by Zuno
The follow are a set of rules for a hypno-kinky game, not a story. Play at your discretion, and feel free to offer feedback.
This is a Hypnosis Battle game, a duel between two or more Hypnotists trying to induce each other. The first to “drop” wins.
Decide on a theme (colours, emotions, parts of the body, etc). The first player thinks of a word that fits into that category. The induction they use must be phrased in relation to this word.
When another player thinks they know what the word is, they must say “Zip!”. The “Zipper'' then selects a new word from the same category. It is their turn to begin an induction using that word.
If a player doubts that the Zippers guess is correct, they can challenge it. If the challenge is correct, the erring Zipper must pay a forfeit. If the challenge is wrong, the challenger pays a forfeit.
This cycle passes back and forth until either the game ends in a draw, or a player enters trance. When this happens, congratulate the winner, and use an awakener to bring them up. An awakener can be as simple as “On the count of three, feeling yourself becoming alert, aware, and fully awake” followed by a count from one to three.