Christy the Mind Blanked Milf

Chapter 2

by d4rkntwisted

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #D/s #dom:male #f/m #sub:female #hypno #magic #mind_control #mindbreak #slut_transformation #urban_fantasy

Christy could not differentiate between when she was blanked and before when she was a normal, functional woman. There was no difference in her head, but in reality, the contrast between the two Christys was stark. The old one would be a tad conservative with her outfits, but the new one did away with that procedure. Christy found out she liked the male gaze, and to capture it, she started dressing slutty. Low-cut tops and very short skirts were a new staple in her wardrobe. 

Christy could not differentiate between when she was blanked and before when she was a normal, functional woman. There was no difference in her head, but in reality, the contrast between the two Christys was stark. The old one would be a tad conservative with her outfits, but the new one did away with that procedure. Christy found out she liked the male gaze, and to capture it, she started dressing slutty. Low-cut tops and very short skirts were a new staple in her wardrobe. 

It wasn't the only change. Due to Christy's figure, she always had guys flirting with her. Before, she would brush it off. She was too involved with her career and her son's life to entertain a relationship, but after Paul blanked her, she was much more open to it. If anything, she welcomed it. She would be at the store or even walking her dog along the street she lived on, and someone would catcall her or make a comment about her body, and she would instantly begin to chat them up. Sometimes she would slip them her number without request, and other times she would let them take her inside and fuck her mouth or her tits before releasing her back without a second thought. 

It got to the point where all the men in the neighborhood started to hear stories about her. About how big of a slut she was and how she would let anyone do whatever they wanted to her. It was like she had a remote control or something now. She never said no. Not just that, but it was like she couldn't say no. The guys would share stories over their beers or in whispered tones around their families of the different escapades they had involving Christy and her newfound way of life. 

This information eventually made its way to Jorge, who lived a few houses down from Christy. Since he had moved into the neighborhood, he had his eyes on her. He thought she was one of the most stunning women he had ever seen. Some days he would wait until she was going to leave, and he would watch her from his living room through the curtains. The problem was that Christy didn't seem incredibly interested in talking to him. He would go out of his way to wave to her or grab her attention when he would see her out in her yard or getting her mail, but she only returned one-word answers and a feeling of indifference. But after her transformation and the rumors that followed, he figured it was worth a shot to take another crack at her.

He waited until her son Cody left for school before he decided to head over. He knew that she didn't teach class on Tuesday morning and that she would be alone in her home during that time. He knew it from watching her from afar for so long. He was nervous as he walked up to her doorstep, but he was also desperate. He needed a definitive answer as to if she would treat him like she had the other men in the cul-de-sac. He swallowed his pride and knocked on the door loudly. He pretended to admire the flower garden out front while he waited for Christy to come to the door. 

She opened up and smiled at Jorge, a response he had never gotten before. She was wearing a small, thin tank top and shorts. She wore no bra, and her nipples became erect as soon as she saw a male standing inside her doorway. Not only that, but her cunt started to become slick with excitement when Jorge said hello. There was a flirty nature to his tone and she picked up on it right away. Her brain locked in on getting him inside her home and then getting his cock inside her.

"Hey!" Christy said. "How can I help you?"

"Oh," Jorge said. "I was just coming over to say hello. I see you around all the time, and I figured that I should come over and introduce myself."

"Wow, that's so nice of you! You should come in. I think I have some wine or something we can share. Make yourself at home."

Christy walked up to him on the porch and rubbed his back while she nudged him forward. Jorge was surprised by how easy it was for her to invite him in. He started to believe the stories that others had told him.

But one thing that kept on poking out of the back of his mind was how others had told him that Christy did whatever she was instructed to do. No matter how depraved or weird it was. Jorge circled that idea as Christy led him into the kitchen and pointed to the breakfast bar for a seat. 

Jorge waited until she was uncorking the wine and pouring it for them before he tried to see if the rumors were true.

"Hey, Christy."


"Come over here and give me a kiss."

Christy placed the bottle down gently on the counter and walked up to him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and kissed him on the lips. Jorge held her close while they embraced.

Just as he had heard, Christy had done what she was commanded. He started to wonder how far he could go with her. Part of him was nervous about pushing the envelope, but other parts of him had the taste of Christy and wanted more. 

"Hey," Jorge said as he pulled away from her grasp. "This is great and all, but now I want you to suck my dick."

"Oh, of course!"

Christy dropped down to her knees and whipped Jorge's cock out. She slurped it down like a noodle. Since she had been sucking so much dick and letting so many random guys fuck her throat, she had become immune to gagging. All the dick she took had reprogrammed her to be a perfect cock taking machine. 

Jorge's shock and awe grew when Christy inhaled him. But that was short-lived. It felt too good to have Christy sucking his dick to dwell on the specifics. He had never had someone suck him off like that before. This woman was an expert. She was able to deepthroat him easily, and when that wasn't taking place, she lapped at his undercarriage and his balls. Jorge was jumping in his shoes while Christy was pleasuring him.

The shock of the stories being true about Christy was also impacting him. Was it possible that stuck-up Christy, the woman who turned her nose up at him the entire time she lived near him, was suddenly this super slut who would do anything you asked of her? It didn't seem possible. But, she didn't even bat an eye when he instructed her to kiss him or to suck his dick. There was something to the rumors. Jorge felt inclined to try even more.

"God... That feels really good but... I kinda wanna try out that pussy of yours. Why don't we go to the couch so I can fuck you?"

"Yeah, sure!"

Christy stood up and smiled as she took his hand and led him over to the couch. When they arrived, Christy looked at him with lustful eyes and asked how he wanted to take her.

"I've always wanted to fuck you from behind," Jorge said as he started feeling up Christy's ass.

"Okay! Great!"

She took off what little clothing she had and then got onto the couch on her hands and knees. She looked back over her shoulder and shot a grin at Jorge as he started disrobing as well. 

Part of Christy's programming made it so that she would be driven wild by any dick. It didn't matter the size or the shape, it just mattered that it was a cock. Once she felt Jorge enter her, she was driven mad. Her cunt started to leak all over him, and due to that, Jorge's ego was boosted immeasurably. He thought he was a stud when he saw how much Christy was spilling onto his abdomen and balls. It caused him to go even harder into her, leaving behind any doubt that Christy was a cumdumpster who wanted nothing more than to be fucked by him.

"You fucking slut," Jorge called out. "You little, fucking slut."

"Yeah! That's right! I'm a slut. I'm a dirty cumslut. A filthy, nasty, cumslut!"

Jorge listened to Christy degrade herself and that was enough. He couldn't last any longer. He thought of pulling out, but the welcoming hole which he was inside felt too good. He continued to buck inside of her as he emptied his balls. He was still hard when he pulled out of her, and after a few seconds of contemplation, he instructed Christy to suck him clean. She did so instantly, turning around and sucking up the mess on his stick before going to town on him like she did before.

Jorge spent the entire morning in that house, fucking Christy just how her programming intended. When it came time for Cody to get out of class, he got dressed and hurried out the door. When he was saying goodbye, he told Christy that she was going to be headed to his house once Cody was home and settled.

"Wear something slutty," he said as he made his way down the walkway. "Or, better yet, wear nothing at all."

"Okay!" Christy replied.

That evening, she did as she was told. She made sure that Cody was comfy in front of his PC, playing games with his friends online before she stripped completely nude and waltzed down the way to where Jorge was waiting for her. Some of the men in the neighborhood saw her walking carefree down the sidewalk, and they too got their confirmation that the gossip was true; Christy was a fucking slut and she would follow any direction that was given to her. They thought of that as they slept next to their wives that evening, coming up with their plots to take advantage of this new situation at hand.

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