Wonderland: Sarah's Story

Chapter 1

by blue

Tags: #brainwashing #college_student #D/s #dom:male #humiliation #sub:female

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

All characters are over 18.
This work is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)
Sarah checked the time on her phone as she entered the administrative building at her new university, Wonderland Institute.
She couldn't help but feel a tinge of pride attending this great institution. It was one of the top-ranked schools in the world, attracting only the most ambitious men and women from around the world.
Being here meant she was special. After all, she had gotten into Wonderland over thousands of other applicants who weren't good enough to make it here.
This is where I can do it! She thought. This is where I'll make a difference!
As a proud and vocal feminist activist, Sarah wanted to be one of those influential people who were actually making a change in the world for women everywhere.
And what better way to accomplish that than by infiltrating the traditionally male institution?
Wonderland Institute had always been considered an old boy's club. Throughout its long and storied history, there had never been a single female graduate, although many prominent feminists had tried getting accepted.
Over the last few years, a concentrated effort by activists, celebrities, and politicians forced Wonderland to admit more female students. These actions worked, at least partially: whereas before, they would not even consider a girl applicant, now almost ten percent of enrolled undergrads were female, including Sarah.
In fact, Sarah's admission into the school garnered more attention than anyone else. You see, Sarah was no ordinary student, but also a well-known actress and celebrity personality.
Blessed with good genetics, she looked attractive and photogenic in all types of attire.
Her face was slim but proportionate. It had high cheek bones and an almost pixie-like structure which gave her features the look of an elegant elf queen rather than any mortal woman; complete with thick luscious lips and long lashes framing sky-blue eyes set perfectly beneath arched brows.
Her raven hair hung down past shoulder length ending just above her breasts which were modest though nicely shaped. Standing around 5'4, Sarah had a slender physique overall accentuated by toned legs complimenting the graceful curves created by the rest of her petite figure.
Though short in stature compared to most people, she made it work in such ways only celebrities know how—with confidence galore backed by natural charisma alone. Coupled with stunning looks akin to royalty itself? Yes, truly this young lady commanded attention everywhere she went...
Well, except when it came to her breasts. Sarah's chest stuck out far less prominently compared to the average female of her age, whose boobs seemed abnormally large nowadays. Most bummer guys tended to ogle other women instead whenever they saw someone like Sarah pass by them; even if said females weren't nearly half as beautiful nor charming as Sarah was otherwise.
But truth be told though? Those sorts of things never bothered Sarah because deep down inside she knew that regardless—small tits notwithstanding!—people still found themselves drawn towards her nonetheless due simply to sheer force of personality alone.
She may have been lacking physically compared to other girls... yet somehow managed to compensate tenfold via pure determination fueled primarily upon strong convictions held dearly within herself:
I am better than everyone else here;
Because WE women can achieve anything WE set our minds upon doing;
Yes indeed: Sarah was determined beyond measure...
And thus determined was she indeed.
From a very young age, she starred on hit TV sitcoms as her star power rose alongside her sex appeal. Her status continued to skyrocket until she eventually became a household name, which brought her wealth and opportunity that most women could only dream of.
And while the lifestyle was amazing, Sarah had more altruistic ambitions in mind.
She knew there needed to be changes in our society and culture so that the playing field was leveled for everyone, regardless of race or gender. She hoped her unique position as a top student and celebrity could be used to help women get to better positions in life.
Her own rise to prominence should serve as an example to girls and women across the world: If I made it, anyone can make it!
The fact that such a prestigious institution would accept someone like Sarah sent shock waves through the feminist community. This meant that the university was open to progressive thought, and Sarah hoped to further those advances.
This place needs me. Just think about what kind of campus this would be if all the men ran amuck! Sarah thought. There'd probably be orgies during every class. It was up to her to teach these guys how to behave.
There was something inside Sarah, deep in the core of her being, that lit up when she thought about changing things here.
Maybe it was because Sarah had grown up watching her father dominate and humiliate her mother. Maybe it was the way other men looked down upon her, thinking they could use their money and privilege to get whatever they wanted.
Either way, Sarah did not want herself nor any woman to have to go through that again.
The best way for me to fix this is by changing our culture. And Wonderland Institute is where a lot of our culture comes from. They run this city. And the people who graduate from Wonderland are the ones who control everything out there. This school practically runs the country!
Sarah approached the administrative office where her assigned appointment was located.
"Hello, my name is Sarah Bennett. I have an appointment with the dean at nine?" she said to the young woman working behind the front desk.
"Oh my god. You're THE Sarah Bennet. In real life!" The lady behind the desk exclaimed with stars in her eyes. "I love your movies."
"I'm glad to hear," Sarah replied.
The receptionist glanced down at Sarah's tits. "I heard you never do nude scenes because you took your work seriously. Is that true?"
"Yes, that's correct."
"Well I hope they're not asking you to go topless during hazing week."
"What?" Sarah asked incredulously. "Why would I have to go topless? That sounds sexual and degrading."
The receptionist giggled. "Wow, you're in for a real treat. Have fun."
Sarah was ready to argue back when someone new came from the side door.
"I'll take it from here," Dean Rogers said, introducing himself to shake hands with Sarah.
They walked together towards his office, exchanging pleasantries while discussing the reasons why he invited Sarah for a special private meeting.
When they reached the dean's office, a large spacious room complete with its own sitting area, Dean Rogers instructed Sarah to have a seat.
From just beyond his desk, he grabbed two clipboards, each holding several pieces of paper, and brought them over. He handed one to Sarah before sitting down.
"What's this?" she asked, looking at the various pages on her clipboard.
"This, Ms Bennett, is the reason we have called you into this meeting today."
Sarah gave him a perplexed look.
"What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?"
The dean smiled. "Not yet, at least. You see, every year we allow many promising students like yourself into our great institution. However, because we deal with sensitive material in class, especially during orientation and freshman year, we need to make sure all of our students are properly vetted."
"You mean I wasn't properly vetted already when you decided to admit me?"
"That was phase one, yes. But this is phase two. And if you want to enroll, or stay enrolled as it were, then you'll need to do us a favor first."
Sarah was suddenly aware of her current predicament: she didn't exactly have a choice in this situation. All she wanted right now was to remain enrolled so that she could further her academic career and hopefully make changes within this institution from the inside.
But she also couldn't understand why they were treating her like this.
"And what would that be?" She asked tentatively.
He picked up the clipboard that was resting on his lap. "We just want you to sign this agreement."
She immediately read the document attached to her clipboard. On top of the page, there was a big bold title: University-Wide Consent Form & Waiver
It seemed strange. Was she really going to be asked to sign something so important without even being given enough time to think it over?
There were also certain parts of the document that Sarah wasn't too pleased with.
It read: "In signing below, I hereby acknowledge my willingness to participate in all events sponsored by faculty members or staff including, but not limited to, attending lectures, taking notes, submitting assignments, and undergoing training and other educational activities. Furthermore, I agree not to hold any member of this University legally liable for psychological injuries sustained during said events due to circumstances beyond their control..."
Some of these words sounded like they had double meanings.
Did that last paragraph essentially say that I won't hold the University accountable for any 'training' (whatever that meant) that may occur here? How dangerous could lectures possibly be?? Why is a waiver needed for something that seems trivial at most?
"Uh, why is this necessary again?" She asked once more.
"Ms Bennett," he began explaining after taking off his glasses and leaning back in his chair. "We are running an institution that prides itself on teaching future leaders. Some of our curriculum were designed for a specific type of audience-- namely, males-- who have much more resilience than what women are capable of."
He stopped to let Sarah digest his words. Then continued, "I hope you don't think of me as sexist. I'm merely stating a biological fact. Our bodies were made differently. We function differently. And some of our programming might prove to be too intense for delicate people, such as yourself. So to avoid potential lawsuits, we simply ask incoming freshmen to consent beforehand."
He glanced down at Sarah's chest before continuing. "In other words, the courses we teach may come off as challenging for you. So this consent form is simply telling us that you are aware of what you're getting into. That way, if things get out of hand later down the line, at least both parties know exactly where we stand. Do you understand now? Or should I call your mommy to come help explain things to you?"
Sarah blushed bright red at that comment.
"I'm not a kid!"
The dean chuckled. "Ah yes, a true adult. An elite woman capable of making decisions without needing permission from her parents."
Her blush intensified. She wasn't some kid that needed to have everything explained to her before being allowed to proceed with her life choices.
Still... A part of her wondered whether perhaps agreeing to this whole thing might not turn out well in the end. It certainly seemed sketchy as hell.
Yet another part of Sarah felt indignant about having been treated like she was incapable of handling herself around these supposedly tough tasks that awaited ahead. Sure, maybe she lacked the physical prowess of men in some aspects, but that didn't necessarily mean she wouldn't measure up mentally! It can't be THAT difficult! After all, she graduated top of her high school class!
"Ms Bennett, if you feel like you aren't good enough to be a Wonderland student, I totally understand."
Dammit! If anyone deserved a chance here, it was definitely HER! Not anyone else!
She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Fine, fine. I'll sign the stupid thing," Sarah grumbled under her breath. She scribbled away on paper while ignoring warnings from within her head telling her otherwise. Surely no one ever got hurt in a classroom setting, right? Right!?
Afterwards, Sarah stood and walked towards the door leading outside. Just then however:
"One more thing," The dean said. "This might not be your normal style, but I must remind you that our institution adheres strongly to traditions and a certain image. This also includes our dress code. As I see, you are wearing a sports jacket over a blouse with full-length jeans."
Sarah nodded her head hesitantly as the dean spoke. Her outfit consisted mainly of jeans paired along with boots reaching just above knee height; plus a dark purple blouse underneath a black sports coat.
"We usually encourage students to wear clothing that flatters them and reveals their best qualities." He paused briefly before adding: "Ms. Bennett, please don't take offense, but I think you're covering too much."
Wait, did he actually just suggest she go half naked everywhere!? Was this really happening here?
"This is not a rule strictly enforced. Students can wear whatever they want. However, I do recommend you dress skimpier from now on. You will find your experience on campus much easier than otherwise."
Dean Rogers glanced down towards her body once again for emphasis which made Sarah fidget slightly at being scrutinized by him like this.
"I'll keep that in mind." Sarah said wryly as she turned to leave. She tried hard not to slam his door shut behind herself.
Ridiculous!! No way would I ever dress so provocatively around those disgusting males!
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