Queen Sabina & The Kingdom of Hershin

by barbararwetzel

Tags: #cw:noncon #bondage #D/s #dom:male #f/m #fantasy #sub:female #clothing #growth

Prince William uses the magic he learned in another kingdom to find the peasant woman he is destined to marry.

Queen Sabina & The Kingdom of Hershin

DISCLAIMER: This book is fiction. Every name, place, character, and event are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

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SYNOPSIS: Prince William uses the magic he learned in another kingdom to find the peasant woman he is destined to marry.

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“William, you need to find a wife soon. Our father will die within the next few months, and you will need to take the throne. Without a wife, our kingdom will look weak in the empire.”

Prince William, 24, sighed, having had this conversation with his brother Marcus, 22, many times before. “I understand that. I have yet to find the woman who shall be the one I make mine. The castle Oracle has prophesied that I will marry a woman with the bluest eyes in the empire, she will be mine and will help me lead our land into its rightful place at the height of the empire.” He smiled at his beloved brother. “The science I brought back with me from excursion will assist me in making her mine.”

Marcus moved across the room towards the window, his orange, chin length, hair waving in the breeze the open window let in. “You have big plans for the kingdom, don’t you? You are wise and bold. The empire will benefit from your rule.”

William stood up, musing to himself about some of those plans. “Indeed I do, there will be many changes both politically and socially. Our father’s reign has been honorable, and, hundreds of years from now, many songs will be sung of his deeds. However, there are things that need to be set right, and I shall do it.”

With that, William walked across the room and extended his hand. “I am going to go into the market for produce. The farmer’s crops seem to be blessed this season.”

Marcus took his brother’s hand and grasped it firmly. “Indeed, William, but you know we have servants and workers to do mundane errands like that.”

William wrapped his cloak around his body as he headed towards the door. He paused at the door, turned back to his brother, and smiled. “You are right, but I feel that if I will be eating the food I should pick the freshest, best, produce no?” He waved and said a few words of love and adoration to his brother in their kingdom’s ancient, almost forgotten, language and was off to the market in the castle’s hillside below.

The ride on the indoor escalator down to the market was a very pleasant one for the Prince. He took a private ride that the castle had installed for Royals, so villagers would not swamp them. William, as much as he loved the people who he would rule someday soon, was rather unsettled by having hundreds of people surround and treat him like a god. Just because he was born of noble blood did not mean he was more a man than anyone else! He brought his food and clothes just as all others would, refusing to have servants take care of things like that unless absolutely necessary. The king of Proneria to the south was a fine example of what he did not want to become. Fat, lazy, and obnoxious to his people. Being king is a privilege that should be taken to heart, not an excuse to engage in gluttony!

The ride down to the village, which took about ten minutes, gave William plenty of time to relax and reflect on recent events. Not long ago, he had been a carefree Prince staying in the western kingdom of Disonia on an excursion with his distant cousin, the Elfin Prince Shaw. His father’s sudden illness a few months before brought him back east across the empire to take up residence in the castle. Now he was expected to start taking on more responsibilities and, eventually, to rule the kingdom.

Of course, as his brother constantly reminded him, he also needed to find a wife. How could a King be taken seriously without a Queen? Luckily, William had spent a lot of his time in Disonia studying politics and philosophy. He also learned a lot about technology. Disonia was much more technologically advanced than Hershin, who favored a more magical approach. William’s father was a bit wary of the sciences, preferring to let the royal Mages use their magic to advance society. Disonia used a liberal mix of the two, and William thought it was the best way to proceed. When he ruled he would advocate broad changes and encourage the sciences, whether they are social, magical or technological.

While staying in the Disonian royal castle, William was a guest of the Elfin Prince Shaw. He had been taken into confidence by Shaw, 24, and shown much of the latest technology, which had advanced his kingdom into the leading member of the empire. William knew things were not as they seemed, but the changes that had come along were for the betterment and glory of the kingdom. An alliance between the two kingdoms would be the first bill he would sign once he was King. During the Elf’s wedding to the maiden he had wooed, William promised Shaw that when he returned to Hershin he would immediately begin to experiment with the technology he was going home with.

Hopefully, one of the items he had returned with would be put to use soon. His brother’s pestering about him getting married was very convenient, as this machine would help him with that. The oracles had proclaimed a peasant woman with the most beautiful blue eyes in the empire would be his wife and help lead the kingdom to the heights of the empire. A few seconds later, the prophecy would begin to take shape.

William knew she was the peasant he was destined to marry the moment she came into view. Her huge blue eyes immediately spoke out to him. They were exactly as the Oracles had said; large and deep, like the deepest water in the ocean. William pushed his way through the crowd that inevitably gathered whenever a royal entered the market. Slowly, but surely, he edged closer to the west side of the market where she stood looking at produce.

Not wanting to offend the crowd, but also wanting to get closer to her, he put a hand up to silence them. He looked about and saw that even the young lady had stopped to hear what the Prince had to say. “My people, thank you for the warm welcome. Ever since my return, you have been generous in your praise and kindness. I only hope to return it by serving our kingdom well.”

Many loud cheers went up from the crowd, but the woman was William’s only focus. She was smiling and clapping along with all the others, obviously pleased by what he said. He waited for the cheers to subside a bit and then put a hand up again. “I appreciate the welcome, but, I am here, just as you are, to buy goods. Let us get back to our daily tasks. Who can show me the finest tomatoes in the market?”

More cheers came as two men around his age walked out of the crowd to lead the Prince to their booth, which they claimed had the best produce in the empire. It was by the fates that it was the same booth the woman was standing at the moment. The crowd dispersed after a moment and went back to their business.

William walked up and extended a hand to the man running the booth. “Hello farmer, I have been told by these two that your produce is the finest we have, may I sample some?”

The farmer was visibly nervous as he returned the handshake; it was not every day a Prince wants to buy your tomatoes. “S-S-Sir they are my children, and we have worked hard to bring them to the people. I only wish to help the kingdom, Sir.”

His handshake was weak. William frowned at this, hating the way people treated him just for being born of noble blood. “You don’t have to be nervous around me.” He paused for a moment and gestured broadly towards the crowd, who, despite their dispersal, were still collectively ease dropping on everything the Prince said. “I came here to buy food, just as everyone else here did. I may be a Prince, but I am no god, I must eat as well no?”

He smiled at those around him, the sons laughing because it was expected. “Now, I would like to buy three pounds of your finest grain and two pounds of your reddest tomatoes, what would the price for these be?” The man quoted a price that was a bit on the high side but worthy of the product, which was very nice indeed. William was not sure if it was the best in the kingdom, but it was certainly in the running.

The Prince knew this was his opportunity to speak to the peasant woman, who was now standing nearby watching what was happening. He turned towards her, made eye contact, and spoke. “My dear, what is your name?”

She looked up at him, but would not look him in the eye, for fear of the wrath he could bring down upon her. “S-S-Sir, my name is Sabina.” Sabina curtsied for the Prince respectfully. He smiled and examined her. The ripped up dress she wore told William that her family was near the bottom of the commoner class; Sabina’s family was not quite dirt poor, but close. Her hair was dirty and knotted; although it was clear that if cleaned up it would shine brightly. Sabina was thin, but not as bad as he had seen elsewhere in his travel. With the nutrition she would receive in the castle, the 21-year-old would blossom.

While William did not find the way the people looked at him as an idol that is to be put on a pedestal enjoyable, he was pleased by the respect he gained from them. When he was King, he would earn it a million times over. William noticed there was a small crowd watching now. A few of her friends were visibly stunned that the mighty Prince would even speak to her. He got closer to her and took her face in his hand, looking into her eyes. They were stunning, blue as the ocean, and more oval-shaped just as the prophecy stated they would be.

“You are beautiful, Sabina.”

Sabina again curtsied and lowered her eyes respectfully. Her face turned a deep shade of red as she blushed at his compliments. “T-t-thank you Sir, coming from you that is the highest of honors, but I am just a peasant. I am in rags. I just came here to buy food for my family for the week.”

By this time, most of the crowd was back to their business, or at least acting as if they were. William noticed a few glances from the people around him, but did not let it bother him. If she was at the market, he could assume she had a grasp of basic mathematics and reading. Good. He loved his cousin Shaw, but he could not understand his fascination with dimwitted Elvin women.

“What were you buying, Sabina?” She stuttered unintelligibly, which made William frown. “You may look at me if you wish; my eyes will not turn you to stone.”

Slowly Sabina looked up a little, visibly shaking, “S-Sir, I was just buying some grains and milk for my family. We don’t have too much money, so I have to shop around for bargains, Sir.”

Ah-ha! William had a way to break the ice. “Well isn’t that a coincidence Sabina, I am buying grains myself. I do not trust the castle servants to do it for me; when I was in Disonia studying with my cousin I was waited on hand and foot, and it became quite bothersome. Just because I am of royal blood does not mean I cannot get up off my butt and do things! I feel that if I am to eat while I am home, I should pick it out myself. Those who don’t leave the castle become lazy and obese, like the myth in Proneria about the Saint Nicholas fellow.” Nervously, Sabina laughed at this. Slowly she had been looking at him more and became a bit more comfortable.

He pointed towards the seller in front of them. “I arrived here just before we started speaking, Sabina, so I have not had an opportunity to look around as you have; please tell me, are this man’s provisions the best deal in the market.”

She saw his smile and felt less nervous, the worry slowly going out of her face. “I think his prices on tomatoes and milk are fine, but the g-g-grains are a bit high, Sir.” She turned and pointed towards another seller, an older woman. “The woman over there has cheaper grains, S-Sir.”

The man behind the counter grabbed her and turned her around. “Wench, my grains are the best!”

William swatted his hand away and leaped forward, grabbing him by the shirt, which silenced the stunned crowd around them. “Fool! You will not grab my lady friend like that ever again!” He held him up by the shirt and threw the man back against his counter. “Touch any woman like that ever again, and I will have you fed to the dragon under the castle, and then your carcass sent to the shoe trees for scraps.”

He let his words hang in the air for a few seconds, watching them sink into the terror-ridden face of the man. William then backed off and walked across the market to the woman on the other side, whose grain Sabina had said was the finest. It was true, he was pleased to find out, she was bright. A deal was negotiated, and he started to move back across the market to where Sabina was standing stunned. A few people offered to help him carry his goods, but he turned them down, telling them to take care of their own needs. Before he made it all the way across, he announced he would begin plans for a great feast for the people three weeks hence.

Cheers came up from the crowd. This gave him the moment he needed to motion to Sabina for her to follow him. She followed quickly, not sure what else to do. After she caught up to him, they walked down a few back alleys and stopped behind a large inn.

William took her hands in his own. “I wanted to thank you for assisting me back there, Sabina.” He gave them a tight squeeze to show his words were sincere.

Gently, she squeezed back, not sure what was really going on. “I am just a peasant; my life is but to serve the kingdom, Sir.”

He smiled as he noticed the lack of the stutter. Good, he thought, she was becoming more accustomed to him. “I would like to thank you for your help, Sabina; will you join me this evening for dinner?”

Sabina covered her mouth, her cheeks burning red. “Dinner with me, Sir? But I am just a peasant!”

Brushing his hair out of his face as he took her hands in his own again, William leaned in and kissed her on the mouth gently and then a little harder, putting his forehead against hers gently. She was stunned and staring at him now in shock as the Prince pulled away. “Sabina, you will have dinner with me this night, I will have a page go to your home to tell them where you will be. Come with me now, we will have you cleaned up and made presentable for the evening. Don’t worry about others knowing where you are, I know a shortcut back to the castle.”

He pulled her in tight and kissed the future Queen again. This time, she kissed him back. They walked hand in hand to the trapdoor behind the market tavern a few alleys down, opening the door and entering. Inside the trap door, after walking down a long corridor, a hidden elevator led to the castle. Sabina had never seen one of these before; they were a new technology. They soon got to the end of the ride, which dropped them off at a back room in the castle. Even this room, an unused storage room, was huge. Sabina craned her neck from side to side, taking it all in.

William took his hand out of hers and stepped in front of her. “We are going to go a few floors up; the stairs will bring us to a guest bedroom, which will be where you will change for the evening.”

Sabina looked surprised and suddenly nervous again. “But I didn’t bring other clothes! What will I wear, S-Sir?”

He leaned in and kissed her again, gently on the mouth. “We have plenty of clothes for you, Sabina. On our way up, I had two maidens called to the room we are going to, so you can have assistance in getting cleaned up.”

Smiling and laughing a bit, she curtsied for him. “I will do my best to look good for you, Sir.”

William smiled and took her hand in his and kissed it gently. “I love the way you curtsy.”

Sabina smiled at him. “You like that I curtsy, Sir?”

“Indeed, I like it when women curtsy and show proper respect to men.”

There was a knock at the door. William turned his head towards the door and quietly instructed them to enter. Two women, both the same age as Prince William, wearing long, beautiful, blue dresses, came in quietly. Both curtsied and lowered their eyes, but not before Sabina could notice the glassy look in their eyes. Both women spoke in unison. “Sir, we have come as you requested, we await your order, Sir.”

Sabina was quite stunned by them. Both of them were amazingly beautiful and elegant in their outfits. She hoped that a dress like this was going to be for her as well.

The Prince walked over to both, motioning for them to rise. He pointed to each of them. “Sabina, this is Paisley and this is Hayden.” Both remained silent. Sabina could not believe how beautiful they looked. William glanced over at her and then back to Hayden, 24, and Paisley, also 24. “Ladies, Sabina will be staying with us tonight for dinner. I want you to clean her up for the evening meal.”

Both immediately began to move over to her, their bodies flowing in their ankle length dresses. “Yes, Sir.” They both said as Hayden touched Sabina on the arm. “Come, Sabina, we have to bathe you.”

Hayden took Sabina by her left arm, while Paisley snapped a gold bracelet onto the peasant’s right arm. Before Sabina could ask what it was for, Hayden added a second bracelet to her left arm. Sabina immediately stood straight and stiff, her eyes becoming glassy and distant.

Hayden was the first to speak. “Come with us, Sabina, we have to clean you up.” Sabina obediently got up and followed the two maidens across the hall and down two rooms. They walked in and Paisley stepped in front of Sabina, taking her hands in her own. “Now Sabina, you will take off those tattered clothes, we have to bathe you and then dress you like the lady you will become. Do this now.”

Sabina obeyed without a word, sliding her dirty dress over her long orange-blond hair. The body that was reveled for inspection was beautiful. She was quite the stunner, tall and busty. Paisley came across the room, her blue dress accented by the tight corset she wore that showed off her own large bosom. She opened a drawer to take out a measuring tape, pulling back her chin length pink hair into a short ponytail with her other hand.

Paisley walked over to where Sabina stood and touched her hand. “Sabina, step onto that scale, please.” She stiffly walked over to the scale and stepped up onto it. The pink-haired maiden moved a few measurements and wrote down a number. Dear reader, I will not be telling you the weight of a lady!

She nodded to Hayden, who moved in to take the next measurement. She moved a metal bar over the top of Sabina’s orange hair. “Five foot, three inches.” Paisley wrote it down on the clipboard she carried. Paisley next commanded Sabina to move to the middle of the room and stand still. She complied silently, moving in a gliding fashion.

Paisley moved her hands around Sabina’s body, taking measurements as she went. She stopped especially at her breasts, her pink nails running across Sabina’s left nipple. Her chest may need to be magically enhanced by their Master, but for a lady so impoverished, her body was still impressive. Hayden wrote down the measurements as she called them out.

Together, they then bathed her quickly, wiping away months of grime. Hayden and Paisley were to do this quickly; Master just wanted her cleaned up for now. Once they finished drying her off, Hayden commanded Sabina to walk back to the center of the room and wait at attention. Her naked self walked over to the middle of the room and stood, eyes glassy and staring out at nothing. Paisley walked over to her and gave her a once over, walking around her. Nodding to Hayden, she stepped out-of-the-way, so Hayden could put a white dress over top of Sabina’s head. The dress went down to her ankles, highlighting her curves. Paisley came in and tied the front corset, making Sabina’s firm breasts snug in the dress.

Hayden took her hands in her own pale fingers, “Sabina, come over here and sit down.” Once Sabina had sat down, Hayden started on her makeup while Paisley gave her a manicure.

She was now ready and presentable for the Prince. Hayden took both of the bracelets off her arms, and watched as the life came back to Sabina’s eyes, and she got up with them to head down to the dining hall as if nothing were any different.

Paisley and Hayden quietly escorted Sabina towards the dinner hall. After going down a few sets of stairs and across three halls, the enchanted maidens stopped at the beginning of a long hallway. Paisley turned back down the hall they had just walked through, and then turned again through a door on the left-hand side.

Sabina did clean up rather nicely. Hayden shuddered at the memories of her previous life as a peasant. Why were commoners so dirty? Prince William had mused to her one day that he was going to reform the laws so that commoners would be able to afford to live in better conditions. That made Hayden delighted; no woman who wanted to become a proper lady should be clothed in rags.

The future queen of Hershin stood mutely before Hayden. Before she became completely lost in her own thoughts, Hayden started to train Sabina. First, she needed to get her attention. “Sabina, right now, you are under a magical spell. Those bracelets I put on you have put you into a trance.” Sabina was still staring at nothing in particular. “While in that trance, you are suggestible. Whatever I tell you is correct. You want to do exactly as I say. You wish to be just like me, Sabina.” Hayden smiled at the memory of her enchantment. “I was once a peasant in rags like you were, but now I serve Prince William. If you do exactly as I say, you can be exactly like me. Sabina, you are going to do exactly as I say, aren’t you?”

Sabina still stared straight ahead, her head tilted slightly to the side. After a beat or two, she spoke quietly. “I will do exactly as you say.”

Hayden smiled. “Sabina, I am going to wake you up in a minute so that we can interact. You will act normally, but you will still be under the bracelet’s spell. Do you know what that means?”

A sigh came from Sabina’s mouth. Her head tilted a little more. “I will do exactly as you say.”

Her programmer clasped her hands together. “The way I am going to wake you up is by using a phrase from Hershin’s ancient language. No one knows or uses this anymore.” After Sabina blinked a few times, Hayden told her the phrase.

Sabina looked around. She must have become distracted for a moment. Hayden stood in front of her with a big smile on her face. The purple-haired maiden was so pretty. Sabina knew that she wanted to be like her if she remained in the castle.

Hayden took her hands in her own and squeezed them gently. “You look incredible, Sabina. The Prince will be very pleased.” She squeezed her hands again. This time, Sabina squeezed back.

Hayden looked over her shoulder. Hopefully, Paisley was performing her part of their Master’s plan expediently. “I do have some advice from you, Sabina. I have been here for a while now, and I know what the Prince likes. You see, he picked me much the same as he picked you. I was a peasant from Proneria who was staying in Disonia.” Before Sabina could ask her why she was in another kingdom, Hayden put her hand up, so she could continue. “Prince William saw me on the streets and brought me back to the Pronerian castle. When he returned to Hershin, I came along. Paisley was also brought along.”

Sabina tried to ask another question but, again, Hayden stopped her. “We were made over and given new lives. I love my life and my new kingdom.” She stopped speaking and put her hand on the orange haired peasant’s chin, “We have a lot in common, Sabina, with a little work, I think you can be just like me.”

Sabina’s eyes became glassy and distant for a moment. “I want to be just like you, Hayden!” She loudly proclaimed the enchanted suggestion.

All was going according to plan so far. Hayden quickly began programming her. “I can help you become more like me, Sabina, but you have to do exactly as I say.”

Again, Sabina’s eyes grew distant before she smiled and nodded. “I will do exactly as you say.”

Hayden wrapped her arms around Sabina for a moment, holding her in a tight embrace. After pulling away, she put up a finger and smiled. “Alright, but you have to promise me you will do exactly as I say.” Sabina eagerly nodded.

The purple-haired maiden began to condition Sabina. “There are a few things I have learned from being in the castle. I know a lot of this does not matter much for commoners. If you had stayed with your family, soon enough you would have been married off to some random man and spent the next twenty years with a large belly. Here in the castle, there is a lot more to be a lady. Currently, you are simply a peasant, Sabina. If you listen to me, and do exactly as I say, you will become a lady.”

Eagerly, Sabina nodded again. A piece of orange hair fell improper. “I will do exactly as you say.”

For a moment, Hayden wondered if Sabina realized that she kept repeating the same thing over and over. Shrugging, she continued. “Alright, the first thing I am going to teach you is to always smile.” She watched her smile vacantly for a beat before continuing. “You have such a beautiful smile, Sabina, it is much more agreeable when ladies are smiling. I remember in the slums of Disonia many of the peasants there were always frowning and scoffing. It is not ladylike to do so! Therefore, you should always smile, even when something is wrong. In private, any problems you have can be resolved. In public, you should always put on a good face no matter what.”

Silently, Hayden smiled at her. “Why don’t you practice now?” Sabina beamed and, wide-eyed, put on her best face. “Excellent. Always remember, if you are in doubt about it, think about what I would do.”

Cheerfully, Sabina answered the unspoken prompt. “I would smile like you would!”

As a reward, Hayden embraced Sabina yet again. “Good girl, you are learning quickly!” After asking her if she was ready for the next lesson, Hayden continued. “The next lesson, which, I think, is critical for ladies, is to know when it is your place to speak up. It’s okay to have opinions and convictions, but a lady shouldn’t speak them unless prompted to.” Hayden paused while Sabina nodded along. “For example, when I am in the castle, I only speak when I am spoken to. In public, it isn’t really the place of a lady to speak out of turn.”

Sabina was still smiling as she absorbed her new attitudes. “I will only speak when spoken to!” She happily acknowledged.

Hayden squeezed the peasant’s hands again. “Prince William really likes a lady who shares his viewpoints. While you are with him, it might be a good idea to try to learn them.” She squeezed again and smiled encouragingly.

Sabina thought for a moment. The longer Hayden spoke to her, the harder that became. “I am going to learn Prince William’s views and follow them.” She smiled; the Prince’s friend in the Disonian royal court would be pleased by the dimwitted, mindless, look of acceptance on her face.

After a moment, Sabina’s head tilted to the side again as she stared off into space. Hayden knew the peasant was now under control and ready for her Master. Soon, their Master. That made Hayden delighted. She genuinely liked Sabina and knew she was going to make a great princess, and, one day, queen. A hint of jealousy ran through her body, but Hayden closed her eyes and rid it from her system. Master had already discussed this with the purple-haired maiden and Paisley; their place was in the queen’s court as her personal maidens. Hayden was proud of her place and would please to the best of her ability.

Hayden hugged Sabina again, holding her tightly against her body. “You will do fine, Sabina. Now, go inside and remember everything I told you!”

Halfway down the hall, Sabina paused in front of a mirror. She could not believe how much difference a few hours could make. Before her trip for provisions earlier in the day, she had been a dirty, rag wearing, peasant. She would have been married off soon so that her family would have had one less mouth to feed. All of that changed when Prince William approached her. Now bathed and dressed in an elegant, form fitting, white dress, she was heading to dinner with him.

Sabina knew she had to be perfect. Why had he taken such an interest in a common peasant like her, and why the formality of dressing her up and dining together? If he desired a consort, she would eagerly comply.

Was it even her place to ask? She would keep these thoughts to herself and wait until someone asked her about them. Despite her poor living conditions, Prince William’s father had never been a bad King. Across the empire there were problems. As a commoner, and a female, it was not her place to speak up or question it. Some of the women in her community were very vocal in their disagreement with the direction Hershin was going in, but Sabina felt that ladies did not have the power or place to say such things publicly. If someone asked her, she would voice her opinion; otherwise, she would remain quiet, smile, and look good like her friend Hayden. She wanted to be just like Hayden.

The peasant admired herself in the mirror. Her dress was long and tight enough that, even in her ragged state, it accentuated her body. Her hair shone after being washed. The corset she wore made her chest look alluring, and the cut of her dress showed off ample cleavage.

Sabina thought about the advice Hayden had given her. For a few moments, she practiced smiling. When she felt she was sufficiently ready, she stopped and glanced back at the mirror. The enchanted lady looked astonishing. She would smile, speak only when the Prince spoke to her, and try to learn his views. He was royalty; she had to respect that at all times. William would be King one day. Perhaps he was considering her for marriage? Sabina’s heart beat faster. Princess Sabina. Queen Sabina! She liked the way that sounded. At the end of the corridor she stopped, took a deep breath, and entered the dining hall.

Sabina entered the dining hall and opened her mouth in astonishment. The hall was larger than her family’s home. There were banners on one side for the ruling family and the other kingdoms in the empire on the opposite side. To the left was the entrance to the hall’s kitchen. Two female servers walked out of it with large plates in their hands. Sabina noticed that both ladies wore collars around their necks similar to the bracelets that Hayden and Paisley wore, and had empty expressions on their faces.

At the far end was a short table. Prince William sat alone. He appeared to be looking over some papers while waiting for his dinner date to arrive. One of the servers stopped next to him, leaned over, and whispered in his ear. The Prince looked up, waved to Sabina, and motioned for her to come over to his table. When she got closer, he stood up and walked towards her. By the way she kept looking around the room, he could tell that the peasant was very nervous. Rightfully so, he supposed; she was meeting with a Prince, after all.

Once they were close enough to touch, William took Sabina’s hands in his own and kissed them gently. Blushing, she curtsied for him and lowered her eyes out of respect. She looked up after a moment and smiled. Hayden’s advice played repeatedly in her head. William smiled and pointed towards the table. “Our dinner is nearly ready; let us sit down and enjoy each other’s company.”

Sabina obediently followed Prince William back to their table. When they reached their table, William pulled out her seat, making her blush again. No man had ever treated her like this before. Her father died when she was young. The men in the community were, for the most part, very nice, but Sabina was bright enough to know that most, if not all, were only pleasant to her in an attempt to court her for marriage.

Sabina was so caught up in the moment that she didn’t hear William speaking to her. “I’m sorry, Sir, my mind drifted for a moment.” How rude of her! Little did she realize that the drifting was a side effect of the bracelets she wore. Her focus was dimmed enough that the only thing she could focus on was his voice.

William nodded. “That is alright, this time, Sabina. In the future, I want you to focus on me when we are together. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” Sabina lowered her eyes and took a deep breath. They were not even eating yet, and already she had embarrassed herself! She wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead and smiled. After a few moments, her mind dimmed a bit again. Concentrating on anything but William was quickly becoming impossible.

The Prince nodded and smiled back encouragingly. Later on, if all goes as planned, he would have to correct her behavior. “So, anyway, as I was saying before, you lost your concentration.” He stopped to wink at Sabina, which made her giggle. “I was saying that I love your curtsy. A beautiful lady like you curtsying before a male is a sign of respect. Too many women today are not respectful. It just isn’t ladylike.”

Sabina nodded as she learned Prince William’s beliefs. “I like to curtsy and be respectful, Sir. You are a Prince after all, and besides…”

William cut her off. “...and I am male. There is a certain level of respect that should be given to males from a lady.”

Sabina blushed. He had called her a lady again! “Surely, a Prince deserves more than the average commoner, Sir.”

“Good girl.” Sabina blushed at the praise.

One of the servers from earlier came back over and put their dinners in front of them. Sabina curiously stared at her, but especially at her collar. William followed her stare and watched the server walk away and back into the kitchen. “They wear collars because they are servants here. I think they are a nice ornamental addition to their uniforms.” He leaned in a little. His glance moved to her cleavage for a moment before going up to her eyes again.

“In the future, if you have a question for me, just ask.”

Sabina frowned. “I’m sorry, Sir, it isn’t my place to question anything, I was just curious!”

William nodded. “You have every right to ask a question if I allow it. Now, smile, you have a very nice smile. No more frowning, Sabina.”

“Yes, Sir.” Sabina smiled widely. In her mind, Hayden’s advice played over and over. You have such a beautiful smile, Sabina, it is much more agreeable when ladies are smiling.

William smiled warmly back at her. “Remember, however, that it is my right to decide when you can ask those questions. As a properly trained lady, most of the time you would only speak when spoken to.”

More of Hayden’s words danced in Sabina’s mind. When I am in the castle, I only speak when I am spoken to. In public, it isn’t really the place of a lady to speak out of turn. “Yes, Sir.” She continued to smile.

William got up out of his chair and walked over to Sabina. He stood over her and examined the peasant for a moment. “You are always going to do what I say, aren’t you, Sabina?”

Sabina closed her eyes and let him stroke her cheek. “Above and beyond anyone else, Sir.” Being agreeable with William was even easier than she thought it would be! Sabina smiled and thought about how she would be even more obedient than Hayden. While her thoughts drifted, William walked back over to his seat and brought it back to where she sat. He sat in front of her and put his hand on her chin. Sabina nuzzled it across his hand.

She smiled, hoping she was pleasing him. He let her know her opinion by kissing her on the mouth, which she eagerly returned. They kissed and embraced tightly. William ran his hands down her back gently and stroked the back of her head. Sabina returned the gesture. When they pulled apart, Sabina looked into his eyes. The peasant was falling in love.

Her emotions began to completely overcome her. Before she started to cry, she leaned over and kissed William again. William picked up on the emotional state and pulled her into a tight embrace, kissing her forehead softly. Sabina began to cry on his shoulder. He held her tighter and snuggled her close while she got it all out.

Despite the tears, William was very impressed with her. The prophecy had been correct; he was going to spend the rest of his life with Sabina. Without knowing his future wife’s feelings, he had to confess to himself that he was falling in love as well. It was time to bring her under his complete control.

Prince William pulled away from Sabina’s embrace and stood up. He held his hand outward, so Sabina could join him. “Would you like to take a walk with me, Sabina? I’d like us to go somewhere where we may have a little more privacy.” Sabina, without answering, stood up and took his hand in her own. Like Hayden had taught her, there was no need to speak; all she had to do was obey.

Quietly, they made their way through a few halls and up a flight of stairs. The Prince and his lady held hands as they walked, occasionally one of them squeezing the others. Finally, they came to a dead end. The green stones in the wall glistened in front of the couple. Sabina turned to William, confusion ridden on her face. Smiling at her, William stepped forward and pushed one of the stones inward. The stones in the wall turned sideways, which revealed another hallway. Sabina put her hand to her mouth in astonishment.

They walked through the hidden hallway quickly. Sabina turned her head from side to side, taking in her surroundings. The walls were filled with lamps whose candles shone brightly. At the end of the hall, another door opened, revealing a large bedroom. Sabina realized that this was William’s bedroom! No matter how nervous she was presently, she resolved to stay calm.

She found herself being picked up by William and carried over to the bed. Her light body made moving her effortless for the Prince. He sat her down for a moment, so he could also sit, but then, pulling her forward towards him, placed the peasant over his knee with her head facing the ground. Sabina’s hair fell to the floor as Prince William loudly, and rather harshly, spanked Sabina ten times. She winced in pain and screamed once.

After her punishment was complete, Sabina slid to the floor in embarrassment. “S-Sir, why did you discipline me?”

William glared at her, but not angrily. He walked over to his room’s main exit and walked out. Sabina sat quietly in shock, not sure what to do. Outside, in the hall, William walked to the next room on the right and found Hayden waiting for him.

The slave was wearing a new dress; this one was a bright shade of pink. The Prince inquired about the new outfit. “Why did you change your dress?” All Hayden could do was blush and lower her eyes. William raised his eyebrows for a moment and stood before her, taking a confident, very dominant, pose. He put his hand on her chin. “Maybe she isn’t the only one who needs a spanking?”

He smiled knowingly. Hayden buried her head in his chest and wrapped her arms around him. She looked up and smiled at him with puppy dog eyes. He stroked her chin and leaned in to kiss her gently on the mouth. “Sabina has been trained very well, Hayden. She is open to suggestion and taking to her attitude adjustment easily. For that, I have you to thank.” He kissed her forehead and pulled her tight to embrace the former peasant. “One day soon, once the kingdom is settled, I will reward you with a husband of your own to serve and obey.”

Hayden’s face lit up with excited glee. “Sir, I will do whatever is needed for the glory of you, Sir.”

William embraced Hayden again, pulling the purple-haired maiden to him. After a few beats, he pulled away and started towards the door. At the door, he looked over his shoulder. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go finish enslaving my queen.”

William knelt in front of her. “I am sorry I had to do that, Sabina, but your rudeness and disrespect earlier was unacceptable.”

Sabina started to cry. She had blown it. There was no way he would accept her now. “I am so sorry, Sir, but I am very overwhelmed right now. I want to please you, I do, but I am merely a peasant. Twelve hours ago, I—”

William stopped her mid-sentence. “—was just a peasant. Now you are being courted by a Prince. I understand that you are nervous, but if you will be my wife, you need to learn how to behave like a lady.”

A lady!

They kissed and then kissed again. Sabina, fell into her King, her future husband, her Master’s arms and buried her head in his chest. Silently, they embraced until he pulled away and dropped to one knee. He spoke to her about how beautiful she was, how the Oracle had pronounced that she was the one whom he would marry. Sabina, tears flowing down her face, accepted his wedding proposal.

Out of a desk by his bed, William pulled out a box. Inside of it was a collar like the ones the servers wore. Like the one her friend Hayden wore. Holding it up with one hand, he took her other hand in his own. Sabina squeezed his hand so hard, he winced.

He squeezed back, and she acquiesced to his touch, holding his hand more feminine and gently. William stared into her eyes and spoke quietly. “Sabina, when my father dies, I want you to rule Hershin with me. I want you to be my wife, the mother of my children, and my best friend. I want you to be my lady and to serve and obey me in all things.” Sabina stared at him wide-eyed and passively. “As the Queen of Hershin you will obey me in all things as my slave. You will be my wife, my friend, and will always obey. Will you do that, Sabina?”

Sabina stared at him for a few moments more before sighing loudly and falling into his arms and kissing him passionately. She stepped back and pulled her hair over her head, so he could snap the collar around her neck. A minute or so passed while Sabina stared, head tilted slightly, blankly at nothing in particular. Suddenly, she blinked a few times. The magic had sung a siren song in her mind. She now knew what the bracelet had done to her, to Hayden, and to the servers. The magic, she now also knew, had come from Prince Shaw. Sabina had been, and would continue to be, retrained to Prince William’s whims and needs.

None of this bothered her. She knew that he did it for her own good. So she could, one day soon, be the best Queen for Hershin. Because the Oracle had proclaimed it. Because he was in love with her, and she in love with him. Sabina had never known this kind of happiness before. Princess Sabina wished every woman in Hershin, and beyond, could feel the way she did right now. But before any other could be retrained, she had to finish her own training. In one graceful movement, she knelt before the man who had tamed her.

“How may I serve you? I am yours to command, Master.”

* * *

Early the next morning, Hayden woke Marcus by sucking him off until the Prince’s cum shot into her mouth. Cuddling afterward, the purple haired maiden reported on the previous evening’s events. Sabina had accepted the enchantment of the bracelets with minimal resistance. Currently, she was in Prince William’s quarters receiving further instruction.

Based on her own enchantment, Hayden calculated that Sabina should be ready for a public appearance by the next day. The maiden purred at Marcus’ touch as he stroked her hair gently. Right before arriving to service him with her mouth, she had spoken with her sister maiden Paisley. The pink-haired slave reported that the town market, open since sunrise, was already buzzing with well-placed rumors about Prince William deciding on his wife. Add that to the feverishly spreading accounts of his interaction with Sabina yesterday, and the townspeople could figure it all out for themselves. Marcus was glad that Sabina could be brought into the public sphere so quickly; he despised rumors and desired an official statement on his brother’s future. The citizens of their Kingdom, and the larger empire, would need to know that the next King of Hershin had a Queen lined up and ready for when their ill father did pass on.

Hayden got off the bed and walked over to Marcus, who was now dressing for the day. She hugged him tightly from behind. Since being enslaved, Hayden had become quite fond of the Prince. He was strict, but also quite loving and tender with her. Whispering in his ear, she buried her head in his shoulder. “With all of this talk about marriage, have you considered taking a bride of your own, Sir?”

Marcus quickly turned around and stared quizzically at Hayden for a moment. Hayden, understanding his confusion, spoke up, “I, Sir, um, didn’t mean me, of course!” She stepped in front of him again, taking his hands in her own. “I am merely a maiden, meant to serve and obey the kingdom.” A smile came across her face. “I was just thinking, Sir, that it would be a wonderful presentation to the entire empire if it was announced both of the princes of Hershin were engaged on the same day.”

Marcus looked thoughtful for a few seconds. “What an idea! You are wise, for a female, my dear.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Briefly he looked down, but then made eye contact again with Hayden. “I suppose I will have to marry a commoner also.”

Hayden, nodding along, continued to listen, smiled encouragingly, so he would continue. “Our allies in Disonia do not have any female heirs. When we were young, Shaw’s sister died in an accident.” Both Hayden and Marcus frowned; Marcus due to a faint memory of the Elfin Princess’ crush on him, and Hayden due to her knowledge of the event he was referring to.

After a moment, Hayden took his hand again, so he would continue. She knew this was a good opportunity for one of her Masters to talk out his plans with an encouraging audience. Her programming and training forced her to desire whatever was best for the kingdom, and it thrilled her to obey that directive. “Both princes marrying commoners will look good throughout Hershin, Sir.”

This time it was the purple-haired maiden’s turn to look away. “I think the people would enjoy a tale about you taking a commoner for a wife due to the example Prince William set, Sir. The people dearly love him; if you declare that you found it in your heart to take a lesser for a wife, the people will be enthralled by the story, Sir.”

Marcus put a hand on his chin and smiled. “Brilliant, Hayden!” He pulled her close, spun her around once, and kissed her passionately. She hugged him tightly for a minute as the Prince fondled her bottom. “You are very bright, for a female, Hayden. I will be honored to have you in our court serving Queen Sabina and my wife, slave.”

Hayden took a step back and lowered her eyes. Smiling, she returned them to make eye contact with her superior. “I only use whatever intelligence I have been given to serve the kingdom, Sir. Simply, I live to obey, Sir. It will be an honor to serve her majesty, Sir.”

Marcus’ touching her left arm’s bracelet with his hand brought an idea to the front of Hayden’s simplistic mind. “With another pair of these,” she looked down and touched his hand with her own, “the future Princess will be just as obedient as I am, don’t you think, Sir?” Both Prince and maiden grinned mischievously and kissed again. She remained close so that her breasts could be fondled. She felt his cock, against her petite body, hardening again quickly. Almost automatically, her hand reached down to stroke it outside of her superior’s pants.

Passively, the maiden remained in front of Prince Marcus, slowly stroking his bulge while he fondled her chest. After another quick kiss, he put up a finger and Hayden stopped immediately. “I would really like to begin my search this morning. I agree with you that it would be a nice event if both of the new Princesses could be introduced at the same time.” Hayden nodded in agreement. “Before then,” Marcus continued, pointing at the bed, “how about we make love one more time this morning?” She smiled in agreement and guided the Prince to his bed. Once on the bed, she stripped both of their clothes off until they were nude. On top of the Prince, Hayden rode him until the lovers fell over on the bed in orgasmic ecstasy.

After a brief shower together, Marcus and Hayden went their separate ways to begin the day. Soon after, Marcus found himself at the door to his brother’s chamber. He paused for a few seconds before lightly tapping with the knocker. Hushed voices and a feminine giggle could be heard inside the room. It could be safely assumed that the voice belonged to Sabina. A moment later, the door opened and Marcus took a step back. Standing before him now, Sabina looked immaculate. The future Queen of Hershin curtsied for her Master’s brother, remaining low for a long beat to show off the impressive cleavage her ankle-length blue dress showed. Sabina came back to a standing position and brought Marcus inside by the arm, manicured fingernails pressing into his arm firmly as she pulled.

“Sir,” Sabina began once they were inside the room, curtsying again briefly, “would you like something to eat or drink?” She lowered her eyes while waiting for his response.

Marcus was extremely impressed by how quickly the peasant had begun to immerse how to behave like a proper lady. He asked her to bring him some biscuits and a cup of Elfin mint tea. Immediately, Sabina stepped away to enter another room, where a tray of food had been prepared by the kitchen for William and Sabina’s breakfast. The orange-haired slave returned quickly and presented the biscuits and tea for him. Big blue eyes looking docile, she smiled softly, standing before him again. “Sir, is there anything else I can get you?”

Marcus, trying not to stare directly at his future sister-in-law’s cleavage, realized the prophecy had been correct. Looking into her eyes, he realized that Sabina did have the largest and deepest blue eyes in the kingdom. Ignoring the dirty thoughts going through his mind about the docile slave in front of him, the Prince realized someone was missing from the room. “Sabina, where is my brother? I thought I had heard his voice and then your giggling before you answered the door?”

Sabina continued to smile passively. Both of the room’s occupants turned at the sound of clapping coming from a doorway across the room. Prince William leaned against the door to his, their, bedroom, a wide, mischievous, smile on his face. Quickly, he crossed the room to embrace Marcus as his brother rose. He then turned his attention to Sabina, a look of honest admiration in his eyes.

They exchanged a quick kiss and an even briefer hug. “Sabina, you did well just now.” William was very proud of his fiancé; he had observed her dealing with Marcus from the bedroom. Her performance had been above his expectations; the magic in the bracelets had been embraced by the future queen expediently.

Noting the confused look on his brother’s face, William took Sabina’s chin in his hand and spoke quietly. “Marcus and I need to speak in private for a bit. Why don’t you let us speak alone?” He nodded to her. “Go ahead, try it out again.”

Intrigued, but having no idea what his brother was talking about, Marcus watched Sabina take a few steps backward and snap to attention, standing rigidly, breasts thrust forward. For a moment, she closed her eyes, but, upon reopening them, her big blue eyes grew distant and opaque. It was as if Sabina had been stopped in place. She stared straight ahead, at nothing in particular, like a living doll.

Marcus walked closer to her and furrowed his brow as he examined her. Confused, but still very intrigued by the sight before him, he looked to his brother for an explanation. William nodded and pointed at Sabina. “Neat little trick, right? Shaw showed me that one before I came home. Basically, she can turn herself ‘off’ with a mental cue.” He took a moment to walk around her, so he stood next to his brother. “I also have a verbal command, which I have not programmed her with yet. Sabina picked up this skill quickly. It was one of the first things we tried out early this morning. She claims there is no sense of time loss or disorientation, perception wise. In a few minutes when I wake her up, if she is right, it will seem like no time has passed.”

William put his hand on Marcus’ shoulder. “I am sorry I hid when you came in. I wanted to give her a test run with a trustworthy man to evaluate her progress. So far,” he grinned proudly, “I think she is doing quite well.”

Marcus blinked a few times, remembering the pleasant, and very obedient, peasant’s interaction with him. “Yes, I was amazed by her behavior, brother. She seems like an entirely different person.”

His brother shocked his head slowly. “No, she is still very much the same person. The magic in the bracelets immerses itself inside her very essence. Sabina seems to understand this and knows the intent and history of the magic.”

William, with Marcus following, walked over to a locked cabinet. He unlocked it to reveal inside a few more sets of bracelets and a number of neck collars. “Before the bracelets can be used, they have to be linked to the user. There is a spell which will connect the bracelets, or collar, to the user so that whoever they use them on will be adjusted to their, um, preferences.”

William, with Marcus following again, sat down on a couch. He refilled both of their cups of Elfin mint tea. “For example, I had to do the spell on Sabina’s bracelets. It is fast, just a handful of words in middle Elfin. The bracelets will be connected to the user’s attitudes, beliefs, and desires. The person they choose to use them on can be given, besides a new set of values, a new past and mentality.” The Prince paused to take a drink out of his cup. “I want Sabina to be more than just some bubble-brained trophy. The bracelets knew this and, thus, adjusted her accordingly. She is clearly submissive to me, but also inquisitive and very bright for a commoner without a proper education.”

He paused again for more tea. “I have to tell you Marcus, between you and me, I would have been interested in her even if she was not the woman the Oracle proclaimed I would marry. When I was in the market with her, she proved to be bright and very interesting. Already, even in the brief time we have had together, she has asked me good questions and offered valid views about a number of topics. I desired that, but Sabina already had it in her to an extent, and the bracelets tempered it inside her to make it a positive asset. Not only will she be a good Queen, wife, and mother, but I think she will be a solid advisor as well.”

This time it was Marcus’ turn to take a drink. “Speaking of bright ones,” he began to route the conversation to his reason for visiting his brother this morning, “Hayden came to me this morning.”

William quickly interrupted his brother, raising his eyebrows. “According to the servants gossiping in the halls before you arrived, that wasn’t the only thing that came.” He nodded with approval. Sometimes Marcus was a bit of a loner and curmudgeon. He had taken a liking to Hayden, and it pleased his brother.

Instead of offering a quip in return, Marcus just looked down for a moment and continued to speak. “Yes, well, anyhow, Hayden, being the bright woman that she is, asked me if I had considered marrying also.” Before his brother could interrupt him, he leaned in closer. “She had an interesting idea, William. What if I took a commoner for a wife? The people would love it; both of the Princes of Hershin taking on a peasant to rule the kingdom with.”

William’s eyes brightened and he paused in thought. “Yes! That is rather brilliant! A wonderful story.” He directed his brother over to the cabinet again and opened it, a determined, focused, look on his face. “Collar or bracelets?”

Marcus had seen that look before; William was scheming. He considered for a moment before answering. “Collar, I suppose. I think they are more aesthetically pleasing.” His brother performed a spell and has Marcus discuss what he wanted. Elaborately, he described his wish for the peasant to have new memories of her life, much more to his liking. She would embrace and become fond of his more conservative values. As William wished Sabina to become not only an obedient wife but a trusted advisor, he wished for a more docile and domesticated wife. The ruling family of Hershin would balance each other out.

Spell complete, William exchanged a handshake and long hug with his brother. Marcus passed by the statuesque Sabina, still not out of her trance, as he headed to the door. At the door, he turned and paused to look back at his brother, who nodded encouragingly. Out in the hallway, he began the journey across the castle to find the woman he would spend the rest of his life with as Prince and Princess.

A few minutes after finishing his discussion with William, Marcus found himself at the doors to the castle’s kitchen. Quietly, trying not to bring much attention to himself, he opened the door and stepped inside. He observed the loud activity from the ajar door without speaking.

Four women were currently working before him. Two were still cleaning up from breakfast and the others were beginning the lunch prep. All four, looking exhausted, moved quickly. Sweat was caked onto their faces and arms.

Watching them for a couple of minutes, Marcus felt satisfied with his quick assessment of the women. The two who were cleaning up breakfast were too old; one was old enough to be his mother, even with the other not too far behind. They were beginning preparation for lunch were more to his liking. The first, a blonde, was much too tall for Marcus’ liking. It would be cruel to ever tell her that she was too tall to be a princess, however.

The other one, however, while dirty and clearly barely educated from the way she spoke, had potential. She was much shorter, only a few inches above five feet. Her auburn hair was knotted above her head, which brought out her beautiful hazel eyes, not as lovely as Sabina’s of course. Their eye contact alerted the servants in front of Marcus to his presence. Before he could speak up, his target dropped the bowl in her hand and yelled, which drew the attention of the others as it hit the floor.

Uncomfortable being the center of attention, Marcus firmly glared at the servants. Each caught on quickly and got back to work without further sound. Sighing, Marcus walked briskly to where she was kneeling and tried to help her clean up the mess. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes, and spoke quietly. “I am sorry, Sir, I didn’t see you standing there! I am new to this post, only a few weeks; I beg for leniency!”

The orange-haired Prince continued to help her clean up. “I am the one who should apologize. I was observing your work and did not realize I might startle you. Punishing you for your surprise would be ridiculous.” He smiled at her, growing more nervous.

The auburn haired kitchen worker lowered her eyes. “Thank you, Sir. I am honored to serve the Kingdom, Sir.”

Marcus smiled again, feeling more at ease. Slowly, she returned it. He put his hand on her arm and squeezed gently. “Good girl. Hershin needs more women like you.” He paused for a moment, thinking through what would be the most conspicuous way to bring her back to his room.

Ah, of course. He remembered the hidden elevator across the hall from the kitchen. The Prince motioned behind him towards the door. “I should mention why I am here in the kitchen. I need a servant to assist me with something.” He stopped speaking and ran his hand over her chin. “I think you will be fine for it. Come with me.”

The other servants stopped what they were doing and watched the servant, after hesitating momentarily, acquiesced nervously and obeying his instruction. She took his hand when he offered it to her. Just as Marcus had remembered, there was an elevator hidden behind a wall down the hallway.

Inside the elevator, Marcus noticed she was noticeably nervous. Still, she kept her eyes lowered and remained quiet, as was protocol for servants. He was accustomed to, and expected, this sort of performance from her. Unlike his benevolent brother, Marcus strongly believed that nobles were better than commoners. There was, as he had argued with his brother, a proper place for everyone in society, or both the public and private sphere would collapse. It was not a bad thing, or a sign of illness, just the way things were. He did not feel any ill thoughts towards his lesser citizen.

At the end of their ride, Marcus reflected on what he believed should be the proper role of women in the kingdom. According to his values, women had a place; at home, taking care of their husband’s dwelling and family. They should choose a husband that they can love, honor, and obey without nagging or questioning. He realized, of course, it was not that easy for most.

Now in the main hall of Marcus’ part of the castle, he noticed Hayden walking down a hallway and slowing to make it appear as if she was entering a room. She stopped and made eye contact with Marcus, nodding her approval at the servant, who was now wide-eyed and looking around, commenting about her surroundings to Marcus, who, bemused, humored her wild ravings.

As he explained what each room was for, he further pondered the role of women in the kingdom. It was clear to him that women had been swayed from their proper role. It wasn’t their fault necessarily; values change, he understood his were more conservative beliefs, and their empire was very fluid in this regard. Marcus held a lot of the blame at the feet of men as well. Many men were drunken, lazy, idiots. Those who did step up and share his values often did so out of disregard or hatred of women. It wasn’t right. Any women who submitted to that kind of man was as stupid as him.

Finally, at the doors to his private room, Marcus stopped her and let her inside. He took her hand again, and seeing her blush, slowly spoke. “Cassandra, do you know why you are here?” Cassandra, just days after her twenty-third birthday, nodded quickly in the negative. Pointing at a chair, Marcus motions for the auburn-haired servant to sit down. She moves to obey quickly but sits calmly and, relaxing a little, smiles at the Prince.

Kneeling in front of the chair on one knee, Marcus, brushing his hair off his face, looked up at Cassandra. “I brought you here today because I have a job I am looking to fill. Well, two jobs really, but they are interchangeable.”

Cassandra stared at Marcus and bit her lip gently. “Sir, I am just a servant, my mother just raised enough money, so I could get a job with the castle. I—”

Marcus spoke over her. “What do you mean, enough money...never mind, later.” He took her hands in his own again. “I think you are qualified for this job. What I am looking for is a maid to perform some domestic tasks for me. Some cleaning, a bit of organizational work, you would be my personal assistant basically.”

Cassandra brightened a bit. “Oh! I could get out of the kitchen. It is so sweaty and gross down there. My mother says it is for the best, but how do I find a husband if I look like this?” She pointed down to her arms, which still had waffle batter on them, and to a stain on her dress.

Marcus smiled. New dresses for every woman who wants one. William will love that idea. “Well, I think you look fine right now, Cassandra.” He stopped at her blush. “It’s funny that you mention finding a husband because, ideally, I am looking for this maid to also be someone I can be seen in public with at social and political functions. Perhaps, she could one day become a Princess?”

A tear ran down Cassandra’s left eye as she realized what Marcus was saying. Trying to be brave, she softly spoke. “Sir, what are the terms of employment?”

The Prince stood up and walked over to a window to view the midday sun. He turned back to her and spoke. “As a domestic, there is a uniform. It is much more ladylike than the rags you have to wear for cooking. You will live in quarters down the hall, so you are available to me at any time.” He paused to see if the servant picked up on the double meaning.

She did not, apparently, as she still stared at him wide-eyed, in shock. “During the day, you will perform your duties. In the evenings, you will be seen with me. If you accept, we can discuss your role in that regard.” He stood in front of her again and knelt down on a knee. “If I am pleased with your performance domestically, socially, and in feminine regards, I would be moved to make you my wife.”

Again, Cassandra’s eyes lit up. Finally, quietly, she whispered. “I-I-I, I don’t know what to say, Sir? You are blessing me by even offering to such a lowly commoner.” She paused again, surprising Marcus as the auburn-haired servant clearly was thinking the situation through in her mind, before speaking once more, loudly and affirmatively. “I accept your terms, Sir. I am honored to serve you and our great kingdom, Sir!”

Marcus reached up and hugged her tightly. “Excellent!” He pulled away, both Prince and maid staring at each other. Finally, he leaned forward and kissed her gently on the mouth. Quickly, out of his jacket pocket, he pulled out the enchanted collar and snapped it around her neck before she could react.

Slowly, Cassandra’s eyes fluttered closed and then opened again. They were now wide open and very distant, almost blank looking. Marcus had been nervous they wouldn’t work, but the slave maid staring passively at the wall across the room, sitting in front of him, was proof it had worked. Since he had programmed a specific set of commands into the magical collar, it would take a few minutes for Cassandra’s reprogramming to take place.

The orange-haired Prince had been pretty specific about what he wished from her to begin. He wanted the basics to be immediately programmed into her so that time would not be wasted. Later changes could be made as she was trained for marriage and service to the kingdom. Cassandra was going to be a great Princess, an obedient wife, and an even better mother. He paced back and forth, anticipating her awakening.

Finally, Cassandra blinked a few times and tilted her head upward toward him. A vapid smile grew across her face as she stared at him with puppy dog devotion.

Marcus stepped in front of her. She had a beautiful smile. With some work, she would be as beautiful as Sabina. He decided to try out vocal commands. “Stand!”

Cassandra jumped up and snapped to attention. The devoted look in her eyes was replaced with the former, more distant look. The smile was still on her face.

Marcus walked around her, very pleased with the results so far. Now he needed to test the rewriting of her memories he had desired. “Kneel!” He again commanded her, pleased with her swift move to her knees. She continued to stare past him vacantly.

Cassandra woke up at the snapping of Marcus’ fingers. She looked up at him and sighed. Marcus paused, running his hands through her hair, before testing her knowledge. “Cassandra, how have you served in the castle?”

The brown-haired maid, squinted for a second or two before smiling proudly and exclaiming, “It is my duty to serve the kingdom, however, needed!” The real Cassandra had only been working in the kitchen for a few weeks. Perfect. She lowered her eyes and quietly spoke. “How may I serve, Sir?”

Fighting the urge to command her to suck his cock right now, Marcus further quizzed her. “Have you thought about my employment offer?” That had, more or less, stayed the same.

Except, of course, Cassandra was much more agreeable to it now. “I accept your terms, Sir. I would be honored to serve as your maid and be seen with you in public, Sir.” She looked up at him with a look of complete contentment on her face. The commoner, about to become a Princess, stood at Marcus’ urging. He ran his hand through her hair again and then kissed her gently. She returned the kiss a little more aggressively. “I hope I prove to be a potential wife as well, Sir.”

Flirtatiously, Cassandra ran her hand over his arms. Marcus, again, kissed her. He touched her neck and the enchanted collar, which caused Cassandra to go into a euphoric, trance like, state for a few moments. She melted into him, holding on tightly.

They kissed again, and she stepped back as Marcus pulled something out of his pocket. It was a small box, which, when he opened it, contained a bejeweled ring. He slid it onto her finger. “For now, this will assign you to me. The public must see us court, until I can decide whether you should be my wife.”

Cassandra lowered her eyes submissively. “Yes, Sir, I promise to serve and obey you.” She looked up. “I do hope you pick me, Sir.” They kissed again.

At the door, Paisley stood suddenly waiting for instruction. Marcus nodded to her, and she stepped into the room. “Cassandra, this is Paisley. She is a good girl, and you can learn a lot from her.” He watched her eyes spin to the servant. “She will help you get cleaned up and made over, so you can please me.” He patted her bottom gently. “Now, go with her.”

Eagerly, Cassandra took Paisley’s hand and followed her out of the room. Marcus smiled, pleased with the results of his venture to find his future wife.

* * *

In another part of the castle, Cassandra entered Marcus’ dining room after their quiet, romantic, dinner together. The pale slave’s hair had been dyed a dark red, as Marcus desired. Her body was adorned in a hip hugging silver dress. Her previously moderate sized breasts were now magically enhanced to be larger. A flood of cleavage poured out of the dress.

Marcus pointed to the couch. Master and slave sat down, relaxing, and settled in. “I hope you have had a good evening tonight, pet?”

Cassandra giggled and snuggled up to him. “Yes, Sir, thank you for a nice evening.” Marcus was impressed by how much more affluent she sounded now. He leaned in and kissed her on the mouth. The red-haired slave kissed him back and ran her manicured fingers over his body. Seductively, she leaned in again, “Sir, is there anything else I can do for you?” The magic in her collar had rewritten her mind, giving the previously low-class peasant the seductive skills needed to please a Prince.

Marcus reached her pink-tipped nailed hands to his stomach and stroked them across the bulge in his pants. With a grin, Cassandra undid his pants and immediately began to suck his cock. The obedient future princess bobbed up and down, slowing and speeding as the magic had taught her. She even stopped and looked up at Marcus, like he loved, and then dove back in to rapidly finish him off. With a squeal, the future Princess of Hershin swallowed his cum.

Having Marcus’ cock in her mouth gave Cassandra a joyful, submissive, thrill. After cleaning him up, she stood up at his urging and took his hand. Marcus brought her back to his room, where he would make love to her for the first time. Certainly, it would be a bit of time before anything could be officially announced, but Marcus had found the woman he wanted to be his wife.

The next morning, a ceremony was scheduled for an hour before the lunch hour. Both men and women had gathered to meet the soon-to-be Princess Sabina, who had just been a commoner until a few days before. After a planned delay, to build up the anticipation, Sabina came out to the castle commons alongside Hayden and Paisley. She waved to family members and greeted some people from the village. There was a great applause, with even the most skeptical citizens coming to greet her.

The magic in the collar around her neck seemed to know what William would want her to say. She announced her devotion to the Kingdom and Prince William. The, semi-truthful, explanation of how this happened seemed to delight the crowds, who’d have already heard the rumors about what happened in the village. She discussed her eagerness to represent the people of Hershin. Also, the blonde announced her knowledge of the best path to happiness for a woman: at the side of an intelligent, strong, thoughtful man like William.

Finally, Cassandra was brought out, so her engagement to Marcus could be announced as well. The redhead had been magically adjusted enough that no one recognized her. Sabina embraced her sister princess, and the slave announced her great and deep loyalty to Marcus and the Kingdom. The public cheered and happily accepted her as a future Princess of Hershin.

Over the next year, much changed in the Kingdom of Hershin. A few months after the engagements were announced, William and Marcus’ father, the King, passed away from his sickness. A state funeral was held the next day, planned weeks before as the King’s health deteriorated. Representatives from all kingdoms, including William’s friend Shaw, joined them in Hershin for the ceremony.

The next week, William and Marcus were married to their slaves. Hayden and Paisley served as maids of honor, escorting important figures in the Disonian Kingdom. Sabina and Cassandra both promised to love, honor, and especially obey. Each made a public pronouncement to that effect, promising to bring forth a new era of proper relations between the genders. In separate ceremonies that night, each was permanently bonded to their Master. Their only purpose would be docile, feminine, submission to their Master as the best wife they could possibly be.

At William’s coronation ceremony the next day, the largest crowd to ever gather for such a ceremony in the history of the Empire came together to see Prince William and Princess Sabina become King William and Queen Sabina. As promised, the King’s first order of business was signing a new agreement, as promised, with Shaw’s Elves. Princess Cassandra became quick friends with the Elf’s new wife, the bubbly air-headed elf Kendra.

As Princess Cassandra learned ladylike behavior from the maidens Hayden and Paisley, alongside Queen Sabina as well, Marcus laid down strict rules for the Princess. She was forbidden to leave the castle without his direct permission. All males were addressed as “Sir,” and her dress code was quite feminine and classical, even more than the Queen’s. Cassandra worried about upstaging Her Highness, her close friend, but as King William quickly became known as the King of the People, Sabina was their Lady. While as feminine as could be, official, formal, dress was kept to a minimum, which allowed Cassandra to thrive in that regard.

Marcus and Cassandra also began to give classes to teach the men of Hershin how to properly behave. Moderation, intelligence, and authority were taught. Men were also taught to respect and treat women well, not as things or their lesser. At Sabina’s request, some women were also allowed into the program.

A few months after the wedding, Queen Sabina announced her first pregnancy, which brought great joy to the Kingdom. The queen expanding quite nicely during the pregnancy, becoming large and glowing as the months passed by. Despite this, but assisted by the Elfin magic, she kept up her Queenly duties until right before giving birth. Cassandra picked up these duties as needed, but later in the pregnancy began to feel, hypnotically enhanced, the pangs and desires for motherhood as well.

As this went on, handfuls of women were brought into the castle, or taken on trips, and conditioned. Some were for sex, others retrained for political office, and others just experimented on. A program was started to offer education, work and family skills, and other services to the poorest parts of Hershin. Some of these women, especially those with few, if any, family or community ties, became experiment subjects.

Following the reeducation program, the birth of the two scions of Hershin, and the first anniversary of the ascent of King William and Queen Sabina, great joy was shared by the citizens of Hershin and their Elfin cousin Shaw’s Disonia. Marcus traveled to meet with his cousin Shaw to discuss the already advanced reprogramming program taking place in Disonia.

Crowds often thronged to the Queen’s public appearances, very content with the changes that the King and Queen had made to the kingdom of Hershin. The economy was doing well, relations with their neighbors were stronger than ever, and domestic issues were being dealt with sufficiently.

As Queen Sabina spoke, she reflected on the events of the past year. She had been quickly courted and fallen deeply in love with her King. He had enslaved her, bringing her under his control using the magic, but had also romantically brought her into his command as well. Sabina had gone from common peasant to ruler of the kingdom of Hershin. She had become a mother and quickly became the most popular Queen in the history of their kingdom.

Queen Sabina did not have one regret. She had been greatly influenced by the magic. It took away her will and brought her under his direct control. Knowing about the prophecy that she would marry William, nothing about this bothered her. She was docile, feminine, and extremely obedient. However, Master had allowed her to be intelligent and productive as well. Unlike Cassandra, she was not just a living doll that smiled and looked pretty. The blonde Queen loved her Princess dearly, but was glad they did not share the same fate.

At the end of a long evening, King William and Queen Sabina had a quiet, romantic dinner together in their dining room. An Elfin maid cared for their needs and served the meal. William was telling his wife about the important negotiations about something or another he had taken part in that day. Sabina politely smiled and listened, but was exhausted from a long day.

William smiled at his wife, noting her exhausted look. “Hey,” he yawned himself, “we should head to bed.” He gave her a mischievous smile. “All day, I have been thinking about you.” He yawned again awkwardly. That line didn’t have the innuendo he wanted.

Sabina giggled. She was tired too. “I think that sounds like a good idea.” Standing up, the Queen informed their maid that they would be retiring for the evening. She walked over and kissed her Master, sliding into his arms. He held her tightly for a long moment before pushing her gently against a wall to kiss her. Taking her hand, he led her through the backrooms to their living quarters.

The kingdom of Hershin would have hundreds of years of glorious rule. Kings and Queens passed down their legacy to the next generation, who continued passing it down. Everything began with Queen Sabina, a commoner who has been enthralled by a Prince. This began a series of events that would lead Hershin into the next century and beyond. The history books spoke of the greatness of Queen Sabina, her grace, humility, beauty, and femininity.

The End


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