Going Commando

by Vivid Violet

Tags: #dom:male #dubious_consent #f/m #hypno #hypnosis #sub:female #hypnokink #penetrative_sex

Katie doesn’t believe in hypnosis.

Originally posted on Cohost on 7/25/2023.

When Katie got home from the shops, Ben was watching another one of his B movies. She plopped onto the couch next to him as a man in a cape swung a watch in front of a pretty young woman.

Katie giggled and kissed Ben on the cheek. She started to browse her phone, but Ben paused the movie. “Whatcha laughing at? Funny meme?”

Katie shook her head and gestured at the screen. “The hypnosis shtick. It’s just funny.”

Ben grinned. “What, you don’t believe in the power of hypnosis?”

“Do I believe someone could make me sleepy and command me to act like a chicken? Nah.” She yawned. “If people were susceptible to suggestion like that, we’d all do silly shit when sleepy.”

“Well, since you’re already tired, we could test it…” Ben waggled his fingers. “You are feeling veeeery sleeeepy.”

Katie batted his hand away and laughed. “No way that actually works.”

Ben hummed. “Well, if it doesn’t work, there’s no harm in trying it, right?”

Katie yawned again. “If you wanna try, knock your socks off. But you’re buying us pizza.”

Ben put some chillwave music on instead of the movie and buried his head in his phone, and for a minute or two Katie thought he had gotten distracted. But then he set the phone aside and looked her in the eyes, intent. “Okay, first get comfy.”

Katie hesitated, but why not. She lifted her feet up and lay her legs across Ben’s lap, then moved one of the couch cushions so she could lie down and use it as a pillow. She settled in. “Now what?”

“Okay, um.” Ben coughed and briefly glanced at his phone. “Right. I want you to imagine that your eyelids are very heavy. So heavy, in fact, that you’re having trouble keeping them open.”

Katie closed her eyes. She should probably try to play along.

“Good, that’s right. Your eyelids are so very heavy. If you try to open them again, you’ll find that you can’t. And every time you try to open them, the heavier they get.”

Keeping her eyes closed, Katie pretended to try to open them. She stopped after a few tries, because it was a bit silly to keep doing it when they were too heavy to open.

Ben started slowly running his hand up and down her thighs. “And as you listen to the sound of my voice, you can feel yourself falling more and more relaxed.” The movement of his hands changed, so they were only going in one direction, stroking from her hips to her knees, lifting off, then stroking again starting from her hips. “Each time my hands move down, you can feel yourself drifting further down.”

Katie yawned. It was certainly relaxing. As she focused on the movement of Ben’s hands and his voice, her mind quieted.

“Good girl. You like this pleasant, relaxed feeling, don’t you?”

Katie nodded lazily, her head feeling a bit floppy.

“And you’d like to be able to feel this way again, wouldn’t you?”

Katie frowned a little. Would she? It felt good, but this was just a silly thing to try once.

“No worries, that’s okay. Your eyes feel heavy, your limbs feel heavy. Let’s try something different.”

Katie nodded.

“Think to other times you feel good. You feel good when we have sex, don’t you?”

Katie smiled.

“That’s right. Instead of trying to feel like this again, why don’t we help you feel even better when we have sex?”

Katie nodded; that sounded nice.

“Good girl, just relax and let your thoughts float into your mind. Tell me, does it sometimes feel like there isn’t enough time in a day for sex?”


“Yeah, there’s a lot going on every day. But sex feels good, and you want to feel good, right?”

Katie tried to nod but found she was too relaxed. So she responded, “Mm.”

“Good, yes. It would be nice to have more sex often. I have an idea that might make it easier to have sex and to feel good. The next time you get dressed, you’ll wear a skirt without any underwear. You can do that for me, can’t you.”


“That’s right. If you’re just wearing a skirt, it would make it easier for me to fuck you, wouldn’t it? In the morning you’ll remember this idea, remember being hypnotized, but it will feel like it’s your idea to skip wearing underwear. Because it’s such a good idea that will help you feel good, right?”


“Very good girl. In fact, you’ve been so good, I think you deserve a reward, so you can feel good like this again.”

A small part of Katie couldn’t help thinking that this was supposed to be a one time thing, but she couldn’t figure out why. It felt good to feel this way, so she wanted to feel like this again. She nodded eagerly.

“That’s right. You like feeling this relaxed and good. So when I, and only I, call you a ‘good girl,’ you’ll just naturally find yourself falling into this relaxed state. That makes sense, right? Being a good girl and following my commands is how you got to feel this good, so when I call you a ‘good girl’ your body will become heavy and relaxed. And each time I call you a ‘good girl’, you’ll feel twice as relaxed and good as before, isn’t that right?”

A knock at the door startled Katie. She opened her eyes and looked around. Ben smiled down at her. “Welcome back, sleepyhead. Pizza’s here.”

Katie paused, her hand reaching for a pair of underwear, as last night’s “hypnosis” came to mind. Maybe it would be fun to pretend that it worked, just for a day. Katie closed the drawer and pulled on a skirt. She wasn’t on her period and she worked from home, so while she didn’t usually go commando, it wouldn’t be too difficult.

She wasn’t prepared for how distracting it was. Every time Katie shifted in her seat, she could feel the absence of the underwear. She kept finding herself daydreaming about what might happen when Ben got home from work that night.

By the time he walked through the door, Katie didn’t want to wait. As soon as he set down his bag, she pulled him down for a deep kiss, pressing her body against his until he backed into the wall.

When they separated, Ben looked a little surprised. “I’m not complaining, but what prompted this?”

“I, um, I have a surprise for you.” Katie led him to the living room. She turned away from him and slowly lifted up her skirt, revealing first the backs of her thighs and then her bare bottom. She bent over the back of the couch and spread her legs wider.

Katie heard Ben slip off his shoes and pants, and felt him move behind her. He gripped her hip with one hand, holding her skirt up. His hard cock slid between her legs, past her cunt to rub against her clit, and she pressed herself backwards, her hips moving on their own.

“Yes, please, I - I’ve been thinking about you fucking me all day.”

“Oh you have, have you?” He whispered into her ear and she shivered. Slowly thrusting his cock along her clit, he continued to whisper. “I see you didn’t wear underwear today. Good girl.”

Katie gasped and felt her body relax, slumping over the couch further as Ben’s thrusts rocked her body.

“I bet it felt like it was your idea, because of course it was. You wanted to please me and surprise me, and it felt so good.”

Katie nodded and whimpered, desperate to feel his cock inside of her like she’d imagined all day.

“Such a good girl.” Ben suddenly changed the angle of his thrust so his cock slipped inside her, and Katie moaned in agreement. “You can’t help moving your hips, can’t help taking me deeper, because it feels so good and right. You’ve been ready to have my cock inside you all day, so ready that all it takes is lifting your skirt.”

Ben continued to thrust inside her steadily, a maddeningly slow rhythm. He reached his hand around her to grasp one of her breasts and paused. “What’s this?”

Katie bucked her hips, trying to restart the rhythm, but he held still, slowly pulling the cup of her bra down over her breast and taking her nipple in between his fingers.

“No underwear, but… you are wearing a bra. Don’t you want to feel good?” He tweaked her nipple for emphasis and Katie gasped. “That’s right, you want to be good and feel good. I think I know another way you can make sex feel better, happen more often. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Through the haze of desire and need, Katie could only moan.

“That’s right, good girl. I think, just as you haven’t worn underwear today, you shouldn’t bother wearing a bra anymore. Doesn’t that sound good? It’ll make it so much easier for me to use you, and it feels good to do what I say.”

It did feel good. When Katie nodded, eager to agree to anything that would help her feel this good, Ben started thrusting again, faster this time. His hand moved from her breast down over her stomach and underneath the waistband of her skirt, coming to rest on her clit. She ground into his hand, and when he whispered “good girl” into her ear, she came.

Katie couldn’t decide what bra to wear. None of them seemed right; not her pink satin one, not the comfy purple sports bra, not the plain t-shirt bra. She held each of them up to the shirt she wanted to wear today, and felt confused. Katie knew she wore a bra every day, but it suddenly felt so unnecessary. When she and Ben had sex, it was just an extra step to remove it, and it wasn’t as if she had to wear a bra for video calls, at least if her camera was aimed a bit higher…

She slipped on her shirt without a bra, and immediately felt more comfortable. The fabric slid over her nipples, and her mind flashed back to Ben rolling one between his fingers the night before. Yes, this made much more sense.

It wasn’t until she was sitting down at her desk that she realized she hadn’t put on any underwear either. But that made sense, too - why would she wear underwear if she wasn’t wearing a bra? Katie smiled. She wanted to be a good girl, after all.


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