Queen Valborga & The Kingdom of Neushin

by barbararwetzel

Tags: #cw:noncon #D/s #dom:male #f/f #f/m #fantasy #sub:female #clothing

When the evil prince of the kingdom of Hypnotia enslaves the Queen of Neushin, a maiden escapes and seeks assistance from the kingdom of Hershin.

DISCLAIMER: This book is fiction. Every name, place, character, and event are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

* * *

Queen Valborga’s reign as queen of Neushin had been brief, but already her ability to rule had significantly wavered. She was the youngest monarch on the continent at 22 years old and the only one unmarried. The other, a generation older than her, queens of the continent like Sabina in Hershin and Petri in Disonia had offered some guidance, but they were much more mature and certainly in a subordinate role to their very patriarchal, kingly, husbands. She was grateful for their assistance and took it under advisement, but so much of it more or less amounted to “take your time, but pick a suitor you will submit to in all things, and then rule at his side with docility, femininity, and obedience.”

Her father’s illness had caused him to abdicate the throne late last year. Christian, her older brother, was away on the continent across the ocean on a trade mission that had also caused him to take up arms to assist his new allies in warding off a revolution, so he would not be back for a long time and had given his blessing for her to take the throne. “I never really wanted that and father knew it,” was the letter she received from him. Fair enough.

Valborga’s reign so far had been littered with minor controversies. The voluptuous blonde was a bit heavy-handed as a ruler and immediately brought in some sweeping reforms that, while popular with citizens, angered both businesses and politicians loyal to her father’s ideals. Her ruling style was much too centered on the whims of popular sentiment and trying to catch the wind in her sails every moment of every day. It was exhausting.

What was also exhausting was the number of suitors who sought marriage, and the ability to rule Neushin with her at their side. Many requests were ridiculous and some offensive. She felt personally insulted by a few.

The sons of local kingdoms were out of contention as well. The eldest son of Sabina and William in Hershin, Marcus, 23, was away on excursion in Disonia. The sons of Shaw and Petri in that kingdom were already married. The kingdom of Proneria, ruled for 60 years by a fumbling king who married five times, was currently embroiled in a massive fight after his death over whom was the heir to the throne, being negotiated by elfin diplomats from Disonia, including the father of one of her maidens, and not something she wanted to get involved with in any way, shape, or form.

This left Prince Damien from the kingdom of Hypnotia.

Damien, 26, ruled Hypnotia in place of his father, who had also taken ill a year before and would not, according to the mages and clerics, ever recover fully enough to lead again. His father had been an active and healthy man; the sudden illness puzzled the royal priests. He was king in everything but name, and ran Hypnotia like it. When asked by the council about him, the queens of Hershin and Disonia urged caution.

There have been further accusations that Damien dabbled in some dark magics. Magic use among the kingdoms was heavily regulated. Wizards, Priests, and Mages who used it were trained and licensed. The use of anything outside the law was strictly forbidden, and harsh punishments were offered to those who violated these laws. However, evidence of any crimes had been challenging to find so far.

One whistle-blower, a mage, had gone to the Disonian embassy in Hypnotia to claim that Damien was meeting with monks from a banned order to discuss evil deeds. A few days later, after a meeting with Damien, she apologized for the outburst, resigned from the mage academy, and reaffirmed her loyalty to the prince before vanishing from sight.

This led Valborga to her current situation. Damien was the leading suitor despite all of this. She still did not trust him. The voluptuous blonde sat down at a desk in the royal quarters given to her upon becoming queen. The long dress she wore hugged all her curves, and the high heels on her feet added a bit of bump to her shapely body.

Valborga was beautiful and knew men desired her for that. She also knew that queens on their continent were expected to be docile, feminine, and obedient. Queen Sabina spoke so highly in her letters about how wonderful King William was both as a king but as a husband who ruled her with authority, but also love. Petri in Disonia spoke of the same. She knew both kingdoms enhanced the masculine and feminine impulses of their citizens with magic, but also conditioned love and care into both husbands and wives.

There was a knock at the door. Her maiden Ulrika, as blonde as the queen and even more busty and feminine, with the addition of the elfin ears of her homeland, entered the room and curtsied before her ruler. “Ma’am, would you like to go on your evening walk now?” Ulrika had grown up in the castle as the daughter of an ambassador from Disonia who married a woman from this kingdom. She shared her mother’s beauty, but with some of her father’s Elvin features kept hidden with a headscarf.

“Yes, yes, of course dear,” Valborga began as she tidied up her journal and placed the most recent letters offering marriage, these from business leaders, into the pile with the others. Ulrika had been a good choice for a maiden and politically savvy as a favor to her Disonian diplomat father. He desired big things for her, and a high profile as a queen’s maiden would catch the eye of suitable husbands across the kingdoms.

They changed into fashionable boots for their walk. Another maiden came in and took their heels to be returned to quarters. Ulrika led Valborga through a secret passage hidden behind a bookshelf that led down to the quarters of one of the head mages in the kingdom, who cast a spell to make the queen and her maiden appear to be peasants just out on a walk. This allowed the queen, a bit put off by the attention she drew when even visiting a market, to blend in and take her daily walk with a maiden, which was typically the one accompanying her right now.

The queen had come to see Ulrika as a trusted maiden and the closest she was to any of them. At first, she did not trust the political nature of the appointment: Her memory was littered with examples of the daughters of politicians, diplomats, and royalty from other kingdoms attempting to seduce her older brother, and one even attempted to sleep with their father, and the general feeling that many of them were devious in their intentions. Ulrika was kind, sweet, obedient, and her suggestions were often engaging. If only Valborga had taken the maiden’s reason for joining her on this walk more seriously.

They entered the city via an underground tunnel that led out into the back of one of the diplomatic offices for Hershin and then entered the main square. The cool winter evening kept many at home, but there was still a large group of people coming and going into taverns, stores, and the housing districts. Both women bundled up against the winter chill and walked to a favorite restaurant. Ulrika went inside and ordered two of their favorite drinks and then came back with them, so they could sit outside where it was a bit quieter.

Ulrika handed a mug to the queen and sat down across from her. The bookstore across the street was closing up for the night. A head-scarfed woman with pink hair and a modest dress walked out of the store with a man and his pregnant wife. They waved to the store owner as he began shutting down for the evening.

She took a tentative step to speak, stopped, but then took a big gulp of her drink and began. “I have something to speak to you about. I have...concerns...about one of your maidens, Your Majesty.” They could speak freely as well: The magic made their words sound like a general conversation that the average peasant or citizen would be having. Super useful, right?

Valborga looked at the maiden, whom she had come to like and found responsible and thoughtful. “Oh? Whom do you have concerns about, my dear?”

Ulrika took a deep breath. “Well, Your Majesty, I have noticed some odd behaviors by Tilda.” Tilda, 22, was the daughter of a family friend of the royal line. Her grandmother had been a maiden for Valborga’s grandmother, the former Queen Anja. “She has been rather distant recently and was caught coming home late twice in the past week. She violated the curfew for unescorted women before marriage!” She took a deep breath again. “I only knew because I was up late preparing notes for a meeting the next day.”

Valborga smiled. “Which is technically a violation too since there is a curfew for maidens as well.” She laughed at Ulrika’s blush. “Of course I know about it. The head of the Holy Knights briefed me about Tilda’s curfew violations after the second incident. The situation sounds like common pre-marriage indiscretions.”

The beautiful blonde queen leaned forward. “I stayed out late a few times too before settling into my princess duties when Christian left for his trade mission. My duties were mostly going to be ceremonial, but then father...” She trailed off and took another sip from the mug.

Ulrika put a hand to her mouth. “Oh, Your Majesty, I am so sorry to make you think of such painful memories.” What a rude thing for her to do!

Valborga shook her head. “No, no, my dear, it is fine.” Around the corner from them, two men at a table just inside the door of the café could be heard making lewd remarks about the queen’s breasts and their size. “I think Tilda is fine. Once a worthy suitor is found for her, she will settle down. I accept her mistakes, just like I do those of men who speak in foul ways about their queen.”

Both women grinned and brought their mugs inside, but not before Valborga got a good look at the men, who had now gone onto ranking the queens of the continent in order of which ones they “would.” Queen Sabina, “despite being ancient,” she was only in her mid-forties, got ranked first.

They began speaking of how “hot moms are so fuckable,” and recalled Sabina’s visit to the city while pregnant some years back, when Ulrika grabbed her queen’s hand and led Valborga out of the tavern and back into the streets to return to the castle.

They retraced their steps and made it back to the secret exit and then back into the castle. Valborga walked the maiden up to their quarters. She hugged Ulrika tightly. “Thank you for coming out with me tonight and for sharing what you knew...about the other thing.”

Ulrika curtsied low for her queen. “Yes, Your Majesty, I live to serve.” Valborga motioned for her to stand up straight and then waved good night, but not before the blonde maiden reminded the queen that she would be away in the morning visiting local farmers in service to the castle.

Inside the maiden’s quarters, she opened each of their doors gently to say good night. When she got to Tilda’s door, a brief fit of hesitation filled her, but persistence overcame it and as the door slightly opened, she found the pretty brunette maiden sound asleep already and looking like exhaustion had overcome her body.

A package sat on the table next to her bed. Ulrika smiled. Tilda was quite fetching. It was probably a letter of proposal from one of the men she had been seeing.

Definitely nothing nefarious or evil.

She closed the door and said a silent prayer that her unruly sister maiden would change her ways. Little did she know how many ways their lives would change the next day.

* * *

The next morning, Tilda Berglund, 21, woke up with a spring in her step. After morning prayers she dressed for the day in a long skirt, stockings, high heels, and a fairly revealing sweater. She had large breasts and had realized recently that it was in her best interest to show them off. Her makeup was heavy, as it had been recently, and she wore the headscarf mandated for maidens in a very loose manner. It was against the rules, but she did not care. After all, she did not serve Queen Valborga anymore: Her purpose was now being Prince Damien’s slave.

The brunette maiden had been taken while away on a trip. Damien’s soldiers, themselves enthralled to him by the same dark magics that ensnared her, captured Tilda and warped her mind to his dark desires. She would assist in making Valborga her slave sister, but also now understood her duty in life was being a whore. The soldiers had their way with her, and she was sad to leave them, but would return soon.

She checked herself in the mirror and prepared to hand off the letter to the queen, so she could see her purpose as well. Tilda walked with purpose down the stairs of the castle until reaching her destination, which was the mail room.

The polite older man who tended to the castle’s mail smiled at her. Since his wife had passed the year before, he noticed the pretty maidens much more. Tilda’s breasts hung out of her low cut sweater, despite the length of it and the modest scarf on her head, He looked at them for a split second too long as she ran a long pink nail across the skin of her breasts.

“Um, hello miss Tilda,” he stumbled through, while picking up the queen’s mail, and sorted himself out. He handed the mail pile to the pretty maiden, who saw the letter she needed to fulfill Master’s orders, brought it to the top, and then put her other hand on his arm. “See you soon!” She made a kissy face at him and then swayed out of the room, making sure he got a good view of her backside.

Tilda quickly made her way back up to the queen’s residence near the top of the castle and brought the mail inside. Normally, Ulrika was with the queen this morning, but a note had been left by her on the maiden’s work board saying she had gone into town to do some shopping. A smug sense of satisfaction filled the enthralled maiden. Valborga would soon be under Master’s control. The knights guarding that part of the castle let her by. She had hooked up with one the week before, and her winking at him made the man look uneasy with lust.

Tilda disliked Ulrika. They had once been friendly enough, even fond of each other, but there was always a bit of tension between maidens. They were there, on the one hand, to do a job and, on the other hand, for their own selfish purposes. The busty blonde maiden was also virtuous and intelligent. She would marry well. However, Tilda’s new purpose was to be a whore for Master, so she felt nothing but contempt for any woman who did not serve such a purpose.

At Valborga’s door, she gently knocked and then waited for her to open the door. The queen was preparing for the day when Tilda waved the mail at her. “Your Majesty, I have picked up the Royal Mail. Nothing of particular note besides a letter from Prince Damien from Hypnotia.” It took everything in her to not refer to Master rightfully as Master.

Valborga took the envelope and smirked at it. Damien had already sent a few letters attempting to court her, but to no avail. She kept her thoughts on courtship private, but let him know personally that she had no interest in a man like him. It was not just the rumors of his dabbling in dark magics: He generally came off like a royal of misbegotten character and morality. There were stories of sexual depravity, not just the kind of indiscretions Tilda was currently experiencing, and other excesses. She found it remarkable that these scandals had not rocked his kingdom!

Deciding to humor herself, she opened the letter and began reading what Damien had to say. Tilda watched her as a self-satisfied smirk came over her face. The letter was, indeed, yet another marriage proposal, but Valborga found herself drawn into the words as they spiraled and ran together to create a powerful love spell that put her under the absolute control of Prince Damien.

The queen blankly stared at the words as they formulated a new world view for her. She existed to serve Prince Damien. Her purpose in life was to marry him and then be bred as often as possible. Nothing else mattered anymore. Tilda also served the future king of her kingdom and would guide the new slave towards enslavement. Listen and obey her in all things until his arrival.

Valborga blinked back into consciousness as her sister slave hugged the future breeding machine. After a tender moment, they kissed and then embraced again. “There is so much Master wants from us before his arrival,” Tilda began, taking a parchment out of a wall block where she had hid it weeks before and showing it to the Master’s future wife. The words ensnared her and both dropped into a trance to begin fulfilling his will.

* * *

The now enchanted Valborga was more than happy to accept Damien’s proposal, quickly writing out her own letter of acceptance and pledge of eternal love and devotion. By the time she finished writing the letter, the future slave queen was madly in love and devoted to him. The letter, it was handed off to Tilda, who brought a royal courier into the room and enslaved them with a generic letter Damien had given her and then sent him on his way, but not before giving his cock a few strokes inside his pants and promising more if he was obedient.

The task complete, Valborga waited in trance. Tilda turned and smiled at her slave sister. “Prince Damien’s will is purpose, but Tilda speaks for him now.”

Valborga blinked a few times. “Yes. Master’s letter was clear. Prince Damien’s will is purpose. Tilda speaks for him now.” She knelt down on the floor and bowed before her controller.

Tilda handed the princess another letter. “Tilda will call in the guards. We will enchant them to Master’s will.” A moment later, they were Prince Damien’s mindless slaves, ready to die for him, but not before Tilda dropped on all fours and commanded them to fuck her like the whore she was.

One soldier dropped his pants and began fucking her mouth, which she eagerly accepted. The other pulled her dress up and took the maiden from behind. Tilda’s mind went blank as she gave in to carnal lust and proudly took as much of the soldier’s cock as she could before drinking down his cum. The men swapped places and enjoyed her again.

In the other room, Valborga continued to brainwash other members of the castle. Soon enough, all were present, accounted for, and under the control of Prince Damien, who would soon be their King.

All of them except for one pesky maiden.

* * *

Ulrika had been shopping all morning, bouncing between shops, when the news that Queen Valborga had chosen a husband began breaking out around her. This felt so odd to her: They had just been together the evening before, and there was no indication she would accept any kind of engagement at any time in the near future. What could have happened to make the queen change her mind?

Something else happened that puzzled the maiden. As word went around the shops, at first, many people seemed confused or even shocked. A few hours later the same people were delighted, and then someone mentioned that Prince Damien was the man Valborga had decided to marry.

Something was wrong. Valborga was a bit impulsive in how she approached the decision-making process, but this was odd even for her. Ulrika began making her way back to the castle, taking back roads only, looking for one of the secret passages the maidens used to come and go freely without public interaction, This was how she found out the sinister evil behind Queen Valborga’s decision to wed Prince Damien.

Around a corner, she could hear a woman struggling against a man. “You need to read the letter!” He proclaimed as she struggled in his arms. Another man came up to them, held a piece of paper up, and within seconds her struggles were over, and she dropped and knelt before them offering apologies and her total loyalty to their future King Damien.

Ulrika stood frozen in shock. She knew that magic was used for rehabilitation of criminals and among the upper class to keep women in line, but never was it supposed to be used in these evil ways! Clearly, Prince Damien had done something to the princess. “What could it be that enthralled her?” She said quietly to herself before nearly fainting as a hand came over her mouth.

“I’m a friend, don’t say anything, they’ll notice you. If they show you the letter, you’ll be their slave too.” Ulrika turned to face the woman she had seen in town the night before with her family!

Before she could speak, her body was being dragged down the street and around a corner. “We need to get to the embassy and hope they have not been compromised either. King William and Queen Sabina in Hershin or King Shaw and Queen Petri in Disonia will know what to do.”

The pink-haired woman, wearing a tight, but long, dress with a plunging neckline to put her enormous breasts front and center, did a quick incantation, taught her many years before, and then looked up to smile at the maiden. “Okay, we can speak freely now. This spell will ward others away from us, but someone with high skill could see through it, so we should not wait long before moving.”

Ulrika took a step away. “Who are you? What is happening? How do you know?”

The woman curtsied before the maiden. “My name is Rosalind. I am a citizen of Hershin. I am the family maid of Mr. and Mrs. Trent Henriad, magical advisor to the king of Hershin, His Majesty King William. Cordelia Henriad gave me permission to visit family here in Neushin before the birth of my nephew.”

Ulrika nodded. The Henriad name was familiar to her and if he advised King William, and she was under him, then truly she had lucked out in finding a friend during such a crisis. “My name is Ulrika Haaland. I am one of Princess Valborga’s maidens. My father is the Disonian ambassador to this land, but he is away right now on a mission. I was out shopping this morning when everything started happening. There is no way the princess would consent to marriage to such a fiend. I was just with her last night....” A thought came to her. “Wait, how did you know about the letters?”

Rosalind nodded. “I need to confess something sister,” she said while taking the maiden’s hands in her own, “In Hershin, most upper-class women outside the royals are never taught how to read. It’s really not needed. I was an unlearned peasant, my family felt it wasn’t needed, when I first met...” She trailed off to not call Trent “Master.” “...Mr. Henriad...he taught me the basics of reading....” She again trailed off to not mention that those words were mostly regarding the mental, psychical, and sexual inferiority of women.

“My father ensured I was taught to read....he thought it would make me a more desirable wife when it came time for me to marry. Most women here in Neushin are fairly well-read.” Ulrika gasped. “That means I can be mesmerized by one of the letters!” A look of shock filled her pretty face: She could become the loyal slave of the evil prince instantly if not careful!

The pink-haired Hershin pulled the maiden tight and whispered in her ear. “I know...it’s a terrifying thought.” She wished Master could be here with them right now. He would put them in trance and know what to do. However, they needed to be brave. As brave as a woman could be!

“Okay,” she continued, still holding on to her new friend’s hands, “we need to make our way to the embassy offices for either Disonia or Hershin. Hopefully, since they are on the outskirts of the royal region, they have not been affected.”

A thought came to Ulrika. “If anyone stops us on the way, I will say that I am taking you to assist with letter distribution at the request of the queen.” A shudder went through her at the idea of her friend being swayed by such an evil man.

Rosalind nodded and squeezed her hands tightly in her own. “That is a good idea. Okay, let’s go. Do you know any kind of back way to the embassy?

Ulrika thought about it for a moment and then began leading her friend behind a building and then down a walkway towards the river that flowed through parts of the city. She leaned into her friend, “I know of the passages in the sewers to escape into those embassies. They were shown to me when I arrived for my maidenship.”

They hurried through the city and came across a grate that, as Ulrika remembered, would lead them into the tunnels. However, as she went to enter a code to allow them entrance, yelling could be heard behind them, and they turned to face trouble.

“WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING, MISS FANCY DRESS?” A quite rough and tumble looking woman, clearly a peasant, a rather filthy one, pointed an accusing finger at them, but then turned her enraged expression towards Ulrika.

“I am rounding up bitches like you for our future King, his holiness King Damien.” The woman’s knuckles were bloody from, clearly, previous altercations, and her eyes had a distant, empty, expression to them. “I always despised the upper class, but our future monarch is Master, and we are slave.” She pulled out two letters and began to hold them up.

“RUN!” Rosalind exclaimed to Ulrika. “Do not look back even for a second. Enter the code, get the door open, and wait for me. Turn away and close your eyes.”

Ulrika sprinted to the door, not looking back at her friend, and began entering the code from memory. Upon first arriving in Neushin, her father had ensured she was briefed on the various escape tunnels around the castle and village. She remembered the code due to his quizzing of her, and the door swiftly opened. The blonde-haired maiden ran inside, kept it ajar enough for Rosalind, shut her eyes, and began praying.

Meanwhile, the burly woman looked over Rosalind. “Not much to you, really. Master will enjoy you.” She smugly held up the letter at her opponent, who stared directly at it and did not move. “Tell me now,” the woman continued, “who is your Master?”

Rosalind took a few steps towards the woman, her hands gesturing about as she muttered something in a language she barely understood, “I have a Master. His name is Trent Henriad. I have lived to serve him and his incredible wife Cordelia for the past ten years. He enslaved me with an incantation such as this one, which he taught me in case I was ever in danger while away from him. You’re too stupid to not blindly fall under control, aren’t you?”

The woman went slack. An uneducated peasant was easy to sway with dark magic, but even easier with light magic. “I am too stupid to not blindly fall under control.”

Rosalind grinned. “Stand here until I reach that gate. When I do, you will wake up, charge at it, run headstrong into it, and then fall into the river.”

The woman stood there blankly while Rosalind sprinted to the gate. She charged, arms out to try to grasp at the Hershin maiden, who easily evaded her, closed the gate, and collapsed into Ulrika’s arms. They watched as the woman made one final charge into the gate and crashed backwards, and then fell into the river.”

Ulrika pulled her friend tightly to her and began sobbing. “What did you do to stop her!?!?” Her tears ceased as Rosalind placed her under a mild enchantment.

“Something I was taught to do by a...mentor...I suppose you’ll learn when we reach Hershin.” She pulled her arms around Ulrika’s body. “I need you to be brave. Lead me to the Hershin embassy. When we get there, you’ll wake up and forget I tranced you.” The pink-haired Hershin leaned in and kissed her sister maiden. “Come on, let’s go.”

Ulrika obediently led Rosalind through the tunnels. Some parts absolutely reeked of refuse, but the brave women, one a generation older than the other, toughed it out and then reached a large corridor with a ladder at the end. At the ladder there was another interface and Ulrika put in a new code. The floor above them slid open, and they quickly made their way up the ladder as Rosalind’s spell on her wore off.

Sharp and focused, despite everything, Ulrika looked at the surprised Hershin embassy staff and, holding on to Rosalind, loudly spoke up. “My name is Ulrika Haaland. I am the daughter of the Disonian ambassador to Neushin and maiden to Queen Valborga. I request asylum in Hershin, so I may assist with saving my queen from the evil, dark magics of this usurper.”

She squeezed Rosalind’s hand, who then took a step forward and curtsied, revealing an ample amount of cleavage, “Sirs, my name is Rosalind. I am the devoted assistant of Mr. and Mrs. Trent Henriad, adviser to King William and Queen Sabina of Hershin! My loyalty is to my Master and King, but also to my new friend here to aid in however I can save her queen.”

The Hershin embassy staff brought them inside. One called out for Mr. Henriad and King William to be informed that Rosalind was safe. After the embassy cleric confirmed they were not secretly mesmerized, they were whisked into a steam train, placed in a private car, and it was set off as the staff awaited a phalanx of soldiers to arrive to aid in their defense until the King’s forces could arrive in larger groups. Prince Damien had to be stopped, no matter the cost.

* * *

Prince Damien had been nearby when his thrall Tilda brought Queen Valborga under his control. He arrived in the capital without any resistance. The embassies of other kingdoms had all left when they realized what was happening. No matter. All of them would be under his control soon enough.

In the royal castle, Queen Valborga, wearing a long dress that revealed much of her bust, leaving nothing to the imagination a more modest king would demand, presented herself to him with a curtsy and then dropped to the floor in a bow. Her mind was quite tranquil as the life of obedience filled it.

Damien came to stand before her. “Rise to your knees, slave.” Valborga instantly obeyed. “Has Tilda taught you your new purpose in life, pet?”

The voluptuous blonde looked up at the future king, love and devotion mirrored in her eyes, “Master, Valborga is thrilled to hand the kingdom of Neushin to you via our upcoming marriage. Her only purpose is to obey you by being an obedient wife and being bred as often as you demand. Her body exists to please, Master.”

He ran a hand over her face. “Good girl.” Valborga was beautiful and the busty, wide-hipped, queen had a body made for breeding. “We will get going with that soon.”

There was a knock at the door. It was Tilda and two other maidens in their new maid uniforms that he would require maidens to wear at all times. The brunette bimbo slave swayed over to her Master, the sky-high heels on her feet echoing off the floor, and came to curtsy before him. “Master, loyalty to you in the castle is absolute.” Tilda was rather busty, not as much as the queen, but if something ever happened to the blonde, Damien was pleased he had an alternative already prepared.

“Good girl,” he said while pointing at the other two maidens, who snapped to attention at his notice. “Have the military be on guard for anything suspicious or any sort of incursion. Go obey me now.”

The two maidens hurried to obey Master. Damien turned to his future wife and the whore who had brought her under his control. “My dear Valborga, I would like to get you bred as quickly as possible. Strip and wait for me by the bed.”

The busty blonde queen padded over to the bed and knelt down beside it after taking off her dress, corset, stockings, and all other clothing. Meanwhile, Damien, after sharing a few words of praise for Tilda, pushed her to the floor as she began unbuckling his pants to get his cock hard, so he could fuck his future bride.

Damien found it poetic that the maiden who enslaved the queen for him was now serving as a sexual tool to arouse him before breeding Valborga. No one would ever know it happened before the wedding. He longed to see the busty beauty even more swelled with pregnancy.

Tilda was moderately skilled at cocksucking, but even with those skills, it still took a long moment to get the prince hard. He shoved her face onto it, so the slave would have to deep throat him and, once hard enough, he pushed her aside to thrash Valborga.

The queen looked up at him with love and obedience in her eyes, which never left his hard cock. He picked her up and tossed Valborga on the bed, pinned her down, and entered her. But, again, something odd happened.

Despite Valborga’s enthralled moans of pleasure and desire for him, Damien found that no matter how hard, or which way, he fucked the queen, he could not gain fulfillment from it. He even began losing his hard-on at one point, pulled out, and had his slaves stroke him back to hardness. In the chaos of the moment, he did not notice that his body only seemed to react to the touch of Tilda and not Valborga, who mostly only watched the maiden, more sexually experienced than the more, prudish, and less experienced, blonde.

Once back to optimal hardness, he pinned Valborga back down as Tilda lay on the floor fucking herself to the sounds of Master fucking the queen. It took a while again, but eventually Damien came inside the queen. Frustrated with himself, he brought Valborga over his knee and spanked her until she was red and then tossed her on the floor with Tilda, telling them to entertain each other. He put his clothes back on and left the room after deciding he needed to supervise the other maidens and the royals. Valborga and Tilda sat in silence for a moment before Tilda leaned over and kissed the queen, pulling her into a loving embrace.

* * *

Meanwhile, in Hershin, King William and Queen Sabina’s senior adviser Trent Henriad got Ulrika and Rosalind a direct meeting with the king and queen, so they could advise them without intermediaries. Generally, both king and queen were fond of meeting with anyone, never wanting the pretensions of rule to get in the way, but nevertheless Trent still went out of his way to ensure expedience was used.

Trent came into the meeting room with King William. Both their beards were graying as they got a bit older, but the men were fit and fresh as well. Sabina entered with a maiden beside her a moment later. She smiled at both men and then sat down. After being intimate in the morning, she and William had sat together in bed discussing the situation.

She was deeply worried about the evil that could be done and worried that William’s answer to it would be the one she had asked him not to consider this morning, but she also knew her obedience was absolute, and she would support him in all things. The poor peasant turned beautiful and popular queen served her husband as not only his queen, but as his slave as well. Her only purpose in life was pleasing him.

Trent’s wife Cordelia would not be present for the meeting. She had just given birth for the fourth time, and was still in recovery. Sabina’s seventh and final pregnancy had been two years before: Her long-serving maiden Paisley was staffed as housemaid while Sabina performed her queenly duties. Sabina’s other original maiden, Hayden, had married the brother of the Elfin King Shaw over in Disonia some years before. Also present for the meeting was Parand, the Head Priestess of Hershin

A moment later, Ulrika and Rosalind entered the room. The blonde citizen of Hershin ran across the room to hug Trent. He held her tight, overjoyed to see that she was safe.

Ulrika walked over to the King and Queen and curtsied before them. “Your highness, your majesty, my name is Ulrika Haaland, daughter of the Disonian ambassador to Neushin and maiden to Queen Valborga of Neushin. Until the evildoer who has bewitched my queen is vanquished, I am a loyal servant of Hershin. I am yours to command in service of aiding the rescue of my queen.”

Sabina took a step forward and put a hand on the beautiful woman’s face. “We have approved your request for asylum. You will, temporarily, serve as my maiden until this madness is over.”

Ulrika nodded and then presented herself at casual attention. “Yes, your majesty, I am yours to command.”

Rosalind began telling the story of how they had come to need to escape Neushin. She was visiting family anticipating a birth and went out shopping in the morning. Neushin had always been moderate and neutral, and now there was talk of a political marriage. Valborga had turned down every suitor so far, including the one she was now said to marry, Ulrika confirmed this with a nod, so something was definitely wrong now.

People were behaving strangely, and it seemed to happen after they viewed one of the letters. “I saw a woman view the paper and suddenly change before my eyes. Then others did as well, men too.” Rosalind took a deep breath. “I was then cornered by a man and woman.” She looked over at Ulrika, realizing previously her whereabouts before they came together had been vague. “The man apprehended me and the woman held up a letter. But nothing happened! I am barely literate and only knew a few words on a page,” she looked over at Trent with a sly grin, “so the dark magic in it had no effect on me.”

Ulrika ran a manicured hand over her friend’s arm and Rosalind continued. “I bit the man and...punched the woman in the face, and then escaped from them back to the outside. I started thinking about how to escape to sanctuary, or if there would even be one, and that was when I encountered Ulrika. She was about to be shown a letter when I rescued her.”

She squeezed Ulrika’s hand. “After discovering that she was one of Queen Valborga’s maidens, she showed me a secret tunnel that led to the Disonian embassy where her father was stationed, but he is currently away on a trip. We did have to thwart an attack, and I am thrilled to report,” she exaggerated a bit, “Ulrika’s great assistance with that. I would not have made it here without her.” William and Sabina nodded at each other with great pride for their new maiden, who was able to assist a family friend with such enthusiasm.

Ulrika’s eyes widened in shock as a realization filled her mind. “I just realized that Tilda was mesmerized! That explains her odd behavior lately.” She cupped a hand to her mouth. “Oh, if only I had been there that morning and not gone into town!”

William put a hand up. “You might be under Damien’s thrall right now. You did the right thing by escaping. We can rescue your friend, and your queen, later. Without you, we wouldn’t have a good idea what was happening. You did the right thing.” Ulrika and Rosalind shared a glance, thrilled to please the king they served.

Trent concurred. “You were in good hands with Rosalind, Miss Haaland. She is a dear family friend of the Henriads and has been a beloved advisor to my wife since we arrived in the capital so many years ago now.”

He shifted his stance slightly and held up a magical envelope holding the letter they had confiscated. “I cast some spells on this letter to block the enchantments from taking hold. It’s a fairly straightforward spell to counteract, but I will need time to be able to mass produce such a thing. Parand agrees and will begin work immediately.”

The head-scarved priestess curtsied. “Yes, Sir, I will begin work immediately.” He handed the materials to her, and she left to obey his command.

Trent exchanged a look with William and Sabina and then turned to Ulrika and Rosalind. He took a few steps closer and waved his hands to begin an incantation. Before either woman realized what he was doing, they were both deep in trance. Ulrika stared at him, pouty mouth ajar, waiting for command.

“I apologize for the subterfuge, my dears,” Trent began with a slight frown, “but I need to test out both of you.” He turned to Rosalind. “Rosalind, who is your Master?”

Rosalind stared straight and responded in a blank monotone. “Trent Henriad is Master. Rosalind exists to serve Master. She also exists at the pleasure of the King and Queen of Hershin.” Behind Trent, Sabina blushed a bit at memories of the gentle, feminine, touch of the woman.

Trent nodded. “Good girl.” He turned to Ulrika. “Ulrika, who is your Master?”

Ulrika was silent for a few seconds as a confused expression formed on her face. “Ulrika does not have a Master.” She looked to her enthraller for an answer.

Trent nodded again. “Good girl.” He turned to the king and queen. “If she had been secretly mesmerized previously, it would come out under questioning. The feminine mind is not sophisticated enough to hide such a thing unless deeply,” he looked at the enthralled Rosalind, “trained over a number of years.”

They left Rosalind and Ulrika in a trance and began debating what their next steps would be. “I am very concerned,” Queen Sabina began, “given that much of the women in the upper class of Hershin, including myself and my maidens, besides Ulrika obviously, are literate. Damien could enslave us!”

At that moment, Peri, a former thrall of Trent turned maiden for Sabina, entered the room. She curtsied before the queen. “Your Majesty, Prince Marcus has arrived at the castle and been briefed on the situation.”

Before Sabina could say anything, William put a hand on her arm. “Trent, what do we need to do next?”

“I need to confer with Parand and my mages,” Trent confirmed, “but I have an idea.” He stared at the king and queen. “I think, my friend, you may have an idea as well.”

William nodded and spoke to Peri. “Tell Marcus to come to us. Also send word for an update from Shaw in Disonia. Women in the Elvin Kingdom are not allowed to be literate, but I am still concerned about the men, of course.” The maiden moved to obey her king with expediency.

William and Sabina were now alone. “I am distressed, my king,” Sabina said as she buried her face in his chest.

William held her for a moment before pulling away. “He is ready. I sent him on excursion to Disonia to prepare not only to be king one day, but to also train being a man in thought and action. Shaw and his wife have taught him a lot, from his letters, and I am sure he has shared other things with you as well.”

“He is...a man now, surely,” Sabina confirmed. Marcus’ and Sabina’s letters shared in great detail his desires for his future kingdom and a future wife. She was greatly impressed with his maturity, but still worried so much about him as the direct heir.

They continued to discuss the issue until Trent and Parand returned. He held up a pouch and a necklace dropped out of it. “I think we have found a solution.”

* * *

Meanwhile, in Neushin, Prince Damien had completely taken over. In the throne room, Valborga and her maidens, now all his mindless slaves, waited on the future king. He had fucked Valborga yet again that morning and still had problems cumming. Tilda had to come over and suck him off for a while before he could finally try to put his seed, and heir, into the royal breeding bimbo.

As Valborga massaged his shoulders and Tilda, plus another maiden whose name he never bothered to learn, did a striptease for him, he continued scheming for what to do next. Hershin could be the next target, but perhaps Disonia. Those loyal Elvin women would look great at his feet. He also needed to retrieve Valborga’s Elvin maiden, who was unaccounted for so far.

* * *

Just as Trent and Parand finished explaining the magic behind the necklaces, which they then hurried off to go on mass-producing, Marcus tentatively entered the royal meeting room. His mother raced across the room to embrace him. It had been over a year since either of his parents had visited their son.

The son that Sabina embraced was now a man, aged 22 years old. His hair was long, his beard was grown in, and he presented a friendly, but mature, aura like William’s brother, his namesake. He shook his father’s hand and then embraced him too.

“Peri caught me up on what has been going on. I met Damien while at a conference. He seemed like a sleazeball to me. I am not surprised he got into dark magics.” Marcus exuded a level of confidence his parents had never seen before.

“Your observation of him appears to be accurate. Dark magic is not the way to run a kingdom. That has always been clear here in Hershin. In Hypnotia, it seems like they do not understand how that sort of magic corrupts.” William waved a hand towards the still enthralled Ulrika, who stared straight ahead with a blank expression on her face. “Ulrika made it clear that Queen Valborga had already turned him and other suitors down before. Your mother has been in contact with her and concurs that was her belief. We wouldn’t know what was going on without this maiden.”

Marcus walked over to Ulrika and stared directly at her rather large bust. “So this....one...here is one of Valborga’s maidens?”

“Yes,” Sabina confirmed, “Ulrika Haaland of Disonia. Her father is an ambassador. Thankfully, he was away when everything happened. She will serve as my maiden during this. I could use the help.”

Marcus grinned, facing away from his parents, mischievously at Ulrika’s breasts. He turned to face them. “That is a great idea. She will learn so much from you.”

He walked over to Rosalind, who always stared straight ahead. “Rosalind! She was visiting Neushin and saved Ulrika?”

“Rosalind was visiting family when everything happened,” William confirmed, “she encountered Ulrika, saved her from being mesmerized, and then they escaped together.” He stood before the two women. “Rosalind, Ulrika, As you will serve me and Mr. Henriad, you are also compelled to obedience to my son Prince Marcus. In my absence, his words are my words. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” both women replied. Ulrika stared at her new controller with obedience mirrored in her eyes.

William pulled out one of the pouches that Trent had given him. “These necklaces will neutralize the dark magic that Damien is using. He is working on mass-producing them.”

Marcus examined it. “Good. I have studied dark magic while in Disonia. It’s very dangerous to use for too long. I wonder if Damien realizes that or cares. A mage, a charming one that I...” he trailed off at his father’s bemused expression. “...anyway...told me that dark magic use can lead to health issues. He is likely weakened in some ways without even knowing it.”

His father shook his head. “We can talk later.” He turned to the enthralled women before them. “Please wake up.”

Rosalind and Ulrika blinked back into existence. Ulrika smiled softly at both men, whom she now saw as her superior in all things. Her duty to Queen Sabina bound the maiden to them.

Marcus put a hand on Rosalind’s face. “We should catch up tonight.” He found himself deeply attracted to the beautiful older woman. “Go help with dinner and then join me after the sun goes down.” He watched her move to obey without speaking. His preference was for women to comply without notice.

His father, however, was for a bit more ceremony. He walked over to Ulrika. “My dear, while you are with us serving under the queen, we will continue your training.” He waved a hand at Marcus. “As my son went on excursion to your home kingdom of Disonia, consider yourself our guest. My wife will train you well. I know your father, and I also know my friend the Elfin king Shaw holds him in high esteem.”

Ulrika’s stress and grief were all forgotten as she curtsied before the king, who now gave her purpose. “Your Majesty, I am grateful to be in your service.” Sabina escorted her out of the room, so the maiden could assist with the evening meal.

The royals had the evening meal together with Trent and Marcus. Ulrika, Rosalind, and Peri served the meal alongside a pretty slave bard who entertained them with stories of the kingdoms. Trent gave a nod of approval to Marcus when he noticed the lustful looks that Rosalind gave him. He was proud of the young man’s maturity and knew his assistant was in good hands. All attendees were impressed by Ulrika who, with Sabina’s help, had been significantly glammed up, even more than normal, to ensure all her best assets were present. As they ate the meal, the queen pondered a future for the beautiful woman.

After dinner, William and Trent went to meet with advisors. Marcus paused for a moment, spoke to Rosalind, who nodded in agreement, and then joined them before turning in a different direction. He would not be back until late in the evening, but she would join him in the prince’s quarters.

Sabina came out to the kitchen. Everyone stopped what they were doing, but she put a hand up. “The meal was delightful. Thank you all. Go back to your duties.” She looked at Ulrika. “When you are finished here, please join me in the queen’s private room.” This was a room used by the queen to relax from her duties as both queen and wife of the king.

Ulrika would not be there for a while, so she figured there would be time to relax and contemplate the present situation her husband’s kingdom found itself in. The pink-haired queen went through a secret door, unlocking it with a magical incantation taught to her by Trent when they updated security some years ago, and walked through a few back corridors, not often traversed by anyone but her maidens, and entered her private room.

When Sabina entered it, she found Marcus waiting for her, sitting in a chair.

* * *

“Oh, Marcus,” she exclaimed while racing over to embrace him. He held the queen, his mother, tightly for a moment before she pulled away and curtsied before him. “I live to serve the king, but you are our prince. His heir. I am at your command as well. Your wish is my command, Sir.”

Marcus motioned for his mother to rise and face him. “You have raised me well. I am so proud of the example of femininity you have expressed to me over the years. Staying with King Shaw while on excursion only further tempered those views. However, I am happy to be home.”

Queen Sabina looked down. “Sir, I worry, though...if something were to happen to you...” She began crying softly.

Marcus smiled and wiped away his mother’s tears. “I’ll be fine. Mr. Henriad has a plan. Damien is a creep and dabbling in some dark magics, but I’ve met him. I wasn’t impressed. He comes off like someone who will piss himself at the first one who stands up to him.”

He put a hand on his mother’s face fondly. “Obey the king. Obey me.” He hugged her again. They embraced tightly and were only interrupted by a soft, feminine, knock at the door.

Sabina called for the person, knowing who it would be, to enter. Ulrika took a step inside and curtsied for the prince. “Sir, I apologize for interrupting your meeting with the queen. She called for me to join her, but I can return at another—”

The words and thoughts dropped out of her mind as Marcus put a hand on her face. “Dear, go into a trance for a minute while I wrap up my conversation with the queen.” Ulrika, again, stared straight ahead, mouth parted, at nothing in particular and would until her controller commanded the maiden otherwise.

“She would make a fantastic queen one day, Sir,” Sabina announced with a smile to her wonderful son.

Marcus grinned mischievously as he, again, admired her large bust once more, “she has potential, surely, but I actually have another in mind. If all goes well with this mission.” He raised an eyebrow. As mature as the prince had become, he was also devilishly roguish too.

Sabina stared at him before nodding. “Right.” She curtsied again, “Sir, I will support you as the Queen of Hershin in whatever way required.”

He hugged her again and kissed his mother’s forehead. “Have fun with this one, but don’t break her. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Marcus walked past Ulrika, whispered something in her ear, and turned to wave at his mother before exiting. Sabina then turned to Ulrika, who was blinking back to life after being in trance. She curtsied for the queen her life was devoted to now. “Your majesty, how may I serve this evening?”

Sabina smiled. She was tired. The day had been so stressful. The older she got, the more her preference was for early evenings. However, this lovely new maiden, if Marcus was not going to pick her for his own wife, needed to be otherwise trained, and, beyond that, she was gorgeous and lovely. The queen found herself deeply attracted to the woman.

She motioned for her to come over. Ulrika certainly had potential. Sabina took her hands in her own. “My dear, it’s been a long day. Certainly, the coming days will be longer. I wanted a quiet evening and decided it should be with you.”

Sabina walked her to the bed in the private room. While recovering from each pregnancy, she had spent a lot of time there relaxing and getting healthier. It was also a nice place for a rendezvous with the king or, as we will see this evening, one of her wonderful maidens.

“You were very brave getting yourself and Rosalind here,” she began, squeezing the maiden’s hands. “I am so pleased by your bravery. When this crisis is over, the king will personally oversee finding you a husband. We know your father, and he will approve of it.” The queen took a deep breath and held up a jewel, which put Ulrika back in trance. “Your queen will be in no condition to oversee it when she is deprogrammed.” Especially once my son gets his hands on her.

The queen placed the jewel back in the pouch and then kissed Ulrika’s forehead. “I use this jewel on maidens when they first arrive. It’s a tradition from Disonia. Your father will understand. We need to discuss what is going to happen to you.” Ulrika stared at her with an empty smile on her face.

“My initial reaction upon meeting you was that,” Sabina continued, “you would be a strong candidate for marriage to my son Marcus. However, Marcus has passed on you. He has other plans in mind.”

She, again, squeezed the maiden’s hands. “Don’t fret. I was prophesied to meet William and marry him. That’s a lot of pressure you don’t want! There will be options for you. But for now, you will remain with us and I know, since Marcus does not desire you, what is needed for you.”

Again, the queen put a hand on one of Ulrika’s massive breasts. Neushin women had quite the reputation for being busty, and she was certainly no exception. “My breasts had to be magically enhanced to be as large as yours are.” She looked thoughtful for a second and smirked. “Yours are even bigger. Men will desire you for your body. You will keep it in shape.”

Sabina hugged her tightly. “Okay, time to go out of trance. We’ll talk like this more as time goes on.”

Ulrika blinked back to life and held on to the queen. When she pulled away, the maiden aggressively kissed Sabina, who eagerly returned it before putting a manicured finger in the way. “That can come later. First we need to visit the King. They’ll be wrapping up for the evening by now.”

Sabina and Ulrika walked hand in hand through the back corridors of the castle until they reached the royal bedroom. They entered it via another secret entrance behind a bookshelf that swung upon at Sabina’s touch.

* * *

While Queen Sabina had been meeting with her new maiden Ulrika, King William met with his son, Prince Marcus. They met privately in one of the King’s personal meeting rooms.

“I told the others,” he began, “to give us some time to talk before we discussed the larger plan, my dear son.”

William placed a hand on Marcus’ shoulder. “I am extremely proud of you. Both Shaw and Petri kept me up on your progress. They told me you took to your duties quite well. Shaw has informed me that you have a great impulse towards diplomatic matters and settling them amicably. Your combat training scores are exemplary both with bows and swords, your charitableness greatly aided the kingdom, plus I hear you had a few maidens quite fond of you.” He grinned with pride at his son.

Marcus shrugged. “Yeah, I mean, I tried not to break any hearts, but you know those elfin women.”

William nodded. “I am glad their reputation has not diminished. Your mother has reported to me that you are ready to marry.” He took a few steps and put a hand on his chin. “You know, there is quite a fetching elf maiden who just arrived. When this crisis is over....”

Marcus put a hand up. “She is...lovely, but I actually have another in mind. I met her a few times while on sabbatical. A little overwhelmed, but both our queen and Queen Petri report her to be a fine lady. If all goes well here, she will be ready to be molded to my needs as well. I know what I want in a wife, and I also know what kind of kingdom I want to rule.”

William stared at him. “The hero from another kingdom comes and saves her and then maybe erodes the evildoers magic while using his own to nudge her in the right direction.”

The king’s son laughed. “Well,” he began sheepishly, “for what it is worth I was going to bring her back here and let my mother work her magic. Seems to have worked on all those maidens over the years. You know that one elf maiden in Disonia...”

William put a hand. “Okay. I don’t need all the details of your excursion.” He was quiet for a moment. “Are you ready for this? I’ve never had to do something like this before. Even when we had disputes with other kingdoms, I always let my brother take care of it. The one time we neared a war, he turned the tide diplomatically.”

“Yeah dad,” Marcus said quietly, “I am ready. This guy is a creep that seems the type that has a house of cards that will fall quickly if someone stands up to him.”

They shook hands. “Have fun with Rosalind,” The King said with a proud smirk.

* * *

Marcus left for Neushin along with Kayla, a mage, and two other archers. All of them wore the necklaces. Before leaving, Parand met with him and gave the prince some sort of additional magical immunity. The dark magic that Damien was using could be overcome by supplemental magical aide when needed.

They traveled for a few days through back roads. The mage had cast a spell on them to make the royal caravan look like commoners, in the same way that Valborga had the night before her enchantment. Their travels were not questioned, and they stayed at a friendly inn that Trent had told him about. Upon finding out they were friends of the Henriads, the innkeepers took them in without asking for payment and ensured a hearty meal and a warm bed were waiting for them.

After another day of travel, they met with Disonian spies and were brought to a secret camp where preparations for a potential invasion were being made. “We were alerted by your father via King Shaw,” the elvin general proclaimed. “Tomorrow, Queen Valborga is set to marry Damien. We can get you inside the castle, but it needs to wait until dark.”

They rested throughout the day. Marcus conferred with Kayla and Parand, and also some of the elvin priestesses, about an idea for his confrontation with Damien. They approved his plan, and then they waited for the time to strike.

When night fell, two elvin spies, one a lancer and the other a knight, led them to an underground passage. “These are so old,” the knight explained, “that Valborga probably doesn’t even know they exist. We only know about them because The King, our King, read about them in the journals of a monarch four generations ago!”

They walked through the passages, which were unkempt, poorly lit and reeked of their neglect. The mage helped with the lighting, but the smell could not be avoided. “Four generations ago, you say,” Marcus exclaimed at one point.

Eventually, they made their way to the end of the passages. “We need to be careful when we get in there,” the lancer announced, “our spying has shown that these people are programmed to be so loyal to Damien that they would die for him without a second thought.” He pulled out his lance. “Don’t hesitate.”

Marcus took out his own sword. “Agreed. Try to avoid killing people if possible, but we can’t hold back for their sake.” He took a few steps towards the door. “Here goes nothing. Whoever makes it out can join my royal circle.”

The lancer kicked the door open into one of the main rooms of the castle. A bookshelf had been hidden in front of it, and the wood and books went flying all over the place. Two guards attacked them. The lancer took down one while Marcus slammed the other against a wall. The mage came along behind them and cast a spell on both guards to put them to sleep until this was all over.

They made their way through the castle. Other guards proved much more lethal as, the lancer had noted, they were so brainwashed that they threw themselves at Marcus’ team. The future king had to kill two of them, as did the mage, whose fire spell incinerated a pesky priestess who tried to cast a few spells on them.

They did also learn, via the priestess’ death, that the necklaces worked. She had held a magical letter and dropped it during the fight. Marcus picked the letter up, stared at it, and nothing happened. The mage and lancer also tried to read the letter and, again, nothing happened.

The lancer went ahead to clear out a way to the royal quarters. Damien had it guarded with some of Valborga’s maidens, but the silly women were easily taken out and then put to sleep.

Marcus stopped at the door. “Are you confident,” he said to Kayla, who nodded confirmation that their plan would work. “Okay,” he pointed at the elves, “clear out the rest of the castle.” He then turned to the mage. “Follow me in once I finish him off.” The elves moved to obey, as did the mage.

Without much ado, Marcus slammed open the door and laughed at what he saw. Damien was fucking Valborga from behind, but muttering to himself about getting hard, so he could “fuck this bimbo good.”

“Oh, hello, can you stop fucking her for a moment,” Marcus said with mock concern before whipping a dagger at his fellow prince. Damien pulled out and barely dodged the skilled throw by his adversary.

“How did you get here? You should have fallen under the spell.” Damien scoffed at the man. “Who the hell are you?”

Marcus chuckled. “We actually met once. My name is Marcus, Prince of Hershin, son of King William and Her Majesty Queen Sabina. You were the piece of shit who weirded out a Disonian maiden when we were at a diplomatic conference. She cried all over me because you said something really lewd to her.” He grinned proudly. “I calmed her down and then fucked her senseless. She screamed out my name like a prayer, asshole.”

He threw another dagger, nearly hitting Damien’s crotch. “You could have mesmerized a woman or two. One of my dad’s advisors did that. Had a good life,” he threw another dagger, now clearly missing on purpose, “lived a long time and had devoted slaves at your beck and call. Maybe add a third as you get older.”

Finally, they were face to face. “But no, you had to fuck around and try to take over a kingdom. Time for you to find out.”

Damien called up some kind of dark magics. His eyes lit up black, and he began speaking in some kind of evil tongue. He shot a spell at Marcus, but the prince, using the mage’s enchantments on his sword, deflected it back at Damien. It staggered him backwards against a wall, where Marcus punched him until he fell to the ground.

On cue, Kayla came in and began casting a spell on Damien. When he tried to cast a spell on her, it also backfired and put in a state of suspension. She enchanted a new letter and placed it in front of the evil prince’s face.

A moment later, he dropped to his knees before Marcus. “Damien lives to please, Master. Please use him for your will.”

“Like we talked about,” Marcus said to Kayla, “you can revert his magic?”

She handed him a blank sheet of the letterhead. He scribbled out a message and placed it in front of Damien. His new thrall began chanting something, and then magic whisked out of him and through the land. The loyal servants of Prince Damien now served the soon-to-be King Marcus.

Marcus turned to face Kayla. “You will be my high priestess. Make another blank sheet for me, so I can enthrall my future wife. Oh, and send in some soldiers for Damien. I’ll think of a suitable punishment for him later.”

High Priestess Kayla gave him a blank sheet and then tracked down some soldiers to take Damien away. Outside, the kingdom could be heard calling for the evil prince’s head while also cheering for their future king.

Marcus sat down on the bed and began writing to his future wife. He described her loyalty and obedience to him, her docility and femininity. Her deep need to offer her body at all times to him. To teach her maidens and the women of the kingdom of Neushin that their purpose in life is to be docile, feminine, and obedient.

Valborga was still in a trance, kneeling on the floor, lost in her lack of thought. Marcus walked over and knelt down before her. “Valborga, can you hear me?”

The Queen of Neushin looked up at him. “Yes, Master.” A single tear went down her face. She was so lost and confused. Her body had failed Damien and not given him an heir, but it all turned out to be the work of the most evil of witchcraft.

Marcus stroked her hair gently. “I am so sorry that this happened to you.” He kissed her forehead. “That piece of shit warped you for his evil desires. His magics turn women to sin and immorality. Women need to see the light of light magic.”

He held her hand. “I am going to make you mine. We will rule this kingdom as king and queen. I know I can come off as unserious and flamboyant, but when it comes to royal matters, especially matters of the heart, I am dead serious.”

The future king kissed her head again. “I promise that I will love and care for you. You will obey me in all things and serve as a fine example to the women of Neushin how a lady should behave. You’ll give me heirs to rule this land after we are gone.”

Valborga began crying again. “Master, please, I am unworthy of you,” she exclaimed between sobs. “I fell for evil and am barren. No king deserves a wife who cannot give him an heir.”

Marcus grinned and snapped his fingers. “Ah! That is the rub of it all. So, it turns out that Damien’s dabbling in dark magics made him sterile. He could never get a woman pregnant because the use of dark magics harms a man’s fertility. It had nothing to do with you.”

The queen sniffled a few times. “Master, really? It wasn’t me?” Her silly feminine mind raced with visions of being bred for Marcus. All other desires were lost upon her.

He laughed. “No, my beautiful slave, it wasn’t you. We will have the royal doctors run some tests on you, but you did not directly use the dark magic, so it shouldn’t affect you.”

Valborga took the letter out of his hand and read it. In mere moments, she was madly in love with Master.

* * *

Many months later, Queen Valborga was well on her way to motherhood as she traveled with King Marcus to Hershin for their first official visit to his homeland as king and queen. They traveled by carriage as Kayla, the new High Priestess of Neushin and obedient servant of the king, went over important details for the visit. The citizens of Neushin had forgiven Valborga for being mesmerized by the evil Prince Damien and eagerly embraced the new king, but especially after news came out about her pregnancy.

The people of Hypnotia were so sorry for how they fell under the sway of Damien. The new king and queen of Neushin’s first royal trip was to Hypnotia to ease the burden they felt by the trickery of the prince.

Things would improve the next year for the citizens of Hypnotia. Upon arriving in Hershin, Marcus and Valborga were greeted by a diplomatic team led by Ulrika, reassigned there, who would be married the next year once a suitable male was found. She was so happy to see her friend Queen Valborga so pregnant and felt so envious of her current state as both found pregnancy to be the height of femininity.

Ulrika escorted them to the castle where they met with King William, Queen Sabina, and Trent Henriad. She left for a moment to bring back a friend: Queen Valborga was thrilled to see Tilda, now deprogrammed from the evil of Damien and realigned to light magic, who had been sent to Hershin for maiden training with Queen Sabina.

There was much to celebrate beyond weddings and pregnancies: King William’s brother Marcus, the new King Marcus’ uncle and namesake, had sent a letter that he was returning from his trip to the continent across the ocean.

He would make a wonderful king of Hypnotia, perhaps.

There was so much joy in the four kingdoms. As Valborga recalled a misadventure with morning sickness to Queen Sabina, the elder queen looked across the room at her son. Sabina had been a poor peasant when she met then Prince William in the Hershin markets. He had defended her from a thug and, by the end of the day, she was at his feet ready to serve him. So much of him, her wonderful husband and Master, could be seen in their eldest son.

Marcus, himself tied up in a conversation with Ulrika and Tilda about their numerous suitors, most so unworthy, saw his mother’s gaze and smiled. The queen had been an incredible mother, and soon to be grandmother, and would be the guiding light for the new king of Neushin.

The End

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