
by TravisNSpud

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:male #f/f #humiliation #sub:female #bondage #exhibitionism #free_use #happy_slaves #hypnosis #intelligence_loss #intelligence_reduction #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #oneshot #pov:bottom #public_nudity #public_use

Layla is concerned by a bizarre public attraction.

The first girl had long flaming red hair, tied back in a ponytail. Her green eyes were wide and staring glassily into space, and drool was running out of her mouth around her bright red ballgag and down her chin. Her jeans and underpants were around her ankles, exposing her glistening pussy and ripe, round butt for all to see. Her B-cup breasts were covered by a black bra, which was itself partially obscured by the white card hanging from her neck by a thin piece of cord. The sign read ‘Free Fuck’ in red felt tip, under which a bold arrow pointed down to her crotch. Her wrists were handcuffed together behind her back, and a chain led from the cuffs to the metal fence five feet behind her.

The second was a short buxom blonde, whose hair hung loosely around her shoulders. She stood facing the fence, her own handcuffs threaded through the metal bars. Unlike the redhead, this girl’s bra, trousers and pants had been removed completely, but she still wore a flimsy crop top that didn’t quite cover her D-cup boobs, as well as white trainers on her feet. She stood with her legs wide, parting her arse cheeks. Her mouth had been sealed shut with duct tape, but her horny moans were still audible as she rubbed her slit, leaning forwards over the fence to brace herself - which only served to further widen her back passage. The sign hanging from her neck was positioned on her back instead, and read ‘For Public Use’, again accompanied by an arrow directed towards her open and available arsehole.

The third girl squatted in front of the fence with her arms cuffed to the bars above her head. Like the first girl, her light brown hair was in a ponytail. Unlike the other two, she was still clothed on the bottom half of her body, wearing a denim skirt that had been rolled up to allow her to squat, and pale pink platform shoes. Her chest, however, was bare, apart from her own card sign, which was smaller than the others’ so as not to cover her small tits. It read, ‘Cum Dump’, and the arrow pointed up towards her face. Of the three, she seemed the most aware and conscious of her surroundings, but she didn’t seem at all concerned - her face was relaxed and expressionless, her wide eyes travelling unhurriedly across the street before her as she watched pedestrians pass by.

Layla gaped at the three young women chained to the fence outside her uni. She’d been running late for her lecture, but at the sight of the nearly-naked trio she’d stopped in her tracks. What on Earth possessed them to do this - publicly expose themselves and put themselves in a position where any passer-by could see, or indeed touch, them? Were they on drugs? That would explain the first girl’s zombie-like expression. But could they have attached themselves to the railings in such a state? Did someone do this to them?

What made things even stranger was that she knew one of them - the third girl, the brunette, was Holly, one of her classmates. Holly had always come across as an intelligent, driven, self-possessed young woman, the kind generally expected to finish the year with one of the highest grades in their class, if not the highest. Layla couldn’t have imagined her doing something like this in a million years - at least, not willingly.

Layla marched towards the fence, determined to unravel the bizarre situation. Looking up as she approached, Holly smiled lazily at her. “Hi, Layla,” she said in a soft, dreamy voice.

“Holly, what the hell are you doing?” Layla exclaimed.

“I’m a cum dump,” she said matter-of-factly. Layla waited for her to continue, but apparently she thought that was explanation enough.

Layla crouched down so she could be on her level. “What happened?” she asked urgently. “Why are you doing this? Who did this to you?”

“Ummm...” Holly frowned, but her face soon relaxed again. She giggled lightly. “I dunno! I’m just a cum dump...”

“No, you’re not,” Layla insisted, her voice shaking. This was starting to seriously freak her out.

“I am,” Holly said brightly. “I’m here for people to fuck my face whenever they like. That’s what I’m for.”

Layla shook her head. “Alright, I’ve had enough of this. I’m getting you out of here.” Straightening up, she examined the handcuffs her friend wore. The obvious flaw in her plan was that she didn’t have the keys - but she did have bolt cutters back at her shared house. Although, to collect them, she’d have to leave Holly for a while...

The brunette shook her head. “I don’t... want to go,” she said slowly, as if even formulating the thought behind the sentence was an effort. “I like being a cum dump. I want to stay.”

Layla stared down at her, utterly bewildered. “You... you’re here by choice?” She looked at the other two girls. “All of you?”

“Mm-hmm,” Blondie moaned through the duct tape, nodding forcefully, her eyes closed as she fingered herself harder. Red gurgled around her gag, still gazing vacantly in front of her.

Her eyes flickering between each of the three chained-up, mostly-nude girls, Layla began to step backwards, away from them. She had the sudden sense that she’d walked into a situation utterly beyond her comprehension. It might be a better idea to find someone else who could better deal with it, like the uni faculty, or, better yet, the police.

She glanced around the street at other pedestrians. Many of them were shooting looks at the three young women - looks of astonishment, amusement, disgust, curiosity, and in some cases obvious arousal. As she watched, a man with a shaved head and a short woman with a bright green pixie cut approached the girls.

“Strange, isn’t it?” said a voice behind Layla. Startled, she turned to see a tall, slender woman with long, dark hair, and deep brown eyes, to which Layla found her gaze was immediately drawn.

“Uh, yeah,” she replied, making an effort to break eye contact and turn back to the row of partly-naked girls. Pixie Cut was waving a hand in front of Red’s eyes, which didn’t respond at all.

“They’ve been there for a little while now,” the tall woman commented. “I can’t imagine what must have got into them, to do such a thing.” Her voice was smooth and cultured - Layla could tell she was the kind of upper-class woman she usually tried to avoid. Although, she found she was quite enjoying listening to her speak...

The man stepped towards Blondie, admiring her bare arse. Pixie Cut was tentatively reaching for Red’s crotch.

Layla felt like she should do something, but before she could decide what exactly, the woman behind her stepped closer, and she got a whiff of her perfume. It smelled like chocolate...

“Although they do seem to be enjoying themselves,” the woman remarked. “They’re hardly struggling against their shackles, are they?”

Layla had to admit she had a point. But the situation still felt wrong. Even if she wasn’t feeling as agitated over it as she did a minute ago, she still thought she should report it to someone in authority. Especially as Pixie Cut was now rubbing Red’s pussy as the gagged girl whimpered and drooled, while Skinhead was groping Blondie’s butt, squeezing an entire cheek in one hand.

Layla began to turn, with every intention of heading into the university and finding a faculty member, only to find herself immediately meeting the tall woman’s gaze again. Those deep brown eyes really were captivating...

“It’d be a shame if someone ruined their fun, wouldn’t it? After all, they’re doing no harm. In fact, they’re providing a service to the public, and enjoying themselves while doing it. Why would anyone want to put an end to it?”

Layla knew there was something wrong with what the stranger was saying, but her head was getting so foggy, it was hard to figure out what was wrong, exactly. She found herself nodding in agreement, unable to think of any problem with the scenario.

The lady smiled, and the sight filled Layla with warmth. “I’m Serena, by the way.” Layla thought Serena was a beautiful name.

Placing warm, soft hands on Layla’s shoulders, Serena slowly steered her around, facing her back towards the fence and the three girls handcuffed to it. Pixie Cut’s fingers were deep inside Red’s cunt now. Skinhead had taken out his cock and slid it into Blondie’s crack, and was thrusting vigorously, his pelvis slapping into her butt cheeks. Holly watched her two companions being fucked with a small, placid smile, one eyebrow raised in mild interest.

“Look at them,” Serena whispered in Layla’s ear. She felt the sound of her voice reverberate inside her head, the vibrations reaching deep into her mind. “Look at their faces. Don’t they look happy, and content? Don’t you think they’re enjoying themselves?”

Layla studied the girls’ faces. Red’s eyes remained blank and unfocused, but she was quivering with ecstasy and moaning heartily around her gag as Pixie Cut fingered her. Blondie’s hair was plastered to her sweaty forehead, her eyes were rolling back, and she was gripping the top of the fence so hard her knuckles showed through the skin of her hands, as Skinhead impaled her. He pulled out and stepped towards Holly, who gazed rapturously at his large erect cock and opened her mouth wide.

Some small part of Layla pushed her to take a step forwards in her friend’s defence, but she halted her advance as soon as she felt Serena’s hand on her waist. “They love being used like this,” Serena assured her. “They’ve found true contentment, true peace, true serenity, from being used as public sex toys. You can see that, can’t you?”

As Skinhead pushed his cock into her mouth, Holly’s eyes clouded over, and she eagerly caressed the length of his shaft with her lips and tongue. She looked happier than Layla had ever seen her.

Serena took a step forwards, gently guiding Layla along with her. “This is what they’re meant for. They know now that they were never supposed to go to university and try to use their brains to fit into the world around them. They were meant to be objects, holes, cocksleeves. Now that they’ve accepted that truth and found their place in the world, they’re so much happier than they could possibly have been before...”

Pixie Cut had abandoned Red, and had pushed Blondie around to awkwardly lean sideways on the fence. The green-haired girl crouched down and buried her face in Blondie’s snatch. Holly accelerated her ministrations, bobbing her head along Skinhead’s dick at increasing speed.

Layla watched them with an increasing sense of wonder - and longing. Her mind was full of chocolate-scented fog now, with her few remaining thoughts wondering why she was ever disconcerted by the sight of the girls’ public nudity and sexual openness. What could she possibly object to? Holly and her friends had found true serenity. She envied them.

She took another step towards them, of her own accord this time. Serena chuckled, and it was sweet music to Layla. “You want to join them, don’t you?” she purred, stroking Layla’s short, curly afro. The girl sighed as the headpats sent tingles through her scalp, and then through her whole body. “You want to go over there and be chained up like them, and let the public use you in whichever way they choose. Isn’t that true?”

After only a moment’s hesitation, Layla nodded, the motion making her clouded head a little dizzy.

“You don’t want to carry on with university, do you, dear? It’s far too difficult for your silly little brain. You just want to be a free-use fucktoy.”

“Mm, yeah,” Layla mumbled, a dopey smile growing on her face. She didn’t want to stay on at university - she just wasn’t smart enough. Her course... what was she even studying? She couldn’t think what it was. It didn’t matter - whatever it was, it made her head ache.

She would be so much better off as a free-use fucktoy, for the public to play with however they wish.

Layla allowed Serena to lead her over to the fence. Taking out a leather collar, Serena buckled it around Layla’s neck, and locked it on with a padlock. She added a chain, padlocked at either end to the loop on the front of the collar and to the fence. She unbuttoned Layla’s white shirt, leaving it open and floating around in the breeze, and removed her bra from underneath. She unzipped the front of her jeans and slid them, and her knickers, down her hips, revealing her pussy, which was already slick and wet from anticipation of being used.

“I think I’ll leave your hands relatively free, so you can make use of them,” Serena mused, taking Layla’s wrists and handcuffing them together in front of her. She smiled at the entranced girl. “I believe you’ll be an especially good fucktoy, dear...”

Layla returned the smile, loving the praise. She hoped she could live up to Serena’s expectations.

For the final touch, Serena hung a sign around Layla’s neck. It took a little effort for her to read the words upside-down - ‘Handy Cocksleeve’, accompanied by arrows pointing both up and down. She giggled - she was a handy cocksleeve!

Layla noticed now that Skinhead and Pixie Cut were gone, having clearly had their fill of the other fucktoys. Blondie was slumped over the fence, groaning quietly. Holly’s chin and chest were coated in cum. She and Layla shared blissful smiles, each happy that they had a friend with whom they could share the joy of being publicly used.

Although the original two ‘customers’ had left, a crowd was gathering nearby, made up of people who were all staring at the four chained girls with undisguised longing. Layla stepped forwards as far as her chain leash would allow her, arching her back to show off her boobs. She was the only one who hadn’t been used yet... She desperately hoped that this new group would pick her first.

Edited to remove the last couple of paragraphs, which involved misogynistic themes. I was uncertain about them when I wrote them tbh; I only added them because I wanted to give Serena a motive, but maybe we don't need to know what her motivation is!

TravisNSpud 2022-04-22 at 16:33 (UTC+00)

@Pirouette I’ve actually removed those last 2 paragraphs now; I’ve said why in the postscript. I still agree with you about a mandatory #cw:misogyny tag; I’ll back you up on the discord server. Sorry your initial reading of the story was ruined by that bit! <3

Pirouette 2022-04-22 at 13:54 (UTC+00)

Hey… So… this is really sad, because it’s not that frequent that an amazing story gets completely ruined by a single sentence at the end… This story was the reason for me to join the ROM Discord and put in a feature request for mandatory #cw:misogyny

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