Spell Bound

Interlude Three (Hypnovember Day 27: Chastity)

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #cw:noncon #CW:dubious_consent #cw:self_loathing #dom:female #humiliation #magic #sub:female #christmas #consensual_kink #consensual_non-consent #dom:male #fantasy #girldick #hypnovember #hypnovember2024 #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #mind_control #pov:bottom #revenge #transgender_characters

Have another Hypnovember entry!

Wiping sweat from her brow with the back of her hand, Emerald crossed and uncrossed her legs for the tenth time in as many minutes, glancing around furtively. On this gorgeous summer’s day, there were plenty of students in the vast green field surrounding the school - mostly soon-to-be-departing seniors like herself, taking a break from their exam preparations to enjoy the sunshine, with a few sixth-years and junior seventh-years spending their free periods outdoors. But none were anywhere near the tree line, where she had situated herself in the shade to continue studying (although that plan wasn’t working all that well right now). They were all far enough away that she wouldn’t be seen if she were to give into temptation and sneak her hand under her skirt.

Not that there’d be much point in doing so.

She made an effort to refocus on the page in front of her, but halfway through the very first line she read, the caresses on her cock resumed in earnest. Stifling a whimper, she couldn’t help but reach between her legs, instinctively groping for her sensitive genitals.

Instead, her fingertips passed through the space where her meat and two veg could usually be found, and instead met a polished metal plate, pressed against her groin with practically no space in between, as if there was nothing beneath it. But then, technically, there wasn’t.

This wasn’t a surprise, of course, but it was still inordinately frustrating every time she reminded herself of her predicament. She’d never worn any form of chastity device before, although Freya had teased her with the prospect for the last couple of months. In retrospect, she probably should have known this day was coming.

That morning, as was their routine, Freya summoned her to her dormitory. (It was so habitual at this point she didn’t even really need to use the leash rune, but she did anyway.) Emerald arrived to find her girlfriend/owner presenting her with a chastity belt, its shiny steel surface decorated with intricate sigils and whorls. She barely had time to squirm at the sight - or to express her confusion at being shown a belt clearly not designed for the bepenised - when Freya showed her the inside of the plate, which had a sizeable hole through which she saw only darkness.

Handing her the belt, Freya then reached into her handbag on her bedside table, pulling something out. As she did so, the view through the ‘window’ shifted to display the room’s taupe stone ceiling, and then Emerald’s own face, as Freya held up a black leather panel with a hole that matched the one on the belt. It didn’t take more than a moment for someone of Emerald’s intellect to determine what her Mistress had done, and what she had in mind.

“I mean, you’re such a horny, needy thing at the best of times,” Freya said matter-of-factly, her pragmatic tone only flustering her property more. “And I know you want to be able to focus in the leadup to your exams, to not get distracted. You’ve gotta admit, your dick is a pretty significant distraction. So I thought I’d better confiscate it, for your own good - just pop it in my bag here and keep it safely out of your reach for today, so you can concentrate on your studies.” Emerald was too thunderstruck with arousal and submission to protest that this would definitely have the exact opposite effect. At any rate, Freya obviously knew that, otherwise she wouldn’t be doing it.

The portal’s edges felt like a ringed cushion, comfortably embracing the base of her shaft. The belt’s straps wrapped snugly around her groin, buckled into place above and below her buttocks. Across the room, she could see her cock jutting up from the panel like a flagpole, and felt the soft leather her ballsack was resting on. Even with the cool metal plate resting against her crotch, she still felt everything where it should be, naturally, because they hadn’t been disconnected from her body (which was the obvious flaw in the ‘removing distractions’ concept Freya had mockingly mooted). It was beyond bizarre, feeling herself twitch and throb between her legs while she watched it from across the room.

Freya dismissed her with a derisive chuckle, reminding her that she had work to be getting on with. But, as Emerald (and, no doubt, Freya) had anticipated, work was a struggle. Even the awareness of what had been done to her would probably have been enough to irretrievably distract her, without the frequent stroking, fondling and licking. The owner and keeper of her privates had stashed them in her handbag, just as she’d promised, but at some point after Emerald left the mischievous Mistress must have got them back out to play with them. Emerald could hardly blame her, but it wasn’t exactly conducive to effective studying.

She secluded herself from the rest of the student body for the ensuing few hours, so she wouldn’t be seen writhing and whimpering as Freya had fun with her from afar. She’d already had one orgasm that day, making it to the nearest bathroom just in time and stuffing her mouth full with a spare sock she’d brought along for that exact eventuality, bucking and thrashing on the toilet seat as she felt Freya’s warm, wet mouth milk her dry. It was indescribably strange, cumming her brains out and not leaving a trace of jizz in her immediate vicinity, knowing she’d just filled her girlfriend’s gullet from the opposite side of the school.

She barely suppressed a moan, scrunching her skirt up in her fists, as Freya’s deft digits tickled her testes and then delicately stroked along the underside of her shaft. This was maddening. It was worse than having voodoo magic used upon her - at least then she could add her own touch to the phantom fingers of her Mistress. No such option was available here and now.

Nope, no, nope, this was intolerable. She couldn’t go on like this. She couldn’t concentrate - the idea of continuing to revise under these circumstances was laughable. Her book lay forgotten on the grass between her legs, having slipped from her wandering hands at some point in the last couple of minutes. It was time to admit defeat, to go to Freya and beg for her bits back - or for another orgasm, at the very least, just to get the arousal out of her system and clear her head for a little while.

One day, she thought ruefully, I might actually have an uninterrupted study session. (She was exaggerating out of pique. Freya was, for the most part, fully respectful of her revision process, derailing only one day’s work per week, maximum.)

Getting to her feet, she marched back towards the school building, still trying to keep her distance from other students, not to mention teachers, as much as possible. What must someone think of her, were they to get close enough to properly see her dishevelled appearance?

During her journey the strokes subsided, but her hard-on persisted, throbbing urgently, insistent upon relief. Her desperation to reach it and ensure its satisfaction overrode any other desires - except, obviously, her unswerving obedience to her Mistress.

Even with how overwhelmingly flustered she was, she couldn’t help but be impressed that her owner had made an advanced, self-sustaining portal. It was a testament to Freya’s incredible magical talents that she was able to effect such a sophisticated piece of sorcery. Even if it didn’t last as long as she’d intended, Emerald wasn’t worried - the portal would only close on Freya’s end, causing her parts to vanish painlessly from real space and be left suspended in an empty void, until she pulled them free of the chastity belt.

Steeling herself (pointlessly, because her Mistress could crush all her resolve with a single smirk), Emerald knocked on Freya’s dorm room door. Hearing her call out to enter, she stepped inside, closing the door behind her. The blonde beauty was lounging on her bed, reading a textbook, looking for all the world as if she, too, had been innocently studying this entire time. The absence of her skirt and panties implied otherwise, her erect penis protruding from beneath the book she held up before her.

Freya looked up at her slavegirl, closing the book and putting it aside. “Yes, precious?” she asked in an innocuous tone, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. “How can I help you?”

Smiling defeatedly, Emerald was about to admit to her astronomical arousal and humbly beg for mercy, but something stopped her. She frowned. Something was amiss. What was it? What had she noticed? What was wrong with this picture?

Then it hit her. Freya’s ‘time of the month’ had passed two days ago. She shouldn’t have a cock any more - it had metamorphosed back into her cunt.

At the same instant that she realised this, Emerald noticed the straps buckled around Freya’s waist, encircling her nether regions just as Emerald’s belt encircled hers. Straps that led inwards, towards her crotch...

Attaching to each corner of the leather panel pressed against Freya’s groin, surrounding her dick and balls on all sides.

Clapping her hands over her mouth, Emerald spun on her heel and sank to her knees in the corner of the room, high-pitched ululations coming from the back of her throat. Mortified as she was, staggered by what her owner had done, she wrapped her arms around her head, wanting to hide her burning face as comprehensively as she could. She was sure she’d never recover from this.

“Beg pardon, my love?” Freya snickered in the near distance. “Didn’t quite catch that...”

“Oh, my, Goddess,” Emerald wailed into her elbow pits. “I can’t - I can’t believe - you actually - my fucking Goddess -!”

She heard feet thud on the carpet, as Freya hopped off her bed and strolled towards her. Mewling and cringing, she curled into an even more foetal position, trying to nestle even deeper in the corner, as if she could embed herself in the wall and escape her Mistress’ attention.

“You’re being a little rude, precious,” Freya chided, her tone layered with mockery. “Apart from anything else, you haven’t even complimented me on my new strap-on! It’s homemade, you know. Took me some effort. You could show some appreciation.”

“Gah-juh-fuh-buh-cruh...” Emerald keysmashed.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you, fuckdoll.” As Freya spoke, Emerald felt a hand cupping her balls. With a squeak, she dropped her arms and squirmed into a position where she could gaze up at her owner, her own boner swinging gently in her sightline.

“That’s better,” the sorceress standing over her said with a sadistic smirk. “Now you can admire it in all its glory. Good workmanship, don’t you think?”

Emerald swallowed. “Y-yes, Mi-Mistress,” she stuttered meekly. “Y-you’re so smart and so talented, your homemade s-strap-on is tr-truly excellent...”

“Now that’s what I like to hear!” Freya reached down and patted her on the head. “You good?” she giggled, her tone significantly more sincere.

The flabbergasted fuckdoll spluttered with laughter. “This is awful! I hate-love this so much...”

“Roughly the reaction I expected,” Freya sniggered. “I was hoping for a little more enthusiasm and a little less wailing in the corner, though...!”

You made my bits into your strap-on,” Emerald whisper-screamed. “I need approximately four years to process that!”

“Well, you’ve got about forty seconds,” her Mistress teased her. “For the record, I was originally thinking of making them into a pacifier. Y’know, put it in one of those masks the charmless use, so no-one knows what’s going on underneath. Then you can just suck on it like a lollipop all day long, and no-one’ll be any the wiser - as long as you keep at least a little bit of composure...”

“Aargh,” Emerald groaned, her hands darting up to hide her face again. That was a hell of an image.

“But then, I had this even better idea! After all, as much as I adore my pussy, I do miss my knob when it’s gone. So now I’ve got the best of both worlds! And hey, I still think it was a sensible decision to confiscate your cock - but if you’re not using it, then I should get to, right? I mean, it is my property, just like the rest of you...”

Emerald was back to wordless whimpers and wails, staring stupefied at her girlfriend wearing her gonads. Fuck, she was absolutely aching with arousal. She instinctively rolled her pelvis, desperate to hump away the horny - but of course the movement had no effect on her dick as it hung between Freya’s hips, dependent on her motion.

“And you’ll still get to suck it, and more besides,” Freya remarked, idly running her fingertips along the shaft. She grinned maliciously. “The only question is - where do you want it first...?”

Emerald shuddered so violently, it almost counted as a spasm. Freya’s tone gave no room for negotiation. She was going to fuck Emerald with her own dick. That was going to happen. It was as inevitable as the sunset in six hours’ time. Her Mistress had made a decision, and she had no option but to obey. Not that she intended to ever contest any command Freya gave her - but the knowledge that she had to go through with this ultimate act of degradation, to literally fuck herself, was making her harder than she thought possible, while she watched. She was going to feel that pulsating, perpendicular prick thrust into one of her own holes, and the only choice she had in the matter was which hole it went in.

“Choose fast, or I will,” Freya taunted her.

She whined, struggling to make up her frazzled mind. The notion of sucking her own dick was almost irresistible. But with the best will in the world, she had a sense of what that’d be like already. Freya had sucked her off once today, for a start - and she knew what her own cum tasted like.

The other option was winning her over. When would she ever get the chance to fuck her own arsehole?

(It occurred to her that as the property of a powerful witch, she’d likely have many more chances - and for other, similarly singular experiences. As discombobulating as this was, it was likely to be only the tip of an incredible iceberg.)

“North or south, slut? Three, two -”

“South, please, Mistress,” Emerald squeaked.

“Honestly, I was hoping you’d say that,” Freya leered. “Get on the bed.”

Quivering, she complied, clambering up and positioning herself on all fours, facing the headboard. Then she bowed down, planting her face in the pillow, and reached back to flip her skirt up over her back and spread her cheeks apart.

It was a familiar pose. She’d been passionately and repeatedly buttfucked by her girlfriend during each of her ‘cock weeks’ over their three-month-long relationship, while in her right mind and while enthralled and mindless. But this still felt very much like a new experience, given the minor detail of her dick being part of the act, instead of hanging impotently down between her spread legs, leaking droplets of cum onto the duvet below. No, this time none of that was going to waste...

Freya climbed up onto the mattress behind her, and seconds later she felt her tip teasing her crack - from both perspectives. She thought she’d never be able to put into words just how that felt, although ‘fucking weird’ would probably sum it up. The fucking only got weirder, as her Mistress pressed forwards and pushed her fully into her posterior. Freya’s pelvis met Emerald’s buttocks and began to rub and gyrate against them, sliding the makeshift strap-on back and forth, slowly at first, but gradually increasing her speed all the time.

Emerald felt the euphoric agony of a stiff rod probing her rear. She felt the enticing warmth of a crevice enclosing her cock. She desperately wanted to jerk forwards and thrust herself deeper, but knew that’d be counter-productive - she’d only be pulling herself away from Freya. So she fought every instinct she had and instead pushed back, allowing her Mistress to penetrate deeper. The more she not only allowed this act to go ahead, but willingly encouraged it, helped it along, gave herself to her owner, the greater her pleasure. The tiny corner of her mind not consumed with ecstasy wondered if that had been Freya’s intention all along - to reinforce her surrender and submission by having her give up her whole hole to her Mistress...

Biting down on the pillow, she bellowed with lust as she climaxed, filling herself to the brim. Freya pulled out, and Emerald slumped down on the bedclothes, dribbles of her cum trickling from her crack. Her owner loomed over her and descended towards her face, and she dutifully licked her own cock clean.

“Good slut,” Freya cackled. “Y’know, this strap’s really good. A high quality product, if I do say so myself. I might keep it a little while longer...”

A special thanks to my patrons: qxvw198, noëlle, DyonisiusBacchus, masterspark101, vulkants, An Otter, Marcelo Alfonso and Stormy! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here...


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