Congratulations! You're Fucked.

Chapter 1

by TheStork

Tags: #cw:noncon #bimbofication #clothing #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #sub:female #growth

Author's Note: Originally typed up as a contest story for the MCForums for December of 2023, some deadlines and the holidays meant that I didn't get to edit this story as deeply as I would have liked. That being said, I really enjoyed the characters and how they're presented in my head so I wanted to put this up (and the supplemental) as a sort of reminder to myself to go back and really dig through the content to improve it both for the reader and myself. It has some heat, has some pacing issues, but hopefully this year I'll be able to find a break in-between other projects to work on it with some of the constructive criticism I've gotten about it. Also, I really did spend way too long writing a whole damn song with lyrics as vapid and horny as possible and I'd like that to be on the internet somewhere. As always, feel free to email me at with any thoughts, suggestions, criticisms, or just well-wishes etc. Hope you enjoy.

Congratulations! You're Fucked. Part 1

Chapter 1

"Oh come on, where is it, where is it!?!"

Candice McCabe was currently in panic mode. If anything, she was honestly doing better than most people would expect under the circumstances. If there was a calculator nearby currently keeping track of the amount of 'fuck's she had both verbally and internally voiced, she may have reached a number equivalent to her current problem.

Currently smothering her vision with the computer screen at her local library, Candice didn't look particularly special at that moment. Her above-average height was currently crumpled up onto her stool, one foot tapping away at the structure bar so fast a hummingbird would be jealous at her rate of speed. Dirty red hair kept cut dangerously short, her bright blue eyes reflected the search bar on the screen in front of her set among a sharp drawn face, freckles dotted periodically along the angles of her cheekbones and nose.

No, the most noticeable thing about her was she was thin to a concerning degree, her uniform for the local McDonalds was shapeless to the point where someone would almost always be asking if she was okay. It was a dumb question, Candice was 'living the dream' while living in her parents trailer in Yuma, Arizona. Code for 'spending everyday wishing being a poet was a valid form of income because she lacked any other talents' after failing out of the University of Arizona because taking classes was the second most stressful part of her life.

Her first most stressful part was the shitstorm that was her parents. Caleb and Caitie McCabe were forever locals in Yuma, neither making enough money or having enough of anything to do more than drink cheap beer and fight. It was fair, ever since her dad had to sell his shop to pay off her mother's gambling debts Candice got to watch him spiral into alcoholism and her mother continue to find new ways to lose money besides smoking a pack a day.

It was why her local library was her escape, it was the only place where she wasn't punished for just trying to exist, a safe haven from the shithole that was her every day life where the ladies running it wouldn't complain if she went a bit over on the due date if a particular book that caught her eye. It was also where she could browse the world wide web, admitting to herself that the dopamine drip afforded by Reddit was one of the few pathetic highlights of her life.

Which was why she was in the middle of trying to find a specific post, or rather comment, on Reddit. Candice never believed in luck, but hope was a near and dear emotion to her heart. When you flunked out of college because you were never good at being a student and lived with your parents in a trailer in the desert, hope is one of the few things that would get you through your day to another. A constant string of grabbing at strings to pretend if, just for a moment, she'd be able to escape the hand life had dealt her.

Which was why on Friday, every two weeks when her paycheck cleared, she bought her Powerball ticket. $2 so she could waste a few days dreaming about what she'd do if she won? No amount of currency could reasonably buy that kind of hope. For better or worse though, it was also responsible for her predicament and anxiety going haywire, the absurd $2.04 billion Powerball numbers having been pulled yesterday…

and she was the winner.

Her heart rate pumping far past what was probably healthy, Candice found what she was looking for. Muttering to herself she began to read through what would hopefully be the best advice she'd ever take.

"Congratulations.… you just won millions of dollars in the lottery! That's great… you're fucked. No really. Horror stories about how fucked I am… Best advice, do nothing? Good, I'm great at doing nothing. Immediately retain an attorney… fuck."

For her part, she did her due diligence. Hunting down a Trust and Estates law firm in Los Angeles, she had at least emailed them with her inconceivable and improbable increase in income (and no, she kept herself from writing it that way but stringing words together got a manic giggle out of her like it always did) but she needed one of the partners specifically. Anderson, Adler and Asthana were highly recommended, and they were a large enough firm that they were probably her best bet to move forward. She had enough extra savings in her shoe-box underneath her twin mattress to get her half-working Norton running and to LA and stay for at least a few days… probably.

Hoping they'd get back to her soon, Candice logged off, glancing around as though she'd just committed some terrible crime but ultimately the fear and worry in her brain was entirely her own. She'd spent so much of her life living off hope that, having finally been given the chance, she wasn't sure if the ticket currently squirreled away in her pocket would be the death of her or her savior… Either way, she needed help from people far more practiced at this kind of thing than her, and with her fate in someone else's hands, she logged off of the computer to go home and try to pretend to Mom and Dad that she wasn't suddenly a billionaire…

Chapter 2

Candice didn't have any reference point for who she was supposed to be meeting today. Anderson, Adler and Asthana were so far beyond her usual paygrade that the expensive and modern office was driving all of her senses to maximum anxiety. She could literally see the tremors in the cup of water David, Ishanvi Asthana's secretary and man in front, had given her as she awaited whatever fate had in store for her.

The website had no profile pictures, so when Ishanvi Asthana opened the door, Candice had more than likely failed to hide her surprise.  In either her mid or late 20s, Ishanvi was a beauty, every angle and curve of her body perfectly proportioned and accented by her dark blouse and pressed skirt, face needing minimal make-up to project an air of feminine authority that belied her age. A hint of jasmine wafted after her as professional heels made barely a whisper, a flick of short jet-black hair and hazel eyes set their sights on the guest in her office. Candice felt immediately frumpy, her department store outfit she had bought what felt like ages ago for interviews did little to hide her skinny frame and only accented how pale she was, compared to the rich burgundy blouse and light gold complementing the attractive lawyer's flawless hazelnut skin.

Tongue-tied at the moment, Ishanvi looked her up and down, adjusting her functional and fashionable glasses to look over the documents David had left for her meeting, absurdly golden eyes going back and forth between the text and the young woman in front of her.

"Alright. Miss McCabe… Candice? Can I just call you Candice? This will be a long day otherwise. I'm going to provide you with two pieces of information: Firstly, that despite my age the reason I'm a partner at this firm is because I'm very, very good at my job. Second, is that if at any point you need me to stop so you can catch your breath or your new found situation is overwhelming you; please let me know. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of stress you're undergoing right now."

Candice tried to keep her legs together, attractive and from London? The posh and refined accent went straight to her core and had her squirming unconsciously underneath the gaze of the bewitchingly beautiful British babe. Unfortunately she also wasn't expecting it or her own brain's reaction and her attempt at a professional nod slowly transformed into a fit of giggles, before manifesting as full blown manic laughter.

For her part, Ishanvi patiently waited behind her desk for Candice to compose herself, the latter simultaneously relieved and mortified at having all of that tightness she had been holding onto with everything that has happened but also losing her shit in front of such a composed young woman. She could already feel the heat rising in her shoulders towards her face, cursing the fact that she both blushed so easily and so obviously.

"Better?" The tone hadn't changed but a slight uptick of a possible smirk and one perfectly manicured eyebrow raised gave a hint that her new attorney might have a better sense of humor than her appearance belied. Speaking of which… Candice was really glad she had cleaned up because the neatly pressed and beautiful Indian woman was making more parts of her twist into knots besides just her brain, nodding that she was ready to move on.

"Okay, so we've already verified and done some background homework on you Candice. I'd say congratulations are in order but considering the amount of paperwork we're going to be going through in the coming months just to get you situated I saw we'll hold off on popping the champagne." Ishanvi opened up a file, picking neatly through a few pages that Candice notices… contains an awful lot of data on her mediocre life up until this point.

Feeling the blush that had started to form earlier climb, as this very successful lawyer who was around her own age went over the few highlights of her 'career'; half of a liberal arts degree at University of Arizona, a few failed forays into mechanics work, lead shift at the local McDonalds… she could feel the heat and the redness starting to hit her face.

"Now, you're taking the lump sum, no arguments. Half the reason for bringing me on to help you is to navigate how to best set it aside and it will go a lot further than letting the government hand it out piecemeal. After that you should start with family. You're an only child and your extended family is pretty small so I'd settle on maybe 2-3% of your winnings in a trust for them unless there's someone specific you would like to give more to?"

"Err." Her mom couldn't be trusted with any money, but maybe she could help her dad? "I don't know, my family situation is… complicated. For reasons I'd really not like to get into…"

Ishanvi adjusted her glasses as she stared Candice down, like a tiger eyeing down a particularly interesting subject like she could figure out Candice was thinking about just from looking into her eyes. Being inspected so closely had her shifting in her seat, as much as to release some nervous energy as it was to avoid letting on what Ishanvi's accent was doing to her.

"All the better reason than to just give them 2%. It's enough money they won't think twice about whatever excuse you give them and if they ever find out how you were actually the billion dollar winner and try to sue for more, a judge will see that you already set aside money for them and send them on their way without you even having to show up."

"Oh." Candice hadn't really thought that far ahead, and her mother was definitely greedy enough that they'd probably try, especially once they found out… "Ahh shit, everyone will know when I go to collect." The curse word brought a sudden hand to her mouth, the crassness feeling out of place in front of someone who seemed refined and worldly to her.

Not that Ishanvi seemed to mind, getting a polite and heartfelt chuckle from the lawyer at her realization. "Actually you're in luck there. Arizona allows you to collect and your name be permanently confidential. Anyone you cut out of your life won't be the wiser unless they hunt you down somehow and we'll do our best to stop any of that from happening. Actually… What hotel are you currently staying at? I'm going to need somewhere to send all the paperwork once we get into the deep end of diversifying your winnings."

"Ahh.…I umm…" Candice hated how embarrassed she felt at the moment but she couldn't help it. She was technically super-rich… or would be after she actually collects her winnings, as for right now though… "I stayed at the YMCA and showered there last night. I didn't really have any extra cash after buying a new set of clutch plates and fixing up my bike to get out here plus gas…" The blush from earlier was now firmly entering her cheeks and highlighting her freckles, causing her to be even more self-aware as she felt the onset of tears coming on.

A surprisingly soft hand landed on top of hers from across the desk, Ishanvi having a quick and easy smile that was as gracious as it was contagious. The other woman might be immaculately dressed and had an immensely successful career but she had the kind of manners of a gentle and mature woman who knew what Candice was struggling with. Even just a hand was enough to stem the tide of emotions she was feeling as Candice worked to compose herself again.

"I understand, it's probably especially hard considering how close you are to changing all that." The gentle squeeze of her hand was helping in some ways but sending flip flops through Candice's heart. She watched Ishanvi have a thoughtful if concerned look in her face as she thought something over.

"How about this. I have more than enough space at my house, you're more than welcome to stay while I work through accounting to see if we can get you a nice hotel to stay at. Plus we can go over some more particulars about what the next few weeks are going to entail for you, and my, uhh…" For the first time, Candice got a glimpse of a crack in Ishanvi's armor as she stumbled over what to say next.

"My 'roommate' who lives with me is an excellent cook, she'll definitely be able to whip us up something for dinner that'll make you feel more relaxed."

Curiosity fully piqued, especially considering the extra baggage she let hang in the air during the word 'roommate', Candice agreed… especially considering her stomach chose just that moment to grumble angrily at it's empty state, setting off another fit of embarrassed giggles from the not-so-wealthy redhead slash soon to be multi-millionaire…

Chapter 3

"Okay so I know people only think of them as eye-candy, but Diana Riggs not only killed it as a Bond girl but with Lazenby created a genuinely tragic Bond film."

"Oh my, I should know this one. My father is obsessed with these movies but I spent most of the time with mum rolling my eyes at how excited he got."

"Her Majesty's Secret Service. It's fine, it was the only one George Lazenby played Bond in and most people would agree that Diana Riggs most iconic role was in Game of Thrones, but that's only because of how recent it was and how that ending went? What a terribly traumatic tragedy. I couldn’t get the DVDs back to the library fast enough."

The laugh that escaped from Ishanvi Asthana was nothing if not genuine, and made her all the more attractive to Candice. It was a good thing she had invited her to her home too because Candice's bike refused to restart, and the car ride out to the Doheny Estates had given them plenty of time to gauge one another. Unsurprisingly Ishanvi knew her favorite classical poets like John Keats or more modern ones like Sophia Thakur, while the lawyer found herself increasingly amused at her passenger's ability to take every possible tangent and run with it. It was a nice peek into the mind of someone who became a billionaire overnight and while money did change people, Candice at least had not only a better head, but a deeper and thoughtful soul than a background check could discover.

"Oh my god baby it's so late! You told me you'd be back at 5!"

Candice wasn't quite sure what to expect from Maria after her conversations with Ishanvi barely put an image of her into her mind, but the half-naked jiggly Latina woman was.. unexpected. She was certainly attractive, tan heart-shaped face and almond eyes framed by perfect brunette curls and thick but precise looking brows. She was also dressed in the smallest of skirts and tank tops which may not have been fair considering the size of the curves they were trying to contain. Her butt having no doubt devoured any underwear she might have on, but at least it wasn't so outrageous that while on display it bounced naturally.

The tits though, were larger than Candice's head, and without a bra on there was no way those things would sit that high up without some surgical assistance. Attractive was probably the wrong word to use for her, considering how much effort she clearly put into being labeled "sexy" and "fuckable".

"and this must be Candice! Ohhhhhhh I'm so excited to meet you!"

Candice's blushing gaze got a very up close and firm idea of how fake those breasts were as Maria pulled her into a sweetly fragranced hug, as she did her best to at least give the idea that she was hugging back while also doing her best to escape. Having succeeded in doing so though, the heavy fragrance of her perfume still lingered in the air for a moment, although it was currently being swept aside by a delicious smell from inside that was making her stomach growl all over again.

Maria giggled. "I'm glad she told me she was bringing a guest home too, otherwise I might not have made enough empanadas for everyone! That and we both like it really spicy and I wouldn't want to overdo it!"

Candice briefly chuckled a bit as she tried to collect herself from drooling all over the bimbo… mostly because of the smell emanating from the kitchen. She might be fully Irish-blooded but she also grew up close to the border in Arizona so as long as it wasn't "dissolve a body" hot it'd be fine, and Maria giggled again and pranced inside, skirt flipping up to reveal she was both wearing underwear technically and the hypnotic jiggle of a perfectly proportioned booty was probably real.

Ishanvi for her part hadn't gone inside, standing there with a rather unreadable look on her face, and with an eyebrow raised, Candice managed to express the question her new attorney was no doubt expecting.

"Look.…I know what you're thinking. First, she's staying here because I owe a favor to somebody and she at least cooks my meals for me. Second is we don't have the relationship you're thinking of. Third… if I'm being honest you're going to be seeing a lot of people like her the longer you stay in LA assuming you go out into town."

Candice shrugged, she wasn't going to judge when she was already so far out of her comfort zone. For starters, Ishanvi's house could easily fit 3 of her trailers inside, and that was just the main floor. The interior as well was clearly decorated by Ishanvi; modest, mature, modern, minimalist, m… m…. Candice couldn't think of another m word for the moment as she walked around.

"So, what's the plan?"

"Besides eating?" Ishanvi softly snorted as Candice's tummy grumbled a bit. "We'll eat first for sure. Honestly you're in luck because it's going to be a few weeks before we can get your winnings and a starting sum for you to work with and get a place. After that, we'll have a few months to go over the particulars but ultimately our goal is to get you financially secured for the rest of your life without needing to touch another penny."

Candice nodded, although she was admittedly distracted now that she was indoors near the impending home-cooked meal. She was clearly showing it publicly as Ishanvi just sighed and laughed a little to herself.

"Seriously, when was the last time you ate an actual dinner?"

"Oh." Shit, someone with Ishanvi's sense of taste and class probably didn't think employee meals at McDonalds counted, and she couldn't really afford much on the road out to here so… "Maybe a week ago?"

Ishanvi silently raised one eyebrow, whether out of sincerity or just to watch the blush creep back into her pale skin. "The good news is Maria is going to blow your mind, but genuinely Candice, you should take better care of your body. Especially now that you can afford to."

Candice nodded again, it definitely made sense, although she couldn't help but watch Ishanvi's eyes wander up and down her and feel like she was being compared to something… or someone.

"C'mon Vi! It's time to eat!" whined the someone, a quick roll of her eyes and a grin softening Ishanvi's face and for a moment, making her look as young and pretty as she was underneath that mature professionalism.

"I'll show you the spare bedroom after, I've got some leftover toiletries too you can borrow as well. For now though, best not keep the chef waiting."

Candice couldn't help herself from nodding a third time, feeling a bit childish and mothered by someone who clearly had their shit together. Meanwhile her… she was just lucky. Take care of my body huh? Her stomach certainly agreed with her but now that she didn't need to work, maybe she'd finally upgrade her Y membership… or buy a YMCA, that's going to take some getting used to.

Still, the siren song of fresh food awaited, and she could think about that sort of thing after she filled her stomach…

Chapter 4

Candice hummed tunelessly as she scratched away with a pencil on her notebook. It had been about a few days since she'd arrived in LA and a few days more since she became a billionaire overnight. The last part was thankfully less stressful now that Ishanvi had taken most of the work off her hands. There were still documents to sign, reports to go over, contracts that Ishanvi forced her to read so she'd understand what was being asked of her… but she didn't have to worry about it.

It was a weird feeling for Candice to have someone she felt she could implicitly trust, but even with the incredibly large sum of money that was being handled, Ishanvi had been nothing but professional without even a whiff of wanting a dime from her outside of what she was being paid for the job. She'd also warmed up considerably to the lawyer when she wasn't working either, and if it wasn't for one thing Candice would say she'd been the perfect hostess.

"Hey.… watcha doing?"

Candice glanced up at the one thing over the edge of her notebook. Well, from this angle there were two things as the monumental size of Maria's tits took up most of the view. She sighed, it was rude of her to judge and especially rude of her considering Maria cooked every night (and it was amazing, mind-blowing was an understatement) but she couldn't help it. Especially considering after Ishanvi told her they didn't have the relationship she thought they did. There were times late at night when she was heading to the bathroom that she could hear certain sounds and giggles coming from Ishanvi's room that certainly were what she was thinking.

Maria had her own room mind you, and it was every bit as pink and loaded with clothes and shoes and make-up as Candice had thought it would be. She just occasionally slept in Ishanvi's room, woke up smelling like Ishanvi, took up a lot of Ishanvi's attention when -

She slammed that thought shut before it finished. Her host had been nothing but gracious and if she wanted to bang a very bangable bimbo, that was her prerogative and Candice shouldn't be crushing on someone who was handling her finances and would be out of her life once their professional relationship had ended. Although maybe she'd be willing to be on retainer if -
The second intrusive thought that day was interrupted before it could be finished by a poke to the forehead, Maria giggling to herself as Candice refocused her attention, admittedly on the pendulous pair before looking up into Maria's hazel eyes.

"Sorry, was in my own head for a minute. I'm just doing some writing… can I help you with something?" Maria handled most of the chores, considering they were kind enough to let her stay rent free she could certainly vacuum if it was asked of her.

The bimbo giggled, "I get spacey sometimes too, actually I was wondering if maybe I could help you!"

Candice's confused look must have been hilarious, or not since it took little to set off another round of giggles.

"I was just thinking like, you've been cooped up since you got here and you might want to see some of the city and get some exercise. I was on my way to the gym and saw you sitting there and thought to myself "Maria, you gotta get this babe out of the house!" and then I came over and asked what you were doing."

She wished she didn't blush so easily, for a variety of reasons, but Maria was probably getting the wrong idea as another wave of laughter jiggled through her. Candice also, while having thought about maybe getting into some healthier habits, probably didn't want to start with whatever Maria had in mind. It was true though, her bike was still broken and outside of the occasional trip from the offices to Ishanvi's house she hadn't left since…
You should take better care of your body.

The posh British accent knew exactly what she should be doing and piped up at just the wrong time, which unfortunately was how Candice ended up at a private, professional and thankfully not pinked out gym with Maria. Her initial impression of a place called 'Fantasy Athletic' was thankfully wrong. She still felt out of place in her borrowed and unfortunately pink set of workout gear that at least fit comfortably and covered more skin than the bodysuit her giggling companion was sporting at the moment.

"Okay so cardio first! After we get warmed up we can hit some weights!"

"Umm.… okay I guess. I haven't actually done much working out -" besides walking to work when my Norton broke down. "in a long time. So I'll just probably do the stationary bike?"

Maria clapped at that, "O. M. G. Yes. The bike here is one of my favorites, you'll love it especially once you get synced up to your favorite tunes."

"Ahh, I don't really have any headphones. Or tunes. Or a phone that can even play tunes." Actually, the little pay-for-minutes flip phone she has might have some ringtones.

"Well then you'll just have to borrow mine!" Candice wasn't sure where the little pink AirPod case was hiding on the skintight bodysuit but soon there was an earbud in her hand. "and I literally just got them so they haven't even been used yet!"

Well that was a relief. Sighing and having already resigned herself to spending time with Maria, she put the headphone in, surprised to find out it fit rather snugly. Even more surprised when it suctioned and settled in for a second. "Wait, what brand are they?"

"My favorite!" Maria was already getting on a bike, its seat large enough to contain the mass her fitness outfit was showing off to maximum effect, a surge of jealousy getting squashed as Candice mutters to herself and sets up next to her. It was comfortable, easily adjustable too as the tablet screen in front of her turned on, and she was almost set to start but-

Maria quickly leaned over from her bike and tapped a few buttons, Candice wasn't really expecting to do more than work out but the screen faded to black before a little miniature her popped up on a virtual bike, joining a little virtual Maria. "Now we can race too!" The girl giggled to herself as she set up the music.

Candice flinched as the pop beat blared into her ear, but then Maria started pedaling and annoyed, she followed in pursuit. It took a second longer but she recognized the song too, an internal groan already starting. The beat might have been the perfect thing to work out to but lyrically, she wasn't going to pretend that Lizzy Vain's breakout hit single "Pretty Plastic Rich Bitch" was anything but derogatory drivel.

     "Red carpets rolling out, all the girls wanna shout
     'cause they can't help but hate on my picture-perfect pout
     but there's envy in their eyes, while I get all the guys
     And they're pulling up my 'gram to cop my exercise"

The screen flashed in front of her, and Candice realized she should just concentrate on working out instead of the tune, especially since she wasn't working out but racing, and while Virtual Maria didn't jiggle the same way the real one did, her butt was still pulling ahead as she worked to pedal faster. It was… weirdly pleasant actually, after having been cooped up for so long the air in the gym was just the right temperature and she just kind of melted into the seat as she started pedaling harder when she realized she was falling even farther behind.
I'm not going to lose by that much Maria. You might be in better shape, probably use the gym all the time, and have your own fitness gear, and aren't dead broke until-

     "champagne in the VIP, all the ladies just like me
     Better get that surgery, 'cause girls just can't help but wannabe-a

     Pretty plastic rich bitch
     Fake expensive tits (tits)
     can't deny that shit hits
     when she fills her lips (lips)"

And you have terrible taste in music! 
Firmly setting herself to stop paying attention and just move, she started going harder. It was the correct move as the inane lyrics faded into the background of the beat, her feet starting to move in rhythm and most importantly; started to catch up.

She barely even noticed her heavy breathing, the burn starting in her legs as she pumped away, or the fact that the seat was clearly designed to rub right against her clit on every down-pedal, just the right angle where if she really worked at it she could feel the pressure… and it felt good.

It was easy actually, now that she had stopped concentrating and just worked, she could just let the lyrics go in one ear- Birkin Bag, designer threads. Big booty, empty heads. Feels so good, to be that bitch. Slutty, plastic, pretty, rich. - and out the other without even reacting, just letting the beat and the pump and rhythm work in concert as she realized she was catching up to Maria finally.

Hmph, I'll show you. She was covered in sweat by now, but the heat she was feeling wasn't just coming from the workout as she leaned forward, getting both serious about winning and her crotch an even better angle on the seat to grind against. Candice had never been one for going to the gym but with how good it was feeling, letting herself just empty out her mind and work her body? You should take better care of your body. Ishanvi's words of encouragement fluttered in and out and Candice unconsciously released a little moan. She'd have gone to the gym sooner if she had really thought about it.

Her breathing was coming in heavier now, just as much from exhaustion as her constant stimulation of her clit. She'd completely lost track of time and location, having zoned completely in on chasing down little virtual Maria. It was a shame it wasn't the real deal though, Candice was attracted to women and that heart-shaped booty shaking in time to her pedaling started to fill her mind. She could almost visualize it over the screen, a tantalizing and appealing image that had her struggling to keep up.

Of course Ishanvi would want that ass, she was a hot bitch. She dressed like it too, showing off her big, fake, expensive tits (tits), and Candice could only guess at how good those plumped up lips (lips) felt. She groaned as virtual Maria and imaginary Maria overlapped, not even realizing that by now she was humming along to the song. It didn't matter what the content was, she'd heard it so many times by now parts of it were just burned into her brain. The only thing that mattered now was she was so close to catching up, letting her body continue to work and grind every last muscle and taking any help she could get.

     "isn't that right Daddy?"

     "Yeah, uh huh. Bad boy coming. Yeah!
     my big booty bitch make sure I'm cumming
     Diamonds on her neck, my icing on her titties
     make sure that my money keep coming
     spank my ho', play with her clitty

     Make sure she got another appointment to make
     another shot just want her fake
     Expensive tastes means an expensive cake
     Love it when I get to make them implants shake and quake"

Ugh. She forgot about the rap feature, the dude threw her off her rhythm every time, especially since she had almost passed Maria (who he was no doubt talking about considering she fit that almost to tee) and she had to start all over again. Luckily by the time she was focused again the song had already started over again and she was back in rhythm-

     "because now you can't deny all the money and the glamour
     I'm a picture of your dream body that makes all the boy stammer
     And you've been putting down those books for some makeup and heels
     And looking up doctors because now you feel the appeal"


Champagne in the VIP, all the ladies just like me. Now that it was back to the parts that she liked, she could feel her body moving to the rhythm as she sang along in her head. Better get that surgery, 'cause girls just can't help but wannabe-a

"Pretty plastic rich bitch." Candice muttered under her breath, not even aware she spoke. Nothing was more important now that she was so close, having let her mind empty so she could concentrate on her body strung to the point of exhaustion and ecstasy and she just needed one more repetition and she'd… she'd. SHE'D-

The sparks that flew all over her screen were not the sparks that she was expecting right that moment, shocking her out of her zone as Maria wiped the sweat from her brow and turned the music off. Candice groaned, first because her body was finally starting to feel the pain and second because she noticed why the fireworks went off on the tablet. Maria won.

Dammit I was so close! I just needed… a little bit. Huh. Wait, I was on this thing for 45 minutes?  No wonder she felt like she'd run a marathon, when was the last time she'd ever worked herself that hard before? Her legs were shakey getting off as she gratefully accepted some water from Maria, not even realizing how dry her throat was or the throbbing of more than one spot of her body felt as she all but drained it, making the bimbo giggle.

"O. M. G. babe, that was great! And you said you didn't work out all that much but like, you kept pace with me the whole time!"

"Yeah, I guess." Holy shit she felt winded now, her body coming down from that high of working out and… the feeling of something even better but it was in and out of her head as quick as it came. Despite the effort though she felt good, really good even as she was already thinking about making sure she'd beat Maria next time. "I almost had you at the end too."

Maria giggled again, the infectious sound entering Candice and almost coming out the same though she smothered it enough so it came out as more of a chuckle. She was embarrassed enough that she lost, she didn't want to make it any worse, especially since every inch of her was drenched in sweat… and Maria only looked winded.

"Okay! Now that we've had our cardio warm-up it's time for some weights! I can help you with your form too, especially if we're doing squats. those are my favorite."

Could she do anymore? she already felt completely exhausted, but Maria had already turned towards another part of the gym and started walking, setting off first one than the other cheek of her gorgeous ass and Candice found herself following regardless. She hadn't always been this competitive but she felt like she didn't want to lose to Maria, even though later tonight or even worse tomorrow she'll be feeling it.

You should take better care of your body.

Candice internally flinched, but she figured Ishanvi would understand… or not, but she was technically taking care of her body, and with how much effort Maria had no doubt put into hers, Candice had no intentions of backing down. Humming away unconsciously to the tune of a pop earworm she couldn't seem to shake, she stood up on shaky legs to follow what would no doubt be a painfully transformative lesson on her own limits…

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