Congratulations! You're Fucked.

Chapter 3

by TheStork

Tags: #cw:noncon #bimbofication #clothing #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #sub:female #growth

Congratulations! You're Fucked. Part 3

Chapter 7

The giggle that threatened successfully to escape Candice was tinged with more than a little drunken joy, as she unsuccessfully defended her chest from exploration, Ishanvi's hand sliding through the exposed side of her dress to handle and nimbly squeeze an erect nipple. The satisfied sound leaving Candice's lips was certainly not upset with the turn of events, even as she swatted away the hand as they were still out in public, having not yet made it back to the car Ishanvi had called for them; neither were sober enough to drive home.
Although Candice would have let Ishanvi strip her down right there in the middle of Beverly Hills and ravish her, not that a part of her hadn't secretly been imagining just that all of dinner. It had been Ishanvi's idea, having received the last of Candice's signatures required to settle her winnings and new estate. A celebratory toast to the end of their professional relationship, the predatory way her friend had worded it having Candice all but squirming… hoping the steak wasn't the only thing being eaten tonight.

She shouldn't have been worried, the two of them had been dancing around the idea for weeks now, Ishanvi's strict professionalism and Candice's own self-esteem having been the only thing keeping their home from being drenched in the smell of sex. It had been boiling under the surface, especially after she had kicked out Maria and the two of them were left to their own devices.
That had been surprising, although her bestie swore up and down it was mutual the two had an argument that Candice had not been a part of that definitely didn't end in a sexy manner. Even if Ishanvi seemed to regret it later, she hadn't returned. Candice still saw her all the time though, Maria considering herself as much her partner-in-crime in her efforts to get the attention of a certain prim British-Indian woman who was slowly losing the battle against the pair.
They weren't the only pair she was struggling against either; as Candice tried, failed, and succumbed to letting her grope her target. Ishanvi's hand certainly made itself at home, having no doubt been itching to do just that ever since Candice had walked into her office sporting a fantastic pair of fabulously fake and exorbitantly expensive tits. Ishanvi had been left speechless (which was a welcome response after her secretary's complete lack of one. David definitely wasn't gay but that man exuded "just here for the paycheck" energy every time Candice met him) by them, barely contained in a little pink dress that Maria assured her would have Ishanvi eating out of the palm of her hand.
It hadn't happened like that… not exactly anyway, but other results were immediate. Candice could watch and feel her gaze drift southward whenever Ishanvi looked at her, and while neither of them had made the jump towards barging into one another's bed, Candice was positive she'd heard an increase in the sound of buzzing coming from Ishanvi's room. So she kept at it, trying not to show how wet she was every time Ishanvi forced her to work out with her instead of Maria and watching her crush ogle her at every squat and dip and bounce.
Candice knew it was ogling too, she'd gotten used to figuring out which people were looking at her because they wanted, were jealous of, or wanted her hot body… and they always looked. With new tits came new confidence (at least when it came to strangers) and she could feel the eyes of everyone as she strutted on sky-high platforms to show off her long legs, her perfectly toned body and snatched waist only exaggerating how big and fake her chest was, if the suspiciously round and perky set didn't already give them away. If it wasn't in person, she was also fully aware by the comments being left on her Instagram literally begging for her to show off more… not that she needed any more incentives to do so.
Which was why when Ishvani said she was taking Candice out to dinner to celebrate no longer being bound by her own code of ethics, Candice had spent hours making sure she looked perfect. A spa day and a trip to the stylist had her skin and luscious long red locks brilliant and shining, a fresh manicure to hide the fact that she broke another nail now that her Norton was back (and she still hadn't managed to convince Ishanvi to ride with her). Dolled up like that, at Maria's insistence she kept things neat and understated, although considering the price paid for most of her jewelry tonight understated had cost a pretty penny, all she needed was the perfect outfit.
The blue dress was Ishanvi's favorite color on her (information courtesy of her inside woman) and its length did little to hide her body, the waist high cuts on both sides revealing plenty of leg and the lack of underwear. The top half was much of the same, where her beautifully perky tits might not be showing much cleavage in the front but the amount of side-boob let everyone know she didn't need a bra to keep them high and proud on her chest.
It had exactly the effect she had hoped for as well, her beautiful dinner partner dressed down in a jumpsuit that only enhanced her perfect body made only the flimsiest excuses to initiate contact. Caressing the back of her hand from across the table as their wine got poured, a tight grip on her waist trimmed down to nothing by her corset belt leading her into the restaurant, a hand slipping underneath the skirt to guide her to the table with one firm cheek grasped. Candice was being treated like the pampered plastic princess she looked like in the mirror and she just hoped they got to somewhere private before her wetness ruined her dress.
"Mmmm…" Ishvani's hand free of interference enjoyed cupping and making space so she could properly take a full handful of tit. "Now these are beautiful pair you've gotten yourself Candi." The slurred words and scent of alcohol only did a little to dull the arousal that voice in Candice's ear caused.
"We're almost… we're…. Nnn fuck yes don't stop-" The elastic of her dress gave plenty of room for Ishanvi to pinch one nipple and pull; causing whatever else Candice was thinking about to stutter and stop as she tried to figure out why it was such a bad thing to happen in the moment. "Car… we have a car… in the car… you can- mmmm."

You can touch me, look at me, love me, fuck me, fuck me, fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme.
Somehow the two managed to climb into the back of the nearby SUV, the driver not even reacting to the quickly deteriorating state of undress Candice was undergoing. The custom G Wagon was clearly designed for passengers as they had plenty of room, a quick glance from the pair of sunglasses up front only briefly acknowledging their existence on the back bench seat. It was luxurious, but Candice couldn't help but compare it to what a Range Rover could do before a warm and soft hand slipped between her thighs and found the perfect spot to have her moaning uncontrollably.
"Ish… Ish… mmmm Vi baby, the driver is right there and-"

"and he'll put up the screen like a good boy. I got the car through the firm and he knows … Yes, thank you."
The last of Candice's possible excuses disappeared behind a privacy screen, and she struggled to question whether or not that was for the best as her legs opened of their own accord to give Ishanvi better access. She was soaking wet as a thumb began circling her clit and setting off another round of moans and sparks; Candice had spent enough nights fantasizing and enough days making sure her body was perfect for her lover currently slipping the top of her dress between her breasts. The fabric was thin enough Candice might as well have been topless before but now that her heated skin was bare to the night air she felt suddenly exposed.
That shock only had a moment though, as Ishanvi had leaned over to kiss her for the first time. The fireworks going off inside her head and body were doing a fantastic job of keeping her from overthinking, as the taste of good wine and the woman she'd been lusting over for weeks… months, kissed and nibbled and explored every inch of her freshly filled lips and overwrote whatever she was thinking.
Like for instance all that time spent in the restaurant bathroom touching up her gloss and practicing making her pillowy soft mouth look as kissable as possible being unnecessary as Ishanvi slipped a tongue between them mid-moan, a finger slipping inside her and stroking at just the right angle to make her hips buck, hands gliding into soft black hair so she could pull Ishanvi closer, kissing back with an equivalent amount of need and lust.
The sound she finally got to vocalize when her mouth was freed said as much; none too gentle kisses and bites tracing down her neck towards their destination, marking her body as they went. Candice was more than alright with that, she had done such a good job taking care of herself for just this moment, Ishanvi could lay claim to whatever she wanted especially as she slipped a second finger inside her.
"Now. These. Are also. Certainly deserving. Of a thank. You." Each sentence was punctuated by another kiss, another nibble, another mark, trailing down and around Candice's enhanced breasts before finding a hard nipple to kiss and suckle. If Candice could melt any further she all but sank into the seat of the SUV as it started moving, her entire being condensed into two points of pleasure as Ishanvi turned her into a puddle of lust.

"Mmm.… So tell me Candi, did you get these delicious-" another kiss and flick of the tongue ruined any thoughts Candice might have had in the moment, the thumb circling her clit doing a very good job at keeping her from doing little more than hump and moan. "bimbo tits for me… or for you? You should know I like honest girls… and you're a good, honest girl aren't you Candi?"
Oh fuck yes she was, Candice was bad at plenty of things but she could definitely be a good girl. Her brain was currently being short-circuited by Ishanvi's edging and teasing of her body, she'd be whatever she wanted her to be. "Umm… Vi fuck. Uh, Both?" It was the best her lover was probably going to get out of her without removing her hand from her wet and horny pussy and Candice didn't want that to happen anytime soon now that she'd finally gotten what she wanted.
It was true too. Sure once she knew the type of woman Ishanvi was attracted to she couldn't get them soon enough, but after the fact? Candice had lost countless hours in front of the mirror turning and posing, falling in love with all the work she'd not only put into making her body fit and tight but all the work she'd had done. They were so big and fake and sexy; she hadn't ever thought of herself as sexy but with tits like these and a plump plush mouth that looked so hot wrapped around a finger had her addicted to her reflection. Addicted to the pretty plastic Barbie doll she was becoming… to having the kind of body a part of her wanted ever since those first flares of jealousy hit at all the attention Maria was getting.
Now it was her time though, her reward for her honest answer? Another finger finding its way inside her as the heel of Ishanvi's palm gave her clit something to grind up against. "Good. That's… that's good to hear." It sounded like Ishanvi wasn't sure about it, but that worry got massaged and leaked out between Candice's legs as she continued to edge her into a horny mess. Just a little more and she'd cum, Candice's body aching for release as her hips bucked forward to get even more delicious contact on her most sensitive bit.
"Because you're such a hot little bimbo slut I'd hate for it to be just for me." The street lights blinked in for a moment giving Candice a look at Ishanvi's face. Certainly not a little bit of lust as she drank in Candice's curves in that brief illumination, brows tilted as though a little thoughtful, the expression ruined as a tongue glanced between her lips hungrily. Candice had never felt sexier and hotter and hornier as she just achingly wanted Ishanvi to continue. "Such a fuckable bimbo doll… mmm aren't you Candi?"

"Yeauh-hhh." She'd be whatever Ishanvi wanted her to be, she was too horny to disagree. Candice saw it in the eyes of everyone she walked pasts in the street anyway when they looked at her; designer tits wrapped in designer threads on designer heels, an expensive designer doll who spent all their energy on looking hot enough to be pinned to the seat in the back of an SUV while their lover spread her legs apart so she could stroke MMMM… right there!

"A hot piece of arm-candy to be shown off? Is that what you are, Candi?"

Yes yes yesyes! Ishanvi was making her beg for it but that didn't matter as she was no longer edging her but fingers and thumb and mouth doing all kinds of sinful things to bring Candice over the edge. It felt so good to walk into that expensive restaurant and have everyone know who she was with, who was going to be the woman who would have her in her bed tonight, moaning her name. "Vi oh god I'm so close!" Her body was moving helplessly with need as she tried to get those fingers a little deeper, get something pushed right up against her horny little clitty.

"Yes, that's what you are… sweet like Candi… a sweet little bimbo for me getting her brains fucked out?"
She wanted it so badly she could taste it. Candi hadn't put all that work into taking care of her body to not end up in Ishanvi's arms while she came hard, a temptatious, titillating trophy wife for her to bang over every piece of furniture in their home until she couldn't walk straight, a-
Ishanvi had stopped moving, face close enough that even in the darkness Candi could smell the wine on her breath and see her eyes golden and blazing and… a little confused. Candice wasn't sure why she stopped until she realized her tongue had just finished vocalizing the 't' in straight. Had vocalized that whole bit of sentence that up until now had only been expressed as little heart doodles next to her poetry when her mind wandered, something she wanted kept close to her chest instead of blurting out with half a hand in her snatch and tits out in the back of a chauffeured vehicle.
The heat of her body paled in comparison to the heat of her face as she instantly went red. Language became increasingly difficult as Candi felt an awful lot like Candice in the moment, stuttered words and panicked vocalizations as her brain tried to recalibrate after she had just felt so sexy and confident like Ishanvi's perfect bimbo bride and no that was still the wrong thing she didn't want to say that but definitely a thing that she wouldn't hate and she could just explain properly if she could just reset and her clit wasn't still so close to something to grind against and she didn't mean to ruin the moment and-
Ishanvi's kiss shut her up, both verbally and mentally, the touch of lips on her own surprisingly gentle considering the desperate need with which they had been devouring her earlier. Candice sat there in stunned silence before letting herself close her eyes and enjoy it, even though Ishanvi had pulled her hand out from between her thighs. The British woman pulled back, letting go of a low chuckle that sounded like she could barely believe what Candice had said herself. It took a moment for the normally composed lawyer to stop herself from breaking out into full laughter as Candice watched her mentally take a step back and breathe deeply.

"While.… unexpected, I'm not entirely against the idea." If Candice's heart hadn't been beating so fast she could have probably felt it skip a beat as she sat perfectly still awaiting the other shoe to drop. "And we've already been living together for a few months." Her mouth felt dry as she gave a small nod; Ishanvi pulling back a strand of jet black hair back over her ear and looking a lot like an embarrassed girl in her mid-20s instead of a hot and powerful lawyer seducing a former client. Her gaze shifted back and forth from Candice's eyes to her still-exposed chest, a strange look overcoming her face as she concentrated and turned that golden hazel gaze back to Candice's face.
"Plus I don't even really know what you see in me." She let out a weak chuckle, but Candice could feel her face go slack in shock? Seriously? She had an itemized list good to go back home of all the ways Ishanvi made her feel like the luckiest person in the world… and she knew a thing about being lucky. Her face must have said a lot because Ishanvi waved it off with another weak laugh.

"It's just a little funny because I actually do have a diamond ring for you on me."

"Y-you do?" Candice had to lick her lips, the capability of expressing herself in words was hard to come by as her emotions see-sawed from pure embarrassment to unbridled hope. She had just wanted to have the perfect night, a chance to finally show off all the hard work she'd put into herself to the person who made her want to take better care of herself in the first place. The sex was just a hopeful bonus she dressed up to try and make that dream a reality, but this was…
"I do, although it's not exactly a ring for your finger. I'll have to get you one of those myself." It was true, she'd need a ring on her finger to show that she was Ishanvi's… Ishanvi's… Candice's tongue got fully swallowed as she realized what that meant.

"Oh. Yes by the way."

"W-what?" Candice felt every bit like the dumb bimbo the woman on top of her was making an effort not to evoke; she liked writing but most of the English language found itself being shoved out of her head in favor of wedding bells and pretty white dresses and Ishanvi would look so good in either that or a tux and the lingerie she'd have to pick out to make that night go perfect and… One night at a time Candice. She needed to calm down even as she felt another part of her squealing into their hands like a little girl on her birthday who just got a pony.
"Yes. You proposed to me after all… Kind of." The wicked grin that Candice got from Ishanvi quickly turned back towards a look of concentration, eyes going back and forth before settling on her tits, gliding lower to her crotch. "As for your ring though…"

Ishanvi settled down on the floor towards her knees, placing herself between Candice's legs as she settled into the plush carpet of the custom SUV. One hand pulled out a small box from her jumpsuit pocket, while the other glided up a thigh, reminding Candice of how wet she was as a thumb found her sensitive nub and sent bolts of pleasure through her. She thought she saw her hesitate but the way the evening had gone it could have just been a trick of the passing streetlamps because when she blinked they were cascading light off of the most brilliant diamond she'd ever seen.
It wasn't that it was large, attached to a ring that definitely wasn't large enough for a finger but would go very well on the electrified body part currently being caressed. It was that every time the light would catch a different facet and seem to flash directly into her widening eyes. By the time she registered the first cut a second one would catch her eye, faster and even more brilliant than the first until another, and another, and another.
Even though this was her first time seeing the gem, it felt oddly familiar as her brain tried to process the series of lights entering into them, reflecting light and… images. Images she was certainly familiar with because they were of her, a reflection that she saw countless times a day as she redid her make-up or made sure her outfit was on point before putting herself online. Only that didn't make sense when the images switched to her as she used to be: dumb, boring, smelling of grease and food and not the hot girl with her equally sexy partner currently thumbing her clit.
That thought seemed to warp those ideas and images of who she used to be, now looking far better with her new tits and perfectly engineered face and lips. That was the sexy Candice she had come to know, designer purses and tight fuckable dresses and heels that showed off her best natural feature in her legs. She looked so good, she felt so good, and before she knew it another image was reflecting into her eyes, or maybe her mind already knew what it wanted to see.
Because the boring Candice, the frustrated Candice, the Candice that didn't get to feel this good all the time was constantly shifting to the new her. The better her. Half remembered music pumping a beat into her head as she couldn't stop herself from staring. Time seemed to slow to a stop except for the images of herself refracting and flickering into her head, and it just felt so good. It wasn't just the decadent lifestyle as the music felt clearer in her mind, but the kind of girl she was living that lifestyle. A picture perfect plastic princess, that sexy reflection giggling to herself as she felt an echo of it reverberating in time with a senseless pop-beat, nuzzling itself deep into her mind like it had always been there.
Maybe it had, there were so many other reflections of that toned, tight body with its gorgeous tits and full fake lips and dazed eyes as she reclined on a surgical chair, needles and cuts and silicone remaking her into the perfect slut. Walking into expensive boutiques on expensive heels to buy expensive clothes, showing off her hot bimbo body with every step, every motion. She looked like sex on stilettos, not some cheap slut but the kind of expensive fucktoy people could only fantasize about having. It made sense after all. She could take one look around in her head and be surrounded by her expensive habits and designer bimbo tits. No wonder Ishanvi had been calling her Candi, the body she'd been working so hard at taking care of might have been on display for everyone but there was only one set of eyes she cared about.
At that, some of the reflections started to shift. Some showed herself in a beautiful white gown, veil hiding a blush of freckles and heat as she tried not to let on how ready she was to break in the marital bed for the first time. The diamond ring and what it represented in that moment felt like it wanted to show her more than just her pretty, plastic rich lifestyle.
The light continued to reflect off its uncountable surfaces, showing her in front of an altar, all but tits out in a white dress, Ishanvi looking radiant in white smiling at her. It felt good, almost as good as the finger brushing her clit as her body moaned, brain still trying to function as that diamond ring inched downward in slow motion. It would be even better on their wedding night, after she pulled the veil from Candice's face and they kissed and she could take her to bed, her sexy wife in white lingerie tugging her panties off so she could rub her pierced clit. The pop beat had shifted in her head to church bells, although if there was a brain left to think about it maybe those church bells were ringing in time to something similar.
Candice didn't care, not when the light glistened off that diamond ring so close to being put on her body, the facets reflecting multiple fantasies but one standing out among the crowd. It was the one that got to stick around long enough for her to flinch at the slight snap, the ring's self-piercing mechanism almost painless as her orgasm was forced out of her body at the sensation, mind going blissfully white for a moment as she could forget everything but the sound ringing in her head…

Chapter 8   

"So you hired her right out of college?"
"Had her intern for a few months after a friend of mine from Stanford recommended her but she was just too dang talented to not hire on. Had to make her partner just to keep her daddy from getting his baby girl back!"
Candi giggled at that, having met her fiancée's parents earlier this year. Gopichand Asthana was indeed simultaneously proud that his daughter had made partner at such a prestigious LA firm like Anderson and Adler but also upset that it meant she was going to stay in the US.
It didn't prevent them from buying her a multi-million dollar home though as a celebratory present. The Asthanas also ran one of the largest London law firms that was filled to the brim with her brothers and uncles. Mr. Asthana told her that Ishanvi always had a mind of her own though when it came to her future, and she was too smart and talented not to win at whatever she put her mind to.
She also got a sly wink and remark that Ishanvi had also picked a winner of a wife, giving Candice an idea on where her fiancée's teasing nature came from.
"Don't take all the credit Roger, you would have let her slip between our fingers if I hadn't said anything."
Roger Anderson let loose a boisterous laugh at that. The Texan transplant in LA was fit for his age, and had made an early name for himself as a charming and charismatic lawyer who took full advantage of first impressions. Most people saw the bolo tie, big hat, and bushy mustache and could never guess the shrewd mind underneath. It served him well becoming the celebrity divorce lawyer for the equally famous stars, and his clients knew he'd use every trick in the book (and a few not) to get them everything on their wishlist behind a disarming Texas drawl and grin.
"Yer right, yer right darlin'. Of course that's half the reason I roped you up as quick as I could; brains as well as beauty!"
"And the other half was you were drooling all over me on our first date, I was very happy to learn things are definitely bigger in Texas."
That earned another round of laughter and giggles from Robert and Candi, and a polite if forced chuckle Ishanvi. Alice Anderson looked smug behind her champagne flute, having traded in the "professional" outfit of doctor for a dazzling green gown that was doing more to support her titanic chest than cover it, a piece of tape no doubt being the only thing keeping a pair of chocolate nipples from showing themselves to the crowd.
She didn't have to worry about it tonight though. The Anderson, Adler, and Asthana yearly Christmas party was filled to the brim with women trying to outdo each other on how little fabric they could get away with while still remaining in formal wear. Pretty much every lawyer or high-end client of the firm had an empty-headed smiling bimbo on their arm or nearby.
Not that I have room to talk. Ishanvi giving the side eye to her own glitzy, glamorous fiancée. Candice looked like a million dollars, in part because that's probably what she spent on the jewelry and the red bandage dress that tied itself into a big red bow in front currently doing nothing to disguise the pair of soccer-ball sized tits sitting high on her chest with little support.
They were almost twice the size of the ones she had gotten the first time around, and while she still wasn't rivaling Alice for size they made everyone double take when she strutted past. She also spent a small fortune on styling and make-up for the night, and the red-haired beauty managed to stand out even among the dozen plus other equally endowed women vying for attention, although perhaps she was just biased. Ishanvi had stressed that Candi had to be the perfect plastic princess for tonight, and they were almost late when she got her first look at her stunning bimbo bride-to-be. She didn't have to have a PhD in neuroscience like Alice to know what was going on in Roger's head as he looked Candi up and down and settled with gazing at her tits.
Not that she could blame him, her wife-to-be knew exactly what she was doing with her fashion selection tonight. Ishanvi had also been getting some looks, Candice having picked out the slim white jumpsuit and fashionably modest jewelry that had her feeling a little vain in the mirror, heels keeping her just above Candice on her 6-inch pumps looking like the perfect arm candy for a formal night out.

"Roger." Her boss and partner looked up, meeting his wife's gaze for a moment before falling for a similar trap with Alice's own hefty chest on display. "Be a dear and show Candi around; have her meet Edgar and Tiffany! If she's going to join the family she might as well put a face to the name of all her wedding guests." Alice was looking directly at her, regally having already dismissed her husband and Ishanvi's fiancée in her mind.
"Well darling there's plenty of time for that, they just got here and I wanted to talk with Ishanvi about David-"
"Roger, behave." The tone didn't just broker no argument, you could watch the man physically freeze up as his eyes went dull and jaw started slackening. Even Ishanvi could feel her muscles tense up; she'd been on the receiving end of that voice often enough.   
It only lasted for a moment, and Roger was already back to his boisterous and smiling self. "Well you heard the missus Candi, you'll love Edgar but considering you ladies are making matrimony I'll wager you will LOVE Tiffany. My wife did almost as good a job on her tits as she did yours."
The older man chuckled to himself as he held out an arm, already preparing to leave. Candice gave her a brief look but with the barest of nods she let herself be whisked away. She'd be fine... plus it gave Ishanvi an excuse to watch that pert, spankable butt walk away delicately on a pair of glittering red heels that flashed with every step. Her fiancée was a good head taller than most of the women here besides Ishanvi, and she had trouble digesting the emotions of watching heads turn to see her walk. Candice definitely had the best legs in the room, which was fair considering how much effort she put into her body.
"Ahh that man. A fat cock and wallet to die for but every now and then needs to be put in his place. Took me years to train out that wandering hand and eye of his."
Alice looked Ishanvi up and down, the younger woman just nodding as she sipped on her champagne. It was good but she'd barely touched it, knowing she'd need her wits about her for this meeting.
"Not that you'd care much about that sort of thing would you dear? Pretty bimbo titties and pretty bimbo pussies are all that's rattling around in that big, smart head of yours?

That caused a flinch, both because of the crassness of the language used but also because she was right. Alice knew exactly what was going on in Ishanvi's head because half of it was something that she put there.
She wasn't the only one, as Roger's earlier blank face and instant obedience reminded her. Ishanvi didn't know when her employer's wife had turned her neuroscience knowledge into brainwashing the people around her, but she had the unfortunate knowledge of why. After all, when your husband was the go-to divorce lawyer for the rich and famous you had a little black book of all these extremely wealthy individuals who were looking for hot, young company.
So Roger would introduce them to some bimbo with nary a thought bouncing around in her head, the men unaware or uncaring that their new bedmate might have once been a business executive, an engineering student, a 3-star Michelin rated chef who had their brains drained while their bodies got redesigned into porn-star proportions. Turned into a brainwashed drone under Alice's command, and were perfectly happy to pay Anderson, Adler, and Asthana an exploitative retainer upon their sugar daddy's death for as much of their estate as the firm could legally (and sometimes not. Sometimes angry ex-wives ended up in Alice's clinic) get.
Those were the lucky ones, as more than one man was also unaware that the hot slut in their bed was whispering more than sweet nothings into their ear at night. Men who found themselves outside Alice's place of business for a brief consultation, ending up in her chair as Alice's own pair of hot fuckable bimbo titties melted their minds into obedient mush and rebuilt into something more useful for her.
Ishanvi was fully aware of the process, after all she was very good at her job and when she started noticing the inconsistencies in background checks of their clients new bimbo girlfriends, or the insane fees these women would pay once their partner had passed, or how all of it seemed to revolve around Alice's clinic… Well, it didn't matter in the end. She had gotten caught, ended up in that white sterile room on a chair perfectly designed to hit all her erogenous zones, a multi-faceted light blazing away her consciousness while Alice put whatever she wanted in there.
Surprisingly, she didn't end up with tits the size of her head and a brain full of sex. Turns out she was too useful to the firm to be turned into a bimbo, but also too dangerous to leave alone. So instead she got the treatment the male clients and most of her co-workers had gotten; absolute loyalty to the Anderson firm and an addiction to hot bimbo sluts that had her unconsciously squeezing her thighs at a party rife with them, several of her peers needing to adjust their own bulges that seemed out of their control.
And they were, specifically they were in control of the woman right next to Ishanvi. Alice had left her with the knowledge of what was going on as well, her awareness originally a blessing but over time it had grown annoying, Alice being bored of being the puppet master behind it all but having no one to brag to. At least Ishanvi had gotten partner out of all of it when her dad had come calling, asking when she'd be returning and Alice scrambling to find a suitable reason to have her stay nearby.
"Although I must say, you surprised me; or I should say Maria surprised me. I had no idea she was letting another girl use my devices but thankfully I was brought in just in time. You keeping her for yourself was certainly an… intriguing decision."

"Not really. First, I feel responsible for her." And had since the start, ever since she all but forced the file onto her desk when David offhandedly mentioned it. An innocent and unaware young woman with a sudden influx of a billion dollars in lottery winnings? The rest of the firm would have eaten her alive, and Alice would have turned her into… Ishanvi glanced over at where her wife-to-be was busy laughing as Roger introduced her to the other partner and his own brainwashed, bimbo wife. She hadn't been able to stop that from happening exactly.
It was definitely Ishanvi's fault, even though she laid some of the blame at Maria's feet the woman had only been living with her at Alice's insistence, making sure she remained good and loyal to the firm with the kind of body Ishanvi had been programmed to be helpless to resist. She still should have noticed the changes, they were subtle at first sure, but now that she was aware of what had happened she should have stepped in sooner… if she even could have.
Ishanvi wasn't sure, and even now she could look back at the part of her brain that rationalized everything that was going on and recognize a lot of it was her own logic. Up until the new tits, Candice had done what a lot of women who suddenly come into money and go to LA do as far as Ishanvi knew. That knowledge might have been tainted by her interactions with Alice but considering her parents reaction to Candice when she visited it might just be because she grew up with stereotypes about what American girls were like.
"And second, with a body like that living in my house, you know better than anyone else that I couldn't resist. The proposal though was… interesting."

Alice chuckled darkly at that, "I saw." Of course she did, it was why Ishanvi hadn't been able to stop herself from getting a car from the firm that night. "Still, I didn't expect you to actually put the ring on her when you asked for one, I thought you liked your girls with some brains left."
Candi wasn't the only one with a glittering diamond piercing between her legs at this party. Maria had certainly had one, and while it didn't do anything to Ishanvi when she looked at it, she had properly guessed that it was some kind of final sign-off of Alice's on a girl. Candice was already in so deep that she needed some way for Alice to think that she won, that she wouldn't notice the results.
"I will say though, I'm happy she ended up with you." And it seemed to be working. "It frees up Maria for a man far more suitable for her talents, and that your loyalty to the firm is now also rooted in complicity."

"Of course I'm loyal to the firm." It sounded monotonous and robotic even to her ears, but rather a sign of insincerity and just made Alice's smile grow larger and more predatory, an implanted sentence that had made it impossible for Ishanvi to go to anyone for help, do anything that could damage the firm's reputation. "As for complicity…"

"She was such a hot slut with tits to die for, you couldn't help but make her yours. You can hide behind posh British stoicism all you want, Ishanvi but you got a taste of what makes what I do so fun." The laughter was pure malevolence, the exact opposite of Ishanvi's feelings but she wasn't about to correct someone she wanted to bring down. "Although usually we do things the other way around, there's something ironic about having one of my bimbo's being the one seduced into getting their fortune secured for the firm instead of the other way around."

"Whatever makes you happy Alice." Ishanvi somehow managed to keep her voice polite and refined, tonight wasn't the night to let some venom out.

"You're absolutely right, whatever makes me happy."

She didn't like that tone, especially how it made her head turn to look at Alice. Not in the face, although Ishanvi could see out of the corner of her eye a set of plump lips curved in a wicked smile. No, her eyes knew unconsciously to direct themselves to the pair of chocolate breasts being held up on extra display with an arm underneath them. They were large enough that you couldn't stop yourself from looking, the little voice fading into a background hum in the back of Ishanvi's head reminding her that it was because she genuinely couldn't.
She didn't need the gown to be removed to see what they looked like naked, that image had been burned into her mind, a sick thrill of pleasure gliding through her against her will, even as she continued to stare unfazed. Whatever she had been thinking seemed less important than a minute ago, certainly less important than Alice's gorgeous bimbo tits.
Backstabbing bimbo bitch boobies.
That random thought would have been nice to hold on to. Even having it, no matter how absurd or childish, was a monumental change over what she'd was capable of a few months ago. Not that it didn't also get washed away by the distant buzz of a familiar chair, sets of lights and tones deep in her ears, and the biggest set of breasts she'd ever see in her life. They pushed all other thoughts out, dominating what little space she had left in her brain as she watched them jiggle and settle into place on top of a brilliant green gown.
Ishanvi was drooling but she couldn't think about where; whether it was her mouth or her brain or her needy honey pot between her legs. Maybe it was all three, it would be if that's what Alice's tits wanted. It was taking all of Ishanvi's willpower to not dive face first into the cleavage being presented to her, she was hopelessly addicted to big fake bimbo tits and Alice's were the biggest and the fakest. A part of her knew it wasn't her own willpower stopping her but Alice. She had made sure she'd had spent so many sessions with her in that chair that an addict like Ishanvi wouldn't ever be able to say no to them, couldn't help but be weak in the knees at the very thought of them, helplessly obedient as she sank and sank and sank and-
A set of fingers snapped in front of her, causing Ishanvi to stumble and fall… or at least that was what her brain was telling her as her body had remained motionless the entire time, flute of champagne not even rippling at how still she was. It felt like she had just crawled out from underneath a weighted blanket, her mind still trying to catch up to what was happening, where she was… who she was.
The moment passed though, even as memories came rushing back, her body slowly coming back under her control as Alice stood nearby, having broken out into a full grin as she watched the younger woman struggle. First with the fact that she had been hypnotized again, and second with the frustration of how easy it had been. How helpless she was whenever Alice decided to remind her of her place… how good it felt to be turned into a needy bimbo addict who just wanted to get down on her knees and eat out the hot, mature bimbo's pussy until she was a drooling mess.
She delicately wiped a hand along the edge of her mouth, the bit of drool having failed to make its full escape. Luckily no one at the party seemed to notice, even Candi was preoccupied by Maria and Alice's newest victim, recognizing one of the biggest musical artists in the country whose messy divorce had just been finalized by the firm a few weeks ago. Part of her wanted to warn him, but that part wasn't allowed to vocalize its concerns. Alice's tits made sure she remained loyal to the firm… Ishanvi wouldn't do anything that would harm the firm.
Alice just laughed, a sound of surprisingly clear mirth that wouldn't be so bad if Ishanvi didn't know it was at her expense. The woman clearly got off on having someone under her power who knew everything that was going on but was still helpless to resist.

"Ahh, just like your future wifey." That drew a quizzical look from Ishanvi, not opening her mouth lest she give the older woman more enjoyment out of how uncomfortable she was. "Girl can't seem to hold a thing in her pretty little head but goes under without any push. If we hadn't gotten our hands on her, she would have been someone else's toy in under a week."

"That's…" Someone else? Ishanvi hated to think about the idea that there was more than one person like Alice in LA, one problematic bossy bimbo bitch was enough. She couldn't help the internal smirk at remembering that one, she'd have to tell Candice.  "Good." Minimal words and maybe Alice wouldn't dive any deeper.
The older woman released another laugh before downing the rest of her champagne. "Ain't that the fucking truth." Alice's eyes were hazy, already looking for a waiter with some more champagne, she looked like she already had two or three before talking with Ishanvi. "You two are just perfect for each other, I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship… Oh! Congratulations, I don't think I ever said a thing. Too busy keeping you all horny and controlled like the smart little slut I want you to be."

Ishanvi's face finally darkened in disgust, Alice's grin reveling in finally getting her to drop the polite mask she usually wore, laughing again to herself as she left to go find more champagne. Being under the woman's thumb was infuriating, but at least there was-
"So… have you been nice or naughty this year?"
Ishanvi turned around, a wry smile gripping her lips as she banished those thoughts for the evening, hoping to be done with the woman who caused them for now as her smile turned into a lascivious grin that was all hers.
Candi stood nearby, having finished her dutiful rounds to return to her fiancée, bending over slightly to reveal generous amounts of cleavage that the bow on the front of her dress was valiantly keeping contained. Bright blue eyes sparkled in the light as she patiently awaited an answer, Ishanvi stepping over to lean into her ear.
"Well, I've certainly tried to be nice but I can't help it when my sexy future wife has me thinking about something… naughty."

She whispered that last bit, embellishing her accent and fully amused as she watched a flush of red form around Candice's chest and shoulders. Something about the way a Brit pronounced the word had Candice all but squirming in place, and Ishanvi was pretty sure she'd never get tired of it.
It was 100% Candice too, Ishanvi's mind going back to what Alice had said. It was part of the reason she had made certain her fiancée went extra hard on her outfit and style for the evening, not wanting a single person to overthink the red-haired bimbo was anything but that.
Which didn't mean she wasn't a little. Ishanvi was still trying to figure out where the two women her fiancée seemed to start and end. Candi/Candice seemed every bit like one of Alice's controlled girls until she wasn't, and even with the diamond ring currently pierced on her clit she was just… herself. She wasn't sure what had allowed Candice to exactly slip Alice's leash despite having spent more than one session at her clinic, but she definitely had. Ishanvi had done her own little investigation but most of her effort was in ensuring Alice had no idea that her system hadn't turned Candice into another Maria… or to let Candice know it was Alice's plan all along.
Partly to protect her, partly because not letting her learn about Alice protected the firm, and partly because… Those big blue eyes gazed up at her expectantly, bright and innocent, plush red lips open slightly as she let her brain reboot after processing the word naughty. They were going to have a wedding next year, the unexpected turn of events not something Ishanvi had planned on but the idea was slowly becoming more appealing to her, and not because she could rationalize being responsible for her or unbidden thoughts Alice had implanted into her mind…
It was probably when visiting her parents something shifted inside, rolling her eyes in time with her mum as her dad proudly showed off his small collection of British motoring history to Candice; one particular chrome bike looking suspiciously similar to the one parked in their garage that had been neatly reborn from the rust-bucket it had been when they first met. Her parents had adored Candice, even as they occasionally gave her inquisitive looks when some of her more questionable outfits came out. They didn't say much though, remarking on the libertine nature of American girls before moving on to more respectable topics.
Still, seeing Candice through the eyes of her family and the time spent together away from LA had given Ishanvi a new perspective. Sure, she absolutely loved being called Candi, spending as much time in front of the mirror or a camera "working" for extra followers on social media as she did sorting bags of designer brands. She also spent what seemed like to Ishanvi a near religious amount of time in the gym and kitchen, making sure she was in perfect shape and listening to that awful music.
Candice could also be caught in the living room with that delightfully full mouth on display chewing a pencil, a worrisome expression as she tried to put words into writing. Or that her expensive manicure tonight was as much to disguise the chipped nail she had from her weekly routing of tightening the bolts on the cute pink Mini as it was to be perfectly glamorous. Or that she'll burst out into an unexplained giggle at the oddest of times, leaving Ishanvi to wonder about what specifically selected speech she had no doubt drawn together.
So glancing at her beautiful beaming bimbo bride-to-be, there might be some extra baggage to unpack but Ishanvi couldn't stop her heart from doing little flip-flops, even as she let her gaze slip from those lovely eyes to her equally lovely décolletage, where she got to enjoy the tide of red start to rise upwards.
"Oh… umm…" Candice released a nervous giggle. "I was talking with David and he told me about a few hidden places in the office which got me thinking-" and squirming apparently. "that maybe if you've been good this year you could… unwrap your provocatively packaged present early?" Another round of giggles got stopped by a hand, but Ishanvi could watch the blush continue to rise. Candice turned red so easily, revealing a smattering of light freckles, it made it way too much fun to tease her when the results were this cute.
"In that case I've been very good." She got a nice set of giggles to escape as she pulled her closer by the waist. "Although I'm willing to change that." Technically as a partner she should be navigating the party but as her suspiciously missing secretary would say: Fuck 'em. She respected David's enthusiasm for his paycheck and lack of it when it came to the firm… no idea how he'd escaped Alice's clutches for this long. Not finding him anywhere, she returned her gaze back to Candice who… Hmm. Was it just a visual trick that Candice's waist looked as thin as it did? Beneath her hand she definitely felt extra delicate. "Are you eating enough? You go to the gym almost every day and you seem a little…"

"Don't worry, I take extra good care of my body." Ishanvi looked at Candice but there was this weird, unknowable look on her face, it was gone almost as soon as she saw it, and she couldn't think if she was just imagining things as those big lashes daintily blinked at her. "Unless you know… you want me to gain more weight, I always could-"

A finger to the lips stopped the thought, Ishanvi enjoying for a moment that soft and full pout and all the good things it could do… like wrap around her finger and lightly suck. She leaned in close again and brought her voice down low where only the two of them could hear it. "Don't worry about it Candice, I was just making sure. You don't have to change a thing for me… future Mrs. Asthana."

It was the easiest way to get that blush to show all those hidden freckles on her cheeks, Ishanvi laughing as she guided Candice out of the party and into the quiet office to find somewhere to unwrap her present. Things could certainly be worse with the shadow of Alice hanging over them, but her situation is a lot easier to handle with such an attractive partner by her side. No, as far as Ishanvi could be concerned regardless of the circumstances, having Candice enter into her life felt a lot like hitting the jackpot herself…

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