my skin, and it was so, so clear. I could see straight towards the bottom of the water, full of sand and soil. A little green here and there, but they weren't the majority.

Nothing was around here, just like the forest. And as I looked around, there didn't seem to be any suspicious plants too, ones that could maybe lure me deeper into the water. All I could see was water, with winds making small waves here and there.

I watched the lake for a few moments, just standing and resting. Slowly realising how much my body was covered in dirt and sap, and the feeling of leaves against my skin was starting to feel unbearable. I needed to do something.

My hand slowly came down, gripping the hem of my clothes. I feel dirty and sticky. The water looked so fresh and clean, a promise of what my body would be if I got in. If I just bathed within...

I didn't even realise it when my hand had since pulled off my shirt, leaving me in my underwear. The pants hadn't joined in, but I knew I would take them off soon. The breeze caressed my skin gently, lovingly. It didn't feel cold.

Without much thought running in my head, my pants joined my shirt too. Even in my desirous state, I didn't take my underwear off. But in the end, I still walked forward, into the water. The lake lapped my skin, and yet it wasn't cold. I felt myself shuddering a little bit, even with the unfulfilled expectations.

I waded myself deeper, allowing the water to wash away the sap and dirts clinging to my skin. It felt good, to finally be able to wash myself. But when I walked deeper—I could feel something against my skin. Nothing much at first, but there were some sort of pressure against me, ones that didn't feel like water.

The friction increased, slowly but surely. At first, I could dismiss it as water, but when I barely could even walk forward, I was sure there was something wrong. The danger alarm rang in my head, and I tried to back off—only to find I couldn't.

Something pressed against me, all around my body. Akin to sap, and yet not, soft and spongy. They surrounded me, and this time, my nakedness was against my interest. My skin tingled fiercely, making even the feeling of water, or whatever this was, pleasurable.

It felt good, to have my skin caressed and touched. At how my body was fondled all around, and yet trying to kick and fight just made me bob in place. The water tightened its hold against me, making me sure I wasn't just dealing with the lake but something else.

I shakily opened my eyes, trying to see what could be causing all these. The lake's water was still clear, so clear it allowed me to see how there were blobs of something moving around within the water, surrounding my skin and rubbing against me. Something soft and liquidy, much akin to jellies—these must be slimes, and I was in the middle of a pile of them.

I tried to pull my limbs away, a memory of how slime could melt skin coming to the forefront of my mind—but there was nothing. My underwear melted against their onslaught, but I couldn't focus on them. All I could feel was how soft they were, caressing against my body. My tingling and sensitive body, every touch sending a jolt of pleasure all across my nerves until they combined within my lower stomach.

The fog of desire and want were forming again in my head, turning my brain empty. For the fog was swallowing everything else, forcing me to only think of the sensations, to only focus on the feelings that it was dragging out of me.

My legs jerked, when I felt a few of the slimes seemingly questing towards the bottom of my feet. It tickled, and I tried to get away—but the other ones kept me in place. I couldn't drown, as the slimes were numerous enough to keep me floating on the lake. All I could do was feel their soft touches and caresses, no matter where it went.

Some of them quested curiously towards my private areas, going towards the hole between my legs. Slowly touching them, for there was no more barrier between them and my body. The underwear had long since melted away, leaving me completely naked, and at their mercy.

I should transform, but whenever I focus away from the present—one of the slimes would touch me somewhere sensitive, and I would be jerked back to the present. They were now rubbing all over my breasts too, lovingly touching and grasping them in their hold.

Everything was slow and languorous, making the pleasure feeling more akin to torture. As I knew all these touches would leave me in need, in wants and desires just like how my hole was slowly being lubricated by my own body because of my rising arousal.

“Please.” I whimpered, despite knowing the slimes weren't smart enough to understand my words. But I couldn't help it, as they seemed to know when to stop during their questing. Enough to give me strokes of pleasure, and spasms all over. But the cresting peak? There wasn't enough.

They continued, unrelenting, unforgiving. I was left with no recourse except for moans and gasps, unable to fight and left only with pleasure.

My skin continued to become more sensitive with every touch, with every rub. My desires came to the forefront, pushing away every other thoughts than just more.

I didn't know how long it continued, how long I was being touched over and over until I couldn't stand it anymore. My body couldn't get used to the feeling, every touch feeling as fresh and new as the one previous. Of course, I tried to get more friction against them, but the slimes felt slippery—and the skin that met them felt so, so good.

I couldn't help but moan, wiggling my body and trying to encourage them to do something else. More than what was being done. But despite the slime tightening their hold against me, the continuous rubbing never seemed to be enough to pull me to the present.

My body was being moved, but I couldn't focus on that, not when my body was hot and full of want and desires. I tried again and again, to shake my body against the slimes. And yet all it did was make me even needier, stoking the wants inside my body into a raging inferno.

I whimpered and begged, despite not understanding slimes. They merely continued their ministrations, unheeding of the effects it had on me—nothing beyond the way I grew wetter against their touch, and that encouraged them to move even more. Until my whole world narrowed onto their touch and nothing else.

I didn't know how long I was in their hold, for it didn't take long until the pleasure became too much, too fast without any sort of recourse. My life had narrowed into feelings, of nothing else except for the slimes and my own desire to reach something more—and yet unreachable.

It was only when I was finally put back onto the shore, I could only blink wearily, tiredly as my body slowly wound down back to normal. Or as normal as it could be, when the feeling of rocks and soils against my skin felt so wonderful. When the wind itself felt like there were fingernails gently moving against my skin. I moaned softly, my brain still soft and mushy to consider anything else.

This was how I was being, when a lamia came by, and saw how I was being. Upon how I tried to grind myself a little against the shore and yet cringing away when the sharp sides of the rocks pricked against my skin. The pain was unbearable, just like how the pleasure had skyrocketed into something more.

I whimpered, trying to stop myself from doing more. I had to stand back up, and go—somewhere. I didn't know where, just not here anymore. I didn't want to stick around and found that the slimes wanted to grab me back into the lake. No matter how much one part of my brain thought it would be a good idea.

My mind was still full of fog too, making me unable to do much else. I walked, trying to ignore how everything felt more sensitive. Even the way the wind caressed my skin was so... I whimpered softly, feeling my nipples perking up. When I tried to cover my body, my own palm made me tingle all over too. The soils and blades of grass felt like they were caressing my feet, and it was so, so hard to continue moving. To not just lay down and rub myself until I finished and stop being so wet and in heat.

“Oh my, I spy with my eyes a naked one, all ready and primed to be devoured, hm?” A voice called out, one that sent feathers caressing through my skin, one that made me whimper and gasp a little louder. “What are you doing here, all alone?” She said amusedly, and I could feel someone else's hand on me.

Her touch was heavenly. I moaned louder, feeling my own arousal reaching a higher peak—almost there, and yet it wasn't enough. Not yet. I moaned as she dragged her fingers all over my skin, sending my body shuddering in place despite everything. My eyes were still closed, and it would take effort to open them.

Her hand moved easily, not merely content to touch me wherever, but she also aimed to find my hidden spots. My weak spots that made me whimper a little louder in realisation that she could do more to me if she wished to. Luckily, she didn't seem like she would, or would that be unlucky?

My thoughts were all blown away when she touched me a little rougher. The way her nails dug into my skin sent my body jerking, pain and pleasure running my nerves ragged from sheer feelings. “S-stop...” I whimpered, trying to fight and make her stop. My hands were lifting up, trying to find her and stop what she was doing right now—But every time I thought I would be able to, she did something again with her touch, and I was left with whimpering and falling back down onto the ground.

I tried to open my eyes, to see who it was that was doing all these to me. It was a hard-fought process, the enemy easily finding my weak areas and taking advantage of my less-than-ideal position. By the time I managed to get a proper look at her, I was already drooling and gasping, still lying down on the cold soils and staring at how different she looked.

Much in the same ways as the other demon I fought, or like that one I saw in the clearing—she looked very human. Or at least, her top half was human, with merely the sharp fangs and forked tongue showing why she wasn't at all. Well, if I ignored how her bottom half was a snake body, thick and strong, before it finally tapered off at the end.

She was grinning down at me, baring her sharp teeth. Her hand never stopped her touch, too, and I still didn't get how my body wasn't getting used to these elevated levels of pleasure yet. All I felt right now was how everything seemed too much, and all I could do was focus on her and try to fight.

Or as much as I could, when I could only mewl and flail within her touch. She lifted me up easily, her tail coming round and round over my body—and made me feel how much muscle was hiding there, beneath the scales. The smooth and yet having ridges scale that sent my eyes rolling to the back of my head from the sheer amount of extra touches.

Moans and gasps escaped out of my mouth, drool accompanying them easily. Of course, I tried to fight, but all it did was make her squeeze a little stronger. Reminding me who had the bigger power here. I could probably equalise it, if I managed to transform. But that was a big if, and everytime she moved her tail, it seemed like she was outright activating every nerve I had. My thoughts were all swept away, leaving a blank canvas for her to play with.

“Nownow, there's no need to fight like that.” She pulled me closer, the grin feeling more sinister now. “Why don't you just be a good girl and look towards my eyes?”

Which meant I shouldn't, but with her tail ensuring I couldn't do anything, and her hands being free—there was only one path left to me from the start. Her fingers lifted my chin up, all gentle like. It felt more like a promise of what my future would be.

Maybe I should have closed my eyes, but I didn't believe my eyes could have made me stop. It was her tail, it was her strength, I would say. But those thoughts too, quietened down as I looked into her slitted pupils eyes. Gold, with freckles of darkness all around it, topped with the thin slit in the middle. I was agape, as I tried to look deeper, to find some sort of pattern within the eyes.

But the darkness seemingly moved when I tried to look away, and so I couldn't help it. I stared, I gazed deeper. I had to find out the secrets within her eyes. A few rays of light would come help from the sky, penetrating a little bit of those darkness within her eyes. The eyes teased me, promising me of a solution if I just spend longer, to just look deeper and wait a little longer. My brain was focused on it, my thoughts all turning towards it, slowly pushing away everything else.

Everything for solving the mystery...

She was saying something else, her touch still continuing through my body—but I couldn't really register them. My brain was just too full with what I was looking at. My body still shuddered, still jerking from the touches she gave. And yet, all I could focus on was within her eyes. Her beautiful, wondrous eyes that gave me all the promises in the world.

I just needed to look a little longer.

Just a little bit.

A little more.


A sharp sound brought me up, a snap of fingers against one another. Then she whispered next to my ears, “Drop, now.” accompanied by a downwards jerk.

And I fell.

My head was foggy still, sluggish and barely even able to think. I whimpered softly as I opened my eyes, barely even able to process the various colours I was seeing within the room.

The same demon was there, her tail still holding me tight. It felt reassuring, somehow. I should be afraid that she would squeeze tighter—but I couldn't even imagine her doing such a coldblooded gesture. All the tail did was somehow reassure me that I would... be safe?

But she was a demon, and demons... I was sure that I knew what should be said next, but my brain scrambled to find it. I wasn't sure what they would do. Monsters hurt people, that was why I fought them. But demons? I never met any, not before I met the one I fought against, the one that sent me to this place.

I gave a little moan as the lamia rubbed my body, allowing me to feel the fabric covering my private bits. The rest was still as bare as the day I was born, but I was covered slightly. They were soft fabric, and yet still sent electrical feelings across my spine as it rubbed my nipples, and I moaned as I started to get wet once more.

My skin was still as sensitive as ever, and her hold was more than I could stand. I pushed against them, not for getting out, because I knew I couldn't. But because I wanted to feel more friction against my body, feeling more and more until I was drowned within the sensation.

But then she tightened her hold, and I had no choice but to stop. “Mm, I'll love to let you continue, but we do need to have a little talk.” I whined softly, but that only led her to laugh. “Maybe we can play more before I let you go... after all, you are still needy, aren't you?”

Her tail lifted me up a little higher, and I could feel her eyes upon me, feasting upon my nakedness. She was looking straight at my private areas, the little fabric covering me wasn't able to do the job when looked at from below. I found myself growing wetter at the attention, blushing and causing my cheeks to darken.

“Your excitement is still growing, hm?” Her forked tongue slipped out, and it went straight towards my entrance—I screamed from pleasure as she took a long, slow lick all over. My skin was sensitive to the plants and slime, but this was more than I expected. This was too much, my body was just overloaded even with that simple touch. She didn't even do much beyond licking. “I could taste your growing wetness from here... But we aren't here for that, right?” She laughed, and gently brought me down once more.

I was gasping all the way, feeling dizzy and hot all over my body. I wanted more, and yet she wouldn't give it to me. “P-please...” My own mouth was a betrayal to me and my values, and yet I couldn't really stop it. Not with the inferno in my body, the wants and desires that had been growing since the time I knelt in that clearing. “I need more...” I whimpered, hoping and begging that this would make her do more with me. That she wouldn't just leave me stewing in my own juices.

“So desperate, huh?” Her hands went on my skin, and I shivered slightly upon the promise of it. Upon how much she could do, if she wanted to—after all, I was completely in her mercy. Her tail still surrounded me completely, and her touches wiped all my thoughts every time.

And yet, at the end, she just angled my head once more, making me gaze once more into those wonderful eyes. “Now let's do another proper session, one where you are more... aware and yet not.” She chuckled, gently trailing her nails across my collarbone and making me let out another whine.

What she said wasn't wrong though. My memories of when I first saw her eyes were fuzzier, even if I was certain many things were said and I agreed with all of them completely. Right now, all I wanted was to gaze back upon the beautiful eyes, the darkness with its promise of solution though. They were even better now, her eyes beckoning me to gaze deeper into its secrets.

“Take a few deep breaths for me,” She said, prompting me to inhale. “And let your thoughts out with your exhalation.” And that was the trap. I was stuck, my brain still fuzzy and yet I was certain that I was doing something wrong if I let the air out.

But I knew I couldn't do this forever. The air was within my expanded lungs, stretching my chest as I held my breath. Her hands still continued to touch me, and I found myself straining. My sight was growing fuzzy—and then it all came out in a rush. My chest deflated, and I could feel my thoughts going emptier.


Inhale. Hold. Exhale.

Every time I let go, the shorter I could hold my breathing. It became much, much easier to just let go. She set the rhythm, and I did it when she wanted me to release. My mind was empty, not even remembering why I even wanted to hold my breath anymore.

“Your mind is so empty and soft now, isn't it?” She asked me, and I couldn't help but nod. It was true, after all. “Just ready for what I wanted to put inside…” Her hands then brushed against my stomach, reminding me of the heat that had been burning there.

I whimpered, her choice of words and actions evoking very different thoughts. It reminded me of how empty I was down there, of how much I needed something—or maybe someone to fill me up.

“Soft and in heat just like a little pet.” A soft whine came out of my throat when she said that, a little attempt to disagree. But she rolled with it. “Pets answered with noises and sounds, and you are doing so.”

She's... right. I should be able to make some sort of denial, and yet all I could think of was how right she was being. I was... a pet. I was in heat and needy of her.

“Seems you are seeing it my way now. But you haven't got your collar yet, hm?” She asked, fingers coming up, gently caressing against the skin on my neck. “Still empty, no sign of who owns this little pet…”

I whimpered, her words making me realise how bare my neck was. How open and empty, and how perfect it should be with a band around it. A collar, to signify what I truly was. I let out another whine, the desire to be a pet forming strong inside me. Maybe she would even be my owner...? But that wasn't to be, as she chuckled from my behaviour.

“I will love to, little one. But someone else has put their stakes on you, and so all I'm doing is preparing you for her. You like that, hm? To have your mind moulded and changed for someone else?”

I should probably be in horror of what she was saying, but when those words previously would make me cringe in fear—all I felt was a rush of arousal, of pleasure running downstairs. I was even wetter than I was previously, at the thought of how much my way of thinking would be changed until I would just be an obedient pet.

“Everytime you feel good, you'll always associate it with this feeling. Of being obedient, of being told of what to think. What matters is what we think, not you.” She said, her fingers gently scratching me on my chin and made me flush even deeper. I felt so, so much like how an owner would look at a pet, and it was humiliating. And yet my body seemed to disagree on the thought I should be disliking it. “Everytime you are told to behave for us, you'll find that's a far more attractive option... and you'll feel good.”

Her hands had moved around, not merely content on touching my body. They had slowly gone downwards, towards the steadily dripping cunt of mine. The anticipation made it worse somehow, that it wouldn't feel as good—but then she reached it, and I moaned, even the barest touch sending fireworks across my mind. I didn't know what would happen if she was stroking it, or god forbid, fingering me.

“Your mind is running on so many scenarios, hm? But you are losing your attention, little pet. Come, look at me once more.” She gently, but firmly ordered me. Making my malleable mind helplessly turn and looking once more into the endless darkness within her eyes. “There, that's a good pet. Look and listen to me well.”

I nodded, because there wasn't anything else I could do. Maybe I could have tried to fight her before everything, but by now, I was too weakened. Desires ran around inside my head and my body, and yet right now it was easy to forgo them—what I wanted was to look into her eyes. To listen well about what her words would be.

“You'll go towards the castle, one you'll be able to see when I let you go. Within the castle, you'll finally see her, the one who will become your owner. She'll put a collar on this wonderful neck too.” She laughed slightly as she caressed my neck, sending shivers across my body. “For now, don't transform and stay a good girl, who listened obediently when others tell you what to do~”

I nodded, the words easily rattling around in my head. I knew it would stick for a while at minimum, and despite knowing it was bad, a part of me couldn't help but like it. It was, after all, an extension of what she said when she told me to enjoy being changed. Warmth curled in my stomach at that thought, that even as I was staying like this, I was already being changed, and even followed her words.

“Good girl. Now it's time for you to go on the next parts of your journey hm? One to turn yourself into a beloved, obedient pet.”

One moment, I was staring enraptured into her eyes, the next moment she turned her head, and I found myself able to think once more. I blinked slowly, my mind taking its time to reboot. It didn't help that as she was releasing me, she deliberately allowed her tail to scrape across my skin—releasing bursts of pleasures all across them. I moaned, jerking slightly from within her tail. All to get just a little more of that good feeling.

It finished far sooner than I wished to, and she finally no longer held onto me. I should think of this as a good thing, and yet there was an uncomfortable churn in my stomach. I wanted her to hold onto me once more, but I knew I should start moving.

“Hm? Why are you staying, pet? You know where you should go.” Her words were sweet, but I knew how insidious it was.

If I just stayed and listened to her, I knew I wouldn't move. I would go deeper and deeper into her words, the ones that still rattled within my brain. To just listen obediently—no.

I should stay? My feet had lifted up, about to move forward. But I was frozen, my defiance trying its best to fight against the order that had slowly pressed my thoughts. I needed to go—but to do that meant I was following her orders.


This time, her word was like a knife, piercing through any defence I thought I could have made. My feet went down, and I could feel myself start moving forward. Out of this—tent? I didn't even realise I had been moved from the lake...

“Hehe, we'll see each other again in the future, little pet. I can't wait to see you collared and being good.”

“I-I won't end up like that!” I shouted out, even if the effort was way more than it should be. I whimpered straight away, feeling like I was being bad and I would soon be scolded.

The lamia immediately came close, her power so strong and yet merely curling all around me—she didn't do it physically. But the strength was enough. I knew the difference, especially when I wasn't able to transform like this. “Oh? You want to be a bad girl then? You want to be a disappointment?”

I whimpered upon hearing her words. That thought made me feel nauseous, accompanied with an uncomfortable, twisting feeling deep within my stomach. I shook my head immediately.

She smiled, cruel and condescending upon how quick I flipped my stance. She grasped my cheek, not for turning my head up to look at her again, but just to caress them. Telling me of how much power she was holding all over me, at how easily she could break me over her knees if she so wished. “Then stop being a bad girl, or I'll have to punish you.” Her whisper was dangerous, both making my body feel excited, and telling me I didn't want to be on her bad side.

I nodded quite quickly after that. “Y-yes…” There was a word I wanted to say afterward, but my throat was clogged before I could say it. I was glad, because if I did say it, then I should just stop being a magical girl.

She's still the enemy after all! The lamia was a demon, and I had to fight all of them for sure. They were way more dangerous than monsters, who while dangerous, were more beholden to their base and animal instincts than anything else.

”Good girl.“ She said, finally releasing her hold on me. ”Now go, before I change my mind and take you here and now...“ Her eyes glowed momentarily and I found myself looking at it. The light glowed and filled my head, erasing easily any supposed thoughts I was supposed to have. Just like an eraser wiping away the dark writing on the blackboard.


The sound jolted me awake. I was in a fog moments ago, no thoughts, not even consciousness. I just do.

It was a comfortable existence, but one that made me chill, despite the warm air. I definitely should be more careful when I meet that demon again, as I didn't know what else she could do beyond everything she had shown to me.

I should just focus on the present, though. It was surprisingly hard, my mind seemingly wanting to go back to that unfocused, and yet comfortable way of thinking. No need to really ponder all that much, just live and do. But slowly and with all my wills, I managed to focus back onto the present.

Crunch of sand. Hot, arid air. The sun beating down upon me. Sweat formed on my skin, making the few fabrics I wore sticking straight to me. I groaned softly as the surroundings came to a focus, and all I could see were dunes of sand straight ahead of me. Everything was the same, with nothing in sight. There were a few cacti, of course, but once again, I saw no other lifeforms here in the desert.

I wanted to groan, to scream at the unfairness. Because my mind continued its siren song, if I would just allow the fog to reclaim my mind—I could skip these discomforts. It was tempting.

But I tried to fight it. It was unreasonable to think I could skip everything and just went with the easier choice. After all, I didn't know what would be the hidden cost within that choice. What would I pay? The fact that it was just a fog at the edge of my mind was even scarier though.

So I turned my thoughts outwards, to focus on reality. The desert showed itself even clearer, but even this far, I could see where I should be going. There was no questioning of it, I just did it.

I shall reach the castle on the horizon, no matter what people said.

I didn't know how long I walked. All I knew was at the end of it, I didn't try to put myself back into the promise of safety and comfort throughout my journey. Instead, I had tried to fight back, focusing merely on just one step after another, without stopping.

The sands had turned itself back onto dense soil, with vegetation slowly sprouting across the ground. The land here was weird, and this was the most obvious example—it was as if someone had just patched one type of land with another without much regard for anything else.

The forest into the lake was much the same. The grass and tree seemingly stopped being so thick, and all of a sudden I was there, next to the lake. And now here, the desert seemingly stopped, and then I was near some sort of forest once more. I could hear the roar of water, rushing through the river too.

No sounds of birds or insects still, though. It was... weird. Nonetheless I continued my walk, just trying my best to keep my focus despite the fog slowly tightening all around my thoughts. Its whispers were insidious and dangerous, continuing to tell me that it would just be so much easier if I allowed it to swallow all of me. To just let go of these futile resistances and be a good girl.

I shivered slightly at the thought, knowing how good it would be to do that. But I couldn't. Not like this.

When I finally arrived far nearer to the castle—the building so close I had to strain my neck if I wanted to see the top, I was stopped by some sort of river. The roar of the water was even louder here, and I watched the sparkling clean water for a moment.

Despite the fact there wasn't any fish within, it still looked beautiful and pure. I knelt near the raging water, and slowly lowered my neck towards it, swallowing and drinking them despite the rush. It felt good, cool and doused the parching I had been feeling while walking through the heat in the desert.

I wanted to take a dip, but the way it was moving so fast seemed dangerous. Instead, I stood back up and pondered if there was a way to go through...

It was at this moment I saw a shadowy blur passing by. My old instincts, the one that had been softened by what had happened, screamed that that was a danger. The newer ones seemed to be just excited, wishing to know who it was. And if they would be ordering us so we can, once more, be a Good Girl.

I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment before running towards where I saw it was moving. I might be too late because of all of those thoughts, but still, it's better to try something than never, right?

It didn't take long until I saw some sort of wooden bridge up ahead, and I immediately ran there. Finally, something I could use to get through the river. But that elated feeling didn't last long.

There was already someone standing in the middle of the wooden bridge, a tall someone, with long, black hair and a scar across her face. I gulped upon the sight, suddenly floundering and wondering if I should go away instead. Seek if there were maybe another bridge around.

“Stay there, Starlight. You are finally here, still standing... even if you aren't transformed.” With such a close distance, I could see her body, full of muscles and ready, even if most of them were covered with a cloak of some sort. “I told Her that I wanted to be the one who dragged you here, you know? But she told me no.”

Who is this her she was talking about? I didn't know, but it might be whoever the lamia was obedient towards. I still felt wobbly, especially comparing it to this one standing in the middle of the bridge. She was just standing relaxedly, and yet I could feel it in her stance, that she was ready to attack at any moment. I tried to emulate what she did, but I felt woozy, a dizziness that seemed to make my head spin while doing so.

I whimpered and stopped trying that hard, much to the amusement of the woman? Demon? She laughed at me. “Hah, I see they have done quite a number on you. But well, that didn't matter. Transform, girl. We'll have a little spar here and now.”

Those wordings somehow allowed me to remember that I could have transformed. And then I would be able to just jump across the river, I knew I was strong enough for that. But that was too late. I narrowed my eyes against the enemy, despite my body telling me how bad of an idea it was. “You'll regret it.” I hissed, voice a little too small.

But she still answered me easily. “No, that's you. You'll see our difference, and then see where your position is, pet.” She laughed again, cruel and making me flinch. The way she spat it sounded like an insult, but—but the lamia never did it that way. She said it was such a prized position, that I should want, yearn to be one. “Hah, look at you. The snake had done her homework, hadn't she? But it doesn't matter.”

I clutched my head, feeling the pain intensifying the more I tried to reconcile the way she acted with me and how I was supposed to be. Everything felt wrong, not right. In the end, I fell back on what she wanted me to do. To fight her.

I let go of my head, trying my best to breathe properly. She was grinning when she saw that, moving her feet so she stood a little wider. I focused on myself, trying my best to find that flicker of hope I always keep inside me. The power I was bestowed to have.

Breathe deep. Breathe out.

I allowed my mind to calm down, slowly. She was letting me do this, and I ignored the sounds of bones stretching and cracking. I focused on myself, and tried my best to ignore the way my body shuddered slightly against the wind. My skin was still so sensitive, even if it wasn't as bad as before.

But the most important thing was the power burning within my chest, my soul. I grasped it, and I could feel it throughout my whole body. Gasps escaped out of my throat at the feeling, so, so different from usual. Warmth so hot it almost burned seemed to light up all across my limbs, my skins and nerves. I moaned, the feeling spreading all across my body. From the tips of my fingers to the core of my stomach.

But as the fire burnt, I could feel my stomach clenching. Heat. Liquid heat seemed to warm my core up, and I pressed my legs together at the feeling. But as I realised how much my body was aroused, the feelings all went away all at once—and I reopened my eyes once more. I had finished my transformation.

I still felt a little dizzy, but my feet still stayed upright. I didn't fall down. My body was distracting me all over, and yet I still managed to focus on the enemy as I opened my eyes. She had changed her form completely.

No more was she covered in cloak, instead furs had covered every inch of it. They were mostly russet in colour, dark, with a few parts seemingly only showing scarred skin. No fur would grow there. Her face had since changed to be more canine-like, with two wolf ears flicking on top. She showed off her teeth, grinning slightly at the soft whimper that came out of my mouth. “Heh, no longer covered with white, aren't you?” She said, before jumping forward, ready to fight against me.

I instinctively jumped up, dodging away from her swipes—her claws gouged the bridge slightly, but the woods held. My eyes were wide as I saw that, those were weapons of murder. She could kill so easily. I landed back on one of the wooden pillars around the bridge, and she swirled her body around to look at me, still grinning.

“Oh, don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you if you don't jump up. I can stop before the claws even drew a single drop of blood.” She said, flexing her claws a little bit. They were sharp, even I could see it from this far.

I gulped, a little bit shaky. I was completely on the back foot here, my transformation... still felt weird on me. Where before the outfit would feel comfortable against my skin, now they seemed to distract me, as if reminding me of their constant presence. They also felt tight in a few places, but I couldn't really check, not now when I needed to focus on this werewolf.

The demon merely grinned in delight, motioning for me to come at her. She was extremely flexible, and her gait showed how comfortable she was in this animal form. A mixture of wolf and human, with longer limbs and yet still moving as fluid as a hunting predator.

Instead of jumping down towards her taunt, I breathed again, trying to find some sort of calm. To feel the usual power of light within my chest. It was warm there, seemingly growing easily when I tried to grasp them. But then they dropped down to my lower stomach, and I had to conceal a soft whimper from the feeling that rampaged through me there.

“Hmm? Not going down eh?” She cracked a few of her joints, especially on her shoulders. Then she jumped up, her claws hooking onto the wooden pillar I was on. I was agape as she easily scaled up, the claws sinking and letting go of the pillars with every movement she made.

I immediately jumped to the one on the other side, which she caught up on at almost the same time. The sound of the woods being scrabbled on would definitely stick onto my nightmares. I had to hurry.

Forming my usual weapon was making me whimper, fog seemingly rushing through from around the edges of my mind. It was hard to pay attention to her properly, especially to think of her as an enemy. The way she moved, the way she flexed her muscles to catch onto me as I jumped from one pillar to another—I felt myself growing wetter with each of those sights.

Her snarls too, sent shivers across my spine. That nearly caused me to get caught, her claws nearly coming onto me. And the thought of her catching me, pushing me down and—I flushed and tried to push those carnal thoughts away. This was getting worse, the longer I fought her.

But at the same time, it was weird that she seemingly still couldn't catch me...? I was still dodging away from her, as if she was just one beat slower than me. Blinking in confusion, I momentarily stopped on one of the last few pillars—I would eventually be caught soon anyway.

Then she also stopped, waiting for me with amusement dancing within her eyes. “Hm? Do you have enough with this cat and mouse situation then?” She asked me, making me clench down below from the shivers. “Heh, don't try to hide it from me. I can smell your arousal from a mile away, with how wet you are.”

Sadistic, desire, those seemed to emanate from her too. I shuddered and shook my head, much to her laughter. “*Come down*, little pet. It's my mistake to treat you so seriously.” The way she said it felt like physical pressure, and I had to actively stop myself from falling onto my knees right then and there. The werewolf easily jumped down from the pillar, shaking the whole bridge for a moment. She then turned around and gave me a considering look, just... waiting for me to do it.

The pressure increased. I was being bad, by not doing it. But why was I following their orders in the first place anyway? But not doing so was being disobedient, and didn't I wish to be a good girl?

My head hurt, just from trying to make sense of things. But the werewolf wasn't dangerous anymore, so despite some misgivings, I jumped down too. The slowing down of my adrenaline allowed me to finally feel everything I was trying to ignore moments ago.

Warmth. Heat. Desire. Wetness.

They were all mixed together inside my body, and I just couldn't help it anymore, I let myself fall onto my knees. My thighs were still pressed together, but I felt so much more. I was wet and empty and aroused, and yet—

The werewolf walked closer, the claws scraping deliberately against the woods. She knew what those sounds would do to me. I whimpered, looking up at her. Her height helped to make her even more imposing, a grin spreading over her snout. The bared teeth look sharp.

I shuddered as she stopped right in front of me, her waist pretty much eye-level. My cheeks flushed at the proximity, and I looked away, trying to ignore the musk I could scent rolling off of her now. An earthen spice, one that stuck onto my throat with every inhale.

“You like it? But I suppose you are a lil' stronger than most girls, usually when I'm in this form, they can't hold themselves back once they smelled me.” She chuffed as she nosed herself a little closer, sniffing me just like how I was doing to her. “Mm, you are also going as well as she wanted to be. I suppose she really knows what she's talking about by bringing you here.”

“Who's... she?” This close, the musk overrides any other scent I could originally get. No more I could smell the river, or the woods. Instead, it was all hers, the heavy musk of a wolf, but also her own scent. The earth, the spice, there was warmth there. One that was making me whimper and trying to get more of...

“Mm, someone you'll meet soon. I'll love to do more with you, but she'll be angry with me if I claim your body.” She giggled a little, before backing off and giving me some clarity back.

I didn't want to really interrogate why her proximity melted my mind off like that, so all I did was glare at her as she backed away. It didn't take long before she ran towards where I came from, and after a few blinks, she was pretty much gone from my sight. Her speed was indeed something to take note of. Especially when she wasn't a slouch in the strength department either.

I was glad she didn't try to be serious, but it showed how much I was over my head here. Things were going wrong, and yet I couldn't do anything except wishing they would let me be...

I sighed before looking down onto my outfit. It was still covering most of my skin, but now they were a little more... skintight, if I want to say it. As I rubbed my fingers against my outfit, I could also feel how it wasn't some sort of textile anymore, but something else. More like latex, if I wanted to think of one type of material. But that didn't make sense, a magical girl outfit couldn't be changed.

I shook my head, pushing my numerous worries out of my mind. It was probably the effect of this place on my body... The warmth I could still feel curling in my core didn't help too, for sure.

Standing back up, I turned my attention towards the castle up ahead. From the way the werewolf talked about it, whoever decided I should be brought here seemed to live there. It was time to give them a visit, wasn't it?

The castle was confusing. Corridors, rooms with function I didn't understand, halls, and even more corridors... The more I walked here, the more I was certain it was a deliberate trap, so I would continue walking aimlessly. After all, that would be perfect for them, for whoever that her the werewolf was talking about.

I had a feeling whoever it was, had to be their leader. This place made me more aroused the longer I was inside, my lower body growing wetter with every step I took. All thanks to the little fabric the lamia put on me, for they were placed strategically. They were rubbing against my nipple and clit with every step I took, and the friction felt wonderful. Not so much I would come, but enough to leave me bothered and wanting.

The sweet scent I had been following wasn't helping though. Some parts of my mind knew that this smell might be a trap, might be a part of a bigger plan that they were planning. But every time I thought I should maybe look elsewhere, I couldn't help but take a deeper inhale. The sugary taste seemingly made my thoughts sticky and slow, and I just felt it was so hard to think of looking elsewhere.

Besides, a scent would spread across the castle even more, so there probably wasn't anywhere without it. Or that was what I convinced myself, as I followed the syrupy smell across the corridors. Finding where the source was, for this had to be a problem I could solve.

Maybe their leader was the source! That would be perfect. A soft smile spread across my face at that thought, a little excitement running across my stomach. I ignored it, certain that it was because I wanted to fight her and not anything else, really.

As I came to that decision, it became easier to navigate through the castle. I seemingly stopped finding the same set of rooms, corridors and halls now. New parts of the buildings opened themselves up to me, and I even passed through a library. I was curious, but before I could even start a book, I let myself be pulled again by the scent. Maybe after I was finished against her, I would be able to take a proper look.

Leaving behind the wonderful, huge room filled with ink and manuscripts, I continued my walk. The scent had now been completely soaking me throughout, from the top of my head to my feet and I was finding it was increasingly hard to think.

I didn't realise it, but the fog in my mind had grown to the point where I didn't know where it started and where it stopped. Every other thing seemed to be swallowed by the muzzy feelings in my head, leaving me confused every few minutes, or maybe even seconds. All I was left with was the certainty to follow the scent, akin to sugary trail left for ants.

Would the end result be a poison for me? I didn't think so, but I also found that I couldn't trust my thoughts anymore. Not when imagining how she would look made my lower body tingle in certain ways, and my thighs pressing together in urgency. I knew I shouldn't be feeling like this, but I couldn't deny it. Not anymore. I wanted this so badly.

It didn't take long before I found myself in front of another set of doors. This time, they were larger than any of the other ones I had gone through previously, much akin to the ones I passed through to get to the entrance hall. My hands moved forward before I could stop it, touching the wooden door gently.

There were a ripple of power, one that made me jerk my hands off in surprise. I blinked as the door swung open on its own, and I could see that I had arrived at the throne room. For there was a horned woman sitting there upon the throne, and even from this far, I could smell it.

The strong scent of syrup and honey, ones that had been addling my mind ever since I came across that flower clearing within the forest... All of those came even stronger from her. The room was chock-full of it, and the act of opening the door sent it all straight to my face. I inhaled them all into my lungs, making my thoughts running so slow and stupid.

The woman was also slowly standing up as I took a few deep breaths, unfurling a pair of wings on her back, and a tail slowly swinging from one side to another. She grinned, showing off her sharp fangs even from this distance. “Welcome, Starlight. You have gone through my wonderful domain, looking and feeling various entertainments provided... Meeting my subordinates, even.” Her voice was resonant, and it was a powerful tool combined with the scent.

Her words seemed to stick into my mind, insisting and demanding my attention without giving them back the moment it held them. I was stunned, trying to parse through what she said and yet unable to get through them. I understood them, individually, but it was hard to connect them into a wider context. I frowned, and her smile became a touch bigger—which shouldn't make me feel a little warmer. The thought I was making her a little happier was good.

Nonetheless, she was slowly walking down, away from the throne and closer to me. Even this far, I could feel her strength, stronger than that werewolf that was merely playing with me. A churn passed through my stomach, a flicker of worry that I wasn't worthy running through my mind.

Wait. I didn't want to do anything with her though. I wanted to defeat her. I shook my head, and I felt everything swam with it. Too dizzying, but that didn't change my duty. To fight her. Even if I was too overpowered—for a brief moment, I could imagine it. How it would look like as I tried to fight her, as she showed me where I was supposed to be.

Those images were enough to make me blush, and she laughed at me. “Mymy. Do you mind telling me what it is that makes you so embarrassed, hm?” There was a tug there, one that hooked my brain and made me open my mouth.

It was far too easy to follow along. “I was thinking of... you on top of me, pressing me down until I can't even fight off your advances.” Saying them made the images even clearer, one I could see despite the fact she was still far away from me. I... should walk closer to her too. To get to the source of the scent.

“Good girl.” She said, and I couldn't breathe for a moment. My whole body shuddered a little bit, cheeks flushing slightly at the words chosen. She then snapped her fingers, and I could hear the doors closing behind me. No way to get away now, and I was at a severe disadvantage. Within this room, there was no way for the scent to disperse, and I could smell the sweetness getting ever stronger. She was still letting off even more. ”Now, do you prefer to pretend you can fight me, or do you rather me dominating you straight away, hmm?“

Pretend? I wished to say that wasn't true—but as I opened my mouth, I realised that she was right. Even now, it was hard to think of her as an enemy. Her strength was incomparable, so much stronger I wasn't even in the competition. My condition didn't help, the cloying sweetness that turned my thoughts muzzy and unreliable.

Before I could try to say anything else, she had walked right up to me. So, so close that I could only smell her, the hidden spices beneath the sweetness. She smiled, and I wanted to kneel to get more of it. Every other thought slowly grounded to a halt, turning like a planet orbiting the sun—and she was my sun.

”That's right, no need to think of anything else.“ She breathed, one of her hands gently running over my chin. Her thumb swiped across my lower lip, and I couldn't help but open my mouth. ”Suck.“ She said, just as she placed the same digit in.

I did it, not even wondering why. Her thumb didn't taste much, even as I moved my tongue to lick around it, trying to see if there were flavours I was missing. When she finally pulled it out, there was a popping sound, and that furthered the blush spreading across my cheeks. She licked the thumb too, smirking as she saw my reaction.

”Already obedient, my little snake has done her job well.“ She had to be talking about her lamia, but it was hard to even remember what that demon had done. ”Now we should look elsewhere, upon every other part of you, hm? You shall be mine, and I can't wait to lay my claim upon you.“ Her thumb, still wet from my saliva and hers, came down, going across my stomach and stopping near my crotch.

She was gently running her thumb across my bare skin, leaving trails of saliva in her wake. I couldn't help but moan, the pleasurable feeling somehow oozing through my nerves and left me weak and wanting. I wanted to beg, but I couldn't form any words. Not now.

I wanted to press my body against her thumb, and that was shameless. I shouldn't be this weak, this pleasure-seeking monster I was becoming. And yet, to try fighting this wish felt like an impossible prospect. I whimpered, as she did something. Her fingers left warmth behind in my body, as if she was painting me but with heat.

My hands flexed for a moment, an attempt to fight this intimate moment we were sharing. But before I could, she looked straight at my eyes—and I looked away, relaxing my shoulders. We didn't say anything, but that little exchange showed our dynamics already. What she wanted to do, goes, what I wanted, depended on her decision.

The heat she left in my lower stomach was growing stronger with every stroke she did, and I moved a little, the uncomfortable feeling growing and making me restless. That made her glare, and I folded against that too. My body froze, and she finally continued her touch down there.

”Don't move, pet.“ She said, a little bit too cold. I shouldn't, but I ended up doing what she ordered me to. Even if I wanted to, it felt like my body was frozen, unable to move. ”Besides, I'm almost done with this. Just a little sign of who actually owns you.”

She said that so cheerfully, it was almost easy to just nod my acceptance. Before I realised what she had said and that made me jolt in surprise—and that seemed to be the last straw for her. “... So you aren't going to stop moving, you are insisting on being a bad girl.” Her voice was low, dangerous, and sent shivers down my spine.

The voice of a predator, of someone who was ready to show what it meant to be one. She stopped her gentle movement, and gripped me roughly before forcing me to fall onto the floor. She put herself on top, and now I could see her golden eyes narrowed down. “I was thinking to let you be a little more used to it, but now I see that I had to show you what it meant to be mine. That there was nothing else to do except obeying my orders.”

Despite my body seemingly finding this position arousing, making me wetter against my wishes—I found fear blooming inside me. That allowed me to push against her, to attempt fighting this effort she was making to lay claim over myself. If I let her fuck me, for I was certain that was the end goal now, I didn't think I could keep my mind.

But my movements were slow, erratic, and easy to withstand. She didn't even do anything much, merely gripped my wrists and put it on top, away from my body. Her fingers dig slightly into my skin, and I had to stop my attempt of resisting—anytime I did, she dug a little deeper, sending pains through my nerves.

It was hard to force myself to not move, but I had no choice. I whimpered as she did something else, and I could feel something binding my wrists above. This was just a nightmare, I tried to tell myself. But even closing my eyes didn't change anything, merely allowing me to feel even more of her touches.

With her hands freed, and me below her, she had the freedom to do this the way she wanted to. Far easier than if this didn't happen. She ran her fingers from my face ,slowly going down towards my neck, collarbone... and breasts. She smirked down upon seeing the two, hands automatically squeezing and grasping them.

I moaned.

There were no two ways about it. My breasts were so sensitive now that a different kind of touch—from just the rub of fabric against the nipples, into these squeezing and pinching was enough to make me moan out loud. It was so different from what I was getting used to the past few hours.

My feet thrashed slightly, but that had no effect against her. She continued fondling them for a few seconds more, drawing more pleasures that could melt the brain running through my nerves. My resistances were turned into something different, and I had to gasp as she pinched my nipples again.

The jolt of pain and pleasure melded together, and my restraint ended up elevating my feelings upwards. Slowly, she worked down from my breasts, kissing, caressing, touching my exposed skin. Nothing could stop her.

Even if I wore something else, I was sure that she would easily rip my outfit—far better that she was merely held back by the little fabric the lamia had fashioned for me.

Then she finally reached down, onto my most private place that no one else had ever seen before. Her fingers rubbed the entrance, and I had to bite my lips from crying out. That pleasure was more than what I ever had before, my own body betraying my soul. “Look at you, so wet already. I know you are aroused, but this is more than anyone else would be having, hm?”

I so wanted to refute her, but she didn't care for what I wanted to say. She merely sushed me when I opened my mouth, and she did—something.

The sweetness in the air sharpened for a moment, before my nose got used to it. But knowing it was there wasn't enough to fight the effects, and I knew how much it impaired my own judgement. The stickiness within my thoughts seemingly caught onto anything rebellious, leaving only obedient ones floating through my mind.

Her wings spread once more, and I found myself focusing upon them, the veins and blood vessels running across the thin membrane. They were dizzying, pulling my attention every other way as I watched. All seemingly without end, merely one crisscrossing over one another...

She was talking still, even while moving her wing ever so slowly to shift my eyes. Words like telling how I was her adorable pet, how much I just wanted to open my body to her, letting her do everything she wished to me was said, running over any words I wanted to say. Not like I could, as every time I tried, the wings moved, and I found myself silent once more.

Without any fight, all I could do was listen. And to listen means to understand, to agree. That's what she said, and it sounded so logical, so right and true. I nodded, which meant I had to agree, even if I could feel a hand touching my chin to move my head around.

In the end, it was so easy to allow her to take the lead, to control what it was I needed to do. While those were going on, I could just focus upon her wing, and let her words sink deep inside of me. They were inscribed, written inside of me. Always there, ready to be read and heard of again and again, everytime I wanted to hear it.

She tapped the side of my thigh, and I spread my legs, cheeks flushing as I realised how wet I had become. Her fingers gently ran through my entrance, and I moaned in response. Pleasure sparked through my nerves and body, straight into my already mushy mind. Even just a gentle touch was enough to bring me down.

I whimpered in desire and wants, knowing that this was wrong, and yet being unable to help it. This was what she inscribed within me, a part of her set of orders and commands. To become her pet, to want her, to desire her—and it was all true. Every time I gave her a look, all it did was make me realise how wonderful she was. How beautiful and powerful this demon queen was.

Her fingers were scissoring, stretching my hole as I gasped and pressed myself tight against her. More motes of pleasure, more desires that were flickering every which way upon my body. I was being brought to the peak, slowly but surely, and I knew there was nothing I could do but accept her ministrations.

And yet before I could have gone through the peak, she stopped deliberately. I keened at once, wanting, not even thinking of anything else. All I could think of was the fact she stopped before I could have reached the peak and that was frustrating, unbearable, even. But she hushed me, chuckling a little upon seeing my frustrations.

”It was me who decided how much to give you... and right now, you aren't doing much yet. Beyond keeping my fingers within you.“ Amusement bled through her words, and I was certain that she did all of that because she could, not because of anything else. However, before I could call her out of it, she moved her fingers deeper—and I loudly moaned.

This was how she spent the next length of time, making me moan and fuzzing my thoughts with all the pleasure. Oh, I tried so hard to get more than what she gave me, but she was more powerful. Add the fact I was bound still, and there was nothing I could do beyond hoping for her to be a little bit kinder.

She didn't.

The ebb and flow of enough pleasure to burn my brain out, and so little I could find my thoughts once more, were done over and over again—leaving me to be in such a condition I barely could think even during the downturn.

A babble of begging and whimpers escaped my mouth, and she was merely smirking and petting my hair at the end. “How much do you want me to allow you to reach it hm? To finally be able to come?”

Maybe that question was a trap, something to catch me with. But by now I was just consumed with need and wants. There was nothing else I could do, not with how she was playing with me. “Please. Please... I need it so much. I don't care what you do, but please allow me, please...” I begged, I whimpered, I didn't care for how bad it made me look. How much a magical girl shouldn't be like this, but anyone who could criticise me didn't know how much I had endured.

The amount of teasing I had gotten since the first time I was sent here. The amount of drugs and magic I was sure had been put within me, whether through injection or inhalation. Everything was too much, and she left me with enough mind to want more—even though I knew that this was the more delicate balance to tread.

But in the end, the only choice was to beg, to ask for her to give it to me. The smirk widened on her face, and with an excited flutter running in my stomach, I was sure that she would finally do it. I looked up at her with pleading eyes, and she caressed my cheek. It was gentle, even as her kiss against my lips were harsh, more bruising than anything else.

Her tongue came in too, and I realised how much this place had changed me. Even the caress of that managed to make me moan into the kiss, sparks of pleasure running across my mind. I couldn't help it, especially with how easy it was to just let her take the lead.

When she finally pulled off her kiss, finally taking out her fingers playing within my entrance, I let out a soft whine. I didn't like it, and I wanted her to come back. But those complaints were thrown out of the window when her hand went down, slowly dragging something out of her body.

Every stroke made it clearer, and I was fascinated. First the shaft formed, a thick, towering thing that could spear me so easily. Ridges and bumps I was sure weren't human's were there too. Then another stroke, and I could see the veins, and a few more until the head was formed...

My mouth watered despite what it represented. I should be disgusted, because having that meant she was planning one thing to do with me, one I shouldn't be wanting. And yet the musky scent merely made me wetter, my thoughts grounding to a halt as everything cascaded down into one thing.


I desired it so much I didn't even look away. She probably was grinning, smirking down at me, and it didn't matter—because she was the holder of it. She would fuck me with it.

“I see it in your eyes. You want it, don't you? You recognize that when I finally use this to fuck you, you'll reach that peak you so wished. To finally cum and become my little pet and slut.”

She was saying words that didn't really matter. Or at least I didn't have the capacity to think it did, not anymore. I could only beg for her to finally do it, to just turn me into her slut, her pet. “Please... please...!”

When she finally deigned to give it to me, to insert it into my entrance—I moaned so loudly that I was sure anyone standing outside this throne room would have heard it. Any concerns of those were blown away as she immediately set a fast pace, fucking me raw with her massive strength.

My body had grown used to smaller insertions, the fingers she originally used. But this dick, the way it rubbed, filled me was incredible, sending even more bursts of pleasures that fried my mind. I was left with merely asking for more, and tightening my body everytime she put her cock in.

She was moving her hands through my body too, pinching with one hand, biting my other nipple—I couldn't help it. Those were all enough to send me over the edge, and I came messily over the floor. My scream was even louder than before, and she too, reached her peak moments later.

Warmth filled the inside of my stomach, and I knew she had done something else with my body. For I could feel the lightning pleasure lancing across the surface of my stomach, much akin to how she was moving her fingers across them previously...

I looked down, and was able to see a symbol drawn across it. A stylized heart with wombs on its left and right side...

Her fingers came down, rubbing it and sending sparks across my body. A shiver of pleasure that made me remember what we just did moments ago.

“Congratulations, my Starlight. You are finally mine now. I'll use you, I'll fill you everyday... and you'll finally pay for all the monsters you have killed throughout your career.”

She whispered it to my ears, and despite the fact I should be in horror of it—I found that I wanted it, I wanted more of this. It showed how far I had fallen, and yet all that thought brought me was to feel wetter. To feel excitement running in my pulse as I looked obediently into the demon queen’s eyes. “Please…”

That was the end of me, of the magical girl known as Shining Starlight. The demon queen turned me, changed me from a magical girl into her pet, her slave... and that was all I wished for now. That was what I was useful for, and I smiled adoringly to my owner, my Mistress, with my heavy stomach, full of her offspring.

“Thank you, Mistress.”

Thank you for reading the story! I want to say thank you for my patrons, who have always supported me through thick and thin. For anyone who wants to read more of my works, you can patron me on my Patreon! You will be able to read more of my story, as well as gaining faster access to my works as well. I tend to publish 1-2 works per month in my Patreon, and I will release whatever's on patreon to the public after a while, depending on my ability at the time.


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