What Happened in Andy and Dave's Morning Meeting?

by Dobedo

Tags: #dom:male #m/m #pov:bottom #sub:male

Andy and Dave had a morning meeting to go over a presentation. It must have been a boring meeting, since Andy fell asleep. And now, he’s getting restless, and having a hard time focusing. It’s time to talk to Dave. What happened in that meeting?

Someone was knocking on the door. Andy sat up, groggily, and looked around. What was happening? Where was he? He felt strangely dazed, and as he looked around, he saw he was sitting alone in an empty meeting room. 

There was another knock, slightly stronger. The door opened slightly and a woman peeked inside.

“Um,” she said, “sorry, but we have booked this room now.”

Andy shook his head to clear it. “Oh, of course,” he said. “I’m sorry.” He collected his phone and laptop and got up from the chair, while the woman and couple of others looked on. 

Andy smiled apologetically as he walked past them, but slowed and stopped as soon as he was out in the corridor. He felt... strange. Strange, but good. Really good, as if something great had happened.

But what, exactly, had happened? He didn’t remember. All he remembered was... going to a meeting with - Dave? Yes, Dave, who was going to show him a draft for the presentation he'd be giving at next week’s company meeting. Had he shown that? Had he shown it, and it had been so boring Andy had fallen asleep?

He chuckled to himself as he walked down the corridor. Dave was good at making presentations, and a capable and enthusiastic speaker. It was strange that Andy had fallen asleep. It was also strange, come to think of it, that Dave had just left him there, sleeping, with his head on his arms on the table.

It was even stranger that he didn’t feel as if he’d just woken up from a nap. He felt energetic and happy, and - eager. For what, he didn’t know, but he was definitely looking forward to something. It couldn’t be that company meeting, could it? Those were usually very slow and dull affairs. Then - what was it?

As he headed back to his own desk, he tried to push the whole thing out of his mind. He had other things to do, and other things to think about. He’d ask Dave about it when he saw him next. 

To his surprise, Dave had sent an email asking him if he had more comments on the presentation, now that he'd had time to think about. Andy almost replied that he didn’t remember giving any comments, and in fact didn’t remember the presentation at all, but as he clicked reply, he had a sudden image flashing into his mind. An image of a spiral.

A big, black and white spiral, filling the whole screen and sending twirling patterns over the walls in the meeting room. He blinked in surprise. Where did that come from? He’d never seen such a spiral. He was sure of it. 

He hesitated, and then deleted the blank email. He could reply later, when he’d actually had some time to think, rather than sleep. Right now, there was work to do. He still felt eager, and even more so than before. 

Andy hummed to himself as he navigated to the project he was currently working on. It wasn’t very interesting - at least he hadn’t thought so, but his newfound eagerness seemed to spread into it as well. This was turning out to be a good day!

By lunchtime, Andy was happy but frustrated. He’d had a productive morning, with that sense of eagerness pulling him through his different tasks and keeping him in a good mood. There was a small, nagging voice, though, whispering in his mind that this was all good and proper, but not quite the right thing for him to do. This wasn’t what he was supposed to do. This wasn’t what he needed to do.

Yes, he told it, this is what I need to do. This is my job. This is what I do. He tried to ignore the voice, but it didn’t go away. The feeling kept growing stronger, along with the eagerness. When he got back to his desk he felt energetic and raring to go, but felt no enthusiasm for his tasks. 

Something was weird. Not wrong, definitely not wrong - he felt very clearly that the eagerness, the yearning, was pulling him in the right direction, towards something he needed and wanted and should make sure he got, but it pulled him away from his work. And he didn’t know what it was pulling him towards.

The spiral had something to do with it, he thought. At first, he’d just pushed it away and ignored it each time it rose into his mind, but it kept coming back, more and more often, more and more clearly and strongly. By now it hovered in his mind constantly, and not in the back of it either. It hung right in the middle of his mind, turning slowly, pulling him in. 

He had seen spirals before, of course, and he knew that looking into a turning spiral had the interesting visual effect of making you feel like you were going into it. The spiral in his mind was turning very slowly, but he could feel himself longing for it to speed up, to spin faster, and to draw him into it, pulling him deep into it.

It was very distracting, and getting more so by the minute. He went to a meeting, but struggled to follow along in the discussion. He went back to his desk, but found himself zoning out as the spiral grew larger and larger in his mind. It felt almost as if it was growing too large to stay in his mind, as if it wanted to get out of his mind, out of his head. As if it wanted to escape, and to hang before him, before his eyes, so he could stare at it and lose himself in it.

It was distracting, and confusing, but very, very pleasant. It felt great to think about the spiral. He wanted to see the spiral. He wanted to stare into the spiral. But he couldn't, of course. He couldn’t spend his workday daydreaming about some stupid spiral.

Towards mid-afternoon it was all he could do. He was completely unable to focus on his work anymore, and felt dazed and stunned, in a very good way, by the spiral slowly turning in his mind. As it grew stronger and stronger, and the eagerness he’d felt resolved into an overwhelming desire to see the spiral, it crowded everything else out of his mind. 

He had to escape from his desk, escape from other people, since he wasn’t really able to do anything anymore but stare blankly ahead, and fantasize about the spiral. He found an empty meeting room - the same one he and Dave had been in, in the morning, and went there to hide.

It didn’t help him focus, though. Being alone simply meant nothing distracted him from the spiral, and as he sat there he found himself sliding inexorably into obsessive fantasizing. He could almost see it on the big screen in one end of the room, almost see it turn and turn and draw his delighted gaze deeper and deeper into it. And he could almost hear someone speaking, in a low, murmuring voice that was pitched in just such a way that he couldn’t make out the words. Weirdly, it sounded like Dave’s voice.

Andy fought the still-growing impulse to give in, to surrender himself to the spiral and lose his mind in it. He couldn’t. He just couldn’t. At the same time, he couldn’t do anything else, so with the last of his remaining focus, he declined and canceled all his remaining meetings. And then, finally, he sent a message to Dave.

I’m not sure about the presentation, he wrote, but I need to talk to you. Something weird is happening.

He wasn’t sure why he sent it, or if he really believed Dave would be able to help him, but it was all he could think of. It had been a completely normal day, up until that morning meeting with Dave where he’d fallen asleep. He still didn’t remember anything beyond sitting down to look at Dave’s draft.

The whole business with the spiral had started after that. Maybe Dave could shed some light on it, and tell him what had actually happened in the meeting. He certainly hoped so. He didn’t know what else to do.

Dave replied instantly. Where are you? he asked. Andy told him, and a minute later, Dave came in through the door. He grinned broadly as he closed the door, and - locked it? 

“Andy, my man!” Dave said. “What’s up?”

“I’m not sure,” Andy said, fighting to suppress a sudden surge of the eagerness. “I’m feeling weird.”

“Oh? Weird how? Are you sick?” Dave cocked his head but didn’t look concerned.

“No, not sick. I feel - I feel really good. But really weird.” Andy shook his head. The damn spiral was so strong in his mind he could hardly focus. “Dave... what happened in our meeting this morning?”

Dave chuckled. “What do you mean?”

“I mean... did I fall asleep? I’m sorry if I did, it’s just - I think I woke up in the room. In this room, alone. And... I’ve hardly been able to focus at all since then.”

“Interesting,” Dave said as he opened his laptop. “Can’t focus, you say.”

“No,” Andy said and sank back in the chair as the spiral grew even stronger in his mind. Dave’s voice seemed to resonate in his head, and seemed to make the spiral turn faster. “It’s as if... there’s this spiral.”

“This spiral?” Dave said. When Andy looked up, he saw Dave was pointing at the screen. And there... was the spiral. The same spiral that was in Andy’s mind, hanging huge and bright on the screen, filling it, turning slowly. 

“Yesss...” Andy said with a sigh, as the spiral pulled his attention in, and locked it. He couldn’t look away. He was utterly transfixed by the spiral, by the amazing, slowly spinning spiral.

“It’s a nice spiral, isn’t it?” Dave said conversationally. Andy blinked and tried to pull his gaze away from it, without success.

“Daaaveee...” he said, as he felt his mind drain of everything but the spiral. “Whasss... happening...”

“You are being hypnotized,” Dave said, and Andy thought he sounded happy. “Hypnotized, again. Just like in the morning. You remember that, don’t you?”

“Y’sss....” Andy said, but his mind was slowing down and going blank, as it was sucked into the wonderful spiral. 

“You remember how I hypnotized you with the spiral in this room, in the morning, and how incredible it felt. How incredible it felt to just let go and surrender your mind to the spiral, to let it pull you in, and down. Pull you deep down. Deep into hypnosis.”

Andy didn’t respond. He was staring fixedly into the spiral, and he could feel it drawing him into itself, pulling his mind deeper and deeper into the rotating point at the center, pulling it deeper and smaller. His mind was shrinking, and going into the spiral.

“It feels so good,” Dave said, and Andy thought he felt hands on his shoulders and his head. “It feels so good to be hypnotized. Just like it did the first time. You loved it so much, and you realized it was the best thing you’ve ever felt. You wanted it again, even it you didn’t know it. Your mind wanted it again, wanted to be sucked down into the spiral, down into blankness, into emptiness, where there’s nothing but the spiral, and where you don’t need to think, or listen, or know anything. Just keep going deeper into the spiral, deeper and deeper, and let my spiral take your mind.”

Dave didn’t need to explain it. Andy felt it happen as he stared into the spiral. He was losing track of everything but the spiral, going deeper and deeper into the spinning tunnel, into the infinitesimally small point at the center, and as he did, his mind got smaller and smaller too. His mind was shrinking into a point, the point in the spiral. In Dave’s spiral. 

The spiral was pulling his mind into it, and shrinking it into a point, like the point at the center of the spiral. Andy felt the room recede as his mind shrank, and felt himself leave everything else behind. He was vaguely aware of Dave talking, somewhere far off in the distance, somewhere outside the spiral, but he couldn’t really hear him anymore.

There was no need to listen. He could let go completely, and let himself become a small, transfixed, hypnotized point at the center of the spiral. At the center of Dave’s spiral.

Andy’s mind kept moving deeper into the spiral, shrinking further, as he forgot about everything else, and let Dave’s spiral control his mind, and hold it in deep, wonderful hypnosis.

Andy opened his eyes, but he didn’t remember closing them. Dave was standing in front of him, holding his head in his hands. Andy gasped at the surge of pure eagerness that shot through him.

“Hi,” Dave said. “Welcome back. You’re not quite awake yet, but you don’t need to be.”

Andy stared at his colleague, and didn’t understand. His mind felt crystal clear. Clear, and smooth, and hard like a crystal. He stared, his jaw hanging open.

“Damn, you look good,” Dave said. “Get up.” He pulled at Andy’s head, and Andy rose to his feet, swaying. He gaped and stared as Dave let go of his head, and began unbuttoning his shirt. His mind still felt like a crystal, and even though he realized on some level that Dave was stripping him, it didn’t really mean anything. It was fine, like everything Dave did.

Dave took off Andy’s shirt, and then pulled his trousers down. His boxers went down along with them, and as Dave knelt, he lifted Andy’s feet clear of both trousers and boxers, and pulled his socks off. Andy realized he was naked, but he didn’t feel anything in particular about it. He felt - good. Clear, crystalline, and very good.

“That’s it,” Dave said. “You’re letting me strip you naked, because you want me to hypnotize you again. It’s all you want. You’re addicted to my hypnosis, and I’m going to give it to you. I’m going to hypnotize you again soon, and I’m gonna add something to it. You’re gonna love it. Come on, lie down on the table.”

Dave guided him to the table, and helped him lie down on it, on his back. Andy stared at Dave, his mind still empty, as his colleague stripped naked too, and climbed up on the table too. 

“Damn,” Dave said, his voice strained. “I’ve wanted this for so long... Damn, you look good like this.” Andy lay still as Dave ran his hands over his naked body, from his shoulders, down over his chest and belly, and then along his thighs. They went down to his knees before they turned, and then ran back up along his legs to slide gently over his cock and balls. 

It felt good, and Andy lay still and passive. Everything felt good. Everything Dave did to him felt good. Dave had hypnotized him, and Andy had always wanted to be hypnotized. 

Hypnotized deeply and completely, until he had no mind and no will left, and was completely under his hypnotist’s power. Like he was now. Just a puppet, a mannequin, a toy, a doll. A doll, for Dave.

Dave arranged him on the table and pulled his legs up, and Andy stared at the ceiling and felt Dave arrange himself. When something hard brushed against his ass, he realized, dimly what was happening.

It felt good too. Dave was going to fuck him, and he would let him do it. He wanted him to do it. Dave wanted to fuck him, and then he would hypnotize him again. And all Andy wanted, all he’d ever wanted, all he’d ever want, was to be hypnotized, so deeply he couldn’t think at all, and his mind contracted into a tiny dot and he didn’t need to think or listen or know anything, but could let his hypnotist control him.

That was what he wanted, and that was what was happening, as Dave lifted his butt slightly, and then slowly, gently, pressed his cock into his ass. Andy had never been fucked before, but he knew he wanted it. Just like he’d never known how badly he wanted - no, needed - to be hypnotized, but he knew it now.

His mind felt like a crystal, hard and frozen, with nothing in it except the certainty that he wanted to be hypnotized. Hypnotized and fucked. By Dave.

Dave’s cock slid into him, pushing him open. Dave’s hands slid over him, and Dave grunted and panted. He muttered to himself - at least, Andy wasn’t listening. He let the words wash over him, and lay still and obedient and let himself be fucked.

“So fucking good,” Dave panted, “this is so good, this is perfect. And now it’s gonna get even better.” He pressed his cock all the way in, and lay down on Andy, pressing him down onto the cool table. He took Andy’s head in his hands and raised it off the hard surface.

“Look into my eyes,” he said, and Andy obeyed. He could do nothing else. He wanted to do nothing else. “Look into my eyes,” Dave said, “and go back into hypnosis. I’m hypnotizing you again, I’m fucking you and hypnotizing you, and you love it. Go back into hypnosis when I count to three. One, two, three - sleep!”

Andy didn’t think, and didn’t feel anything. His mind was hard, clear and empty, like a crystal, but at Dave’s command, he closed his eyes, and slept.

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