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Making It Fit

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #Sadie_the_Slave #sub:female #casual_enslavement #claustrophilia #covert_hypnosis #enslavement #f/f #friends_to_lovers #happy_slaves #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #memory_play #mind_control #multiple_partners #oneshot #unaware

Reuniting with an old friend, Sadie begins to experience odd situations. But there’s a simple explanation for everything, right?

This story has been suggested by 3 users.

This literally came to me in a dream during an afternoon nap. xD

Sadie looked at Adam. “So, what d’you wanna watch?”

He shrugged. “I dunno... What do you have?”

“Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Video, plus some DVDs on a shelf over there,” she said, waving a hand across the room.

Adam shrugged again. “I’m not sure. You pick.”

“No please, you’re my guest!”

He considered for a moment. “Alright... How about A Good Day to Die Hard? I think they just put that on Netflix.”

Sadie swallowed her instinctive reaction, reminding herself that she had let him choose after all. Action movies may not be to her taste, but she’d grin and bear it for Adam’s sake. “Sure,” she said, smiling brightly. “I’ll get it set up. Do you want a beer? The fridge is just through there.”

“Uh, yeah, thanks,” he replied awkwardly, getting up and walking through to the kitchen, which was the next room along from the lounge.

Sadie watched him go a little sadly. She and Adam had been best friends since elementary school, but they’d gone to different colleges. Two years later, they were both back in their home town for the summer, having not seen much of each other in the meantime. It was Sadie who had suggested they meet up - she’d heard from Maddie, who had been their mutual other best friend during middle and high school, that she’d ran into him a week ago and had a brief, awkward catchup. Adam had always struggled to make friends easily, and throughout school Sadie and Maddie had been pretty much his entire social life, but after two years away it seemed the easy conversational rhythms they’d used to have had vanished. Feeling bad for her old friend, Sadie had arranged this movie night, hoping she could do better than Maddie with more time on her hands, but so far so terrible.

He’s been here for all of five minutes, she reminded herself. He’s just adjusting to being back. Give him more time.

“So,” she said loudly as she began setting up Netflix, knowing her voice would carry through to the kitchen. “How’s college going?”

She heard the fridge door open. “I’m doing great,” he replied. “Top of my history class.”

“That’s fantastic! Of course, I expected as much. I bet there aren’t too many people in your class who have a history teacher for a dad, huh?”

He chuckled. “I’m the only one as far as I know.”

As Sadie finished getting the film ready, Adam re-entered the lounge, carrying an open beer bottle in his left hand and holding up his phone in his right. He was looking at the screen and frowning. Sadie didn’t notice.

“Ready to start?” she asked, holding up the remote to press play.

“Hey, Sadie?”

She hesitated. “Yeah?”

“Lana said to tell you, ‘squirrel envelope’? What does that m-”

Looking up from the text on his phone, he stopped mid-sentence at the sight of his lifelong friend.

Sadie’s arm had dropped limply to her side, allowing the remote to slip out of her fingers and onto the couch. Her smile disappeared as her jaw went slack, hanging slightly open. Her eyes flickered, half-open, giving her the appearance of a sleepwalker.

“Uh... Sade?” Approaching her, Adam waved a hand in front of her face.

“Yes, Master,” she mumbled, sounding half-asleep.

“Master?! Sadie, it’s Adam, remember? What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing’s... wrong, Master... I am... in a deep... hypnotic trance... I will do... whatever I am told...”

Adam stared at her, agog. Then he looked back at the text on his phone, from Sadie’s younger sister Lana.

Heard you’re hanging with Sadie tonite. Tell hr ‘squirrel envelope’. She knows wut it means. x

“Did... did your sister do this to you?” he stammered in disbelief.

“Yes, Master...” Sadie continued, in the same slow, dreamy monotone.

Adam was bewildered. He realised that this was plausible, at least in terms of how Lana had done it - a year younger than Sadie and Adam, she’d just finished her first year at college, studying pyschology. It was certainly possible she’d learned about hypnosis during her course. But that still left questions, not least among which was: “Why the hell would she do that?!”

“She wanted revenge, Master... I slept with a guy she liked last summer... I knew she liked him... but he didn’t like her back... so I figured it was OK...”

That made sense, too. Lana had always been the type to hold a grudge. Still, Adam never thought she’d have done something like this to her own sister, no matter what Sadie might have done to her.

A new text came through on his phone, from Lana again: She’s all yours. Have as much fun as you want. ;) x

He quickly sent a reply: R u for real?!?!

100 pr cent. I’ll b back l8r 2 watch n laff >:D x

Shaking his head disbelievingly, Adam put his phone back in his pocket and took a long swig from his beer. Sitting down on the couch next to Sadie, who was still dazedly staring ahead through flickering eyelids, he sat forwards, studying her blank face intently.

“When you say you’ll do anything...” he asked cautiously, “what does that mean?”

“I’ll do anything you ask, Master,” she replied, her words a little clearer from how earnestly she said them. “Whatever you want.”

He took a deep breath. “OK. OK. This is a lot to get my head around... And will you remember anything about it when you wake up?”

“No, Master.”

Something occurred to him. “Wait, how do I wake you up?”

Her eyebrows creased ever so slightly, showing her confusion despite the trance. “I... don’t know, Master.”

He quickly texted Lana again: How do I wake her up?

Her reply was quick: Say ‘ladybug box’. x

Adam looked at the mindless Sadie. May as well give it a shot.

“‘Ladybug box’.”

Sadie’s eyes rolled briefly, and then opened wide. She blinked a couple of times, took a deep breath, and then looked at Adam. Her bright smile returned.

“So,” she asked cheerily. “Ready to start the movie?”

He shook his head in amazement. “Holy shit...”

She giggled, confused. “What?”

“Oh, uh, n-nothing,” he stammered. “Just... Lana texted me something.”

“Oh yeah?” She leaned forwards, interested. “What did she say? We haven’t really spoken lately, even though we’re both staying with our parents right now...”

“She just said to have fun hanging out with you tonight,” he said nervously. “And, uh, squirrel envelope.”

Sadie was about to say how nice it was of Lana to reach out to Adam, but as the trigger hit her, her mind emptied of all thought. Her head drooped and her eyelids flickered, her face returning to the same vacant expression as before.

“Fuck,” Adam gasped, unable to contain his wonder any more.

“Yes, Master,” Sadie said robotically, and began to fumble with her belt, still gazing at nothing.

Realising his mistake, he quickly grabbed her hands to stop her. “No, wait!”

“Yes, Master.” She immediately stopped trying to undo her belt, but made no attempt to get him to release her wrists. Unable to resist the temptation, he pulled her arms up into the air above her head. When he released them, they simply stayed pointing upwards, hands flopping down lifelessly at the end of the erect arms.

Adam sat back, staring at his mesmerised friend. This was unbelievable. What’s more, he was starting to find the whole situation very hot. He’d had a crush on Sadie for a long time, but he’d always ignored it - after all, they were friends first. They always had been. So he hadn’t let his latent feelings get in the way of that, even in the few moments when he thought maybe she felt the same way.

Of course, upon reuniting with the gorgeous young woman after two years apart, he had found his feelings a lot harder to ignore, now that their easy, natural relationship had faded with time. And seeing her in this state now, mindless, helpless, and obedient to his will... Well, now she was simply irresistible.

Slowly, irrationally scared that she could come to her senses at any time, he reached out and began to caress her left breast through her shirt. She gave absolutely no reaction, simply continuing to sit there mindlessly, arms in the air, head slumped forwards, mouth hanging open. A little dribble of drool had started to trickle down her chin. Emboldened by her lack of response, he undid her top shirt button, reached under, and slid his hand beneath her bra.

As he rubbed and squeezed first one soft tit, then the other, he couldn’t help but ask. “Sadie... Have you ever had feelings for me?”

She seemed to hesitate for a second before answering, “Yes, Master.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“We were friends, Master,” she said matter-of-factly. “I didn’t want to ruin that... Besides, I only started to feel that way in our senior year... We were both leaving anyway... and I didn’t want a long-distance relationship...”

That was understandable, and partly the same as his own reasons for keeping quiet. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder what might have been...

“Did you want to fuck me?”

“No, Master,” she said, but then frowned slightly. “At least, I never thought that far ahead... I just thought about us going on dates, sometimes...”

Adam’s hand got caught in Sadie’s bra strap, and he winced. “Could you take off your bra please, and your shirt? Make this easier for me.”

She was moving before he got to the word ‘easier’, lowering her hands from their mid-air position and beginning to unbutton her shirt. “Yes, Master.”

Adam still couldn’t quite believe what was happening, even as he watched his best friend of eleven years remove her shirt and bra in her sleep. Her tits were now bare, and though her blank face had not changed and she had made no sounds of arousal, her nipples were fully erect. Clearly her body was responding to the sensation of his hands, even though her mind was oblivious.

Leaning forward, he licked one of those hard nipples. Was it his imagination, or did her breathing quicken slightly in response?

She’d freak out if I woke her up right now, he thought gleefully. Then he frowned, considering this further.

“What happens,” he asked slowly, “if I wake you up in a position you didn’t expect? Say, if I strip you naked and then wake you up? Would you realise what had happened?”

“No, Master... I have been programmed never to realise I’m hypnotised... My mind would find a way to explain things... to make whatever situation I’m in seem normal... It would create false memories to explain everything away...”

“Whoa,” he gasped. “And that’ll happen no matter what you wake up doing?”

“Yes, Master... I can find an explanation for anything...”

He contemplated this for a good few seconds - while continuing to play with her breasts as she stared into space. A wicked smile began to spread across his face.

“OK, Sadie. Let’s have some fun.”


Sadie looked at Adam. “So, ready to start the movie?”

He nodded, smiling. “Yeah, we can... Are you sure you don’t want to put a shirt on or something?”

She frowned and glanced down, taking in the sight of her bare boobs. The sight surprised her for a moment, but then she remembered: Of course, I didn’t bother putting a shirt on. It’s hot, and besides it’s only Adam! We’ve known each other forever.

Sadie had become something of a nudist since going to college. When she was at home alone, she normally stripped down completely, exulting in the feeling of air on her bare skin, enjoying the sight of her naked body in the mirror. She’d had some body positivity issues growing up, but now, after some therapy in her last couple of years of high school, she felt proud of how she looked, and she took every opportunity to remind herself of how beautiful she was. She didn’t often strip while at home now that she was back with her family for the summer, but her parents were out of town for the week visiting friends in Sacramento, and Lana had gone out for the night.

Normally when she had company she’d throw on some clothes - though she’d often forgo underwear, unless she was planning to go out in public. But with people she was especially close to, she just didn’t bother. And Adam was one of her closest friends, so why shouldn’t he see her naked? She felt completely comfortable with him. And if she showed it, maybe he’d start to feel comfortable around her again, and the awkwardness between them would dissipate.

“I’m fine,” she told him with an encouraging smile. “It’s a hot night; wearing a shirt would just make me feel all sticky.”

“OK, but...” He gestured towards her chest. “They’re kind of... staring at me!”

She raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Well, maybe that’s because you’re staring at them.”

He nodded distractedly, without looking up. Hmmm. While Sadie was fine being topless around her friend, she wasn’t sure she liked the idea that it was going to turn him into a lusty idiot. Mind you, it was only Adam - he didn’t mean any harm. He just needed telling when he was being inappropriate, otherwise it wouldn’t occur to him.

“Eyes on my face, Mister,” she said firmly, “or on the TV screen. I don’t wanna put a shirt on, but I will!”

Looking up, he smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, Sade. Just getting used to the new you. I like her, though.”

Her faint annoyance melted away, and she smiled again, warmly. “Thanks! I like the new me, too.”

“I think I’ll like the next you even better though,” he said, with a sly grin.

“What do you me-”

“Squirrel envelope.”


Sadie looked at Adam. This was difficult - she had to look up and over her shoulder, and she still couldn’t really see him properly.

“Is this more comfortable, Ad?” she asked.

“God, yeah, thanks,” he sighed. “My legs were really killing me...”

“Sorry I didn’t have an actual footstool,” she said. Her neck was starting to ache from the odd angle, so she looked back in front of her. “But in my defence, no-one has actual footstools any more!”

She heard him laugh, and felt his legs shift on her back. “That’s true, I guess. But don’t worry, you’re a very good substitute. Not perfect of course, but I can’t expect you to completely stop moving and breathing just for my comfort!”

“Well, I’ll do my best,” she promised.

“Mmm. Maybe that’ll work better if you stop talking. Every time you say something, you move.”

She was a little miffed by that, but obligingly shut up. After all, she’d offered to be his footstool for a while so his aching legs would feel better. She didn’t want to do a bad job.

Naturally, she was on all fours in front of the couch, so Adam could stretch his legs out across her back. Her palms were flat on the floor, her arms ramrod straight. (She was quietly glad she’d vacuumed before Adam had arrived - her carpet had been covered in crumbs, which would’ve made this a lot less pleasant a couple of hours ago!) Her boobs were still bare, and had swung from side to side like pendulums for a few seconds when she’d first got into position. She couldn’t see the TV from this angle, but that didn’t bother her. Action movies weren’t for her.

After a few minutes, her arm muscles started to ache. Though she didn’t want to disturb her friend, she didn’t feel she could continue for very long. “Um, Adam... can I get up now? I’m getting pretty tired.”

“Oh, come on, Sadie,” he said teasingly. “That was barely three minutes! I know you can do better than that.”

“Yeah, I really don’t think I can!”

He sighed and swung his legs off her back. “Fine, up you get. Thanks for being such a good pal, anyway.”

Sadie sat up and kneeled back, resting her aching palms on her legs as she looked up at her friend. She giggled suddenly, realising what this scene must look like to anyone who might walk in - a man sitting on a couch with a half-naked girl kneeling at his feet. Tongues would wag, indeed!

“You’re welcome!” she said brightly. “That’s what friends are f-”

“Squirrel envelope.”


Sadie looked at Adam. “Are you starting to feel more relaxed now?”

His voice shook as he answered, “Y-yeah, definitely.”

“Good,” she beamed. She refocused her attention completely on her hand, which was gently stroking his cock.

She’d been growing desperate - in spite of her friendly demeanour and her bare chest, Adam just wasn’t as comfortable and open around her as he used to be. The handjob was the last resort. Although she should have thought to do it earlier - after all, it wasn’t the first time.

“Remember when we last did this?” she said. “You were so stressed about finals, and I was trying to calm you down and convince you that you’d pass with flying colours. I was right, too! Can’t believe that was over two years ago now...” With her other fingers coiled around his shaft, she rubbed the tip of his cock with her thumb.

“Uhhnf... Y-yeah... You’re really good...” he stammered. “I mean... you-you’re better now th-than you used to be...”

“Thank you!” she said delightedly. “I’ve had some more practice at college...”

She continued to slowly stroke him as he watched the TV screen, though his attention was barely on the movie any more. After a few minutes, she started to speed up, and his breathing quickened accordingly.

“Oh, f-fuck,” he gasped, and came in her hand.

She sighed happily, examining the sticky mess. “There we go! Feeling better now?”

He grinned at her. “Oh, so much better.”

Sadie stood. “Be right back, I’m just gonna wash my hand...”

“Wait,” he said, gesturing to the remaining strings of semen that had escaped her grasp and was now adorning his cock and balls. “Aren’t you going to clean this up too?”

She laughed disbelievingly. “Uh, no! My work there is done, clean that up yourse-”

“Squirrel envelope.”


Sadie looked at Adam. “There you go!” she said triumphantly, licking her lips. “All cleaned up.”

He inspected his genitals. True to her words, they were now completely clean.

“Nice one,” he chuckled. “You did a thorough job.”

Leaning back, she grinned. “Don’t I always?” She was struck again by how the scene might look to onlookers - her lifelong best friend was naked from the waist down, his pants around his ankles, and she, on the other hand, was nude from the waist up and perched between his ankles, having just been licking his erect cock clean.

“It’s a good job my folks are away and my sister’s out,” she chuckled. “They’d get completely the wrong idea if they walked in on us like this. My mom might have a heart attack!”

“Then it’s best they never hear about this,” Adam said firmly.

She stared at him, confused. “Well, yeah, obviously. I mean, I’ve never told them about these little... relaxation exercises... and I have no intention of telling them any time soon!”

He laughed a little nervously. “Yeah, me neither!” Then he paused, considering. “Although, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad...”

Sadie’s eyes widened. “Really? You don’t think it’d be so bad for us to tell my parents that I give you handjobs and lick you clean after?!”

“No, no - I didn’t mean it like that,” he spluttered, choking with laughter. “I meant - maybe we could tell them we’re... hooking up?”

She frowned. “I don’t know... I mean, they know I’m not interested in any kind of relationship. They’d be sus.”

“Oh, well I’m not looking for anything long-term either, and I’m on record with that. But we could say we’re casual?”

“What, like friends with benefits?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah. It’s plausible, isn’t it?”

“I’m still not sure,” she said, shrugging.

“Well, maybe we just need to make it more convincing,” he said nonchalantly, and then quickly added, “Squirrel envelope.”


Sadie looked at Adam. She couldn’t really look anywhere else, they were so close. Their foreheads were pressed together, eyes locked, exhaling deeply into each other’s wide-open mouths.

She moaned as she felt him thrusting inside her. Her skin glistened with sweat, her auburn hair cascaded over the side of the couch, and her arms and legs shook from the pleasure.

We’re fucking? she thought to herself, but the surprise faded quickly. We’re fucking. Of course we are.

It had always been the plan - they’d just told Lana to get out of their hair for ‘movie night’ as a cover. It was the first time they’d seen each other in a while, and they were both eager to renew their casual affair. And now, at last, Sadie was lying back on her couch, all her clothes discarded, while her lifelong best friend and on-off lover pounded her hard.

They’d started doing this back in their last year of high school - she remembered that their occasional handjobs, which she’d started doing as a way to help Adam deal with stress, had naturally progressed into fully-fledged sex. But they had kept things casual. Even though Sadie had feelings for Adam, and he clearly reciprocated, they knew they were going off to separate colleges, and neither wanted a long-distance relationship. Being friends with benefits worked for both of them. They’d kept up the arrangement while at college - they’d often get together when they were both back in their home town for a vacation or a weekend here or there. But this was the first time in months.

God, she’d missed it.

With a final thrust, Adam came, crying out with pleasure, and withdrew, climbing off her. She whimpered - she was on the brink, but hadn’t reached her own climax yet.

“Seriously, dude?” she groaned. “You’re just gonna leave me hanging like this?”

Gasping for breath, he took a few seconds to answer. He waved a hand in the direction of her nether regions. “You... you can finish yourself off, can’t you?” he panted.

“What? You’re kidding, right?” Pouting, she pointed firmly at her pussy. “Get back down there and finish what you started, mister! If you’re not hard any more, use your tongue or your fingers - I don’t care! Just make me come!”

“Wow. Bossy, much?” he laughed. “Sade, I really need a break...”

“Well, I don’t!”

Staring at her thoughtfully, he suddenly snapped his fingers with inspiration. “I’ve got an idea - why don’t we bring in some reinforcements?”

Frowning, she slowly sat up. “What do you mean, like... another person? You want a three-way?”

He shrugged, trying (not very successfully) to conceal his enthusiasm for the idea. “It would solve the problem...”

“Uh... no, I don’t think so,” she said, shaking her head. “I mean, it’s not like I don’t find the idea hot, but... the other guys I’m fucking are back at college, and I don’t want to get together with someone new tonight...”

He considered this for a few seconds. “Doesn’t have to be a stranger,” he said.

“Well, then who?”

“How about... squirrel envelope.”


Maddie looked at Sadie. She marvelled at the sight of her friend’s vacant, mindless expression.

“This is fucking unbelievable,” she whispered.

It was one thing walking in on her two closest friends from high school to find both of them smelling of sex and one of them butt naked. But it was quite another to see Sadie - the bubbliest, liveliest girl she’d ever known - blank and hypnotised, speaking only when spoken to, and then in an emotionless drone quite unlike her usual cheery voice. She was currently lying on the couch facing inwards, staring emptily at the back cushions.

Maddie switched her gaze to Adam, whose expression was a mixture of barely-contained eagerness to show off the hypnotised Sadie, and trepidation over how Maddie might react. “What do you think?” he asked hesitantly, praying to every god of every religion he could think of (including some from TV shows) that she wouldn’t denounce him as a despicable pervert and immediately call the police.

To his immense relief, a wicked smile spread across Maddie’s face. “It’s awesome,” she exclaimed. “She really does anything you ask?”

“Yep!” he beamed. “While she’s like this she’s not even really aware of what’s happening, and she won’t remember when she wakes up. Plus whatever situation she wakes up in, she invents false memories to make it fit. It’s amazing.”

“I’ll say! And naturally when you got unlimited power over your gorgeous best friend, your first thought was to fuck her?” she said teasingly.

He laughed. “Well, yeah. I’m only human, right?”

“Me too,” Maddie said breathlessly, her gaze back on Sadie. “And I gotta get a piece of that action...”

“Well, that was kinda why I called you,” Adam pointed out. He, too, turned to look down at the hypnotised girl.

“Sadie, I want you to...” He stopped mid-sentence, frowning as a thought occurred to him.

“Yes, Master?” Sadie mumbled, clearly confused by the incomplete command.

Maddie leaned closer to Adam and whispered, “What is it?”

“I was just wondering if you’d be able to give her orders in this state,” he said thoughtfully. “I mean, Lana kind of implied she’d brainwashed Sadie to obey me... but now that I think about it, Sadie just told me she’d do whatever she was told. That suggests that she’s not just obedient to me - she’s obedient to everyone. Anyone.”

Maddie considered this. “Worth a shot,” she decided. “Sadie, sit in the middle of the couch and spread your legs.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Sadie said, and she slowly sat up and moved into the position she’d suggested.

Without further ado, Maddie pulled her shirt off over her head. Adam moved to help her unhook her bra from behind. When she shot him a quizzical look, he simply shrugged and said, “I’ve already seen Sadie naked, and I’m sure you’ll see me naked before the night’s out.”

“Fair enough,” she nodded, and let him undo the bra, which she shrugged off onto the ground.

Rubbing her hands together with gleeful anticipation, she approached Sadie. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do this, Sade?”

“No, Mistress.”

“Wait no longer, Mads,” Adam chuckled. “She’s all yours. For now, at least...”


Sadie looked at Adam. He was standing at the other end of the room watching her, looking like the cat that got the cream. He was still naked from the waist down, rubbing his erect cock with one hand. Before she could ask why he was all the way over there, she felt a tongue gliding between her legs, causing her to cry out in surprise and arousal.

Looking down, she saw a familiar raven-haired head bobbing between her legs. Was that... Maddie? The girl raised her head slightly, revealing her face - it was indeed Maddie, Sadie and Adam’s other best friend from high school.

But of course it was. After all, they’d been fucking Maddie almost as long as they’d been fucking each other.

It had taken Maddie all of two days back then to figure out her two best pals had become friends with benefits. She had always been the wild and free-spirited member of their trio, with a penchant for going out to parties and getting drunk while Sadie and Adam each stayed home studying. Nonetheless Sadie half-expected her to judge them for their casual affair, but instead she simply said, “I gotta get a piece of that action.” Sadie thought she meant Adam, but Maddie revealed she was attracted to both of them. And that gave Sadie a chance to explore her own sexuality. She’d never really thought about girls that way before she and Maddie started hooking up, but the feeling of Maddie’s tongue inside her right now proved beyond a shadow of a doubt she’d been right to give it a try. Maddie was the only girl she’d ever been with - there’d been some flirtation with other girls at college, but nothing further. Now that she thought about it, Sadie realised she was quite attracted to a couple of the other women on her course. Maybe that could be something to pursue during her next semester...

But right now she was only thinking about one girl - the one currently between her legs. Sadie closed her eyes and held a hand up to her hair, grasping handfuls of it in a desperate bid to endure the ecstasy. With her other hand, she took hold of Maddie’s hair, feeling her head move in her grip, back and forth, side to side. Another deep caress of Maddie’s tongue caused Sadie to moan loudly, feeling a bead of sweat dripping from her face and onto her chest. She was right on the brink now.

It had been Sadie who had suggested the three of them meet up for ‘movie night’ - after hearing that Maddie had run into Adam and had a brief, awkward catchup, Sadie had thought that revisiting all of the attached benefits of their old friendship could be the best way to break the ice and bring him back into the fold. It had been her first hookup with Adam in months, but she’d seen Maddie in the meantime, and they’d had as much fun as ever. Tonight must’ve been the hundredth time Maddie had eaten her out - but damn, it felt like the first time. Maddie was just that good.

Maddie lightly sucked on her clitoris, and Sadie cried out and came hard for what felt like hours, still clinging onto both her and Maddie’s hair in each hand, shoving Maddie’s head forwards, keeping her mouth pressed onto her pussy as she squirted.

Finally spent, Sadie released the hair she was clutching and sank back into the couch, exhausted. She opened her eyes to see Maddie standing up slowly, shakily. She too was naked, and her dark, wavy hair flowed down her chest, partially obscuring her pert boobs.

“Damn, Sade,” she laughed. “You almost drowned me!”

“Not for the first time,” Sadie panted, grinning.

Maddie leaned over her and kissed her passionately, letting their tongues dance over one another, while letting her hands roam over Sadie’s flesh, stroking and squeezing her boobs. Sadie could taste her own juices in her friend’s mouth, which sent another small flare of arousal through her despite having so recently orgasmed.

Both girls looked over at Adam, who had only just managed to avoid reaching his own climax. “Enjoy the show?” Sadie asked with a wink.

He shook his head in astonishment. “That was fucking awesome, girls,” he laughed.

Sadie giggled. He was acting like he’d never seen them do that before.

Maddie trotted over to Adam. “I agree,” she whispered breathlessly. “That was fucking awesome. I can’t believe this is real! I owe Lana about a hundred drinks for this...”

“You and me both,” he replied. “And the best part is, she still thinks this is normal - like, she just said, ‘not for the first time’.”

“Should we tell her?” Maddie suggested. “Just to see the look on her face... We can always make her forget about it afterwards, right?”

He shrugged. “If you want... I kinda like her being oblivious, but she’s not just for me to enjoy!”

Maddie grinned, turning back to Sadie, who had by now got her breath back and was beginning to sit up properly in her seat, wiping some of the sweat from her face and chest.

“Hey, Sade... What would you say if we told you that this - tonight - is the first time the three of us have hooked up?”

Sadie blinked, confused. “Um, it’s the first time in a while, but not the first time ever. We’ve been doing it since senior year!”

“Sure, sure,” Maddie nodded, unable to suppress a broad smile. “But you only think that because you’ve been hypnotised.”

Sadie blinked again, staring at Maddie blankly. “What?”

“You’re hypnotised. Your sister hypnotised you and sort of handed you over to us for the night, to do whatever we want with you.”

“She’s right,” Adam interjected. “Lana hypnotised you, and we’ve been controlling you and messing with your mind.”

Sadie looked from Maddie to Adam, and then back again. She was hearing the words they were saying, but for some reason she couldn’t make sense of them. It was like they were speaking a different language. And hearing it was making her thoughts feel so clouded... Closing her eyes, she shook her head slightly to try to clear the fog. By the time she reopened them and looked back at her friends, she felt fine.

“Are you guys gonna come back over here now?” she asked. “Just ’cos I came doesn’t mean the evening’s over!”

Maddie and Adam exchanged a glance. “Sadie,” Adam said slowly, “do you remember what we were just talking about?”

“I dunno,” she said. “You were all the way over there chatting, I couldn’t really hear you guys. I was still trying to recover from what Maddie just did to me, I wasn’t really paying attention!”

Maddie laughed, astounded. “She doesn’t remember,” she said quietly.

“Lana said she was programmed never to realise she’d been hypnotised,” Adam recalled. “I guess that means we can talk about it to her, or in front of her, and she still won’t be aware of it. She can’t be aware of it.”

“That’s so hot,” Maddie sighed, biting her lip, rubbing her thighs together.

Sadie heard what Adam said, but the words just drifted in one ear and out the other without making any impression at all. She just sat on the couch, smiling in faint bemusement at her friends.

“Ooh, hey, hey,” Maddie said eagerly to Adam. “I’ve got an idea to make this even more wild... Can I say it, please? Can I say it?”

“Yeah,” he conceded, smiling. “Go for it.”

“Say what?” Sadie asked, bewildered. “What are you guys tal-”

“Squirrel envelope,” Maddie blurted excitedly.


Sadie looked at Adam. Or rather, at his bushel of pubic hair. It surrounded his cock like a halo - much like her mouth, which was gliding smoothly up and down it, lavishing it with her saliva.

She relinquished Adam’s dick for a moment - with a thin string of drool briefly joining the shaft with her lips, before it broke - and looked around her. In either hand, she held a cock. She didn’t recognise their owners, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves. Feeling a tongue caressing her from beneath, she looked down to see the top of a unfamiliar blonde girl’s head on the carpet beneath her. Their eyes met briefly, with the lower half of the girl’s face obscured by Sadie’s own body.

The lounge was now filled with men and women, all of whom looked roughly her age - maybe slightly older? Maddie was among them, but the rest were total strangers. She counted six of them, not including the two men to whom she was giving handjobs, or the girl currently eating her out. So nine, plus Adam, Maddie and herself brought it to a dozen. One thing they had in common - they were all in various states of undress. There were bared dicks, balls, boobs and pussies everywhere she looked.

All of this made perfect sense to her. After all, she was infamously slutty. She’d fuck pretty much anyone she found even moderately attractive. Funny, because for a while in high school she’d been pretty... well, not prudish exactly, but let’s say reserved. She didn’t date much, and never let the boys she did date get too far. It wasn’t until she started hooking up with Adam and Maddie that she realised something: she absolutely loved sex. This wasn’t the first time she and her two best friends had hosted an orgy - they’d had an impromptu one at a house party with a few classmates, shortly before graduating from high school; and they’d held two or three more during return visits from college. So it was by no means alarming for her to be surrounded by eleven naked people, nine of whom she didn’t even know, servicing them with her mouth, hands and pussy.

Except... There was a thirteenth person in the room, fully dressed. One whom Sadie instantly recognised.

Her sister, Lana.

She was holding up her mobile phone, aiming the camera directly at Sadie. A red light indicated that it was recording.

“Say hi to all your fans on xVideos, Sadie,” Lana laughed wickedly. “This’ll be going online later tonight.”

It took a few seconds for the sight, and her sister’s words, to register in Sadie’s mind. But then it all fell into place, and she remembered - yes, of course, she’d asked Lana to film this particular orgy and put it on the internet for all to see. Everyone present had the choice whether or not to show their faces on camera, and most had declined. But Sadie was an exhibitionist by her very nature, proud of her body and her overt - some might say rampant - sexuality. Not only was she unfazed by the world seeing her naked body being used, licked and fucked by four other people at once - but the idea actively excited her, adding to the intense arousal she was already feeling. She wasn’t sure she’d ever been this horny.

A small voice in her mind remarked that maybe she shouldn’t be doing this in front of her sister. But Lana was an adult, Sadie reminded herself - and besides, the two siblings had no secrets from each other. Truth be told, Sadie was glad she was there. She’d been worried Lana was still angry at her for stealing the man she liked the previous summer - a mistake she’d deeply regretted ever since - but the fact that Lana was willing to do this favour for her and act as camerawoman indicated their frosty relationship had finally thawed.

“Hi, fans!” Sadie called cheerily at the camera. She gave Lana a grateful smile, before putting her lips back to work on Adam’s dick.

It wasn’t long before the three men she was ministering to were done for the time being, and they withdrew themselves from her mouth and hands. The blonde girl underneath her seemed in no rush to finish, but Maddie pointed out that other people wanted a turn. So Sadie was handed over to a short olive-skinned girl who introduced herself as Hannah, a muscular black guy named Elijah, and a petite Japanese girl called Ichika.

They had Sadie sit down on the couch again, while Ichika got between her legs and took over where the blonde had left off. Her moans of delight were somewhat muffled by Elijah’s cock - he had straddled the back of the couch, forcing her to turn her head to the left to allow him to thrust himself into her mouth. With her right hand, she reached across to Hannah, who was sitting on her other side, and slid her fingers into her pussy, beginning to pleasure her slowly and tenderly. Her left hand occupied itself by playing with her tits, squeezing one and then the other over and over.

Unable to bear the incredible sight of their best friend being so used, Adam and Maddie had begun fucking on the floor, with her straddling him. They both continued to watch Sadie and her three incumbent dance partners as they did so.

And all the while Lana continued to film, keeping the camera focused solely on Sadie. As everyone had agreed before they woke Sadie from trance, the camerawoman never showed the faces of the other participants, only allowing it to film those parts of their bodies that were currently occupying the hypnotised girl - Hannah’s pussy, with Sadie’s fingers dancing inside it; Elijah’s long, thick cock, fucking her face; and the back of Ichika’s head, as she continued to eat her out.

This would get all kinds of attention online. Particularly since Lana intended to post it with Sadie’s full name included. If her sister had been in her normal frame of mind, she would never live the public humiliation down. But Lana wasn’t cruel enough to go that far - so she was never going to let Sadie have her right mind back again. She preferred the new and improved version anyway.

After all, the previous Sadie had been a man-stealing slut. The new, hypnotised, malleable Sadie would just be more open about it.

For her part, the new Sadie felt nothing but joy, pleasure and desire. As if this was what she was meant for - what she was supposed to do. As if she’d found her purpose in life.

She would’ve sighed with contentment, if her mouth wasn’t full.


Two months later

Adam looked at Lana. “So yeah, life is really good right now,” he grinned. “I was already top of history, but it was stressing me out trying to stay there. Now I have so much more time to concentrate, I can stay top and do other stuff. I’ve been able to spend a lot more time with my friends too, my social life’s never been better.”

That’s great!” she replied, her voice slightly tinny through his laptop speakers. “Glad I could help...

He chuckled. “Yeah, it just takes so much pressure off now I don’t have to stay on top of things like cooking, cleaning, washing up, shopping... Now I have someone to take care of all the boring shit for me, and she does it gladly!”

Nice,” Lana grinned.

“Hey, do you wanna say hi to Sadie?” he asked.

Sure, yeah.

He looked over his shoulder. “Come here, Sade.”

“Yes, Master,” Sadie replied brightly, striding across the room. As usual, she wore nothing except a black leather collar around her neck, with a long leash attached that swung like a pendulum as she walked. She had been standing in the corner of Adam’s room, back to the wall, hands behind her back, waiting for instructions. Now she approached Adam and stood to attention to his right.

It had been a lot easier than Adam had expected to mould Sadie into this new persona. Once that first, wild night had come to an end, he had half-expected Lana to relinquish control over her, and restore her to her normal self without any recollection of her experiences under hypnosis. Instead, Lana had told Adam to ‘keep’ Sadie and continue doing whatever he wanted with her. He knew pretty soon exactly what he wanted, and all it took was waking her up in servile positions a few times - acting as his footrest; giving him a backrub; standing by the couch and holding his drink for him while he watched TV; kneeling at his feet repeating submissive mantras (‘I am a slave’, ‘I live to serve’, ‘I love to obey’, ‘Adam is my Master’)... Her malleable, imaginative mind soon got the message.

Before long, Adam was returning to college with his new slavegirl in tow. One word from him and she had dropped out of her own course, moving in with him full time to attend to his every need. He had worried initially that he wouldn’t be able to afford to support both himself and Sadie, but of course she had no problem with giving him full access to her own finances, which was enough to make up the difference. Plus, she now had a waitressing job during the daytime, while he was at his classes. And then, of course, there was the other income stream...

“Have a seat and chat with your sister,” Adam ordered Sadie, getting up from his chair.

“Yes, Master.” Sadie sat down and smiled at the sight of Lana. “Hi, sis!”

Hey, Sade,” Lana grinned, taking in the sight of her sister. “How’s life with Adam?

“Oh, life is awesome,” Sadie replied, beaming. “I’m so glad I chose to become his slave - ever since I started, I’ve felt this contentment I’ve never experienced before! Who would’ve thought that one of my best friends was actually my perfect Master?”

Glad you’re happy. Oh, he told me he got you a new place to sleep - do you like it?

Sadie sighed delightedly. “I love it, it’s ideal for me.” She looked over at Adam’s closet, which was easily big enough and deep enough for a human being to get in. Inside was a large white cage, containing a pet bed and a blanket. Every night (or rather, whenever her Master didn’t let her sleep in bed with him), Sadie crawled into her cage, lay in her beloved pet bed, and snuggled up cosily under the blanket. Adam made sure she’d be safe and secure until morning by padlocking the cage door shut.

Adam leaned over Sadie’s shoulder, so Lana could see him through the webcam again. “Hey, so I was wondering - are you really never going to undo her hypnosis?”

I don’t even know if I can at this point,” Lana admitted, “she’s been conditioned so thoroughly. But I don’t particularly want to, and are you really telling me you do?

“Not exactly,” he replied awkwardly, “but I do sometimes get these pangs of guilt. She is my best friend, after all, and your sister. And we’ve basically turned her into my live-in maid-slash-sex doll.”

But she’s so happy like that!” Lana pointed out. “It’d be different if we were making her do things against her will, but the way she’s been conditioned, she thinks it’s all her idea. She wants to be your live-in maid and your sex doll. Don’t you, Sadie?

All the hypnosis talk had gone completely over Sadie’s head - she’d heard Adam and Lana talking about it, but the words were forgotten as soon as they’d been spoken. But that last question registered, since it had been directed at her and had included nothing hypnosis-related.

“Yes, Lana,” she said happily. “I love being Master’s maid, and I really love being his sex doll! I’ve always loved sex, after all, so it’s obviously my natural role.”

Exactly,” Lana said with a malicious smile. “You know you’re just a slutty slave who’s meant to be commanded and fucked, right?

“That’s absolutely right!” Sadie replied cheerfully.

Lana looked at Adam. “See? Nothing to feel guilty about. You’re too far down the rabbit hole, anyway. Just relax and enjoy your fuck toy, Ad!

“Yeah, you’re right,” he nodded.

I could always hypnotise away any doubts you might have,” she suggested, raising a sly eyebrow.

He chuckled. “No way am I letting you into my brain, Lana!”

Fair enough. Anyway I gotta go, I’m meeting my boyfriend.” She gave that wicked grin again. “Who, for the record, doesn’t even remember hooking up with Sadie any more. He has eyes only for me now.

“Then I guess things worked out for everyone,” Adam said. “See you soon, Lana!”

Sadie gave her sister a little wave. “Bye, Lana!”

Bye guys!” Lana signed off.

“Alright, get up now,” Adam ordered.

“Yes, Master,” Sadie said immediately, jumping to her feet.

Taking hold of her leash, he walked over to the bed, gently but firmly pulling her behind him. He sat on the end of the bed, and with a tug he pulled her to her knees in front of him. “Remind me of our schedule for tomorrow?”

“You’ve got class at 10am,” she told him, automatically reaching out to unzip his jeans and fish out his erect cock (as he had trained her to do whenever she was kneeling before him, unless he said otherwise). “I’m vacuuming while you’re out, and then Dale and Kyra are picking me up at 11. They’ve rented me for two hours, so that’s $500, which they’ll pay upfront - they’ve used me before so they know it’s worth it. I’ll be back in time to shower, and to cook you lunch for 2.30. Then we’re going out with your friends in the evening, so you can see if anyone else would be interested in renting me.”

“That’s becoming a nice little earner,” Adam mused, as Sadie began to stroke his cock. “We’ve got four customers so far, and Dale and Kyra are our first returners. The other two might well come back for more, and if tomorrow night works out we’ll have more. Charge them $250 an hour to do what they like with you, and they’ll see it as a bargain - but I’ll be raking it in before too long. I mean, I’m up to a grand already, and it can only get better from there.” He gave a loving look at his slave. “Of course, I don’t want to share you with anyone else, but it just makes sense, right? From a business point of view.”

“Yes, Master,” Sadie agreed. “I’m yours to do with as you wish, and since I’m so good at fucking, it’s only logical to use my skills to earn yourself some extra money!”

“Good thing you’re such an obedient, easy slut, huh?” he grinned.

“Yes, Master,” she nodded.

“Good girl,” he said warmly. “Now, before you cook us some supper, you need to have your appetiser.”

“Oh yes, Master!” Sadie said eagerly, diving forwards to envelop his dick in her mouth without further ado. As he moaned, she reached down between her legs and started to finger her pussy. She wasn’t normally allowed to do so without asking, but he’d permitted her to pleasure herself during blowjobs.

With patience and talent born from weeks of studious practice, Sadie brought herself and her Master to orgasm almost simultaneously, coating her legs in her own juices, and filling her mouth with his. She closed her eyes, basking in the rapturous ecstasy of both fucking and obeying her Master.

God, she was so glad she chose this life.

Thank you for reading (drum roll please) the first hypno story I've actually completed! The saga of Sadie the Slave continues in Yes, Professor...


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