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Spell Bound

Book One - Chapter Four

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #cw:noncon #CW:dubious_consent #cw:self_loathing #dom:female #humiliation #magic #sub:female #christmas #consensual_kink #consensual_non-consent #dom:male #fantasy #girldick #hypnovember #hypnovember2024 #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #mind_control #pov:bottom #revenge #transgender_characters

Not as much mind-control-ly shenanigans in this chapter - not until near the end, anyway. I wanted to explore some of the practicalities of what it's like to be trans in a world of magic. I hope you all enjoy it, and that I haven't unwittingly offended anyone! Cis white male writing from the perspective of a trans girl, I'm aware it's a bit of a minefield... xD

“So here’s a question for you,” Freya said, smiling naughtily. “Which did you find hotter - being controlled, or being in control?”

Emerald squirmed, her cheeks reddening. “I, ah... Being controlled, definitely. But I did enjoy being in control, too... I might wanna do that some more, some time, but I want to be enthralled more myself first. It gets me so hard, honestly...” She giggled and half-hid her face with her hand, hardly able to believe she’d just said that.

Freya chuckled and nudged her. “Look at you, Em! You really do have a bit of a wild side...”


It had been just under a month since the spectacular public humiliation of Livi, Jemma and Georgie. Though they’d agreed to maintain some distance and be subtle with their burgeoning romance so as to avoid drawing suspicion, Emerald and Freya had been spending more and more time together, and had been less and less careful about being seen. That first date had led to a second, and a third, and before they knew it they were stealing kisses under stone staircases or in potions closets. But as tantalising as their secret romance was, both of them were keen to reveal their relationship, and so Freya had told her friends she was dating Emerald, and they had stopped trying quite so hard to hide it.

They had heard some vague speculation - rumours that Freya might have had something to do with the courtyard incident - but no-one could prove anything. There was no official information on the culprit - the teachers probably asked Livi while she was under the hex’s influence, and she would have claimed Emerald was responsible, but, as the two conspirators had anticipated, no-one took that story seriously. The faculty had probably figured out that someone disguised as Emerald had been the true perpetrator, but they couldn’t prove who it was.

If Livi herself had figured out the truth, it didn’t seem like she’d told anyone. In any case, she’d been avoiding both Emerald and Freya as much as possible ever since that day - she would literally turn in the other direction if she saw them in the corridors, and wouldn’t interact with them at all in classes. And there hadn’t been any mention of her, or her two besties, harassing anyone else in recent weeks. Perhaps they’d been ‘scared straight’.

All of this suited Emerald. Now that she’d outwitted and humiliated her bully, and was free of her constant torment, she’d gained a surge of self-confidence. She still wasn’t especially popular - though her stake was rising as word spread of her relationship with Freya - and she was still met with occasional taunts and mockery from other students, but it bothered her far less now. None of it compared to what Livi used to put her through, anyway.

And how could she possibly let any of that get her down? She’d pulled off a masterful revenge scheme, her worst enemy was leaving her alone, and she was dating a gorgeous, kind, talented witch, who was currently lying next to her in her own bed. Yes, they were both fully-clothed and lying on top of the duvet, but it was still exceptionally intimate, at least in Emerald’s very limited experience. Freya’s head was resting on the pillow she lay on every night, her face just a few inches away.

The topic of conversation was definitely adding to the sexiness - they’d got onto the subject of what they did to Livi, which had naturally led to more discussion about the enthralment hex and the effect it had on Emerald. They hadn’t talked about her burgeoning kink in the past few weeks - at least, not in any great detail. It was a little thrilling for Emerald, speaking about such things so honestly with her girlfriend...

“So, you still have your cock?” Freya asked suddenly, and then went bright red. “I - I’m sorry, that came out - you just said about getting hard, so I - that was really intrusive -” she stammered.

Emerald giggled, waving a dismissive hand. “It’s OK, it’s OK! I don’t mind talking about it. Yeah, I still have my cock.” Both girls giggled for a few moments longer, gradually regaining their composure. Emerald spoke again, hesitantly. “What about you? I mean, I know you’re trans too, but I don’t know your, uh...” She made a subtle gesture towards Freya’s lower body. “Your... your ‘downstairs situation’,” she said at last.

Freya burst out laughing. “My downstairs situation, huh?” she chortled. Blushing, Emerald laughed too. “Um, well, to answer your question,” Freya said eventually, “I went to see a specialist - a transfiguration expert, someone who could perform permanent hexes.”

“So, you’ve had it changed permanently?”

“Actually, there was a more advanced hex that the specialist could do - I’ve had the bottom transfiguration, but one week every month, I... revert.” She shrugged and grinned. “Basically, the week that I would get my period, I get my cock and balls back instead.”

Emerald’s eyes widened. “Oh wow! I’ve read about the fluctuating hexes...”

“You do surprise me, brainbox,” Freya teased.

And,” Emerald sighed, rolling her eyes and smiling, “I thought they were really expensive? Because of how difficult they are?”

“Well, yeah, but my parents could afford it. Especially after I won that grant money for being highest-ranked at the end of fourth year.”

Emerald thought back. “Was that the year Livi had her teleportation accident, left her arm behind? She had to have it reattached, and took three months off for physical therapy?”

“Yeah, and while she was gone she dropped down the rankings and I shot up.” Freya had the grace to look abashed, not taking pleasure in the suffering of her and Emerald’s longtime antagonist even though she had many reasons to.

“Well, good for you,” Emerald grinned. “I’m glad you get to have the best of both worlds!”

Freya smiled back at her. “What about you? Have you thought about getting it done?”

Emerald chewed her lip. “I go back and forth, mentally.” She grinned and winked at Freya. “As opposed to going back and forth physically, like you! On the one hand, I’d like to have a pussy, but there are things about it that I don’t want to experience, either. Periods, pregnancy, UTIs...”

“Oh, that’s a mood,” Freya sighed.

“Plus, I like what I have,” Emerald said with a bashful smile. “And my parents definitely couldn’t afford a flux hex - I’d have to pick one or the other. One day I might have it done, but for now, at least... I’m sticking with the dick!”

These words brought them both into another fit of giggles. “A solid decision,” Freya spluttered. “I miss my dick! Although I try to concentrate on enjoying what I have at any given moment, rather than what I don’t have. I’m near the end of my second cunt week, so I should get my dick back in about a week and a half...”

Emerald snorted. “‘Cunt week’?! You really call it that?”

“Gotta call it something,” Freya sniggered. “I think it has a nice ring to it! Anyway, like I said, I enjoy what I have when I have it. So while I might sometimes think about my cock, and how much I like it and miss it, I remind myself that I’ll get it back soon, and in the meantime...”

“To concentrate on your cunt?” Emerald smirked.

Freya’s eyes met hers, a smile spreading across her face that could only be described as seductive. “Cunts are fun,” she remarked slyly, licking her lips.

Emerald swallowed, feeling her body heat up. “I... I bet,” she mumbled.

Freya’s face was inches from hers. The blonde witch put a hand on Emerald’s waist. “See for yourself,” she said, so softly that Emerald wondered for a moment if she’d heard her right. Then Freya’s lips met hers, and she was left with no doubt.

As their lips melded, and their tongues explored each other’s mouths, Emerald felt Freya’s hand stroke down her waist and cup her arse. Her other hand sneaked under her skirt. Fingertips met and rubbed panty fabric, before creeping up to slide underneath...

Emerald broke off the kiss suddenly. “W-wait, wait, sorry, wait,” she babbled softly, giving Freya a pleading look.

Freya’s hand slipped back instantly, still under Emerald’s skirt but no longer making contact with her crotch. “What’s wrong?” she asked, concerned.

“I - I don’t want - I mean, I do w-want,” she stuttered, “but, but I just - I’ve never... This is my first time,” she finally managed to say. “And it’s just going a little fast, and I n-need to like, me-mentally prepare myself, and I do want to do it, bu-but...”

Freya shushed her, giving her a warm smile. Her hands were now both on Emerald’s shoulders, caressing them comfortingly. “It’s OK,” she assured her. “We don’t have to, not yet. Not if you’re not ready. We can take our time...”

Emerald swallowed hard, staring at her girlfriend with wide eyes. “R-really? You’re OK with that - with us not going... further, tonight?”

“Absolutely!” Freya’s smile stretched into a broad grin. “In case you haven’t noticed, Em, I’m really into you. And I plan on sticking with you for a good long while yet. So if you want to take things slow, we can go as slow as you need to.”

Emerald felt warmth spreading through her core as she gazed at the girl with whom she was now at least four times as infatuated as she was a minute ago.

“I... I mean, we don’t have to go really slow,” she mumbled. “Not tonight - but soon. I’m almost ready, just, like I say, I need to prepare myself, get myself ready for the actual, y’know, the actual act. And we can do other stuff...”

“Such as?” Freya propped her head up with her arm, resting an elbow on the pillow. “What are your limits tonight, precious?”

Emerald blushed and squirmed a little. “I... I like when you call me that,” she murmured.

Freya smiled. “Well, you’re a precious Emerald, aren’t you? What else should I call you?”

Emerald made a lot of noises that sounded a bit like words, but weren’t really. Freya laughed affectionately and cuddled her until she regained some coherency. After that they had a short discussion about limits, during which they established that each of their hands could wander anywhere on the other’s body so long as there was at least one layer of clothing separating them from anywhere too intimate.

Freya was halfway through asking if Emerald felt ready and comfortable enough to carry on when she was interrupted with a kiss, which she returned eagerly. Her right hand fell upon the upper half of Emerald’s arm, which reached for Freya’s waist, pulling her closer. As she slid across the last few inches separating them, Freya lifted her right leg, laying it over Emerald’s thighs and slowly bending it to hook around her.

As their makeout session gradually sped up and grew more intense, hands roamed across clothing with increasing zeal. Emerald groped Freya’s breasts through her white shirt, while Freya fumbled to undo some of the buttons so her girlfriend had the option to fondle her through her bra instead. Freya’s left hand slid under Emerald, resting on her side as if to hold her steady, fingers stroking her lower back. Her right hand went back to Emerald’s butt, rubbing and squeezing it through her skirt.

They got more and more hot and bothered, their bodies so close, their legs entwined. Freya’s hand eventually crept back under Emerald’s skirt and rubbed her cock through her panties once again - fuck, she was so hard, and Freya’s fingers were so nimble, and tender... A shudder went through Emerald as she felt her arousal rocket ever nearer to its peak.

Maybe I am ready, she considered, in the heat of the moment. Maybe - oh holy fuck - maybe we should do it...

Just as she was about to blurt out that she’d changed her mind, that Freya could touch her cock, that she could wrap her fingers around it, or her mouth, or her cunt - whichever she wanted - and ride her ’til she erupted like a volcano... the bell rang. The nine o’clock bell, the last of the day, signifying the start of the evening curfew. The two girls paused, very reluctantly.

“Shit,” Freya groaned. “I gotta go...”

Emerald pouted, but she knew she was right. If the matron caught Freya in her dormitory after hours, let alone her bedroom, there would be hell to pay.

Freya didn’t move. “I really don’t wanna go,” she laughed, leaning in to kiss Emerald again.

Neither of them could muster the willpower to break off the kiss for at least another six seconds. Finally, sighing regretfully, Freya disentangled herself from her girlfriend and climbed off the bed. Rearranging her clothes to look slightly less dishevelled, she collected her cardigan from where it lay on Emerald’s desk, and turned back to look at her again.

“I wish you could stay,” Emerald whimpered, not even trying to disguise the longing in her voice and face. “I wish we could carry on...”

“Me too,” Freya grimaced. Then her eyes suddenly lit up. “Wait a sec - I’ve got an idea.” She darted back over and perched on the edge of the bed. “How much do you know about voodoo?”

Emerald blinked in surprise. “Um, I read a book on it, but that was about two years ago. Why?”

“Well, I have a doll that might work, if you’re up for it,” Freya said excitedly.

Emerald sat up properly, staring at her girlfriend with growing interest. “You mean, you wanna make a voodoo doll of me?”

“Yeah, just think about it - this way we can be in our own dorms, our own rooms, but you can still feel me touching you. You can feel my hands all over you, all over your body, teasing and toying with you even from all the way on the other side of the school...” Freya’s smile grew more and more salacious by the second. “How does that sound?”

Emerald gulped, her dick throbbing. “That... that sounds good,” she mumbled, wide-eyed.

“I mean, that’d mean you’ll feel my hands directly on your body, even though they’re just phantom hands... So if you’re not OK with that, we don’t have to -”

“I’m OK with it,” Emerald said quickly, and then giggled. “I was actually moments away from being OK with your real hands doing it, in all honesty.”

Freya’s eyebrows jumped up, her grin growing wider. “Well, that’s good to know,” she chuckled. “Alright, so if you just give me a hair, I can use it for a voodoo spell when I get back to my room. I’ve practiced some before on myself, so I know I can do it...”

Emerald winced as she pulled out a long black hair by its roots, handing it over to Freya. “Hurry, it needs to be done soon after it comes out,” she warned her.

“I know, smarty-pants,” Freya teased, leaning in for one last quick kiss. “Oh, and this doll I’m gonna use is really cuddly and squishy - much like you!”

Emerald made more flustered noises.

“So, I think I might just go to sleep with it in my arms tonight,” Freya continued, “all wrapped up and snug. How does that sound?”

Emerald wriggled delightedly. “Really nice,” she mumbled.

Freya winked. “Night, precious.” And she turned and strode away, shooting a final teasing yet affectionate smile back at her girlfriend as she opened the bedroom door and made her exit, closing it behind her.

Lying back on her bed, Emerald let out a big sigh of joy and lust, thoughts full of Freya. She could still smell her perfume on the pillow. Reaching under her skirt, she rubbed herself through her panties, imagining it was Freya’s hand.

She didn’t have to imagine her girlfriend’s touch for very much longer. Ten minutes later, just as she’d started reading a book, she felt a finger stroke up her side, making her gasp with surprise. Quickly putting the book aside, she pulled up her shirt, just to be sure there really wasn’t anything touching her torso. There was nothing - and yet she could feel fingers caressing both sides now, stroking up and down. Letting her head fall back onto the pillow again, she moaned softly.

More fingers joined in, and started to touch quicker, until the stroking turned into merciless tickling all over Emerald’s belly. She squealed and writhed, swiping at the hands tormenting her, to no avail - because, of course, the hands were in another room, far across the school. Sobbing with helpless laughter, she lay there with her limbs flailing, completely overpowered by Freya’s phantom fingers, which moved across her ribs and then down her sides. As they reached her butt, Emerald’s hysteria subsided - she was still giggling, but the tickles on her butt felt pleasurable rather than torturous, mildly distracting rather than completely incapacitating.

Freya kept her fingers focused on Emerald’s rear for a while, alternating between tickles, squeezes and caresses. Emerald thought she was only using one hand now, and wondered what her other hand was doing. Her girlfriend’s attentions were still pleasant and arousing, but not quite so distracting - she was even able to go back to her book. Gradually, the touching slowed and stopped, and she thought perhaps Freya had got bored or started doing something else.

She was wrong. A little while later, just as she’d started to focus properly on her book and her erection had gone down to a semi, she suddenly felt fingertips stroking lightly on her upper thighs, working their way between her legs. She lowered her book, her eyes and mouth widening in anticipation as the fingers traced their way right up to either side of her cock, so nearly touching it... and then abruptly snatched away.

Emerald let out a whine of frustration, and that was when she felt a hand close around her dick, fingers tenderly yet insistently exploring its surface. She let out a gasp of surprise and arousal, dropping the book carelessly on the bed beside her, and fell back once more, fumbling to pull off her panties. Once her dick, fully erect once more, was exposed to the open air, she started to manically thrust it as if she was humping the air above her, feeling Freya’s fingers move almost in sync with her humping.

This, on top of everything that had happened so far that night, brought Emerald right up to the edge - and over it. Less than thirty seconds after Freya’s phantom handjob started, she felt hot, sticky cum spurt forth, much of which ended up coating her left thigh.

After taking a moment to catch her breath and enjoy the afterglow, she set about getting herself cleaned up, fetching a packet of wet wipes from her bedside table. She was honestly glad she’d mostly ejaculated on her bare flesh - it was easier to clean up than her clothes or her duvet. Freya’s hands were still caressing her softening cock, obviously unaware that she’d orgasmed. Emerald chuckled - that was a flaw they hadn’t anticipated!

It wasn’t too long before Freya desisted, however, and she left Emerald alone for much of the next hour. Lights out for seventh-year students were at ten-thirty, at which time Emerald, dressed in her tartan pyjamas, turned out her bedroom light and snuggled beneath the duvet. Moments later, she felt arms wrap around her torso, enclosing her in a warm hug, and a soft kiss on the top of her head.

Smiling in blissful happiness, she closed her eyes, and fell asleep within minutes in her girlfriend’s embrace.

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