A New Toy

Part 2

by Vivid Violet

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #sex_toy #sub:female #D/s #hypno #hypnokink #penetrative_sex

Originally published on Cohost on 9/17/2024.

Jessie was rinsing the soap off herself when she started feeling aroused again. A warmth gathered in her belly, and her thoughts flew unbidden to a time she and Amanda had showered together. One thing had led to the other and she’d ended pressed up against the wall…

She reached down to play with her clit; as before, it was like she could feel Amanda inside her, keeping a steady rhythm. Jessie put her other hand against the wall to hold herself up, the warm water streaming down her body as heat built inside her.

Heat, and need. She wanted Amanda to fill her, wanted it so desperately that she could somehow feel it happen. Jessie couldn’t understand what was happening, but it wasn’t long before she didn’t care, could barely remember anything except her desire.

The phantom thrusting became quicker, more erratic, and her memories of Amanda coming inside her pushed Jessie over the edge.

Steam from the shower swirled around her as she panted heavily. Awareness trickled back to her, and with it confusion and concern. Why couldn’t she control herself?

Abruptly she shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. Jessie grabbed a towel and dried off vigorously. It was just something in the air. Maybe the moon was full, or she was at a particular point in her cycle, or…

By the time she settled on the couch and loaded up the newest game, Jessie had almost convinced herself nothing was amiss. She was quickly engrossed in the open world, taking every side quest that appeared. It wasn’t until Amanda sat down next to her several hours later that she pulled herself away.


“Yeah, that sounds great. How’s work going?” Jessie asked.

“Not bad - I should be able to at least join you on the couch before dinner, although I’ll have to stay close to my phone. Did you have a fun morning?”

Jessie could feel her face getting red. She coughed and stood, making her way to the kitchen so Amanda wouldn’t see. “Uh, yeah. Nice bike ride and shower, made some progress in my game.”

Amanda appeared behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist, propping her head on Jessie’s shoulder. “That sounds good! Nice and relaxing.” Amanda’s breath tickled her neck, and Jessie had to resist an urge to grind her hips back.

She felt so embarrassed at feeling this out of control. She was used to flirting and casual touching during the day; one of the perks of both of them working from home. Sometimes they’d even sneak a quickie when their meeting schedules aligned nicely. But she was unmoored by these fantasies. They felt like a force of nature, an unstoppable desire from deep inside her.

“What do you want for lunch?” Amanda’s question broke her train of thought, and Jessie shook her head. She was being silly; she was just horny today, that was all.

“I was thinking leftover lasagna?”

“Oo, tasty.”

They both settled on the couch after lunch, Jessie with her controller and Amanda with her laptop. They sat in companionable silence punctuated by the occasional typing and video game music.

Jessie had just reached a boss when she started getting distracted. She missed a dodge and had to heal frantically while retreating, and she shifted in her seat. Something thrust into her cunt suddenly, and she nearly dropped her controller. Jessie paused the game and felt a cock slide inside her again, making her gasp.

“Something wrong?”

Jessie shook her head and unpaused the game. But the driving need was back, and she simply stared at her character without controlling them, unable to block several attacks. She couldn’t focus; the only thought filling her mind was much she needed Amanda inside her, how good it would feel to be fucked on this couch.

Amanda looked up at the death screen. “Everything okay?”

“I, uh-” Jessie grasped for an explanation but couldn’t think of anything to say. “I can’t…”

Amanda set her laptop aside and turned to face her. “You can’t…?”

The thrusting stopped and Jessie whimpered. “Please, I-”

“What’s up? You seem rather flustered.”

“I want you,” Jessie gasped. Her face burned; when did she get this needy?

Amanda leaned in to kiss her, then pulled away to look at her. “Have you been thinking about me fucking you all day?” She grinned.

“Yes, I-” The phantom sensation of a cock slowly filling her returned, as if summoned by the question. “Can’t stop thinking about it, came twice just imagining it-” The words tumbled out of her before she could stop herself. She blushed.

“You’ve been busy!” Amanda laughed. “Tell me about it.”

The slow thrusts continued and Jessie gripped a pillow to keep herself from writhing. What had Amanda said? Oh, right. “I- on the bike ride, and in the shower.”

Amanda’s eyes widened. “In public on the trail? I hope no one saw you.”

Jessie shook her head, blushing even harder. What was wrong with her, getting so worked up out in public? Anyone could have seen her. She felt a burning shame in her stomach, but somehow it twisted into arousal. Her hips began to move, her resolve broken - or forgotten.

“Good, it wouldn’t do for someone to see how much of a slut you are. That’s only for me. You’re my slut.”

She wasn’t a slut, Jessie thought. But when she opened her mouth to protest, she only moaned. “Please….”

“Please, what?”

“Need you inside me, please -” The words tore themselves out of Jessie, her embarrassment disappearing beneath the weight of her desire.

“I thought you wouldn’t ask. Why don’t you be a good girl and drop.”

Jessie felt herself sink into the couch, her whole body heavy. Her hips still moved languidly, searching out the sensation of a cock. She felt so good and warm, but she wanted more, needed it.

Mistress ran a hand down her chest. “So, it seems you had fun with our toy today?”

Through the haze of pleasure Jessie remembered the toy. That was right, it was inside her right now. “Yes, Mistress!”

Mistress smiled. “What a greedy slut you are, coming twice without me.”

Jessie nodded contritely. For some reason she briefly felt as if she should protest at being called a slut, but no. She was a slut; she couldn’t help it.

“I think it’s time I use your cunt, slut. Strip for me.”

Jessie eagerly wriggled out of her leggings and underwear, then pulled her top over her head. She waited for Mistress to tell her what to do next.

“Bend over the back of the couch.”

Jessie did, her knees on the cushions and her arms resting on the back. She wiggled her hips, searching for that feeling of fullness.

Mistress moved behind her and gently slipped the toy out. Jessie whimpered in protest, but it wasn’t long before she could feel Mistress’s cock pressing against the entrance to her cunt. Jessie pushed her hips back, willing Mistress’s cock to move.

“So impatient,” said Mistress. “But I’ve been teasing you all day, so I can hardly blame you.” And with that she thrust inside Jessie.

It felt so good to be filled. And what’s more, it felt right. Jessie moaned. She’d been wanting this all day, needing it.

“Good girl,” said Mistress. She held still inside Jessie and reached around to press the toy to Jessie’s clit. Its gentle vibration made Jessie gasp and buck her hips, and with that Mistress began to fuck her, slowly.

It was torture. It was heaven. Jessie was caught between the slow rhythm of Mistress’s thrusts and the warm vibration of the toy.

“That’s it - I know you’ve been wanting this all day, haven’t you? Such a slut that you couldn’t concentrate on your game, couldn’t get through a shower without touching yourself, couldn’t stop yourself from coming while out biking. You’re my slut, and your cunt is mine to fuck, and you can’t help wanting my cock inside you. Isn’t that right?”

Mistress began to thrust faster, and Jessie nodded, gasping small whimpers in agreement.

“I want to hear you say it. ‘I’m your slut.’”

“I’m your slut,” Jessie replied breathlessly, the words feeling natural. Of course she was.

“Good girl. I know earlier you were resisting that a little, but now you know it deep in your bones, don’t you?”

Jessie moaned in agreement, pleasure pooling in her belly.

“In fact,” Mistress continued, “The next time we play with this toy, you won’t question why you’re feeling aroused or thinking about me fucking you. You’re my slut, so of course you think about pleasing me, wanting me inside you.”

All Jessie could do was gasp and nod in agreement.

“That’s right - ah - such a good girl. So obedient and slutty and - fuck!” Mistress’s thrust came faster and harder, the rhythm unsteady, and Jessie felt Mistress’s cock twitch inside her as she came, groaning.

There was a brief pause before Mistress gathered herself and slid out of Jessie, who whimpered at the loss. But Mistress brought the toy back to her clit, sliding it through the come dripping from her cunt, and the vibrations coaxed Jessie closer and closer.

“Good girl, you can’t resist feeling good,” Mistress whispered in her ear. “You’ve been such a good slut, and you deserve a reward, don’t you?”


“Yes, slut deserves to come. What’s more, you’ve been so good, I think you deserve a nickname that suits you. Isn’t that right, Slut?”

Slut gasped and came, shuddering. She collapsed on the couch next to Mistress, breathing heavily.

Mistress stroked her hair. “Good girl. What’s your name?”

“Slut, Mistress.”

“That’s right, good girl.”

Slut beamed happily.


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