Spell Bound

Interlude Two (Hypnovember Day 4: Powerless)

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #cw:noncon #CW:dubious_consent #cw:self_loathing #dom:female #humiliation #magic #sub:female #christmas #consensual_kink #consensual_non-consent #dom:male #fantasy #girldick #hypnovember #hypnovember2024 #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #mind_control #pov:bottom #revenge #transgender_characters

It's been a long time, but I never forgot how beloved this story was (my most popular work of all time, in fact) and I always intended to continue it. Hypnovember seemed like the perfect opportunity to add a little more to it - just a couple of interludes for now, before I return to round off book 2 at long last...!

Despite this being Hypnovember, this interlude - and the other one I have planned for later in the month - are intended to take place after Christmas, from Emerald and Freya's perspective, in the Australian summer and autumn.

Students at the Hexbourne Academy were often aghast to learn that their final academic year actually went on for an additional four months, concluding at Beltane. Whereas non-magical eighteen-year-olds would have already finished their education and moved on to whatever came next, be it college or employment, students of sorcery still had to finish their final exams, some of them turning nineteen before they got to board the departing train for the final time.

As such, many of them spent the sweltering summer months revising in their dorm rooms. At least, the responsible ones did, while the more blasé youths whiled away the days leading up to their exams sunbathing, swimming, and having sex. Being one of the more dedicated students, Emerald was indeed studying intently, no matter how hard her girlfriend tried to distract her.

“Come on, you know you don’t need to revise,” Freya chuckled, strutting across the room towards her. She’d stripped off as soon as she’d arrived, claiming it was simply too humid to wear clothes. Emerald fought to keep her attention on the page in front of her, not letting her eyes get drawn to Freya’s bouncing boobs and dangling dick.

“It’s people with that attitude who end up getting a grade or two less than they expected,” she retorted. “I’m charmless, I can’t afford to get anything less than top marks.”

“OK, you’re not charmless. You’re from a magical family.”

“Yeah, but I don’t have magic, Freya, so I’ll be called charmless for the rest of my life. I need these qualifications to prove I know as many spells as the next witch, or more. Only way anyone’ll ever take me seriously.”

Freya frowned sympathetically. “I get that, love. Honestly, I do. But you don’t need to worry. You already know more about witchcraft that any other student in this school, even me. Probably more than some of the teachers, too.”

Emerald smirked. “More than Finn, for sure.”

“Oh, definitely,” her girlfriend giggled, sliding onto the bed beside her. She moved in close and leaned against her side, her chin on Emerald’s shoulder, her tits nestled in the creases of her white shirt. “Precious, we both know you’re gonna finish top of the year, whatever happens. It’s a foregone conclusion. You can afford to relax about it a little bit. And if you’re worried about the future, don’t be - I’m going to look after you. I’ll take care of everything.”

Emerald finally lifted her eyes from the page to look at her Mistress, her lower lip trembling. “R-really?”

“Absolutely,” Freya said firmly, her eyes glimmering with warmth. “You’re my property, and I always look after my property. Listen, magic or no magic, you are a witch. And I won’t let anyone treat you as ‘less than’, here or anywhere else.” Her sincere expression shifted into a slight smirk. “Only I get to do that.”

A laugh burst out of Emerald, her eyes still misty. They hadn’t talked that much about their future - their relationship was so new, after all, that she’d always felt awkward about discussing whether they’d stay together after graduation. And they still hadn’t exchanged those three little words, the most magical words of all. Yet here Freya was, discussing her intentions to stay with her for the foreseeable, quite happily and openly. That was pretty close to a declaration of love, as far as Emerald was concerned.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she gave Freya a quick, but heartfelt, kiss on the lips, and then firmly turned her head back to her book. “OK, but I should stay on the safe side, and study as much as I can.”

Or, we can have some fun,” her owner whispered in her ear, reaching between her legs and sliding her hand under her skirt.

Emerald grinned, flustered, feeling her resolve weaken. “Please, can you at least let me finish this paragra-ah-ahhh...”

The textbook slipped from nerveless fingers, as Emerald melted into Freya’s embrace, a low moan rumbling in her throat. Her arms hung limp at her sides, her legs splayed out around her, her hips bucking and jerking gently. In an instant she had been rendered powerless, at the merest touch. Her cock had sprung upright, twitching madly, desperate for physical contact.

But Freya’s hand was lavishing all its attention on Emerald’s balls, fondling them gently, running her fingertips over her wrinkly sack. Emerald gasped and shuddered, her eyes rolling. She’d never felt such euphoria from her testicles being touched. It wasn’t hard to figure out why.

“N-new rune?”

“New rune,” her Mistress confirmed. “I thought it’d give new meaning to the phrase ‘you’ve got me by the balls’.”

Emerald squirmed and stuttered as Freya slid her panties down to her thighs, where they were held taut by her spread legs. “Y-you have,” she murmured, humping her owner’s hand. “You’ve got me by the balls.”

“Oh, I know, precious,” the blonde sorceress snickered, sliding her spare hand under Emerald’s thigh and lifting her up off the bed a little. “Now, don’t mind me. I’m just gonna make use of my property.”

Easing under her, Freya lowered Emerald’s limp body back down again, slotting her stiff prick between the powerless plaything’s butt cheeks. Emerald let out a keening whimper as she felt herself being penetrated.

“Told you there were better things we could be doing,” Freya chuckled, holding her property still on her lap.

Emerald was forced to sit there, slack and defenceless, cockwarming her dominant girlfriend with her asshole. Reaching around her left side, Freya took hold of her dick - the only part of her that wasn’t limp right now - and began to jerk her off, her other hand still playing with her nuts like they were stress balls.

“There we go, my little butt slut,” the witch whispered, gently grinding her pelvis against Emerald’s rear, thrusting in sync with her hand on her girlfriend’s dick. “Isn’t this much more fun? You don’t need to study. You don’t need to worry about your future. You don’t have a say in it, after all - I’ve already decided your fate. You’re going to excel at those exams, finish at the top of our year, be admired and celebrated by all our peers... and then you’re going to come and live with me, and be my precious, powerless property, and I’ll use your beautiful body and your brilliant brain however I want...”

“Yes, Mistress!” Emerald cried out. By the Goddess, she wanted that desperately.

“You’ll do whatever I say. Won’t you?”

“Y-yes, Mistress!”

“And why is that?”

Emerald laughed helplessly as she came, painting her owner’s hand with her seed. “Because you’ve got me by the balls!”

A special thanks to my patrons: qxvw198, noëlle, John Doe, Prodygist, DyonisiusBacchus, masterspark101, vulkants, An Otter, Marcelo Alfonso, Stormy and Cueballl! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here...


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