Vivian's Vigorous Vine

by Vivid Violet

Tags: #cw:noncon #blowjob #bondage #plantfuckers #somnophilia #fellatio #sex_dream #solo #urban_fantasy

A weird plant shows up on Adrianne’s doorstep.

Originally posted on Cohost on 7/15/2023.

Adrianne frowned at the unruly plant being offered by the courier at her door.

“Wait, what is this thing?”

“It’s a… Bouquet? From uh… Someone named Mark?” The courier shrugged awkwardly and handed it over before Adrianne could protest.

One signature later, and the unwanted plant was inside and sitting on her coffee table. Adrianne sat on her couch and stared. She’d been on a few dates with Mark over the last couple months, and when he’d texted her asking if she liked plants, Adrianne had thought he meant in general. Most people like plants! Outside. Where they belong.

This one was weird. It looked kind of like a large succulent. Its fronds stuck out of the pot in all directions like an agave plant’s leaves, except they were round and smooth instead of spiky. It didn’t look familiar.

Adrianne grabbed the card that was stuck into the dirt. On the front were the words “Vivian’s Vigorous Vine” in elaborate cursive. She snorted and turned it over.

“Vivian’s Vigorous Vine has been imbued with rejuvenating spells that work while you sleep! Simply place it on your bedside table and enjoy increased energy and an improved mood.”

A magical hybrid, then. Adrianne was skeptical, but her bedroom could do with a bit of greenery to liven it up, at least until she accidentally killed it.

The next morning, Adrianne woke before her alarm. It was strange; normally she’d feel super groggy and take 15 minutes to even drag herself out of bed, but instead she felt refreshed and ready to go. As she passed the plant on her way to get dressed, she laughed a little and stopped to snap a picture to send to Mark. “I guess it works 😉 thanks!”

Her day sped by; projects at work fell into place, and she texted back and forth with Mark about getting together that weekend. When Adrianne got home, instead of ordering takeout, she realized she felt up to cooking and threw together a stir fry.

That night she had a very nice dream. It was vague and floaty, and she barely remembered having it when she awoke, but it left her feeling good.

The next few days continued to go well. Instead of staying up way too late doomscrolling on Twitter, Adrianne found she looked forward to snuggling in bed at the end of the day, drifting off with the knowledge that she’d feel super energized when she woke. She worried about the plant a little, since she didn’t have a great history taking care of house plants, but with a bit of water it seemed to be doing well.

That Saturday she saw Mark for dinner and a movie, and afterwards they went back to his place. She felt rather spontaneous and surprised him with a blow job, joking that it was a thank you for the plant, which made him laugh.

Adrianne hadn’t sucked anyone’s cock in a while, but it felt so easy and natural to do, as if she’d been practicing all this time. It even seemed like it was easier to take him further into her mouth than with other partners; later when she was back home in bed she drifted off to sleep fantasizing about deep throating, something she’d never really thought about before.

When changing out of her pajamas that Sunday morning, Adrianne noticed her underwear was soaked. Her mind flashed back to a dream she’d had that night but forgotten - Mark on top with his cock inside her, his fingers in her mouth as she sucked and came. She flushed thinking about it, and grabbed her phone. “Guess what I dreamt about last night? 😛”

Adrianne spent the day tidying up and doing chores, idly sexting with Mark during breaks. By the time she was ready for bed she was pretty tired, but she knew that thanks to the plant she’d likely be back to her new energetic self on Monday. And maybe she’d have another fun dream, too.

A storm woke Adrianne around 3am. A loud clap of thunder dropped her out of a very nice dream, and it took her a second to fully come to. She went to grab her phone and check the time, but was stopped by something around her wrists.

“What the fuck?”

Long ropes snaked around her limbs, and as she tugged on them in a panic them she could feel that they all came from the right side of her bed… where the plant was.

As if it sensed her notice - could magical plants read minds? why didn’t she research this shit? - the ropes which she now realized were vines began to subtly move, tightening and releasing. Adrianne struggled against them, but they simply wound further up her legs and arms, until they reached her crotch and her neck. She gasped when one slipped underneath her pajama bottoms.

“Hell no, what the fu-” One of the vines around her neck moved higher to muffle her mouth, as the one lower down wriggled past her clit. She bucked her hips to move away, but that only helped it slide closer to her cunt.

Adrianne bit the vine muffling her. Liquid burst into her mouth, lightly sweet, and she had to swallow it to keep from choking. As it washed down her throat, a warmth spread throughout her body from inside out. It tasted so good; she couldn’t help sucking on the vine to taste more, to feel more warmth. She opened her mouth wider, protests forgotten, and as the vine began to move in and out of her mouth, she lifted her hips so the other one slid into her cunt.

She didn’t know how long it lasted; sucking on a vine greedily as the other one fucked her. More vines moved across her body, looping around and squeezing her breasts, rubbing and teasing her clit. But eventually the one in her mouth suddenly let forth another gush of sweet liquid, and it felt so good to suck it all down that she came, clenching the other vine between her legs.

Adrianne fell asleep, spent.

She texted Mark the moment she woke up and remembered. “What the fuck did you send me?”

The plant sat innocently on her bedside table. She was afraid to touch it.


“The fucking plant!”

“it helps u sleep better
what’s wrong w/ it?”

She couldn’t tell him. It was embarrassing. And when she googled the ridiculous name of the plant, nothing even remotely related to the night before came up. Everyone talked about how refreshing their sleep was - even people with partners who might notice a plant fucking someone in their sleep.

Had she imagined it?

In the light of day, the plant looked no larger than when it arrived. Had it really grown vines long enough to hold her down? Adrianne shivered and wasn’t sure why.

It didn’t make sense - but a dream would. She’d been pretty horny that weekend, and had already had a dream about doing similar things with Mark. Maybe her brain had just weirdly combined the two. He did give it to her as a present, after all.

Adrianne was distracted all day. She brushed off Mark’s concern with a very unconvincing, “sorry, I read on Reddit that it could give off bad vibes,” and she was late for several meetings.

That night she got ready for bed very reluctantly. If she moved the plant, she’d be admitting weird shit actually happened. If she didn’t move it, she’d be admitting her brain came up with weird shit.

She compromised and slept on the other side of the bed.

Mark’s cock was smooth and warm on her tongue as she sucked its head inside her mouth. She wrapped a hand around the base, taking him further into her mouth, and moved her lips up and down his cock’s length several times before pulling it out to lick the underside with a flick of her tongue.

Adrianne looked up to grin at him, but his face was fuzzy. The dream snapped into awareness, then melted away to the darkness of her bedroom. But the thick weight in her hand that pressed against her lips remained. The vine was slick with sweet juice, and without thinking she licked it. Desire surged back, and she opened her mouth, beginning to move the vine in and out with one hand as her left hand moved down to her clit.

As she writhed under her covers, lavishing the vine with her tongue, another slid from behind her into her cunt. Her arms and legs still free, she moved her hips back to meet it, feeling it thrust in and out of her in time with the vine in her mouth. The sensation of it filling her up as she played with her clit was too much, and she came, unable to stop sucking.

This time Adrianne lay awake as the vines retreated and her heartbeat slowed. She checked her phone - 4am - and turned over to sleep.

She had work in the morning, but she had a feeling she’d have plenty of energy.

Adrianne dropped into a garden center on the way home from work, a spring in her step. She’d had another great day and had plenty of vigor to spare. So why not pick up some fertilizer while she was at it? She was sure she’d heard plants needed more than just water, and it wouldn’t do to let the plant Mark gave her die. She wanted to enjoy it for years to come.


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