Congratulations! You're Fucked.

Chapter 2

by TheStork

Tags: #cw:noncon #bimbofication #clothing #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #sub:female #growth

Congratulations! You're Fucked. Part 2

Chapter 5

The soft click-clacking of a keyboard, the sterile hum of the various HVAC vents and computers were the only sounds accompanying Candice as she waited in the doctor's office for her name to be called, fidgeting nervously as she picked away at her skirt, the brand new fabric comfortable but still strange to her as she let her mind wander aimlessly to keep from overthinking her current, self-inflicted situation.

Is an aesthetician even a doctor? Or are there two separate people who do the main work here? I only made an appointment with one person right?

She pulled out her brand new iPhone to check for the fourth time. Of course, it was the same as the last time she checked, after she'd browsed the near-by pamphlets and discovered some ideas that rattled around in her head and had her shifting her attention anywhere else out of embarrassment. She had already learned the hard way not to anxiously tap her new heels due to the loud if satisfying pop the red lacquer soles gave. Plus it'd probably ruin them, not that Maria cared when she convinced her to buy them, or several of the other new things she'd acquired at Maria's insistence whose long-term survivability she worried about.

Although her "friend" was right, she could afford to replace them easily enough, just like the majority of the things that were suddenly new in her life. It helped having a black AMEX card, millions of dollars in liquid spending cash, and several more being slowly but surely organized, notated, and diversely invested so she'd never have to work again. Candice had spent more time than she'd ever admit to standing in front of the mirror, simultaneously battling the imposter syndrome that her gains had come from sheer luck and the anxious screeching joy inside her after she had finally collected her winnings.

It hadn't been real at first, both in the literal sense and the figurative sense. Ishanvi had assured her that she'd be ready to live her new life sooner rather than later and was correct, but when you have the money to buy everything you've ever dreamed of, where do you even start? The choice paralysis alone had her head in hands on her bed trying to not freak out about something she felt she was entitled to freak out over. Maria had known exactly where to start though, namely clothes and phone shopping.

The latter made sense now that she had it, and the fact that she had even been a flip phone user was fading away faster than her anxiety. Having Reddit in her pocket was going to prove a distraction, and Maria had got her set-up on multiple other social medias. If you had told Candice she would have been equally addicted to Instagram and TikTok pre-lottery she would have laughed at you, but ever since she'd lost god knows how many hours scrolling, liking… and posting.
Not that she was trying to be exactly like Maria, who flaunted her body at every opportunity. No, Candice liked to pretend she had a different idea of who she was going to present herself as online. For instance, she had lacked transportation for a moment after her poor little Norton had finally kicked the bucket. Despite Maria's annoyance (and more importantly to Ishanvi's delight) she had found a cute Austin Mini that was everything she'd ever wanted. Almost wanted, as Maria was correct in her assessment that a G-Wagon could hold more shopping bags containing the former of what made up most of her bulk purchases.

The dollar amounts she'd been spending would have previously left her aghast but not only had she gotten used to it, she almost expected her clothing, shoes, and bags to carry a premium price tag. After all, it wasn't just the Norton that was getting a full rebuild and makeover to match its new home and lifestyle, nor the Mini that had found itself wrapped in an increasingly encroaching amount of pink.

Part of it was Maria's fault for sure. With Ishanvi at full steam ahead now that her winnings were claimed and occupying her attention to organize, categorize, and invest Candice had little else to do with her spare time but hang out with Maria. Not that she hadn't been spending time with the buxom bimbo already, with every other day workouts slowly transitioning to almost every day now that Candice had gotten used to it. Loved it even, to the point that even when Maria was occupied she'd found herself going alone, putting in her new earbuds that Maria had gifted her and letting something mindless and pop-y drown out everything but her need to look her best.
That emotion had started leaking into every part of her life, the small fortune on skin care she'd gotten at Maria's behest was working wonders along with the weekly massage and spa recovery treatments she'd been doing, or the teeth bleaching that left her (thankfully healthy despite only now being able to afford a dentist) pearly whites extra bright. Candice was starting to get surprised by the glowing and soft, supple face that was starting to emerge in the mirror, and with healthy skin came a desire to show it off… something Maria was an expert at.
Candice was learning too, every place she had gone to had plenty of fashion magazines, filled with advice about men she could care less about and tips and suggestions to look as attractive and sexy as possible that were slowly being added to her repertoire, closet, nightwear, and online profile in increasingly frequent updates that lined up with the decreasing amount of fabric and increasing price-tags.
Sure she still sometimes posted her writing, or her cute little pink Mini, or updates on her bike… interspersed with better angles and higher quality shots of designer shoes or purses or increasingly sexy clothing or the worryingly amount of pink lingerie that was taking over her closet at Ishanvi's house. Candice rationalized that it was just because her slowly increasing active lifestyle gave her a better body to show-off. She also rationalized that her tanning skin looked good in pink which was why she didn't like it before when she was so pale.

Candice could also rationalize the expensive clothes considering she wasn't so far removed from cheaper fabrics that she couldn't immediately tell the difference. She could even rationalize that she was still living with Ishanvi and Maria because no one had bothered to go looking for a new place and Ishanvi could just bring home the paperwork for her to sign, ignorant of the jealous gaze and heat that seemed to enter Candice every time her hostess would lose focus on her in favor of the ripe curves and raw sensuality of the hot plastic bimbo Candice was spending a lot of time trying to emulate.

Candice could rationalize a lot of things.

Which was how, on Maria's recommendation she had ended up with a consultation appointment at Fantasy Aesthetics and Beauty. Candice had instantly clocked exactly what she was getting herself into, the secretary at the desk who had glared at her when her foot tapping had grown too rapid had the kind of curves that even Maria would have envied, enhanced hips and tits to the point of obscenity wrapped in a blouse and skirt that only served to make her look more ready for a porn set than a professional office… but Candice hadn't run screaming.

I just want to fix a few things. Nothing major… no cutting, no needles. Yet. Her internal voice had started to betray her a little more every day, laughing at her attempts to convince herself she wasn't here because better skin and new clothes hadn't been enough to get what she really wanted. So she was going to outside help, stuck chewing a newly manicured nail while thinking about if it was worth it or not, browsing between Range Rovers and Rolls Royce's for something with more trunk space and trying not to think about how turned on she was getting thinking about how hot she'd look in front of one with some big, fake-
"Excuse me, Candice? I'm Dr. Anderson, although I'd prefer if you just called me Alice. I'm ready for you now."

The sudden voice jarred her out of her own thoughts, tan or not, unable to hide the fact that she had been surprised as her chest and neck started to redden in embarrassment. "Err… right. Dr, no. Alice, nice to… to…" Candice's thoughts and voice stuttered and slumped to a stop as she tried to kick-start the clutch in her head back from just staring at the doctor.
If Maria was generous and the secretary (whose name she was just now noticing was Bambi as she saw the name-tag pinned to the blouse) was enhanced, Dr. Alice Anderson was… otherworldly.

It was impossible to not notice her dark-skinned tits, lilac pink blouse only drawing more attention to the obscenely revealed basketballs that threatened to burst out at any minute, their gravitational pull no doubt the only thing keeping the shirt from splitting open. Of course, they might have only looked that large due to the belt she was wearing that was doubling as a girdle, giving her hourglass figure supernormal proportions that would have drawn attention if they were fictional, much less real and very in front of her. It probably didn't help that the doctor currently towered over Candice on a pair of platform pink pumps that made her own 4-inch heel seem kittenish.
Two perfectly plucked and make-up'd brows were furrowed quizzically at her below a brown pixie cut and over a set of deep, dark brown eyes, fake lashes delicately and precisely ordered around them. Candice couldn't tell if the plush red pillows masquerading as a pair of lips were tilted at a frown or that was just the position they were stuck in, but the whole package had left her speechless, tongue-tied, and embarrassingly a little drooling.

"Sorry! Sorry, umm yes! I'm Candice, nice to meet you Alice." She clambered up onto her own heeled feet, feeling a little better that she was no longer being stared down upon. Thankful that her hours of practice meant she no longer felt like a baby gazelle in them. Thankful that her fantastically long and smooth legs giving her ample height to look down at something else ample. She held out her hand in introduction.

Alice's own hand was soft and warm, an almost sugary sweet toffee smell emanating from her that put Candice immediately at ease, even as she tried desperately to not look like she was ogling, probably failing as a quirk of the corner of her lips clearly wasn't frozen into shape as it adjusted itself towards a smirk.

"Yes, well follow me and we'll see about getting you ready." With a tone leaving little room for discussion and an air of authority, she deftly turned and began tapping her way towards the door she had discreetly entered from, expecting correctly that Candice would begin to follow, trying to keep up with the sudden burst of movement as well as investigate the gravity-defying bottom in the black, skin-tight dress pants that did little to hide the jiggle with each step.
"Ready? Oh, umm… my consultation yes, I was hoping for-" She hadn't been allowed to finish her sentence as Alice quickly stopped and spun around, agility not even hampered as the brown in her eyes hardened as she stared deeply and uncomfortably into Candice's blue ones.

"Consultation? You mean you're not… No. No you're not." The moment of intense focus lasted for an uncomfortable moment before Alice brightened up immediately. "Well! Normally I don't do consultations but can't say I'm unfamiliar. Come come."

They walked past the door Alice had clearly been angled for and entered into another, the clean clinical room was dominated by a comfy looking command chair in the center with a tablet and a nearby rolling set of drawers and stool. Nearby walls were surprisingly bare minus some white cabinets keeping with the sterile medical theme. Alice was an efficient blur of color as she walked around, leaving Candice to stand around awkwardly as she fidgeted with her skirt, earning her a look from the doctor.



"Sit." The tone brokered no discussion as Alice glanced at the chair and back to Candice, whose body was already moving towards it obediently even before she squeaked out a muted agreement.

The chair was as comfy as it looked, Candice easily sinking in as it cradled her body like it was meant for it. The nearby tablet attached brought itself up to life as Candice pulled it towards her curiously, Alice looking over from the cabinets as she browsed the contents.

"Feel free to get started while I double-check everything here, put on some music and browse the app. I'm rarely in this room anymore after all so I might as well make sure we're good to go. Speaking of which, who recommended you?" Candice heard some muttering and sounds of metal on metal as she noticed the pair of headphones nestled in one of the inside arms, carefully untangling the cord so it sat comfortably on top of her head.

"Oh, Maria Aguilar? She says she uses you for everything."

The sounds of movement stopped suddenly, Candice stopping herself from putting headphones on to look over at Alice. The woman's hourglass figure was as pronounced as she had remembered, brown eyes boring into her as she watched the doctor calculate before turning into a grin that made Candice's stomach flip flop… and not in the good way like whenever she got a  smile out of Ishanvi…

"Maria? Yes, she is definitely one of my girls. Which means you… also know Ishanvi?"

"Yuppers." She could hear how silly she sounded, but the unexpected mention of Ishanvi had her blush making itself known, wishing she wore something that covered more than the cute little sweater she'd bought earlier today. "Do you uhh… know her as well?" She couldn't imagine her lawyer being caught dead anywhere near this building and its occupants, even though the way she looked at Maria maybe…

"We're acquaintances." Alice narrowed her eyes at her again, Candice sheepishly breaking eye contact to play with the cord of the headphones. "Now I'm glad I caught your consultation, we definitely can't allow anyone but me to work on you. If you start up the app, it'll help you get an idea of what you're looking for and it has a playlist of some music if you want something to listen to while I make sure this room is stocked like it should be. You've seen Bambi, girl would lose her head if it wasn't attached to her shoulders."

The tittering laughter sounded fake even as it left her, but Candice went back to the tablet, settling the headphones comfortably over her ears while she tapped at the app. Her shoulders relaxed as she could still clearly hear Alice muttering and moving now that she was behind her, happy to not have them block out noise as well as her own earbuds could.

The swirling transition on the tablet drew her attention back to it, as the screen featuring the office's logo and a few buttons spawned. Tapping at consultation, she was greeted with a surprisingly normal looking black woman who after a moment she realized was Dr. Anderson.

"Hello, and welcome to the first step on becoming the dream you! I'm Alice Anderson, and I founded this clinic to help women transform from something benign," virtual normal-Alice gestured to herself, even as another transition changed her into the bombastic bimbo beauty that was currently making noise behind her, "into something they had only fantasized about! On the next screen you'll see a variety of different photos featuring styles, sessions, and surgeries that we offer to make you look how you've always desired. Simply relax and select which photos appeal to you the most as we build your Fantasy Profile."

The screen switched to just that, a dozen or so different photos of women featuring as many possibilities as Candice could even imagine. It was easier than explaining what she was thinking about changing, the familiar beat of Lizzie Vain starting in the background as she relaxed further and began tapping away.

At first it was just that, she saw a shirt she liked or make-up or a hairstyle and tapped away. Sometimes there was something else being emphasized; legs in a strappy black dress, a pair of plump lips surrounding a lollipop, cleavage of every variation and size. Candice thought she'd be selecting more normal things but there was sometimes a really cute shirt that was being strained by the tits underneath or a pair of lips in a color she just adored that were being used in a manner that showed off their size.
It felt… good too, as her selections started to get racier. There were still normal ones, girls dressed in outfits or posing and looking cute but every time she found something she thought she liked and selected it, she felt off. Like she was just humming along to the music and an off-beat tone would make her want to fidget again. Meanwhile the fancier and sexier the outfits, the racier the women and the body, a pleasant vibrating tone seemed to echo in and out of her body.
Maybe it was just her, but a few normal selections later had her grimacing in discomfort. The next screen only featured two photos; one of a smiling redheaded woman wearing a sundress in a field looking beautiful and the other a pink plastic slut, fake tits barely covered in a skin-tight pink mini dress, long hair in pig-tails and blowing a huge bubble around the kind of lips that Candice could only dream of having. Her hand hesitated, hovering before selecting the one that had a feature she felt like she really wanted.

That blissful reverberation echoed through her as a manicured fingernail tapped the bimbo, and Candice barely had time to enjoy it before another two photos appeared. The first wasn't all that dissimilar, Candice was attracted to women and the woman on the left was very attractive but the one on the right… It had to have been for a photo shoot, the woman dressed in nothing but furs and jewelry displaying herself on top of an expensive luxury car. Candice instantly recognized the Rolls she had been eyeballing on her phone in the lobby and a finger clicked the picture before she had time to think about it, delivering another lovely sound through the headphones that had her moan softly.
Her consultation continued like that for a while, and it wasn't long before even the tablet realized she had no interest in those boring, normal women. Now it just had to narrow it down for her, Candice adjusting in the chair to let her legs fall open while leaning back, a protrusion further separating her legs as it nuzzled up close to her crotch. The music still played over her headphones and delivered a sound she was growing addicted to the more she heard it, but now it was occasionally accompanied by a matching vibration between her legs that had her getting wet.

Not that she was about to be distracted, especially as her fingers had a mind of their own, seeking out the best feeling picture by reaction more than thinking. Sometimes she recognized brands; Balenciaga, Valentino, Hermes, Dior, and more, the knowledge seemed to find its way past the pleasant buzz that had made its home behind her eyes. Even harder to resist absorbing was the type of woman she consistently found her finger on. Exaggerated and expensive fake breasts draped in jewels, glistening lip gloss surrounding fat fuckable lips eating caviar, long legs balanced on top of gem encrusted sky high heels she could only fantasize about having.
Something about these women resonated in her… or at least resonated with the chair as it delivered delicious bolt after bolt of pleasure to her for looking at them, selecting them, wanting them, wanting to be them. She was almost drooling at the thought as she edged herself closer and closer to her peak, to her dream body and dream her.

Abruptly the screen transitioned to black, Alice's gorgeous and enviable bod coming back on the screen.

"Thank you, please sit back and relax while we build the Fantasy you."

Candice did just that, moaning again as she leaned even further back, causing the center part of the chair to hike up her skirt while it curved perfectly up against her. Not that she noticed, not that she cared as her mind was too filled with the hundreds of images she'd just seen flashing before her as her body unconsciously grinded against it, hands falling limply to the side. Candice didn't even have to hold onto the tablet, its swing arm adjusted by an unseen hand directly over her face so she could see little else.
Surprisingly, the next thing she saw was a picture she was intimately familiar with; the selfie she had taken just this morning in the outfit she was in now. She only recognized it for a moment as she transformed before her eyes, tits swelling round and full, lips going from a wry grin to a plump, pushy pout. She moaned as the vibrations between her legs seemed to narrow in on her clit, she looked so good, but the picture changed before she even had time to process what about it specifically looked good. Like before it was another selfie she'd taken a few days ago, her hips almost waiting for it to transform and grinding forward in time to her shirt seeming to expand first larger than to deliciously fake and obscene.

Again, it didn't last long enough for her to process before moving onto the next image and transformation, and the next, and the next, and the next. Candice was moving her hips in time with the music now, her mind too distracted by tits and lips and expensive clothes and cars and bikes and- she didn't care where she was anymore, all that mattered was her. The new her, the Fantasy her.
The images were coming faster though, having since used up actual pictures of her and now just making it up on the fly. Not that Candice disapproved, every image of her seemed better than the last, living her best life in the most expensive clothes with the most expensive tits and being the envy of every other woman as she was such a pretty, plastic, rich bit-
The tablet was moved right as Candice had a soft orgasm, the part of the chair she was humping seeming to know she was close and pulling just far enough away so she could feel herself clench in preparation but not truly finish. Alice stood above her, face obscured by a pair of breasts that threw a shadow over her from the blazing white light above them both. Staring into it she could feel herself melting into a puddle of lust inflamed further by the syringe filled with a clear liquid between Alice's gloved fingers.

"Now that we know what you're looking for, we'll go with something simple for your first treatment. Now normally you'd have a couple days of healing but with our special blend of silicone you'll be perky and pouting in about an hour. You'll love that won't you Candice?"

Her nod felt jerky even to her as her attempt at giving consent sounded more like a moan of arousal than a yes, but she wasn't capable of much more. Instead her mind was flooded with images of another woman and her with the kind of kissable mouth waiting for her with just a prick of a needle, shifting and being wiped away by the light above her. Candice was already almost cumming at just the thought, brain going blank as her hips jerked and legs straightened in ecstasy at the first prick, orgasm cresting and rising again as she felt her face go slightly numb.

A second orgasm hit as a pair of hands ghosted over her lips, molding them into the shape reverberating in her mind along with the singular pop tune echoing from the headphones as her eyes glazed over in lust as another image of Ishanvi watching Maria ghosted through, a feeling of hope whistling through the emptiness that her hostess liked the results of the first of many appointments as Candice currently was…

Chapter 6

"Okay so like, you want to really squeeze the cucumber. You don't want any water and-"

"I know, you already told me."

"You want it creamy babe, really get that good. Because done right it's like O.M.-"

"OMG, I know. Just let me do it."

"Since you're not occupied Maria you can refill my sauvignon blanc."

The bimbo giggled but complied, heading over to the breakfast bar where Ishanvi watched her and Candice in tipsy amusement. The wine bottle was a little emptier than it should have been but Candice had learned over these past few months that if Ishanvi had one vice it was a quality bottle of wine, even if she never had quite this much. Then again, Maria had been freed up from kitchen duty for the day to constantly refill her glass by Candice who all but forced her to let her cook… after a few days of failed attempts.
She had plenty of free time after all. It turns out when you're absurdly wealthy you could afford to throw money at failed food experiments. Technically she could hire a professional chef (which she couldn't believe Maria was but considering her own forays into the restaurant industry she could see the appeal of never working there again), but this was about personal pride… and a chance to try and show-up Maria in front of Ishanvi.

Not that Candice held anything against one of her only friends in LA; since arriving she'd gone from disliking to begrudging respect to almost inseparable at the hip. If she wasn't in the kitchen absorbing as much as she could from Maria, Candice was either getting introduced to a bunch of new girls by her friend, going shopping, working out, going to spa days, and on more than one occasion recently, going out. It turns out that when money wasn't an object you could spend your days doing a lot of nothing but spending it.

Ishanvi had told her to be cautious of spending too much, there was still plenty of more paperwork to go through considering her friend and lawyer was busy investing and diversifying and spending money to save money (Candice wasn't even going to pretend she understood how taxes work) but she trusted Ishanvi to make sure she was taken care of. After all, Candice now had a weekly allowance that was more money than she'd see in a decade, and Ishanvi hadn't made any indication that she wanted her to leave her home anytime soon.

Which was good, because after all this time Candice was being forced to admit that she was crushing on her… hard. Which was why even though she considered Maria to be her friend (and probably best friend at this point) she was still trying her best to out-do her. Some things were going easier for sure, especially since Maria was the first person to notice Candice's feelings (and considering she hadn't said anything to her yet Ishanvi seemed so focus on work she was blissfully unaware) and kept pointing her in the right direction, but Maria spent as much time helping Candice get Ishanvi's attention as she did taking full advantage of their friend's attention.

You should take better care of your body.

It had become a little mantra of sorts for her, pushing her through her daily workouts and keeping her company when a massage or spa treatment got a little too relaxing. It wasn't the only thing that seemed to end up rattling around in her head on repeat these days, but it was by far the clearest and most pleasant. It especially helped that most of her efforts felt like they were bearing fruit.
On one hand, they saw each other every day, either at home or when Ishanvi had her go to the office with a bundle of paperwork. While their relationship was still professional, especially considering Ishanvi was technically being employed by Candice, they'd slowly started to do more than just go over numbers and graphs and percentages. It wasn't a lot, a movie night here, a trip out to the canyons in the Mini there, occasionally being grilled about a purchase but her lawyer and friend seemed to just have a glint in her eyes as she scoffed at Candice while occasionally appreciating the view.
She'd done a lot to make it a view worth appreciating too, and spent maybe a bit more than Ishanvi knew when out on Rodeo Drive with Maria, having her friend help her sneak in some bags upstairs while she ran distraction. Sometimes for a while, the Cullinan Black Badge that Ishanvi had definitely disapproved of (even as she occasionally borrowed it when she too needed extra trunk space) could fit plenty of designer swag bags.

Coupled with her exhaustive routine of making sure she always looked her best, Candice knew right now she was as hot as she'd ever been, careful not to splash anything onto her way-too-expensive fitness leggings and top that showed off her lean body, casually enhanced by a pair of not-so-casual heels. Her hair was much longer too, hitting the center of her back even from the high ponytail, she still needed extensions to get her red locks that length, but it was worth it to catch someone's eye when she had it styled just right. Just like her make-up, the perfect natural look that was anything but and spent almost an hour to show off every curve and contour as she carefully bit one plush, fuckably full lip.
Her initial visit to Fantasy Aesthetics had the kind of result she had secretly been hoping for, garnering a quick double take at her new bad habit of chewing on the end of her pen. Ishanvi didn't mention anything, but Candice could feel her watching like a hawk at every little interaction, seemingly relaxing after such scrutiny ruined her stoic casualness and her blush steadily climbed until she had her hands buried in her face. The reaction got quite a laugh from the box seats; Ishanvi always seemed eager and ready to tease Candice red and she'd hate it far more if it didn't elicit attention she could bask in.
That first appointment wasn't the last thing that she had worked on although it was by far her favorite, she was practically jilling herself off every time she had to make time to re-up. She changed up the shape of her eyes to give her a more smokey gaze , got a nose job, and even got her jawline and cheekbones done so every time she starred in the mirror while putting on lip gloss or eyeshadow she felt the sexiest she ever felt. She hoped so too, because every now and then she'd catch Ishanvi gazing at her when she thought she wasn't looking.

Not that she was the only one. Candice knew she looked good and the confidence it gave her was having more than one man or woman double take on the street. In the club too, even surrounded by a bunch of hotties like her and Mandi's girlfriends Candice felt she stood out, lithe body dancing in a barely there dress that cost more than the amount of money she'd have once made in the months since she'd moved to LA. It's slits revealing a lot of leg and maybe not a lot of panties, easy access for a sexy lady to reach in and touch her while they lounged and drank champagne in the VIP, her body throbbing in time with an unheard beat as she-

A giggle pierced through the pleasurable haze as Candice realized she was busy squeezing one of her modest tits and not the cucumbers like she was supposed to be doing. Wishing she could have a surgery that would keep her face from flaming quite so easily, she studiously returned to her task.

"Mmm, c'mon let's leave Candice to work and go to the living room babe."

"Tempting but I can't say I'm disliking my view right now."

Her damned blush was back in full force, both because she hated the compliment to Maria but definitely appreciated the compliment to her. Of course she gave off a good view, having taken care of her body like it was the only thing that mattered, her skintight pink fitness wear showing off all of her hard work but- "Don't worry about me… and don't distract me either I've only made this once before." Well, once before to Maria's standards but that was good enough for her.

Maria giggled again, all but dragging Ishanvi up and out of the kitchen. "Yes chef." That earned a giggle of Candice's own. She hadn't been much of a giggler before but it was infectious once Maria got started.

Plus now she could concentrate on making the tzatziki sauce and not… she wished she couldn't hear the beginnings of some skin-on-skin contact and the slightly slurred speech of Ishanvi who she wished hadn't been tempted to leave…

"You just wanted me out of there so I could play with your new tits didn't you slut?" Candice stopped mid squeeze in a bit of shock. Ishanvi had always been so put together, so refined and posh, she never expected to hear those kinds of words come out in that delicious accent that… Candice couldn't stop her thighs squeezing together at the idea of her talking to Candice like that instead of who it was directed to.

"Of course babe, when I got them done again all I could think about was your hands and mou- ooh! all over my big bimbo boobies. They're so fucking sexy now."

Whatever had made Maria make that noise was busy at the moment, and as much as she wished otherwise a familiar heat crept into several parts of her body. She couldn't blame Ishanvi for taking full advantage of Maria being fully healed, especially when she looked as hot as she did.

Her earlier pair had been plenty big and sexy, but she had gone up multiple sizes and the gargantuan chest she now had was, in Candice's mind anyway, peak plastic perfection. They made her top-heavy and sat high and proud on her chest, and her and Candice had both spent a ton of time at the gym helping her work out her back so she could carry them if she went even bigger. Fuck, Candice couldn't help but think about how sexy that would be.

"Of course they are." Ishanvi's slurred words were unfortunately clear though to Candice's mind and heart, even as she started mixing the yogurt and cucumbers to stir into sauce. "and you know I just love these big tits. If you walked in on me in the office I wouldn't get any work done."

Candice shivered in both arousal and jealousy. She didn't think she'd like it if Ishanvi was talking to her like this, compared to the comforting and close conversations they'd sometimes share, but her body seemed to disagree… or at least want both. Both. Candice felt greedy like that right now as she stirred unconsciously, ears already angled for more.
"Mmm… I know. That's why you banned me from visiting you at work-" Candice wasn't banned… fuck she wished she was, how sexy did you have to be to be labeled a distraction? She could think of a reason or two that was no doubt being unwrapped in the living room. "but I keep them on display at home. I know how much you love my fake fuckable funbags."
Another giggle escaped from the room, this one though deeper and more refined, Candice almost never heard Ishanvi giggle. "You've been spending too much time with Candice. Alliteration is her thing." It got quiet again for a moment, before a thud and squeal from Maria followed. "You've been spending an awful lot of time with Candice haven't you?"

Maria giggled again, a sound of flesh hitting flesh was punctuated by a moan. Had Ishanvi just slapped Maria… Candice was trying to think of where she might have just been slapped since it wasn't the face judging by the sound. She definitely had some ideas, glad that her fingers seemed to be doing the cooking for her as her brain burned with the knowledge of that and Ishanvi noticing something about her. She'd avoided doing it out loud, keeping the worst of her wild whims to herself, but fake fuckable funbags was definitely one of hers. Usually said as a joke… or out of jealousy.

Another slap and moan reverberated through her, the image of her crush currently on top of her friend, aggressively pinning her to the ground as she abused a massive mammary. It was hot, she hated that it was hot… that she wished it was her.

"Mmmm.…fuck they're sensitive."

"I bet they are slut." Another satisfied groan, somehow harder and more lustful than before came out of Maria. "Now answer the question."

"We're friends and we live in the same house, of course I do. Plus she's a total babe right?"

Candice was on the edge of her toes, she wanted to know. Needed to know. Oh god, definitely didn't want to know. Ishanvi had never made a move on her and Candice was a coward and-

"Of course she is." A total babe. Yes! Yesyesyes, thank you Maria! She could do a little dance, or slap her friend for being the one whose tits were currently occupying Ishanvi's hands. "However now that I think about it I've noticed a lot of charges and expenditures…"

"She just can afford to look sexy and fine now. C'mon Vi, you know you like the extra eye candy around the house."

"My personal feelings aside, once I'm done getting her estate organized she'll-"

"be able to get a sexy new pair of titties just like mine?"

Candice's breath caught in her throat, avoiding any sound outside of the soft squelching of the yogurt and cucumbers as she added in some lemon juice to the mix from letting her miss the answer. Maria must have known what she was really asking, Candice having drunkenly told her one of the few things she was desperate to do but had so far avoided and her reasoning why. It was also an image that had played out several evenings when she was alone in bed with a vibrator and every time she was left a drooling mess after visiting Fantasy Aesthetics.
She wanted implants, and not just the kind to make her breasts bigger, but the kind that changed how people looked at her. The kind of tits that screamed that she had dropped $10k just to look even more sexy and plastic and hot. Maria's were big but she at least attempted to make them look somewhat real, the gravity-defying round orbs that plagued Candice's mind would let everyone around her know that she was a silicone slut addicted to getting work done on her body. The kind of tits that revealed she was just a rich and expensive fucktoy waiting to be bent over as their lover whispered all kinds of naughty thoughts into her ear while slipping her strap-on deep into-
"Plus you've been having movie night without me!" Candice flinched at that, personal fantasies being slotted away for later tonight aside. Not that she thought Maria would dislike binging the entire James Bond catalog but she may have planned some of those evenings when she knew Maria would be wanting to go out so she could have Ishanvi all to herself. She was a terrible friend especially considering Maria was using her sexy bod to eke out all the information Candice had been too afraid to ask about. She needed to know about Ishanvi's preferences, was all but drooling between her legs with need.

"That's besides the point-" "At least we're friends! You spend all that time talking about being a professional when-" "I'm not about to start a conflict of interest debate when-" "you want to pin a hot slut to the floor and play with her mmph--mmm-MMM!"

Whatever argument Maria was trying to make was silenced by something concise and pleasurable, Candice was throbbing with jealousy even as she finished up the sauce and began setting up the lamb for the oven.

"Oh, I see what this is. You're just mad that I'm enjoying Candice's company and haven't had time for you?" Her blush was starting to reach critical mass as it was entering her face, Ishanvi enjoyed her company? Of course she had, she'd have kicked her out of the house if she hadn't. "Time to play with these fat slut-knockers you call breasts? You're so big now it was all you could think about right? A pair of hands teasing these bimbo titties until you're panting?"

The crass words were at odds with the smooth and refined accent letting them out venomously, and it was twisting Candice into all types of knots as she tried to not ruin dinner while she listened and fantasized.

"Of course you're jealous, you know how much I love fake plastic sluts better than anyone and I barely batted an eye when you got bigger tits?" If Maria had a counterpoint it was to moan unabashedly, clearly enjoying the attention. "Because you knew big breasts are my favorite and I let you think I wasn't going to finger you into a brainless bimbo mess while playing with them?"

Candice was breathing heavily now, her body squeezing together all of its best parts as she was left with only her imagination; her lying on the floor, legs spread, massive chest being pawed at while another hand was three fingers deep in her snatch. A soft moan escaped from her mouth, the image of herself so clear she could almost feel her chest straining against her sports bra as it grew… or was that just her own erratic breathing playing tricks on her?

Either way, they had clearly forgotten about her in ear shot as Ishanvi continued berating Maria, whose only retorts could consist of begging for more and begging her not to stop in a voice dripping with lust and a barely contained orgasm. Ishanvi wasn't that far off either, having stopped pretending she wasn't into it as that posh British accent continued to pound all kinds of slutty and derogatory descriptors straight into Candice's clit. She might as well have been the one she was talking about and pleasuring, hands having long since stopped requesting more input while they went about their practiced business of making dinner, letting Candice drift off into hazy fantasy as she heard Maria start to cum.

It wasn't the first time she'd heard it, having gotten used to the sound and sometimes even joining in silently like now, her body tightening as she bit one plush filler-full lip to keep from verbalizing too loudly as she had a sympathetic orgasm of her own, desperately wishing it was her being spread-eagle'd on the living room floor.

The silence seemed to stretch on for minutes, Candice shaking herself out of her haze to realize she was about to ruin the lamb tzatziki as she hastily opened up the oven, thankfully having not overcooked the meat as the clattering sound of the tray and door seemed to startled the other occupants of the house.

"Look what you made me do… Do you think she heard us?" She could clearly hear Ishanvi's hushed tones like she was right next to her, that sexy accent dripping into her ear and turning Candice into even more of a puddle.

Maria's giggle was just as clear. "Don't be silly, she like, has her headphones in. I bet she's just listening to music."

That startled Candice a bit, first because she could hear it perfectly so clearly she hadn't been but… no, her earbuds were in. She had vague memories of slotting them in so she could listen to Lizzie Vain's discography before her Las Vegas concert in two months, she bought backstage passes for her and Maria and wanted to know every word perfectly, even though she felt like half of them were stuck playing in her head all the time anyway. She was such a ditz after all she forgot she was even listening to her headphones half the time, they fit so comfortably she just forgot when she was busy giving her horny, rich slut clitty a rub before bed and falling asleep… but if she had her headphones in how could she-

Checking her phone real quick, a couple thousand notifications on Instagram had her body heating up as she licked her lips excitedly, happy to finally be getting the traction she'd wanted. Spotify was also currently pumping "Fucktoy Fantasy" into her ear and straight to her core as she giggled unconsciously and… an open call with Maria?

She heard standing, clothes being rearranged and steps as she quickly put her phone down and posed like she totally had been getting dinner prepped and didn't hear a thing, side-eyeing Maria who entered in behind Ishanvi, winking at her as her own pink earbuds sat comfortably in her ear. That explained why she heard everything but why had Maria-
Oh! The warm blush that had started to settle flamed back up immediately, but Candice was too turned on to care. Maria had gotten Ishanvi to blab all about the type of women she liked; and if Candice was hesitating finally getting the fake, expensive tits of her dreams because she was worried the other object of her desire wouldn't like them… it was quite the opposite.

Humming happily and pretending, Candice neatly arraigned three plates of the Greek dish she'd been working on. You should take better care of your body. Adjusting her portion to be more calorie conscious, she almost couldn't wait to finish dinner and make another appointment before finding the biggest vibrator she had and cumming herself senseless. Clearly, Candice would have to find some way to thank Maria for her surreptitious and scandalous spying too… well there will be plenty of opportunities when Candice herself would need her help picking out the perfect post-op outfit, sharing a knowing wink with her cohort while her unsuspecting target turned around for more wine…

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