The Gift that Gives Back

by doctorpluto

Tags: #clothing #dom:male #pov:bottom #romantic #sub:female #urban_fantasy #domestic #housewife #office #stepfordization #stockings

Jade is given a surprise gift by an annoying co-worker that helps her warm up to him.

Jade is given a surprise gift by an annoying co-worker that helps her warm up to him.

“Un...believable!” Jade huffed, her brown hair still a mess from that morning. She practically had to beat Andy off with a stick practically every day last month and that crazy guy not only didn’t get the hint, but he had sent her a package! She looked the box over, a simple white cardboard box that usually contained a sweater or other article of clothing. It was done up all fancy with a pink ribbon which was exactly Andy’s style. God, what a chauvinistic dork... Still, a gift was a gift and she was more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. She sniffed the box, noting an odd floral scent about it, and pulled at the bow. “This better not be a dress or something...” She said, lifting the lid off.

It....was a pair of stockings. Airy caramel, neatly folded and gently misting with a fine summer scent. She frowned, her immediate negative response to what would surely have been another sorry attempt to butter her up with a new addition to her collection of dresses temporarily thwarted. She couldn’t quite tell whether this was better or worse. Jade tried approaching things rationally. Andy was a hopeless geek. But the stockings were nice, and expensive looking. She didn’t need to be pampered by some loser from accounting. But a freebie was always appreciated, especially when it was this obviously high-quality. She really didn’t need him hanging around her desk just before lunch, none too subtly asking her about her latest clothes. But she did need new stockings.

Oh to hell with it, what was the harm in appreciating a gift?

Might as well...” Jade said, sitting back down. She flexed her toes as she took her sandals off, then slid the stockings up her legs, one at a time. Immediately, the feel of the cool nylon on her curvy, toned legs elicited a breathy moon from her lips. She wiggled her toes, admiring how dainty and graceful her feet looked in the fully-fashioned reinforced soles of the hosiery. “Andrew, if you’re doing this to get on my good side...” She chuckled. “It’s working.”

Not that she was about to throw out the welcome carpet for him of course, but credit where it was due, this was a nice gift. Seems as though he had actually put some thought into what she’d like, rather than what he thought would help him get more than a socially obliged “hello”. She stood up, stretching her slender legs to test the fabric: very comfortable, very smooth! A twirl across the room only confirmed her good impressions of the present, these were definitely a keeper. She looked up at the clock and realising it was time to get ready for work, made for the rest of her clothes, the brand new stockings a very fine addition to her usual fare.

And there was something about that day that put her in curiously high spirits. Normally, Jade was the complete opposite of a morning person... but at that moment she was singing along to the song on the radio. She didn’t know why, maybe it was the new coffee she’d been trying. When she got to the office, she clocked in and made a cheery greeting to everyone, even the cleaning lady.

“Morning, Sarah!”

“Hey there, Daniel!”

“Hello, Rob!”

“Good day to you, Lois!”

Only a few co-workers were able to respond immediately without confused gazes for a few seconds, but as she smiled, so did everyone else: she may not have been a morning person, but there was just something irrepressibly decent about this morning in particular, and it was infectious. She couldn’t help herself, she just felt so strangely energetic, practically bouncing with joy! She strolled to her workstation, yesterday’s leftover files an intimidating mountain no more, and quickly set to work, her high spirits making a mockery of what normally would be a dense workload. The air smelled sweeter, the office seemed brighter, her chair even felt softer.

Her usual outfit consisted of a navy blue pencil skirt, a white button-down blouse, and a red and black striped tie. Sure, Jade was just the office manager but still it felt good to look good... especially in these stockings. Her steps even seemed springier: she couldn’t place her finger on why, but this was going to be a good day! When a certain somebody approached with his usual mix of feigned suave and nervousness, she didn’t even roll her eyes in disdain, a wry smile finding its way onto her face instead.

“Andy!” Jade said with a grin, “How are you?” She turned to the side in her swivel chair, sticking her legs up to show him what she thought of his gift. “Can I say thanks for these? Because they’re pretty great!” She absentmindedly bounced her shoe on the end of her foot, teasing the poor guy. Sure, he was lanky, smelt of cheap aftershave, and was transparently trying to come off as a smooth player... but she couldn’t deny it’d be fun to tease him for a bit. “Where’d you get them? I haven’t had a pair that felt” She tapped her chin, looking for the right word. “ nice!”

“Heh, glad you like them Jade!” Andy replied in a tone he’d no doubt picked up from a movie chick magnet, but it didn’t even grate on her nerves, that’s just how good this morning was. “Yeah, they were a pretty bundle down at the Exotic Emporium”, he carried on, eyes struggling to focus on her and not her legs, “They were having this sale and, well, I, I ah, I thought of you! Thought it’d be nice and all, you know? I mean, you do, ah, you do like them right? Feel nice and comfortable?” She made to answer, but before she knew what she was doing, a cheeky grin had adorned her features and she was laying out her legs on her desk, one shoe slipping clean off to reveal wriggling stocking-clad toes. “Oh, they’re alright I suppose....". Maybe it was juvenile, but that was a charming glee in seeing Andy so flustered as soon as she was showing off the gams....

“G-great!” Jade could practically feel Andy’s cheeks burning as he tried to maintain his cool. “Say... could you uh... I know this place, it has really good pasta. I was wondering if at... at lunch we could you know...” He shrugged, flashing the cheesiest grin possible. “...get together, talk over a bowl of al dente?” He brushed a piece of lint out of his hair, the part of him that was always consistently well-groomed. “And Jade... your hair’s looking nice.” Andy said, his eyes trailing down to those luscious legs. “Are you trying a new product?”

She had always found him so obnoxious and try-hard, but his stuttering earnestness was just really rubbing her up the right way today. In fact, how could she have seen him as sleazy before? Just look at him! The well creased shirt, the classic black slacks, the too-short tie: adorable, maybe even a little charming in his way but definitely not sleazy! And every girl likes a compliment when she works hard to keep her luscious locks pristine and shiny....“Why, thanks for noticing Andy! You know what? We break in five and I’m awfully peckish, mind showing a girl the right way to a good meal?” She lent back to get up, but not before making her co-worker stifle a gasp as she pulled her legs inwards and up, tracing a finger down the seams of her nylon to even them out, before letting them gently fall back to earth and her shoes with a flash of her eyes.

“Y-yeah! Sounds... sounds great!” Andy could hardly believe his luck, and it showed. Andy was grinning like a fool as he led her out the door. At first, he was hesitant to... but what the hell... he put his hand on her shoulder, taking a moment to enjoy the feel of her crisp blouse on his fingers. When they got out the front door, he was like a hound on the scent, leading them directly to a small diner a block away. When they approached, an older blonde woman wearing a green and white checkered apron guided them in. She led them to a vacant table by a window. As she passed the menus down, Andy leaned back in his seat the way he saw cool, suave guys do on TV.

“So what are you having?” He shot her a smirk that was much more genuine than his usual.

She had to admit, she appreciated the purposeful approach Andy was taking. Unkempt work clothes and a certain shyness could have ended up with her glaring at him over a five dollar plate at some bargain bin eatery, but he seemed to know what he was doing; the diner was quiet but not dead, the food homely but not cheapskate and the staff friendly but not phoning it in. She parked herself down in a window seat, Andy relaxing opposite her with a smirk so goofily confident she couldn’t help but giggle appreciatively. “I don’t know stud, what do you recommend?” She giggled again at his blushing, then gently tapped his leg with her foot. “Oh relax will ya! I’ll have the daily special, this Venicci Bolognese with extra sauce, aaaaand....oh it’s the weekend, and the white wine!”

“I’ll have the baked ziti, alfredo sauce...and....” Andy pored over the menu looking for a drink more suited to his pedestrian tastes. “...A rum and coke.” A frazzled looking waitress came over to their table, she gave them a tired smile. “You two ready to order?” She said.

Andy gave his order and passed his menu up, then turned back to his date... well he was pretty sure it was a date now. “So uh...” He blushed as Jade rubbed her stocking toes against his leg. “Do you go out often?”

“Not as often as I should, but you know how it is at the office”, she replied, a light wriggle of her rump adjusting her seat to accommodate legs now lazily splayed out beneath the table, “All work and no play.” She contemplated the words as they left her lips; come to think of it, she really didn’t go out all that often. The occasional coffee with friends, a semi-regular bookclub to attend, weekend runs through the park just outside the office....hmmm. She was beginning to see Andy in a whole new light, if only as a friendly escape from the tedium she was only just realising engulfed her life. “What about you?” she asked, the slightest sensation of guilt churning through her stomach as she suddenly thought how little she knew about her friendliest co-worker.

“I don’t usually go out with a pretty little thing like you” Andyie said, trying again to turn on what he defined as charm. “I do take a photography class, I do watercolors sometimes...usually of cars...” He took a swallow of his drink and gnawed at one of the bread rolls laid out by the waitress. “I’ve been meaning to exercise more, maybe we could go jogging together!” There was a lull in the conversation, his brown eyes looked over the other patrons and then back to Jade. “I’m just curious, do you cook often?”

She smiled at the compliment, much more sincerely than she might have any other time; sure, it was a mite condescending, but he meant well and there was no point dwelling on minor hang-ups on their date. Lunch together. Whatever! After all, she did take pride in her appearance....“Oh, a creative soul hmm? A tortured artist, capturing the world on canvas as the world without refuses to make sense....” Almost casually, she let her feet brush against him again, soft nylon slipping against rough cotton with every teasing word. Not that she held his pursuits against him, they were cute! There was clearly so much more to him than she thought, sipping her own drink just in time for his question. “I have been known to cook from time to time; a little constrained by office hours so sometimes I just throw something in the microwave, but it’s satisfying to create, you know?”

“Yeah... Nothing like a home-cooked meal.” Andy said, his voice tinged with nostalgia. “You know, this place was founded by an italian lady. All recipes are stuff she cooked for her husband and family... It’s all very authentic.” Andy grinned, his slightly crooked teeth looking to have been whitened recently. “Her husband had to have been a lucky guy...” The waitress from before returned with their orders piping hot from the kitchen. She set them down and Andy took a bite from his dish, looking back up to see if she was enjoying it as much as he did.

She helped herself to a generous portion of the steaming pasta, wrapping her fork up nice and tight before tucking in, and letting out a muffled moan of surprised delight: absolutely delicious! She nodded enthusiastically, aware that he was keeping a close eye on her and knowing it would be rude to talk without being addressed by the man....err....that is, it would be rude to talk with her mouth full. Where did that come fro-oh what did it matter, the food was superb! “Mmhm! Mmhm-mhm-mmmmm! Andy, this is fantastic! Thank you so much for bringing me here, I don’t think I’ll ever microwave anything ever again!”

“No problem! They sometimes put their recipes online, simple stuff really.” Andy silently ate, watching his date enjoy herself with a grin. He slipped one of his work shoes off, running his sock-clad foot over her leg in return for her flirting earlier. " We should make this a regular thing...” He said, putting his hand on hers, his fingernails uneven in length from a habit of chewing them. “You and me, you know?”

He raised her hand to his lips, gently kissing it.

She blushed slightly when Andy rubbed against her leg, the firm arc of his foot sending a pleasant flutter through her belly; she turned bright red when he kissed her hand, but she didn’t withdraw, letting him play the classic gentleman until he lowered their hands—still entwined—back to the table, the most charming smile she had ever seen adorning his features. She had to stifle a gasp, unused to this kind of loving affection and definitely unexpecting it from Andy of all people, but she was coming to realise she had sorely misjudged her co-worker. Head tilted, dark bangs forming a loose mirror over eyes she couldn’t—didn’t want to—take away from her date’s gaze, she placed her other hand on top of his and leaned in. “I...I’d like that, Andy. I’d like that a lot....”

“So would I...” He leaned in to meet his date’s gaze, their noses touching. His smile widened, his hand dipped under the table and brushed against her leg. Finally, he was confident, everything had gone so well... “How about this weekend, you come over to my place and have lunch... watch a movie or something?” His foot slid over hers.Fabric gliding over fabric. He let the idea sink in, take root as the waitress came by their table to refill their drinks. He finished his plate, then wiped a bit of sauce off his upper lip. “How about I pay? ”

She sighed, more expressively then she had intended, her eyes closing to enjoy the intimacy as their noses bumped together. She nearly missed what he said next, sinking into the moment as he ever so softly brushed against her, literally from head to toe. She blinked several times, curled lashes fluttering when he sat back, and she had to collect herself before answering, the notion of spending more time with Andy filling her with an airy warmth; making her light headed even! “Ooh...oh! Oh that sounds lovely Andy, I’d love to....”

“Goood....” Andy kissed the back of her hand once again as he picked up the tab. As they walked out, he put his arm around her waist, keeping her close to him. " I’ll be thinking of you until then.” And with those words, he let another little idea sink in. What if she made lunch for them? She had been admittedly out of practice on that front but... she felt it was only appropriate.

Even as Andy’s taxi disappeared around the street corner, Jade continued to look in his direction, the hand he had gently dampened with his lips held against her cheek, warm and soft as the perfect memory of a wonderful date. As she boarded her own bus, she idly wondered why she hadn’t considered their time together a date before: it was only natural to term such a lovely time together so. He had been polite and courteous, kind and generous, so much more so than she had ever expected, and she was practically kicking herself she hadn’t given him the time of day before. The stockings were obviously just the tip of the iceberg, and so thoroughly had she been charmed by the gentleman that she only looked forward to their weekend. Hmm, what would she prepare for him....

The rest of the day drifted by, with Jade’s thoughts turning back to Andy again and again. Co-workers would wonder to themselves why Jade spent the day with a dreamy smile on her face, but when the manager was in a good mood it meant things went on easier for them. As the day drew to a close and she returned to her apartment, she marked the date on her calendar and would look back at it with a warm and restless feeling. It had been a long time since she had looked forward to something so much.

The rest of the work week seemed to pass her by in a daze. She was only dimly aware of getting up, preparing for work, typing endlessly at her keyboard, breaking and heading home, going through her routine as if stumbling through a dreamscape of meaningless noise and background scenery. Instead, there was only one thing that ancohered her mind: Andy. Try as she might, she couldn’t forget the memory of their first date, of how comfortable and soft she had felt in his presence, like slipping beneath warm blankets, and how gosh darn silly she had ever been to see something wrong with him. She would find herself gently biting her lip and rubbing her toes against the silk of her stockings as he consumed her thoughts, her breath a little quicker and a little hotter than usual.

When people spoke, she nodded and smiled but couldn’t get the sound of Andy’s voice out of her head, blushing over his compliments and promise of a weekend to remember. As the appointed time drew near, she was fussing over her best dresses with Andy—only Andy—in mind. Something traditionalist, all flowery, airy and submissive colours? Something a little racy, open backed and showing off more than a little skin? What should she wear? What would her man like?

She decided on a cobalt blue linen dress with a low neckline, it was a nice little compromise, especially since she had a pair of stiletto heels in the exact same color. She wore a string of pearls around her neck as her sole piece of jewelry, oh... and her stockings. That was the thing that tied the outfit together, she grinned as she imagined Andy’s reaction to seeing her wearing them, his gift to her, on their date together. When she slipped into them, she swore she felt something electric run through her. It felt good, almost rejuvenating. She squeezed into the knee-length dress and did a little twirl in front of the mirror, giggling at how feminine the gesture made her look. After slipping her heels on, she got out her comb and some hairspray and worked to make herself look presentable. She needed soft, glossy hair for her man...Andy to run his fingers through, to smell of and grip as he mounted her and... she stopped herself there. Silly girl getting ahead of herself. She went to the front door and swung it open to find him standing before her already.

Standing there with one hand in the pocket of his brandy smoking jacket, and another clutching a glass of whiskey beneath his smooth smile, he was every bit the image of the classic playboy; especially those warm brown eyes she could just melt into....blushing, she realised she was just standing there like a schoolgirl with a crush! “Oh my, but you do look handsome for our date Andy! Might a lady be allowed into her gentleman’s parlour?” The curiously old fashioned words were out of her mouth before she realised, but it felt natural somehow—and besides, what was a lady without manners? “By all means darling, step right this way....” He stretched out a welcoming arm and she gleefully took it, giggling as she stepped through the doorway and into the well scented warmth of his apartment. Following in his footsteps, she half walked, half leaned into him as he led her....

“It’s good to see you too, Jade.” Andy said, hooking his arm around her waist as he led her inside. The interior of his apartment looked to be remodeled recently, with a persian carpet thrown over the hardwood floor, a red velvet loveseat sat up in front of a TV set, the curtains were drawn, and sandalwood candles had been lit and placed on the coffee table, giving the whole room a cozy atmosphere that was already making Jade think more intimate thoughts, thoughts of cuddling as the sun goes down, thoughts of toe-curling fun well into the night. “Would you like something to drink?” Andy said, his smooth voice snapping her out of her daydream, “I got a bottle of bubbly yesterday.” Jade sat down on the couch, her eyes lingering on him. “I’d love some...” She wasn’t much of a drinker, but tonight... Tonight she’d indulge herself... maybe let that handsome buck indulge himself too if things went right. Andy must have had the same thought because as he poured their glasses, he chuckled and said. “Something on your mind, Darlin’?” He sat down beside her, taking a sip from his glass and putting an arm around her shoulder. “Or is it a secret?” He said, teasingly running his hand over hers.

She blushed, but she made no move to draw back. There was just....something about Andy that was making her feel a little hotter, drawing her breath a little sharper, then she should; something she couldn’t believe she had never seen in him before last week. Without even thinking about it, she drew in closer, tucking herself into his firm, masculine grip as if to pull a warm blanket over herself, and went to answer. Then she stopped, struck by a sudden thought. The smooth, dusky atmosphere, the tingling pleasure of his skin touching hers—especially when his naughty hand ran itself across her stocking-clad legs—the way her glass bubbled so coyly, as if it were teasing a private joke before her....


She kissed him, full and deep and with more than a little hunger.

Andy’s hands clasped around her waist, returning her kiss and deepening it. There was a possessiveness to how he held her, how he kissed her. His teeth clicked against her own, prompting a self-aware chuckle as he broke away just to say: " You’re a good kisser, babe. Did you have practice?” He said, eyeing her eagerly. He hoped his intentions carried over, intentions that couldn’t be fumblingly confined to words. ‘I want you’ didn’t match how he felt. He paused to take a drink from his glass, the bubbles playing in the soft light.

For a moment, she let herself slip entirely away, reducing her world and everything in it to the sweet wetness of matched lips. Then the moment passed and they parted—she was allowed to part—and bright red filled her cheeks. She had never been so forward in all her life! Embarrassment flooded through her, yet it wasn’t for her own sake, but Andy’s: had she been too bold, too eager, too easy for her man, after he went through so much effort to craft such a classy date? She might have apologised there and then but for his praise, and as soon as she heard that all her worries simply melted away. “Hee, not at all, you just bring out the best in me!” She tittered, rapidly losing any distinction within her mind between Andy the date and Andy the man she was increasingly willing to do anything for. She arched her back, thrusting out her chest and stretched a slender leg up and up and up until her heel slipped off. She could see the look in his widening eyes, and she knew exactly what it meant.

She squeaked with delight as he lightly nuzzled her toes, happily wriggling the sensitive little things against his lips and chin and promptly slipping out of her remaining heel. “Well, when you put it like that....” She brought both legs up to the table, stretching out to emphasise her slim femininity and oh so delicately slipped a shoulder free of her dress, a playfully bubbleheaded look dancing across her features as she soaked in his attention. All thoughts of sharing the bubbly and enjoying a home cooked meal had completely dribbled out of her mind; she had a far better idea of what to serve for dinner. Letting him play with her delicate sole, she gently slipped the other downwards, trailing softly across his chest until it vanished beneath the table’s edge.

“Oh, you naughty little...” He said with a knowing chuckle. He continued to play with and nuzzle her soft toes, taking in her delicate smell. He could pick up the not-so-subtle scent of her arousal, and he knew she could detect the same from him. His pants had gotten tighter just in the moment. He took a moment to rectify this, unzipping his fly with hands made shaky by his excitement, feeling his erect length pitch a tent in his cotton briefs. “I gotta warn you...” He said, “I’m pretty old fashioned. If you want the man of this house to take charge... you gotta ask for it.” He said, knowing well the spell would be locked in if she said yes. His gift could entice her, but the final act of becoming his girl, she had to do it herself.

Giggling with a tipsiness that had nothing to do with her drink, she practically lounged all over him with her legs, in love with the fine rippling sensation that came from her stockings. He lightly nibbled and caressed her foot, and every touch tugged her nylon back and forth, massaging the soft material into her softer skin over and over, sending little waves of ticklish pleasure up and down her leg. She didn’t have to sniff the charged air to know his loins were available, and already she was patting him down with her free foot, toes teasing their way across his hand and against the bulging briefs beneath. Her own excitement was surging through her, a current that became a sparking circuit once he dangled the prospect of submission before her. “Hee, I wouldn’t dream of anything else Mister Burress”, she replied, playing the good girl part for all it was worth, “You are master of the abode and everything in it after all....and oh look! Here I am, right inside your abode too!” Looping her fingers around and under her dress, she leaned back and let it fall. “I’m all yours, Andy....”

“Good girl...” He said, crawling on top of her. He was poised to claim his prize, rubbing his bulging crotch over her, reaching down to let his cock bob out. He lifted her feet up, kissing and nuzzling them as he savored the soft fabric, her delicate and soft soles and dainty toes. “After this, you’ll be my Mrs. Burress” He said, adding a delicate flourish to the name. Already, he was fantasizing about having her as a permanent fixture of his household. “Wouldn’t that be nice? Not a care in the world, no obligations or worries, just you in my household....” He leaned forward, stroking his member down her front, marking her with his musky, masculine scent. “I’ll take good care of you—”

She gasped, a wet-hot thrill rushing throughout her body as her man’s sweat-dappled body pressed against hers, and she sank lower and softer into his grip, becoming little more than a willing plaything.

“No more work stress, or office commitments, or anything at all....” she breathed, her heart beating a hefty thud against her chest. Some small, barely audible whisper in her head was saying something, something along the lines of her job and personal life, that it was hers and not his, but she was long past the point of caring. Why shouldn’t she be taken care of? Why shouldn’t she be pampered and pleasured by her beloved, who would keep her and treat her right? She moaned as he throbbed against her, wriggling comfortably to the pace of his brushing shaft, her nethers damp and aching for attention. Her arms wrapped around him, taking time to explore his chest, tracing lines along his masculine build and affectionately brushing down through his meager chest hair. “Would you take care of me always....?”

“Always.” He reiterated, lining up to make the first thrust in, gripping the edges of her panties and rolling them down. “My little hausfrau—” He warmly said, his lips pressing against hers. He took in a deep breath, then he speared himself into her. The electric current of pleasure flashing from his body to hers, then back again. Andy uttered a low grunt, grimacing slightly as he pulled out slightly, then eased back in, trying to start up a good rhythm as his hips bucked against hers. " Who...” He huffed. " Do you belong to?”

“Ah! Y-you! Always you!” Her voice was a shrill cry of pleasure, short and sharp as he thrust, peaking every time his member ploughed past her quivering lips. Whatever was left of her old mind’s resistance was washed away in a tidal wave of raw delight, the thick scents of their combined sexes flooding her nostrils and locking the most primal feminine thoughts into her head. Her legs kicked in the air, and quickly knocked their glasses to the carpet but there was no thought of apology or clumsy regret, only the fierce desire to mate, to surrender herself completely to her man, in all things. “I belong to you!” She was holding onto him for dear life, wordlessly begging him to take her harder, deeper, faster, to hold her down and fuck her until she couldn’t think straight. Nothing else mattered.

“Good girl!” He repeated over and over, pistoning in and out, in and out, gripping her legs by the ankle and lifting them up. With a deep, indulgent breath, he kissed her soft soles almost an act of gratitude to the garments that made this conquest possible. His hands gripped her shoulders as he pushed in for another kiss.He could feel his cock surging inside her, precum trickling down into her. He was getting close, he could feel it in her as well. Still, he’d hate to disappoint a lady. Andy summoned his strength to draw the act out a little bit longer. “I’m going to keep you around.” He said, his voice taking on a rougher, harder tone of masculinity.

“Can’t have a pretty little thing wasting her time at the office, no that wouldn’t do at all...”

* * *

Jade hummed softly to herself as she worked, the pot of pasta noodles boiling softly, the sauce simmering in another pan. The kitchen was decorated in white and navy blue, the window was open to let the cool evening breeze in. Every so often, she’d taste a little spoonful of the sauce, adding a pinch of salt or a dash of crushed garlic until it was just right. She’d been Mrs. Burress for a year now, ever since he picked her up on her last day at work, carrying her past the front desk and back to his place where he slipped the ring on. She glanced down at her hand, the brass band on her finger had his last name engraved on it in fancy cursive script.

Some part of her was shocked on that day… but since that one night, things weren’t the same. She’d go to her office and look over the quarterly reports and just… not care. It was frustrating, dull work. Her co-workers were frustrating, dull people. It was time to move on… and when Andy got promoted and bought this house out in the suburbs, that’s just what she did. The timer beeped, she strained the noodles out in the sink, then took the saucepan off the burner.

Suddenly, Andy came up from behind, hooking his arms around her waist and turning her around gently, stealing a kiss from those ruby red lips of hers. Her heart fluttered as she gave into it. She picked one leg up daintily; her shoe dangling on the end of her stocking-clad toe.

“What’s for dinner, Jade?” He said, his hands trailing down her hips.

“Oh just some venicci pasta with my special sauce.” She said, “I even made garlic bread!”

“Good girl—” Andy said, approvingly patting her on her rump. “I can’t wait. And for dessert…” He brought his hands back up, caressing her blushing cheeks. “...How about you go up to our room and wait for me in just your stockings. I’ve been craving a taste of you all day.”

Jade giggled, nuzzling into his embrace. “Sure thing, honey.” She said,

“I’m all yours.”


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