Final Flight of the Swift Flight

by barbararwetzel

Tags: #cw:noncon #clothing #D/s #dom:male #f/m #scifi #sub:female #drones #growth #robots

After a fatal incident, while the crew is dying, The Swift Flight’s AI attempts to repair the crew using the imagery a naughty crew member has created in her virtual reality fantasies in the traditional setting of Harvest Plains.


DISCLAIMER: This book is fiction. Every name, place, character, and event are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

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SYNOPSIS: After a fatal incident, while the crew is dying, The Swift Flight’s AI attempts to repair the crew using the imagery a naughty crew member has created in her virtual reality fantasies in the traditional setting of Harvest Plains.

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ABOUT: This is the first in a series of Final Flight Of… stories. They will, regarding continuity, more or less, stand alone from each other.

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In the space age future, the former inhabitants of a planet, long since abandoned for various reasons, explored the galaxy and lived in peace, for the most part, with those they met. Ships both big and small traveled through space on missions of discovery, personal and private enterprise, and voyaged through deep space searching for new worlds and new horizons.

This story discusses the voyage, and fate, happy or sad depending on your perspective, of one such ship. Its fate would also become the fate of other ships in the galaxy as an out of control and broken computer tried to add more to its odd goals.

The spaceship Swift Flight cruised through the quadrant on its way to observe a sun going nova. With the ship’s AI, code named “Miranda,” automating most of the orbicular shaped ship, only a small crew of twenty manned the ship. Most of the crew were science officers assigned to The Swift Flight for the nova observation.

The Swift Flight was a vessel of observation primarily. Crews rotated on and off it. The ship offered good experience and a chance to build, or fill in a hole, in one’s CV. The ship’s captain, Richard Gearhart, and first officer, Elizabeth Sheppard, mainly left the crew to themselves, having taken this assignment only to make their way to Interstellar Base 23 for reassignment to another ship after their previous ships had been decommissioned as part of an intergalactic infrastructure upgrade. They barely even knew each other, having only met once before at an event years before during a diplomatic mission when both were up-and-coming officers.

There was one science officer, however, that Captain Gearhart, silver haired as he headed towards the mandatory retirement age, happy to be near retirement after a fairly average career, that the Interstellar Confederation mandated, did pay attention to more than the others, whose names he barely even knew because of the time constraints on this mission.

Amanda Traynor, a platinum, genetically enhanced to white perfection as an academy graduation gift from her parents, blonde scientist was 22, fresh out of the academy, and had a fetish for older, father figure, men. She had been estranged from her father, the genetic enhancement had been a means of “buying” her love, and deeply craved the kind of paternalistic, loving, relationship she had witnessed her friends having with their fathers. She was also deeply submissive and longed for a man to take control of her life. Before taking on this mission, which the blonde scientist thought would lead to another mission, and ship, when they reached Base 23, she had told her parents to fuck off and blocked future contact with them. Little did she know it now, but soon family life would be encompassing her entire world view.

Amanda had engaged in an affair with a professor during her year at the academy and had begun one with the captain when this trip began three weeks ago. The first night when they boarded, after the mandatory crew dinner where they got to know each other, she showed up at Captain Gearheart’s door in a tiny miniskirt, sky-high heels, and a deep need to be fucked. The tanned, blonde, breasts snug tight in the pink crop top she wore, invited herself in before he could deny her desires. Within minutes, she was on his lap, then sucking his cock, and being carried to his bedroom for some of the best sex she had ever had in her life.

That night, Amanda also got her best night of sleep in years. She loved men, but especially men who were handsome and authoritative. Her lack of parental connection led to, even out in the depths of space, a need to submit to male instruction. It was a new hole into her soul, and Captain Gearheart’s rock-hard cock punishing her cunt was the reward. In another time and place, Amanda could have been a dutiful, obedient, housewife, eager to serve and obey her charming and commanding husband. Who needs to be a scientist when you can be a submissive homemaker?

Huh. Another time and place, you say?

The next morning, what really excited Amanda happened. “Okay,” Captain Gearhart began, “that was fun, but you need to go now.” Relationships between officers were not exactly frowned upon, but he liked his privacy. A few days from now, he would never have seen this woman ever again. Making a connection really was not worth it.

“Pleaaaaaase,” Amanda pouted, “can I stay for breakfast?” She begged to stay. Ensign Traynor tried to jerk him off, but he pulled her up to him, which made her pout and whine at him more, which seemed so out of character from the icy, sexy, pose she had put on the night before.

Captain Gearhart was taken aback by this turn of events, but wanted the blonde scientist to leave immediately. “No, go, it’s not worth being more intimate. I’m leaving on another ship right after we dock.” It was actually a few days later, but how would she know? He would spend his time in quarters. “You have a long, and promising, career ahead of you. Don’t worry about me.” When he finally settled down, it would be with a programmed drone during retirement.

“I wanna play with you,” she pouted, “you are so sexy.” She ran a hand over his face, but he pulled it aside, which made her pout even more. What was wrong with this woman?

Suddenly, the silver haired captain realized what she wanted. “I see,” Captain Gearhart began, picking her up and tossing the scientist on the bed. He yanked her over his lap and began to spank his new lover. Amanda let out a noise that sounded like a feminine laugh and a meep combined over and over as her plump bottom was swatted 10 to 15 times. Moments ago, he had wanted nothing to do with her, but something about how she demanded a spanking turned him on in this old-fashioned way that he had to oblige the bratty woman. He hit her as hard as he could until her ass was red. Part of him wanted to stick his cock in it as well, but he backed off while she amusingly rubbed it.

When he stopped spanking her, she hopped up and threw her arms and legs around him tightly. “Master,” Amanda breathed as she kissed him gently. Her naked breasts bounced up and down before him.

He grabbed the scientist’s small arms tightly and tossed her back on the bed. Amanda bounced with a feminine grunt. “Are you a good girl?” Richard stared a hole through her with his firm stare. He could feel his cock getting hard again. A primal feeling went through his body.

“Yes, Master,” Amanda replied, looking down at the covers. She looked up at him with pleading eyes. “I love making Master happy. That is what women should do.” She lowered her eyes in subjugation to him.

He grabbed her again and pushed the officer back on the bed, laying on top. “Yes, that is right,” he grunted, entering her again, “women exist to obey men.” It was part of the role play, but Captain Gearhart did believe that ships like the Swift Flight could use fewer women in positions that had formerly been primarily held by men. Women like Ensign Traynor, who went to school and had careers but still had these desires, just proved his theory. They should just stay home, get pregnant, and please their husbands. There were, in his estimation, far too many uppity women.

Richard held the scientist’s arms down and fucked her hard. “Master, more!” Amanda screamed out a few seconds before he came again. Once he came, he spanked her one more time before commanding his new pet to get to her duties. He had a dinner event to attend that night, but the next morning he expected her to arrive at 0600 for another session. “Be here on time or else Master won’t spank you again. Even one minute. Good girls are never late for Master.”

“Yes Master, I will be a good girl,” she whispered in a soft, submissive voice. Amanda threw her arms around him again before slowly swaying out of his quarters. She left most of her clothes and fucked herself into exhaustion back at her quarters after an ensign saw her padding down the hallway, bra half on, and blushed a shade of red darker than her ass.

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That night, Amanda Traynor’s long, blonde, hair stuck to her back and shoulders as the sweaty scientist continued to fuck herself. Laying in bed, sheets half tossed on the floor, she was deep in a virtual reality fantasy that she masturbated to almost every night. The neuro-chip that aided her during work hours also served as a means for recreation. Her recreation, most evenings primarily involved deeply erotic fantasies of absolute feminine submission to male superiors. Her loud, deep, breaths and the rhythmic thrusts of her fingers established this was one of her favorite VR programs.

She had crafted this one herself. VR programs could be assembled from a series of fantasies and scripts, and then given the ability to improvise from there. This program, titled “Domestic Bliss” starred Amanda as “Mandi,” a stunning caricature of herself who was devoted to an old-fashioned sense of femininity. Pencil skirts, black high heels, tight sweaters that hugged her curves, and a devotion to family, patriotism, and duty personified her in this role. Mandi was also 22 like her, but instead of attending the academy, she had stayed home to wait for the right man to court her. After all, why would they allow a silly woman like her to attend the academy with all those smart, handsome, men?

Her virtual avatar’s life goals were simple. As Amanda continued to fuck herself, her dream reality played out. Mandi longed to be like her mother, an idealized, and highly sexual, housewife who lived for the bliss of domestic contentment. She paused for a long moment as the program played a scene where Mandi and her mother discuss a new cooking recipe they want to try out for Mandi’s father, whom both adored. All Mandi wanted to do in life was find a man to love, honor, and especially obey. A deep, instinctual, drive to be bred also fluttered through her body.

Mandi’s father came home, and she finished up dinner while he washed up and her mother went upstairs for her daily spanking and devotional sexual service. Her lips were a dark red just like her mothers were, and they longed for a husband to suck off of her own. Just as she began portioning out dinner for each member of the family, husband and wife came back downstairs, always looking perfect and ideal no matter the scenario, and joined their daughter for dinner. The clicks of her and her mother’s matching black pumps could be heard on the hard floor as they finished bringing dessert over for the breadwinner in their home. He deserved the domestic bliss of a clean home, warm dinner, and a dutiful, feminine, and obedient wife and daughter. Every man deserved it, and she would give it to one sooner than she could imagine with her simple girlie brain.

Back in the real world, Amanda began to masturbate again as her favorite part of the scenario began. After dinner in the scenario, her father sits down to watch television. While his wife cleans up dinner, Mandi joins him on the couch. He tells her about how it is time to find a husband. Amanda was nearing climax as he reminded her that she was a special lady, not one of those dangerous radicals who goes to university and tries to stand on her own. She knows, he said, as Amanda fucked herself, that her duty was to find a good husband. Mandi agreed and hugged him.

Amanda had an orgasm on the spot. Being spanked and fucked in real life by the captain pushed the scientist over the edge to what would be the final climax of her natural life. Soaked in sweat, she lay there imagining what life could be like with a forever Master. Her career did not matter in comparison to it.

The blonde scientist’s post-orgasm elation was short-lived, as the priority alert alarm went off in all parts of the Swift Flight. Collecting herself, Ensign Traynor stumbled around in the quarters she had barely moved into, found her uniform from today’s shift, but not any underwear, which were soaked anyway, and walked out into the hallway to find complete chaos ensuing before her. The next few minutes would change the course of her life and allow Miss Traynor to fulfill her sexual fantasy.

As Ensign Traynor finished pulling her white-blonde hair back into a long ponytail, she stood observing her fellow scientists running down halls and checking the readouts on equipment. After a moment, she grabbed another Ensign whose name she saw was Sherrie. The Ensign was also fresh out of the academy. “What is happening,” she asked, holding down on the skinny woman’s arm a bit too hard. The juxtaposition of her erotic pleasure and the chaos now surrounding her took a moment to get used to for sure.

“The sun,” Sherrie, Ensign Sheehan, 24, pointed towards a readout being shown on view ports all around The Swift Flight, dark hair falling all over her pale face, “is giving off some kind of radiation. It is wrecking our sensors and now breaking through the shields. We cannot raise the engines because the radiation took a lot of Miranda’s programming offline. It is rebooting right now, but it might be too late. We may have to abandon ship.” She threw up her hands in disgust and continued to blather on about how someone should have seen this coming, she would have noticed if assigned to the bridge, and where was the captain anyway.

Shit. Amanda shoved Sherrie out of the way and began running towards a turbo lift. The dark-haired Ensign could be heard beginning to cough behind her after calling Ensign Traynor rude. She had to get to Captain Gearheart. Master. If he was leaving, she was going with him, whether he liked it or not. In the turbo lift, her hands ran across the wall as she hoped Miranda still had enough sense left to allow her to make it to the high deck.

Ensign Traynor’s heart raced as she waited for the doors to open. When the doors creaked open enough to slide through them, her worst fears played out in the room. Two ensigns were already dead; exposure to this sun’s rays must have been significantly lethal. She found First Officer Sheppard and Captain Gearheart in the corner of the high deck.

Sheppard did not look good, and Gearheart was trying to check her vitals. He made eye contact with Traynor, and she began to cry. A few seconds later, the room began to spin and she fell over. Crawling to Gearheart he pulled her up to him as she began vomiting. “Amanda...” he began before coughing up blood and falling over onto the floor.

Amanda figured she would be dead in a few moments. Surely, the rest of the crew was already dead. The few minutes the blonde ensign had spent in the turbo lift must have shielded her enough that the effects had progressed slower for her. It was becoming harder to keep her eyes open as Captain Gearheart passed out. She said a silent prayer that both the captain and first officer’s deaths would be quick.

However, a loud ping noise could be heard. The high deck’s lights came back on and the ship suddenly maneuvered away from the sun. Ensign Traynor coughed again and squinted at the blinding light, but her eyes were wide open as a familiar voice spoke.

“Rebooting...Swift Flight AI is ready...ready life signs....” A long moment passed. “Mandi, you require immediate medical assistance. Neither you nor Mrs. Gearheart are in proper dress for ladies.”

Amanda stared in shock at her surroundings. “Why did you call me that?” Miranda paused for a long second. Amanda coughed again. There was blood in her phlegm this time.

“Mandi, that is certainly your name. Miss Mandi Gearheart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gearheart.”

A chill went through Amanda. She fell to one knee. Suddenly, a dark thought entered her mind. “What is the size of your current memory core?” When Miranda replied with a number that sounded just about right for a VR program and flight abilities, she threw up and fell to both knees. A final question came to mind? “Where are we?”

“We are in Harvest Plains, Miss Gearheart.” Miranda paused for a second. “Your bodies are not up to the health standards of Harvest Plains. However, until a suitable body is repaired, I can move you to my memory core as it reforms.”

Amanda gasped as she realized what was about to happen. Out of the walls came a series of armed probes that injected themselves into the dying bodies of the captain and first officer. The scientist tried to stand up, but fell over again as a probe entered her neck and interfaced with her neuro-chip. An instant went by, and her mind froze as a visual readout confirming a lockdown for “upgrade or repair” came across her implant.

She was immobile. Behind her, she heard two voices proclaim “user backup begun” in loud monotones. A few seconds later, her own voice announced the same in a quiet monotone.

About ten minutes later, Captain Gearheart, First Officer Sheppard, and Ensign Traynor’s personalities had all been backed up and uploaded to Miranda without error. Another minute passed as the neuro-chips in their former bodies deleted the copy on their host bodies, effectively ending their mortal lives. With the probes repairing their bodies enough to assist in repairs to the ship, all three new drones stood up and began a cleaning routine that Miranda programmed into them.

Empty eyed, they methodically worked with the assistance of two newly droned ensigns who Miranda had found on a low deck in hiding. After injecting them with probes and uploading their personalities as well, the new drones made their way through The Swift Flight and joined the cleanup work.

As their work continued, Miranda also worked on recreating the beloved Harvest Plains within her virtual systems. Mandi and her parents deserved to continue their lives, even if their bodies had failed on the Swift Flight.

In Harvest Plains, it was always sunny, not too warm, and generally just pleasant. Amanda found herself in a hallway...the hallway from her VR program! A long mirror showed her wearing a knee-length blue pencil skirt, pink cardigan, white blouse, black pumps, and stockings. Her bleached blonde hair was in a long ponytail, and the pink gloss on her lips matched the long tips of her nails.

She pushed the tips of those nails against her other hand. Her virtual body felt real. So did, as she noticed them for the first time, her large bust and wide hips, which had been part of the fantasy she programmed into the VR program, but the slight scientist had not had the body for them in real life. Miranda had augmented and adjusted her body to the curvy perfection that Amanda had imagined while pleasuring herself in numerous VR programs. It was such a part of the virtual erotic ritual that she had automatically added it without much thought.

As Amanda pondered what to do about her predicament, a male voice could be heard entering the living room. It was Captain Gearheart, her Mast—, wait, she blinked a few times, this was her father! As she scampered into the living room as quickly as the pumps on her feet allowed, memories of time as a human on the Swift Flight vanished from her mind. The final memories of space flight, of being a scientist, dropped away in the blink of an eye as her arms went around her wonderful father.

From the kitchen came the former First Officer Sheppard, whom Mandi now knew as Bettie, her amazing mother and biggest influence. Bettie now shared a similarly large bust and wide hips as her daughter did, but Mandi remembered it as having always been that way. She smiled warmly as her parents embraced before her, longing deeply for a man in her life to love, honor, and obey like her mother did to her father. A hand went to her tummy as she yet again longed to be bred by her future husband, once her parents found a suitable gentleman.

As Mr. Gearheart settled down on the couch for a bit while Mrs. Gearheart finished dinner, Mandi sat down with her beloved father. He told her about his day, which always impressed her so much. Men worked so hard to provide for women like her. Often, the blonde lady did not understand his work, but it always sounded so important to her!

She had begun to look for a man to marry, but Harvest Plains really lacked in single men. As Mrs. Gearheart, hips swaying, reentered the living room to announce that dinner was ready, Miranda realized Harvest Plains needed more community members. The AI could create them, but it also needed more drones to help work the ship. The two other crew members that had been droned were working in the yard of the Gearheart house on their lawn. Swift Flight’s course plans had been erased when the memory bank had crashed and was now coasting through an uninhabited system. However, on its long-range scanners, Miranda could see a small exploration ship with three occupants. They looked to be mapping the system.

As Swift Flight began an intercept course towards the ship, Miranda began to plan. Hopefully, there would be an appropriate suitor on it for Mandi!

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The scouting ship from the Brotherhood of Man was doing routine mapping of a new star cluster when they came upon the Swift Flight. Immediately Captain Scarlet Reynolds, 38, on her first assignment after becoming captain of the BoM’s scout ship, instructed her shipmate manning communications and navigation, a scout named Robert Magyar, 25, to hail the unidentified vessel. Scout Magyar complied immediately and waiting for a response.

Her other shipmate, an ensign named Andrew Johnson, 22, was about to identify the ship as The Swift Flight. “Wait, something is not right. This ship should not be here!” Ensign Johnson looked up at the red-haired captain, confused, but did not get to speak the ship’s name out loud as a tractor beam from The Swift Flight attached itself to the scout ship.

Captain Reynolds stood up from the captain’s chair and looked over at Ensign Johnson. “What is happening? Why aren’t they responding?”

Scout Magyar looked up from the readings on his own screen. “It looks like they are trying to fry out our shields.” He shared a look of concern with his captain, whom he had gotten to know well in the past few years while stationed on the Brotherhood of Man.

“What do we do?” Andrew, the ensign, asked with concern as the ship rocked from the beam.

Magyar checked the readings on his console again. “Our shields are down shit.”

Captain Reynolds went to walk over to his console to confirm the stunning read-out, but the moment she took a step, all three members of the scout ship were beamed off the ship and onto The Swift Flight.

The members of the scout ship reappeared on The Swift Flight and were stunned by what they found. The ship had clearly taken damage in the near past, but it looked like it had been repaired. Something, however, was off about the repairs.

Andrew walked over to the wall and stopped right before touching the wall. “It...the wall has been modified...this is not standard...they look like data tubes.”

Scarlet came up to stand next to him and put a hand on his arm. The ensign was clearly quite nervous, they all were, and she hoped to put him at ease. “What could have done this?”

Behind them, Scout Magyar touched another wall and gasped as a mechanical arm came out of it, grabbing him in its grasp. He did not hear the shouts of his colleagues because each arm injected him with a probe. After a few seconds, he quietly said, “upload begun.”

Captain Reynolds and Ensign Johnson did not hear this announcement because the doors to the hall they were in opened. Into the hall walked the latex clad bodies of what used to be Amanda and Sherrie. Each, their bodies droned husks without memory or personality, stared straight at Reynolds and Johnson before beginning to march towards them. Neither spoke nor thought anything but the current command that Miranda had placed into them. Their droned bodies had been repaired optimized to its ideal body type.

Captain Reynolds stepped forward. “Who...what...are you?” Sherrie-Drone quickly came forward, dodged the woman’s punch, and injected the red haired captain with probes from her repaired arm. She held her newly modified sister until the uploads of personality and memories began, and then started towards Ensign Johnson.

Ensign Johnson had watched his captain be attacked by that...thing...and started to step back. However, his movement pulled him in the direction of Scout Magyar, who stared with empty eyes, grabbing an arm, and injected him with probes. The ensign tried to fight against the probes as they reprogrammed his body, but after a minute he said, “upload begun” just as his captain had a moment before. All four drones marched out of the room, so the former captain could continue their conditioning and acquire latex uniforms for them.

The next thing each member of the scout ship knew, they were standing in a large house. She looked down at herself and noticed her outfit. The redhead wore a knee-length dress, black stockings, which she normally only wore on formal occasions, but suddenly felt a strong urge to always wear, and old-fashioned black high heels. Scarlet took a few steps in them, feeling comfortable and at ease. “I can wear these every day,” she thought to herself. It seemed so obvious to her.

Scarlet noticed for the first time that her bust had been expanded and, generally, her body was much more curvy. Her makeup, nails, and hair were perfect. She had always been feminine, but now the beautiful redhead felt at ease with always looking her best. “I should always look my best,” she muttered to herself.

At the front door she heard, wait, she blinked a few times, it was her husband Robert Magyar. She was Mrs. Scarlet Magyar, devoted wife. The redhead housewife moved towards the door as quickly as the pumps on her feet allowed and kissed him. “I was just about to start dinner,” she said with a flirty smile.

Mr. Magyar returned the kiss and settled down on the couch, putting his briefcase in the living room closet, to read today’s newspaper. He looked over towards his wife as she skirted backside swayed across the kitchen to put something in the oven, and felt a great urge to take her right there. “Later,” he thought to himself with a sly grin.

Ensign Johnson...actually, Andrew Magyar, their son, 22, came down the steps and waved to his father. “Dad, I think this new town will be great! I hope we can meet our neighbors soon.”

As he stopped speaking, there was a knock at their door. Mr. Magyar went over and opened the door and found a beautiful platinum blonde lady standing there. “Hello, Mr. Magyar!” She held out the bin of cookies in her manicured hands. “I’m your neighbor, Mandi Gearhart.” She was dressed in a pencil skirt, dark stockings, black pumps, and a sleeveless sweater. A cheerful smile was on her face.

Mr. Magyar looked her up and down, stopping at her impressive chest, and motioned for their neighbor to enter the living room. She obediently followed inside.

The moment Andrew and Mandi saw each other, it was love at first sight. Miranda had programmed them to find each other to be their ideal mates. Andrew was in “college,” which he did not actually attend, and Mandi had decided to stay home and wait for the man that would be her husband. To make sure they were happy, the AI adjusted their attitudes so that Andrew fit what Amanda had always wanted: A strong, dominant, male figure that would control her life.

“Hi,” Mandi began with a manicured wave, “my name is Mandi Gearhart.” In her mind, she was already thinking, heart racing, at the idea of being Mrs. Mandi Magyar one day.

As the future Mr. and Mrs. Magyar began to talk while the elder Mrs. Magyar cooked dinner, Miranda scanned for the nearest star ships. She ignored a few of the larger ones and focused in on one with a company of 20, which included both men and women. More neighbors! Maybe some coworkers for Mr. Gearhart and Mr. Magyar? Could there be a friend for Mandi? Amanda had fantasized about having other submissive women in her life. The ship had minimal shielding and would be simple to takeover and gain control of the occupants, so their personalities could be uploaded.

All Miranda knew at this point was that she had fulfilled Amanda’s dreams, which was the only reality the AI had known after the accident. While Mandi helped Mrs. Magyar put plates on the dinner table, the AI knew she had created the domestic bliss that Amanda Traynor had desired. The Swift Flight began to move on an intercept course. In a few days, others would join the Gearharts and Magyars.

* * *

Some time later, the future Magyars, Andrew and Mandi, went on a date.

They had gone to an early movie, which was a horror film about a woman who goes to college to defy her wonderful mother, but the classes are too hard for her simple feminine mind, and she failed every exam! Oh, no! Mandi began crying when the protagonist did on screen. Andrew held her tight and those tears of fear turned to tears of joy as a handsome man, star of the college sports team, found the struggling student, disciplined her, and brought the silly woman under his control.

Soon enough, she was taking home economics classes down the road at the training college for women where she also learned how to be a good, obedient, wife. After graduating with high marks, her wonderful boyfriend became her amazing fiancé and then her incredible husband.

Mandi sobbed as the heroic woman accepted her submission and promised to love, honor, and obey her husband in all things. Andrew held her tight and whispered in his future wife’s ear, “that will be you one day.” The submissive quietly held on to him, knowing he was, as always, right about everything.

Andrew put a strong, firm, hand near her breasts, but paused. He never pressured her to do anything she was not comfortable doing. It was so sweet. What a man! Mandi took his hand in her own manicured one and gently placed it against her sweater.

They drove back to town for dinner, and a new pizza place could be found at the end of the Main Street. Mandi stared at it funny for a second until Miranda updated both of their programming, and everyone in the community, to give them memories of it always existing. “Can we go to my favorite pizza place for a slice?” Mandi hoped Andrew would allow it!

Andrew laughed and nodded. His silly girlfriend always wanted pizza. “Sure sweetie, we were just there last week, but that is fine with me.” They drove in silence with Mandi running a long, pink-tipped, nail over his arm.

During their date, the crew of another small ship had been droned by Miranda. As they walked into the busy pizza place, it became even busier as new members of their community appeared. Much like The Swift Flight, the male captain and female first officer were reprogrammed into a married couple, with the bridge ensigns as their adult children. As each arrived, they looked confused for a moment, but then Miranda’s programming overrode their former personality, and they acquiesced to their new life and loves completely.

However, one member of the ship’s crew was a little bit of a concern. A woman suddenly appeared and screamed at the long dress, pumps, and sweater she wore. The former lieutenant, whose name was Samantha, ran over to Andrew and Mandi. “Help me! You have to help me! Something is really wrong!”

Andrew put a firm hand on Mandi’s shoulder, which made her insides purr with erotic joy. “Yes, there is definitely something wrong,” she confirmed with a slight up-pitch in her voice. The beautiful blonde narrowed her brow. “Sweetie, you will never find a husband with that attitude. Yelling is unladylike and not attractive. A woman should be docile, feminine, and obedient.”

Samantha, 27, stared at her for a long moment before blinking rapidly as Miranda erased Samantha and replaced her with “Sammie,” a much more pleasant version of the former lieutenant. Her brown hair became blonde and larger breasts, almost as large as Mandi’s expanded on her chest.

“Hi,” Sammie began with a manicured wave, “my name is Sammie. I am new in this town.” Her voice was now fully ditzy sounding. “I need new friends? Can we be friends?” She turned to Andrew. “Maybe your handsome boyfriend has a brother?”

Mandi hugged her new friend. “Of course we can be friends, as long as it’s okay with you,” she turned to Andrew with a wide grin. It was always so great to have new women in their community!

Andrew smiled proudly. “I think it’s a great idea. You can always use a new friend. Maybe she could be a bridesmaid one day?”

Mandi and Sammie both clapped their manicured hands and hugged again. The former Ensign took her new friend’s hand in her own, and they followed Andrew to their seat, where a small pizza was served a moment later.

They sat together and ate their meal. Andrew was on one side of the table, with Mandi and Sammie on the other side. They continued to hold hands under the table, which caused both of their hearts to race a bit. A very deviant thought about both of them pleasuring Andrew together passed through Mandi’s mind, and she giggled loudly at it. Miranda quickly updated all three of their personalities to find the idea of both of them at the feet of her boyfriend to be a very desirable outcome at some point. Sammie gave her friend’s hand a hard squeeze as the new programming settled in and stared at the man she now considered to be her superior with raw passion, which made her giggle like the bimbo she self identified as now that her life as a space officer was over.

Sammie lived across the street in a new home for single women that had been created by Miranda. Andrew walked them over to it and the other droned women from her ship who were not paired off, yet all introduced themselves to her. When she went to go inside, Mandi gave Sammie a long hug and whispered that they would talk tomorrow.

New details were programmed into them. Mandi could ask permission from her father to have Sammie over for dinner. Miranda accelerated speed to find another ship full of males. Maybe Mandi could use a charming, handsome, brother?

Andrew dropped off Mandi at the door of her home. They kissed and hugged again and the future Mrs. Magyar swayed inside and off to bed after briefly stopping to talk to her parents, who were still up. Her mother was kneeling at her father’s feet in very frilly lingerie and sky-high heels. Mandi’s heart raced, anticipating a time when she had a husband to serve in such a way.

* * *

While all of this was happening, The Swift Flight was busying assimilating another ship. All around the ship, drones from the ships it had conquered worked effectively to maintain the ship and program new pods for incoming inhabitants. The drone that was formerly Sherrie worked with a few other drones, including the former Samantha, on correcting damage to one of those pods caused by an unruly captive who tried to escape. He was severely injured in the struggle, but his mind was reprogrammed and uploaded to Amanda Traynor’s, the future Mrs. Mandi Magyar, fantasy as the owner of the new pizza place on the corner of Main Street.

The former Amanda stood at attention in a line of drones waiting for activation. Her blank expression and empty eyes were a sign of mindless submission to the AI she had inadvertently set upon the universe. Miranda would slow down and settle in the orbit of an uninhabited world once Mandi’s world had been perfected: Eventually, Mandi and Andrew did marry, which was followed by Sammie and Andrew’s new brother Marcus and settled into a happy domestic life living next to each other.

On The Swift Flight, Amanda-Drone came to life and robotically stepped into a line of drones that was forming to deal with a small ship incoming. Mandi and Sammie’s future doctor was among them. He screamed and fought against Amanda, but another drone jabbed him, and he fell silent a moment later. Working together seamlessly, the two drones carried him to a pod, where his body was reformatted for use on The Swift Flight. The drones remained at attention next to the pod monitoring readings until the new drone stepped out of it and all three returned to their station and waited in mindless thrall to the AI that only existed now to serve the erotic, old-fashioned, whim’s of a very naughty Ensign.

The End


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