Seeing is Believing

Chapter 2

by Dancing Minds

Tags: #dom:male #f/m #pov:bottom #sub:female

This is a work of erotic fiction, featuring themes of hypnosis and mind control. Read it only if you enjoy this type of fiction, and if you can tell the difference between fiction and reality, and understand why it would be a very bad idea to try to recreate the plot in this story in the real world. As a fantasy, though, it's different, so - enjoy!

“You love the crystal. You want to stay here. You like to be here. You want to be like Linda.” The words floated in Kristen’s mind. She stared dully at the crystal and struggled to think. She felt completely spaced-out.

“Yes, Linda,” Doug said. Kristen wondered what he was talking about. “She has been training you,” he went on. Oh. That. Now she remembered. They were talking about training for... about training - about some kind of training... The thought seemed to slide away from her.

"She's done a good job, too." He dangled the crystal and it flashed again. Kristen lost track of his words.

“You are being hypnotized.” It was Doug’s voice, but the words just seemed to float in her mind, coming from nowhere. “You are being hypnotized, like Linda. Remember how Linda looked when you came here, when you came into the kitchen.”

Oh yes, she remembered. She would never forget that sight - Linda standing stiffly at attention, staring at nothing. It was crisp and clear in her mind.

The crystal flashed, and the image vanished, like a popping soap bubble.

“You are being hypnotized by the crystal. Each time the crystal flashes you go deeper into hypnosis. Each time the crystal flashes you go twice as deep as you were the last time.”

Kristen felt woozy, and then realized she was swaying slightly back and forth. It was almost impossible to think. Her mind was just - blank. Was that... because she was being hypnotized? Wait, hypnotized?

The crystal flashed.

“You are hypnotized now, just like Linda. The crystal has hypnotized you. You know it has, because you saw Linda. She has been hypnotized by the crystal, and so have you. Yes, it's hard to believe, isn't it, but you saw it and so you can believe it. Seeing is believing, I always say.”

There was a pause. Then the crystal flashed.

Kristen was losing the struggle, she felt. Her mind stayed blank all the time now, with nothing in it except Doug’s words.

“You are hypnotized now. I will wake you up soon. I will say awake, and snap my fingers. When I do, you will wake up out of hypnosis. Then the crystal will flash and you will fall back into hypnosis, instantly. You will fall back twice as deep as you were before you woke up.”

Kristen simply stared at the crystal which hung in front of her face. She didn’t try to think about Doug’s words. There was no point in even trying. She didn’t know if what he was saying made sense, or not. It just was, right there in her mind.

“Awake,” Doug said, and she saw him raise his hand and snap his fingers.

Snap - with a jolt, she jerked back her head. She was - awake? Yes. Which meant... she had been asleep? No. It meant she had been hypnotized.

Doug lifted the crystal slightly, and Kristen found her eyes drawn to it. She opened her mouth to speak. The crystal flashed.

Kristen was hypnotized again. She forgot what she was going to say, but she felt a fleeting twinge of frustration that she hadn’t had the time to say it. It had been important, maybe... The thought drifted off somewhere in her blank mind, and she stared at the crystal, mouth open.

“You are deeply hypnotized and going deeper with each flash of the crystal. You have seen Linda. You want to be like Linda. To be like Linda, you have to be very deeply hypnotized. You can be very deeply hypnotized, because you have seen Linda who is very deeply hypnotized. And - seeing is believing.”

Snap. Kristen blinked awake and tried to focus on Doug, who was standing a meter or so away, holding the crystal aloft. His words seemed to fade slowly in her mind, or into it.

“Gng,” she said. Her mouth was dry. 

“Yes,” Doug said, grinning and nodding. “Indeed.” The crystal flashed.

“You are very deeply hypnotized now, but you need to go much deeper. It is time to go deeper. When I wake you up, you will put your arms along your sides and then keep them there.” Snap.

Kristen shook her head. That was a mistake, it made the whole room spin and twist. She held it still and the dizziness went away. She realized her arms were pinned at her sides. 

“Uh,” she said.

“Quite so, dear.” Flash.

“You are very deeply hypnotized, and you are assuming a posture of hypnotized attention, like Linda. You want to be like Linda. You can be like Linda. You will be like Linda, once you are deeply hypnotized and standing at attention. You’ve seen her, deeply hypnotized and standing at attention. You can do that to. You believe you can. You know you can. You’ve seen Linda. When you wake up, you will raise your chin and look straight ahead, but focus on nothing.”

Kristen didn’t believe or know anything. She was hypnotized. She felt hypnotized. She felt blank and empty and unable to move or think. She stared at the crystal while Doug’s words floated in her mind.


Kristen was awake, but she felt groggy and dizzy. To combat it, she raised her chin up and stared at the far wall. She tried to avoid focusing on anything in particular. The crystal hung to her left, still in her field of vision. It flashed.

“You are very, very deeply hypnotized now, Kristen. You are almost as deeply hypnotized as Linda. You want to be like Linda. When I wake you up, you will straighten up as much as you can and you will arch your back and thrust your chest and your ass out.” Snap.

Kristen felt it more than she did it, felt her body become taut and straight, and then felt her back arch. She was deeply hypnotized, and coming to attention - like Linda. Flash.

“You are very, very deeply hypnotized now, Kristen. You are like Linda now. You want to be like Linda. When I wake you up, you will go over and stand beside Linda and resume your current position. You will be like Linda.” Snap.

The room moved, or so it seemed. The room moved until Kristen was standing beside Linda. Her mind was completely blank, but her body moved. It fell in beside her friend, and then her arms sank back, her chin rose and her back arched. She stood at stiff, unmoving attention, deeply hypnotized. Just like Linda.

Doug moved up in front of her. She kept staring at a point in the air between herself and the wall. He raised the necklace. Flash.

Kristen barely noticed the difference. She felt blank and stiff and unable to think whether she was awake or hypnotized. 

“Very good, Kristen. You are now like Linda. You are very deeply hypnotized and under my control. I control you now. You are obedient to me, just like Linda. You want to be like Linda, and therefore you will obey me.”

Kristen couldn’t think about Doug’s words. They hung in her mind, almost as if they were her own thoughts. They were the only things in her mind. Snap.

"You will obey me. Say it."

"I will obey you," she heard herself say.

"You are deeply hypnotized and obedient to me just like Linda. Say it."

"I am deeply hypnotized and obedient to you just like Linda."

"Very good, Kristen." Flash.

"You are very deeply hypnotized and obedient to me. It is now time for you to go even deeper into hypnosis so you can obey me even more completely. Look at the crystal."

Kristen did. The crystal flashed. Kristen sank deeper.

Doug snapped his fingers. 

Kristen blinked and moaned, disoriented. She was awake? Yes, and standing at attention beside Linda. She was like Linda. Doug smiled at her and jiggled the necklace. The crystal flashed.

Snap. Kristen was awake. Flash. Kristen was hypnotized. Snap. Flash. Snap. Flash. The snaps and flashes came faster and faster, and Kristen lost track of whether she was awake or hypnotized. She simply sank, deeper and deeper into hypnosis, until she lost track even of her own mind.

"Welcome back." Doug's voice came from somewhere on her right. Kristen opened her eyes and looked at him. Wait - opened her eyes? 

"Welcome back?" she said, a strange unease floating in her belly. She tried to move her head. She couldn't. Her body didn't obey her. All she could move was her eyes. And, she could talk, apparently.

"I can't move!" she said. She should be panicking, right? Instead, all she felt was the vague uneasiness in her belly, and something else, lower down.

"No," Doug said. "That's correct, and very good. You respond very well."

"What?" she said. Respond to what? And - "Where have I been? What's going on?"

Doug laughed and slid off the bar stool he'd been sitting on. "Good question. Where have you been, indeed." He walked up to her, smiling broadly. "You have been deep in hypnotic trance. I hypnotized you. Do you remember that?"

She stared at him. The uneasy feeling grew. So did the... other feeling. The warmer, hotter feeling.

"No," she said.

"Good," he said. "Very good. Very good indeed. I'll need to figure out why. I didn't expect you to be quite so suggestible. I wonder if Linda has been doing something extra, beyond my orders?"

Kristen's head was spinning, which felt even stranger since her body was utterly frozen. 

"I have hypnotized you to forget that you were hypnotized. It seems that it worked very well."

To forget... Kristen stared at her neighbor. At Linda's husband. She knew Linda very well. She'd thought. She'd known Doug too, although less well. Or - not at all, it seemed.

"I'm sorry, but all this talk of hypnosis is making me uncomfortable." Kristen followed his glance down, and her eyes widened as she watched him take out his cock and start stroking it. "No, no," he said, "my eyes are up here." 

She pulled her gaze up to his face, her face burning. He was grinning at her, but not in a nasty way, she thought.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

"A little," she admitted, swallowing. 

"Well, let's try it out then," he murmured, and before she had time to ask what he was going to try, he held up his free hand. "Kristen baby - happy. Calm mind." He snapped his fingers.

Kristen smiled at him as the uneasiness simply drained away from her mind and body, and was replaced by a placid, tranquil happiness.

"Better?" he said.

"Yes." It was. She did feel happy now, and calm. Slightly curious. And there was still that smoldering sensation down between her legs. It seemed to be growing. She glanced down and saw Doug was still stroking his cock. The heat down below grew stronger.

"Good," Doug said and she looked back at him. "I have now calmed you hypnotically. Calmed you and made you happy. It is an artificial feeling. Does that bother you?"

"No," she answered truthfully. "It feels good." It did. She had no idea what an artificial feeling was supposed to feel like. She just felt calm and happy. And aroused.

"Impressive," Doug said and raised his eyebrows. "It took much longer for Linda to reach this stage. She will be happy, though - she's been longing for a lady friend she can be fully open with for a long time."

He shook his head and looked up and down her body. "So will Kevin," he said, and his free hand rose towards her chest. It stopped, though, a decimeter or two away. "So will I, perhaps, but later. Later. Waiting is erotic too, I always say." His hand fell back and he grinned at her, his eyes crinkling. She smiled back, because she couldn't do anything else. She still felt happy.

"Yes, Kevin will be happy that his wife finally reaches the end of the road and demands that he gives her more attention. And more bedtime, in new and interesting ways. And you will be happy, of course, that's very important to me. And to Linda, certainly. At the very least, you will find yourself much more attracted to your husband, again."

He stepped back and looked to her right. "Yes, Linda will be very happy. And so will I. I now have much greater hope for a satisfactory resolution to those small issues we've been having with Kevin's company. Everyone will be happy!"

"Well, I talk entirely too much, my wife tells me." He laughed, ruefully. "In my defense, it is hard to focus when you have two beautiful hypnotized women in front of you, and your cock in your hand." He let go of his cock and put it back in his trousers. Kristen almost felt sorry - the heat in her pussy had started to grow for real now.

"Yes, I will use you a bit. I'm sorry, I suppose. But it comes with the territory, or my line of business, rather. I've used people before in many different ways. Don't worry about it, is my advice. You will enjoy it and don't need to think about it at all."

He grinned and shook his head. "Business before pleasure, I'm afraid. As always. Look at the crystal."

Doug held up the necklace and Kristen looked automatically at the crystal. She couldn't look away. It would hypnotize her, she knew suddenly, as it always did. She didn't remember it, but she knew it. 

The crystal flashed. Kristen's mind blanked out, and she dropped into a very deep hypnotic trance.

Kristen sat at the kitchen table, sipping her tea. Linda glanced over her shoulder and smiled at her. She was busy preparing dinner, and looked happy. Happy, and pretty in her red dress with white dots. And hot, of course. Linda was very hot, but Kristen would never tell her that.

Doug came into the kitchen and walked up to kiss his wife's neck. "So you're staying for dinner?" he said to Kristen.

"Yes," she said, a little timidly, "if I may." She almost added a 'sir' but wasn't sure if it was appropriate. It felt appropriate - Doug was one of those men that commanded your attention and held it. There was an aura of power around him. Power and... She clenched her legs slightly, but wrenched her mind away from those thoughts, firmly.

"Of course, of course," he said. "I'm delighted. In fact, I have something in mind to discuss with you." He reached down and felt for something in his pocket.

"Certainly, sir." It came out automatically. Oh well. It felt right, and the flutter in her belly and Doug's answering smile made it even more right.

"Do you recognize this?" He held out a beautiful necklace, with green jewels and a large, emerald-ringed crystal.

"I'm not sure... " She trailed off. She did, she was sure of it, but - she wasn't sure. She had seen it, or a similar one, somewhere. But where - no. She hadn't. Kristen sat up abruptly as certainty gripped her.

"I have never seen it," she said. "It is completely new to me." There. That was the plain truth.

"Wow!" Linda said, and exchanged a look with her husband.

"I told you so," Doug replied, shaking his head but he looked at Kristen and smiled warmly. She smiled back.

"This is Linda's old necklace," Doug said. "The crystal is supposed to have magical powers. I don't know about that, but our marriage certainly improved after she got it." 

"That's wonderful!" Kristen said. Linda deserved all the happiness she got, in Kristen's opinion.

"Linda has told me something about your and Kevin's marriage," he continued. "I was thinking, would you like to borrow the necklace? Perhaps it can have some beneficial effects."

"Yes, thank you sir!" Kristen blinked in surprise. She didn't believe in magical necklaces, did she? But she did want to borrow it, for sure.

"Good, very good! If it turns out to work, all I would like to ask is a small favor."

"I will do anything for you, sir!" It came out with much more fervor than she'd intended, and from Doug's laugh, she hoped she hadn't offended him.

"Yes, you will, won't you?" He was chuckling. "All I ask is for you to perhaps have a small word with Kevin. We are in a business deal, you see, and every small thing might help resolve it to mutual satisfaction."

There was something nagging at her, somewhere in the back of her mind. She ignored it. "I will sir, certainly!"

His broad grin made her feel warm all over. Warm and tingly. All over, yes, but most of all down there. She would do anything for him, she really felt that very strongly.

"Wonderful!" he said, clapping his hands. "How is dinner coming along, dear?"

"Almost there," Linda answered. "And I have an idea for a very special dessert." She glanced at Kristen, and winked. And licked her lips.

Kristen gasped and squeezed her thighs together as the tingliness increased. She glanced at Doug, who winked at her too, and glanced - at her chest?

"I'm sure I will love it," she choked out. She was suddenly irrationally horny, that was it. That was why they seemed to be suggesting something - different. Maybe it was the necklace, still hanging in Doug's hand. Maybe it really was magical, and made people horny. Maybe... 

She suddenly giggled at herself. A magical necklace that turned people on! How silly! She certainly didn't believe in such things. No, she would simply have to wait and see. If she saw it, then she would believe it.

Thank you for reading! This is part 2 of 2. I appreciate any feedback or comments, whether suggestions for improvements, lists of typos, or just a note that you enjoyed the story! Post it here or send an email to


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