A House Divided

by TravisNSpud

Tags: #cw:noncon #f/m #humiliation #hypnosis #it_came_to_me_in_a_dream #oneshot #sub:female

Tiarnie’s studies are interrupted when she is forced to listen to the demands of those closest to her.

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“Mm, yeah, the guy that just walked past - he’ll do. Go after him, go on. You know you want his big, hard cock inside of y-”

“Shut up,” Tiarnie snapped, and then blushed furiously, remembering where she was. The student sitting at the other end of the table gave her a perplexed, irritated look. Squirming, she gave them an apologetic smile, and then buried her face in her book again.

“Careful, sweetie,” Jessica teased. “People might think you’re hearing voices...”

Scowling, she made sure to reply silently. You need to stop. I’ve got to focus - I can’t have you distracting me.

“Not sure you have a say in the matter, Ti-Ti,” her tormenter tittered. The laughter sent quivers through her lower body.

Ti groaned quietly. She knew it had been a mistake to come to the library, given how unruly Jessica had been lately. But with her roommate having just gotten back together with her ex, she needed some peace and quiet to study for her final exam next week. On reflection, her roommate’s amorous activities were far less diverting than the voices in her own head.

It was all that asshole Peter Grey’s fault. He had been the uni’s student counsellor during her first year, and had offered her support with her anxiety. His radical solution - hypnosis - proved effective, but it soon became clear that he’d also used it to enact some of his own perverted fantasies, with her and with a couple of other students. He’d been fired - and faced criminal charges - when his misdeeds were exposed, but the damage had been done. Tiarnie had been left with a particularly troublesome suggestion that had proven very difficult to manage.

“What about the girl over there, reading that chemistry book?” purred the smooth, playful voice from between her legs again. “She looks cute... Look at that tongue sticking out of her mouth as she makes her notes. I’d love that inside me... I’m drooling at the thought of it!”

Ti shuffled uncomfortably in her chair. I know, she grumbled. Please, stop. I didn’t bring a change of underwear.

“And look at those nimble fingers of hers. Imagine their caress - I bet they’re very tender, and delicate... What d’you think, Nikki? Don’t you think those fingers would feel great?”

“Ooh, yeah!” came an eager squeak from Tiarnie’s chest. “Mmm, I’d love them to, like, tease around my nipple, that’d feel sooo good...”

Stop, Tiarnie pleaded, forcing her gaze away from the girl Jessica and Nikki were perving over, staring back down at the page she’d been reading. On some level she knew she didn’t have a hope of taking in any information, but she was determined to try.

In the years since Grey’s arrest, Tiarnie had struggled to maintain control of her inner voices. She’d initially refused to give any ground to them, but that had proven futile - when they banded together, her living lady-parts had a talent for overriding her will. She’d considered approaching the new counsellor, or an expert hypnotherapist, to free her from the voices that plagued her, but she’d never gone through with it - partly because she couldn’t bring herself to trust another therapist after her experience with Grey, but mostly because she suspected Jessica and Nikki wouldn’t allow her to get rid of them. So she’d made a pact with them to pursue sexual liaisons on a twice-weekly basis, which usually kept them happy. (She’d relied on the half-price drinks at the uni bar on Wednesday nights to secure her weekly one-night stands, and after a while she’d gathered a small number of friends whom she’d persuaded to become her fuck-buddies.)

But exam season was always more of a struggle. Tiarnie had always been diligent about her studies to the point of overwork (which was the main cause of her anxiety, the reason she’d been seeing Grey in the first place). She wouldn’t think to take breaks from her work if she didn’t leave herself reminders to do so, and that extended to her sexual escapades. When exams approached, she tended to neglect her ‘recreation time’, which did not sit well with her pussy or her boobs. She hadn’t given them the satisfaction they craved in about a week, and they’d been misbehaving more and more as time went on.

Well, two of them had. “Guys, give her a break, please,” Edie, her left boob, chimed in, her tone measured and reasonable. “You know how important this exam is. Just let her get through it, before we get back to -”

“Having a good time?” Jessica sniggered.

“Come on, this shit is so boring,” Nikki whined. “Why’d you wanna study stupid psychology, anyway?”

I dunno, Tiarnie fumed. Maybe because a treacherous bastard of a counsellor got inside my head and turned my own mind against me?

She sighed. This was getting her nowhere. She had to offer a compromise, in the hope of getting some decent studying done this afternoon. And there was only one offer likely to work. She hated having to even consider it, let alone go through with it.

She didn’t enjoy behaving like a slut. Well... not on a conscious level, at least. She knew the personas of Jessica and Nikki must have originated from somewhere within her, or they wouldn’t have such a strong influence over her. If Peter Grey had created them from nothing, they would have quickly faded away after his removal from her life. Instead, they persisted, giving her little option but to find a solution that worked best for them all.

Look, please just give me until this evening, and then I’ll call someone. Andrew, or Charlotte, or -

“Oh, I don’t think we can wait that long, can we?” Jessica said wickedly. “And I think the perfect solution just presented itself...”

Tiarnie shuddered at the sight of a dark-haired young man of average height, who had just entered the library. No, she pleaded. Not him. Anyone but Scott, please.

Scott was a particularly handsome classmate of hers, who knew exactly how handsome he was. Deeply vain and narcissistic, he was also quite a misogynist - she’d heard him make a few degrading comments about their other classmates, and even female faculty. She interacted with him as little as she could. Unfortunately, her parts were quite taken with him - even Edie. Whenever they crossed paths, there was uproar throughout her body, as her cunt and her right tit harangued her to take his hard wood.

And once, just once, she’d given in. She’d been unable to resist, at the time. After exhausting herself researching a paper, she’d bumped into him on the way home from the library, and her willpower had crumbled beneath the weight of Jessica and Nikki’s lustful clamouring. She hated herself for sleeping with such a low example of manhood - particularly since he never failed to bring it up whenever she was unlucky enough to speak to him.

“Scotty’s here?” Nikki squealed. “Yaay! Aw, he’s sooo hot, and he’s got such rough, manly hands... I want him to grab me and squeeze me hard, the way he did last time!”

“I’m sure that can be arranged,” Jessica assured her.

No. No! I’m drawing a line in the sand, Tiarnie insisted, forcing her eyes back down once again. Not him. Not anyone, until I’m finished working here. I’m in charge here, not you.

“Are you sure about that, honey? You’re giving me such a lovely appetiser right now, after all...”

Tiarnie gasped, suddenly noticing the hand that had snuck down the front of her pants, a fingertip spiralling around her clit as Jessica salivated eagerly. Even with the newfound awareness, it still took her a couple of seconds to drag her hand away. She grimaced as she wiped her wet, sticky fingers on her trouser leg.

“Mmm, very tasty as always, Ti-Ti. But it’s only made me hungrier for my main course.” Jessica’s tone had hardened. “I need meat, Ti. I need Scott’s thick, tasty meat to plough deep into me. I need him to fill me, to move inside me, to pour his seed into me...”

Tiarnie stifled a whimper, crossing her legs tightly, even though she knew it wouldn’t silence Jessica. She felt all the same arousal as her sentient vagina, but could hold onto none of the composure. The more determined and forceful Jessica became, the more scattered Ti’s mind grew, her analytical thoughts about the text she was reading being drowned out by her cunt’s insidious voice and a torrent of lewd imagery (some from her imagination, but most from her memories of the last few years of rampant promiscuity).

She cursed herself for not taking more study breaks, to replenish her energies. She cursed herself for not getting laid a couple of days ago, just to silence her inner demons. More than anything, she cursed Peter Grey for turning her from a high-achieving, if anxious, young student into a flustered, horny mess of a woman with a growing reputation as one of the easiest girls on campus, at the mercy of her self-aware sex organs.

Edie, help, she thought desperately.

Her left boob was a little slow to respond. “Uh, yeah... Jess, back off, she needs to work. She’s got a degree to pass... If she doesn’t, then -”

“Then she could always get a more... suitable job,” Jessica interrupted, and though it didn’t make any sense, Tiarnie could swear she was smiling. “One that we’d all enjoy. Think how great that’d be? We get all the sex we want, all the time... and Ti doesn’t have to worry about being distracted from her work, because it’ll be her work. Isn’t that the perfect solution?”

“Yesss!” Nikki cried. “OMG, that’d be amaaazing! Think of how many different people would play with us, Edie! All the different fingers and hands and mouths we’d get on us, every day!”

“Um... but... that’s n-not what she wants...” Edie was still trying, but Tiarnie could tell she was getting very flustered. Sometimes the left boob could keep the others in line, but not as often as Ti would have liked. Sensible she may be, but she was weak-willed, and often got steamrollered by the combined force of the bimbo beside her and their manipulative downstairs neighbour.

“Are you so sure? We’re parts of her, after all. We wouldn’t feel this good - we wouldn’t want this so much - if she didn’t want it too, deep down. Well... maybe not so deep down any more,” Jessica chuckled.

Tiarnie was staring across the library at Scott, who thankfully hadn’t noticed her yet. She wanted to look away, but she didn’t feel like she could any more. Memories of the last time they’d fucked were filling her brain, along with images of what they might do next time... She realised Jessica had stolen control of her hand again, and had slipped it back in her trousers, caressing her drooling lips. Again, she couldn’t muster any resistance. She couldn’t stop herself from masturbating in the middle of the library, barely even able to inwardly pray that no-one would catch her in the act.

“Nooo,” she whispered. “I don’t... not him...”

“Tough titties, Ti-Ti,” Jessica replied smoothly, earning an airheaded giggle from Nikki. “He’s here, and he’s hot, and I am ravenous. You really should’ve fed me sooner, sweetie...”

A finger probed deeper, a surge of lust swept through Tiarnie’s body, and she broke, sinking into a lustful stupor, her eyes fixed on the object of her hatred and her desire as her thoughts were submerged in hot pink lust.

Slowly, unsteadily, she rose to her feet and staggered away from her chair, her mindless body puppeteered by her pussy (with a little help from her boobs). As she crossed the library, her gait became more assured, her posture straightening, Jessica’s control growing stronger by the second. By the time she reached Scott, her face wore a seductive smile, her hips swaying from side to side.

“Hey, gorgeous,” she purred, remaining standing as she leaned across his table, showing off her cleavage to him.

Scott smirked, bemused. “Uh, hi, Ti. What’s up?”

“I could ask you the same question,” she teased. It was Tiarnie speaking, but they were most certainly Jessica’s words, the cunning cunt now in complete control of her body. She arched Tiarnie’s back, giving him a decent view of her arse, and continued, “Wanna have some fun?”

“I, um... I thought you said you’d never touch me again,” he noted, his wry grin suggesting he had gotten over the rejection.

“I was misguided,” Jessica replied, pouting apologetically at him. “Do you think you can forgive me?”

Stroking his stubble, he let his eyes roam over Tiarnie’s body as he considered the question. “Maybe. If you make it up to me.”


Unwilling to delay even a minute longer, they found a secluded corner of the library - a convenient CCTV blind spot, with clear lines of sight that would enable them to avoid being caught. Once there, Scott immediately pulled Tiarnie in for a kiss. Her hands grabbed his, pulling them onto her chest, and he took the hint and began tenderly groping Nikki and Edie, who quivered and moaned like wanton sluts.

Jessica hurriedly pulled down Tiarnie’s trousers and knickers, fished out Scott’s erect cock, and wrapped her legs around his waist, her bare butt resting on the edge of the shelf behind her. He ploughed into her without hesitation, overwhelming Jessica with the incomparable pleasure of being filled with a hard, thrusting dick. She loosened her grip on Ti’s body, which went slack in Scott’s arms, nothing more than a limp, moaning sex toy. A fleshlight, for him to use for his satisfaction.

Tiarnie finally came to her senses to find herself lying on the floor, feeling like a wrung-out towel. Scott had already got dressed and walked away. She could hear the soft, satisfied sighs of her boobs and pussy, and feel the cold trickle of cum between Jessica’s lips.

“Happy now?” she panted, wiping sweat from her brow with the palm of her hand before fumbling to put her trousers back on.

“Well, that was a good start,” Jessica chuckled.

The second Ti had fully dressed herself once more, her legs began moving of their own volition, helplessly propelling her back through the building. She let out a startled mewl.

“We’ve got a lot of lost time to make up for,” the vagina’s voice continued, as she steered Tiarnie through the rows of bookcases and forced her face back into a sultry smirk, ignoring her silent, internal pleas. “I wonder if the girl with the tongue’s still here. Worth seeing whether we have any chemistry, don’t you think...?”

A special thanks to my patrons: qxvw198, Lucy, Modren, noëlle and John Doe! If you'd like to follow their wonderful example and show me your support too (and thus get early access to my stories), my Patreon can be found here...

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