Accept Transformation

Chapter 3

by OpenVacant

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:male #f/m #multiple_partners #scifi #sub:male #bondage #drones #m/m #robots

Connie’s legs were twitching. Her face was pressed into the pillow and hair was stuck to her mouth and Nix was frozen above her, still buried deep inside her, her asshole clenched around the bright green shaft of his cock. The world was swelling back up around her. The room was hot and her face was sweaty and her legs were twitching.

Did she hear birds outside? Had they really been at it that long, or were the birds just as confused and unmoored this year as everybody else?

Connie lifted her head up and blew saliva-wet hair from her mouth. Her neck groaned a little as she turned it backward to get a look at her friend. He wasn’t asleep on top of her, she just felt a bit of his body weight on the inside of her knees. He was upright, hips thrust forward, hands on her hips and unmoving, face a blank slate, eyes open and empty. Apparently Connie was the one who had passed out. He was just waiting at attention.

“Nix,” she said weakly. Damn, she was dehydrated. “Nix?”

He was staring past the wall, at nothing. She remembered the correct trigger then, “Ph03n1x, attend.”

Connie couldn’t quite explain the difference between saying her human friend’s name, Phoenix, and using the robotic call signal his Controller Anthony had given him, Ph03n1x. Pronouncing it was a bit like speaking in the same robotic monotone as the robot itself. 

Hearing itself summoned, Ph03n1x’s eyes lit up slightly, though its gaze remained very distant. The robot’s head moved slowly downward, close to meeting Connie’s eyes but not quite connecting. Its mouth opened and a perfectly modulated, empty voice came out.

“Unit Ph03n1x is alert and awaiting input.”

“Report status, robot.”

“40% energy, arousal 30%.”

“Only 30%?” Connie said teasingly, curving her ass upward a bit. “Is that all?”

It processed a moment. “This unit has been satisfied.”

Connie recalled how they’d both orgasmed in unison, the robot’s body twitching and moaning chirpily, artificially while she’d cried out and sprayed the bedsheets. That was a little trick its Controller had programmed in it. To always come the very moment the person using its body did. To align its arousal and desire to theirs. A perfect vessel of its user’s desire.

“I’m happy to hear that, robot,” she said, slowly shifting her weigh and beginning to pull herself off him, “I’ve been very satisfied too.”

“This unit lives to please you.”

“Very good, robot.” Connie gasped as Nix’s cock slipped out of her. “Oof.”

She flipped over onto her back and leaned against the wall. The robot’s body settled into a kneeling position and stared forward at her vacantly, awaiting additional commands.

“Get us both some water, Ph03n1x,” she said rubbing her eyes. She touched the wet stickiness between her legs. “And some wet wipes from the bathroom.”

“Yes Connie.” It rose to a standing position. “This unit obeys.” It slowly moved into the hall, its posture perfect, Nix’s pert little ass jiggling with each carefully placed step.

“Oh and fetch the trashcan too,” she called. “From the bathroom.” They had some tidying up to do. Or rather Ph03n1x had some duties left, which it would complete with Connie’s supervision.

“Yes Connie,” her robot replied.

They’d been at it for almost a month now. A routine had emerged. Every Thursday, Connie and Nix would meet in the afternoon for some food, always somewhere public, so that Nix would get some practice interacting with other people. When they were out in the world together, Connie couldn’t fall into the temptation to switch him on, and Nix wouldn’t feel compelled to drop into a trance the moment she uttered a flirtatious or commanding word.

They’d go for a walk after dinner, or they’d go shopping, and eventually retire to Connie’s house for TV and a few drinks. They’d dance along the edge of surrender for as long as they could hold themselves there. In private, Nix would tell her all about the new triggers his Controller had installed, the progress his gradual robotic conversion was making. The talk riled them both up. Eventually Connie’s yearning would break through her resistance and she’d spit out the trigger words, Phoenix, go away so the real fun could begin.

She always put it off. Let her desire to claim her friend’s mind grow and grow until it was insurmountable. She was afraid of how much she desired it. Looking after Nix’s sanity was her job, she’d told him that herself. But now all she ever wanted to do was plunge her fingers deep into his mind, transform his body into a thing for her pleasure. A desperate pull to exert control over him would wake her up in morning. She’d be in the middle of sealing a painting on some random Sunday morning and suddenly be stroking her self, imagining she was finishing into Nix’s open mouth. Couldn’t stop thinking of it. It’s like she was being hypnotically converted, too.

The robot returned with two glasses of water. He stood at attention until Connie took hers from his hand.

“Robot, drink,” she said, and it complied. Her mind kept flipping back and forth, him-and-it, him-and-it. To separate the human Nix’s from the robot Ph03n1x was impossible. And of course, that was the point.

It drained its glass and then left her, returning with the wet wipes and the trashcan. Again he held them out before her. An idea played devilishly across her mind.

“You wash me off, Ph03n1x,” she instructed. It nodded, and very officiously placed the trash can on the ground, extracted a few wet wipes from the container, and leaned forward, ministering to Connie’s fluids-covered crotch.

“Mmmm,” Connie sighed. It felt surprisingly good. The robot took her genitals in its hands and wiped all along her shaft, slowly with agonizingly tender pressure. It dropped the wipe into the trashcan unceremoniously, and used another to clean the mix of lube, semen, and its own lubricating fluids off of Connie’s asshole. It felt like a spa treatment, its ministrations were so deft and pleasurable, almost worshipful of Connie’s anatomy.

“That feels very good, robot,” she purred. It stood before her, face still slack as ever. “You make me very happy.”

“I am glad, Connie.”

“Does this turn you on? Bathing me like this?”

“It does, Connie. Very much.”

“Take your strap off, Ph03n1x, I want to see.”

Her friend nodded and brought his hands to his hips. With perfectly symmetrical movements, he released the claps on both sides, and the harness fell from his body, cock and all. His own biological cock appeared before her, red and pulsing with desire. So cleaning her off did turn him on. Connie leaned forward and rubbed her hand on it.

“I’m glad to see that, Ph03n1x,” Connie said, teasing its cunt with her fingers. “I love watching you serve me. Making you fuck me like a machine and then forcing you to clean me off. But I wouldn’t enjoy nearly as much if you didn’t enjoy it too.”

She kept darting her fingers inside of his body. God, he was still so wet. They’d been at it for God knows how long, and he was still wet. She slid her fingers between his labia, moved upward and languidly jerked off his little cock. Its face was getting red and its nipples hardened.

“Good little bot,” she purred. Then she brought her hand down again and teased the opening of its hole. “Come for me.”

“Yes Connie. This unit obeys.” It began to softly sputter and lean against her hand. Its cunt throbbed around her hand and its cock tensed and released a few times. A large sigh moved through its body, came out its mouth in a big, long utterance.

“Oh.” Ph03n1x emitted. “Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.”

“Good robot,” Connie said. “Yes. Give it to me.”

It bucked against her, eyes back in its head. “Oh. Ohhhhhhh. Ohohohohoh. Ohhhhhh.”

One final tensing against her. And then its hips dropped down and it disappeared inside itself.

“Good robot.” Connie leaned back, taking another sip from her glass of water. Her own body wasn’t ready for another go round, she knew. Yet she also wasn’t done being touched. “Robot?”

It straightened. “Yes Connie.”

“I’d like you to continue cleaning me off. With your mouth this time.”

“Of course, Connie. This unit obeys.”

It leaned forward, arms behind it in a compliant posture. Its lips parted and its tongue emerged, soft and pink and beautifully happy to serve. Ph03n1x licked softly at her shaft, at the root where it met her body. That’s where the most fluid and sweat had pooled. Its eyes shut in rapture as it licked and fondled her and kissed at her with its soft lips.

“Mmmm,” Connie sighed. “Robot, I love you.”

“I love you too, Connie.” It chirped between licks. One hand fondled her lower crotch, cradling the weight of her. A few fingers lightly grazed the space between her genitals and her asshole. The robot brought its head down and licked that spot clean. It was absolutely meticulous in its work. Each tonguing was slow, basking in her taste and the simple bliss of being beneath her. It sent shivers into Connie’s lower stomach.

For what seemed like a very long time, the robot adjusted and repositioned her, licking and stroking and swallowing down every bit of liquid that either of their bodies had left behind. She closed her eyes and leaned back to enjoy it. She’d felt self-conscious being on the receiving end of so much attention in the past, with other partners. But any time she glanced down she just saw an object absorbed in its task. She knew this was what it wanted, what it was made for. What it was being trained for. That allowed her to relax into it.

When it was done it stood up straight again, nude and empty-headed before her. Connie finished her water and checked her phone for a few minutes, paying it no mind. That was part of it too. No pressure to be attentive to its needs. No worries that she was dragging things out. Nix was hers for the night, and that was that. The more she objectified it, the more pleased it would be.

“Oh.” Connie said, not looking up from her phone. “Ph03n1x, go shower off quickly. Then get ready to enter Sleep mode.” It obeyed and left her.

Connie padded into the kitchen with her phone and curled up at her table. She pushed a few off-brand Triscuits into her mouth while she thumbed through Instagram. The same kinds of art posts as usual, interspersed with contemplatively-captioned thirst traps and ads. The Cleveland art scene bored her. Everybody was jockeying for position in their own self-conscious way. Connie favorited her friend Tanner’s posts about his new clothing line. She shared a photo Lainey posted at work, of a new cocktail she’d invented. Sighing boredly, she listened to the echo of her robot reciting its mantras from the shower.


This unit obeys.

This unit serves its user, Connie.

This unit belongs to the Controller.

This unit is a fucktoy.

This unit erases its thoughts.

This unit deletes its humanity.

This unit craves control.

Connie smiled to herself. She’d really gotten a sweet deal out of all this. She had all the access to her friend’s mind, and his body, without having to do any of the work. Anthony had spent years programming the perfect robot servant, and all Connie had to do was mosey into the arrangement non judgmentally and learn the occasional trigger phrase.


Phoenix, go away sent him into a trance. Phoenix, return to me pulled him back from the depths. Report made him provide his energy and arousal levels, and remark on any injuries or alerts. Attend made Nix a perfectly attentive statue at her side. Conversation Mode kept the robot deeply hypnotized and compliant, but able to level with her honestly about how it was feeling. And then there were the litany of Service, Pleasure, Cleaning, Worship, and Fuckdoll modes…and several others Connie had yet to try out.

She hit “like” on an animated gif Anthony had posted earlier that night. A dark sea of shifting black and purple, with an eye emerging from the distance. Her phone buzzed with a notification from his account, gazein2thedepths.

Hey there.

Hi, Connie typed back.

How is my little robot?


He’s good 😊 Taking a shower right now.


Did it take good care of you? Anthony asked.

Connie wasn’t sure how much lurid detail he wanted. She assumed Nix reported back in full after the fact. He’s a very devoted lover, she said, then cringed at herself. Lover? Really?

Anthony typed for a moment. No issues or odd reactions to anything?


Not at all, Connie typed. It’s responding perfectly.


Wonderful. You know you can call me if anything ever goes weird. Or if anything makes you feel weird.


I know.


Okay. Sorry to bother.


No bother at all, Connie said. I know you just wanna make sure I’m handling your equipment right. 😜


I trust you implicitly.


It felt strange, leveling dom to dom like this. Like Connie and Anthony were both superheroes who had shed their human disguises to reveal the shiny latex crime-fighting suits beneath.

Of course she wasn’t much of a dom. Not usually. It didn’t feel especially aggressive of her to be taking control of Nix. She was just giving her friend what he wanted, and using a tool the way it had been designed to be used. Maybe that was why sliding into so-called “domspace” had always felt so alien to her before. It was a performance she was trying to nail, to please somebody else or line up with some silly fantasy. Now it was just a fact that she was in control. No anxiety to feel about that.

The water turned off. Ph03n1x’s elegant robotic voice was still going on and on.

It is a mindless robot.

This unit obeys.

This unit comes on command.

Obedience is bliss.

Hold on, Connie said. I’ll show you how your toy is doing.




She went into the bathroom and found Nix standing in place in the shower, staring forward, a towel pressed against its cunt. It had been drying off but was seeming to take pleasure in touching itself as well. Connie pointed her phone at him and turned the camera on.

“Unit,” she called. “Attend.”

“Yes Connie.” The towel dropped from its hand. It shifted its weight and turned to her, arms at its side. “Unit Ph03n1x, awaiting input.”

“Report, robot.”

“Energy 30%, Arousal 55%.”

“Oh, getting horny again robot?”

“Obedience increases arousal,” it stated.

“You’re just a voraciously horny robot aren’t you.”

“Yes, Connie.”

“Did you have fun with me tonight?”


“I’m showing your Controller what a good bot you’re being.”

Its pupils went wide. “This unit belongs to the Controller.”

“It sure does.” Connie giggled to herself. “Unit, spin around for us. Let’s make sure you got properly cleaned.”

“Yes Connie.” It rotated slowly, allowing them both to look it up and down. It turned its back to them and then leaned forward. Its hands came up to its ass and it spread itself open. Held the position for a moment, awaiting inspection. Then its hands repositioned lower, and it spread open its lips.

“Very good, robot,” Connie said. “Stand up.”

Ph03n1x raised.

“Put your hands on the wall.”

It complied.

“Come for me. Shake a lot.”

“Yes Connie.” All at once its ass started jiggling, its legs tensing and untensing and little beeps of pleasure coming from its mouth. It leaned forward, stabilizing itself. Its cunt flexed and tensed, then released. Its ass writhed more quickly, but always the exact same width of movement. A perfect little animatronic. “Oh. Oh. Oh. Ohohohohoh.”

“Good robot,” Connie murmured. “Moan.”

It moaned, a performatively human sound, like a recording in an old video game, both deeply erotic and artificial. Its body kept shaking for her. She reached forward and slapped its thick ass. “Ohohohohohohohohhohohohohohohohoh.”

“Stop coming,” Connie said suddenly, purely to see if it would work. It froze instantly. “Turn to me.”

Nix did. His eyes were milky, his body stiff. His breath had immediately slowed from its priori arousal.

“Tell your Controller you love him, and good night.”

“This unit adores its Controller. Good night, Controller.”

“Good,” Connie said, then stopped the recording and sent it off. She felt a little like a pet sitter, reporting on the dog’s good behavior while its owner was away. “Come with me robot, let’s get ready for bed.”

They were settled into bed together, Nix’s mindless body pressed against hers, when Anthony’s next message came in.

What a perfectly trained fuck toy, he said. Connie blushed, almost embarrassed for him. Then she wondered why she found it embarrassing, to hear such honest desire expressed. Why was acting like it was silly? It was real.

You’re really good at this, Nix wasn’t lying, Anthony added. You seem to really enjoy controlling it.


I do, Connie confessed. I really actually do.

Do you still want to look after it while I’m gone? Anthony was set to fly out to LA the following week. Phoenix had struggled to even speak about it.

Yes, Connie said. I’m no replacement for you, but I think we can have some fun.

I’m glad, Anthony said. It’s in good hands with you. Good night, Connie.

She plugged her phone in and set it down. All was dark and quiet around her. She looked down at Nix’s sleeping face, so at peace with his head resting on her bare chest. She ran a finger through the tufts of brown-red hair that had fallen into his forehead, and sighed herself into a satisfied and hopeful sleep.


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