
Meditation #43

by Vivid Violet

Tags: #dubious_consent #meditation #second_person #solo

Originally posted on Cohost on 7/13/2023.

Note: this has one instance of gendered language (“girl”).

Welcome to day 43 of 60 Days of Mindfulness. Today we’re going to explore meditation techniques for relaxing before bed, so feel free to pause and come back when you’re ready to feel sleepy.

All right, if you’re not already lying down, please lie down and get comfy on your bed - no sitting up straight this time! Once you’re settled, you can let your eyes fall closed.


Let’s start with some deep breathing. Follow along counting to three in your mind, and let the stress bleed out of you with each breath out.

Take a deep breath in - one, two three - and a deep breath out - one, two, three.

In - one, two, three - and out - one, two, three.

Again, breathing in and counting to three - and out - one, two, three.

One last time in - one, two, three - and out as your body sinks into your bed.

Very good. You should be starting to feel relaxed, but if not that’s okay. We’ll move on to a simple body scan.

Starting at the top of your head, tune into how your body feels. Note any stress or tenseness in your face and as you move down to your neck… your shoulders… your chest. Every time you breathe out, you can feel that tenseness loosen. Focus down into your belly… your pelvis… your legs. Slowly wiggle your fingers and toes a bit, and then let them relax fully.

That’s good - by now you should really be able to feel yourself sinking into your mattress, so much so that it’s getting a little hard to move. Maybe your fingers and toes felt a bit sluggish just now. In fact, if you try to move your fingers again, you may find that you can’t. But that’s okay, we’re meant to be getting sleepy and relaxed.

Let’s return to deep breathing, this time combined with some visualization. When you breathe in, you’ll imagine a warm light following the path of the air, filling your lungs and then sinking into your stomach. When you breathe out, imagine that warm, tingly light spreading out from your stomach to your torso, your head, your arms, your legs.

So deep breath in, warmth building - two, three - and deep breath out, warmth spreading - two, three.

Breathe in - one, two, three - and out as tingling fills your limbs - two, three.

Breathing in that warm relaxing light - three - and out - one, two, three.

Finally breathe in - one, two three - and out one last time before returning to your natural breath.

Very good; you can still feel those warm tingles coursing in gentle waves through your body. It feels good to be relaxed, doesn’t it? All that stress gone, replaced by warmth and pleasure pooling in your belly.

In fact, if you try to think of all the things that make you stressed - whether it’s work or school or relationships or financial pressures - it’s hard to remember any specifics. You’re just sleepy and warm and relaxed, your mind floating atop the sensations, not really thinking about anything. When a thought comes to mind, you just let it float away from you without consciously engaging. You’re here to relax, not think.

That’s it, good, you’re doing really well. Which makes you feel even better, doesn’t it? Twice as good as before. Because you’re meditating so you can relax and feel sleepy and good, so if you’re doing well that must mean you’re feeling even more relaxed and sleepy and good.

In fact, the more warmth and tingling you feel, the more you may want to move a little, and that’s okay. You can stay relaxed and move a little, right? You can move your hips a little, move your hand to where that warmth is building, and help yourself feel even more relaxed and good.

Good girl.

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