The Intrepid Adventures of Miss Eliza Cock

Chapter 2

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #cw:noncon #f/f #fantasy #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #mind_control #unaware #ancient_relics #cultish_behaviour #cultish_recruitment #cw:dubious_consent #deities #hypnovember #hypnovember2024 #magic #multiple_partners #serial_recruitment #straight_to_lesbian
See spoiler tags : #cock_worship #girldick #magic_girldick

“We’ll be taking off in a few minutes, ma’am,” the tall blonde stewardess announced with a warm, professional smile. “Would you like anything else before then?”

“No, thank you,” Eliza mumbled, struggling to make eye contact as she took another swig of her brandy.

“Very well. Once we’re in flight, if you require anything please don’t hesitate to ask.” The smartly-dressed young woman began to turn away, but hesitated. “No judgement at all, ma’am, just... a friendly recommendation - that drink’s pretty strong, so you may want to slow down, just a little. Otherwise, you might spend much of the journey blacked out!”

The wealthy passenger smiled weakly, thinking that didn’t sound so bad. “Thanks, I’ll take it easy.” The stewardess inclined her head deferentially, and then strode away towards the back of the plane. Her footsteps, and the hum of the engine powering up, were the only sounds aboard the near-empty vehicle.

Eliza quite enjoyed being surrounded by other people aboard a commercial plane, with all their warm, noisy humanity. But given recent events, she wanted as few companions on her return trip as possible, so she’d hired a jet from a private company. There were only five people aboard - the pilot, the co-pilot, a mechanic in case of emergency, the stewardess, and Eliza herself.

Shifting around in her seat, she sipped her drink again, grimacing. She’d never really been one for alcohol, but she needed something to settle her nerves. Also, she’d heard of ‘whiskey dick’, and given that there was no whiskey aboard, she was trying to achieve the same effect with brandy. So far, though, it hadn’t really helped on either count. No matter how inebriated she got, it didn’t help her forget the new presence between her legs, or overcome her anxiety about it. And it didn’t seem to diminish its... potency. She’d had an erection for pretty much the entirety of the three days since she’d found it in that damn cave.

She rearranged herself again, crossing and uncrossing her legs with a low, agitated grunt, and gazed forlornly at her groin. Try as she might, she couldn’t find a sitting position that was both comfortable and dignified. She kept instinctively closing the gap between her legs and squashing her testicles, forcing her to spread out in a distinctly un-ladylike manner. And her dick - that was to say, the dick that had magically melded itself with her - was exceptionally sensitive, in a way she hadn’t been prepared for. Every shift, every time the soft skin brushed against the inside of her trousers, drove her mad. She wasn’t used to being so turned on all the time, and it was distracting her, dulling her wits, clouding her brain. She’d had to stop wearing knickers, simply because the girthy protrusion wouldn’t fit into them, and had hoped that the slightly coarser fabric of her trousers would be less titillating, but no such luck. Sitting in her seat trying to hide her hard-on, she’d never been so mortified in her life. Hence the private plane, so she only had to conceal her predicament from the stewardess.

Returning to her tent the other night, Eliza had eventually fallen into a fitful sleep, hoping and praying that her new organ would have vanished by the morning, as if the whole experience had been a bad dream. But it was still there when she woke up, and had remained ever since. She had tried to pull it free, to prise it away from her crotch, but there was no join, no seam - it was fully merged with her skin as if it had always been part of her. Trying to detach it only caused her a kind of pain she’d never experienced before, and was in no hurry to feel again. She’d had to accept, begrudgingly, that this was a part of her now - at least for the time being. She had every intention of deciphering whatever mysterious mystical force had bound it to her, and reversing the effects... not that she had even the slightest clue where to begin.

Once she’d mustered the courage to do so, she’d made a thorough examination of her new genitals, in a bid to understand how she was going to accommodate them for the foreseeable future. Her pussy had completely vanished, as if it had never been there, and in its place was this meaty phallus, complete with a soft, wrinkly nutsack hanging beneath. Wood had transformed into flesh, the representation of a cock and balls becoming bona fide. The sigils were still there, now tattooed on tender foreskin rather than carved into wood, a series of intricate black marks placed at apparently random intervals across her shaft just as they had been on the prehistoric icon.

This ‘magic dick’ was a great inconvenience, that was certain, particularly for how she had to struggle to conceal it. And it was weird, there was no doubt about it - she’d never encountered anything like this in her life. She’d heard rumours of magic and miracles in every country, from every culture and religion she came across, but had never found any actual proof of the supernatural until now.

But the weirdest part... was how un-weird it felt.

She was sure she should feel some dysphoria from an unfamiliar sexual organ that generally belonged to a member of the opposite gender, replacing an intimate part of herself that she’d had for her whole life. This should feel much more wrong, more uncanny and strange and violating, than it actually did. For some reason, though, the phallus nestled between her legs, big and weighty, hard yet pliable, constantly simmering with a low level of arousal... felt oddly right.

And that worried her more than anything else. That this was something she could get used to. That she could come to accept it... That she could even like it.

The cabin shook around her, and she looked up from her crotch in confusion, realising that the plane had taken off several minutes ago, while she’d been slouching there, manspreading, contemplating the bulge below her navel. She cursed inwardly. It wasn’t a good sign that she could become so preoccupied with her penis that the world could just pass her by like that. She prided herself on her skills of observation - it was part of being a talented treasure hunter, after all. Though those talents hadn’t exactly paid off in this case. For the first time in her life, she wished she wasn’t quite so skilled, so she’d never found this... this encumbrance.

She heard movement behind her, as the stewardess approached again. Alarmed, she hurriedly sat up straight and placed her palms in her lap, one covering the other, in a bid to look elegant and poised like the proper, respectable lady she was, and to conceal her obvious boner. How do guys hide these?!

Moments later, the blonde was towering over her again. “Can I be of service, ma’am?”

“N-no, thank you,” Eliza replied hastily, trying to keep her voice from trembling.

“Are you sure? If you don’t mind me saying, ma’am, you seem a little... out of sorts.” The woman was smiling sympathetically, and as Eliza gazed up at her, she got the impression that the airline employee was being sincere. It could be a pretence - just her doing her job, even trying to go above and beyond in the hope of earning a large tip - but Eliza didn’t think so, somehow. She seemed to genuinely care.

The young explorer tried to sound convincing as she answered, “I’m fine.”

After a beat, the stewardess replied dubiously, “Very well. But remember, ma’am, if you need anything - anything at all - I’m happy to help.” She seemed to be putting a little more weight on her words, as if trying to convey a deeper meaning. Then she turned and trotted away, forwards this time, in the direction of the cabin. Eliza followed her with her eyes, mesmerised by the subtle sway of her hips and her shapely rear.

The heiress caught herself. What the -? Why was she staring at the stewardess? Eliza was straight. And even if she wasn’t, it’d be grossly inappropriate to ogle someone who was being paid to be nice to her, even if she had a pretty smile, and deep, kind eyes, and a gorgeous figure, and an absolutely killer arse... Eliza almost slapped herself in the face, shocked at her own crude thoughts. What was happening to her?! She needed to get a grip. Just because she had certain aspects of the male anatomy, that didn’t mean she had to turn into a man.

A chill went through her. Oh God. What if that was what was happening to her? Was the magical cock just the start? Was she going to transform into a man?!

No. No, that couldn’t be true. Something told her the physical transformation would go no further. She was still a woman, and that wouldn’t change. She was still herself. Just... with a dick, now. And, apparently, an attraction towards other women. Especially if they were blonde, and dressed in a smart uniform in varying shades of blue, and had legs for days and a behind you could bounce coins off. She didn’t know why you would, but you certainly could.

Stop it, she chided herself - or, more accurately, her new appendage. She had to keep her composure. She wouldn’t allow her bizarre predicament to turn her into some kind of pervert.

But as the flight progressed, she found it harder and harder to ignore the alluring air hostess, who remained distractingly visible at almost all times. She didn’t linger by Eliza’s seat, but she never wandered too far away. It was very unhelpful. Try as she might, Eliza couldn’t stop looking at her - every time she managed to tear her gaze away, her eyes soon strayed back to the airline employee, as if magnetically pulled. The tent in her trousers twitched continually, craving contact with the stunning skyscraper of a stewardess. Her mind drifted further away from thoughts of resisting her erotic impulses, and towards fantasies of touching her, groping her, kissing her, slipping her big hard cock inside her -

“Fresh drink, ma’am?”

Eliza jolted, the object of her lewd daydream startling her out of it. She managed to pull her eyes away from the looming, luscious figure to glance at her glass, which was now empty. She couldn’t even remember drinking more of it, let alone finishing it. “Uh - no, thank you,” she stammered.

“Anything else at all?”

“No, I’m alright, thank you.”

The stewardess smiled wryly. “I must say, ma’am, you’ve got to be the least demanding client we’ve ever had. Normally I’d be rushed off my feet attending to our passengers’ needs.”

Eliza smiled sympathetically. “Well, I don’t like to ask too much...”

“Oh, I don’t mind at all, ma’am,” the blonde assured her, crouching down so she and Eliza could be on the same eye level. “We pride ourselves on providing impeccable service to our clients. I’m perfectly happy to serve you, to do whatever you’d like to make this journey as pleasant as possible. Anything at all that I can help you with, I’ll be more than glad to oblige - all you need to do is ask.”

There was a beseeching tone to her voice, and an imploring look in her eyes. And suddenly Eliza was stricken with an epiphany, details she’d noticed but not really registered becoming all too clear to her. The way the stewardess had been moving around the immediate vicinity for much of the flight, always close at hand, as if caught in a gravitational orbit around the young explorer’s seat. The fleeting glances in her direction. The way she kept swaying her hips as she walked, showing off her assets so obviously that it was, in hindsight, deliberate. The offers to attend to her, to serve her, however she needed. The way that her hand, clad in a navy blue glove, was delicately stroking back and forth over Eliza’s thigh at this very moment...

Perhaps she did want a large tip after all. Maybe even more than Eliza wanted to give it to her.

The treasure hunter had been so preoccupied, so taken aback, by the fact that she was lusting after a woman, it had never occurred to her until now that a woman could lust after her. That the same woman she’d found consuming her thoughts was equally besotted with her, if not more so. Eliza couldn’t break eye contact with her, captivated by her intense, sultry stare. “Just say the word, ma’am,” she crooned, still caressing up and down Eliza’s leg. “I’m here to take care of you. To satisfy your needs, your whims, your desires... It’s all a part of the service, after all...”

Reaching the top of Eliza’s thigh, the back of the stewardess’ hand just brushed against the bulge in her trousers, ever so slightly - but still more than enough. A plaintive whimper burst out of Eliza’s mouth, her dick straining against the fabric, desperate to reach the hand that had just grazed it. Before she fully knew what she was doing, she was unbuttoning and unzipping, her member springing free unaided, standing as erect as a flagpole. The stewardess finally broke eye contact and let out an elated gasp, and after one more stroke up Eliza’s leg, she let her gloved fingers gently wrap around the shaft and began to run them over the soft, sensitive skin.

“Ohhhhhh, f-fuuuccck,” Eliza moaned, slumping in her seat, helpless beneath the tall blonde’s velvety touch, her arms and legs jerking and spasming from the pure, all-pervading pleasure radiating out from her cock through the rest of her body. It was heavenly. She’d never felt anything like it. She realised in that instant that none of her previous partners, nor she herself, had ever learned how to bring her to the highest peaks of ecstasy she could reach, when she had her natural genitalia. But now all it took was a set of foreign fingers on her foreskin, and she was touching the sky while she flew through it.

“Ma’am, you’re so big,” the stewardess purred, her voice low and husky, hints of a Slavic native accent creeping through the English elocution she’d displayed thus far. “So big, and thick, and stiff for me... I’m flattered... You must appreciate my service...”

“I doooo,” Eliza sighed, a little hysterical laugh bubbling out of her as she continued to squirm beneath the stewardess’ skilled hand. She could practically feel her inhibitions vanishing, her nerves and embarrassment evaporating so quickly it seemed absurd to have them in the first place. She was, literally and figuratively, on top of the world. She had a beautiful blonde wanking her off aboard a private plane - what was there to worry about? And now that her anxiety was gone, and she’d embraced the euphoria flooding through her, she could refocus her attention on the vixen ministering to her, grinning down at her with dazzling white teeth.

“What’s your name?” the explorer grunted, jerking her hips to thrust her knob within the woman’s hand in sync with her strokes.

“Yvana, ma’am.”

“Yvana,” Eliza said slowly, rolling the three syllables around on her tongue. She gave the blonde an imperious stare, suddenly feeling more in control of the situation, as if a switch had flipped inside her head. “Yvana... I want you to ride me.”

The stewardess’ eyes and smile grew wider, and she licked her lips in anticipation. Clearly she felt, as Eliza did, that as hot as the handjob was, it would be better to keep it as the mere warm-up act. The main event needed to be something more. And frankly, Eliza was already so close to the brink, and she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to find out what this felt like...

After a couple more nimble farewell caresses, Yvana relinquished Eliza’s rod, started to rise to her feet, and then swooped down to plant a kiss on her mouth. And oh, God, why had Eliza never kissed a woman before?! Yvana’s lips were so sweet, like candy... She could barely think of anything but continuing to suck on her delicious mouth, her hands wandering upwards to feel up the flight attendant through her light blue shirt, greedily groping her well-endowed chest, while one of Yvana’s hands delved into Eliza’s frizzy red hair, running strands through her fingers...

It was with some effort that the heiress managed to prise the statuesque stewardess off her, both of them reluctant to stop making out, but Eliza’s mind still fixed on the main goal. With a wry grin, she beckoned towards her crotch, where her throbbing manhood (or womanhood, she supposed) still stood at attention, waiting patiently, a droplet of precum gleaming on its tip. Yvana hiked up her long azure skirt and peeled off her visibly wet panties, and then clambered over Eliza, hands and knees thudding onto the side of the seat, her impressive breasts looming in Eliza’s face. The explorer closed her eyes and inhaled Yvana’s strawberry scent - and then let out a high-pitched yelp at the sensation of wet warmth engulfing her shaft, as the stewardess lowered herself onto her.

For a moment they both sat there, perfectly still, just feeling each other. Eliza’s hands were on Yvana’s back, clinging to her as if afraid to let her go. Her attention was entirely captured by the pussy pulsating around her prick. It was ten times better than the handjob. A thousand times. This was heaven. This was rhapsody. This was perfection.

And then... oh, then... they began to fuck. Yvana began to bob up and down on her big dick, her molten hole massaging her so marvellously. It started so slow, so soft, so sublime. Eliza gazed up into the blonde’s face, hovering high above her, and was met with an expression she could only describe as hungry - hooded eyes clouded with lust, and a slack jaw through which she was panting heavily. Yvana appeared consumed with sheer arousal, as if she’d been taken over by a horny spirit. She looked, if anything, even more beautiful like this.

She couldn’t drag this out any longer - it was all too much. Before she knew it, Eliza was frantically thrusting upwards, smacking her pelvis into Yvana, ploughing deep into her welcoming crevice. The air hostess’ head lolled back, her eyes shut, her mouth agape, frozen for a long moment in soundless rapture as Eliza speared her, before she finally let out a strangled cry and redoubled her pace, humping manically.

Eliza pulled Yvana forwards, sending the upper half of her body toppling down to meet her, and they resumed voraciously making out, letting out deafening moans into each other’s mouths, their hands in each other’s hair. The shift in position forced them to slow the fucking down momentarily while they readjusted, and they were at the wrong angle to go as fast and as hard as they had been before. So it wasn’t long before the wealthy client allowed her server to straighten back up again, so she could bounce up and down like a woman possessed, her slick snatch swallowing Eliza’s dick again and again, her wet inner walls lubricating and stimulating her so sensationally...

Until, at last, she came, a spurt of semen erupting from her tip for only the second time in her life, painting Yvana’s insides. Judging by the blonde’s exultant bellow, she climaxed at pretty much the same instant. She slumped on top of Eliza, both women panting with exhaustion, the treasure hunter’s cock still buried inside the stewardess, slowly slipping out as it finally went flaccid.

Awash with the afterglow, Eliza let out a soft sigh as Yvana eventually climbed off her, swaying a little, seeming unsteady on her feet. The air hostess stared down at her with a satisfied, if slightly bemused, expression. “That was... Wow. Incredible,” she murmured, shaking her head in astonishment. “I’ve... I’ve never done anything like that before.”

Blinking away her blissful daze, Eliza slowly started to process what just happened. As she did so, the facts became sharper and clearer, piercing the pure elation that had overtaken her senses. A frown creased her face as she came to terms with what she had done.

She’d just had sex with a woman.

She’d had sex with an airline employee - someone working in the service trade who was literally paid to please her. Her eyes widened in horror. That was... so inappropriate! It was such a breach of trust, of boundaries. She’d taken advantage of this woman’s position for her own gratification...

“I - I’m sorry,” she stuttered urgently, “I didn’t mean to - you’re not - I wasn’t trying to - you didn’t have to -”

“Oh ma’am, don’t worry!” Yvana said hastily, holding up her hands in a calming gesture. “You didn’t - you didn’t make me do anything, I wanted to. I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to do, I assure you.” She was now starting to look worried herself. “I didn’t... I didn’t make you, did I? Because you seemed to want to, but if I - if I misinterpreted, ma’am, I’m - I’m so, so -”

It was Eliza’s turn to hurriedly interrupt and reassure. “No, I did, I did, don’t worry. Yeah, I was... yes, I was very willing, I promise.”

There was a brief silence, Yvana staring down at Eliza in her chair, Eliza gazing back up at her, uncomfortably aware of her softened cock still hanging out of the front of her trousers. At length, Yvana smiled and stooped down to pick up her discarded knickers. “Well, it seems neither of us forced the other into anything, ma’am. Consent on both sides.”

“Absolutely,” Eliza exhaled, blushing as she tucked her meat away and zipped her flies back up.

“And if I may say so, it was wonderful,” the towering stewardess sighed, staring wistfully into space as she slowly slid her underwear back up her legs. “The best I’ve ever had, at least as far as I can remember. To think, that was my first time with a woman...”

“Me too,” the explorer mumbled. “On both counts.”

Another silence followed, both women lost in reminiscence of the sexual escapade. Yvana broke it again, smiling a little wearily down at her client again. “Well, ma’am - should you require my services any further, I’ll be nearby. Be sure to recommend our exclusive airline to your friends.” And with a cheeky wink, she spun on her heel and all but strutted towards the front of the plane.

Eliza was left slouched in her chair, still reeling and wondering what the hell just happened. That had come out of nowhere! She’d never engaged in casual sex before - she’d always needed to know her suitors for a certain amount of time before taking their relationship to a physical level. Now, all of a sudden, she was seducing stewardesses, abandoning a lifetime of self-restraint for a quick fuck on a plane? A quick, thrilling, utterly exquisite fuck... God, it had been glorious. But why did it happen at all? How had it happened? There was no rational explanation.

But there was an irrational explanation. One that only made sense in the context of what she’d already experienced, given the strange, paranormal origins of the newest part of her anatomy.

She stared in dazed disbelief at her crotch, and muttered, “So, I guess my dick’s magic in more ways than one.”

A special thanks to my patrons: qxvw198, noëlle, John Doe, Prodygist, DyonisiusBacchus, masterspark101, vulkants, An Otter, Marcelo Alfonso, Stormy and Cueballl! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here...


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