Don't Overwork, Underthink

Chapter 4

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #f/m #hypnosis #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #sub:female #unaware #claustrophilia #deception #free_use
See spoiler tags : #maid #maidification

Just when I thought I was done with this story, I had a craving to revisit Glen and Lauren, see what they're up to these days, and explore a loose end...

The Story So Far

Lauren was stressed, so her friend Glen, an amateur hypnotist, offered to help her relax. He seized the chance to alter and diminish her mind, quickly turning her from an intelligent but overworked bank employee into a mindless, placid slave, only able to think about one thing at any given time and ignore absolutely everything else - even her trusted friend fucking her in all her holes. While Lauren became Glen’s live-in maid, he started a private hypnotherapy business in the hope of turning another unsuspecting young woman into his free-use toy...

Glen strolled into his living room to find Lauren diligently, mindlessly dusting shelves. She was using a feather duster that matched her French maid uniform, which was both effective and aesthetically pleasing.

After taking a few seconds to admire his property as she cleaned for him, he checked his watch. Alena, the university student whom he’d recently been hypnotising, would be arriving in a few minutes. Since he didn’t know her as well as Lauren, and didn’t have the same foundation of friendship and trust, he was taking it slowly with her - they’d had four sessions together so far, during both the spring and summer holidays, and things were progressing nicely. He’d managed to compel her to arrange for them to meet at his home for their fifth appointment, and to think it was her idea.

Alena was at a critical, delicate stage. Today could be the day she fell completely under his power - he was sure of it. He couldn’t allow anything to risk that.

“Refocus,” Glen said, and Lauren immediately stopped dusting and turned to face him, adopting her usual attentive pose, though with one hand holding the duster pointed upwards at her side. “Follow me,” he ordered.

“Yes, Master.”

She obediently trotted after him as he exited the room and approached the staircase. Opening the door to the cupboard under the stairs, he took out the vacuum cleaner and set it aside. “Get in, and stand facing outwards,” he told her.

“Yes, Master.”

Once she was standing inside the cupboard, she adopted the same pose again. Back straight, feet together, arms at her side, one hand pointing away from her hips, the other clutching the duster. He took it from her, and that hand automatically mirrored the other.

Her wide eyes gazed at him, waiting for his next instruction. But he had no further instructions for her, for the time being. So he said, “Standby.”

“Yes, Master,” she said, and her eyes moved away from him, instead staring straight ahead of her. The rest of her remained in that pose, unmoving. Thanks to that last trigger word, she would remain in this pose indefinitely, completely blank and mindless. It came in handy when he wanted her out of the way for a while - he could just switch off her dim brain entirely and stash her away.

Reaching for her face, he stroked her thick, pouting lips, and then slapped her cheek hard. Her head reflexively flinched to the side, but immediately moved back to face forwards as she droned, “Thank you, Master.” Grinning with satisfaction, Glen closed the cupboard door and went back into the living room, sitting down heavily on the sofa to wait for his new subject to arrive.

Less than a minute later, there was a knock at the door. Answering it, he found Alena on his doorstep. “Hi, Doctor!” she said cheerfully. (He’d adopted the mantle of ‘Doctor’ as something of an affectation for his hypnotist career. When they’d first met she’d called him by his actual name, but he’d suggested to her during trance that she’d be more comfortable calling him by his unofficial title.)

“Hello, Alena,” he replied with a friendly grin. “Come on in, please, and follow me through to the living room.”

He was quietly delighted to notice the way her eyes unfocused slightly when he gave her these simple instructions. Without another word, she stepped inside, trotting behind him as they made the short journey to his lounge. With every step, her smile became more pronounced, and her gait more purposeful.

Glen sat down in an armchair, gesturing to the sofa. “Have a seat.” Alena looked a little dazed again for just a second as she moved towards the chair, but as she sat her posture straightened, the spark of intelligence returning to her eyes.

“Thanks for letting me come over today,” she said a little breathlessly. “I just got sick of trying to hide this from my parents. I mean, I’m nineteen now - I can technically do whatever I want - but they’d throw a fit if they knew I was getting hypnotised. There’s just less potential hassle this way.”

“I can understand that,” Glen nodded. He certainly could. Getting caught by Alena’s parents while he was hypnotising her would have been bad enough - he didn’t want them to find him fucking her.

“So, you’ve been making very good progress,” he continued, smiling encouragingly at her. “You’ve become so much more confident in the short time we’ve been working together, it’s lovely to see...”

She beamed. “Thank you! I feel more confident. God, I mean, you saw me back when we started, you remember what I was like.”

A timid little mouse, Glen thought.

“If you thought that was bad, you should’ve seen me at uni. I was basically paralysed with anxiety, hiding in my room all night instead of going out with my classmates or my roommates. And that really sucked, because I wanted to go out - go to clubs, get drunk, maybe hook up with someone... Y’know, the whole uni experience! But I was too afraid. People would ask me to come out with them, and I’d just sort of shrink into myself and shake my head.” She gave Glen a grateful smile. “But you’ve helped me feel so much stronger, Doctor. Now I feel like I can let go of my fears and anxieties, and just go with the flow... I just hope I can keep this attitude when I’m back at uni!”

“Oh, I’m sure we can have you absolutely ready by the start of your second year,” he assured her, “going by your progress so far.”

“Fantastic,” she said, her eyes shining.

He sat forwards in his seat. “So, if you’re ready, would you like me to hypnotise you again?”

“Oh, yes!” She nodded eagerly, her dark curls bouncing around her face.

“Good. Spark out.”

At the sound of the trigger phrase, Alena’s mind instantly disappeared into a dark void. Her back and shoulders slumped, her head lolling to her left. Her eyes rolled back in her head, but her eyelids remained open, following the conditioning he’d given her. Her tongue protruded a little from her slightly agape mouth.

“Very good, Alena. Sit up straight for me again.”

She did so, her posture upright, but her arms limp and lifeless at her side. Her head was held as if being pulled up from above by her hair, and her face was still stuck in a mindless derp.

“Now, Alena, as you know, it feels so good to do as you’re told without even thinking about it. Any instructions you’re given, you’ll follow them, your mind going nice and blank until you’ve done or you’re doing what you’ve been asked. And as you find yourself doing it, you feel a wave of pleasure, satisfaction, and confidence - like you can do anything. Like nothing can stand in your way. Doing as you’re told makes you feel amazing, and unstoppable. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, Doctor,” she droned, and then let her tongue stick back out again.

Glen grinned wolfishly. She’d taken that suggestion to heart - even the couple of basic commands he’d given her since she’d arrived had worked perfectly, spacing her out momentarily and then giving her a confidence boost. But it was time to deepen, and broaden, the conditioning.

“From now on, Alena, you’ll respond the same way when someone asks you a question that you could interpret as an instruction. For instance, if someone says to you, ‘follow me’, you’ll follow them without thinking about it, and feel so so good when you do. But now, you’ll do exactly the same if someone asks you, ‘Will you follow me?’ or, ‘Do you want to follow me?’ Any question like that is just another command you need to obey, and they’ll make you feel just as incredible. Just as happy. Just as confident. Just as satisfied. The only difference is, you’ll say ‘yes’, or a similar affirmation like ‘of course’, when you’re asked to do something. Does that make sense?”

“Yes, Doctor.” Was it his imagination, or was there a ghost of a smile on her blissed-out ahegao face?

“Excellent. You’re doing so well, Alena. Now, remember how good it feels when you receive an instruction. When someone gives you a command, it feels fantastic, and makes you feel so powerful. But there are levels to it, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. If someone just asks you to take a seat, or make them a sandwich, you only feel a tiny bit of satisfaction - one, on a scale of ten. But the trickier the instruction, the more elaborate, and the more out of character it is for you, the more pleasure you feel - the higher the number on that scale.

“The most outrageous, the most unexpected, the most unthinkable commands for the person you used to be... they’ll be at the top of the scale.” Glen’s breathing quickened as he said his next question. “For instance, Alena - before I started helping you with hypnosis... would you have given someone a blowjob?”

“No, Doctor.” There was no hesitation in her voice, but no emotion either. She was still blank, undisturbed by the sexual question.

Glen’s grin broadened. “No, of course not. Which is why, if someone tells you to give them a blowjob, it’ll feel far more satisfying to obey that command. An eight or nine on the scale, certainly. You’ll feel huge waves of intense, almost orgasmic pleasure through your entire body the whole time you’re doing it. Do you understand everything I’ve said to you?”

He held his breath. This was the make-or-break moment.

“Yes, Doctor.”

He exhaled jubilantly, staring at her placid face, her rolling, flickering eyes, and her limply protruding tongue. She hadn’t stirred from trance at all. Now, all that remained was to make sure the suggestions had fully taken hold...

“Awakening on the count of three, Alena. One, two, three.”

Her eyes rolling back into place, the pretty nineteen-year-old blinked and inhaled deeply, focusing her attention on her hypnotist. “Whoa,” she chuckled. “I’m always kinda surprised by how powerful that is. I mean, one second I’m just sitting here talking to you, and the next I’m just...” She mimed an explosion with her hands. “Boom, gone! And then suddenly I’m awake again, like it’s been no time at all.”

“You’re very good at coming back out of it,” Glen remarked with an amused smile. “It’s been all of five seconds, and you’re already back to your talkative self.”

“I know, right? It’s like I get an energy boost from coming out of trance. It’s dope.” She sat forwards, her expression eager. “So, what did you do this time? I don’t feel much different - did you just drop me down and, like, reinforce what you’ve already done?”

“You could say that,” Glen smirked. “Oh by the way, would you like to take your shirt off?”

He could see her sharp mind, her insightful intellect, vanish in a moment, replaced by docile blankness. “Yes, Doctor,” she said faintly, and pulled her black shirt off over her head, dropping it on the floor. To his elation, she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Regaining her wits, she caught her breath, bit her lip and grasped her thighs, as a surge of pleasure flowed through her. Grinning from amusement and only mild embarrassment, she covered her bouncing breasts with her hands. “Sorry,” she chuckled. “Forgot I didn’t wear a bra here - I wanted to be comfortable for the hypnosis.”

“Understandable,” Glen nodded. “I bet you feel even more comfortable now though, am I right?”

“Oh, yeah,” she sighed, unable to resist the urge to squeeze her tits, just a little bit. “This is much better.”

“And you don’t mind me seeing your boobs, do you?”

“No, Doctor,” she said vacantly, letting her hands fall away, though they stayed hovering nearby, gently nudging and stroking her now fully-visible breasts. She didn’t question the absurdity of the situation for a second. She knew Glen had given her those commands, but it didn’t occur to her how outrageous and inappropriate they were. All that mattered was that he’d asked her to do something, she’d obeyed, and now she felt fantastic. She didn’t think she’d ever felt so good, in fact, even in all their previous sessions.

“Are you comfy on that sofa, by the way?” Glen asked casually. “I bought it cheap, it’s a tiny bit lumpy...”

Alena shrugged. “Yeah, it’s fine.”

“Are you sure you wouldn’t be more comfortable somewhere else?” He gestured to the floor. “Would you rather kneel on the floor in front of me?”

Any response she was mustering died on her lips, replaced by another dreamy, “Yes, Doctor.” She slid off the sofa and fell to her knees before the hypnotist, eye-level with his crotch. Trembling with pleasure, she gazed up at him, doe-eyed.

He grinned down at her. “How’s that?”

Goood,” she moaned, absently pawing at her chest.

“Splendid! Hey, could you pull my dick out and suck me off, please?”

“Yes, Doctor.” Scooting forwards on her knees, she nestled between his legs and unbuttoned the front of his shorts. His throbbing cock needed very little help to spring free, but he marvelled at the feeling of her fingertips on his foreskin as she reached in and found it. That sensation was dwarfed moments later by her lips gliding up his shaft, provoking a heartfelt moan from him.

Alena delivered the best blowjob she could, making up for her complete lack of experience with passion and vigour, spurred on by the throbbing of her own pussy. She loved this. She loved doing as she was told, performing a degrading sex act she’d never done before at the whim of another. It made her feel so confident, so powerful. A tiny part of her mind was astonished at how such an act of total submission could make her feel so strong. It didn’t alarm her that she was struggling to accommodate Glen’s girth, causing her to choke and splutter a little as his tip brushed the back of her virgin throat. She didn’t even mind when he grabbed her hair and started directly controlling her movements and pace with his hand, clearly tired of her lack of technique.

Pulling Alena’s head up and down with increasing speed, thrusting upwards into her warm, wet mouth faster and faster and hearing lovely gurgles as she fought to breathe, Glen felt himself approaching orgasm. “Stop,” he grunted, pulling her off him as he concentrated furiously on delaying the release. He didn’t want to empty the barrel just yet - there was more he wanted to do with his new toy. As much as he enjoyed making use of his first living sex doll, there was nothing quite like new, undiscovered terrain...

On that note, he said to himself, standing up. Alena remained on her knees, breathing heavily, looking a little dazed and very excited. He extended a hand. “I want to show you something. Come with me.”

Taking his hand, the hypnotised student allowed him to pull her to her feet. She dutifully followed him to the cupboard under the stairs. Her wide grin faded as he opened the door, revealing its contents. “Wha - who is that?” she stammered. “Why is she - what’s wrong with her?” Stepping in front of Lauren, she waved a hand in front of her face, and was met with no reaction. The mindless maid didn’t even blink.

“Nothing’s wrong with Lauren,” Glen said calmly. “She’s my maidservant. I didn’t want to startle you when you got here - I understand this is a bit unusual - so I switched her brain off and put her in here.”

Alena’s eyes widened. “You... you switched her brain off? What - is she hypnotised? Did you do this to her? Did you do something to m-”

“Don’t worry about it,” he interrupted. “You’re not at all concerned by Lauren being my maidservant - you find it very interesting, and very sexy - and you’re certainly not suspicious of me. Are you?”

Alena stopped worrying about it. Every trace of alarm vanished from her expression. “No, Doctor,” she answered lightly. She studied Lauren with new eyes - intrigued, aroused eyes.

Crisis easily averted, Glen turned to Lauren. “Refocus.” Her blank eyes fixed on him instantly. “Follow us.”

“Yes, Master,” the maidservant droned.

He walked back into the living room, followed closely by an emotionless Lauren and an awestruck Alena. “So, what is she - like, a robot girl?” the young student asked.

Glen raised an eyebrow. Evidently, by wiping her concerns about him from her mind, he’d also made her forget her correct deduction that Lauren had also been hypnotised. “Something like that,” he answered simply. To his maid, he said, “Sit on the arm of the sofa, and lift up the front of your skirt.”

“Yes, Master.” Obeying her orders to the letter as always, Lauren perched on the armrest, took each end of her skirt between thumb and index finger, and raised it high enough to reveal what lay beneath. She then stared into space, waiting for her next command.

Alena gaped at the sight of Lauren’s bare nether regions. Before she could even begin to voice one of the thousand questions on her mind, Glen told her, “Get on the couch on all fours, facing towards her.”

Dazedly complying, Alena found herself face to face with the maid’s exposed cunt. Again, Glen gave her no time to think before he commanded her, “Pull down your trousers, and your underwear.” She absently unbuttoned her black jeans and slid them down, taking her knickers with them. They became tangled around her knees, unable to progress further down her legs while she was on all fours.

Glen climbed onto the sofa behind her, standing up straight with his feet planted on the cushion, his hard wood waving in the air before him. “Would you like me to fuck you, while you eat Lauren’s pussy?” he asked.

“Yes, Doctor,” came the meek response, before Alena crawled forwards and planted her lips on Lauren’s.

Smirking triumphantly, Glen grabbed Alena’s pleasingly round butt cheeks, eased them apart, and slowly pushed into her virgin arsehole, inching inside her. Moaning with unabashed joy, Alena stuck her tongue into Lauren’s slit, licking deeply.

Lauren remained sitting motionlessly on the armrest, holding up her skirt and gazing into nothing, her mind utterly vacant. Her body twitched and shuddered in response to the oral sex, her breathing quickening, a few tiny whimpers escaping her pouting mouth. But all the while she remained oblivious to what was happening to her, just as she’d been oblivious to almost everything for nearly six months.

Alena had never been happier. The sweet, tangy taste of Lauren’s cunt was driving her wild, her juices trickling down her throat and smearing across her chin as she desperately lapped at it like a thirsty dog. All the while, her Doctor’s cock speared her from behind, thrusting faster and further inside her each time. She couldn’t believe how incredible it felt to have a dick fill her butthole, penetrating its depths. Her own pussy was quivering and drooling, her wetness coating her legs and dripping onto the cushion below her.

She let out a faint shriek as Glen plunged even deeper inside her, his pelvis smacking against her thighs. He grabbed her hair, pulling her away from Lauren’s glistening snatch. She whined longingly but didn’t resist, allowing him to push her head downwards onto the sofa, pressing her face - turned to her right - against the cushion. He then planted his hand against her back, forcing her to hold the position as he manically fucked her. She was approaching the edge herself, her cries and moans increasing in pitch every moment.

“Don’t cum,” Glen blurted suddenly. “Never cum without permission.”

Alena gasped with barely-contained ecstasy even as she blankly absorbed the new instruction, ingraining it deep within her mind. She lay there motionlessly, grunting and whimpering with lust, as her Doctor used her for his pleasure. Before long, she felt a volcanic spurt of cool cum coating her hole, and heard a huge sigh of satisfaction as Glen pulled out of her.

Her body shaking, her pussy throbbing, Alena sat up on the sofa again as soon as Glen permitted her, her jeans and pants getting even more tangled around her ankles as she did so. Glen got dressed, and told her to do the same. “Except your panties,” he added, “give them to me.” While she took off her knickers and then redressed in her shirt and jeans, he turned to Lauren, who was still in position on the arm of the sofa, and commanded her to follow him back to the cupboard under the stairs. Once again, he had her stand inside, put her on standby, and shut her in.

Returning to the lounge, he sat back down in his armchair, facing a flushed, squirming Alena. “How are you feeling?” he asked her, in that tone of seemingly-genuine concern he’d mastered during those early days hypnotising Lauren.

“Horny,” she sighed, clutching her chest through her shirt. “That was... amazing. Never done anything like that before.” She smiled warmly at Glen. “Thank you for this, Doctor. I feel so good, so - so bold, and powerful, and sexy. All of that was just fucking incredible - doing as I’m told feels so wonderful... Even when you didn’t let me cum, I still felt fantastic, because I was doing what you’d said!”

“You’re welcome,” Glen replied, struggling to conceal a triumphant leer. “Now, you’ve mentioned that people on your course tried to make friends with you, but you didn’t have the confidence to hang out with anyone...”

“Yes, Doctor,” she nodded. “I don’t think that’s gonna be a problem any more!”

“I’m sure it won’t! But tell me - is there anyone in particular you want to be close to?”

“This girl Becky, Doctor. I really fancy her, and she’s been friendly to me, but I don’t know if she likes me that way. I’ve heard she has a boyfriend, but I’m not sure if that’s true or not.” She fidgeted, a dreamy smile spreading across her face. “I’d love it if I could get together with her...”

“When you go back to uni and see her again, ask her out. If she says no initially, start an ongoing campaign to seduce her by any means necessary. Tell her how obedient and submissive you are - prove to her that you’ll do absolutely anything she asks you. If she has a boyfriend, make it clear to her that they can both fuck you.”

Spacing out for a second, Alena grinned wildly as she thought over what Glen had said. She couldn’t wait to go back to uni and offer herself up to Becky.

Glen smirked. “Oh, and keep me updated about anything and everything that happens between you and Becky. Send me emails with every detail, whenever you have time to write them.”

His stomach grumbled. Time to wrap things up, he decided. He wanted his dinner, which would mean bringing Lauren back out so she could cook. “I’ve had a lot of fun with you today, Alena, and I’m proud of your progress.”

She smiled wistfully. “Thank you, Doctor! I’ve had so much fun, too. I’ve never done anything so outrageous, so hot, in my whole life...”

“I’m sure! But unfortunately, I can’t risk anyone else finding out about this. Even though we’re two consenting adults, people would be naturally suspicious of me because I’m a hypnotist. And I’m your Doctor, so it could be seen as an abuse of power.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone,” she reassured him, eyes wide and earnest.

“I know you won’t,” he replied smugly. “Forget everything that happened today since you woke from trance, but continue following all the long-term commands I gave you today, without realising why. Don’t notice any evidence that we had sex, even though you may still feel turned on.”

Her eyes rolled, her expression briefly returning to that soft ahegao. Then she blinked, bit her lip, rubbed her thighs together, and smiled at Glen. “Whoa... I’m always kinda surprised by how powerful that is. One second I’m sitting here talking to you, and the next I’m just - boom, gone! And then suddenly I’m awake again, like it’s been no time at all...”

With the details of their session erased from Alena’s mind, and any other evidence of impropriety (like her sore butthole, or the strange tastes in her mouth) failing to register in her mind, Glen soon sent her on her way. Giving him her profuse thanks for his continued help, and arranging to return soon for another session, Alena left her Doctor’s apartment and strode down the street to her car. She wasn’t sure why she felt so excited and breathless. She also didn’t know why her hopeless crush on Becky had solidified into firm resolve to entice and seduce her at any cost - or why she suddenly felt determined to never orgasm again, unless she was permitted to by someone else.

But these mysteries didn’t concern her - rather, they excited and titillated her, only serving to reinforce how absolutely incredible she felt. How bold, daring, and fearless she felt. Ready for anything the world threw at her. Prepared to do anything that was asked of her.

Watching her through his living room window, Glen smiled. He was positive that Becky would be more than willing to hook up with Alena, as soon as she saw how compliant she was. That was the fastest way to make friends at uni, after all - by saying ‘yes’ to everything. Glen had no doubt that in her second year, Alena would become very popular indeed.


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