Fit For Service

by alectashadow

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #cw:misogyny #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #blackmail #feminism #patriarchy

Alara has spent countless hours at the gym, honing her body into a weapon that no man could overpower. But when Deniz catches her cheating at an assignment, that strength is unlikely to save her…

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Author’s note: Once again, given the peculiar nature of the subject matter, this story warrants a special disclaimer. This is a fantasy, not a manifesto. As famous erotica author All These Roadworks usually puts it, “my kinks are not my politics”. Do not use this story to promote a political worldview.

Rape and sexual assaults are incredibly serious subject matters. Counterphobic sexual fantasies can be therapeutic, but fantasies are not reality. Practice your relational life consensually, or not at all.

It doesn’t mean anything.

It’s just a blowjob. Many women give plenty of blowjobs all the time, and this doesn’t have to be any different, any more complicated than that. I’ll just go down on him and get it over with quickly. One and done, and then I’ll put it behind me, forget about it. Because it certainly doesn’t mean anything.

So why is my heart pounding faster and faster?


It’s just one word, but it drives the wind out of me like a punch to the gut. Strip, why strip? I don’t need to do that if all he wants is a blowjob. That doesn’t make sense. There’s a logical error somewhere.


“Listen, Alara, this is simple,” Deniz says, and I can’t stand how calm he is. His demeanor is smug, and he has an aura of confidence that contrasts so much against his physique, way less fit compared to mine.

He’s even shorter than I am. He’s the type of man I should be able to easily intimidate, to put back in his place. And yet…

He’s winning.

“How do you think they’ll punish you if I bring the evidence of your cheating to the faculty?” Deniz muses, as if he’s really evaluating different scenarios. “Probation? A fine?” Then, he theatrically slaps a hand against his forehead. “Oh, no, that’s right! You’d be expelled!

Cold sweat runs down my spine.

“Alternatively,” Deniz says, slowly, softly, “you could make this very simple for yourself, Alara. I won’t show them anything. But you have to give me what I want. Strip… and kneel.”

It’s only a blowjob, I tell myself, exhaling. I’ll do it, it’ll buy me his silence, and it will be done. It doesn’t mean anything.

Slowly, resignedly, I peel off my clothes until I'm bare before him. I lower myself to my knees, keeping my eyes downcast, but the worst part is…

It’s hard not to attach meaning to this gesture. This visual demotion. Being on my knees, beneath a guy I could beat up so easily. Up until now, I was standing and he was sitting on the bed, but now he’ll look down on me, and I’ll look up… a humbled female, who thought hours of toil and sweat at the gym would make her strong enough to defend herself.

I really thought my muscles would keep me safe from the predatory instincts of men, but now…

Deniz takes a step closer and, to my shock, produces a leather collar. He wraps it around my neck, and I want to buck, to thrash away, to stand back up. I could overpower him. But then he’d send that email…

I submit. I physically submit to him. The collar tightens, and I feel like, like… a fucking dog.

Deniz unzips his pants and pulls out his cock. He’s already half-erect, and his eyes gleam wickedly as he looks down at me.

"Now suck," he growls, brushing my cheek with the tip of his cock. "Get me nice and hard."

No room for hesitation. I steel myself and lean forward, taking him into my mouth, working my tongue along his shaft as his erection rapidly reaches full mast. He throws his head back, sighing in pleasure and relief. At least he’s letting me do the work… I don’t intend for this to be a slow, nursing blowjob. I’ll get him off quickly. A rapid, dissatisfying bust of his nuts, and then I’m free.

But then Deniz pushes my head down, his cock plunging deeper down my throat, and I feel dread in the pit of my stomach. I gag at first, but then I start to take him, to accommodate his girth, to gag and choke…

Then, air. He withdraws from my mouth, and I breathe in deep, coughing and sputtering. Before I’ve had the chance to recover, to catch my breath, to tell him to please go slower, he’s pulling me by the collar, and the room seems to move around me.

He’s pulling me off the ground.

No. No no no no, I think, over and over, as I land face-first into the mattress, his weight - such as it is - pinning me down. He gets on top of me, one hand still on the collar, and he unceremoniously enters my cunt. He yanks the collar backwards abruptly, so that just as I find myself hissing from the sudden penetration, my breath is also cut off.

His other hand finds my clit and begins to circle it. He’s… oh… deft.

My cheeks and my cunt are burning with humiliation. He’s mastering my sex. He’s mastering my breath. Is this what an animal feels when it’s about to be tamed?

He thrusts into me from behind, mercilessly pounding me. Each forceful pump drives the air from my lungs as the collar chokes my throat. I end up syncing my breathing with his pumping, catching a few precious breaths between each thrust.

An animal, trying to survive.

Deniz maintains his firm grip on the collar, using it as a handle to control me, to rein me in. I'm nothing more than a bitch on a leash, to him.

To men in general. That’s how they all see us women.

I hate that. It fills me with rage. And yet… my cunt betrays me, growing wet and eager around his cock, and with his fingers on my clit. A moan escapes my lips before I can stop it. He laughs cruelly, and that makes me feel so… enfeebled.

"You love this, don't you slut? Being put in your place, shown what you really are."

I shake my head, but it's futile. He's right and we both know it. I go limp, accepting my fate as his conquered fucktoy, impaled on his cock.

I spent countless hours sculpting my body into a weapon. But now, as Deniz's weaker, less fit form dominates me so thoroughly, I realize the futility of my efforts.

No matter what we women try, men will always one-up us. Work on your physique? No problem, they’ll blackmail and outsmart you. Focus on your brains? Easy solution, they’ll overpower you and rape you. Prioritise your career and they'll belittle you. Try to enjoy sex on your terms and they'll deride you.

All my efforts to empower myself were just the futile flailings of a silly girl too dumb to recognize her own inferiority. In the end, men always win.

Even an unremarkable, not especially manly guy like Deniz evidently has what it takes to put me back in my place - naked, collared, and speared on his cock.

Maybe it’s where I belong…?

I find myself responding more and more, meeting his thrusts, fucking myself on his dick. He fucks me hard and deep, panting and grunting with primal male satisfaction.

My cunt clenches around him, drawing him in deeper.

That tips Deniz over the edge.

His thrusts grow erratic before he slams into me one final time, burying himself to the hilt. His cock jerks and pulses as he fills me with his seed, marking me, claiming me, branding my insides with rope after rope of cum.

He’s breeding me. I don’t know how I know, I just do. I’ll end up barefoot and pregnant, submissive to him in all things. His broodmare, his property.

A simple-minded, fertile fucktoy, deluded by a society that filled my head with empty promises of equality. But no longer.

Deniz has shown me the truth, fucked the fight right out of me and knocked me up to seal my subjugation.

Deniz holds me in place as his cock softens inside me, ensuring every last drop of his seed coats my womb. When he finally withdraws, I can feel his cum begin to leak out, trickling obscenely down my thighs.

"There," he says with smug satisfaction. "That's better."

As he pulls out, a final thought crosses my foggy, fucked-stupid mind. I was so stupid to think this would just be a blowjob, and most of all, that this didn’t mean anything.

He’s just asserted himself as my victor, my tamer, my conqueror, my male master. He’s taken away my ability to determine the purpose of my own life, and instead imposed his own purpose upon me. He’s literally given my life new meaning, one chosen by him.

This… being mastered by cock like this…

It means everything.

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